roasted | evening duflu | 01:36 |
duflu | roasted, Hi... (it's actually 9:36am) | 01:36 |
roasted | ha, 8:36 PM here :P | 01:36 |
duflu | You must be upside down | 01:36 |
roasted | East coast USA. | 01:36 |
duflu | Yeah | 01:37 |
roasted | government here just changed our time to make days longer or something :P | 01:37 |
sarnold | still just 24 stupid hours in a day | 01:37 |
roasted | slightly OT: read about Arizona's (USA) DST zones for some epic hilarity. :P | 01:38 |
roasted | duflu: wanted to share something with you regarding that gray artifact thing when using vaapi | 01:38 |
roasted | so far in my testing I've only had the gray artifacts happen with mpv/youtube-dl streaming when the video is using vp9 codec. | 01:38 |
roasted | so maybe it's an issue isolated with vp9 (?) | 01:38 |
duflu | roasted, yes I had already guessed it was VP9 only :) | 01:39 |
duflu | Just haven't had time to look yet | 01:39 |
duflu | roasted, what container format (e.g. file extension and output from the 'file' command) do you get? | 01:39 |
roasted | sec, let me re-run it and see. | 01:39 |
roasted | you wnat the output when I hit vp9? | 01:40 |
duflu | roasted, yes I expect it's VP9 video, inside an MP4 container | 01:40 |
duflu | Although Google could be doing something different when streaming the VP9 | 01:40 |
roasted | | 01:41 |
duflu | roasted, Thanks. I didn't know mpv could do that :) | 01:41 |
roasted | do what -- even attempt vp9? | 01:42 |
duflu | roasted, interpret the youtube URL | 01:42 |
roasted | I put this in my mpv.conf, which according to a github issue is a means of avoiding vp9 >> ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?1080][fps<=?30][vcodec!=?vp9]+bestaudio/best | 01:43 |
duflu | roasted, OK I'll do some testing on that. Unfortunately my primary work machines are not up to it (only Haswell) so need to reorganise laptops beforehand | 01:43 |
roasted | exact same mpv/link command ran a second time iwth that ytdl string in my mpv.conf: | 01:44 |
roasted | | 01:44 |
roasted | github issue source where I saw this comment: | 01:44 |
roasted | in case any of that helps :) | 01:44 |
duflu | roasted, Cool. Yes that trick is what's used by Safari and just about every Android/iOS device I guess. They all need H.264 | 01:45 |
roasted | I understand android post 4.4 leverages vp9 now | 01:45 |
roasted | one post I read dated a few months old mentions IE (not Edge) and Safari are the only H264 holdouts | 01:45 |
duflu | Possibly. But I think most CPU/GPUs can't | 01:45 |
roasted | ah, true | 01:45 |
duflu | Which might explain my poor results from android-x86 | 01:46 |
duflu | roasted, Can you do me a favor and log a bug against mpv? That way I can keep track better, and also push the issue to whatever upstream project the bug is in | 01:48 |
duflu | I mean log a bug in Launchpad | 01:49 |
roasted | hah, for a second I was like :? as I know what MPV devs would say... | 01:49 |
duflu | | 01:49 |
roasted | "hardware accel is not recommended" blah blah | 01:49 |
roasted | would you prefer I include most of the info we talked about including comparing mpv outputs of vp9 vs h264 etc? | 01:50 |
duflu | roasted, if you can | 01:50 |
roasted | sure can. | 01:50 |
roasted | for now I think I'm going to let this ytdl anti vp9 line in my conf. Makes mpv work that much better. | 01:51 |
roasted | from a streaming standpoint anyway | 01:52 |
duflu | roasted, Sure. I am not familiar with that condition syntax but suspect you would not need "[height<=?1080][fps<=?30]" | 02:18 |
duflu | Since all you want is the bestvideo that's not vp9 | 02:18 |
roasted | duflu: yeah, I plan to cut it down a bit. My initial assumption with how I reworked that line failed. | 02:18 |
roasted | I'll get to it. Figured I'd write up the bug report first. :P | 02:18 |
roasted | duflu: ytdl-format=bestvideo[vcodec!=?vp9]+bestaudio/best | 02:26 |
roasted | duflu: Submitted. #1730551. Appreciate your time my friend. Please let me know if I can help with testing anything. Until then I'll continue to rock the ytdl-format line as it serves as a decent workaround. Enjoy your night--er, day. :) | 02:36 |
duflu | Thanks roasted, and no problem | 02:45 |
jibel | good morning | 06:49 |
didrocks | good morning | 07:17 |
duflu | Morning jibel, didrocks | 07:32 |
duflu | Or it would be if my groceries weren't covered in milk | 07:32 |
oSoMoN | good morning | 07:46 |
duflu | Morning oSoMoN | 07:54 |
oSoMoN | good afternoon duflu | 07:54 |
seb128 | good morning desktopers | 08:47 |
seb128 | duflu, nice to see those libinput improvements landing ... does it start making libinput more acceptable in your mind? | 08:48 |
oSoMoN | good morning seb128 | 08:48 |
duflu | seb128, yes it's a big improvement. And surprisingly Peter used a heuristic so it applies to ANY touchpad model affected. There is no whitelist | 08:48 |
duflu | Still a few points in the Trello card for me to revisit | 08:48 |
seb128 | k, good to see those changes coming in any case | 08:49 |
duflu | He fixed HP x360 and ThinkPad X1 Carbon gen4 + gen5 all in a single fix | 08:49 |
duflu | and many more, no doubt | 08:51 |
Laney | morning! | 09:02 |
seb128 | hey Laney! how are you on this sunny tuesday? | 09:02 |
didrocks | lies | 09:03 |
* didrocks looks outside | 09:03 | |
didrocks | no sun | 09:03 |
didrocks | fake sun! | 09:03 |
didrocks | hey Laney | 09:03 |
oSoMoN | hey Laney, salut didrocks | 09:03 |
didrocks | hey oSoMoN :) | 09:04 |
duflu | Morning Laney, willcooke | 09:05 |
duflu | and belated good morning seb128 | 09:05 |
