
jbichaduflu: good morning00:49
jbichaare you interested in merging mpv for the libva transition in bionic?00:50
jbichaalso we had someone complaining about window decorations for mpv (but I don't use mpv) https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237660200:51
duflujbicha, maybe... and yeah lack of server side window decorations is a Wayland "feature" for now00:57
JanCjbicha / duflu: people can get window decorations for mpv on Wayland by adding a 'vo=x11' line in '~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf', which makes it use XWayland  :)03:09
JanCit's not perfect, but it works...03:09
jbichathat user claimed that he was sure he was using Wayland mpv with decorations on Arch03:10
JanCwell, I switched from Wayland back to X11 because it has too many bugs still...03:14
dufluJanC, if I recall correctly that will disable hardware acceleration support. Because Xwayland only supports DRI3 and VAAPI only supports DRI203:16
dufluSo not an option we can recommend03:16
JanChm, I think mpv said it was using vaapi, but I'm not 100% sure03:17
dufluJanC, interesting. Please do check03:17
JanCmaybe only for decoding03:17
dufluJanC, or try just comparing CPU usage in 'top'03:19
duflu*and* try just comparing CPU usage in 'top03:19
JanCI might be totally wrong, but IIRC VAAPI can decode straight to video memory, or into a buffer, so possibly they use VAAPI for decoding, then copy to the screen buffer, or something?03:20
JanCwhich would of course cause higher CPU too03:20
JanCor they use OpenGL and VAAPI decodes into an OpenGL buffer (or whatever it's called)03:23
JanCduflu: if I remember next time I (have to) reboot I'll try03:23
JanCbut I'm happy I don't have to reboot every 1-3 days as with Wayland  :P03:24
JanCon X1103:24
dufluJanC, yes all VAAPI use cases decode straight into video memory. At least the ones we use. There is no distinction there03:24
dufluOne of the reasons why we never had hardware accelerated video decoding till 17.10 was that nobody knew or could tell if it was ON or OFF already. So I have tried to cover that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntelQuickSyncVideo03:26
dufluEssentially you should always have single digit CPU usage or close to it. If not, then something still needs improving03:27
JanCon Wayland the desktop gets unusably slow very quickly (sometimes after less than a day), and if I don't reboot myself in that case it hangs at some point with "Key repeat discarded, Wayland compositor doesn't seem to be processing events fast enough!" errors in dmesg03:28
JanC(I still have to file a bug about that)03:28
JanC"hangs" = doesn't update the screen; apps keep running, as e.g. music keeps playing03:29
dufluJanC, OK that's a completely different topic.... if you find that relates to memory usage of the gnome-shell process then subscribe here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/167229703:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1672297 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [High,Triaged]03:30
JanCI'm not sure what causes it (I switched to X11 to see if it was Wayland-only, and that was 8 days ago ;) )03:32
JanCI'll look at that bug and see if I can confirm it's related, but that was just to explain why I haven't been using Wayland while trying to get some work done :)03:34
JanCmpv has some "vaapi-copy" mode for hardware decoding ("copies video back into system RAM (Linux with Intel  GPUs only)" according to the manpage)03:38
JanCI'm not sure exactly what it does or how it works  :)03:38
roasteda 4k video with vaapi results in about 3% CPU usage on an i5 7200u processor03:39
roastedsame video with vaapi-copy, 19%03:39
roastedno hardware accel (software only), ~60%03:39
roastednot to mention my battery life went from 18 hours (idle) to 14:30 using vaapi, and 7:30 using software accel (no hardware accel)03:40
roastedI was pretty certain I had window decorations working with mpv in Antergos + Wayland and was using gpu-context=wayland in my mpv.conf, but later I began to get errors when I launched mpv with gpu-context=wayland in mpv.conf03:41
roastedI have no idea if I was troubleshooting too much at once and messed up my interpretation or if I got updates later that made it different, I'm not sure.03:42
dufluYes roughly speaking, vaapi is an order of magnitude more efficient than vaapi-copy, and vaapi-copy another order of magnitude more efficient than software03:45
roastedThe only downside I've seen is some youtube videos impose heavy gray artifacts when using vaapi. Not all, but some.03:45
roastedfor local videos, and most online videos, it's brilliant.03:46
JanCthat looks like there might have been video corruption03:47
roastedcould be. If I comment out vaapi lines in my mpv.conf and rerun the same video in mpv, it's fine.03:47
JanCI mean, dropped frames, or such03:47
roastedalbeit with my proc zooming but it functions03:48
dufluroasted, I will try to look into the grey corruption this week03:48
roastedregarding the GTK3 patch, it was my understanding that the patch introduces SSD via a KDE Protocol, thus allowing Wayland and apps like MPV to coexist.03:48
