
KubuntuManHello! Please I lost my Ethernet connection after upgrading from Kubuntu 17.04 to Kubuntu 17.10. Your help will be greatly appreciated.05:39
LinuxFanHello Everyone! ~ Please I need your help with the following question: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/72621-No-Ethernet-Internet-Connection-After-Upgrading-To-Kubuntu-17-1006:23
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keithzg[m]Well drat, just finally upgraded my main PC at home to 17.10 and now I can't actually log in via SDDM.07:54
Unit193What happens?07:54
keithzg[m]Brief black screen, then I'm back at the login screen as if nothing happened. Happens if I try Plasma or Openbox (don't have anything else installed there at the moment)07:55
hateballkeithzg[m]: are you the owner of ~/.Xauthority ?07:57
keithzg[m]hateball: yup, solely owned by my user, rw07:57
hateballkeithzg[m]: anything in ~/.xsession-errors after you try loggin in?07:58
Unit193Yeah I thought of iceauthority and xauthority too, had some problems in that with artful myself.07:59
keithzg[m]hateball: Yeah I was looking at .xsession-errors, tailing it as I tried  logging in, nothing seemed immediately helpful; https://paste.kde.org/psgi55hak08:00
keithzg[m]Next up I suppose I should quickly create a new user to make sure whether or not it's my user configs somehow nonetheless08:01
hateballkeithzg[m]: probably the quickest way to test at any rate08:03
keithzg[m]Well well well, testuser waltzed into a Plasma session just fine08:05
hateballafraid I don't know how to debug a plasma session08:07
keithzg[m]Well there's a clue in that Openbox can't log in either. Hrmmm.08:11
keithzg[m]Haha wait I restarted SDDM and now the theme is broken? Weird08:12
hateballit did show X errors tho08:12
hateballkeithzg[m]: what driver/gpu ?08:12
hateballwas thinking if you have nvidia-blob for instance, and some automatic settings with nvidia-settings that might break the session08:13
keithzg[m]AMD, using amdgpu—in theory, I wouldn't be surprised if things are screwy post-upgrade08:14
hateballI am unfamiliar with AMD so no idea there08:15
hateballBut if it works with a fresh user...08:15
keithzg[m]That SDDM is visibly complaining that it can't find /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml feels like it might be more the key here though . . .08:15
keithzg[m]Yeah the fresh user can't login now either after my sddm restart, oddly enough08:15
keithzg[m]I'm just gonna hit it with a hammer called kubuntu-desktop^ and see if that solves anything, heh, then dig in deeper if not08:16
acheronuksddm-theme-breeze installed?08:17
keithzg[m]heh yeah that was far too many packages being installed right now that shouldn't have needed installation08:17
keithzg[m]acheronuk: it is now! (or will be momentarily, at least)08:17
keithzg[m]harrumph, well that fixed the SDDM theming issue but my login remains barred08:18
keithzg[m]Current .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25909251/08:20
keithzg[m]The test user can't log in either now, even though SDDM seems to be working, bizarre.08:23
hateballhmmm, XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP shouldnt be blank should it08:23
hateballpretty sure that XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP and XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP should be =KDE08:24
keithzg[m]Back in the day, now is when I would have temporarily moved my .kde folder, heh08:28
hateballand that should be set by SDDM when you pick your session08:28
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hateballkeithzg[m]: suppose you could try the solution here even if it is for 16.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/813544/graphical-components-stuck-on-kubuntu-16-0408:31
keithzg[m]hateball: sadly that appears to have changed nothing :(08:33
keithzg[m]Probably worth me poking around and commenting out some things in .profile and such, though, since it's clearly some sort of user config that's at issue here08:35
keithzg[m]Okay, so I moved my entire ~/.config folder and then plasma logged in. So it's something in there08:38
keithzg[m]I'm just going to go ahead and blame baloo here, even though that's probably entirely unfair ;)08:40
keithzg[m]hahaha wait if I try and launch firefox I get logged out?08:43
