
dokoseb128, Laney, didrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg fonts-smc was split. Please could you review the licenses and subscribe desktop-bugs to the split packages?12:10
andreassil2100: hi, the trusty version of ubuntu-advantage-tools failed to build: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+bug/1719671/comments/5613:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1719671 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu Artful) "[SRU] include recent version containing fips and livepatch" [Medium,Fix committed]13:28
andreasis it because of universe?13:28
sil2100andreas: hey, yeah, for a main package an universe package won't really be visible13:31
sil2100I mean, well13:31
andreasall ppa builds I did before didn't show this problem13:37
andreaseven our daily build ppa13:37
andreasand how did the other packages build? The ua-tools ones that are in proposed for x, z and a?13:37
sil2100andreas: I guess I need to see first what's happening before I start talking13:40
sil2100Anyway, I'll take a look at this in some moments13:41
slashdsil2100, andreas seems like universe hasn't been enable in trusty but xenial yes --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25910954/13:49
sil2100Anyway, clearly I made a mistake and didn't take notice that u-a-t is actually a main package13:51
cjwatsonthat changed in xenial, but trusty uses the old model13:51
cjwatson(sorry, I was a little further back in scrollback without noticing)13:52
andreasthese build deps are only used for tests at buildtime, not at runtime13:52
andreasdoes that help?13:52
cjwatson>>> lp.load('/ubuntu/trusty').strict_supported_component_dependencies13:52
cjwatson>>> lp.load('/ubuntu/xenial').strict_supported_component_dependencies13:52
andreasI mean, in terms of policy: a main package having build-deps from universe13:53
cjwatsonwe made the policy more liberal in xenial, but for trusty it does not help13:53
andreasthen let's reject that trusty sru13:54
cjwatsonyou could probably just disable those tests for trusty13:54
andreasyeah, would that be acceptable from the sru point of view?13:55
andreaswe can show them in the daily build ppa13:55
sil2100andreas: I told you last time it was - if we can't run the tests on a given platform then I'm generally good to skip13:55
sil2100It's just that if a series can run the tests then they shouldn't be disabled13:55
sil2100slashd: could you re-upload u-a-t to trusty with the tests disabled and test deps removed?13:56
slashdsil2100, sure can take care of it13:56
sil2100slashd: thanks14:00
slashdsil2100, thanks to you14:00
LargePrimedoes anyone know if https://launchpad.net/~network-manager has a #irc15:39
nacc!alis | LargePrime15:58
ubottuLargePrime: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"15:58
cyphermoxLargePrime: #nm16:05
LargePrimethanks nacc cyphermox16:34
naccLargePrime: yw16:43
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=== nOOb is now known as LargePrime
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slangasekstgraber, infinity, kees, mdeslaur: TB 15 minute warning19:46
bdmurrayslangasek: release upgrade failure due to having apt and apt-transport-https:i386 installed. That seems crazy right?20:31
slangasekbdmurray: yes, that's a crazy state.  maybe it's our bug that the system got in that state to begin with, but the failure to upgrade from it is not a bug20:32
NewGnuGuyWhat is the process for moving a package from multiverse to universe if the latest version is fully freely licensed? Asking specifically about the redeclipse package which is licensed under a combination of zlib and CC-BY-SA and which is in the main repository in Debian.20:41
jbichaNewGnuGuy: file a bug and subscribe the ubuntu-archive team20:41
NewGnuGuyWhich bug tracker should I file under?20:42
jbichayou can run   ubuntu-bug redeclipse20:44
jbichaor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redeclipse/+filebug20:44
ekristenI'm trying to compile a custom version of python for ubuntu, and I've basically used the .dsc to get all the patches etc, and then dropped in the customizations I need to make, when I compile though the binary behaves differently, the stock python interpretter searches for shared objects with suffixing everything with x86_64-linux-gnu20:49
ekristenwhile my custom binary does not, and I am unable to figure out how to make my binary search for shared objects the same way20:50
mwhudsonare the autopkgtest queues actually going down at all?20:51
xnoxmwhudson, yes as fast as fed normalising QE balance sheet.20:52
xnoxmwhudson, it was 14k now it's like 13.9k and things are moving, it's just new things keep being added.20:53
naccekristen: how are you compilinng?20:54
ekristennacc: I was using dget -u to pull down everything, then I modified the files necessary, then ran dpkg-buildpackage, then tested the resulting binary20:55
ekristennacc: it compiles with what I need, it just doesn't search shared objects teh same way. I tried also to compile directly from source from python too, with the same behavior20:56
ekristenI'm sure it's something simple, a small patch or configure option that tells python to look for shared objects in a few different ways, but I cannot seem to figure out where that is setup.20:57
naccekristen: the binary or the .deb?20:57
ekristennacc: ultimately I'm trying to compile the python interpretter with some custom changes, and install it on ubuntu, ideally I wanted to be able to create a .deb package that contains the binary as well. For my changes to work I've passed the disable-shared, and added my library references to LDFLAGS and CFLAGS, I've tried compiling the binary with and without dpkg-buildpackage.20:59
ekristenIt makes the .deb file and the python interpreter with teh changes I need, however when I go to import a module like `gi` for example20:59
ekristenmy custom interpreter looks for _gi.so and that's it21:00
naccekristen: i'm asking if you tested the binary (e.g. ./...python) or the binanry package (the .deb)21:00
ekristenhowever ubuntu's 2.7 python interpetter looks for _gi.so and _gi.x86_64-linux-gnu.so21:00
ekristennacc: both21:00
ekristenI've tested both21:00
naccekristen: i'm curious what changes you are doing?21:02
mwhudsonxnox: yeah i know things are being processed, it's just the rate of that vs the rate of things being added that i wasn't sure of21:08
xnoxmwhudson, we are one cloud down.21:09
xnoxinfinity, it keeps deing taking out the lcy builders for 6 hounts.21:09
xnoxinfinity, so after 28 jobs, we are one cloud down for 5 hours.21:09
infinityxnox: They're being reset more often than that.21:09
xnoxthen they come back.21:09
ekristennacc: hard to explain, some legacy stuff inside my company for a python gtk app we have21:09
infinityxnox: You're operating on old info.21:09
naccekristen: ok, i'm looking at hte source myself to see21:10
infinity(Yes, lcy isn't in perfect state, but it's not as dire as that)21:10
xnoxinfinity, i'm going by the info, from someone with autopkgtest data, from about two hours ago.21:10
xnoxinfinity, there is a problem with lcy when booing bionic guests.21:10
xnox(all good with xenial guests)21:10
infinity11:00 < Laney> nah, I'll make the reset job run hourly so we limp along a bit21:10
infinityxnox: Trust me, I'm aware of all of this.21:11
xnoxinfinity, ok.21:11
infinityxnox: They're resetting more often than every 6h, as I said.21:11
xnoxslangasek, ^^^21:11
xnoxinfinity, i've been told fake news again then!21:11
infinityxnox: Not fake, just old.21:11
infinityxnox: Just irksome when I tell you that it's old news, you keep arguing. :P21:12
ekristennacc: thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated21:12
naccekristen: i guess my first attempt would be to use a PPA or a good build environment (e.g., sbuild, clean LXD) and see if you can rebuild the existing srcpkg with the same beahvior?21:14
slangasekxnox: it was not fake news when I told you21:14
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blahdeblah_cpaelzer: When you're around, would you have a few minutes to talk about the solutions you investigated when fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1620407 ?23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1620407 in libvirt (Ubuntu Xenial) "vm startup broken when interface definition has script tag" [Medium,Fix released]23:41

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