
propagandhiMorning. Anyone managing a RabbitMQ cluster in prod?06:17
inetpro_oh wow, where was I these last few days?09:46
inetpro_good mornings everyone09:46
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
Kilosgreetings ubuntu-za10:48
Kilosany news about highvoltage expiring from ubuntu members paddatrapper 10:54
Kiloshi there everyone else and inetpro 10:54
inetprogoeiedag oom Kilos10:55
inetproen welkom terug 10:55
Kiloshoe gaan dit boetie10:55
inetprogoed en self?10:55
Kilosdankie baie10:55
Kilosek skop nog dankie, net internet is sleg10:55
Kiloshoor by jonathan of ek hom moet hernu asb10:56
Kilossy ubuntu members het gister verval10:56
Kilosof wil hy uit nou10:56
Kilosnot easy to get membership so imo its not wise to let it expire11:00
=== Kilos is now known as sal
=== sal is now known as Kilos
Kilosinetpro sal jy my laat weet asb, lyk my padda het vergeet11:03
inetprosal kyk of ek hom in die hande kan kry11:03
Kilossien ek pas julle nog op al is dit minder as tevore11:09
Kiloshi Squirm1 11:19
Squirm1Hey Kilos, how're you doing ?11:20
Squirm1k thx baai :)11:25
Kilossuperfly ping14:57
poppingtonicbe careful with this: https://qntm.org/suicide15:03
poppingtonicbut if you really really must play with it, here's a handy docker image: https://github.com/tiagoad/suicide-linux15:04
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
Kilos-internet sick again15:59
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
superflyKilos: pong16:32
Kiloshi there superfly can you please approve jonathan and myself in ubuntu-za we both expired and joined anew16:39
Kilosand is it possible to get someone here to become admin?16:39
Kilosdoes david not want to hand over the reins16:40
Kilosthat look swrong16:40
KilosMaaz spell  reins16:40
MaazKilos: Yes, you *can* spell16:40
Kilosi kept wanting to add  a g in there16:41
Kilosis there a way to make us show with the correct join dates16:41
Kilosotherwise we only become members today16:42
superflyKilos: reigns16:49
superflyno wait16:49
superflyyeah, reins is right16:49
Kilosone is what a king does i think16:49
superflythat's the one with a g16:49
Kilosfirst one steers horses16:49
superflythe one without is the horse steering mechanism16:50
Kiloshow are you and the family fly?16:50
superflyKilos: We're doing well thanks!16:51
superflyKilos: Did you get the notification e-mails?16:59
Kilosyessir but it was in january17:00
Kilosi missed them with the aus trip and chest probs17:01
Kilospro told me how to find them17:01
Kilosfrom the mail i tried and got this reply17:04
KilosThis membership cannot be renewed because it is not active.17:04
Kilosthanks superfly have a good day sir17:25
superflyKilos: You are an admin and you can no longer expire.17:53
paddatrapperKilos: highvoltage doesn't want to renew his membership as he's focusing on Debian 17:55
superflyoops, too late. but he can remove himself if he wants to17:56
Kilosgodd night guys, sleep well20:20

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