
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
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=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
rbasaknacc: yeah, I think cjwatson has a point, and the way you suggest makes sense. Perhaps it should be part of the phasing script - operate in either import mode or change alias mode? Though perhaps that'll be painful because in import mode you're focused on new publications and are already filtering on that?04:49
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cybrNauti'm familiar with github, where if I want to make a small change to someones project I fork it, do a "git clone", make the change, git commit, git push, then make a pull request.  This is my first encounter with launchpad, and I don't see a fork button.  Is "import a branch" what I need?  Is it the same process as github?10:17
cybrNauti don't know what Bazaar is, but judging from https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git i have a choice between Bazaar and git, correct?10:19
rbasakThe process is roughly the same.10:20
rbasakYou clone, push, and then make a pull request.10:20
rbasakHowever there is no explicit "fork" action. You just push to your own space and Launchpad knows that it's a fork.10:20
rbasak"pull request" -> "merge proposal"10:20
cybrNautsounds reasonable10:20
=== ePierre is now known as ePierre-afk
cybrNautfatal: repository 'https://code.launchpad.net/~duplicity-team/duplicity/+git/' not found10:31
cybrNautfatal: repository 'https://code.launchpad.net/duplicity/' not found10:31
cybrNautthe help page says a default repository will be used, but it's not finding one10:31
cybrNautthose errors are from a "git clone.." cmd10:32
rbasakLooks like they use bzr, not git.10:33
cybrNautoh shit, i didn't know they weren't interoperable.  So if I want to contribute to duplicity, i have to install and study some Bazaar tool?10:35
rbasakIf duplicity uses bzr, then that's the primary answer, yes. There are some tools (like git-remote-bzr?) that try to bridge the gap. Which VCS to use is a per-repository choice on Launchpad.10:36
bdrung_workHi, is there a way to convert https://launchpad.net/~linux-rdma into a Lanuchpad group?12:02
cjwatsonbdrung_work: since it's just an autocreated person, we could rename it out of the way if you need to create a team?12:05
cjwatsonbdrung_work: please file a ticket on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion if so12:05
bdrung_workcjwatson, thanks. i created https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/66044312:07
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=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
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=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
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=== Vorpal is now known as Guest29637
nacccjwatson: when you get a moment, if you could read my comments in LP: #1730734, I believe it shows a potential problem with the importer changes we recently did. Maybe not serious, but just want to get your opinion21:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1730734 in usd-importer "importer: having only one import record for every publish means the commit date is no longer identical to the publishing date" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173073421:20
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