Laney | hey seb128 didrocks oSoMoN duflu! | 09:05 |
Laney | no sun indeed #fakenews | 09:05 |
Laney | how's it going? | 09:05 |
willcooke | morning | 09:06 |
didrocks | winter weather, but less sick than the previous days, so overall good! yourself? | 09:06 |
didrocks | hey willcooke | 09:06 |
willcooke | stupid timezones pt2. Surprise 9am meeting | 09:06 |
willcooke | pt1 was last night when I was nearly an hour late for my 1:1 with Robert | 09:06 |
duflu | willcooke, that reminds me. I think the Wednesday meeting is still an hour out. Konrad agreed to change it but he forgot I think | 09:08 |
duflu | (it should ideally be fixed in UTC) | 09:09 |
ximion | hey Laney :-) | 09:12 |
* Laney runs | 09:12 | |
Laney | i mean, hi ximion! | 09:12 |
ximion | that reaction is appropriate ;-) | 09:13 |
* ximion chases Laney | 09:13 | |
ximion | there is an appstream-generator release that you'll really want in Ubuntu, because it not only finds more icons but also has support for webapps and *might* use less memory | 09:14 |
ximion | annoying for you is that it depends on a very recent AppStream release, which requires Meson, which requires a bugfixed gobject-introspection, which requires a GLib update | 09:14 |
ximion | so, a really annoying thing to backport to Xenial (I tried) | 09:15 |
Laney | oh THANKS! | 09:16 |
* ximion doesn't know if sarkasm or not :P | 09:16 | |
Laney | imagine if there were a snap :P | 09:16 |
ximion | actually, this would be a good case for a Snap, maybe I make one | 09:17 |
* ximion hasn't snapped in a while | 09:17 | |
Laney | hehe | 09:17 |
ximion | destilling the patch that fixed gir or just updating everything to a recent version is also possible, I guess :P | 09:17 |
Laney | I just thought that all that backporting is an annoying problem, would be nice if that were solved somehow | 09:18 |
Laney | ...oh wait! | 09:18 |
ximion | but I'm not sure if they allow you to run a non-LTS Ubuntu for services at Canonical | 09:18 |
Laney | not really | 09:18 |
jamesh | we could always put out a new LTS release, or something | 09:19 |
Laney | good plan | 09:19 |
ximion | neat, so I hope I can make post-freeze updates to suites possible with AppStream in time for Bionic, it'll be a tough issue though (also, hughsie doesn't get the problem yet, but that's the easiest issue to solve) | 09:19 |
Laney | (...ssh | 09:19 |
Laney | oh yeah, that one is hard | 09:20 |
ximion | there is also a new package that I should make you aware of: webapps-metainfo --> | 09:21 |
ximion | it's purpose is to exclusively hold metadata to fully-free web applications to be displayed in GNOME Software | 09:21 |
ximion | when launched from there, the "apps" run in a chrome-less Epiphany window | 09:22 |
Laney | yeah I've seen those | 09:22 |
Laney | having it shipped via a package feels weird to me, does it to you? | 09:22 |
ximion | it's a feature requested quite often, but also occasionally hated by users according to hughsie | 09:22 |
ximion | so, we should probably indicate webapps better in GS (at the moment they look like regular apps, which IMHO isn't good) | 09:25 |
ximion | Laney: jup, it's weird, but the alternative would have been to inject those via some side channel into the final metadata, which would be even weirder | 09:25 |
ximion | with the package method, every DD and Ubuntu dev knows how to edit these files, we gat a bugtracker entry, can ship icons really easily, and integrate generally well with the package-based workflow of asgen | 09:26 |
Laney | nah was thinking a separate appstream source for those | 09:26 |
ximion | so, while feeling weird at first, I think this approach is best | 09:27 |
Laney | like the stuff (ok, that's not appstream but you know what I mean) | 09:27 |
ximion | in that case we would need some "download data from $arbitrary_source" logic which doesn't exist yet | 09:29 |
ximion | web apps are a really weird thing, because they are not "installed", so the usual delivery method (Flatpak, Snappy, APT) can't provide the metadata | 09:30 |
ximion | so they'll always be weirdly bolted onto an existing system | 09:30 |
Laney | yah | 09:31 |
ximion | with webapps being in the archive, we do have an even bigger incentive now to be able to edit archive metadata post-freeze though | 09:31 |
Laney | that's like extensions | 09:31 |
Laney | hah | 09:31 |
ximion | I resisted adding webapps properly to AppStream for a really, really long time now :P | 09:33 |
* ximion didn't see the point | 09:33 | |
ximion | btw, Fedora is doing things exactly the same way as Debian is doing it now, by packaging metadata | 09:34 |
ximion | also, the Ubuntu asgen will do the wrong thing (tm) with the webapp metadata, because it doesn't know how to treat that data properly | 09:34 |
ximion | Laney: interesting, looks like Ubuntu's asgen is ignoring the webapps package entirely :P | 09:37 |
Laney | ximion: ? | 09:39 |
ximion | I don't see that page | 09:39 |
ximion | very weird | 09:40 |
Laney | should catch up soon | 09:50 |
Laney | got an appointment, back in 30ish | 09:50 |
oSoMoN | seb128, I've got another libreoffice build ready for bionic, verified to build on all arches in a PPA: | 09:58 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, great, thank you | 09:58 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, hum, 5.4.2 has already been uploades so the .changes/upload shouldn't include the origin files | 10:08 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, also no need to -v<version> to include 1:5.4.2-0ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 since those have been uploaded (I mentioned it for 0ubuntu2 because at the time 0ubuntu1 hadn't been included in an upload yet) | 10:09 |
