
=== grumble is now known as 17SAA0F42
=== 17SAA0F42 is now known as grumble
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== tinwood_ is now known as tinwood
=== degville_ is now known as degville
skayI've got an interesting new failure13:41
skay"ERROR cannot load cookies: invalid character 'Y' looking for beginning of value"13:41
skayI had to force reboot my laptop for another problem, and now I get this when I run juju status13:42
skayand most likely any other command though I've only tried destroy-model so far13:42
skayI can't do anything, and I've restarted my basenode14:31
skayfor posterity... juju installed in snap mode deposits files in ~/.local/share/juju/14:37
skayand I removed my bad cookie, and voila (or voila if you are feeling sympathy and want to play a large violin)14:38
skaydammit I meant to mispell voila14:38
skaysad trombone14:38
rick_hskay: so you're good or ungood?15:07
skayrick_h: I'm good now. I got help suggesting to check if I had any corrupted local config files. I had expected to find them in ~/.juju, then checked ~/snap/juju then Spads suggested .local/15:17
rick_hskay: yea, the confinement moves stuff around a bit for the snap15:18
skayI've been pondering if there is anything to add to docs that would help, but can't figure15:18
rick_hskay: glad you're back off to the races15:18
rick_hskay: yea, it's a tough one as it's hopefully not something repeatable/etc.15:18
skayrick_h: agreed. maybe the only thing to update would be about where local settings are stored. if I think of anything to improve I'll open an issue or make a pr15:19
rick_hskay: ty15:19
bdxis there a charmhelper somewhere for modifying open files limits?15:52
skaymthaddon: I have a script called in my mojo spec that requires virtualenv, and my manifest includes python-virtualenv with builddeps. can you see anything I may have overlooked to explain why a script wouldn't be picking up virtualenv https://pastebin.canonical.com/202483/16:44
skaythe build-static-resource scripts requires it16:45
mthaddonskay: do you have the output which shows where it's not picking up virtualenv?16:45
skaymthaddon: yes, https://pastebin.canonical.com/202485/16:46
skaywhoops, probably should be pastebin for ubuntu16:47
bdxhttps://jujucharms.com - soooooo sloww17:56
bdxI cant get my user page to load17:57
bdxare there squirrels in the pipes again?17:57
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
rick_hbdx: tracking what's up. It sure seems like something is sapping bandwidth out. Things are up but responding minutes slow for some reason. Will see what folks are seeing might be ddos or something like that.18:47
bdxrick_h: thx18:48
rick_hbdx: hmm, actually I'm having general internet issues atm. I'm not able to get to outside stuff either. /me checks wtf18:51
bdxrick_h: same18:52
rick_hbdx: comcast?18:52
rick_hbdx: yea, seeing lots of reports of comcast issues atm18:52
rick_hbdx: seeing someone say "so level3 celebrates its sale by breaking its name servers" so seems like something is going boom big out there.18:55
rick_hheh, the outage comments are getting bad now. Issues from NJ to CA and those of us on business accounts and such having issues so lots of folks unable to take customer calls/etc. ouch18:57
bdxwell at least my dc <-> aws is safe18:58
bdx:) :)18:58
rick_hbdx: so I moved to my verizon hotspot and interwebs are faster than they've been all day19:00
rick_hbdx: so definitely a "depends on which pipes your on" kind of day unfortuantely19:00
bdxright, I just did the same19:04
bdxI need to change my vpn port to 44319:04
bdxor something19:04
bdxmy hotspot device blocks all udp on 119219:05
bdxpossibly all udp in general, idk19:05
bdxits horrible though19:05
bdxso muy internet definitely got faster, although I am then blocked by the provider restrictions19:05
bdxwhat a horrible device19:06
bdxthats it19:07
bdxim taking the day off19:07
bdxthe gods have frowned upon my doings19:07
rick_hbdx: heh, hitting the news sites now https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/6/16614160/comcast-xfinity-internet-down-reports19:32
BarDwellerhi =) is there a simple way to get rbac running with conjure-up kubernetes-core ?20:45

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