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meetingologyMeeting started Mon Nov  6 16:37:27 2017 UTC.  The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:37
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:37
tyhicksThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:37
tyhicks[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:37
tyhicks[TOPIC] Announcements16:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
tyhicksLucas Kocia (lkocia) provided a debdiff for xenial for firewalld (LP: #1617617)16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1617617 in firewalld (Ubuntu Xenial) "Firewall configuration can be modified by any logged in user" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161761716:37
tyhicksJeremy Bicha (jbicha) provided a debdiff for zesty for gdm3 (LP: #1729354)16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1729354 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "17.04: GDM lock screen can be circumvented when autologin is set" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172935416:37
tyhicksThank you for your assistance in keeping Ubuntu users secure! :)16:37
tyhicks[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
tyhicksjdstrand: you're up16:37
jdstrandLast week I focused primarily on the customer regression related to the expanded udev tagging work that landed in 2.28. This week I plan:16:38
jdstrand* finish up some new spread tests based for better high-level coverage of security backcends16:38
jdstrand* investigate the udev_enumerate regression ondra reported16:38
jdstrand* investigate the broadcom-asic-control interfacec bug16:38
jdstrand* snapd PR reviews16:38
jdstrand* continue uid/gid work for snap privilege dropping16:38
jdstrandthat's it from me. mdeslaur, you're up16:39
mdeslaurI'm on bug triage this week16:39
mdeslaurI'm currently testing openssl updates. chrisccoulson managed to figure out the regression on armhf caused by the newer gcc on artful+ with some pretty impressive debugging work16:39
mdeslaurand I have a big imagemagick update to look at16:40
mdeslaurthat's pretty much it for me, sbeattie?16:40
tyhickschrisccoulson: thanks for helping out with that openssl build failure16:41
tyhickschrisccoulson: that was quite impressive work16:41
chrisccoulsonno worries :)16:41
tyhicksI'll go and maybe Steve will be around later16:41
tyhicksI've got a couple more eCryptfs kernel patches to review and also need to prepare for the 4.15 merge window (only bug fixes to go up)16:42
tyhicksoh, I'm in the happy place this week16:42
tyhicksI have an embargoed issue16:43
tyhicksand then I'll start work on squashfs reproduceability16:43
tyhicksI got sidetracked last week as we were finalizing the apparmor move to gitlab and figuring out the new processes16:43
tyhicksthat's it for me16:43
jdstrandchrisccoulson: btw, that was a pretty awesome debug :)16:43
tyhicksjjohansen isn't around16:44
tyhickssarnold: you're up16:44
jdstrandre squashfs reproducability> \o/16:44
* tyhicks pokes sarnold again16:45
sarnoldI'm in the happy place this week; I'll be doing apparmor patch reviews as I can, and embargoed work16:45
* mdeslaur hands tyhicks the memset magic wand16:45
sarnoldI think that should be it for me this week, chrisccoulson?16:46
chrisccoulsonI've got a firefox update to prepare, although the update isn't until next week. It's a big one though, so I wouldn't mind people installing it16:46
tyhickschrisccoulson: let us know when we can start using it16:47
chrisccoulsonThen there's rust 1.21. There's still 2 builds that don't complete successfully, but the failures are completely random. I'm not too sure what to do with these yet, but I want to avoid losing another week to this16:48
chrisccoulson(I've just hit retry on one again actually whilst there's not a backlog of builds)16:48
sarnolddid we switch to using rust's llvm fork?16:49
chrisccoulsonAnd then hopefully I will actually get time to start working on other things16:49
chrisccoulsonsarnold, I've done that already. The only architecture it's caused a problem on is s390x (doesn't build there at all)16:49
chrisccoulsonI think that's me done16:49
sarnoldargh :/ I was hoping for better than that :(16:49
chrisccoulsonI'm hoping this works out better. The last rust update required around 6 patches backporting to llvm. This one intentionally broke a feature entirely with the system llvm. And the next release will require a whole new llvm version16:50
chrisccoulsonI can't remember who's next. ratliff?16:51
ratliffI'm in the happy place this week16:51
ratliffI have another article to write16:51
ratliffMore work on kpis16:52
ratliffon to you leosilva16:52
leosilvaI'm community this week16:52
leosilvaI just push an update early16:52
leosilvaI'll try to work on vim update (but I'm skeptical about if the patch fix the issue)16:52
leosilvaother than that I'll follow with the normal hunting.16:52