oSoMoN | seb128, ok, let me re-do the source package | 10:11 |
seb128 | thx | 10:12 |
oSoMoN | seb128, there you go: | 11:04 |
oSoMoN | (sorry for the delay, IΒ was in the middle of something else) | 11:04 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, hi, damn fonts ;) -- there is no need to rebuild l10n | 11:16 |
oSoMoN | indeed | 11:18 |
oSoMoN | seb128, no need to push libreoffice-l10n it seems, only libreoffice | 11:19 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, ohh | 11:21 |
ricotz | another icu transition? | 11:21 |
oSoMoN | ricotz, oh wow | 11:31 |
oSoMoN | let's hope LO will build fine against that new version | 11:32 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, so better push 5.4.3 fast, before d_oko pushes a no-change rebuild which wastes cycles ;) | 11:33 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, yeah, still two weeks to go before it is reasonable to push 6.0 which is more in shape for all those new things tickling in | 11:35 |
oSoMoN | yeah | 11:37 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, hi, please note that this is not built - | 12:03 |
willcooke | didrocks, how do I enable ubuntu dock in the gnome session? | 12:38 |
didrocks | willcooke: you can with the chrome extension or tweaks | 12:38 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, k | 12:38 |
willcooke | didrocks, aha, tweaks. That makes sense. Thx | 12:39 |
didrocks | yw ;) | 12:39 |
krashekspress | HI, GDM question (does it even belong here?): If I disable Wayland in gdm conf, can I anyway choose Wayland session? | 14:13 |
jbicha | krashekspress: no | 14:15 |
krashekspress | < sad panda | 14:16 |
krashekspress | at least now my gdm screen is not broken on boot | 14:16 |
jbicha | GDM only offers Wayland sessions if GDM is running under Wayland | 14:16 |
krashekspress | jbicha: thanks | 14:17 |
seb128 | krashekspress, why would you disable wayland if it works? | 14:25 |
krashekspress | seb128: hah, it works only if I log into Xorg first, because Xorg loads drivers correctly (looks like kernel driver for my card has bug) | 14:27 |
krashekspress | | 14:27 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1724796 in libdrm (Ubuntu) "Picture is heavily malformed" [Undecided,New] | 14:27 |
seb128 | oh ok | 14:27 |
krashekspress | by disabling Wayland in GDM, at least login screen is fixed | 14:27 |
krashekspress | and I realy don't want to relog daily just to use Wayland, hopefully stuff will be fixed | 14:28 |
krashekspress | and I don't know how to load/reload thos drivers in any other way | 14:28 |
willcooke | bear with me while I finish this call | 14:30 |
willcooke | 5 mins | 14:30 |
willcooke | for meeting start | 14:30 |
jbicha | o/ | 14:32 |
willcooke | k | 14:33 |
willcooke | #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | 14:34 |
meetingology | Meeting started Tue Nov 7 14:34:35 2017 UTC. The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at | 14:34 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 14:34 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: | ||
willcooke | Roll call: andyrock, dgadomski, didrocks, duflu (out), jbicha, jamesh (out), jibel/heber, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho (hols), robert_ancell (out) | 14:34 |
oSoMoN | πΊ/ | 14:34 |
=== heber_ is now known as heber | ||
didrocks | hey! | 14:34 |
seb128 | hey | 14:35 |
willcooke | Sorry for the late start everyone | 14:35 |
heber | o/ | 14:35 |
andyrock | o/ | 14:35 |
willcooke | Looks like we've got enough folk to get started.... | 14:35 |
willcooke | #topic andyrock | 14:35 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: andyrock | ||
andyrock | hey | 14:35 |
andyrock | 1. py-macaroon-bakery | 14:35 |
andyrock | 1.1 MR to relaxing py-requests and py-protobuf dependencies in order to facilite the ITP's py-macaroon-bakery | 14:35 |
andyrock | 1.2 testing the MR to make sure relaxing the deps was ok | 14:35 |
andyrock | 1.3 python-macaroon-bakery is in bionic (0.0.3 in universe and 0.0.5 in universe-proposed) thanks to cjwatson | 14:35 |
andyrock | 2. software-properties | 14:35 |
andyrock | 2.1 Refactoring code around in order to make it work with new API, code is almost ready I just need to deal with some corner cases | 14:35 |
andyrock | 3. my xps 15 decided to died, spent some time to open it, debug the issue and order the different replacement parts to fix it | 14:35 |
andyrock | *to relax | 14:36 |
willcooke | andyrock, OEM said you can keep that machine for a little while if you need it | 14:36 |
andyrock | cool | 14:36 |
willcooke | andyrock, EOF? | 14:37 |
andyrock | yup | 14:37 |
willcooke | thanks andyrock | 14:37 |
willcooke | #topic dgadomski | 14:37 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: dgadomski | ||
dgadomski | hey | 14:37 |
kenvandine | o/ | 14:37 |
dgadomski | * discussed TLS1.2 support in python 2.7.6 on Trusty (bug #1443704) with the security team, checking if it's supported by openssl underneath without Python knowing about it | 14:37 |
dgadomski | * debugging a potential cups regression in 17.10 - will report a bug after I know what's going on there | 14:37 |
dgadomski | * back to working on bug #1700827 (after security issues has been resolved upstream) | 14:37 |
ubot5 | bug 1443704 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Support for TLS 1.2 not present (added in 2.7.9)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:37 |
