
[Kid]if i am using MAAS as a cloud provider and doing a juju deploy with a bundle YAML, why would it not spin up all the machines it needs? i.e. i have 8 machines available and "Ready" state in MAAS, but it only allocates 4 and then says pending on the others.02:57
[Kid]no constriants either02:57
bdx[Kid]: if you are deploying > 1 of an application juju will try to spread out the unit across zones02:59
bdxif all your nodes are in the same zone03:00
bdxit can cause issues03:00
bdxif all nodes in the same zone03:00
bdx[Kid]: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25905242/ <- what I do to get multiple units of something in the same zone03:03
bdxI feel like its kind of a hack though03:03
bdxI think others do too03:03
sirajunable to remove a service using juju remove-service <service-name> or by juju remove-unit or even removing a machine by juju remove-machine command. Even i deleted container still juju show-status display associated machine, application05:21
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
Dwellrmorning all =)12:44
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
Dwellranyone know a little more about "snap set kube-apiserver authorization-mode=RBAC" ?13:23
Dwellraha.. figured out I needed to juju ssh kubernetes-master/0 -- 'sudo service snap.kube-apiserver.daemon restart' before the RBAC roles would show up14:25
rick_hDwellr: ah cool stuff14:35
Dwellraye.. are there any docs for the options for set kube-apiserver ? I'm wondering next how to enable initializers14:37
tvansteenburghDwellr: fyi, the bundle on the candidate channel allows you to enable RBAC via charm config, ala: juju config kubernetes-master authorization-mode=Node,RBAC14:37
DwellrYeah.. I spotted that =) I look forward to it when it's released =)14:38
tvansteenburghDwellr: are you asking which initializers are available, or how to turn them on?14:38
DwellrI couldn't figure out last night how to tell my conjure up to use different bundles tho when installing14:38
Dwellrasking how to turn on initializers for kubernetes.. I'm trying to setup Istio, and it needs them apparently.. (they may already be on for all I know atm)14:38
tvansteenburghDwellr: i think they are on already...14:40
Dwellroooh.. now that would be awesome =) I'll try when my vm comes back up =) just wiped it clean again14:40
[Kid]bdx, you around?15:03
[Kid]follow up on a question i had yesterday about juju not deploying across all MAAS nodes.15:04
[Kid]if it is a kubernetes cluster with etcd, flannel, etc., would it be good to put etcd, flannel and the others into separate zones?15:05
bdx[Kid]: you can do whatever you want, I don't see any advantage to using zones in maas unless you are going to use them like availability zones and not logical groupings15:42
Dwellris it just me.. or is `conjure-up kube` not completing anymore? I'm seeing [info] Waiting for deployment to settle (this is normal) but then [error] Some applications failed to start successfully and then [warning] Shutting down ... but kube IS running, although it fails to create the .kube dir with the config file etc16:31
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
[Kid]bdx, i thought that's what you were referring to yesterday when it wasn't using all of the nodes that were available20:23
bdxtoatlly, I was20:44
[Kid]oh, so i do need to do separate zones?20:45
[Kid]for each role20:45
[Kid]then do a juju deploy for each role?20:45
bdx[Kid]: I've just experienced the same learning curve there, yeah, that should work20:45
[Kid]won't that cause the k8 cluster not to communicate correctly?20:45
bdxthe zones are just metadata representation of physical groupings20:46
bdxn[Kid]: no20:46
[Kid]ahh ok20:58
[Kid]i will try that20:58
[Kid]is there a way to put constraints for tags in a bundle YAML?20:58
cory_fuDwellr: Sorry for the late reply, but we're looking into that issue here: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/1218  Can you let us know what version of conjure-up you're using? (Are you using the edge channel of the snap?  Which revision?)21:00
