[00:38] how can i install eclipse? [00:39] No one is here? [00:44] !info eclipse xenial [00:44] eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-8 (xenial), package size 15 kB, installed size 122 kB [00:45] When I start Firefox with firjail it says "Server not found" ...How to fix this ? [00:46] firejail* [00:46] mitmf: ^^ eclipse is in the universe repo . insure that repo is enabled . then 'sudo apt update ; sudo apt install eclipse ; . [00:47] thanks Bashing-om :) [01:09] hi guys! [01:11] I run ls -lhia on my ~ and I see the same .Private symlink twice. Same name, source folder, inode etc. When I try to remove it, one record is left with ???? in the inode, owner, permissions etc. [01:11] any thoughts on how I can fix this? [01:29] Hi I started by trying to save some code files and not being able to. I restarted os. Now I get busybox screen and a no caching mode page found [01:39] Anyone here? [01:40] Arby’s....roast beef sale [01:57] is this the ubuntu help room? === rypervenche_ is now known as rypervenche [01:59] whitebeast, it is [02:00] im currently running 16.04.3, the project is to turn a flash drive into virtual memory, im following instructions online but in the terminal its telling me the usb isnt mounted and no such file exists [02:02] whitebeast, is it formatted? [02:02] i thought it was... let me try that and i will get back to ya [02:03] mkswap , swapon [02:04] but flash drives are too slow to be worthwhile, abandon this goal [02:05] i understand it dosnt appear worth it. but its better than spending money lol and its temp [02:06] @whitebeast you be able to format it as swap device [02:09] viper, is there a program to do that? the only choice i get on it is (format) and thats it [02:09] @whitebeast are you currently on Ubuntu [02:10] viper yes [02:11] @whitbeast if you are looking for a graphical way you can use gparted [02:12] @whitebeast gparted is a graphical partition manager your device will be listed under something like /dev/sdb [02:13] @viper1833 formatting it as a swap device with gparted will make it virtual ram? [02:13] @whitebeast format to linux-swap [02:13] @whitebeast yes swap is virtual memory [02:14] Thank you [02:14] @whitebeast no problem [02:14] im downloading gparted now. im going to try that and get back to ya [02:14] ok [02:15] is there a command i can put into the terminal to determine if it did work? [02:15] if what worked [02:16] just remount the drive [02:19] @sudo fdisk -l will show mounts [02:20] my $MANPATH is empty. What should I do to bring it back to the default? Does it require modifying profile? [02:21] i mean the profile file [02:21] ok im guessing it worked. it shows that its mounted to the computer. [02:21] whitebeast: pastebin the output of "free -m" [02:21] @whitebeast does sudo fdisk -l show the drive mounted as swap [02:22] fdisk wouldn't show that [02:24] @ben64 if i do sudo fdisk -l it shows this Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type [02:24] 1.9G 82 Linux swap / Solaris [02:25] doesn't show if it's in use, only shows partitions [02:25] if he turn swapon it will show in system monitor sorry I should have said that my bad [02:25] i cant get paste bin to work.... [02:26] paste the swap line here then [02:26] or use gist.github.com or hastebin.com [02:26] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25900163/ [02:26] thats all i can do [02:26] fdisk doesn't matter, need to see "free -m" [02:27] 1 sec [02:27] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25900168/ [02:28] says you have 8GB swap, but it isn't your flash drive [02:28] dunno why you'd need flash drive to be more swap [02:29] its for another computer [02:29] oh then you need to put the flash drive in that computer... [02:30] yep lol [02:30] ok but the usb drive is capable of virtual memory now? [02:30] it should pick it up on boot I would imagine [02:30] it is capable, you need to turn it on though [02:30] unlikely to activate automatically [02:30] that would be superslow, but it works [02:32] a stick of ram cracked in the other computer and its running 256? bits of ram. which is not alowing the computer to boot into os at all. ( hour-days) wait. im just looking for something temp to remove the information [02:32] so do i activate it in bios on the other computer. or is it done currently? [02:32] other computer is linux? [02:33] yup [02:33] boot in text mode or single user mode [02:33] and take that broken stick out [02:33] the broken stick is already out. [02:34] theres just not enough ram in it to run the computer anymore [02:34] and i would switch parts between computers and do it the easy way, but one is ide and the other is sata [02:36] so swap is activated on the other computer right? [02:37] no [02:37] im lost [02:37] i can tell [02:37] boot in text mode or single user mode [02:38] on this computer or the other computer? [02:38] on the one you're trying to boot [02:39] ok im going to start it up. and i will be back in about an hour. ( hopfully its gotten to that point by then) [02:39] what [02:39] boot it in text mode or single user mode [02:40] its a 45 min wait minimum before i even get the option to hit a button to get into boot options [02:40] doesn't sound like a ram problem [02:40] from before to now. the ram is the only thing that changed [02:41] well it uses maybe 1MB of ram to get to grub [02:41] it starts to up and sits on a black screen for almost an hour. and then the computer logo comes up and gives me options for boot. even still its like a half hour before it gets there [02:43] computer hardware is broken in some way [02:45] When I start Firefox with firejail it says "Server not found" ...How to fix this ? [02:47] john_rambo, do you have the profiles package installed [02:47] bazhang, How do I check ? [02:49] bazhang, Yes that package is installed [02:49] john_rambo, waht was the command you used to start it [02:50] was it firejail firefox [02:50] bazhang, firejail firefox [02:52] john_rambo, you might wish to get the firetools outside gui package, this is completely at your own risk, ie unsupported [02:52] bazhang, Okay [02:53] john_rambo, otherwise firejail itself has fairly decent help pages [03:29] anyway to adjust my laptops brightness via the command line? id like to auto dim it at night [03:37] arooni: ' apt show redshift ' . see if that will meet your need . [03:52] On 17.10, with GNOME (Xorg). I'm using integrated graphics from a 7700k, and my computer is occasionally freezing up. Either completely, or just for a few seconds. [03:52] Nothing on the screen updates, and the machine won't respond to input. [03:52] Usually, I can still connect over ssh though. [03:53] Anyone know how I can figure out what's causing this? The CPU isn't pinned at 100% when it happens. [03:54] limbo_: I’ve had that problem too, something with Wayland I’m pretty sure, I haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly what here [03:57] I'm using xorg though. [03:58] how can i extract tgz file? [04:00] tar xzf [04:00] tgz is just .tar.gz [04:00] limbo_: thanks i must make folder before extracting it? [04:02] no, if the archive contains a folder, that'll be extracted. You can make one anyway, if you want to be safe. [04:03] e.g. you might extract it in your home folder and have a bunch of loose files lying around. up to you. [04:08] how can i see user authority? [04:09] limbo_: help me [04:09] mitmf: Do *NOT* try to install eclipse from tar.gz . What is your end goal? [04:10] Jordan_U: i don’t install eclipse now [04:10] :( [04:10] i want to see user have dialout? [04:11] mitmf: "groups". What is your end goal though? What are you trying to accomplish? [04:11] sudo adduser username dialout <— i want to excute this command if user don’t have dialout Jordan_U [04:12] my $MANPATH is empty. What should I do to bring it back to the default? Does it require modifying my profile file? [04:12] i think that it is not groups [04:14] What's a good tutorial on understanding how to troubleshoot xinput configuration issues? [04:15] mitmf: you can see what groups a user is in with groups [04:16] sudo adduser username dialout <— i want to excute this command if user don’t have dialout limbo_ [04:16] what is command? [04:16] how can i see user authority? limbo_ [04:17] mitmf: What yare you trying to do today? What is the final problem you're trying to solve? [04:17] user authority? groups will list the groups that user is in [04:17] usermod -a -G is how you add a user to a group. [04:18] adduser is safer [04:27] lol-md5: The $MANPATH environment variable isn't set by default. What problem are you having specifically? === fusa24_ is now known as fusa24 === adityaduggal is now known as adityaduggal_ [04:46] Ben64: how can you modify an existing user to add a group with adduser? === adityaduggal_ is now known as adityaduggal [04:49] Jordan_U: i can't look up any manpages unless i explicitly set MANPATH first [04:54] sudo adduser username dialout <— what it means? [04:56] No one is in open source channel? [04:57] with this open source you speak of [04:57] sudo adduser username dialout <— what it means? gogeta [04:57] :) [04:58] user and his group [04:58] ? [04:58] so if you whant to add them to dialout [04:58] to both of user and group? gogeta ? [04:58] so they could contrle a modem [04:59] it mean add user to that group [04:59] dialout is group? [04:59] if you make it one yes [04:59] these days its not [05:00] being nobody uses modems [05:00] dialout is modems? [05:00] i think yes [05:01] yea to do with tty [05:05] yep dialout group is designed to allow access to serial connections (such as a modem in olden days). Now more commonly this would be something like a USB serial adapter, and a user should be added to this group in order to use the device. [05:06] oh, I missed that part in the manpage about adduser. [05:09] you could always configure the device to use a different group in udev probably [05:23] How do I read emergency boot logs mounted on a differentd rive? [05:24] cmanns: tell us the whole story please? what are you doing exactly? [05:25] I changed fstab on a remote system without kvm, so I can only re-load it to a sysrescuecd and mount the drive to look at logs. [05:28] cmanns: and you want to see what exactly? [05:29] Why its entering emergency mode [05:29] cmanns: recovery mode you mean? [05:29] yes [05:31] cmanns: what did you change on fstab exactly? [05:33] I was changing the fs to ext4 [05:33] "mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem" [05:33] cmanns: ext2? wich ubuntu version are you on? [05:35] I see that for the drive mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null) [05:35] WellI think it was alerady ext4 and I did steps to convert it maybe messed it up, data is fine tho [05:36] e2fsck says its clean [05:39] cmanns: so..if i understand you you changed a remote system's HD to ext2 and want it reverted to ext4 now? [05:39] No I ran commands to make it ext4, but it apparently already was ext4 [05:40] anyone know how to fix RAID volumes that are not "booting". I can see only one drive is in the RAID the other drive doesnt even show its in the RAID. But its fine if I dont reboot the system [05:40] !raid | Slivar [05:40] Slivar: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [05:41] yeah its not working [05:42] Why is it so hard to get a log of why the system fails to boot properly? [05:44] ? anyone [05:45] cmanns: /var/log/... [05:45] I checked every single log there no mention of why its dropping down [05:46] cmanns: messing with stab can result to that GUI error screen where you have to press S or C [05:47] Yeah thats whats happening but the only changes I made was ran commands to convert ext3 to ext4 (it probably was already ext4 I guess, fstab said ext4 after I ran commands and i didnt edit fstab yet) so then I applied options for no barrier etc which I have removed all that, tried default, etc [05:48] Only change in fstab was options, now Ive tried using UUID for lvm too [05:48] Slivar: best way is to idle here and re-ask your issue once in a while, other timezones will wakeup & read [05:49] cmanns: try to revert fstab to default again, to get in your system [05:50] !uuid | cmanns [05:50] cmanns: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [05:51] it appears its not my fstab, but the filesystem is corrupt and appearing as ext2 [05:52] nvm I was able to mount it as ext4 on sysrescued [05:53] Could anyone tell me how to change my login screen? I started with Ubuntu MATE, then I install Plasma 5. I want to keep both, but change my login screen to Plasma 5. Any help would be appreciated. Any google searches I attempt only addresses themes. [05:53] fresh install problem solved [05:53] gogeta: good answer for almost any problem [05:54] GizmoRomick, you had to change the window maanger service [05:54] have [05:54] have [05:54] gogeta: I'll Google that, thank you [05:54] Im having problems with a RAID 1 array. After I create the RAID array and reboot, I can see the raid in mdstat; but it only shows one drive. I can also do the lsblk and it reflects mdstat only one drive is part of the raid. The other drive shows there is noting on it after reboot. I can erase the raid and what not, remake the raid, and its fine till reboot, then the same issue pops up. Its [05:54] almost like no data is being writen to the other drive at all. Also that it was never part of any RAID. [05:55] that's strange [05:55] please, let me see your /proc/mdstat [05:57] gogeta: It looks like if I switch my default window manager from lightdm to sddm, it should do what I want. Does that sound correct? [05:57] !who NotLim [05:57] !who | NotLim [05:57] NotLim: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [05:58] GizmoRomick, should be it [05:58] gogeta: now I just need to restart my computer to see if it works.....I'm sure I'll do that someday :) Thank you [05:58] wut [05:59] NotLim do you want me to restart? I currently have the raid built and working [05:59] well... it depends [05:59] will you disconnect from irc? [06:00] NotLim no Im SSHed into the box [06:00] well... okay [06:00] wait! [06:00] cat /proc/mdstat first [06:00] before reboot [06:00] and then... mdadm --detail /dev/mdX [06:02] mdstat:Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10] [06:02] md0 : active raid1 sdc[1] sdb[0] [06:02] 3906887488 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] [06:02] [>....................] resync = 0.9% (36735360/3906887488) finish=392.1min speed=164465K/sec [06:02] bitmap: 30/30 pages [120KB], 65536KB chunk [06:02] unused devices: [06:03] SSD? [06:03] SSDs?