[00:00] greyline: do you see a directory "i386-pc" listed ? [00:00] TJ-: I need to check the ascii code for $ [00:00] greyline: shifted 4 [00:01] greyline: explain...? why do you need to know the ASCII (it's 0x24, 36 decimal) [00:02] TJ-: because I use hungarian layout, I think [00:02] in my other notebook, shifted 4 gives me ! [00:02] greyline: ahhh... didnt' realise there's no '$' key! [00:02] "!" [00:03] TJ-: okay, it says error: file '/boot/grub/' not found [00:03] TJ-: after ls $prefix/ [00:03] it's Alt+; [00:04] greyline: ouch, not great! [00:04] greyline: try "ls (hd0,msdos1)/" [00:05] TJ-: very long list [00:06] greyline: ok, don't try to tell me let me guess... [00:06] the usual content of the / [00:06] although I don't know if they're all of them [00:06] greyline: etc proc sys dev usr home lib root boot .... [00:07] TJ-: not exactly [00:07] greyline: OK, good, so at least we're in the place I think we are :) ... now try "ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/" [00:07] greyline: they'll not be in the order I typed them :) [00:07] TJ-: ./ ../ lost+found/ grub/ and there are some memtest86+.bin, elf, generic images, etc. [00:08] greyline: oooo! "lost+found" is unexpected at this point; that indicates the root of a file-system [00:08] greyline: was there a "lost+found" in the previous 'root' directory listing too? [00:09] TJ-: wait... [00:09] ls (hd0,msdos1)/ ./ ../ lost+found/ grub/ and there are some memtest86+.bin, elf, generic images, etc. [00:09] ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/ error: file '/boot/' not found [00:10] greyline: oh, ok, I misread a but. [00:10] greyline: so, we've got a system with a separate /boot/ file-system which is what we're in. I'm wondering if, during the install, this wasn't correctly mounted and therefore the files you need are in another partition! [00:11] TJ-: maybe. I just installed the way that post told me [00:11] greyline: type "ls" and tell me if you see some other partitions listed, of the form (hd0, msdos1) (hd0, msdos2) (hd0, msdos3) ? [00:11] I've used linux for decades. All of a sudden I can't do anything in 17.10 [00:11] TJ-: but previously I used the default installation and I also got that error I mentioned before [00:12] IF I open a file with files it says folder is empty and the file disappears although it's still there if I go back. [00:12] TJ-: (hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) [00:12] greyline: what does "ls (hd0,msdos2)" tell you, if anything? It should report the file-system type, or "file-system unknown/not found" [00:13] Can't compress a file with password, no option. [00:14] TJ-: filesystem is unknow [00:14] greyline: OK, now do the same for msdos3 [00:14] TJ-: I tried to install the OS to the msdos1, as the post told me to do [00:15] msdos3 is ext2 [00:15] greyline: msdos1 only has the boot files in it, which tells us it's a separate /boot/ partition. The OS root file-system is in another partition [00:16] greyline: the problem is, msdos1/boot/grub/ is missing all the key GRUB boot manager files it needs [00:16] greyline: I'm hoping we may find them elsewhere; otherwise it'll need to boot from the LiveCD for sure, to fix it [00:16] TJ-: okay, then tell me what is the exact problem with https://askubuntu.com/a/398808 [00:17] TJ-: I used the steps in here [00:17] TJ-: so if the installation was problematic, maybe I did something wrong, or maybe the post is wrong [00:17] TJ-: I don't know at this point [00:18] greyline: the BIOS is old, it cannot read very far into very big disk drives. So, if the OS file-system is too far into the disk OR if it is too large, the BIOS, and GRUB, cannot read all the sectors that make up the file-system [00:18] TJ-: it's an 1 tb disk [00:19] greyline: Well, this part is wrong, though for UEFI based installs it doesn't matter: "In the boot install dropdown menu, select your "/boot" partition. Not the defaulted drive root!". Grub's boot sector should be installed to the MBR, not to the