leosilvathat's all for me... tyhicks it's back to you16:53
sbeattieI can go.16:53
sbeattieI'm on cve triage this week16:53
sbeattieI have an openjdk-8 update to publish today16:53
sbeattieI have some kernel triage stuff to catch up on16:54
sbeattieI'll be looking at identifying needed snap updates16:54
sbeattieAnd I have some background tasks to work on post the apparmor move to gitlab.16:54
sbeattieThat'll likely consume my week.16:54
sbeattietyhicks: back to you.16:55
tyhicks[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
tyhicksThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:55
tyhicksSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:55
tyhicks[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
tyhicksDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:55
tyhicksjdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson, ratliff, leosilva: Thanks!17:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Nov  6 17:00:10 2017 UTC.17:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-11-06-16.37.moin.txt17:00
ratliffthanks, tyhicks17:00
mdeslaurthanks tyhicks!17:00
leosilvatks tyhicks !17:00
sbeattietyhicks: thanks!17:01
jdstrandthanks tyhicks :)17:02
sarnoldthanks tyhicks!17:04
sil2100We don't have much on the agenda, but I'd like to use the occasion to discuss Balint's case and the Budgie packageset19:03
sil2100But I guess we don't have quorum today anyway19:11
sil2100jbicha, bdmurray: should we continue to handle Balint's application through e-mail?19:12
bdmurrayI think the relevant context is there so that or wrap the existing thread19:13
jbichaI think the problem is rbalint might not have a strong enough application for core dev right now19:13
jbichaI think he would have a stronger motu application so maybe we should encourage him to switch to that?19:14
bdmurrayIsn't he also a DD and could get PPU rights for those packages?19:15
jbichayes, that's part of why his motu application would be stronger, in my opinion19:16
bdmurrayWell, regardless I think he deserves a response regarding his application as it stands19:19
jbichaI can follow up to ask him if he wants to apply for motu instead, is that ok?19:20
sil2100I think it's better if we first have a vote formally made19:21
sil2100Since recommending motu before actually knowing if the board is willing to approve of his application would be a bit rude19:21
bdmurrayRight we are making an asasumption it wouldn't pass19:22
sil2100If it fails I'd say we then recommend him MOTU19:22
jbichafair enough19:22
sil2100I already talked with him and he said he'd be fine, although of course core-dev is his aim19:22
bdmurrayLets try to bring it to a vote then19:25
jbichabdmurray: we have quorum now, right? so we do we want to start the vote here and continue on the list if we need more votes?19:27
bdmurrayI think there are only three of us here19:28
micahgI'm here as well19:28
bdmurrayUnless the vote is unamious we'd have to go to the list and I don't think that's likely.19:30
jbichawould it speed up the list voting to have people vote here now?19:30
micahgI think I'd need to reread the correspondence to vote19:32
micahgso would prefer to do it on the list19:32
bdmurrayIt look like Robie owes Balint a reply too regarding his expectations.19:33
cyphermoxfwiw, rbalint did raise a question that he didn't know what was expected of him on his application. That's a fair question that merits a clarification, as it seems we haven't always held people to the same standards19:33
cyphermoxyes, that ^19:33
bdmurrayOkay, I think enough of us are in agreement that we should look at the email thread again and continue the conversation / start voting if you are ready.19:34
sil2100We're really bad at e-mail application handling, would be nice if everyone could take a look at it in the nearest 24 hours19:37
cyphermoxthat kind of has to do with going to email threads quickly; that goes as an extension to the IRC that doesn't tend to end19:38
bdmurraysil2100: Did you want to talk about something else or are we good for the not meeting.19:42
sil2100I guess we're good, we can discuss the Budgie thing next time, no urgency19:43
sil2100Since fossfreedom now has the powers he needs19:43
bdmurrayOkay, I'm gonna make some coffee19:43
jbichawho's going to be responsible for looking at what a Budgie packageset would look like?19:43
micahgprobably depends what's in the seed, but I think he'd have to apply for a flavor packageset as that's not what was voted on19:45
micahgwe've done similar things for ubuntustudio in the past where PPU was sought for core packages for the flavor, but not the full flavor packageset19:46
cyphermoxsetting up the flavor seed is trivial, I can get the output for that it would be19:47
jbichawell my impression was he did originally apply for a flavor packageset but let's see what the diff would be first19:47