roastedmy confusion that sparked the forum post was the fact that I didn't see anything really change.03:49
roastedI can bounce over to my Antergos partition and re-test then. I've been meaning to take another look sometime tonight. But if it's broken there then it stands to reason it could be a waiting for upstream thing yet.03:49
roastedduflu: pardon my ignorance, are you an mpv dev? mpv packager for ubuntu?03:50
dufluroasted, presently jack of all trades, and specifically responsible for Ubuntu hardware acceleration across the board03:50
roastedah. well. kudos. :) loving it.03:50
dufluNot an upstream mpv dev03:51
dufluroasted, cool. Me too. I think people fail to realize it's not just about using less power, but also that modern 4K videos are simply unplayable without it03:51
duflu(modern = H.265/HEVC)03:52
roastedyeah. I hear you. I've been less-than-thrilled by some projects (ahem, mpv) insistance on pushing forth software acceleration03:52
roastedI've shot a lot of 4k video over the last week and it's certainly a necessity at this point03:52
dufluInterestingly somewhat by luck it's a technology feature Ubuntu introduced at about the same time as Apple did in High Sierra03:53
JanCI guess the grey corruption stuff could also happen when VAAPI doesn't implement some decoder feature, or implements it incorrectly03:53
roastedduflu: if there's anything within the capabilities of a "pretty fluent end-user" that I can do to test or help out regarding this please ping me. :)03:53
dufluroasted, OK thanks. Actually if you have raw HEVC files from an iPhone 8/X or from a GoPro Hero6 I would like some for testing03:54
roastedduflu: FYI, that gray artifact stuff, I noticed it happening a lot on youtube's more popular/top charted/main page vevo videos. One of Taylor Swift's recent music videos was where I snapped that imgur shot.03:54
roastedwell, dang. not an iphone user, and a gopro is on my christmas list. :(03:54
roastedI just have a moto g5 atm03:55
dufluSuch is the modern era; everything is on YouTube and people don't share their actual files. So I haven't found any to test with03:55
roastedI don't even know anybody with an iphone, sans a few users on very old models03:56
roastednothing recent though03:56
JanCroasted: probably important to know what video quality you were playing too...03:57
JanCas YT usually has many03:57
roastedJanC: playing? I'm not sure. I didn't set anything in particular in my mpv.conf03:57
roastedI wonder what mpv in 17.10 repos && what mc3man's PPA of mpv default to03:57
JanCIIRC mpv uses the highest by default03:57
JanCfor some value of "highest"03:58
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JanCor maybe youtube-dl's default, which is that03:58
roastedcould be. I'm not sure offhand. I recall seeing some flags to call specific qualities, though...03:59
JanCwhen run from the commandline, it can tell you the exact URL04:00
JanCwhich might be useful for duflu to get the same04:00
JanC(he can even download it then)04:02
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:44
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:47
oSoMoNhey duflu, good afternoon!06:50
didrocksgood morning07:14
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:23
didrocksça va oSoMoN ?07:24
oSoMoNbien, et toi?07:24
didrocksj'ai été au lit tout le week-end :/07:25
didrocksfièvre et rhino07:25
didrocksje commence tout juste à émerger07:25
oSoMoNah merde, pas cool07:34
didrockson survivra :)07:35
oSoMoNbon rétablissement!07:39
didrocksmerci ;)07:45
seb128good morning desktopers07:48
seb128lut didrocks oSoMoN07:48
jameshhi seb12807:52
seb128hey jamesh, how are you?07:53
jameshgood.  Went for another ride yesterday training for a charity bike ride later this month07:54
jamesh60 km around the river07:54
jameshthe charity ride is going to be 70 km, but should be a bit easier, going on roads and not having to stop as much07:57
Guest86060ahoy there09:02
Guest86060THIS AGAIN09:02
Guest86060i should fix that logon thing09:03
=== Guest86060 is now known as Laney
* Laney tries to remember how to do that09:03
jameshsetting your nickserv password as the irc network password seems to be the most reliable option09:05
LaneyI remember, a couple of weeks ago I switched to the SSL certificate thing and it doesn't work properly for me09:06
* Laney tries09:06
Laneyseemed to work09:07
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willcookemorning all09:24
jibelmorning willcooke09:28
willcookehi jibel, wb09:30
willcookegood hols?  How did the move go?09:30
jibelholidays were fantastic. Sun and high temperature end of October is priceless09:30
jibeland the move is done, one more before next :)09:31
seb128hey willcooke09:37
seb128lut jibel09:37
Merlijn_SI found a potentially critical issue: Ubuntu 17.10 fails to boot after a firmware update: https://github.com/rhboot/fwupdate/issues/8609:41
oSoMoNsalut jibel !09:41
Merlijn_SI had this issue myself, and now another user has reported the same issue.09:42
Merlijn_SBug in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fwupd/+bug/173034309:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1730343 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "firmware update breaks Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]09:42