root or boot partition. [00:19] greyline: this is why the partitioning scheme is vital. The idea is to make a small (1GB) /boot/ file-system at the start of the disk, and another smallish OS partition immediately after that so the BIOS can read all the sectors for those 2. After GRUB has loaded Linux that limitation goes away so you use the rest of the disk's space [00:19] TJ-: I set 4096 mb for the swap, 1024 mb for the other (what the post told me), and the other is almost 1 tb [00:20] TJ-: okay, then tell me how to install the Ubuntu for this :D [00:20] greyline: but you've got an issue with GRUB not having installed to the /boot/ file-system. [00:21] greyline: it seems GRUB installed its bootstrap code and core image, but failed to install the files to /boot/grub/... [00:21] TJ-: okay, I can reformat the whole thing, but I don't know too much about these file systems. The only thing I know the default installation gave me this error: https://askubuntu.com/questions/397485/what-to-do-when-i-get-an-attempt-to-read-or-write-outside-of-disk-hd0-error/398808#398808 [00:21] TJ-: and the steps in the accepted answer didn't helped me at all [00:21] TJ-: that's all I know [00:21] greyline: yes, I read that earlier, that's what I'm talking about. [00:22] TJ-: okay, so what to do? [00:22] greyline: try starting the system using the LiveCD - you probably need to press a key at boot-time to get into the BIOS manual boot menu to choose the CD-ROM [00:22] greyline: otherwise, go into BIOS setup and change the boot-device order so CD-ROM is first [00:24] TJ-: yeah, the problem with the live cd was solved with just plugging out and in the power cable [00:24] TJ-: so the live cd started correctly [00:38] TJ-: this notebook also has a problem to accidently drop out the disk sometimes. So the loading of the live cd was aborted due to this. After reboot, the live cd again gave errors to me and now that doesn't even spinning up again [00:39] that's nice... does he went to sleep without goodbye? [00:39] omg.. [00:42] can I use live cd from pendrive if the notebook is very old? it has only BIOS, not UEFI [00:46] somebody? [00:46] how should I install Ubuntu 16.04 without UEFI? [00:58] greyline: Yes, you can boot from a LiveUSB. [01:02] greyline: Here are instructions for creating an Ubuntu LiveUSB from another Ubuntu machine: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu?_ga=2.131361231.1104473284.1510016348-740107179.1475438008#0 (there are other tutorials for doing so from Windos/OSX). [01:03] Jordan_U: thanks. That will be the topic of tomorrow [01:03] Jordan_U: I go to sleep. Bye [01:04] holah [01:04] ok so what could possibly be holding my hdd devices [01:04] when I do mdadm --assemble /dev/md126 /dev/sd{bo,a,am,an,bd,bi}1 [01:04] I get... sdbo1 is busy -- skipping, etc, etc, etc [01:05] they are btw not mounted, I grepped them from /proc/mounts ---> nada [01:06] ht: are they already in a md? mdadm --examine /dev/sd* [01:06] nacc, hmm yeah .. now I find them by grep in /proc/mdstat [01:07] ht: you have to stop md126 probably [01:07] damn [01:07] ht: if you want to assemble it [01:07] ht: fwiw, that was the first hit onn google for "mdadm assemble busy" (without the quotes) -> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=193302 [01:07] they seem to have automagically assembled under another name, md127 [01:08] ht: probably due to your mdadm configuratio [01:08] nacc, yeah so explains why not available [01:09] Where is the best place to look to see what happened right before the system completely froze requiring a hard reset? [01:09] ArMedic, dmesg would be a first always [01:09] Hey guys, I'm running 17.04 on the desktop and I can't seem to use crave tv, has anyone managed to get crave tv working under Ubuntu 17.04? [01:09] say $ dmesg -T [01:10] docmur, if that channel uses DRM, try google chrome ? [01:10] dmesg wouldn't help [01:11] You need logs from the previous boot [01:11] ^-- because dmesg is the current kernel's buffer, to