cyphermoxjbicha: there are two different things19:48
cyphermoxjbicha: fossfree.dom applied to be able to upload stuff for budgie, he was deemed not ready for having upload rights for a flavor seed, so we sugested PPU for some packages19:49
cyphermox(based on a list he already had)19:49
jbichaI think the biggest part of him "not being ready" was that we didn't create the flavor packageset19:49
cyphermoxhaving a flavour packageset is something that needs to happen anyway, since eventually there should be some dev who uploads to budgie in general19:49
cyphermoxjbicha: no19:50
jbichaI'm just particularly frustrated about fossfreedom's case, it's part of why I applied to DMB actually19:50
cyphermoxcreating the packageset is a job of two minutes, it's not blocking much by any means19:50
jbichaI don't like how much time we've spent of his asking him to come back and how much time we've kept him waiting for upload rights19:50
cyphermoxthe question is "Given flavour X's packageset, is the applicant ready to upload to any of the N packages in there"19:51
jbichaanyway, please provide us the output of the packageset so that we can actually decide if there's a big enough difference there to ask him to come back19:51
cyphermoxneither am I, but creating packagesets is a question orthogonal to whether someone is ready to have that ACL added.19:51
jbichaand whether that difference is big enough for him to want to19:51
micahgwe have a few flavors with no flavor packageset uploaders19:52
cyphermoxyou can look at the ubuntu-mate seed already, it will be a reasonable approximation of what you might find on the budgie packageset.19:53
cyphermox(but I'll have packageset-report spit out the result, it just takes a while)19:53
jbichawould it be fine to post that to the list and we can discuss the specifics next meeting?19:54
cyphermoxmicahg: sure, but there's no cost to having the packageset created, and we then know what it entails if someone asks "I want to upload for $cUbuntu19:54
micahgcyphermox: I'm all for having it ready for people to apply for, just not to grant it willy nilly to people19:54
cyphermoxmicahg: there wasn't a question of that19:54
cyphermoxwe're in full agreement19:55
micahgwe are :)19:55
jbicha(sorry to repeat myself), but that is what fossfreedom asked for and we told him no without having a formal vote and without even having the specifics of what it was we were deciding on19:55
cyphermoxjbicha: did you read the thread? because that's not /quite/ what happened as I recall.19:55
micahgthat's what's on the wiki, but not what happened in the meeting as I recall19:56
jbichaI followed the thread actively at the time, I even attended DMB meetings to urge you to take action since his application was delayed for too long19:56
micahgI think it's a semantic question19:56
micahg*question of semantics19:56
micahghe asked for specific packages19:56
cyphermoxjbicha: there are a couple of things at play: there's not much use in creating the packageset if there's nobody to add to it, but there's also no cost in having the set exist.19:56
cyphermoxjbicha: the content of a packageset is not quite so much the key to whether someone is ready to upload $flavour19:57
cyphermoxI was one who was quite happy to have the packageset generated anyway19:57
jbichacyphermox: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2017-April/001084.html20:04
jbichahe is clearly asking for packageset rights and we apparently have clearly told him no, largely based on the packageset not existing20:04
micahghe asked for specific packages as a packageset, not flavor packageset20:05
cyphermoxthat's not what that email says?20:05
jbicha> Please can a packageset be officially defined for Ubuntu Budgie?20:05
jbicha> I recently requested package-set maintainership for our (Ubuntu Budgie) packages via the DMB.20:06
cyphermoxjbicha: yes, as I mentioned earlier: deferred because there is no reason to create it now when there is nobody who has access to it20:06
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jbichathat's a chicken-and-egg game that was unfair to fossfreedom20:07
cyphermoxhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/artful/personal-fossfreedom exists20:07
cyphermoxpackageset != flavor packageset.20:07
jbichawe're going around in circles here and I don't want to extend this meeting20:08
cyphermoxthere is no question that upload rights were fine for the packages in that list, otherwise they would not be.20:08
cyphermoxis anyone waiting for the room?20:08
jbichabut please send us the packageset you generate and we can discuss what to do next instead of what went wrong20:08
cyphermoxwhat needs to happen next is the same as usually happens when someone is not approved for upload rights: reapply.20:09
cyphermox(or well, extend a voting thread by email indefinitely, whatever)20:09
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