ubot5 | bug 1700827 in pcp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pcp package" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:37 |
dgadomski | eof | 14:37 |
willcooke | thanks dgadomski | 14:37 |
willcooke | #topic didrocks | 14:37 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: didrocks | ||
didrocks | plop | 14:38 |
didrocks | * File Google Code In tasks on the forum. Need now to enter them in the system (Ken, you did volunteered as well, I think I'll get you in). | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Started GNOME Shell vs extension mode upstream discussion for security on their mailing list: | 14:38 |
didrocks | - Few feedbacks for now, tried pushing on ML, bugzilla and IRC multiple times. | 14:38 |
didrocks | - Implemented a POC patch set enabling that. Running this patch set happily for some days and all works (updates prevention, can't remove extension, running local one instead of remote one). | 14:38 |
didrocks | - Once this is sorted out, will need to work on Tweaks and chrome shell extension to reflect correct status. | 14:38 |
didrocks | - For reference: discussion at and bug at | 14:38 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 789852 in general "Ensure extensions parts of a mode are from system, report back correct status for g-s-extension-prefs" [Normal,New] | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Fix a dash to dock vs ubuntu dock conflict (do not look at gsettings key but rather looking at internal running state) + SRU/backport some upstream fixes to artful. | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Linux Unplugged interview | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Fix a GNOME Shell crasher when installed with no recommends | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Iterate with GNOME Shell designers on "sounds above 100% feedback" | 14:38 |
didrocks | * Rebase fo bionic ubuntu-dock on latest dash to dock and uploadedit. | 14:38 |
didrocks | * More community interaction on the hub and french forum. | 14:38 |
didrocks | β¦ | 14:38 |
willcooke | thanks didrocks | 14:38 |
willcooke | #topic duflu | 14:39 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: duflu | ||
willcooke | Standby for large paste.... | 14:39 |
willcooke | * PulseAudio 11.1 for bionic: | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Completed merge with Debian, packaging fixes and testing. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Now just awaiting sponsorship; see sponsorship list below. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - History: | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Mutter/Xwayland crash handling ( | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Fix released upstream this week (v3.26.2) | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1724185 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Xwayland leaves no core dump or .crash file when crashing" [High,Fix released] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Fix released in Bionic already! | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Mutter: blurry shell fonts: ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1714459 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Shell font is blurry under Wayland (panels, menus and login screen too)" [Low,In progress] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Fix landed upstream for release in mutter v3.27.2 only. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - HELP: Need to decide how we will get this into 18.04 if not Gnome 3.28. | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Totem stuttering fixes ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1698270 in totem-pl-parser (Ubuntu) "Totem pauses and stutters during video playback even when CPU usage is low" [High,In progress] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - GTK timing flaws: patches awaiting review/sponsorship below. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Totem disk fsync: patch awaiting review/sponsorship below. | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Totem high CPU usage ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1698282 in clutter-gst-3.0 (Ubuntu) "Totem uses dramatically higher CPU than any other video player" [Medium,Confirmed] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - On hold till upstream or myself find time to work on completing DMA-buf support in clutter-gst. | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Unresponsive touchpads ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1696929 in libinput (Ubuntu) "X1 Carbon gen4 and gen5 touchpads are unresponsive and laggy" [High,Confirmed] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Upstream fix approved by all testers and now landed. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Due for release in libinput 1.9.2 (I guess) | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Incorrect %CPU in gnome-system-monitor ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1723370 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "Processes % CPU column is inaccurate (only ever an integer multiple of the number of CPUs)" [Medium,In progress] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Upstream fix has now landed. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - ETA for inclusion in Ubuntu not yet known. | 14:39 |
willcooke | * Leaky/bloated Gnome Shell ( | 14:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1672297 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [High,In progress] | 14:39 |