be clear [01:11] well it could if, "completely froze" [01:11] so some kernel error perhaps [01:11] ht: no [01:11] ht: syslog or kern.log would be better [01:11] ht: if it's frozen now, you can't run dmesg [01:11] ht: and if it's rebooted, the dmesg that is relevant is goe [01:11] *gone [01:12] I did reboot. [01:13] nacc, right, dmesg gets refreshed on boot [01:13] [11229.621758] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0._Q33, AE_NOT_FO$ [01:14] I see this right before a long time pause. Maybe this caused it. [01:14] I'm unsure if they do, they haven't been helpful in any email response, but I'll give it a try. I remember it not working last week in Chrome [01:15] There is so much information here. Hard to figure out exactly what caused it. [01:15] in the kern.log and syslog [01:15] ArMedic, ubuntu 16.04, what processes were running? how much memory usage? [01:16] ht, this is 17.10 [01:16] ht, I am not sure what the memory usage was at the time of the crash. [01:17] there have been reported issues with NUMA in the kernel -- memory optimization if running really close to full memory [01:17] basically kernel crashes doing NUMA [01:17] I dont think it's been fixed yet [01:18] but you need really heavy memory IO, close to full memory [01:18] I have 8GB ram, I'm pretty sure it wasn't full. [01:20] ArMedic, well ok there is a more likely cause -- it could be a bad RAM module [01:20] or its running at too high a clock speed [01:20] kernel: [12048.848713] perf: interrupt took too long (4328 > 3151), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_$ [01:20] This shows up right before the freeze. [01:21] ArMedic, how many times has this freez happened? [01:21] ht, Just once. [01:21] ht, I was just trying to determine what happened. [01:22] ArMedic, if its a memory error, then it may not be easy to see [01:22] I remember having crappy mem modules on my old motherboard, and it would cause strange crashes until I lowered the clock speed to under spec [01:22] haven't seen since I started using kingston memory only [01:23] ht, That is what I am using, kingston. [01:24] hm, ohhhkey, well in my experience I would think that should be good with any motherboard [01:24] you sure no silly overclocking thing set in the bios ? [01:24] ht, I am not sure about overclocking in the bios no. [01:25] https://www.memtest86.com/ [01:25] ArMedic, oh, but also all mem modules must be same type -- but my guess is that is ok? [01:25] ^ You could use this to test the RAM? [01:25] yeah that's a good idea [01:25] doesn that ship in the repo [01:25] no, it's a livdcd [01:25] livecd* [01:26] but some scientists say "one is a bad statistics" -- could mean anything, until you have a nother event [01:27] Understood. [01:27] frequentists say that more specifically -- you cant infer anything about state of things from a single measurement or event. [01:28] ht: so you're saying a single measurement of bad RAM is unreliable? :P [01:29] gnomethrower, a single event like that is hard to deduce how common it is [01:29] could be super irregular or super regular [01:29] the second event happening say a day later will confirm if its a problem [01:29] sure, no harm in doing diagnostics in the meantime though [01:30] gnomethrower, yeah agreed that will help eliminate that possiblility [01:31] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) i am get this error at the time installation and removal of mysql [01:47] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) i am get this error at the time installation and removal of mysql [01:52] would you please paste more informational error message Rockwood [01:59] My php mail() isn't working after fumbling around with qmail. I don't know why. Any way to diagnose? [01:59] commandline mail works fine [02:03] Rockwood: Please pastebin the output of "journalctl" (Just the first screenfull as a start). [02:10] Ok so commandline mail does not work [02:10] I was incorrect [02:10] i deleted mysql folder and installation now