* [06:04] also the other one deosnt work [06:04] the other? [06:04] command states no such file [06:04] i know [06:04] it should be [06:04] mdadm --detail /dev/md0 [06:04] and please... use pastebin [06:04] :p [06:06] ty been years since Ive used mirc lol [06:06] https://pastebin.com/WfA9BdJq [06:07] they are still syncing [06:07] yes, i know [06:08] df -h [06:08] pls [06:08] are you using LVM? [06:09] https://pastebin.com/LGyqRQZe [06:09] okay... [06:09] i think i found the problem [06:09] you want me to tell you... before or after reboot? [06:09] :p [06:10] go right ahead [06:10] okay [06:10] you should not use the entire device [06:10] you should use partitions... [06:10] i mean... [06:10] first, delete sdb... [06:10] then, delete sdc [06:11] partition one, partition another [06:11] and then... create the md device... with sdb1 and sdc1 [06:11] with the proper partition IDs [06:13] ok Ill give it a try after this then if it still donesnt work Ill be back thanks [06:13] how to remap the enter button using another keystrokes? [06:13] okay :p === nitemare is now known as trobotham === AntiSpamMeta is now known as Guest82165 === AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta === trobotham is now known as 7ITABUPZE === grumble is now known as 17SAA0F42 === 17SAA0F42 is now known as grumble [07:16] how i clean the /boot partition? it's full. i ran dpkg --list 'linux-image*'|awk '{ if ($1=="ii") print $2}'|grep -v `uname -r`. Then I ran rm ./*-4.4.0-{66,71,72,75,78,79,81,83,97,89}-*. This cleared up plenty of space. Then if I do apt autoremove, all the files get put regenerated and im back to square 1. also if i try to do apt-get remove linux-image-4.4.0-62-generic, all the files get regenerated and again... back to square 1 [07:16] how the hell are you suppose to clean up the partition? [07:19] Hi. Does anyone know if the 17.10 live session defaults to X, because that's what I get on my laptop. [07:25] DaemonFC: if you have nvidia gpu it will default to X [07:25] Sith_Lord: use dpkg --purge to remove older kernels [07:29] hateball, Intel Skylake Iris 540 [07:29] Fedora defaults to Wayland and it works fine. [07:30] are you using gnome 3? [07:30] Yes. [07:31] Fedora's Wayland session has worked on this hardware for a long time. [07:34] then i dunno. maybe the live session is set up to use x by default, for simplicity's sake. just a guess, since you should definitely get wayland with a regular install on that hw. [07:44] Hi, while to create a virtual machine I am getting this >> https://paste2.org/xfbIFjp9 [07:49] permission denied [07:56] try as root ... chmod 644 /media/ubuntu/FD2C-2C05/ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso [07:58] Mr_Cyclops: he's already fixed it by cross-posting it in other channels, it was on a fat mounted file system within userspace [08:00] Which is why cross-posters should be burnt at the stake. [08:00] ikonia, cool and thanks :) [08:01] john_rambo, enjoy! [08:01] gtg .. nite nite [08:37] i'm tryinng to reinstall linux and it [08:38] it's giving me this error: This machine's firmware has started the installer in UEFI mode but it [08:38] looks like there may be existing operating systems already installed using [08:38] "BIOS compatibility mode". If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, [08:38] it might be difficult to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode operating [08:38] systems later. [08:39] before I tried to install it, i wiped the ssd with Parted Magic [08:45] EndlessMacro1: well, do you have other operating systems or not? [08:45] hi there [08:46] in bash cal -y prints the whole year, how would i get it to print 2 months to terminal ? [08:47] hi oerheks ;) [08:47] all well ? [08:48] for month in $(seq 1 2); do cal -m $month; done [08:48] cal -A 1 [08:49] for month in 1 2; do would be shorter than using seq to count to 2 :p [08:50] cal -A 1 is perfect for lazy coders like me .. [08:50] yea, and next he will ask for 8 months, but -A1 is sure better :) [08:51] why does it count this way ? [08:52] A1 gives 2 , maybe add 1 ? [08:52] just trying to see the logic .. [08:52] not really important , thats true [08:54] unimatrix9: did you read what the cal man page says about -A? [08:55] no i read cal --help [08:55] but i see that the man pages has lots more info [08:55] thanks for the tip [09:00] Hm. cal is actually provided by bsdmainutils. I assumed it would come from GNU coreutils. That explains why --help gives invalid option message [09:06] really ? [09:06] ok [09:08] info cal gives the right info [09:21] Strangely, my fail2ban service stopped working a few days ago. Any tips on how I can find out why? [09:21] `service fail2ban status`: http://termbin.com/7vex [09:21] systemctl status fail2ban.service: http://termbin.com/9631 [09:22] MacroMan: how many entries do you have in fail2ban? [09:23] Where are the entires stored? [09:24] MacroMan: try running it by hand and see what happens.. my database is so big that the service timeouts at bootup. I had to modify the unit file to bypass the timeout ;-) [09:29] ERROR Failed during configuration: While reading from '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local' [line 146]: option 'port' in section 'pam-generic' already exists [09:29] Weirdly I haven't edited a config file in ages [09:31] Looking at the config, it seems port is there twice, once with a value of 'all' and the other with a value of 'anyport'. Do you happen to know what it should be? [09:33] AtuM: Got it working. Thanks for your help. [09:40] Hey guys, how can I stop the unattended updates from upgrading linux kernels, as I'd like to do that manually? === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [09:43] Hi guys, does anyone know why `lastlog` is displaying IP addresses rather than hostnames? I've checked the DNS servers are correct and reverse lookups are working fine using `dig`. [09:44] flying_sausages: i've used "apt-mark hold" to hold certain packages. that could work for the kernel also [09:49] is there any voice recorder app [09:49] MacroMan: you're welcome ;) [09:49] for ubuntu [09:49] flying_sausages: You could add an entry into the Unattended-Upgrade::Package-Blacklist section of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades [09:55] arunkumar413: Try Audacity [09:55] arunkumar413: Else, there is the built in app called 'Sound recorder' although I've never had much luck with it. [09:56] gotto go thanks for the info [09:56] GregUK: You might want to try #dns if you get no answer here. [09:57] Thanks MacroMan [09:59] Hey peeps, I got strange problem, I'm using https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers/ because kernel driver has bug for my card, the problem is that those drivers are not loaded if I login directly into Wayland, so I first have to login into Xorg (which loads drivers) then Wayland works. Is there any way I can tell Wayland to load those drvers by default? Or even before in GDM (GDM is also broken until Xorg load [09:59] s drivers)? [10:04] krashekspress: you can setup /etc/modules to autoload modules [10:06] cflags shows where the config files are? [10:07] akik: gonna need some more info, but isn't that for kernel modules (amdgpu kernel module is loaded)? I need to somehow load drivers from that ppa [10:07] krashekspress: you can use /etc/modules to load any kernel module you want [10:07] akik: how to figure out which to load in this particular situation? [10:08] akik: as you see, not realy [10:08] krashekspress: i thought you had identified it already. using "lsmod" it'll show the load order of the modules (newest ones are at top) [10:08] familiar with this, can you point me to some docuemntaiton [10:09] krashekspress, for a PPA? [10:10] bazhang: link from my question [10:14] ReedK2: cflags are compiler options [10:15] krashekspress, looks like you want to add something fro a PPA and need documentation, is that correct [10:17] bazhang: I want to load driver from PPA on boot, currently it's loaded only when I start Xorg session [10:17] gonna reboot now and get diff from lsmod, don't know how I didn't think of that before [10:18] I'm still getting this darned gtk problem [10:18] "No such file or directory" gtk/gtk.h [10:19] does anyone have any experience in setting up iAMT on linux? I would like to see the local console from a remote machine.. [10:19] Has anyone ever successfully compiled a gtk app? [10:20] I've installed three versiosn of gtk, now [10:22] ReedK2: you're missing headers [10:24] that's why i installed the packages [10:24] I think it might have something to do with my partition settings [10:26] if I go to /usr/includes I also have /gtk-2.0 gtk-3.0 and gtk-unix-print-2.0 [10:26] and gtk-2.0/gtk contains gtk.h [10:27] i guess my compiler (g++) doesn't know where it is. [10:27] basically lsmod is same on Wayland and Xorg, back to start [10:27] https://paste.gnome.org/przuvphep [10:28] also doing #include does not work. [10:28] krashekspress: i was writing about /var/log/Xorg.0.log but i guess wayland doesn't log there :P [10:28] not sure [10:29] goin on 7 hours with this problem, guys. anyone have any ideas? :< [10:29] akik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/+bug/1724796 logs are here [10:29] Launchpad bug 1724796 in libdrm (Ubuntu) "Picture is heavily malformed" [Undecided,New] [10:30] I can see in journalctl -b that Xorg is loading extra drivers, I just don't know how to trigger that on boot or on Wayland [10:30] I think it's just more garbageware. doesn't really work. [10:30] ReedK2: in some cases you can use -Ipath to tell where the headers are [10:31] ReedK2: or set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable [10:32] ReedK2: another environment variable you could look into is CPPFLAGS [10:32] ReedK2: i remember it was used something like: export CPPFLAGS="-Ipath" [10:32] Hi, after updating from the last LTS to 17.04 I can no longer launch certain applications, like chromium, google-chrome and thunderbird. When I try to launch them via console command the commands simply exit right away, not launching anything [10:33] running the google-chrome binary in gdb also shows no errors, simply exiting, --version shows something so something is working [10:33] running the chrome binary in gdb shows no crashes [10:33] ReedK2: it's nothing to do with your partition settings [10:33] ohhhh found it [10:33] ReedK2: I suggest you talk to some development channels to understand how to include headers and their file path [10:34] ikonia, here's waht we should do [10:34] * ReedK2 confeti [10:34] krashekspress: i meant if xorg logs into /var/log/Xorg.0.log, where does wayland log into? [10:34] ReedK2: ? [10:34] i recorded a sound [10:34] A man with a very strong Szerkestzes accent has tot me haw [10:34] where is the file stored [10:34] ReedK2: what ? [10:34] ikonia, i need to use back-tics rather than apostrophes [10:35] ReedK2: what are you talking about ? [10:35] talking about 'pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0' should be `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` [10:36] see the difference? [10:36] ReedK2: you didn't ask anything about pkg-config [10:36] you asked why your gtk build was missing a reference to header files [10:37] ikonia, you type g++ hello.cpp `the stuff above`. [10:37] and then it finds the .h file [10:37] ReedK2: what ??? [10:37] ReedK2: I have no idea what you're building so how am I expected to know your build enviornent [10:37] do packages have to pass some basic build tests before they are allowed into the repos? or patches? [10:37] ReedK2: you're asking about missing header references, I've explained the problem, how your build env resolves that is your problem / setup to deal with [10:38] snapfractalpop: packages go through build tests, if they can't build, they wouldn't be in the repo [10:38] Built Ubuntu Server 17.10 from an ISO image, installed lxde and dependencies for warzone2100, but fail to compile the latter. [10:38] ikonia: hm.. I'm getting a build error on virtualbox-dkms.. from apt [10:38] ikonia, i think you can't compile gtk without that. [10:38] repos version.. [10:38] ReedK2: you think wrong [10:38] have you tried? [10:38] snapfractalpop: what repo [10:38] ikonia: I guess it could be that the package was not updated, but the kernel was [10:38] ReedK2: I've built GTK apps yes [10:38] xenial [10:39] snapfractalpop: no, what repo is the virtualbox-dkms package comfing from [10:39] akik: I don't know, I can only pull from syslog, and in there I can see that Xorg is loading bunch of stuff, while Wayland does not. That is way Wayland works normaly if I first login to Xorg so Xorg loads all drivers [10:39] `configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables` [10:39] *why [10:39] ikonia: I think multiverse, but let me check.. [10:39] What could be the cause? [10:39] forgon: depends what you're building [10:39] forgon: and how [10:39] ikonia: yes, xenial multiverse repo [10:39] snapfractalpop: also where did your virtualbox install come from [10:40] ikonia: virtualbox as well as virtualbox-dkms both come from the xenial multiverse repos [10:40] so basically you think is hould go to a development channel to understand how to include a header file. [10:40] you know, even on the gtk website, they include the file with #include [10:40] ReedK2: I think you should get some basic development experience help yes [10:41] ReedK2: #include is not how to include a header path [10:41] ReedK2: hence why I'm saying "go to a development channel to learn the basics" [10:41] They don't have a path... [10:41] ReedK2: #include is a reference to the header - not the file location [10:41] ikonia: ikonia I've read some bug reports suggesting that the virtualbox-dkms package had a build regression.. but that may not have been caught if the package isn't re-tested with new kernels.. [10:41] supposedly, it has problems compiling with newer kernels [10:41] snapfractalpop: that's quite surprising, the package is tested there is an auto build system [10:41] snapfractalpop: what kernel are you using ? [10:42] well it would have taken less time to say how to include the path than to tell me to go to another channel. but I'm learning development basics, anyway. I did 5 chapters of C and now i'm doing gtk, and tonight I'm going to do bash. [10:42] ikonia: I have tried it on linux-lowlatency, as well as linux-lowlatency-hwe-edge [10:42] ReedK2: as I said, I don't know your build enviornent - so I can't tell YOU how to include a file [10:42] ReedK2: your build env is what manages the file path location [10:42] snapfractalpop: use a standard kernel, not lowlatency [10:43] I think nobody knows my build environment. [10:43] ReedK2: correct, it's YOUR build environment [10:43] ReedK2: this is why you need general development help, to understand your own setup [10:43] I don't even think tht's a real word. [10:43] ikonia: I wonder if the virtualbox-dkms package would not be tested, possibly, against kernel updates? since the virtualbox-dkms package did not recently get updated [10:43] ReedK2: what's not a real world ? [10:43] word [10:44] ikonia: according to my apt logs, it has been the same for months.. and no recent change.. [10:44] snapfractalpop: test it against none low latency kernels [10:44] I'm using Ubuntu, Visual Basic Code, g++, terminal, and gtk+-2.0-dev [10:44] I think that's my development environment. [10:44] ReedK2: they are applications, not a build environment [10:44] ikonia: Already stated I build warzone2100 from source [10:44] forgon: read the build output then [10:44] forgon: see what build step is failing [10:45] ikonia: I'll give that a try.. but I'm wondering about the process.. virtualbox was working before a recent update (with low-latency-hwe-edge) [10:45] snapfractalpop: low latency has been a missing test case in the past (for more than virtual box) [10:46] I really don't think anybody else has heard of the word build environment. Nobody mentioned it as something to know, and the internet has a very fuzzy definition of the term. [10:47] how to convert audio format [10:47] ReedK2: build environment is pretty much the most common what way to reference your build infrastructure [10:47] ikonia: yeah.. I think I've come across some of those instances.. but not in a long time. [10:47] ReedK2: it's a well known standard, again, I suggest you get some basic development/build help [10:47] arunkumar413: convert what to what? [10:48] oh you mean like my company? [10:48] EriC^^: convert to different format [10:48] snapfractalpop: be interesting to know if it's specific to LL kernel [10:48] ReedK2: your company ?? [10:48] the audio I recorded is in ogg format [10:48] arunkumar413: what format exactly? [10:48] now you're talking about infrastructure so... [10:48] I want to convert it to mp3 [10:48] another fuzzy term [10:48] ReedK2: nothing fuzzy about it [10:48] equally as fuzzy as the last one [10:49] ReedK2: you need to get some basic understanding of development principals then, as these are not "fuzzy" terms [10:49] then someone would haev probably defined them on the internet by now [10:49] ReedK2: they are defined [10:50] !info ogg2mp3 | arunkumar413 [10:50] arunkumar413: Package ogg2mp3 does not exist in artful [10:50] according to #web, the build environment is the stuff on my computer taht does the build (i.e., the programs I listed above). [10:50] !info winff | arunkumar413 [10:50] arunkumar413: winff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.5-4 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 24 kB [10:50] ReedK2: no, thats you asking a random person [10:50] ReedK2: that's not a definitoin [10:50] arunkumar413: use the above program it has gui too [10:50] that's because the internet doesn't have a clear example and neither does anyone ehre [10:51] ReedK2: enough, please stop bringing your programming issues to this channel [10:51] ReedK2: we can help you with ubuntu problems, not your lack of programming experience [10:52] ikonia, you started the issue, not me. [10:52] Nobody else is defining the words you made up [10:52] ReedK2: I didn't make any issue, I've given you the correct information about why your system was failing to build [10:53] yeah you did. you said i needed to go somewhere and do something, but it was completely unclear (what it actually meant) [10:57] lol [10:57] EriC^^: there is not mp3 option in winff [10:59] arunkumar413: there should be [11:01] arunkumar413: put convert to "audio" and under preset > "mp3" [11:02] snapfractalpop: download virtualbox 5.2.x from oracle. That will work. virtualbox 5.1.x found in apt repos does not support the newer kernel, so virtualbox-dkms fails [11:20] Cannot compile warzone2100 with fresh ubuntu server: http://sprunge.us/VWUS <- log [11:22] forgon: install build essentials etc [11:23] hmm some other interesting errors there too... [11:23] I tried that, but output is 'aleady the newest version'. [11:24] why are you building it by hand btw? [11:24] MrElendig: Trying to understand http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/4667 <- this bug [11:25] do conftest.c exists ? [11:26] that configure script is pretty broken [11:27] MrElendig: I could not locate conftest.c [11:27] poke upstream about it [11:32] AtuM: thanks.. I'm trying that now.. per advice in #vbox [11:32] snapfractalpop: did you try it against a "standard" kernel ? [11:33] ikonia: not yet.. I found out something from someone in #vbox that