willcooke | - I got sucked into this by an unexpectedly helpful and eager user so have been working with him. Looks like there are at least two repeating causes of memory bloat/leak. | 14:39 |
willcooke | - Work in progress. | 14:39 |
willcooke | * HELP: Patches awaiting Ubuntu sponsorship: | 14:39 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1716700 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to PulseAudio 11.1" [Wishlist,In progress] | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
willcooke | * Patches awaiting upstream review: | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 787001 in GtkClutterEmbed "clutter-gtk apps like totem and gnome-maps are spending 50% of their CPU time redrawing GTK widgets" [Normal,New] | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 787665 in .General "gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time is irregular and causing stuttering" [Normal,New] | 14:40 |
willcooke | * Upstream patches now making progress with upstream help: | 14:40 |
willcooke | - | 14:40 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 773453 in gstreamer-vaapi "vaapi: support GLTextureUpload for EGL/Wayland" [Normal,New] | 14:40 |
willcooke | * Daily bug management across gnome-shell, mutter, gdm3, ubuntu-themes, bluez, pulseaudio, dkms, mir, wayland, totem, mpv. | 14:40 |
willcooke | Desktoppers: Please could someone take a look at the sponsorship requests above ^ | 14:40 |
willcooke | #topic jbicha | 14:41 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: jbicha | ||
jbicha | (totem at least is blocked on the headerbar decision) | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ gdm3 security update for zesty (LP: #1729354) | 14:41 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1729354 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "17.04: GDM lock screen can be circumvented when autologin is set" [High,Fix released] | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ Uploaded mutter SRU to artful queue (LP:#1730097) | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ Uploaded nototools and fonts-noto-color-emoji to NEW queues. | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ Uploaded libcloudproviders to NEW queue. It will enable Nextcloud support in GTK/Nautilus file browser (so it will need a MIR). | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ Debian Testing finally has GNOME 3.26 | 14:41 |
jbicha | β’ Continuing discussion about headerbar patches on | 14:41 |
jbicha | Xubuntu is considering switching some of their default apps (like evince and file-roller) to the MATE versions | 14:41 |
jbicha | eof | 14:41 |
seb128 | jbicha, what about totem is blocked on headerbar? | 14:42 |
jbicha | duflu's fix is to drop the headerbar patches! :) | 14:42 |
seb128 | oh ok | 14:42 |
seb128 | (I'm going to look at duflu's sponsoring request on thursday if nobody does it before (I'm off tomorrow)) | 14:42 |
willcooke | thanks seb128 | 14:42 |
willcooke | and thanks jbicha | 14:43 |
seb128 | np | 14:43 |
jbicha | | 14:43 |
willcooke | Skipping jamesh, no update received | 14:43 |
willcooke | #topic jibel / heber | 14:43 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: jibel / heber | ||
heber | Hey! QA updates: | 14:43 |
heber | * Deploying upgrade tests for bionic | 14:43 |
heber | * Maintenance of the testing infrastructure | 14:43 |
heber | * Going through ubiquity and upgrade failing jobs | 14:43 |
heber | * Move jobs that are waiting for nodes on lcy01 | 14:43 |
heber | * Getting/parsing results for gnome-shell tests | 14:43 |
heber | EOF | 14:43 |
willcooke | thanks heber, hope you had good hols. Don't think I've said hi since you've been back | 14:44 |
willcooke | #topic kenvandine | 14:44 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: kenvandine | ||
kenvandine | * Backported some more fixes from artful to the gnome-3-26 backports PPA including glib with the per desktop overrides. | 14:44 |
kenvandine | * Updated gnome-3-26-1604 snap to include fixes | 14:44 |
kenvandine | * Fixed snapcraft-desktop-helpers to include copying of the schema overrides | 14:44 |
kenvandine | * Rebuilt and tested all the GNOME snaps to include the gsettings override fixes as well as updated packages | 14:44 |
kenvandine | * Tested the new gnome-online-accounts-service interface from jamesh with gnome-calendar and gnome-contacts | 14:44 |
kenvandine | * Created contacts-service and calendar-service needed interfaces for evolution access from gnome-calendar and gnome-contacts. No PR submitted yet, needs some tweaking and tests but they do work with gnome-contacts and gnome-calendar with strict confinement. | 14:44 |
kenvandine | I'm out friday, US holiday | 14:44 |
kenvandine | that' sit | 14:44 |
willcooke | thanks kenvandine | 14:44 |
willcooke | #topic Laney | 14:45 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: Laney | ||
seb128 | oh, jamesh did a gnome-online-accounts interface, nice | 14:45 |
Laney | β’ 2 day meeting in London to review Trello etc | 14:45 |
Laney | β’ helped bring up new cloud region for autopkgtest (lcy01 was redeployed) | 14:45 |
Laney | β it's got / hitting a bug where instances are failing to reboot (something like bug #1713751), spent a fair bit of time looking into that with IS (ongoing) | 14:45 |
ubot5 | bug 1713751 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "soft lockup / stall on CPU when shutting down with hwe 4.10 kernel " [Undecided,New] | 14:45 |
Laney | β’ got review on some gnome-software PRs, fixed / responded to those | 14:45 |