fine [02:10] thanks friends [02:36] Hi all, is there a way I can determine which of my NIC cards are connecting me to the net if I have its hexdecimal Device code? [02:39] ? [02:40] You should check the default route. it should tell you the interface name [02:40] I have 2 wifi pieces in my computer, just curious which one is connected to the net, so I can remove the other one [02:40] what command do I use for that? ifconfig? [02:40] ip route [02:41] then "ip a" will give you the mac address [02:42] okay assuming its the USB dongle that is working right now, going to see if I can switch that [02:47] hello... i am currently on ubuntu 14.04 LTS and windows 10... since this is my sole laptop including work i dont like doing frequent upgrades due to risks... so i would like to upgrade to an LTS ideally... i am leaving 14.04 cuz it is still to outdated (no x265 video)... i thought 16.04 would be ideal but seems like it ubuntu is phasing out unity etc ( i actually liked unity inf 14.04) ; also 18.04 is around the corner... so any suggestions? which version to [02:47] upgrade to... [02:49] Hi! :) [02:50] 16.04 will still be supported until 2021. I think you got plenty of time [02:50] I just upgraded my desktop PC [02:50] from Ubuntu 16.04 to 17.04 [02:50] and all of a sudden, it is not recognizing any keyboard/mouse inputs at login screen [02:50] @kenrin thanks... ya i think i will go for 16.04, unless there are any must have features in 17.10?... LTS allows me to use unity for as long as possible if i choose to... i hope it has x65 support.... [02:51] not sure if it has frozen... or if inputs are just not working [02:51] Should the cursor be "flashing"? [02:51] JFox762, no mouse pointer even? [02:51] none visible [02:51] no [02:52] nedR: Ubuntu 16.04 can play h.264 video (with the appropriate packages installed). [02:52] any suggestions? [02:53] nedR: Also, Ubuntu 17.10 makes Gnome Shell "Unity like", for whatever that's worth. [02:53] my desktop PC is dual boot w/ windows... and nothing important is stored on my Linux Hard drive [02:53] but I'd rather not do a clean install [02:54] keyboard inputs work in the Linux bootloader tho [02:55] OK [02:55] Jordan_U, u mean h265... it doesn't support it out of the box? damn... oh nice didn't know 17.10 was gnome thanks... [02:55] Does it work if you drop to a CLI console ? Might be graphics issue [02:55] Kenrin? [02:55] was that for me? [02:56] ya [02:56] JFox762, i found this ; https://askubuntu.com/questions/908918/updated-from-16-04-to-16-10-the-keyboard-and-mouse-no-longer-works-after-gettin [02:56] Not sure if it applies to you tho [02:56] nedR: Yes, sorry I meant h.265. Ubuntu won't support h.265 out of the box until it doesn't require licencing to ship such support in the U.S. and other countries. [02:57] nedR: By which point we will hopefully have a better, commonly used, Free codec available. [02:57] Jordan_U, ah k ... latest vlcs support h265 well... but dunno which vlc 16.04 comes with... i just dont like install unofficial 3rd party ppas [02:57] hehe funny ;) [03:00] ah i think there are official snaps available to install new vlc versions... [03:00] Could always build from source =) [03:00] kenrin [03:00] i tried that solution [03:01] it still didnt work [03:01] Keyboard doesn't work if you ctrl + alt + f3 ? [03:01] is it the first answer I was supposed to follow the instructions for? [03:01] nope [03:01] interestingly [03:01] when i log into ubuntu [03:01] No idea then. I did read a post saying someone had to use recovery shell and upgrade to 17.10 to get it working again [03:01] or not log in [03:02] but when i get to the log in screen [03:02] the cursor is flashing [03:02] kenrin didn't share that link i did... and no dont really know what i am talking about (altho i thought first answer looked promising).. [03:02] but then it stops flashing when i try to type something [03:02] but no other activity [03:02] no characters appear [03:02] no mouse activity [03:02] actually [03:03] it