Dwellrsnap install conjure-up --classic --edge21:08
zeestrat[Kid]: For MAAS? Just use tags in the constraints21:09
[Kid]zeestrat, the tags constraint doesn't seem to work in a bundle YAML21:09
[Kid]the cpu, mem, etc. do though21:09
Dwellr$conjure-up --version21:09
Dwellrconjure-up 2.5-alpha121:10
Dwellrcorey_fu: ^^21:10
[Kid]not sure if it is related to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/155412021:10
mupBug #1554120: juju 2.0 bundle support: Missing constraint support for maas names to support bundle placement <conjure-up> <juju-release-support> <oil> <oil-2.0> <uosci> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554120>21:10
[Kid]the gist i get from that is that maas tags aren't supported as to make the bundle YAMLs community-driven, i.e. that wouldn't make them as shareable?21:11
cory_fuDwellr: Can you check the file ~/.cache/conjure-up/canonical-kubernetes/deploy-wait.err and see if it has any contents?21:14
zeestrat[Kid]: That bug is for maas names. We're using tags fine in 2.1.3 at least. Could I see the bundle?21:15
[Kid]zeestrat, sure21:15
Dwellrcory_fu: I'm using kubernetes-core, not canonical-kubernetes, and my ~/.cache/conjure-up/kubernetes-core/deploy-wait.err is empty21:16
[Kid]zeestrat: https://pastebin.com/HPHnfhdp21:17
cory_fuDwellr: Hrm.  That matches the issue report, but I'm really unsure why that file would be empty.21:17
[Kid]also, the other weird thing is that it doesn't release 2 of the nodes in MAAS when i tear down the model21:17
Dwellrcory_fu: well.. deploy-wait.out is 0 bytes too21:18
Dwellr(as are conjure-up*bootstrap.(err|out)"21:18
cory_fuDwellr: Did you do a fresh bootstrap for that deployment?21:18
cory_fuDwellr: Well, there's definitely something wrong with the writing of those log files.21:19
DwellrIt was a brand new vm.. I basically do    apt-get remove -qyf lxd lxd-client && snap install lxd && snap install conjure-up --classic --edge && snap install kubectl --classic && conjure-up kubernetes-core localhost21:20
Dwellr(a few other commands omitted for brevity, but basically that's it, just ditch the supplied lxd, install from snap, then run conjure-up to create the k8s21:21
cory_fuDwellr: Ok, thanks.  stokachu ^  Looks like there's an issue with the sub-log files across the board.  Maybe something with arun?21:21
Dwellrfwiw, it used to work ok..21:21
stokachucory_fu: Yea I just looked at another deploy and the bootstrap log is empty21:22
kwmonroecory_fu: is  ~/.cache/conjure-up/kubernetes-core/deploy-wait.err still the right location?  i thought you guys wrote logs to $SNAP_USER_DATA.21:22
Dwellr25days ago I know it worked fine, and 13days ago it probably worked..21:22
Dwellrand it appears initializers aren't enabled in the k8s from kubernetes-core.. I guess I need to go figure out how to enable them =) "kubectl api-versions | grep admissionregistration" is empty21:25
[Kid]zeestrat: does that look wrong?21:25
zeestrat[Kid]: Thanks. Initial guess is that juju is getting a bit confused because of the mixing of machine placements (i.e. to) and constraints for the same charm. We use constraints/tags in the machine section for charms that we need to colocate. For other charms we just use the constraints section in the charm. Let me see if I find an example21:26
[Kid]hmmm that makes sense21:28
kwmonroenm cory_fu, i see that .cache/c-u is the right location.  i thought for some reason that switched recently.21:30
zeestrat[Kid]: rick_h and the devs would be the judge to determine if it's correct behavior from juju, but here's an excerpt from our OpenStack bundle: https://pastebin.com/UZPRLp9z21:31
tvansteenburghDwellr: these are the admission controls we enable by default: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cluster/juju/layers/kubernetes-master/reactive/kubernetes_master.py#L108121:31
tvansteenburghDwellr: to modify api-server args, use the api-extra-args charm config on kubernetes-master21:32