it will try to build against all installed kernels.. whether they are active or not.. [11:34] so the only way to truly test on vanilla (non-LL) would be to remove LL [11:34] not something I'm keen on doing this very moment... [11:34] snapfractalpop: interesting, I'll be interested in hearing your output [11:34] snapfractalpop: do you not have the standard kernel installed with LL too ? [11:34] but I will try the ppa version and hope it works [11:35] ikonia: I no longer do.. but according to someone in #vbox, it wouldn't matter.. it tries to build the module for *every* installed kernel, and fails if *any* of them fail [11:35] seems brittle.. but I did see it doing that when I examined my logs [11:35] snapfractalpop: interesting [11:37] ikonia: the ppa version from virtualbox.org seems to be working [11:37] snapfractalpop: use dkms to have it automaticly build the modules against your kernel in a sane way [11:37] (5.2) [11:42] MrElendig: the virtualbox.org ppa version is working now.. so I'll just keep on that one for the time being [11:42] thanks for the suggestion though [11:42] ikonia: and thanks for your help [11:46] I will investigate the guest iso thing another time.. see ya! === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [12:23] I have a program not reacting to my commands in tty terminal, what should I do? [12:24] The pointer bliks though. [12:24] blinks* [12:26] can you send it to background with ctrl-z ? [12:26] rory: no [12:26] can you go to another TTY and find the PID in the output of "top" or "ps aux" and then kill it with "kill 1234" [12:26] Howdy folks [12:27] rory: yes [12:27] rory: I would like to know why this has happened...? [12:27] It depends on the program [12:28] rory: it isn't the first time though [12:28] If you were connected over SSH the connection could have dropped [12:28] rory: nah it was a local emacs [12:28] huh [12:28] use a real text editor? /s [12:28] learning to [12:30] so if i killed the session drops and everything saved there as well, thought you understand why am asking [12:30] Is it always the same TTY screen it happens on? Maybe there's some weird sys logs being written over the top, and it's messing up emacs because emacs runs in fullscreen? [12:30] rory: can happen in any one of them [12:30] rory: not happen in gui though [12:31] if you run emacs in screen instead of directly in the shell, then are you able to re-attach the screen session from another TTY if it drops? [12:31] Worth trying [12:31] Aware you can't reproduce it reliably [12:31] rory: yeah good idea thanks, will do [12:31] Overall though I don't know of anything that could cause it in the general case. Maybe someone else does. [12:31] I'm going for lunch. [12:32] how do i link libraries [12:32] ldd openssl is linking libssl.so from one dir [12:32] and ldd ssh is linking it from other location [12:33] rory: thanks [12:37] testing it 1-2-3 [12:51] is there a way to wait for a host to become available in shell? [12:52] like ping host returns good? [12:52] case in point I strart a vm and I want to wait for it to be available, something like ping -Oc 1 returns with ;icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable [12:52] I'd like it to wait the first package [12:52] IIRC I used to do that on OSX [12:53] anddam: while sleep 1; do ping -c1 host && break; done && do something else? [12:54] have some service listening on a port come up last [12:54] as it will start responding to ping very early on before all services may have started [12:55] the point would be keeping ping waiting, I figured I could use the poor man's spawner for that but I was looking for ping specific utility and I wasn't able to find it in ping's man page from iputils-ping [12:56] so you confirm there's not straightforward way in iputils-ping to do that [12:56] btw this is the BSD version, the -o option does the trick https://www.unix.com/man-page/freebsd/8/ping/ [13:03] hi [13:03] I did a mdadm --stop /dev/md125 [13:04] after that I cannot assemble or run it [13:04] failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md125: Input/output error [13:21] has anyone successfully installed openssl-1.0.2m on 16.04? [13:21] i get errors libcrypto.so.1.0.0: no version information available [13:21] or libssl.so.1.0.0: no version information available [13:22] no package works, ssh, wget, anything [13:22] cableguy: why are you trying to replace openssl in the first place? [13:22] latest official ubuntu package is 1.0.2g that is from 2016 [13:23] ducasse, what u mean replace [13:23] im trying to install fresh [13:24] there are patches etc on top of that [13:24] cableguy: it is g but with a billion backported patches [13:24] where do u locate a patch for 1.0.2m [13:24] !u [13:24] Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks! [13:25] unless you want to rebuild half of your packages, don't do this [13:25] dont do what [13:25] i dont have a working openssl in the server [13:25] i cant even connect via ssh [13:25] try to upgrade openssl by hand [13:25] i have to use web console [13:26] no, this is why you shouldn't do what you did [13:26] package manager version doesnt work because the libssl1.0.0 cannot be reinstalled [13:26] installing m by hand is not going to help [13:26] so if it cant be reinstalled [13:26] boot the install image and fix it from there [13:26] how im supposed to create the needed shared libraries [13:27] boot from live image, fix or restore from backup [13:27] how you do that on remote server via web console [13:27] depends on the web conole [13:27] console* [13:28] novnc [13:28] and what host this is [13:28] hope the web thingy has a 'restore from backup' option [13:28] any good host will let you boot from a user provided image [13:28] its vultr [13:29] and vultr support told me to uninstall everything and reinstall everything [13:29] so very big help [13:29] they also argued that i didnt do what they said so i had to make screenshots of our conversations to proof that they don't read what their clients write [13:29] and then they end up with silence [13:30] amazing client support [13:32] if you can't boot from an image or restore from backup, you're out of luck. reinstall time. [13:32] they also posted direct links to stackoverflow as their answers [13:32] and i had to explain those links are completely out of context and youre not reading what im writing [13:32] and each time a different person/name would reply on same support ticket [13:33] with same answers that was already replied by other support [13:33] so for example ducasse why they didnt say to boot from image [13:33] why all they knew is how to remove and purge openssl 'to fix it' [13:34] i wonder how much they get paid for googling stackoverflow, im sure could work as vultr tech support oo [13:34] too* [13:35] i don't know or care why they said what they did - it's not on-topic here either [13:37] we'll be happy to make suggestions on how to fix it, i suggest you find out what your options are at this point [13:39] i found something on launchpadnet [13:40] i guess i can try downloading the g version and its patch and compiling that [13:43] Hi everyone... im trying to find a way to get my R9 380 working properly with 16.04... or 17.10 (i'm totally new to IRC, apologies in advance if im causing any problems) I can only install Ubuntu through the live CD using the nomodeset parameter... if not i my screen goes off. Same goes for the Ubuntu installation as well. without the nomodeset parameter my screen goes off [13:43] some help on this is much appreciated === nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h [13:47] pathum: The amdgpu driver is available since 16.04 (maybe earlier) and should support R9 380 fine https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver [13:48] you may want to use the hwe kernel image, however [13:48] !hwe | pathum [13:48] pathum: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [13:49] http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2017-11-06_19-08-59-9ce5nGIJ.1509975577.png i am unable to out from this command [13:49] i am stuck on this command [13:56] Rockwood: try suspending the process with Ctrl+Z ... if that works you can then kill it. [13:56] Rockwood: that sends SIGSUSP; if that doesn't work try Ctrl+\ which should send SIGQUIT [13:57] Rockwood: and take a look at mysql's error logs. by mysql defaults, they are stored next to the databases. by ubuntu defaults, they go to /var/log/mysql [13:59] Hi. I installed Ubuntu 17 (zesty). `systemctl status swapfile.swap' complains: https://ptpb.pw/lbPq. [14:00] I do: https://ptpb.pw/XTb5 [14:00] TJ-, tomreyn thanks [14:00] and then `sudo swapon /dev/sda3' [14:00] But I get the error `swapon: /dev/sda3: swapon failed: Device or resource busy' [14:00] now i wanna reset my root mysql password [14:01] How to configure swap property? [14:04] !zesty | francisv [14:04] francisv: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu - Release notes: https://ubottu.com/y/zesty - Want to upgrade? see https://ubottu.com/y/artful [14:05] it's Ubuntu 17.04, not "17" (which is ambiguous, since there is also 17.10) === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [14:05] Correct. Sorry for my ambiguity [14:06] Btw, the links from ubottu are broken [14:06] ducasse, it worked [14:06] francisv: can you paste /etc/fstab? [14:07] patched and compiled https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/1.0.2g-1ubuntu13 [14:07] didnt need to restore from image [14:08] pavlos: https://ptpb.pw/Tikp [14:08] francisv: this looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1713980 [14:08] Launchpad bug 1670336 in eCryptfs "duplicate for #1713980 Ubiquity problem with encrypted home option: system hangs because of ecryptfs-setup-swap not working with swapfiles" [High,Triaged] [14:11] .... which is a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/1670336 [14:11] Launchpad bug 1670336 in eCryptfs "Ubiquity problem with encrypted home option: system hangs because of ecryptfs-setup-swap not working with swapfiles" [High,Triaged] [14:12] tomreyn: This might work. Some context: I did not create swap when I installed Ubuntu. I noticed the systemctl error later, so I created a swap partition in GParted. [14:13] francisv: have you chosen to use "encrypted home directory" (ecryptfs) during installation? [14:13] In other words, I want to configure a swap partition post-installation to remove the error from systmectl when I start my computer. [14:13] tomreyn: yes [14:13] my home directory is encrypted [14:13] then i would think this bug still applies to your system [14:14] Ok. Thank you for sharing the link. [14:19] francisv: so i think your options are to either use the swap partition you created instead of a swap file, to use the ecryptfs-utils package available in artful (17.10) - which has been fixed-, or to use the workaround in comment #16 [14:22] tomreyn: I will upgrade to 17.10 and use the encryptfs-utils package. Thank you for the info! [14:22] francisv: the first thing i would try is to comment out the line starting "/swapfile" in /etc/fstab (and reboot to see whether this solves the issue) [14:22] i guess upgrading also works ;) [14:22] I want to install on,y mysql-server not mariadb ! what should I do [14:25] maziar: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mysql-server" should do so on a default ubuntu installation. [14:26] @tomreyn it will install mariadb-server ! [14:28] maziar: can you shouw the output of the above commands, as well as of "lsb_release -sd; apt-cache policy" [14:28] !paste | maziar [14:28] maziar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:28] tomreyn Distributor ID: Ubuntu [14:28] Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS [14:28] Release: 16.04 [14:28] Codename: xenial [14:29] if you use `apt install mysql-server` it shows you it will install mariadb-server [14:31] maziar: why not maria? [14:31] maziar: yes, i understood so much. but i'd like to help you find out why it prefers mariadb over the other options. which is why i asked for the other outputs. [14:31] MrElendig I want to test something [14:32] for testing I suggest using containers / similar [14:33] maziar: some other package must have a hard dependency on mariadb; also some packages have a "Depends: mysql-server | mariadb-server" and something may be causing it to choose mariadb [14:33] TJ- maybe you are not understand ! I need pure mysql for a test [14:34] yes he did understand [14:34] ahhh, mariadb-server-X.Y and mysql-server-A.B both "Provides: virtual-mysql-server" so something probably depends on virtual-mysql-server [14:35] maziar: the point I'm making is some other package is preferring mariadb through the dependencies [14:36] maziar: you probably need to enable apt's package-resolver debug option to see why it is choosing mariadb [14:38] maziar: try "apt -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver install " [14:38] E: Option -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver: Configuration item specification must have an =. [14:40] maziar: oops! "apt -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver=1 install " [14:45] Hello, how do i install this specific version of mariadb? 10.0.31-MariaDB-cll-lve - MariaDB Server [14:45] diverdude: use some form of container for that [14:45] or nix/guix [14:45] and/or even [14:46] MrElendig: is it not possible to just use apt to install it? [14:48] diverdude: possible but not really something you want to do [14:48] not directly in / anyway [14:50] diverdude: also if you have to run outdated versions of mariadb then you really should isolate it [14:56] hi [14:56] Where's a guide to correctly install Qt5 ? [14:56] scroat: Who told you there was a wrong way to install Qt 5? [14:57] https://wiki.qt.io/Install_Qt_5_on_Ubuntu <---- Why is this telling me to wget stuff? Why is Qt5 not in repos? [14:57] scroat: it is in the repos [14:57] what's the package name? [14:58] scroat: what do you need qt5 for? [14:58] scroat: which version are you running? [14:58] I want to write C++ programs in Qt5? [14:58] !info qt5-default [14:58] qt5-default (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 development defaults package. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1 (artful), package size 19 kB, installed size 151 kB [14:59] scroat: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt5&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all [14:59] The qt5-default package should give you all the devel defaults you need [14:59] scroat: you want to run a container or have qt 5.9.2 in $HOME too though [15:00] specially if you are on an older ubuntu which is stuck with 5.2 [15:00] <5.9* [15:01] How can I install svox?: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/svox https://paste.ngx.cc/09aae67d1730f9e5 [15:01] E: Unable to locate package svox [15:02] MacroMan: check ppa [15:02] I'm on 16.04 [15:02] MacroMan: You need to enable the multiverse repo [15:02] MrElendig: (1) It's in multiverse, (2), !ppa [15:02] Menzador: Thanks. I'll look into enabling that [15:04] Menzador: I already have the multiverse repo enabed [15:05] How comes apt can't find svox then? [15:05] !info svox [15:05] Package svox does not exist in artful [15:05] The source is there, weird. [15:05] Acording the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/svox it exists [15:06] Besides, I'm on Xenial not Artful [15:06] Ah [15:06] !info svox xenial [15:06] Package svox does not exist in xenial [15:07] how do I tell firefox to use a new audio device? ardvark [15:07] MrElendig: What do you mean put Qt in $HOME ? $HOME is /home/scraot [15:07] From launchpad: The Xenial Xerus (supported) [15:07] like play a video, audio comes out laptop speakers. plug in usb headset, shows up in sound devices, but audio still comes out speakers [15:08] MacroMan: I figured it out [15:08] The package you're looking for is libttspico-utils [15:09] Wow OK, obscure. Thanks [15:09] SVOX is built into Pico TTS [15:09] CarlFK: open pavucontrol and play around [15:09] that's why [15:09] Menzador: Thanks for your help. Now installed [15:10] :) [15:10] So I installed qt5-default. How do I know when I run qtmake that Qt5 will be used and not Qt4? [15:10] You mean qmake? [15:10] MrElendig: thanks - playing :p [15:10] yes qmake [15:11] Do [ ls -l /usr/bin/qmake ] to see what it points to [15:11] scroat: qmake -v [15:11] or that [15:11] as stated in it's man page [15:11] thanks [15:11] because man page :) [15:12] (if /usr/bin/qmake points to qtchooser that's also a valid test) [15:12] scroat: personal suggestion: use meson instead [15:12] Anyone know a terminal emulator that will let you set the background color as a commandline parameter? I don't mean the text but the color scheme of the whole background. [15:12] scroat: you will thank me later [15:12] jpe: pretty much all of them [15:13] * scroat looks up meson [15:13] MrElendig, I tried xfce4-terminal, lxterminal and gnome-terminal and none of them have it [15:13] jpe: you should be able to