
Taggnostr4clivejo, I tried installing smem and it says: kernel dynamic memory      13063940    1006612   12057328 (used/cache/noncache)00:15
clivejowhat units are those?00:17
Taggnostr4clivejo, bytes, so it seems lilke the kernel is using 13GB00:18
clivejoholy cow00:18
Taggnostr4userspace memory            2062816     424368    163844800:18
Taggnostr4and this is the userspace memory, more in line with what I see with ksysguard00:18
clivejowhat kernel is installed?00:18
Taggnostr4maybe it's related to that wifi issue I mentioned earlier (it also causes the pc to hang for 10-15mins on shutdown), that is supposedly fixed in the upcoming 4.13.800:19
clivejothere is a bug which is installing low latency kernel on upgrade for some strange reason00:20
Taggnostr4this is a fresh install, I had the same issue after the upgrade00:21
clivejoin ksysguard do you have All processes drop down selected?00:21
clivejohave you an ethernet connection you could try, and turn off wifi via kill switch?00:22
Taggnostr4no ethernet connection here, but I could try moving the pc somewhere where I can get it00:23
Taggnostr4turning off the wifi from the tray doesn't work too well, last time I tried I had to hard-reset the machine00:24
clivejojust be interesting to see if it is wifi causing it00:24
Taggnostr4I have a key combination to disable the wifi from the keyboard but I haven't tried it00:25
Taggnostr4you think it will release all the ram once I disable the wifi?00:25
clivejono, but if the kill switch is off and you reboot00:34
clivejomight not allocate the same memory00:34
Taggnostr4yes, except that it takes a while to start using up all the memory, and I can't leave the pc there00:36
Taggnostr4the weird thing is that once it used up most of the ram it stops there00:36
Taggnostr4so it doesn't keep leaking forever00:37
Taggnostr4even though it seems to slowly increase if there is still memory available00:38
Taggnostr4slabtop also says Active / Total Size (% used)       : 11934595.91K / 11938247.77K (100.0%), but I'm not sure what it means00:40
Taggnostr4the total size keeps increasing, it's at 11942xxx now00:41
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IrcsomeBotHerry Susanto was added by: Herry Susanto06:30
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ForceRecongood morning...09:28
user|70408Anyone would like to help installing kbuntu09:28
user|70408I've downloaded ISO and used unetbootin to make bootable usb09:29
user|70408But after choosing boot from USB it's says "It doesn't contain operating system"09:29
ForceReconI guess the question would be is there anything on the usb?  are there files on it?09:32
user|70408do i need to change something in bios?09:33
ForceReconyes, that would be a start to go into the bios and make sure that the boot sequence is set09:34
ForceReconmaybe USB, CD, then actual hard drive09:34
ForceReconif it is set to start hard drive first it will never read the usb09:34
user|70408ok, i'll try that thanks09:35
ForceRecongood luck.. I hope that easily solves your problem09:35
ForceReconsome times you can also hit f1 or some f key to change your boot choice on machine start.. depends on age of machine though.. not sure if you have that option09:36
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BluesKajHowdy folks12:26
ForceReconHey morning BluesKaj12:27
ForceReconnice to see ya12:27
BluesKajhey ForceRecon, how's it going?12:28
ForceReconwell.. I still have all my appendages... so I have that going for me12:30
* BluesKaj needs more coffee12:34
* ForceRecon needs to get some sleep.12:37
ForceReconI did not sleep at all last night.. been up basically since Sunday Morning.. I'm crashing... I have one hour and 23 minutes to go then I can take a break.. not sure if I am going to make it reading these man pages12:38
BluesKajwhat's keeping you up?12:38
ForceReconnot sure... ...  actually wish I knew12:51
daum_any idea why it seems when i plug in my display port (t460 thinkpad) it recognizes it in the display configuration but then keeps resizing it/dropping it, etc. and makes the computer lag a ton.  looking at my xorg.0.log i see http://dpaste.com/1MTF0B9 constantly scrolling14:01
daum_when i unplug it, it stops14:01
daum_i have my hdmi port already plugged into a monitor of the same size14:02
daum_it seemeds to be working ok until last week - left my laptop plugged into both monitors for the entire week then came back and have had osme issues since14:05
daum_weird finally just went back14:16
termyhello, i have a little question. Why discover shom me  not that a new release ist available? the update from kubuntu 16.10 to 17.04  make i manual with thedo-release-upgrade, because ther was the same problem14:24
christian_hi how to change Déjà Dup in german?14:55
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ronnoc\o/ https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/72619-Kubuntu5smilesof516:02
chcknrubmy plasma memory leak is gone16:16
chcknrub^_^ thanks kde16:16
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SircleI cannot increase font size of firefox, chromium menus and the place where I type in xchat. I have tried system settings > fonts and increased them. It affects other places but not the mentioned. Any clue?18:06
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ForceReconChange your resolution to 125% and leave everything default18:15
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ForceReconHey you guys..22:37
ForceReconcan I ask a serious personal question and maybe get some feedback?22:37

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