zeestrat[Kid]: Note, I see we also have a constraints section for the ceph-radosgw charm in my example, but I'm pretty sure that's unecessary/typo21:33
Dwellrlike... juju config kubernetes-master api-extra-args="--admission-control --runtime-config=admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1"21:34
Dwellrah.. figuring it out slowly21:36
tvansteenburghDwellr: do `juju config kubernetes-master` - there's some help text for each option21:37
tvansteenburghexplains the format for api-extra-args21:37
Dwellraye.. is it empty by default ?21:37
Dwellrawesome.. no need to worry about merging then =)21:38
tvansteenburghDwellr: whatever you specify will be added to the defaults21:38
[Kid]zeestrat. thank you. that helps a lot21:40
[Kid]if i do the containers/charmname, that should create a lxd container on the node, right?21:41
[Kid]i see you specified lxd in your config21:41
DwellrCool.. I _think_ I just got Istio with initializers to install into my k8s =)21:42
zeestratYeah, using the lxd:<machine-number> syntax will create and place the application in a lxd container on a machine. See also https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/charms-bundles21:46
[Kid]zeestrat, also, can i do a cs:~containers/easyrsa and just get the latest charm?21:47
[Kid]or do i have to specify the revision?21:47
[Kid]yeah i have read that page, but it didn21:48
[Kid]t show tags as constraints21:48
zeestratYeah, you're quite right. Feel free to put in a bug, otherwise I'll do it tomorrow. You are correct that it probably didn't get highlighted as maas is the only cloud supporting that.21:49
[Kid]yes, it does say that on the constraints page21:50
[Kid]i was just saying in the bundle YAML it didn't seem like it supported that, but i will try it again21:50
zeestratI'm off for tonight, but make some noise if you don't get anywhere with the bundle syntax and I'm sure someone can sort you out.21:52
[Kid]real quick21:52
[Kid]one more ?21:52
zeestratFire away21:53
[Kid]i don't need the to: anymore if i use the tags, right?21:53
[Kid]and you said yup to both my questions earlier, not just the last one, right?21:53
[Kid]about the cs:~container and the one asking about without the revision number21:54
[Kid]sorry for all the questions, i have been messing with this for a few days now21:54
zeestratSorry, jupp to dropping rev for latest. Just keep in mind latest and greatest, bleeding edge and all. Some folks prefer to follow published and tested bundles but that depends wholly on you.21:56
[Kid]oh yeah21:57
rick_hzeestrat: [Kid] so juju won't listen to constraints if you target with --to21:57
[Kid]rick, well that is VERY good informaqtion21:57
[Kid]thank you21:57
[Kid]zeestrat, thats what you said earlier21:57
rick_hyea, because if they conflict who wins? If you say "put it there" then you know what you're doing :)21:57
[Kid]makes sense21:58
zeestratYou need to: if you want to colocate applications on the same hosts, f.eks multiple controller applications in lxd containers on the same host21:58
[Kid]rick, so cs:~container/charmname will put the charm in a container on the node,right?21:58
[Kid]yeah, zeestrat, that's what i want21:59
[Kid]so i guess i constrain in the machine section21:59
[Kid]then use to: in the application section21:59
rick_h[Kid]: no, if it's container or not has nothing to do with charm url. That's actually a username/team name21:59
rick_h[Kid]: exactly21:59
zeestratVery misleading namespace :p21:59
[Kid]hahah yeah it is21:59
rick_htarget in the application --to lxd:0 or the like and then put constraints on machine 0 to get the right sized vm21:59
[Kid]that's where i have to do to: lxd:122:00
[Kid]yes, thank you!! i have some things to try now22:00
[Kid]this makes it much more enjoyable to get past a wall22:00
[Kid]and actually start building an application22:00
zeestratFinally, a word of advice in case you got different networks setup in maas. You'll probably have to use bindings (from the bundle docs) to make sure the lxd containers get a bridge interface to the correct network.22:02

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