specify a profile whih would have those settings [15:13] MrElendig: Cool thanks. I was using a bash script. [15:13] a question about installing packages (Ubuntu MATE 14.04) - I originally tried to install Ruby, skipping some prior steps , let me know if I should say more [15:14] jpe: in what case are you calling a terminal emulator from a command line (from another terminal emulator?) [15:14] jpe: you can use a escape code to set it on most [15:14] but - apt-get update throws errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25903631/ [15:14] leftyfb, from the .desktop file, alt+f2 menu etc [15:14] egor83: those are issues with the ppa's, not ubuntu's repositories [15:15] http://ppa.launchpad.net/accessibility-dev redirects, redirect page throws errors [15:15] MrElendig, escape code is only for the text background, not for the background of the whole terminal [15:15] jpe: you can set both on most modern TEs [15:15] jpe: then I would suggest setting up a profile for almost any terminal emulator and calling the term with the profile as a parameter [15:16] leftyfb: sorry, I'm somewhat new - anything I should read about it? Or, can/should I remove this specific ppa? [15:16] MrElendig, hmm I'm not sure what code to use in that case === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [15:16] egor83: either contact the ppa owner or remove them [15:17] jpe: I would suggest setting up a profile for almost any terminal emulator and calling the term with the profile as a parameter [15:17] any way to check if removing it is safe? Not using any accessibility stuff, not sure why it's even installed, might be some dependency [15:19] egor83: you added the ppa's. I don't know what they're for or what's in them [15:19] egor83: removing the ppa's won't remove the packages installed from them. Unless you use ppa-purge [15:19] egor83: also, you should probably think of upgrading to 16.04 at some point soon [15:19] jpe: printf '\033]11;rgb:f4f4f4\033\\' [15:20] leftyfb: 1) yes, but I don't remember adding it [15:20] jpe: needs slight tweaking if screen/tmux [15:20] leftyfb, seems only konsole supports that but it doesn't really achieve what i wanted to do [15:20] MrElendig, thanks [15:20] leftyfb: 2) that's what I needed to know, thanks! [15:21] leftyfb: and 3), end of life for 14.04 is April '19, right? [15:21] jpe: incorrect. they almost all do. I just tested gnome-terminal and terminator and they will both do exactly what you're looking for [15:21] jpe: printf '\033]%d;rgb:%s\033\\' , where the for the background is 11 [15:21] egor83: yes, but by then you'll need to upgrade through 2 LTS's to get current [15:22] <[Ex0r]> Hello there. Is there a way to ensure that my changes to /etc/network/interfaces are used on reboot in ubuntu server 17? I made changes, saved them, and rebooted and its not applying the changes I made. [15:22] jpe: for rxvt iirc it is 708 instead [15:23] I'm on rather weak hardware now, will get a better box and get some newer version from scratch then - but thanks for heads-up! [15:23] jpe: check out base16-shell on gh if you want something nice ready made [15:23] leftyfb: ^^, sorry [15:23] egor83: 16.04 shouldn't run any differently on the same hardware [15:23] jpe: as for gnome-terminal you could also pass it a custom gtk theme or profile to use [15:25] leftyfb: thanks, will keep in mind! [15:25] MrElendig: jpe: I just tested it... it works fine [15:28] I installed Ubuntu Server 17 on a VM and xinit and startx doesnot bring the GUI [15:28] what am I doing wrong? [15:28] 17.10? [15:28] rexwin_: ubuntu server does not include a desktop [15:28] also that [15:28] rexwin_: why are you installing a desktop on a server? [15:29] rexwin_: to clarify, ubuntu server does not install a DE by default [15:29] or x server for that matter [15:29] but you can [15:29] rexwin_: But, I'm curious; why are you installing a desktop on a server? [15:29] Hello, I have such an SSD https://postimg.org/image/2hmo7pgfiz/ to dual boot ubuntu and win10 on a laptop with grub2. Long story short, I had both systems running fine, now I can only get to ubuntu (16.04) graphical login, mouse and keyboard do not input on that window session. But I can REISUB... and from grub ubuntu recovery I can manage to lauch a root shell. Any clue as what would need to be fixed? [15:31] it says please wait for the GUI to appear when trying to login [15:31] maxzor: can you alt+ctrl+f1 and login to vt1? [15:32] jpe: I just created an icon on my desktop that when double-clicked, opens gnome-terminal with a custom profile I made that changes the background color to red. Isn't this what you're looking for? [15:32] rexwin_: why are you installing a desktop on a server? [15:33] to install wine and check with my app [15:33] rexwin_: then why did you install server and not the desktop version? [15:33] can you get me the link [15:34] what situation needs a wine based app on a server to validate something [15:34] rexwin_: ubuntu.com [15:36] <[Ex0r]> I made changes to my /etc/network/interfaces and when I use sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 it applies the changes, but once I reboot, it goes back to using an automatically obtained ip address [15:36] <[Ex0r]> how can I fix this? [15:36] [Ex0r]: are you using desktop or server? [15:36] <[Ex0r]> server [15:37] <[Ex0r]> 17.10 [15:37] [Ex0r]: there's no desktop installed? [15:37] <[Ex0r]> No [15:37] [Ex0r]: maybe look in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ [15:37] <[Ex0r]> Doesn't exist [15:37] [Ex0r]: serve on 17.10 uses systemd-networkd by default I think [15:37] [Ex0r]: populated initially by netplan [15:38] <[Ex0r]> TJ-: How do I change it? [15:38] <[Ex0r]> leftyfb: Let me take that back. interfaces.d exists, but it's empty [15:38] [Ex0r]: firstly check /etc/systemd/network/ for .network files [15:39] <[Ex0r]> doesn't appear to be anything in there [15:40] Is it still useful or necessary to run updatedb once in a while? [15:40] [Ex0r]: see the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration [15:40] skinux: if you want to have a up to date db for locate, yes [15:40] skinux: that's only to update your "locate" index [15:40] skinux: also, there should be a cron that does it for you [15:41] quite handy to have it as a niced/ioniced systemd timer that runs once a day [15:41] it's already a cron.daily [15:42] <[Ex0r]> Okay, so they changed it to use netplan, which I have no idea how to use [15:42] TJ-: 17.10 really doesn't use e/n/i anymore? [15:42] leftyfb: I know, that's what I was talking about. [15:43] leftyfb: nope; ifupdown has been removed [15:43] <[Ex0r]> is there really no UI or console based tool on server I can run to change the configuration? [15:43] alkisg no, it seems that as soon as I try to input annything in graphical login, it freezes, and I am only left with REISUB [15:44] [Ex0r]: not by default no. Servers aren't meant to have a GUI. Not if you want them secure, efficient and if you want to be able to manage them properly [15:44] [Ex0r]: define "console based tool" [15:45] maxzor: install ssh then, to be able to diagnose things [15:45] [Ex0r]: what exactly do you need to manage on your server? (wine requires a desktop) [15:45] alkisg, right that is not a problem, knowing what to diagnose is rather one for me :) [15:45] <[Ex0r]> leftyfb: I didn't say GUI, I said UI. Doesn't have to be graphical. The default ubuntu installer, for example, (The one with the blue box and red buttons) is a UI. by 'console based tool', it would be like a console command I can run to update the values instead of having to manually edit a configuration file [15:46] [Ex0r]: update what values? [15:46] [Ex0r]: maybe learn one of the many many systems management tools out there [15:46] [Ex0r]: use the terminal and an editor like nano or vim [15:46] [Ex0r]: if your concern is manual editing [15:46] <[Ex0r]> So that is STOPS using dhcp to bring up the interface, and uses the static address I have assigned it [15:47] maxzor: from recovery, apt install openssh-server, then reboot normally, then login via ssh so that you don't "type anything that makes it hang" [15:47] [Ex0r]: use an editor to edit the config files or use the tools associated with managing the network(apparently netplan now) [15:47] [Ex0r]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Netplan [15:48] <[Ex0r]> err, and apparently netplan doesnt support static ip address [15:48] [Ex0r], https://askubuntu.com/questions/961552/need-example-netplan-yaml-for-static-ip might help [15:51] there is also #ubuntu-server, which is probably the most topical place to ask how to configure a server's networking in 17.10 (tbh). [15:55] [Ex0r]: netplan does support static addresses: dhcp4 Off; addresses [,] [15:56] <[Ex0r]> TJ-: I got it, after having to copy/paste from 4 different stack overflows to get what I needed. Wow. Thanks for the heads up. [15:57] curious why netplan would say "method static is not supported". How would they deprecate ifupdown when netplan gives that type of error when converting interfaces to netplan? I hate when they deprecate things when the alternatives aren't fully vetted [15:57] Is any other distro shipping netplan by default,e.g. debian, fedora etc? [15:58] alkisg: not afaik [15:58] Thanks, I'll try to avoid it then :) [15:58] yeah, sounds icky [15:59] * alkisg wonders what problem it's trying to solve... [16:00] exactly [16:00] kinda like netplan, works here, no need for NM [16:00] tomreyn: I have upgraded my Ubuntu to 17.10. I still get the error "Failed to activate swap /swapfile." when checking `systemctl status swapfile.swap`. [16:00] So I should use a swap partition instead [16:00] BluesKaj: so the problem is that it's difficult to directly configure networkd? === KindTwo is now known as KindOne === joneboyd is now known as Jeb [16:03] al dunno , haven't bothered with networkd, the netplan 01-network-manager-all.yaml uses networkd as renderer [16:04] alkisg,^ === Jeb is now known as joneboyd [16:07] Sounds strange to have a tool that just lets you configure networkd... [16:08] well alkisg turns out system hangs after a few seconds in graphical login, I am not sure of my local ipv4, cannot ssh in [16:08] but I can mount the ssd in my debian laptop should work fine for diagnosing it? [16:09] s/laptop/desktop [16:09] alkisg, in my settings , the default yaml settings use nm as renderer [16:11] alkisg, oops let me rephrase that, netplan 01-network-manager-all.yaml uses networkd as renderer in my settings, but the default setting there uses NM [16:16] anybody had problem when upgrade ubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 ? === percychu is now known as percyc === percyc is now known as zsr === zsr is now known as percychu === percychu is now known as zsr [16:19] * zsr [16:20] zsr: can we help you with something? === zsr is now known as zhushurui [16:25] BluesKaj: what I don't understand is where netplan actually helps you there. It is difficult to configure networkd and netplan makes it easier? [16:25] maxzor: you can see your ip in recovery mode => enable networking, then reboot [16:27] alkisg, in a word, yes [16:28] alkisg, this strictly ethernet, no wifi involved [16:30] BluesKaj: so the proper solution would be for systemd to make its configuration easier? [16:30] * alkisg reads https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.network.html ... === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [16:35] How can I install qt5 ? [16:35] alkisg: imo networkd seems simpler, i think the argument was for providing a new way to define complex setups [16:35] Tried installing qt5-default, but nonetheless get warning in build script 'checking for QT5... no' [16:35] alkisg: setups that could be generated by other tools etc, for virtual networking and such [16:39] ducasse: is it default for desktop versions too, or only for servers? [16:39] doesn't look simpler to me in alkisg 's post, it seems networkd is scatered amongst too many files for my ability to follow their logic [16:40] alkisg: both, i think, but i don't really use the desktop images [16:40] ty for the info guys [16:40] forgon: that's almost certainly looking for development headers [16:41] alksig well ssh working + I could - not really sure how - connect to normal tty1 after recovery mode. [16:42] BluesKaj: in my experience (quite limited) it has been ok to deal with. the good thing about it is that it works the same across distros [16:44] I'll use netplan. it's basically a network manager without the gui [16:44] * alkisg thought that was nm-cli :) [16:44] (alkisg, Its because I am in reboot from recovery and not normal boot, with Light Display manager - not working, but allows tty1) [16:46] alkisg, yup that too [16:46] maxzor: so, boot normally, let it hang, then connect with ssh, and run "dmesg" [16:46] but if you don't use nmgui then nmcli doesn't work [16:46] BluesKaj: afaik nmcli works even on servers... without gui [16:48] alkisg: only if NM is installed (which it isn't by default) [16:48] alkisg: correct, as does nmtui. installing those will install network-manager (depends) [16:48] nmtui uses ncurses [16:49] leftyfb: of course; I mean, I can't consider netplan as a "console front end to network-manager", when it already has a front end. Of course in both cases nm needs to be installed. [16:50] i should have qualified that with, I don't use NM at all [16:51] I'm used to the old days before systyemd when one could setup networking with the interfaces fiel and resolv,conf [16:51] yep [16:52] I like those days [16:52] BluesKaj: you still can, just install ifupdown [16:52] it's just familiarity :) [16:52] I do like systemd, not sure if I'm excited to use it to manage the network [16:53] the problem is e/n/i and resolv.conf haven't really evolved sufficiently (or the tooling around them) for even moderately complicated (read: modern) networking configurations [16:53] leftyfb: I've found networkd to be very good for comfiguring complex configs and not having them fall over or configure slowly. I have several servers, all with 4x gigabit interfaces, bonded, and setting that up was logical and well organised [16:54] TJ-: my issue is it taking more effort to just set a static ip on a simple server [16:54] is there a easy way to install drivers for a MT7601u Wifi Dongle ? I can't put it into AP mode.. lmk ty. [16:56] c0untch0cula, again? you followed a guide yesterday, what was that again? [16:56] alkisg, got it, got a hard time reading it https://pastebin.com/uDbNZWRk [16:58] c0untch0cula: if you can't put it into AP mode, it's because you need the appropriate firmware to do so (where you get that, I don't know). If no firmware is available to do that, then you're out of luck. [16:58] not all manufacturers provide linux binaries enabling that feature set. [16:59] Is there a way to truly - truly purge the Mysql configuration? When in installed i got a curses like configuration screen - but when i removed with apt-get --purge remove, and re-installed, i don't get that screen. [16:59] computa_mike: you probably did't purge all of the dependencies [17:00] computa_mike: you'd have to stop MySQL, then apt purge --auto-remove --purge mysql-server [17:00] rfleming, he gave an url yesterday, to build the driver from the vendor, but his url was rather old, 3 years or so [17:00] maxzor: this dmesg is *after* the computer hanged? [17:01] oerheks: meh. not my problem :) [17:01] lets wait and see [17:01] oerheks: quick search: https://github.com/muratdemirtas/MT7601u [17:01] I doubt the chipset has changed [17:03] c0untch0cula, yesterday i found a recent guide, https://github.com/tanaka1892/mt7601u-ap but you n ever answered, like now [17:04] alkisg, well this one was taken more than 30s after hang : https://pastebin.com/GuQmfgXR [17:04] i found a rather old guide on S/O that seems to have worked. [17:05] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10853004/removing-mysql-5-5-completely [17:08] leftyfb: late, but: configuring a static IP is really easy (see enp9s0.99.network which configures a VLAN i/f) in this lot (even the bond config is clean and easy to figure out) http://paste.ubuntu.com/25904382/ [17:13] Hey TJ [17:15] * rfleming hates Stack Overflow. [17:15] well, I like the idea... but hate the condescending snobbery [17:15] almost like asking a question on #Linux :) [17:15] * mclaren asked a question on SO once. never again [17:16] im sure there are a lot of good people on there [17:17] I once asked how you clear the ip resolution cache on debian, and got slammed with answers like "This isn't winblows, you don't need to clear the cache" [17:18] alkisg, I should have mentioned that ubuntu was doing fine until i forced a win10 shutdown "preparation... do not shutdown" [17:18] * rfleming finishes rant. [17:18] hello [17:18] Hey TheWild [17:19] I'm encountering a weird problem, but instead of explaining, better to paste it. [17:19] give me a while [17:19] rfleming: its a good thing this is ##linux :D [17:19] erm wait, wrong channel [17:19] its