Laney | β’ started working again on seeding of snaps | 14:45 |
Laney | π | 14:45 |
seb128 | jamesh, shame you forgot to write your summary, you usually have interesting work :) | 14:46 |
kenvandine | seb128, and it works great :) | 14:46 |
seb128 | nice | 14:46 |
willcooke | thanks Laney | 14:46 |
willcooke | #topic oSoMoN | 14:47 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: oSoMoN | ||
oSoMoN | hey ho! | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | = chromium = | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ chromium 62.0.3202.75 security update published to all supported series, 62.0.3202.89 currently building in stage PPA | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ updated chromium beta to 63.0.3239.30 in PPA and snap in beta channel | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ updating chromium dev to 64.0.3253.3 | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ my upstream CL that fixes source tarball generation got merged and deployed: | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ bug triaging, closing many old bugs that are not relevant any longer, confirming a few ones | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | = libreoffice = | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ snap: fixed a couple of issues found by candidate channel testers (bug #1729025, bug #1728713) and promoted 5.4.2 to stable channel | 14:47 |
ubot5 | bug 1729025 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[snap] Cannot install 5.4.2 snap with core from beta channel: invalid exec command" [High,Fix released] | 14:47 |
ubot5 | bug 1728713 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[snap] theming regressed in 5.4.2 on Ubuntu 17.10" [Undecided,Fix released] | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ bionic: prepared 5.4.2 upload, failed to build on amd64 due to new unit test failures, backported a couple of commits from the upstream debian package and prepared an updated package which is now building | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | = other = | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | β’ prepared PPU application for chromium-browser:, please endorse me if you can! | 14:47 |
oSoMoN | EOF βοΈ | 14:47 |
willcooke | nice, thanks oSoMoN | 14:47 |
willcooke | #topic seb128 | 14:47 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: seb128 | ||
seb128 | β’ 1 day off for national holiday | 14:48 |
seb128 | β’ 2 days in London for planning | 14:48 |
seb128 | β’ bugs triaging from incoming artful reports | 14:48 |
seb128 | β’ some sponsoring | 14:48 |
seb128 | β’ replied to some delayed email and to mailing list discussions | 14:48 |
seb128 | </week> | 14:48 |
willcooke | thanks seb128 | 14:48 |
willcooke | #topic tk | 14:48 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: tk | ||
willcooke | err | 14:48 |
Laney | tk taks | 14:48 |
willcooke | guess Till isn't online | 14:49 |
willcooke | tab complete fail | 14:49 |
willcooke | We can come back | 14:49 |
willcooke | #topic robert_ancell | 14:49 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: robert_ancell | ||
willcooke | - Got basic snap support working in AppCenter (ElementaryOS) and forwarded patch to them. | 14:49 |
willcooke | - Implemented new / updated snapd APIs into snapd-glib | 14:49 |
willcooke | #topic AOB | 14:49 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-11-07 | Current topic: AOB | ||
willcooke | jbicha, you wanted to talk about.... | 14:49 |
* willcooke thinks | 14:49 | |
jbicha | LP: #1666676 | 14:49 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1666676 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Install tracker by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:49 |
willcooke | that's the one | 14:50 |
didrocks | ah, back on that one :) | 14:50 |
jbicha | I invited csoriano (Nautilus maintainer) and garnacho (tracker maintainer) in case there were more detailed questions | 14:50 |
garnacho | hi everyone | 14:50 |
willcooke | hi garnacho, thanks for joining | 14:51 |
seb128 | sorry but I didn't see that discussion would be raised today | 14:52 |
seb128 | I didn't re-read enough about the topic nor prepared | 14:52 |
seb128 | so I don't have questions or specifics to discuss | 14:52 |
willcooke | can we punt to tomorrow on IRC? | 14:52 |
jbicha | sorry, I didn't think to ping seb128 specifically ahead of time | 14:52 |
csoriano | hello all | 14:52 |
seb128 | jbicha, well, it's not only me | 14:53 |
jbicha | maybe I should have emailed the list instead | 14:53 |
jbicha | in advance | 14:53 |
seb128 | jbicha, seems like you invited upstream, would have been nice to tell us to prepare questions if we had some :) | 14:53 |
didrocks | I guess latest stand we got on perf and battery was summarized in | 14:53 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1666676 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Install tracker by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:53 |
willcooke | jbicha, could we start a thread on the hub? Sounds like a good place to do it | 14:53 |
seb128 | hey csoriano! | 14:53 |
didrocks | (I didn't read more, didn't know we would have that AOB and didn't prepare for that question) | 14:53 |
seb128 | well, those discussions went round but "on the spot" comments | 14:54 |
jbicha | is nice because it doesn't require people to all be on IRC at the same time to give input | 14:54 |
seb128 | - the LTS cycle is a tricky time to do disruptive changes and that's one of those | 14:54 |
