
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Wow15:06
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Happy bday @KMyers16:23
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> @KMyers Happy birthday!19:44
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> $ uptime19:44
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Happy birthday @KMyers19:47
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> 14:47:10 up 11680 days,  5:07,  1 user,  load average: 12.58, 19.07, 22.0919:48
maxolasersquadKMyers, that would be your server?22:47
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> no lol22:47
maxolasersquadThat's quite an old server. :)22:47
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> it's his life22:47
maxolasersquadHah, I think I figured out the joke a second before you explained it. :)22:47
maxolasersquadA little slow on the wit this evening.22:48
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Does Ubuntu have inetd or is it replaced with systems?22:56
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> *systemd22:56

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