seems to stop flashing after a few moments [03:03] doesnt seem related to keyboard [03:03] im wondering if the login screen is just freezing [03:03] keyboard inputs work in Grub [03:04] What kernel is it booting into ? [03:04] I have no idea [03:04] didnt check [03:04] just uname right [03:04] ? [03:04] Well you can check on grub [03:04] one last question guys... will using in-built upgrade option be safe for 14.04 to 16.04? i dont want to end up on non-bootable windows or corrupt drive... although i dont have important stuff in linux partition i am worried about data loss in windows and ntfs partitions [03:05] Linux 4.10.0-38-generic [03:06] The post I was reading said 4.10 had that issue but 4.8 worked fine =/ [03:07] im in the recovery menu [03:07] what should i try? [03:07] Don't know, If it was me I'd go ahead and upgrade to 17.10 from recovery [03:08] that is what I was planning to do anyway [03:09] can you guide me in how to do that? [03:09] I mean [03:09] I know how to drop into the console from recovery [03:10] im at root now [03:10] do-release-upgrade should do it [03:11] How often is the kernel upgraded? [03:12] It says "Checking for new Ubuntu release" [03:12] but nothing else after that [03:12] just a flashing cursor [03:15] still flashing [03:15] It has internet ? [03:16] hmmm [03:16] actually i think i did forget to enable that [03:17] ok [03:17] Evening, folks. [03:17] i confirmed that I have an internet connection by pinging (google) [03:18] I have here a little problem after an upgrade to 17.10. [03:18] and I am getting a response from google [03:18] so i attempted again [03:18] and I got this output [03:18] Trying to start my computer, and it hangs on starting systemd-resolved-update-resolvconf.service [03:18] 'Failed to connect to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release. Check your internet connection of proxy settings. [03:19] No new release found [03:19] Any ideas? [03:19] I think it is ignoring non-LTS? [03:20] Well 17 isn't a LTS so it shouldn't be doing that although you can check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades file [03:21] Probably just can't reach the ubuntu update server [03:21] is there an IP for the ubuntu update server? [03:21] tha tI can ping? [03:22] kenrin My Ubuntu's own release upgrader has not seen the newer releases in literally years. [03:22] JFox762: Can you ping an address? aka is DNS working [03:22] What that means is I need to upgrade the Debian way whenever I want to. (Change codenames in the sources.list) [03:22] i was able to ping [03:22] and get a response [03:23] Like google.com [03:23] Temporary failure in name resolution [03:23] so yeah [03:23] Fix your DNS first [03:23] seems DNS is not workin [03:23] Then re-run the command [03:23] how do I do that? [03:24] echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf [03:24] ok that fixed it [03:25] ok its doing the upgrade [03:25] :D [03:26] Ugh.... this is going to tak eseveral hours I bet [03:26] this process took a lot less time on my Laptop [03:26] but my laptop has an SSD, so... [03:31] soooo [03:32] I really wish I had installed my home directory on another partition [03:32] i hear that there are a lot of benefits to that [03:32] Only real benefit is you can reinstall without moving data leaving /home alone [03:32] JFox762, it means you can fresh install the os without losing your files in there [03:33] yeah [03:33] which means I can switch between distros i hear [03:33] Right? [03:33] JFox762, yes [03:33] I've done that, sometimes the config files in home dir get messed up though [03:33] Is it too late to try doing that though? [03:34] Nah [03:34] I would just need to create a new partition... [03:34] You can resize the partition, make a new one for /home, transfer files over, then edit fstab to mount [03:34] yeah [03:34] JFox762, i just use timeshift so if my system self destructs i can restore [03:35] timeshift/ [03:35] ? [03:35] what is that? [03:35] backup software? [03:35] jelly, yea