a good thing *its* ##linux [17:20] hehe [17:20] TheWild: when you're ready, paste away. Use paste.ubuntu.com [17:20] TheWild: if you have output, you can use the app pastebinit [17:21] (or is that no longer kosher here?) [17:21] I need some help to do this render correctly. https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/30d0bb20fd164210915635626fc199a8 [17:21] !paste [17:21] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:21] * nchambers personally prefers | curl -sF 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us/ [17:21] TJ-: ty [17:21] rfleming: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25904492/ [17:22] nchambers: not all of us are Mr. Fancy Pants. [17:22] skinux: #webdev or #javascript maybe? [17:22] TheWild: What are you trying to accomplish [17:23] I want to keep the /dev/sda readonly, so I won't accidentally write to it when I think of writing to /dev/sda1. [17:23] what is on sda1? [17:23] Although I get "Operation not permitted", the readonly bit gets cleared. [17:24] sda1 isn't initialized, but I typed mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda by accident. === bcowan_ is now known as bcowan [17:24] you made a partition on /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1? [17:25] furtunately not (whew) [17:25] but it should keep /dev/sda readonly [17:25] you want the partition to be read only then? [17:25] why not just change the mount options in fstab to mount it only ro? [17:26] TheWild: or remount it read only via mount -o remount,ro [17:27] TheWild: or are you wanting the not mounted device read only? [17:27] in other words: /dev/sda is the disk and it has three partitions: sda1, sda2 and sda3. sda contains a partition table which I'm not willing to write to. sda2 and sda3 already contain a filesystem and neither I want to write to it. I want only sda1 writable. [17:27] anybody had problem when upgrade ubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 ? [17:27] How to make XBell() audible? XkbBell() works but not XBell(). [17:28] TheWild: short story: not possible [17:28] It's easy to do with "blockdev --setro", but why the heck a failed (because of --setro) write attempt clears the readonly bit? [17:28] zzo38: what are you passing to xbell? [17:29] t0th_-, polling is useless, what is your issue? [17:29] nchambers: Regardless what is passed it doesn't work. [17:29] zzo38: regardless, please make a test case [17:29] TheWild: is the partition you're trying to setro already mounted? [17:29] no [17:29] nothing of sda is mounted [17:30] i wil have problems when try uodate? [17:30] upgrade [17:30] TheWild: if it isn't mounted then it isn't going to be read from or written to [17:30] t0th_-, no, usually not. [17:31] t0th_-, it is good to read the releasenotes and issues https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes/ [17:31] TheWild: I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how you'd go about making an HDD read only before mounting [17:32] TheWild: I'm guessing your trying to idiot-proof the disk so you don't accidentally blow it away? [17:32] yes, exactly! [17:33] TheWild: try hdparm [17:34] TheWild: what's in those partitions? any RAID or LVM meta-data? [17:34] TheWild: `sudo hdparm -r 1 /dev/sda` should do the trick [17:34] nchambers: OK I made a test case http://sprunge.us/CQHQ [17:34] sda1 not initialized, sda2 NTFS, sda3 NTFS [17:35] Guys does anyone know how i can get my R9380 to work with 16.04? I cant even boot into live USB or Ubuntu... my screen switches off except if i use nomodeset parameter [17:36] Since xterm is using XkbBell, the bell does work. [17:36] "xkbbell -force" also isn't audible [17:36] setting it through hdparam suffers the same problem - the bit gets cleared after failed write attempt [17:37] but I got a hint from ##linux that it might be "udev" related [17:37] sounds plausible. [17:38] thanks rfleming, TJ- [17:38] TheWild: I usually remove disks to idiot-proof them from myself. [17:38] rfleming: this one is the internal HDD so not easily removable [17:38] plus I'm going to format sda1 [17:38] How to increase scale + font size in kubuntu? [17:40] Sircle: it should be in kde system settings [17:40] TheWild: 'udev' was just my idea of somewhere that can automatically do things under the hood. I couldn't find any standard rules that would react to the read-only call though [17:41] VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting i get this error too when i try to boot with nomodeset [17:50] mclaren, it just doesn't work. (else than fonts) [17:50] has anyone here gotten any R9 or Rx series AMD GPUs working on ubuntu? [17:52] is there a command that return a positive exit code when host is not reachable? [17:54] zzo38, sudo modeprobe pcspkr === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [17:55] *modprobe pcspkr [17:55] I can access my VM fine but unable to putty from the same host [17:58] allowed ufw allow ssh [18:03] hello! [18:04] Hi [18:04] I can access my VM fine but unable to putty from the same host [18:04] https://www.dropbox.com/s/uaag704d6qnhb5p/Screenshot%202017-11-06%2023.34.21.png?dl=0 [18:05] I cannot increase font size of firefox, chromium menus and the place where I type in xchat. I have tried system settings > fonts and increased them. It affects other places but not the mentioned. Any clue? [18:05] i have broken the sound on my system, can somebody help me making it working again ? (everything seems fine but no sound is heard, nothing is muted) [18:06] ggz: What does alsamixer say? [18:07] well ended posting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1730469, graphical interface is the part of GNU/Linux I am the least comfortable with [18:07] Launchpad bug 1730469 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Display session freezes constitently on login after Win10 dual boot crash - Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,New] [18:07] alkisg ^ [18:08] I am using kubuntu [18:09] maxzor: that suggests the Win10 corrupted parts of the HDD/SSD used by Ubuntu, or else it corrupted some motherboard firmware settings [18:09] TJ-, okay, but litterally lost at which part could have been messed up [18:10] do not even know if a full SSD wipe and reinstall would solve it^ [18:10] Sircle: do u know what is your DPI [18:11] mclaren, no [18:11] Well you don't wipe an SSD, you send it an electrical signal to reset it to 0 [18:11] mclaren, how do I know? === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [18:12] xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution [18:13] ^ Sircle [18:13] mclaren, dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters) [18:13] resolution: 96x96 dots per inch [18:13] mclaren, my display is 4k laptop though but I can only get 1920 right [18:14] oh, then this may be of some use to you https://askubuntu.com/questions/808270/font-size-is-too-small-in-kubuntu-16-04-with-a-4k-display-how-to-enlarge-the-si [18:14] and you need to change the scaling factor (in your system settings, probsbly) [18:14] im new to ubuntu... my GPU is a R9380... and i am unable to boot live CD Or the installed Ubuntu without nomodeset.. [18:15] and the amdgpu-pro driver doesnt work... that also ends up in a black screen.. any help would be much appreciated [18:16] "Could not load cursor sprite. Exiting." What could be the cause of this message? http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/4667 <- full bug report [18:19] How to know my DPI? [18:19] ioria: I tried that; no effect. === beaver is now known as evilnewbie [18:20] zzo38, weird, it's very feeble btw [18:20] maxzor: Have you tried creating a new user account and logging in as that to the GUI? If that worked it'd tell you there's an isue with the current user's desktop config, rather than a system issue [18:20] maxzor: and if that fails too, that points to a system-wide issue [18:20] nice hint [18:20] zzo38, but it works here [18:20] How to know my DPI? I have 7559 inspiron [18:20] pathum, 16.04 ? [18:20] Hi all, got a question for yous! [18:22] yes ioria [18:22] Having trouble updating apache httpd, anyone able to help? [18:23] pathum, and AMDGPU-PRO not working ? [18:23] !ask|ahot [18:23] ahot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:23] ahot: updating it how ? [18:23] Ah sorry ubottu, don't usually come here [18:23] ioria, Nope [18:24] ahot, it's a bot :) [18:24] ikonia: Using apt [18:24] TJ-, but how can I configure automatic login as that new user? [18:24] ahot: what's the actual issue ? [18:24] ioria, when i use the nomodeset parameter i get this error and the system boots "VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting" [18:24] maxzor: Don't! I'd disable auto-logins whilst testing; you can re-enable it later once you've fixed the issues. [18:24] ikonia: One sec i'll copy the term output [18:25] TJ-, alright, but I mean how to disable autologin? [18:25] ahot: use a pastebin if you want to share data [18:25] pathum, lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display' and uname -r [18:25] I have a secruity question. I want to build a Ubuntu sever. The PC will be sitting at my home and will be used as network storage. In a situation where there is a robbery in the house and the theif gets access to my server, is my data safe? Assuming my root password is very strong. [18:26] ikonia: nvm, basically it's saying it couldn't find the package in the repo for hardy [18:26] ikonia: any idea why? [18:26] Zythyr: not really [18:26] lol, hardy?? [18:26] isn't hardy EOL [18:26] by a long time [18:26] ikonia: yes. [18:26] ahot: as a release goes EOL the repos are removed from the public server [18:26] ioria wait.. i will have to log in using my linux distro [18:27] ikonia What must I do to make sure my data is safe if the server is physically stolen? [18:27] Zythyr: I'd look at what the data really is first, and what really matters [18:27] maxzor: you can start the system in text-mode by intercepting the GRUB boot menu (pressing [Esc]ape at boot-time) and editing the "Ubuntu" entry by pressing 'e', navigating down to the line starting "linux ..." and adding "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" then pressing Ctrl+X to boot with that option. That will prevent the GUI starting. That allows you to log-in at a terminal, where you can disable autologin. [18:27] The add a new user "sudo adduser test". Then manually start the GUI using "sudo systemctl start lightdm.service" (or, it on 17.10, "gdm.servce") and try logging in as "test" user [18:27] ikonia: ah i see, any workaround? as this is my production server so i don't want to run out of date apache :/ [18:27] Zythyr: the only way is to encypt the disk or files you don't want to be accessed [18:28] ahot: the release is EOL - so it will always be out of date as it's totally unsupported [18:28] ahot: upgrade to a current supported ubuntu [18:28] !hardy [18:28] Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See https://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details. [18:28] ahot: your production server has been unsupported and insecure for 4 years [18:28] nacc: i have to support hardy for a client [18:29] ahot: ... why? [18:29] ahot: your client has *also* been unsupported and insecure for 4 years [18:29] ahot: tell them to upgrade, that would be a good support stance [18:29] you can't support something that is EOL [18:29] ahot, bad client, drop him or upgrade :-D [18:29] ikonia I read online that if I encrypt my /home partition, then everytime the server is rebooted, I need to physically login to get access to the data. Does this mean I can't control the server remotely using Terminal or SSH or reboot the server? [18:29] and vunerable to a log of bugs [18:29] Zythyr: there are many ways/levels to encypt [18:29] nacc: running macromatix 2, won't compile any higher [18:30] ikonia What do u mean? [18:31] Zythyr: there are a few ways to encypt disks/files/filesystems and all of them have pros/cons [18:31] ahot: so ... outdated, basically broken software on an outdated, insecure OS? [18:31] hope it's not on the internet [18:31] nacc: i get what you're saying but i see their point of view [18:31] Zythyr: encrypting the /home/ partition (full disk encryption) is a different thing to choosing an encrypted home directory (/home/$USER/) using ecryptfs. With ecrptfs /home/$USER/ is encrypted until you log-in. It works with SSH *PROVIDED* you store the SSH user credentials *OUTSIDE* /home/$USER/ - I have sshd.conf set to store them under /etc/ssh/$USER/ [18:31] ikonia: it's http server but i have secured it [18:32] ahot: you have manually patched all the CVEs in? [18:32] *CVE fixes [18:32] ahot: I doubt you've secured it against the bugs in the software [18:32] I count 8 critical CVE's against hardies apache service [18:32] but I've only glanced so it could be more [18:32] nacc: ikonia: no, but all the data is handled securely [18:32] ahot: how about move the 8.04 install into a chroot or container or virtual machine, and upgrade the host to 16.04? You could then have a proxy on the host in front of the 8.04 appache httpd to do security stuff [18:33] not sure what that means, but as long as you are happy [18:33] nick [18:33] ikonia: all the bank details go through md5 before sending to the server [18:33] ahot: wow - thats not securing it [18:33] * TJ- facepalms! MD5 is not secure [18:33] TJ-: i am concerned a bit about speed though, with vm [18:33] bank details.... [18:34] ahot: so use containers or chroot [18:34] TJ-: but chroot is not very secure, it can be broken out of [18:34] ahot: and the current install is secure? [18:34] ahot: md5 is not a secure hash, let alone encryption. And bank details? Seriously, this sounds like an incredibly insecure way to handle incredibly important data. [18:34] ahot: as has been said, 8.04 is long long long out of support. There are no upgrades. [18:35] Jordan_U: this isn't my data, it belongs to the client [18:35] I guess this is as far as the discussion goes for this channel 8.04 is out of support [18:35] Hi! [18:35] ikonia: that's fine, thanks anyway [18:35] sorry [18:35] ikonia: any workaround for the current issue though? [18:35] ahot: no, it's out of support [18:35] ahot: Is this your client's bank details or your client's client's bank details? [18:35] ahot: it's unmaintained [18:35] the workaround is to upgrade [18:36] Jordan_U: mainly both [18:36] Adobe Flash stopped worked for me recently, I really need Adobe Flash to be working again, but the flashplugin-installer package seems to be broken right now.... [18:37] ahot: to be clear, your client isn't a bank are they? [18:37] zteam: use adobe-flashplugin from the partner repository [18:37] ahot: I am not a lawer but you and your client might have a legal liability if money is taken from your client's clients either directly or via identity theft. [18:38] tgm4883: sorry but i can't divulge that [18:38] ahot: unmaintained means known security issues, which means attackers can use them to gain root access, which means they can get the data however you encrypt them. [18:38] Jordan_U: that is why it's all encrypted [18:38] ahot: wow.... [18:38] ahot: but you can divulge that your client, whatever they might be, is insecure [18:38] ahot: md5 is not encypted [18:39] alkisg: i have checked the security and it should be fine [18:39] I think this channel is done with this then [18:39] ahot: your description above implies you don't understand security, tbh. [18:39] however this is why i want to update to apache 2.2, so it is more secure overall [18:39] there is no supported release of Ubuntu with Apache 2.2 [18:39] unless you want to pay Canonical for ESM for 12.04 [18:40] ahot: forgive me for being blunt, but you coming in here asking the question that you're asking means to me that you are without a doubt the incorrect person to be saying "I have checked the security and it should be fine" [18:41] tgm4883: perhaps it sounds that way but i am the sysadmin and it shouldn't be a problem anyway [18:41] tgm4883: i have never been hacked before [18:41] that you know of [18:41] ahot: that you know of [18:41] ikonia: beat me to it ;) [18:42] TJ- thanks for the clearification [18:42] TJ- Can I PM you? [18:43] alkisg, that seems to work fine for Firefox, but I need to use Flash with Chromium (or Google Chrome), the Flash application I'm using will die instantly, as soon as I right click on it, with Firefox [18:43] Zythyr: no, it's disabled [18:44] Ioria could you tell me that command again [18:44] pathum, lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display' and uname -r [18:45] pathum, you can use pastebinit [18:45] TJ- thanks for mentioning ecryptfs. I'll read up on it [18:46] sorry didn't see if there were any replies to that, my session timed out === PickledEggs_ is now known as PickledEggs [18:46] Zythyr: Note that you can use ecryptfs on any directory you want, it doesn't need to be a home directory. You could also encrypt some directory like /my_NAS_data/ or /home/bob/bobs_nas_data . [18:47] Zythyr: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome [18:47] TJ-, did all, starting lightdm still promps my usual user and cannot input anything... (I understood lightdm is default display manager?) [18:48] ahot: replies to what? [18:48] tgm4883: "so obviously updating apache is out the question due to unsupported status, and i'm not able to upgrade for speed/security/compatibility issue, can anyone recommend a better httpd that will run on hardy that is up to date?" [18:48] ahot: nothing on hardy will be up to date [18:48] tgm4883: not sure if it sent or not i often have internet troubles here and i timed out [18:49] tgm4883: but to the gcc? [18:49] ahot, guess why :þ [18:49] Jordan_U TJ- When I encrypt a directory, can I still use basic network storage features such Samba share where I can easily access files on the server through Windows? [18:49] ioria VGA compatible controller [0300] : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ARI] Tonga PRO [Radeon R9 285/380] [1002:6939] (rev f1) [18:49] ahot: hardy is dead [18:49] ahot: there is no more discussion [18:49] pathum, uname -r [18:49] ikonia: this is why i am trying to resurrect ;) [18:50] ahot: you can't [18:50] Ioria im chatting on mobile cz the Gui on the distro is lagging i hav to be on terminal [18:50] ikonia: how many people are still running windows xp? [18:50] ahot: If you're completely unable to upgrade to a secure OS, then disconnect that box from the internet. That is literally your only secure option. If you don't like that, you have an unforutate problem with reality and you need to face it. [18:50] ahot: you're not talking about windows XP [18:50] Jordan_U: yes but then it won't be very useful as a web server haha [18:50] Zythyr: if you've unlocked the encrypted part. if you want remote access to encrypted storage you've got to arrange some (secure) method of unlocking it (providing the key) at boot/mount time. [18:50] Ioria, 4.13.11-041311-generic [18:50] pathum, aha [18:51] pathum, and you are on xenial ? [18:51] ahot: I wasn't here from the start. why can't you upgrade? [18:51] pathum, i guess wrong kernel [18:51] Ioria thats correct my friend [18:51] tgm4883, hardy 8.04 :-D [18:51] ikonia: 8.04 = 9 years old, xp = 16 years old, which has the higher market share? [18:51] ahot: thats nothing to do with anything [18:51] Ioria, I tired several kernels [18:51] ahot: ubuntu 8.04 is EOL and out of support and offtopic for this channel [18:51] TJ- Thanks. I am reading hte artcile you sent me and also this one. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ECryptfs [18:52] pathum, ls /boot [18:52] tgm4883: macromatix [18:52] This has gone far beyond support; It's not supported, we cannot help. We've provided the best advice [18:52] ahot: There are countless examples of companies losing their clients' data because they're running XP. That is a terrible example to compare to. [18:52] TJ-: ikonia: sorry but please dont be so angry i'm just trying to get help as ubuntu community is supposed to be supportive... [18:53] Zythyr: with encrypted /home/$USER/ it means when you log-out the decrypted mount is unmounted so it won't be available. [18:53] ahot, and users suppose to accept answers [18:53] Jordan_U: but i'm not running XP, i'm running hardy [18:53] ahot: no one is angry, it is however offtopic for this channel [18:53] ahot: this channel only supports supported release, 8.04 is EOL, please let it go [18:53] ikonia: okay so i will try to upgrade, is that on topic then? [18:53] pathum, you need a supported kernel [18:53] ahot: 8.04 won't upgrade to a supported release [18:54] ahot: you'll need a clean install [18:54] Ioria any ideas which? Ive tried several other different distros too [18:54] ahot: ^^^^ which is why I suggested migrating the current install into a chroot/VM/container and installing 16.04 LTS on the host and use it as a security wrapper at the very least [18:55] Ioria is it possible to use an old kernel with this.. maybe using ukuu [18:55] ikonia: the problem is that i have disabled optical and usb drives for security purposes, like i say i take security very serious, so how i can clean insatall? [18:55] pathum, is the latest (zesty hwe) or 4.4 ... check if you have one of those [18:55] ikonia: reenable USB drive, clean install, disable USB drive [18:55] I'd think only a VM will do since the architectural changes from 8.04 to 16.04 probably mean there'll be init/service issues in chroot/container [18:55] ahot: We can help you disable optical and USB drives on Ubuntu 16.04. [18:56] pathum, and why you can't use paste.ubuntu.com ? [18:56] Ioria i have tried 4.10.0-38 [18:56] Jordan_U: YES, but i need to actually get to 16.04 first! [18:56] ahot: that doesn't sound like taking security very seriously [18:56] latest HWE is 4.13 from xenial-proposed [18:56] TJ-: Running insecure software that's directly connected to the internet is still a security vulnerability. [18:56] ahot: it's up to you to get the install media booted, CD/USB/Network - your call [18:56] ahot: reenable USB drive, clean install, disable USB drive [18:56] ikonia: i can't remember how to enable [18:56] ... [18:56] TJ-, already available 4.13 for xenial ? [18:56] Jordan_U: it wouldn't be directly connected, that was my point. wrap it in a secure proxy layer [18:56] Iroia im chatting using the mobile and typing everything that i see on the screen cz the gui is very laggy [18:56] ioria: I have it installed [18:57] !eolupgrade | ahot [18:57] ahot: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [18:57] ahot: I suggest you research it [18:57] TJ-, proposed ? [18:57] ikonia: tgm4883: i think i used group policy last time but it was a long time ago, any ideas? [18:57] ahot: well being that group policy is a windows thing, I doubt it [18:57] TJ-, or automatic ? [18:57] ioria: apt list: linux-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge/xenial-security,xenial-updates,now amd64 [installed] [18:57] Jordan_U: thank you for your patronisation, but i am in fact aware of what ended life means [18:57] ioria: nolonger -proposed, in -updates [18:57] !info linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xenial [18:57] tgm4883: yes but like the linux version [18:57] linux-generic-hwe-16.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 10 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x) [18:57] ahot: ok, so now you have the answer, lets move on [18:58] ahot: The end of the factoid that I sent you has instructions for upgrading from EOL releases to supported releases. [18:58] Jordan_U: there isn't a path for 8.04 [18:58] TJ-, bot says still 4.10 ... [18:58] Jordan_U: it will fail at 11.04/11.10 (can't remember which one) [18:58] after 8.04 comes a grub update too .. [18:58] !info linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge xenial [18:58] linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge (source: linux-meta-hwe-edge): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x) [18:59] oerheks: i already have grub2 [18:59] TJ-, ho, edge... right [18:59] oerheks: wait sorry no lilo [19:00] oerheks: so shouldn't be problem [19:02] Ioria this graphics card used to work in an older build i guess 15.10 or 14 ubuntu [19:02] ahot: There are many ways to fresh install without external media as well. The easiest likely being to put the netboot kernel / initramfs files into your /boot/ and booting them. Note, I am *not* suggesting that you need to use tftpboot to load Ubuntu's installer, the netboot installer will load fine from a local disk as well, and the installer will then grab packages from the internet during install. [19:02] You can also of course replace the hardware even if all other options (of which you have many) turn out to be unfeasable. [19:03] pathum, please, but a stock kernel (4.10) [19:03] *boot [19:03] Ioria, sure doing it now [19:04] ioria: if they are saying my 8.04 is eol then i think definitely that 4.10 is eol sorry [19:04] Jordan_U: okay thanks i will try that [19:04] ahot: 8.04 = ubuntu 4th month 2008; 4.10 is referring to the linux kernel [19:05] Jordan_U: is it possible to do this without reboot? my client can't afford any downtime [19:05] lol [19:05] auronandace: all kernel starts with 2.6 [19:05] this is a wind-up. stop already! [19:05] ahot: enough now [19:05] ahot: please stop [19:05] ahot: you are trolling at this point. Please stop. [19:05] ikonia: i am trying to help [19:06] ahot: please don't try to help [19:06] ahot: you are not helping. please stop. [19:06] ahot: you must have been away from linux for a very long time [19:06] ikonia: kernel is like 2.6.929394 [19:06] * nacc suggests ops kick ahot [19:06] ahot: no more warnings - STOP [19:06] Ioria, im on 4.10 [19:07] pathum, cat /proc/cmdline [19:09] Ioria, Boot_image=/boot/vmlinuz-4.10.0-28-generic root=/dev/mapper/SolusSystem-Root ro quiet splash nomodeset vt.handoff=7 [19:11] pathum, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [19:12] How do i install php5 on ubuntu 16.04? [19:13] apt-cache search php you will see the version [19:13] Ioria, im sending u a snapshot of the output... [19:13] *diverdude [19:14] ruck: i only see php7 there [19:14] diverdude: php7.0 is the olny supported PHP on 16.04 [19:14] Mmm.. add |less [19:14] diverdude: if you want older, use an older release, or if you are willing to accept the consequences, use ondrej's ppa [19:15] apt-cache search php you will see the version |less [19:15] !paste | pathum [19:15] pathum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:16] .учше [19:16] diverdude: that's not recommended. There's PPA's but they're not officially supported. php5 has some pretty serious flaws in it. I've tried running it in ubuntu 16.04 and it got very ugly. Your best bet, if you have an application that requires 5 and won't work with 7, then I would create an ubuntu 14.04 container and run it in there. That's what I did. [19:17] oh my ficking god https://wccftech.com/intel-kaby-lake-g-series-integrated-radeon-gpus-first-benchmarks-specifications/ [19:17] ops, wrong channel. sorry [19:18] diverdude is necessary thos version ?? [19:18] alkisg, I managed to solve my issue with your help, somehow, the page that told me Adoble Flash wasn't installed got stuck in Chromiums cache [19:18] leftyfb: ugh...yeah i guess you are right...that was what i was hoping to avoid...but i guess i will have to [19:18] ruck: yes...i have to run old magento system which requires legacy php :/ [19:18] alkisg, so Big Thanks :-) [19:19] diverdude: leftyfb: to be clear, ondrej is the debian php maintainer (well, one of them) and is pretty responsive to issues. PHP5 itself being buggy would be an upstream discussion :) [19:20] nacc: that's what I meant be issues. [19:20] Ioria https://imgur.com/gallery/2C1XE [19:20] leftyfb: right, but those same issues would, presumably, exist on 14.04 :) [19:21] yep, which is why I was trying to suggest not using php5 to begin with and use 7. If it'll work with the application [19:21] pathum, 3.14 ... ? [19:21] Ok.. but leftyfb says its right [19:21] leftyfb: +1 :) [19:22] Ioria, i used ukuu to try n install an older version of the kernel to try n see if it would work [19:22] ruck: wait, what? [19:22] pathum, apt purge that kernel [19:22] Oki [19:22] sorry for not answering to the person who wanted to help me (i forgot the name), my problem is now solved, thank you! [19:22] this --> diverdude: that's not recommended. There's PPA's but they're not officially supported. php5 has some pretty serious flaws in it. I've tried running it in ubuntu 16.04 and it got very ugly. Your best bet, if you have an application that requires 5 and won't work with 7, then I would create an ubuntu 14.04 container and run it in there. That's what I did. [19:22] Hi, i'm trying to get started with ubbuntu, just installed but now it wont boot with the "error expecting 0xaa55 got 0xffff", i read things about modifying files or updating, but i cant get in (using rx470/rx580 gpu), what to do? [19:23] mmm let me see something [19:23] miner6868: " expecting 0xaa55 " sounds like an early firmware error report meaning it's reading an invalid MBR partition table === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [19:24] wii ben_r [19:24] Ioria, done, old kernel removed [19:24] this means my ssd was not formatted correctly? (i googled for it and i found rx470/rx580 related threads) [19:24] pathum, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [19:25] hi folks [19:26] miner6868: if the SSD were partitioned with MBR, then sector 0 should end with 0xaa55 as a signature that the partition table (the preceding 64 bytes) are valid. That error says they're not. [19:26] any way to check package hashes? [19:26] apt update shows 50 updates, but apt upgrade won't run, as the app, Ubuntu Software is apparently running. [19:26] Trying to install cinnamon (from universe) and getting a hash sum failure on cinnamon-common [19:26] miner6868: so either you installed in UEFI/GPT mode and have now rebooted in LegacyBIOS/MBR mode, or you've installed in a way I cannot imagine! [19:26] I checked Updates on the app, but it's just showing working, way too slow. [19:27] I'm getting the package from ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cinnamon/ [19:27] How do I kill whatever's keeping apt upgrade from working? [19:27] Sorry leftyfb I written wrong [19:27] rfleming: you could do "sudo apt-get clean" and then retry (that'll delete all the downloaded .deb packages, where the hash is detecting a corrupted file. [19:27] I mean, how do I know *what* to kill, I know *how* to kill a program. [19:27] TJ- i chose uefi for install, and now didnt specify anything so prob bios indeed, what do you recommend choose USB as install? [19:28] Ioria https://imgur.com/gallery/qAX9d [19:28] miner6868: if the system is UEFI then there should be an "Ubuntu" entry added to its boot menu. Can you see that ? [19:28] Im agree with your comment [19:28] TJ-: yeah, I went that route... and also cleaned out /var/lib/apt/lists/* [19:28] still get the hash sum mismatch [19:28] miner6868: there's usually a key like F10 you can press on most motherboards, to get to the manual boot menu selector [19:29] pathum, sudo apt full-upgrade [19:29] rfleming: then probably it's the package list files in /var/lib/apt/lists/ - try deleting those and redoing "sudo apt update" to re-fetch them [19:29] johnfg: look for dpkg running in the background... but it's most likely your system downloading security updates. [19:30] TJ-: already did [19:30] :) [19:30] TJ- in boot i have >AHCI P0(ssd_name); USB(usb_name); UEFI(usb_name); ubuntu <, i installed from usb to ssd [19:30] rfleming: so, just be patient? [19:30] rfleming: are you working through a (possibly transparent ISP proxy server) ? [19:31] miner6868: is "ubuntu" a single menu option or does it belong to the preceding "UEFI(usb_name)" [19:31] johnfg: by any chance do you have mysql running? [19:31] TJ-: I am working through a transparent proxy, but the cache has been cleared. Also, the package shows it was last modified '02 Sep 2017 17:03:39 +0000', so it should have propagated through the system. [19:32] howudodat: Nope. [19:32] TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25905187/ [19:32] TJ- no just ubuntu, it are 4 options. if i choose it i get: recovering journal so many files so many blocks clean [19:32] rfleming: hash mismatches are usually do to a bad copy in the proxy cache, or the archive mirror in the middle of being updated [19:33] Ioria https://imgur.com/gallery/bJIt3 [19:33] miner6868: "ubuntu" should be the one to choose then. Without USB mass storage devices plugged in those other entries ought to disappear [19:34] TJ- would it be better to reinstall from USB(usb_name) than from UEFI(usb_name)? [19:34] rfleming: right. Proxy problem [19:34] pathum, reboot with ther -38 kernel [19:35] Ioria, done [19:36] miner6868: no, that entry hides a major technical difference. "USB(xxx)" will install in legacy-BIOS mode. In a UEFI system always install from removable media using the UEFI(XXX) mode - you see both because the Ubuntu ISO images are hybrd - they are designed to boot in 3 types of firmware [19:36] pathum, uname -r [19:36] diverdude write this on your terminal --> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php [19:36] sudo apt-get update [19:36] TJ-: if I change mirrors, that should fix the issue correct? [19:37] rfleming: not if it's your transparent proxy causing it [19:37] If you want the version php5 [19:37] rfleming: depends I guess - is the proxy caching based on file hash or origin? [19:37] Ioria, 4.10.0-38-generic [19:37] I'm supposing origin [19:37] ruck: im installing on 14.04 insted :) [19:38] Ok... no problem [19:38] rfleming: I'd add -o=Debug::...???... option to apt to see the actual download URL then fetch that manually using 'wget' to see what is coming in. it could be a web-page saying "404 error" or something. I've seen that many times with proxies [19:38] The system/network for the upgrades must have