Merlijn_SSadly, there is no way to debug this issue because Ubuntu _still_ doesn't preserve logs from previous boot..09:43
Merlijn_SIt might be a good idea to disable firmware update in the software center until this issue is resolved.09:43
dufluHmm, I didn't know it was even an option to forget history. Seems we do (journalctl --list-boots)09:45
Merlijn_SThe issue with forgetting history is reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/161818809:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1618188 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "systemd journal should be persistent by default: /var/log/journal should be created; remove rsyslog from default installs" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:47
Merlijn_SThe fix is incredibly simple, but they don't want to enable it because that might cause some logs to be written to disk twice.09:48
Merlijn_Smax 2x disk space for logs seems like a small price to pay for the benefits of being able to debug fwupd, but that's another issue..09:49
Merlijn_SCan I do something else to get the desktop team's attention for the fwupd issue, or do they check this channel regularly?09:50
dufluMerlijn_S, they should mostly be here now (mostly in Europe)09:52
Merlijn_SGreat, thx09:52
dufluMerlijn_S, although as is always the case, it's not that simple. It seems to be in the hands of the Ubuntu foundations people, not desktop :)09:53
Merlijn_SHow do you mean?09:53
dufluAnd foundations sounds right. Foundations = internals, Desktop = graphical etc09:54
Merlijn_Soh, ok09:54
dufluMerlijn_S, try emailing Dimitri and Bryan directly, I recommend09:56
dufluLikely they just lost the email thread for the bug09:56
Merlijn_SWhich Bryan are you talking about?10:01
dufluMerlijn_S, the only one mentioned in the bug :)10:02
Merlijn_Soh, ok, I searched the thread for "brian" instead of "bryan" xD10:03
jbichagood morning10:18
willcookemorning jbicha10:30
jbichaMerlijn_S: did you link to the wrong github issue for 1730343 ?10:32
Merlijn_SYes, my bad!10:34
Merlijn_Sjbicha: fixed, thanks!10:36
LaneyMerlijn_S: what about pulling this bad update from the LVFS?11:27
oSoMoNseb128, do you know what keeps re-triggering the amd64 build for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:5.4.2-0ubuntu2 ?11:28
oSoMoNthere's a consistent unit test failure for which I'm backporting a debian patch, rebuilding over and over won't help11:28
jbichaoSoMoN: I did a rebuild once on Saturday because sometimes LO has a one-time test failure, but other people have clicked the retry button since11:31
oSoMoNack, so anyone please refrain from retrying that, I'll have another upload ready during the day11:37
jbichaI clicked Cancel on that build now11:42
Merlijn_SLaney: It's not caused by the update itself, it seems, it's more of a race condition in fwupd itself. The annoying thing is that I can't reproduce it by downgrading and upgrading again, but another user has it too, so it's obviously still happening..12:01
seb128oSoMoN, likely people who are unsure of the issue is transient or not and want to see the build green so do a retry to see12:21
seb128oSoMoN, I've been one of those :p12:21
seb128oSoMoN, I assumed that it failed to build realiably on amd64 you would have hit that issue before upload so that it meant that it's probably random12:22
oSoMoNseb128, yeah, looks like the issue is due to another update in the archive, although the upstream patch in debian doesn't elaborate on which12:22
oSoMoNit was building in my PPA before the upload12:23
seb128start of cycle fun :p12:23
seb128things keep changing under you12:23
oSoMoNwhat I don't understand though is that the new test build in my PPA which I uploaded 6+ hrs ago failed (for another reason apparently), and when I went back to it to see the log I saw that it had been restarted12:24
oSoMoNso now I don't have a build log, and I have to wait for another 6 hours12:25
seb128is that your own ppa?12:25
seb128or a team one?12:25
oSoMoNyes, my own12:25
seb128weird :-/12:25
seb128that's worth asking on #launchpad how that's possible12:25
oSoMoNand no, my other schizophrenic self didn't retry it12:26
seb128the one reason I could see if that they had an infra issue and decided to restart the build from everything that hit it12:26
seb128but I would ask on #launchpad, just feels weird to me12:26
oSoMoNyes, I'll do that12:26
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oSoMoNseb128, so according to Colin, what happened in my16:21
oSoMoNPPA can happen if the build crashes the builder16:21
oSoMoN(stupid misplaced return key)16:21
oSoMoNor if LP looses connectivity to the builder for too long16:22
seb128oSoMoN, oh ok, good to know16:57
seb128I guess they consider it as a builder issue and auto retry in such cases?16:57
oSoMoNseb128, yeah, and when the builder crashes the logs can't be retrieved anyway, so it makes sense to trigger a new build16:58
oSoMoNhave a good evening everyone!17:37
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willcookenight all20:47

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