hateballThat'll teach you08:44
hateballBut it sure sounds like something got messed with your install08:44
keithzg[m]Yeah no kidding----happens with testuser too, so I think it's not so much that my old config was bad as it must be that my old config was doing extra stuff that happens to trigger whatever is failing08:46
keithzg[m]Hmm yaknow there are a ton of old amdgpu-pro packages still installed. I think it's time for a purge.08:58
keithzg[m]Yup, that did it! Everything appears to work fine now. I can even start up Firefox,  if for some reason I wanted to :P09:02
keithzg[m]The lesson here is, as always, the problem is definitely whatever packages weren't installed from the repos :D09:03
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BluesKajHi folks12:41
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ForceReconMorning BluesKaj13:48
BluesKaj'Morning ForceRecon13:49
ForceReconI got some sleep13:50
BluesKajerr :-)13:50
ForceReconwell that blows.. one of my remote machines updated teamviewer to the beta13 and now v12x won't connect to it and there will NOT be a Beta Outgoing only host for linux until final release..13:56
ForceReconsugar plums!13:56
ForceReconhttps://whoer.net/ - my anonymity is 100%  ;) LOL14:09
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Prashantfacing a issue with high cpu usage on ubuntu server.17:29
Prashantmd process is utilizing max cpu.17:30
o_aHello, all. I've been noticing for a while now that the loading spinning wheels on my installation spin super fast. I've no idea why this is happenning. Does anyone have a suggestion?18:29
o_aI mean the wheel that appears during Plasma's splash screen, or in the taskbar while an application is loading18:30
alesanhello I have installed kubuntu18:58
alesanwhat is the GUI application to install packages?18:58
alesanused to be "muon" but18:58
alesanit says it is not installed18:58
alesanI have not found anything in the K menu or in the settings18:58
alesanwhat is the GUI app to install more packages?18:58
krytarikalesan: Discover.19:01
alesankrytarik, is there any reason in the past several years they have changed the name of this central piece of software three times?19:06
alesanI do not have "Discover" installed apparently.19:07
krytarikWhat version are you on?19:07
alesanhow do I find out for sure?19:07
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:08
alesanoh maybe it's not the latest?19:08
krytarikIt's not, no.19:08
alesanwell it's not ancient either19:09
alesanhowever, what was the GUI package manager in 17.0419:09
krytarikHuh, apparently Discover is not the default one in either, and while Muon is in 17.10, there seems to be none in 17.04 - iirc there was some issue with it during that cycle.19:11
alesanok so what do you suggest?19:19
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krytarikActually, the package name of Discover is "plasma-discover", and it's there by default in both versions.19:22
krytarikalesan: If you don't see it for some reason, just do: "sudo apt install plasma-discover"19:25
clivejowe have to use plasma-discover as there is already a package called discover in the archives - https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/discover19:25
krytarikYes, just noticed that too. :D19:25
alesanwhy not "kdiscover" or "kpackagemanager" so that normal users can figure this out?19:27
krytarikPlasma is the desktop, so I guess it's fine.19:28
clivejowe closely work with Debian and they have a naming policy19:28
clivejothe application and project name is discover19:29
alesanI never quite understood what "plasma" is and why it's necessary. I wish I could go back to "base" KDE :)19:30
clivejoplasma is the desktop environment19:30
alesanbut with the dual-monitor autodetection :D19:30
clivejobase KDE is what we call Frameworks or KF519:31
clivejoso we have different tiers19:31
clivejoQt > Frameworks > Plasma > KDE Applications19:32
clivejoon top of Ubuntu system19:32
clivejokinfocenter will tell you what you have installed currently19:33
IrcsomeBotClaudio Rossi was added by: Claudio Rossi19:43
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ForceReconsystemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 7h 52min 6.288137s random time.23:48

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