been really slow. The updates finally showed up in the Ubuntu Software Updates. [19:39] rfleming: I think it's "sudo apt -o= Debug::Acquire::http=1 install ..." [19:39] rfleming: oops, no sapce! I think it's "sudo apt -o=Debug::Acquire::http=1 install ..." [19:40] johnfg: does ps -axf tell you where it might be hung up? [19:41] howudodat: It was what I thought, it was the automatic updates running, and it was just real slow. [19:41] pathum, ok, you need to remove nomodeset from /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub [19:41] Ioria, ok will do [19:41] brb [19:41] I don't have anything automatic running on my debian machines, so not used to letting it be done automatically. [19:42] Ioria, but if i do that it will not boot, my screen turns off at boot without nomodeset [19:42] Thanks for the help and suggestions! [19:42] TJ-: X-Cache: MISS from proxy [19:43] X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from proxy [19:43] rfleming: ok, is it showing the actual URL for the packages with that option as well? [19:43] pathum, officially your card is supported by the opensource amdgpu [19:44] pathum, if not, we need to find out why [19:44] Ioria, i have tried the driver and that too results in a black screen [19:44] TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25905337/ [19:44] having a difficulty installing 17.04 on top of 15.04. My 15.04 installation is set to UEFI, and my part table looks like: /dev/sda1 fat32 /boot/efi flags:boot,esp /dev/sda2 ext4 / /dev/sda3 is swap. when I boot my bios boot menu gives me 2 UEFI sources, ubuntu (existing install) and UEFI: SanDisk...I go through the install steps and get this error [19:44] The partition table format in use on your disks normally requires you to create a separate partition for boot loader code. This partition should be marked for use as a "Reserved BIOS boot area" and should be at least 1 MB in size. Note that this is not the same as a partition mounted on /boot. [19:44] however that error usually fires when you are trying to install in legacy bios mode. Is it possible the USB is trying to boot UEFI, cant , so it falls back to legacy BIOS? [19:44] howudodat: 17.04 on top of 15.04? [19:45] howudodat: 15.04 is eol, you need to eol upgrade to 16.04 or reinstall [19:46] Ioria the amdgpu opensource drive worked sometime back but now it doesnt for some reason... [19:46] nacc: yes I have 17.04 on a USB and I am trying to just do a simple install onto my exisiting hard drive [19:47] rfleming: I wget-ed that file and the sha256 matches. what happened if you do that? "pushd /tmp; wget http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cinnamon/cinnamon-common_3.4.6-1_all.deb; sha256sum cinnamon-common_3.4.6-1_all.deb; popd" [19:48] it appears that for some reason everytime I boot my usb even though I choose the uefi option it fallsback to legacy [19:48] howudodat: ok, so 15.04 is a red herring (afaict). Yes, it's possible that you are in legacy mode, I suppose. [19:48] TJ-: Closed at byte 0, retrying. [19:49] rfleming: so, you've a proxy issue somewhere. try going direct. [19:49] rfleming: is there an upstream proxy, maybe the ISP? I've seen this many times with cellular links [19:50] Ioria do yo think i should maybe do a new installation of the whole system (not a problem for me) and then we can try again maybe? [19:50] I'm on a 250 fibre link, not cellular... so I don't think that's the issue. I'll try a different mirror and see what happens. [19:50] nacc: yes the 15.04 is a red herring. it's clear the USB is booting in legacy even though I chose UEFI: https://imgur.com/a/rRTlx [19:50] rfleming: there was one a few months ago with a cellular ISP forcing gzip compression on all files but not setting the correct HTTP response header. In the end we had to install thr apt-transport-tor backend and change the source.list to use tor+http protocol to get around it [19:51] rfleming: well, I pulled the file from that mirror and the hash was correct so it's something in your connection. If you're operating a proxy, then I'd suspect it [19:51] TJ-: it's weird because it's only 1 file [19:51] the Ubuntu interface is bit inconvenient in one little detail, I just noticed yesterday. When one window is focused and not maximized and right behind it there's maximized window, I don't see a way to minimize the maximized window in one click. [19:51] I downloaded 1200 files on that install, and it's just this one :) [19:51] What if I'm watching a video and mom comes in? ;D [19:52] rfleming: are you triple-sure that file isn't in the cache hiding from you? [19:53] TJ-: can anyone ever be really sure? :) I'll check again. [19:53] rfleming: if you got a bad response using wget that really says there's a proxy config issue [19:54] rfleming: try disabling the transparent proxy firewall rule temporarily [19:54] pathum, your call, my friend [19:54] TJ-: too complicated on an organizational level... as in too much paperwork and signatures required. [19:55] rfleming: how about if I put that file on my server and you fetch it with wget, see what you get? [19:55] TJ-: because 'risk averse' [19:55] Ioria hehe... No worries... Ill do it. Im dual booting into a windows system so no issues. I'll get back to you soon [19:55] TJ-: Tried pushd /tmp; wget http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cinnamon/cinnamon-common_3.4.6-1_all.deb; sha256sum cinnamon-common_3.4.6-1_all.deb; popd [19:55] same problem [19:55] pathum, ok [19:55] I'm getting the entire cache flushed [19:55] Ioria thank you for taking the time to help me btw. Im new to all this [19:56] pathum, no problem (first rule: do not install random kernels) [19:56] rfleming: try "wget http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/cinnamon-common_3.4.6-1_all.deb" and check it's sha256sum [19:56] TJ-: cache flushed and now I'm fixed [19:56] holy cow... stupid proxies [19:56] rfleming: aha, thought so [19:57] pathum, and encryption for new people can be a problem [19:57] Ioria, after a week of googling and trying out different distros, i was out of options buddy... Desperate times yo [19:57] * rfleming hands TJ- $1,000,000 virtual dollars (of zero real world value) as a token of his appreciation [19:57] pathum, right [19:57] rfleming: :) [19:58] rfleming: the way I sometimes work around that is to open up another port rather than 80 for HTTP so clients can avoid the transparent proxy redirect [19:59] hey yeah! [19:59] I can redirect through https. [19:59] Ioria, what do u recommend for creating ubuntu bootable usbs [20:00] Ioria, Rufus or universal usb creator [20:00] pathum, rufus [20:00] so I'm trying to install android studio using umake and it's asking me to choose an installation path. Should it be this: "/home/linux/.local/share/umake/android/android-studio"? [20:00] royal_screwup21: are you the only user that'll use it? [20:00] yup [20:00] then sure [20:00] pathum, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver#Supported_hardware [20:01] royal_screwup21: otherwise you'll want to put it somewhere globally accessible. [20:01] I mean, what does it mean? That every time I want to open up android studio on the terminal, I'll have to go ~/umake/android to access android-stuido? [20:01] should make a menu item, no? [20:02] ah okay yeah I'll do that [20:02] but it basically means that if I want to access android from the terminal, I'll have to go to: /home/linux/.local/share/umake/android/android-studio? [20:03] make a launcher? https://askubuntu.com/questions/589615/creating-an-application-launcher-icon-for-android-studio [20:03] Ioria, ok so i havent been searching properly :) .. this is good information, thanks.. i did however try the hwe stack i THINK [20:03] pathum, sure [20:04] Ioria, i got an iso of 16.04.3... u recon that'll be good eh? [20:05] pathum, you can dwnl again the iso or install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 [20:05] Ioria, ill do a fresh one [20:05] oerheks: according to this, it'll come with a desktop launcher...funny thing is, not once did I see a SO answer that said to umake to install android studio [20:06] welp! Go to all that effort only for more problems :) [20:06] pathum, 16.04.3 is ok [20:06] Ioria, ok my friend.. creating the live usb. Here goes [20:07] Ioria, btw the live usb too has to be booted with nomodeset [20:07] pathum, i see [20:07] rfleming: I just ran the command and so far it looks like it's stuck at "downloading and installing requirements", although I can hear the background humming so it might be working? Only time will tell [20:08] pathum, not a good sign :( [20:08] Ioria, yeah thats why im worried :( [20:09] Ioria probably i should stick to something like 14.04 i guess [20:09] pathum, nope === Randy_ is now known as Randy [20:10] pathum, go ahead with nomodeset [20:10] royal_screwup21: You'll have to see [20:10] is there a way to check if a command is actually running in the background? I've run a downloading command and I'm not sure if it's running or is stuck [20:10] * rfleming dislikes packages that don't show progress [20:11] royal_screwup21: you can check disk utilization === JanC is now known as Guest24940 [20:12] Ioria, should i opt to install updates and third party software or not [20:13] pathum, yes, and do not select encryption [20:13] Ioria, i never select encryption... That stuff can get messed up haha [20:13] pathum, you did [20:14] Ioria, :| [20:14] pathum, or lvm (don't remember) [20:15] pathum, root=/dev/mapper/SolusSystem-Root [20:16] Ioria yeah that was cz i tried solus [20:16] pathum, what is solus ? [20:16] Ioria, anyways ure the expert my friend, i guess i mustve messed up [20:16] ioria: https://solus-project.com/ [20:16] nacc, thanx [20:17] ioria: (not ubuntu :) [20:17] Ioria solus linux.. another distro [20:17] Ioria yep not ubuntu hehe [20:17] pathum, are you kidding mate ? [20:17] Ioria buddy im a total noob to all this [20:18] pathum, ubuntu is ubuntu and is great .... don't adulterate [20:18] What is solas? [20:19] Ioria, i tried it cz i wanted to get the drivers working... Never neve.. ive been a loyal fan since dapper [20:19] pathum, it's ok [20:20] Ioria, i remember the times when i used to wait for the free ubuntu cds to be delivered in mail [20:20] pathum, that's cute [20:21] it's kinda sad they don't do the cd's anymore. I know nobody really uses them anymore, but there was something about the physical media with the art [20:22] Leftyfb true that... It kinda had the whole ubuntu spirit wrapped around it... Specially for most of us from 3rd world countries [20:23] Help the Ubuntu USB is not booting [20:23] I miss the LoCo days .. the release parties, the installfests, etc [20:23] It just shows a screen with text on it [20:23] shiro`: what does the text say? Where did you get the "ubuntu usb"? [20:23] From the internet [20:24] shiro`, let's hear some word from that 'text' [20:24] Ioria this is the first time in my life im using the irc support channel ... I hope im not being a major pain [20:24] "the internet", ah, that narrows it down [20:24] It says firmware bug TSC deadline disabled due to errata please update microcode to version 0x52 and then oh [20:25] pathum, nope, this is the support channel [20:25] A bunch more text showed up so it went away [20:25] I'll just take a picture [20:26] Oh it booted [20:26] Is it safe to install? [20:26] shiro`, be risky [20:27] Ioria, ok probably someone up there doesnt want this to get fixed today.. Guess what, there's a power cut... I'll come tmrw.. it's past 2am here and i gotta get to work tmrw [20:27] pathum, no problem [20:27] Wtf [20:27] Ioria... Thank you so much for being nice and trying to help me out [20:27] Is this gnome? [20:28] pathum, you're welcome [20:28] shiro`: I would download a fresh iso from ubuntu.com and load it onto that usb drive you got there. [20:28] That's what I did [20:28] shiro`, we don't know what exactly are you booting ... [20:28] If I encrypt it will it slow down? [20:28] If I have a solid drive? [20:28] shiro`, nope [20:29] shiro`, 16.04, 17.10 ... what ? [20:29] It did that it doesn't run something on it though [20:29] It's gnome version [20:29] It looks bad [20:29] shiro`, mate ? [20:29] It has a bar at the top and it says Monday 20:28 [20:30] shiro`, open a terminal and cat /etcv/issue [20:30] shiro`, open a terminal and cat /etc/issue [20:31] It says Ubuntu 17.10 \n \l [20:31] gnome [20:31] On my machine chromium-browser won't start up. Or rather I can start it fom the command line and it takes forever. Anyone know what is causing this? [20:31] shiro`, you want unity ? [20:32] I want it to look good [20:32] shiro`, ahahha [20:32] Younder: try: sudo apt-get remove dbus-user-sessio [20:32] Younder: try: sudo apt-get remove dbus-user-session [20:32] shiro`, try budgie [20:32] There's not enough buttons on that one [20:33] lol [20:33] shiro`: try a bunch of different OS/Desktops until you find one you like then [20:33] Is there one like unity that's not purple? [20:34] leftyfb, I tried it but I still have the same problem. [20:34] shiro`, the Purple Heart ? [20:34] No I don't want people [20:34] People [20:34] Purple [20:34] shiro`: have you thought about changing the background? [20:35] The buttons are still purple [20:35] Is there a way to install unity? [20:35] sure [20:35] Even though it got banned [20:35] !info unity-session [20:35] unity-session (source: gnome-session): Unity session, previous ubuntu default experience.. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.26.1-0ubuntu6 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 54 kB [20:36] But it's dead [20:36] maybe [20:36] Someone said it's dead [20:36] then why do you want to install it ? [20:36] if thats what you think ? [20:36] I don't like the gnomes [20:36] then install it [20:37] The bar at the top is too fat [20:37] shiro`: why not try ubuntu classic? [20:37] ok, install unity then if thats what you like [20:37] What is that? [20:37] I want a way to make it green [20:38] shiro`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os_my6GJIH4 [20:39] Why did they use gnomes instead of Manjaro? [20:39] <_qop> Gnomes instead of Manjaro? [20:39] Woah [20:40] How did they make it so big in that video [20:40] <_qop> I dunno what are you talking about [20:40] <_qop> Gnome is GUI [20:41] The writing prompt went really big [20:41] <_qop> Manjaro is a distro [20:41] Oh I mean the rat one [20:41] How do I get it to stop spinning? [20:42] I clicked install now but it won't stop spinning [20:42] HI [20:42] WHATS up folks [20:43] It's not stop spinning [20:43] yayo [20:43] lmao what are you talkign about [20:43] I clicked install now [20:43] And the mouse icon won't stop spinning [20:43] shiro`, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics) [20:43] dude stfu your a big nerd [20:44] yayo folks [20:44] I want it to install but it's just spinning please help me [20:45] Hello. [20:45] Middle mouse button is not pasting the selected text. How do I get it to behave in 17.10 the way it did before? [20:45] I read in a book that you need to right click and then click on the paste button on the menu that will pop up [20:46] Yeah, that's what I hate. [20:46] ✿ hello ❀ [20:46] I want to select in one window and click and paste in another without copy/paste menu or keyboard [20:46] Is it supposed to be spinning? [20:46] Oh [20:46] It stopped [20:46] I have "Middle Click Paste" on in tweaks [20:46] I'm feeling shaky [20:47] Delimia: what can we do for you? [20:47] It's not working very fast [20:47] Why is it so slow? [20:48] Origin n j you need to create a mouse bindings [20:48] What are you running on? A CD rom is epically slow by todays standards.. [20:48] To make it do the paste when you click it [20:48] It's running off of a blue USB drive [20:49] <_qop> USB 1? [20:49] It's a USB drive [20:49] lsusb gives you the number [20:49] shiro`: for the past many years (even before unity) that was the default behavior. Now it's changed :( [20:50] It says bus id 1d6 b Linux foundation [20:50] You need to tell it to go back to the other thing then [20:51] Yeah, trying to. Just don't know how. [20:51] I suspect it's wayland that's the problem. [20:51] You just need to open up the mouse bindings settings window [20:53] There's a Devices->Mouse & Trackpad. Doesn't have what I need. [20:54] You need to create a keyboard binding so that the button you want runs the paste command [20:54] It's not available in settings or in tweaks. Any other way? [20:55] I'm sorry I don't have a mouse [20:55] What do you use? Trackpad? [20:56] A finger plate [21:04] is .bash_profile run when I start the computer? [21:05] No. when you log in [21:06] how do I get a command to run when the computer starts? [21:06] hi all [21:07] hi greyline [21:07] my Ubuntu 16.04 can't boot. it says error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. [21:07] Old way is /etc/init.d [21:07] new way is systemd, but more complicated. [21:08] luxio: cron would work [21:08] I tried to solve this with grub rescue commands a