jbicha | it was a stealth request on | 14:54 |
seb128 | - we would need to plan for manpower to do the change and ensure quality and we didn't account for that | 14:54 |
jbicha | and I didn't think that everyone wouldn't have seen the little note there | 14:54 |
willcooke | I think the hub is probably a good place for this then, people can take time over their responses | 14:56 |
jbicha | willcooke: I can start the discussion on, how about we see where we are with that at next week's Desktop meeting? | 14:56 |
willcooke | think things through | 14:56 |
seb128 | jbicha, I think that the summary is that upstream believes that it's good, there is no issue and that we should ship it and that we tend to want data to make up our mind and don't have enough to decide | 14:56 |
willcooke | jbicha, that sounds good. Thanks. Maybe we can resolve everything on the hub with a bit of luck | 14:57 |
jbicha | seb128: yes, that's where we were last cycle | 14:57 |
seb128 | csoriano, garnacho, sorry I don't think that we have questions for you, the positions are been stated several time of the years on that launchpad bugs and other places and I don't think anyone really changed their position | 14:58 |
csoriano | seb128: oh ok, then I guess that's all :) | 14:58 |
csoriano | see you! | 14:58 |
seb128 | csoriano, I do know you would be in favor if seeing it included though :) | 14:58 |
seb128 | so let's see how the hub discussion goes | 14:58 |
seb128 | csoriano, thanks for coming! | 14:58 |
csoriano | sounds good | 14:58 |
csoriano | np! | 14:59 |
garnacho | alright, please point us to it | 14:59 |
seb128 | k | 14:59 |
garnacho | see you! | 14:59 |
willcooke | oki, jbicha please get the thread started then and we can get it sorted | 15:00 |
willcooke | Anyone got anything else? | 15:00 |
jbicha | sure | 15:00 |
seb128 | well, while we are on the topic, do people here install tracker and use it? | 15:00 |
jbicha | nothing else from me | 15:00 |
didrocks | I don't | 15:00 |
seb128 | does anybody has an opinion on how it's working for them | 15:00 |
seb128 | or a +1/0/-1 on principle? | 15:01 |
didrocks | I still hear bad things due to impact on battery/perf from the 2 persons working on GNOME around me | 15:01 |
andyrock | I got traker enabled for some reasons | 15:01 |
jbicha | seb128: every other GNOME distro includes it (including Ubuntu GNOME before 17.10) | 15:01 |
seb128 | just trying to get a feeling of what people thing | 15:01 |
didrocks | that's the only input, but nothing measurable unfortunately | 15:01 |
andyrock | and it's always 100% | 15:01 |
seb128 | think | 15:01 |
seb128 | andyrock, 100% what? | 15:01 |
jbicha | Ubuntu Budgie intentionally stopped installing tracker in 17.10 so I want to ask fossfredom how much feedback they had gotten before about that | 15:01 |
andyrock | CPU | 15:01 |
andyrock | :P | 15:02 |
seb128 | k | 15:02 |
andyrock | I cannot debug right now as the computer where it's enabled is dead | 15:02 |
seb128 | the anecdotic comments we just had from didrocks and andyrock don't give me much confidence :p | 15:02 |
oSoMoN | not using it, but I can install and observe how it affects my machine | 15:02 |
didrocks | ah, also on the french forum | 15:02 |
seb128 | hum | 15:02 |
didrocks | someone complaining that we installed tracker by default :p 100% of CPU usage | 15:03 |
didrocks | (2 days ago) | 15:03 |
seb128 | should we maybe ask people in the team to install/opt in for it | 15:03 |
didrocks | ofc, arguedwedidn't :p | 15:03 |
seb128 | and revisit/see feedback next week? | 15:03 |
seb128 | or on the hub :p | 15:03 |
willcooke | hub! | 15:03 |
seb128 | k | 15:03 |
jbicha | there are also lots of anecdotal comments that it works fine :/ | 15:03 |
didrocks | I guess asking for a call for participation on the hub is nice | 15:03 |
* Laney has it installed, have done for ages | 15:03 | |
Laney | so my anecdote is that I never notice it | 15:03 |
Laney | :-) | 15:03 |
didrocks | and gather data | 15:03 |
andyrock | I actually was not sure why the tracker was enabled | 15:03 |
seb128 | Laney, do you find it to provide something useful? | 15:03 |
didrocks | I can link from the french forum as well | 15:03 |
andyrock | I was going to ask here because I was a bit confused | 15:04 |
seb128 | andyrock, you probably installed the package to build/test nautilus or something? | 15:04 |
jbicha | seb128: we're also being forced in to enabling tracker⦠| 15:04 |
andyrock | it can be | 15:04 |
seb128 | jbicha, that has to been seen :p | 15:04 |
seb128 | I'm not saying it's not going to be incrementally harder not having it | 15:04 |
jbicha | csoriano says that Nautilus 3.28 hard-depends on tracker for the new Favorites feature and he says we would have to revert several commits to avoid the tracker dependency | 15:04 |
seb128 | but we could do without for the LTS | 15:05 |
seb128 | he already said that for 3.26 and the batch rename | 15:05 |
seb128 | and fts | 15:05 |
didrocks | for a non LTS, I guess we could give it a try, for a LTS, I'm less positive | 15:05 |
jbicha | well fts doesn't work without tracker and batch rename is a bit less nice without tracker | 15:05 |
jbicha | ("full text search") | 15:06 |
seb128 | right, but he also said in 3.26 that it wouid be an hard depends | 15:06 |
seb128 | anyway, let's give it a try | 15:06 |
seb128 | but what Didier said | 15:06 |
seb128 | even if it's good it needs a maintainer and somebody to look at issues after integration | 15:07 |
seb128 | and the team is busy at full capacity already | 15:07 |
