
rick_hearly for you isn't it greg-g ? rough night?14:39
jrwrenanyone available to repro an ubuntu bug with me? 17.10 GNU Find has a bug that wasn't there in previous versions.  use this `-printf "%T+ %p\n"` with find and it will overflow and core dump.16:03
rick_hwow, 10 and 12GB disks https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-failure-rates-q3-2017/16:14
jrwrenits pretty terrible:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils/+bug/173069616:14
jrwrenplz upvote ^16:35
* rick_h says it affects me16:36
rick_hthough I can't recall the last time I used find heh16:37
cmaloneyThat's just sad.16:37
jrwrenrick is all cloud now!16:38
jrwrenno need for coreutils.16:38
rick_hno, I think I just grep **/*.py and such16:38
rick_hnever really been a big find user16:38
jrwrenah, its a great tool to know. much different than ls.16:38
rick_hyea, the few times I've used it I think I had to google around for various "find files > 1mb not thouched in last 200 days" or the like16:39
rick_hjust not often I have a call for that type of work16:39
jrwrenhahaaha, yup.16:39
cmaloneyAdded that it affects me as well16:39
jrwrenYAY!  thanks!16:39
cmaloney(even tough I had to create a LXC container for 17.10 because I'm still on 14.04. :)16:40
jrwrenhonestly, my cloud comment was 1/2 serious. When things are in containers you don't have those kind of system admin tasks anymore.16:40
jrwrencmaloney: whoa! old school!16:40
jrwrencmaloney: thanks for creating the container.16:40
cmaloneynp. It's quick. ;)16:40
cmaloneyand now it's gone. :)16:40
cmaloneyYeah, sysadmin under cloud tends to be "There's a problem with the container. Just shoot it in the head and build another one"16:41
jrwrenyup and don't write services that write files because the local filesystem will get destroyed and recreated by that container manager system at any time16:47
cmaloneyPretty much16:49
greg-grick_h: well, babies and DST and all :)17:10
rick_hgreg-g: heh true true17:10
rick_hMy wife was fussing at the dog "it's not time for dinner!" and had to remind her "3 days ago it was..."17:11
cmaloneyPixel has been gradually making the switch17:36
rick_hheh, always fun for animals to remind us we people are strange and always forcing order on top of things where it doesn't belong17:40

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