few week ago, without success [21:08] luxio: what are you trying to do? [21:08] maybe there're a few bad sectors, or I don't know what can be the problem [21:08] is there a way to "cover" the bad sectors and format the whole hdd? [21:08] greyline: https://askubuntu.com/a/397520 [21:09] learning systemd is a chore, but worthwhile. Like find or awk [21:09] tgm4883: I'm trying to use google-drive-ocamlfuse to mount a folder in my home directory as my google drive [21:09] luxio: yeah, I did those commands [21:09] already [21:09] luxio: just I don't remember what was the result, but the problem still occurs [21:10] so when my computer starts I want to run google-drive-ocamlfuse /home/user/Google\ Drive [21:12] I have a website that has been getting slow sporadically for a month now, I'm trying to find out why. today while spamming 'netstat -n | grep :443 |wc -l' a few times, I see it going from 30 to 4k in a matter of seconds and drops back down [21:13] is it safe to assume it's a ddos? or could it be something legitimate? [21:13] I'm not a server person by any means, I'm a dev [21:21] ok, this imagemagic stuff is getting tiresome, it's like sendmail and BIND in the 90s/00s [21:21] any way of ripping it out without triggering dependency-hell? [21:30] you run a website for months and don't do access logs? [21:30] we have access logs MrElendig [21:31] our traffic is high everyday, the slow is sporadic, from fast to slow in minutes and slow to fast in minutes, some days there are no slows etc but our number usually stay the same [21:31] around 3mil request a day, 10-15k unique a day [21:34] just graph the logs instead of spamming netstat then :p [21:34] hello. I don't know how i have done it but now, in jackdbus, i need to connect my sound applications to system/playback_3 and 4 instead of system/playback_1 and 2 to send audio to speakers. do you know how to change it to 1 and 2 like before ? [21:35] i don't know how to search between pulseaudio alsa and jack [21:35] ggz: you can manage the connections with qjackctl or catia [21:37] akik: yes but everything is connected to playback_1 and 2 by default, event pulseaudio jack-sink, but now, no sound is outputed, i need to connect manually everything to playback_3 and 4. I want my speakers to go back to playback_1 and 2, but i don't understand where theses "playback_x" come from [21:39] for some reason my system lacks the compress command [21:40] https://imgur.com/a/W2omB MrElendig [21:41] bad link https://imgur.com/a/rS9af MrElendig [21:41] ggz: sorry :( [21:42] ggz: until you figure out what those _3 and _4 are, you could use a cli jackd client to make the correct connections automatically [21:42] https://imgur.com/a/PGguU MrElendig [21:44] FManTropyx: sudo apt install ncompress [21:45] thanks! [21:46] anyone know how to prevent network manager from periodically scanning the wifi adapter for nodes? It interrupts the working of a connected device. [21:48] is there a way to graphically change shells? I tried to change my default shell and now I cant get to the shell. [21:52] akik: ok i figured out something! there is two rows of output on my sound card, i tried to plug the speakers on the other row, and this work! so somehow i (or an update ?) changed the order in the driver or somewhere [21:52] Ricardus: How did you change your shell? see if you get a shell with alt+f2 -> gnome-terminal -- bash [21:53] geirha, I think I'm an idiot. I added what I thoguht was a shell to my etc/shells file and chaged to it with chsh, but now when it tries to open a shell I just see a bunch of shells opening and closing [21:54] ggz: i only use jackd on one machine which uses midi connections. i'm not so well familiar with it [21:55] akik: ok thanks anyway, the problem is somehow solved event if I don't understand what happened :p [21:56] im facing a pae problem with the kernel on a computer im trying to get to run ubuntu. ive tried lubuntu but that also does not work. can anyone offer recomendations? or where i can find a list to help? [21:56] https://askubuntu.com/a/398808 [21:57] how much space should I left for the 2. point, and the 3. point in a 1 tb hdd? [21:57] whitebeast: do you mean you need to use the forcepae kernel parameter? [21:58] akik yes. but i dont want to force it unless i have to. is there an option to just use something with a diffrent kernal? [21:58] whitebeast: why don't you want to use it? [21:59] honestly.. inexperience. big bold letters come up and say ( use at your own risk ) it implys risk im not sure what that risk is but ..... [21:59] whitebeast: the point of "forcepae" is to use it when the CPU itself doesn't declare it in it's feature flags, even though the CPU supports PAE [22:01] whitebeast: CPUs declare to the kernel what features they support through registers with each bit indicating presence (or absence) or a feature. Some older CPUs have all the PAE functionality but don't set the PAE bit. "forcepae" simply tells the kernel to assume its there and use it. [22:01] will that neglect any normal features? [22:02] whitebeast: no, it'll simply make the CPU do what it is designed to do - work! [22:02] ok thank you === mundus2018 is now known as mundus [22:03] somebody? === littlebit1 is now known as littlebit [22:06] TJ-: why does ubuntu require that flag even though the machine only has 1 or 2 gigs of ram= [22:09] somebody? [22:12] akik: because the kernels are built with PAE as a requirement, so any CPU without it will cause the kernel to fail to start [22:13] akik: the details in the help page explain the technical background [22:13] !pae [22:13] Ubuntu provides only PAE-enabled kernels for 32-bit systems now. Some older CPUs may have issues with it. For more info and troubleshooting, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE [22:13] all unicode text characters are replaced by squares like this: □ when I browse for a file in ubuntu. Someone from the channel for the app i was using recommended I install more fonts, which I did with no success. At a bit of a loss, hoping someone here can help. [22:13] the application is byteball [22:13] boot1: you mean with a GUI file-manager? [22:14] TK: in byteball when I browse to restore or backup a file [22:14] not a common application [22:14] when I use it the text is fine, its just when I browse [22:14] boot1: it sounds as if the sytem's locale is wrong; what does "pastebinit <( locale )" show us [22:15] pastebinit is not installed [22:16] !paste | boot1 [22:16] boot1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [22:17] I just installed pastebinit, i don't know what it is, noob here [22:17] boot1: in a terminal run the command: "pastebinit <( locale )" then give us the URL to the pastebin web page [22:18] boot1: it captures output from commands and automatically posts them to a pastebin web-site where we can view it [22:18] getting it now [22:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25906160/ [22:19] boot1: OK, that's fine. It must be the program you're using [22:20] works fine until I browse [22:20] boot1: I don't find any sign of 'byteball' in the Ubuntu archives [22:20] who was helping me a moment ago? [22:21] "choose file" [22:21] is it possible fonts are missing that the application uses? [22:21] Ricardus: It looks like someone with the nick "geirha" [22:22] euxneks, thanks [22:22] geirha, I solved it. I created another user acct with admin privs and just went in and changed the shell of the other user with admin privs [22:22] Good day everyone! [22:23] boot1: I have no idea; I've never heard of that application [22:25] TJ: thanks for helping anyhow [22:26] i'm setting up a minidlna server on my ubuntu machine, but it refuses to read the files, even setting the folder owner to the minidlana user and setting 755 permissions [22:27] TJ: is there a simple way to uninstall an application or am I reliant upon the uninstaller the developer included/did not include? [22:27] the curious thing is yestarday it was working using an ACL but today after erbooted the machine is not working anymore [22:28] *rebooted [22:28] boot1: if the application wasn't installed via the package manager then it's up to the application to provide an uninstaller [22:28] somebody? [22:28] OK, now that I unscrewed up , what I scrrewed up, how do I get a shell like Terminology to come up by default when I type CRTL-ALT-T ? [22:28] repeat the issue every ten minutes or so greyline [22:29] DGUERRERO: does the process have directory-traversal permissions to the directory from / ? [22:29] Ricardus: What desktop environment? [22:29] bazhang: https://askubuntu.com/a/398808 how much space should I left for the 2. point, and the 3. point in a 1 tb hdd? [22:31] Ricardus: Find the settings menu of your desktop environment and search for keyboard. There should be a menu for switching keyboard shortcuts. [22:33] TJ.: yes sir, not only with regular permissions, also with an ACL, and still all folders are set as 0755 [22:37] DGUERRERO: are you getting error messages? if so, can you pastebin them for us? [22:39] can I install any application via the package manager? [22:40] boot1, if the repos are recognized by it [22:40] what package were you looking to install boot1 [22:41] i was just curious how it worked, I installed a lot of applications, new setup, and some of them are not working or I found a better product and would like to uninstall them [22:42] boot1, found a better 'product' where [22:42] found a better VPN [22:42] now I have the old vpn installed and I dont know how to remove it [22:43] one example [22:43] boot1, so you were using openvpn [22:43] no, some propriatry software [22:43] actually using openvpn now [22:43] as the replacement [22:43] 3rd party stuff is for you to support and track boot1 [22:44] would I be able to install that via the package manager? [22:45] boot1, openvpn? or the 3rd party [22:45] 3rd party apps [22:45] i guess not.. [22:46] boot1, check with them on how to [22:46] going too [22:47] thank you for your help [22:48] TJ-: the noticeable one is "error: Media directory not accessible [Permission denied]" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25906304/ [22:50] and trying to run "minidlanad -d" returns a segmentation fault [22:52] DGUERRERO: can you show us "pastebinit <( find /dlna -type d -ls )" [22:55] does anyone know why solid colors on wayland show this peculiar heterogeneous texture, instead of being uniform solid background colors? [22:56] i mean, when you pick a solid color as background or at the login screen [23:11] hey there guys - anyone have a minute to help me get ubcd to work with my pxe server? [23:12] I've added it to my menu, but i can't get it to boot - no errors, just goes back to the previous menu before i selected to boot to it [23:14] shazbotmcnasty: so you do see it on the pxe menu? [23:18] my problem: I installed Ubuntu 16.04 in default mode. I got this error: https://askubuntu.com/a/398808 Did the steps in that post, because in the accepted answer, the "grub rescue > insmod normal" step gave me the same error. But after the reinstall I got "Operating system not found" error. What to do now? Is the HDD dead? can I do anything with that? [23:19] unlikely [23:21] MrElendig: can I test that with something? what counts/removes the bad sectors, maybe? [23:21] MrElendig: I mean hides them [23:21] greyline: don't jump to conclusions [23:21] MrElendig: I want to see with an external app if this is really a dead hdd or not [23:21] MrElendig: so what to do? [23:22] you could smartctl the drive, but probably a waste of time [23:22] reinstalling/reconfiguring grub is most likely a better first action to take [23:22] MrElendig: grub was not installed again, when I reformatted the whole HDD? [23:23] what kind of disk is this btw? [23:23] helo [23:23] MrElendig: 1 tb 2.5" hdd, but I don't know the exact type right now [23:23] MrElendig: Toshiba I think [23:23] i have qustion plesae [23:24] which mode is the controller in? [23:24] MrElendig: controller? mode? [23:24] the ide/sata controller [23:25] MrElendig: I check that in the BIOS [23:25] greyline: is the sytem at the grub rescue> or grub> prompt right now/ [23:25] nacc: yes I do [23:26] TJ-: no... it's the default "window", where no operation system is loaded. I think it's the BIOS [23:26] TJ-: that told me Operating system not found [23:26] TJ-: (BIOS is that first window?) [23:27] nacc: here's the menu entry for it https://pastebin.com/raw/gWd5cQe4 [23:28] greyline: ahhh, OK. What that suggests is the PC is booting in BIOS mode and it cannot find the boot-manager's bootstrap code in the first sector of the boot device. Does the PC have more than one mass storage device (HDD/SSD/USB) ? [23:28] TJ-: right now it doesn't have any pendrive or external hdd plugged in [23:28] TJ-: it should be booted from the HDD itself [23:29] TJ-: that's the second boot device [23:29] greyline: OK, so we're dealing with a single drive - that helps because this issue can happen if the wrong device is being probed [23:29] TJ-: the first was the disc, of course [23:29] greyline: 'disc' being a CD-ROM ? [23:29] TJ-: right. The Live CD [23:30] TJ-: but obviously I removed that after the installation [23:30] greyline: OK. When you did the Ubuntu install were other hard disks/USB mass storage devices attached? [23:30] TJ-: nope [23:30] greyline: I'm trying to determine if the installer could have written the bootstrap code to the wrong device [23:30] greyline: That's good :) [23:31] greyline: OK, first, you're going to need to start the PC from the LiveCD once more and select the "Try Ubuntu" option so you can get to a desktop where we can use some tools to investigate and hopefully fix it [23:31] TJ-: I wonder why the installer didn't gave me error message or something [23:31] greyline: what's the make/model of the PC? [23:31] TJ-: Fujitsu Esprimo Mobile V6535 [23:31] shazbotmcnasty: then i'd check the pxe server logs, probably one of the files you are trying to load is failing [23:32] greyline: I'm wondering if it may have installed in UEFI mode but is now trying to boot in Legacy BIOS mode [23:32] greyline: do you know if the PC firmware is UEFI? [23:32] nacc: hmmm lol uhh where would i find that? [23:33] TJ-: Windows 10 was never installed into this notebook. I think UEFI didn't exist in this notebook's time [23:33] TJ-: so I think it's not UEFI [23:33] shazbotmcnasty: what is the pxe server? ubuntu? [23:33] TJ-: although I'm not sure. [23:33] greyline: right, checking the web it seems it is BIOS only. [23:33] TJ-: yeah [23:33] yeah running ubuntu mate 16.04 [23:34] greyline: apparently has a Phoenix BIOS [23:34] with ERPXE [23:34] TJ-: should I check anything, or can I reboot into live cd now? [23:34] greyline: OK, so boot the PC from the LiveCD and do "Try Ubuntu" [23:34] shazbotmcnasty: probably syslog [23:35] shazbotmcnasty: i don't know anything about erpxe, i guess it alos might have it's own log, check /var/log [23:36] shazbotmcnasty: also, you've pxe booted other things, i assume? [23:36] yeah [23:36] shazbotmcnasty: what is ubcd? [23:37] ultimate boot cd [23:37] it's for diagnosing/fixing computers [23:37] i'm setting this pxe server up with tools to assist with repairshop work [23:38] shazbotmcnasty: feels like you should knnow how to debug pxe boot failures then n:) [23:38] I've got a bunch of stuff in there, but for some reason i can't figure this one out. Checking syslog now [23:39] lol thanks [23:39] yeah i wish [23:39] TJ-: now it seems it doesn't even want to load the BIOS itself O.o weird [23:39] TJ-: maybe now the live cd is not spinning up [23:39] TJ-: I try to restart this [23:40] greyline: hmmm. try a complete power off cold boot [23:51] TJ-: well, suddenly it just doesn't want to load the Live CD at all... it doesn't even spin up the disk [23:51] TJ-: previously it worked perfectly... [23:51] greyline: is the battery removable? if so, power down and remove it for a minute or so [23:52] TJ-: I know that can solve things, but right now it doesn't have any battery [23:53] greyline: hmmm, and it normally will work without one (on external supply only) [23:53] TJ-: I wait for cooling down a bit [23:53] TJ-: it should [23:55] TJ-: oh, another situation [23:55] TJ-: also removed the power supply cable, placed back after a few seconds [23:55] TJ-: now it writes me error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. [23:57] greyline: well, that's progress, it means GRUB has partially started. do you have a rescue > prompt? [23:57] yes [23:57] TJ-: although it's weird, the live cd should have started, not the hdd, but okay, dear weird notebook [23:58] greyline: ok, type "set" and take a look at the environmental variables it reports - tell us what prefix= and root= show [23:58] greyline: probably the HDD is first in the boot order by default, especially if all power was lost [23:58] TJ-: cmdpath=(hd0) [23:59] TJ-: prefix=(hd0, msdos1)/boot/grub [23:59] TJ-: root=hd0, msdos1 [23:59] that's all [23:59] greyline: thanks, they look good. now try "ls $prefix/"