it uses rsync [03:35] JFox762, yea [03:35] I just wrote my own script to take LVM snapshots [03:35] JFox762, kinda like a snapshot [03:35] LVM? [03:35] logical volume management [03:36] that works to [03:36] lvm is relly fun you can expand your fs with more drives etc [03:36] My desktop PC has nothing of value installed on it, as it is a dual boot PC with Windows [03:36] but my laptop here... [03:36] it runs Linux only... Ubuntu 17.10 [03:36] I'm really happy with it [03:37] Got Fedora on my lappy [03:37] but I am curious to try other distros as well [03:37] I hear a lot of people are really fond of Arch Linux these days [03:37] JFox762, i run arch [03:37] I'm new to Linux actually... [03:37] Ugh, if you like doing everything yourself [03:37] only been using Linux for a little over a year [03:37] JFox762, i use the antergos installer [03:37] I'm too lazy for arch [03:37] I do like mageia architect though [03:37] What do you have to do yourself? [03:38] kenrin, antergos and manjaro make arch easy enough [03:38] On Arch? Everything [03:38] install the base OS, set up mirrors, do the bootloader, all in CLI [03:38] Only thing you don't have to do is compile stuff [03:38] kenrin, not with the 2 spins i metoned [03:38] Yeah but that isn't true Arch [03:38] kenrin, antergos is [03:39] Yeah sorry I said mageia when I meant manjaro [03:39] but even if you relly wanna make it yourself arch has some of the best documaion ever [03:40] documation [03:40] and pacman and aur are god [03:41] kenrin, im running antergos xfce wwith the numix theme :) [03:42] pacman? [03:42] So does [03:42] Arch Linux use .deb? [03:42] or .rpm? [03:42] JFox762, no they use tar.gz [03:42] JFox762, its there own packages [03:42] Why would I wnat that? [03:42] JFox762, and package manager [03:42] that would limit the type of software I can install, right? [03:43] JFox762, no its even better then ubuntu thanks to aur [03:43] JFox762, it stands for arch user repo [03:43] Oftentimes, I'm lucky enough just to find a linux version of a piece of software [03:43] let alone something different from the most popular .deb files [03:43] gogeta: what's this about #archlinux ? [03:44] tyzoid, someone was asking [03:44] :P [03:44] JFox762, think of aur as ppas butt without the need to acully add them [03:45] doesnt that increase the chance of installing malware? [03:45] JFox762, it just grabs them and installs them [03:45] JFox762, no more then a ppa [03:45] right but [03:45] the difference is, when I add a PPA... [03:45] always checkwhat your installing [03:45] I *KNOW* im installing third party, possibly untrustworthy software [03:46] wheras when I do a Sudo apt-get install whatever [03:46] I know that it is in the Ubuntu repositories [03:46] and therefor trusted [03:46] yea thers the main repos as well [03:46] !xdccfind debian [03:46] JFox762, i was just saying aur is easer then hunting down a ppa [03:46] true [03:47] but there is a benefit to having to actually add a ppa [03:47] kind of like the benefit of having to type Sudo in front of certain commands [03:47] JFox762, not rely add enough and it becomes a total mess [03:48] JFox762: I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding [03:48] the built-in package manager does not support the AUR [03:48] JFox762, you have to sudo to install stuff as well its just easy [03:48] Right [03:48] you need to intentionally install a third party tool to help in installing packages [03:48] tyzoid, yep [03:48] but when I type Sudo apt-get install SomethingFromUbuntuRepo [03:48] JFox762, same for arch [03:49] I know, based on how I entered the command, that it has been verified by Canonical [03:49] JFox762: arch uses gpg signing for it's repos [03:49] Ohhhhhhh [03:49] JFox762: The AUR is basically a PPA of build scripts [03:49] So there is a different command for installin gsomething from ARch repos vs 3rd party ? [03:49] yeah [03:49] yaourt or pacaur are the most popular tools to do that [03:49] OH OK [03:49] JFox762, yes you