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mwhudson | er what http://launchpadlibrarian.net/319496467/zope.security_4.0.3-1ubuntu2_4.0.3-1ubuntu3.diff.gz | 01:58 |
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xnox | tsimonq2, doko - hey, I wanted to demo anthy merge as a sample one on a google on air as a demo for +1 maintainance. but since it's now blocking qt transition, i guess i should just keep a copy of the merge, and just upload it. | 10:31 |
xnox | bah &> #ubuntu-release | 10:32 |
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doko | LocutusOfBorg: your merge comment for baloo seems to be outdated | 14:57 |
LocutusOfBorg | doko, I didn't write that comment, maybe tsimonq2 or somebody else did | 15:00 |
* tsimonq2 bounces to acheronuk | 15:04 | |
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acheronuk | tsimonq2: what merge? | 15:15 |
acheronuk | oh, on mergomatic. that baloo is the old KDE4 one, and should be killed off/removed this cycle. I don't care what happens to it | 15:20 |
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LocutusOfBorg | acheronuk, mind filing a bug report? | 15:44 |
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popey | xnox: you pinged me last week about GCI. Want to detail the tasks you were looking to add? | 18:24 |
xnox | popey, hi, almost end of day soon. I was thinking these tasks: 1) remove upstart user session jobs from a package 2) remove upstart system job from a package, with correct maintainer scripts 3) write a systemd unit for a package which only has init.d script and/or upstart job | 18:26 |
popey | Oooh! Those are good! | 18:27 |
xnox | popey, the tasks are small, and easy to review/integrade, but do cover a lot of ground. | 18:27 |
popey | I like. Would you be willing to mentor for them? | 18:27 |
xnox | popey, i'm happy to mentor these tasks, and sponsor them into ubuntu (and debian) | 18:27 |
popey | You are amazing. Thank you. | 18:27 |
xnox | popey, do i need to provide qty counts for these tasks? | 18:27 |
popey | Not right now. We can discuss the details tomorrow if you like? | 18:28 |
xnox | popey, ack. | 18:28 |
xnox | popey, it is hte right level of size and/or difficulty? | 18:28 |
popey | yes, totally | 18:28 |
xnox | popey, is it the right level of size and/or difficulty? | 18:28 |
xnox | ack | 18:28 |
popey | we need lots of tasks across lots of difficulty levels | 18:28 |
popey | some will be relatively simple, others much longer | 18:28 |
popey | the simple ones are great to get people started with the tools | 18:29 |
xnox | popey, the remove user session job should be trivial; system job a bit harder, as one needs a correct debian/pkg.maintscript line; the writting systemd unit a bit creative, can be trivial just a debian/foo.service or can be quite hard. | 18:31 |
popey | Gotcha. | 18:32 |
geofft | nacc: hey, are you around? want to sponsor LP #1725110 for artful now that it's in bionic? | 18:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1725110 in config-package-dev (Ubuntu Artful) "config-package-dev 5.2 broke transforms" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1725110 | 18:46 |
nacc | geofft: oh yes, I'm sorry! | 18:47 |
nacc | geofft: i'll get it done today | 18:47 |
nacc | geofft: been distracted with other work, | 18:47 |
geofft | thanks! | 18:49 |
andreas | hi, could someone please accept my zesty nomination for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+bug/1565060 ? | 18:54 |
andreas | thanks | 18:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1565060 in bind9 (Ubuntu Yakkety) "defaults file is ignored" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:54 |
sarnold | andreas: done | 18:55 |
andreas | sarnold: thanks | 19:02 |
sil2100 | !dmb-ping | 19:02 |
ubottu | bdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, jbicha, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping. | 19:02 |
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nacc | geofft: still around? | 22:45 |
nacc | are you ok if i sponsor the config-package-dev_5.2ubuntu0.1.debdiff? I'm a lot more comfortable with a one-line change SRU than a minor version SRU. | 22:48 |
nacc | geofft: --^ sorry | 22:48 |
geofft | yeah, that's fine with me | 22:49 |
nacc | geofft: thanks, i'll prep that nnow | 22:49 |
geofft | it's mostly up to you folks whether you feel more comfortable with a tinier diff, or a larger diff that adds tests, I'm pretty indifferent :) | 22:50 |
nacc | geofft: done :) | 22:58 |
geofft | nacc: thank you! | 23:00 |
nacc | geofft: yw, sorry again for the delay | 23:00 |
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