
ivychendxubuntu 1404 login succedd first time after startup, but when I use switch user to login with normal user(not root or guest-session), it flashes and then backs to login interface.02:10
xubuntu01win gparted, why does my encrypted hdd show up as almost completely used?02:40
xubuntu01wbut it is actually nearly empty space02:41
xubuntu01w*nearly all unused space02:41
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mastahello guys11:11
xubuntu07iSOU NOVO AQUI12:17
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ImmortalIts night here17:19
Immortalinstalling my XUBUNTU Desktop17:19
xubuntu19dsudo apt-get install transformice19:19
HerrJensengood evening @all20:50
HerrJensenI need help with the latest Xubuntu installed on an old Dell Inspiron mini. During boot up the OS freezes and nothing happens. How to check for the reason? I'm new to Xubuntu20:52
well_laid_lawndid you check that the iso was burnt properly?20:57
HerrJensenthe first 2 or 3 times it booted as expected. Since that I have the problem. Also a new installation had no success.20:58
HerrJensenI used a jump drive.20:59
well_laid_lawnthat sounds to me like it is a hardware issue. More that likely memory21:02
HerrJensennow i saw "ACPI Error: [CAPB]  Namespace looku failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS21:06
HerrJensenI run Memtest now21:07
well_laid_lawnthat sounds like a good idea21:09
vinzvHerrJensen: just a quick guess. as the inspiron mini doesn't support 64 bit - did you install xubuntu 32 bit?21:20
HerrJensenyes 32 bit21:22
vinzvokay. is this acpi error the only message occurring? pressing ESC during boot might show you the boot messages.21:25
HerrJensenafter the memtest I'll try a new boot21:26
HerrJensencomplete no errors21:28
HerrJensenACPI Error Method parse/execution failed [\_SB.PCI0._OSC]21:31
HerrJensenStarting Accounts Service..21:31
HerrJensenSince that nothing happens21:31
vinzv"Starting Accounts Service" is the last message shown after the system boot completed.21:37
vinzvdid you try switching with ctrl+alt+f721:38
vinzvor go to first tty with ctrl+alt+f121:39
vinzvand see if there are either some messages or at least a text based login prompt21:39
HerrJensenas soon as I see XUBUNTU and the load ring it freezes. When to press the keys?21:44
HerrJensenwhen booting with option "upstart" It asks for a login in "DOS"21:49
vinzvpress the keys while the loading ring spins21:52
vinzvnot sure though what that "upstart" option is21:53
HerrJensensince the first time it freezed I get a boot menu where I can select "Ubuntu" or "Ubuntu with options" or "memtest"21:56
vinzvthat "ubuntu" option is the right one22:00
HerrJensenpressing any of the key combinations mentioned it goes back to text and stays there22:01
vinzvmeanwhile i read about that ACPI errors and found out that they are ignorable22:03
vinzvso that's not the root of your problem22:03
vinzvyou could try going with "ubuntu with options" and then selecting the rescue mode22:04
vinzvhere's some info on that: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Recovery-Modus/22:04
HerrJensenOT: usually I'm the root of my problems ;-)22:05
vinzvmaybe the rescue mode helps getting back to your system22:05
vinzvand afterwards to check if there are any logged errors22:06
vinzvin addition to that asking at ubuntuusers.de forum might help22:07
vinzvpeople there are kinda nice and maybe more helpful than i am :s22:07
HerrJensenI'll try that thanks for your help so far.22:09
HerrJensenIt freezes during fsck22:09
HerrJensenI'll continue tomorrow. Too tired. Thanks @all for your help.22:10

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