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oSoMoNhi all12:27
oSoMoNI had a libreoffice build going in a PPA of mine, which I saw failing towards the end of the build due to a unit test failure, and when I went back to it to get the full log I saw that the build had just been restarted under my feet12:28
oSoMoNhow is that possible?12:28
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cjwatsonoSoMoN: Can happen if your build crashes the builder.16:14
oSoMoNcjwatson, I guess in that case there's no way to recover the build log until the builder crashed, right?16:15
oSoMoNright, so I guess it makes sense to trigger a new build16:15
oSoMoNit's kind of a pain for libreoffice and similar packages that take forever to build though16:16
cjwatsonSuch is life, I'm afraid.16:16
oSoMoNfair enough16:16
oSoMoNthanks for the explanation!16:16
cjwatson(For completeness, it can also happen if LP loses connectivity to the builder for long enough, or some other similar issue.)16:17
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
rbasakI'm expecting lp.git_repositories.getByPath to be callable, but instead I get a KeyError: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25904265/16:59
rbasakWhat am I missing?16:59
rbasakUsing python3-launchpadlib    1.10.3-3ubuntu0.117:00
rbasakOn Xenial.17:00
rbasaklen(lp.git_repositories) is 0, and next(iter()) on it gives me an immediate StopIteration.17:00
rbasaklen(lp.distributions) says 37, so presumably something works.17:01
rbasakMy paste is wrong. It was "import launchpadlib.launchpad" not just "import launchpadlib".17:02
rbasak(but I still have the problem)17:03
rbasakI think I figured it out.17:23
rbasakversion='devel'. Not just 'devel'.17:24
rbasaknacc: ^17:24
naccrbasak: ah sure17:37
cjwatsonYep.  (Also, the reason len(lp.git_repositories) is 0 is that iterating over all Git repositories in LP isn't a thing we consider sensible to do on the webservice, but the collection has to exist as a place for all-Git-repositories-related methods to live.)18:10
nacccjwatson: is there a sensible way for me to go from a user or team to all git repositories for that user/team? Or do I need to do an iteration over all the git repositories? In essence, I want to iterate the list of current usd-import-team git repositories so I can see what source packages are already imported and determine what their default git repo s18:13
cjwatsonWe could export something for that if needed, although we might want to come up with something more targeted; iterating over 20k+ or whatever entries isn't going to be particularly quick.18:20
naccrbasak: --^ maybe we're thinking about it wrong, though; given that we have the phasing constants, whitelist and blacklist available, I can figure out the list of source packages we 'expect' to ahve imported currently (in theory, this is a one-time operation anyways) and we can iterate any of those with usd-import-team repositories?18:21
=== JanC is now known as Guest24940
Saviqis it possible with launchpadlib to find if a person is an indirect member of a team? I can only see https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#team_membership mentions a ParticipationTable, but can't find it anywhere else22:16
Saviqalso found mention of "IPerson.inTeam", but bug #377579 :/22:20
ubot5bug 377579 in Launchpad itself "Expose IPerson.inTeam via launchpad REST API" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37757922:20
Saviqor do we have a better way to check if someone's signed the CLA, or is employed by Canonical, to check if their contributions can be appropriated correctly? maybe a webservice of some kind?22:23
cjwatsonThe best way I can think of OTTOMH (inefficient but I believe it works) is to get the target team and iterate over its .participants22:25
cjwatsonI'm not totally sure why the answer to that bug isn't to just put the method on the team rather than the participant, though22:29
cjwatsonI guess that wouldn't help with private subteams22:34

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