jbicha | tracker is a hard build-depends in 3.26 and the UI is confusing because it offers fts | 15:07 |
seb128 | unsure what we are arguing over | 15:07 |
seb128 | I was just pointed out that we managed to ship 3.26 without enabling tracker | 15:07 |
jbicha | and of course, we could still ship nautilus 3.26 for 18.04 LTS if it is a hard dependency and we don't want tracker | 15:08 |
seb128 | right | 15:08 |
seb128 | I guess it's enough said on the topic | 15:09 |
seb128 | let's all install/try it and use the hub to discuss | 15:09 |
jbicha | it's tricky because we'll get criticism no matter what we do | 15:09 |
willcooke | yeah, to the hub! | 15:09 |
willcooke | gonna end the meeting here, carry on if needed | 15:09 |
willcooke | #endmeeting | 15:09 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β lots of help | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Tue Nov 7 15:09:32 2017 UTC. | 15:09 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 15:09 |
willcooke | thanks all | 15:09 |
jbicha | we've gotten criticism for the regression from Unity of not having file search in the Activities Overview | 15:09 |
seb128 | thanks | 15:10 |
seb128 | jbicha, right, Trevinho has a card to at least integrate with the recently-used list | 15:10 |
didrocks | thx! | 15:11 |
seb128 | which is basically what unity had | 15:11 |
jbicha | | 15:20 |
roasted | seb128: if I may chime in, I install tracker and enjoy using it. Had high CPU usage for a few seconds post-install, after that, no issues that I've seen. | 15:42 |
seb128 | roasted, that's good feedback, thanks | 15:42 |
seb128 | roasted, what do you use it for/where? | 15:43 |
seb128 | roasted, and if it's only "few seconds" I guess you don't have lot of user datas? | 15:43 |
roasted | seb128: digging up files via activities/dash menu mostly. I've also found it to be convenient for finding specific settings too (at least I assume tracker is responsible for that). i.e. I can search "def" and it highlights "Default Applications" from Settings >> Details menu. | 15:44 |
roasted | seb128: I'm not sure what qualifies as a lot or a little. I can tell you at work, all of my data is in my work Nextcloud. At home, all of my data is in my home-Nextcloud. Both Nextcloud's sync to this laptop where I installed tracker. | 15:45 |
seb128 | roasted, no, the settings isn't a tracker thing | 15:45 |
seb128 | just keywords in settings panel descriptions | 15:45 |
roasted | ah. I hadn't taken note of that working prior, but did after tracker -- thought it was connected. | 15:45 |
seb128 | Laney, did you get to the bottom of that gvfs/mtp issue at the end? | 15:58 |
Laney | no | 16:00 |
seb128 | k | 16:02 |
Laney | might come back to it once current tasks are finished, otherwise someone else can work it if they want | 16:02 |
seb128 | no hurry, I was just curious since it seemed you had an handle on it | 16:03 |
jbicha | tjaalton: hi, it looks like your mesa/bionic upload accidentally dropped my latest upload that we need for the libva transition | 16:23 |
jbicha | maybe you want too | 16:24 |
tjaalton | jbicha: don't do blind uploads, thanks | 17:19 |
tjaalton | or commit changes to pkg-xorg git | 17:19 |
jbicha | I don't have commit privileges there, should I join the pkg-xorg team? | 17:27 |
jbicha | also it looks like your latest changes haven't been pushed there yet? | 17:28 |
willcooke | night all | 17:52 |
Laney | tata | 18:04 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, :-( | 18:49 |
oSoMoN | seb128, seen that :/ Iβll take a look after dinner | 19:28 |
tjaalton | jbicha: right about that! :) | 19:53 |
jbicha | tjaalton: what do you want to do now? Do you want to do the fixup mesa upload? | 19:56 |
tjaalton | jbicha: I will, tomorrow. autopkgtests keep it out anyway? | 19:56 |
tjaalton | my bad for not pushing it, can't access the repo remotely | 19:57 |
jbicha | yes, I expect autopkgtests won't catch up until next week π | 19:58 |
tjaalton | looks like I need to drop mir vulkan support too, since it breaks radv | 20:01 |
oSoMoN | ricotz, any idea about ? | 20:31 |
oSoMoN | the failure is not amd64 specific, it happens on ppc64el too, but it's not considered fatal there | 20:43 |
jbicha | seb128: we only do language pack updates for LTS releases these days, right? | 20:48 |
oSoMoN | loadICUBreakIterator(β¦) hu ho ICUβ¦ | 20:51 |
=== Guest25304 is now known as fredp | ||
=== fredp is now known as Guest42663 | ||
ricotz | oSoMoN, I see :\ | 21:22 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, btw, chromium builds are really quite demanding | 21:23 |
ricotz | libreoffice looks like child's play compared to its buildtime ;) | 21:24 |
oSoMoN | yeah, with every new release chromium is getting bigger and longer to build :/ | 21:26 |
oSoMoN | ricotz, FYI | 21:26 |
ubot5 | bug 113705 in framework "linebreak unit test failure when building against libicu 60.1" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 21:26 |
oSoMoN | let's see if upstream has an idea, otherwise I'll take a closer look tomorrow | 21:26 |
ricotz | yeah, even git master is not built with 60.1 yet upstream | 21:27 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, please cc me on the bug | 21:30 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, eod here | 21:32 |
seb128 | jbicha, we don't have rules about that I think, maybe check with Gunnar? | 21:36 |
seb128 | jbicha, but yeah in practice we didn't have much langpacks updates in recent cycles, we could if needed though | 21:36 |
oSoMoN | good night all | 21:44 |
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