eyther download them by hand ot use a 3rd party app like yourt [03:50] downloading by hand gets old fast, though [03:50] to download the 3rd party applications? [03:50] https://blog.kaiserapps.com/why_arch_linux_over_ubuntu/ [03:50] downloading by hand? [03:50] what do you mean? [03:50] Like, downloading it from a link in a browser [03:50] and using dpkg? [03:50] JFox762: AUR packages are basically just enhanced makefiles [03:50] building by hand I guess, makepkg [03:50] ^ [03:50] I'm a huge fan of Arch [03:50] by that I mean downloading the PKGBUILD file, and makepkg -sir [03:51] I dont think I've done that before [03:51] or if I have [03:51] I followed a guide on how to do it [03:51] and definitely didn't remember how to do it [03:51] JFox762, most dont they just use yourt or pacaur [03:51] that's how you *should* do it [03:51] there's a huge wiki page on the Arch wiki about AUR [03:51] JFox762: https://dl.tyzoid.com/aurf [03:51] when you say build [03:51] or at least know how to do it that way [03:51] That's my script that I use [03:51] you mean mean... building from Source? [03:51] folks, canwe keep on topic? [03:51] JFox762: the AUR is source [03:52] it's a very quick automation of building an AUR package [03:52] ooh, aur's can be taken-over if the original maintainer goes *poof*, right? [03:52] if you're confused at the process, look at my script [03:52] JFox762, aur use a pkgbuild file its bascily a script to tell makepkg what to do [03:52] SmokinGrunts: Not necessarily. If the maintainer of a mainline package goes poof, another trusted user takes over [03:52] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository [03:52] here [03:52] it's all explained [03:52] again. Can we please keep on topic? [03:52] SmokinGrunts: the AUR is basically a proving ground for potential packages [03:52] sorry [03:53] TILearned [03:53] feel free to move conv. to #archlinux or #archlinux-newbie [03:53] I'm in both, ping me if you have further questions [03:53] me too [03:53] do you guys think it is a good idea to install linux on a laptop for a barely technologically literate person? [03:53] personally no [03:53] JFox762: Yes. I put my parents on Solus/Budgie [03:53] My wife, she is the type who constantly gets spyware [03:53] unless you want to be their support [03:53] and malware installed on her PC [03:53] And I ran Ubuntu on my Grandma [03:53] I mean for a wife then sure [03:53] Grandma's PC [03:53] for a grandma... [03:53] ugh [03:54] She only did web browsing [03:54] so firefox worked fine for her [03:54] "I broke it and now there's a black screen!" [03:54] ... [03:54] non-root account [03:54] worked fine [03:54] yeah [03:54] that's what im saying [03:54] also [03:54] if something breaks [03:54] ssh! [03:54] "I got a scary message wanting bitcoins because I haven't updated for four years!" [03:54] it might be easier ot guide them how to fix it [03:54] my wife is currently overseas for a few months [03:54] When I moved my parents over to Linux, I was able to run nightly backups of their machine [03:55] and I figure [03:55] this is a support channel for Ubuntu. Eitherkeep on topic, or go elsewhere (#ubuntu-offtopic, for example) [03:55] since it tied into my *nix backup system [03:55] if something wer eto go wrong with her machine [03:55] it MIGHT be fixabmle from the command prompt [03:55] JFox762, i would probly stick to ubuntu based for grandma [03:55] and I think it would be so much easier to tell her what to type [03:55] vs what window to navigate to [03:55] what button to push on the screen like in Windows [03:55] JFox762, gogeta #ubuntu-offtopic [03:55] let's not make the mods mad [03:55] yeah stick to Ubuntu for sure, if you're set on this [03:55] oops [03:55] sorry Tyzoid [03:56] thanks for the reminder hggdh [03:56] I say install ubuntu for your non-tech user, and see how they fare anyhow [03:56] tyzoid: you are welcome. We do try to keep the topic here [03:58] where's the sudo users log again? [03:58] \/var/log/?? [03:58] er [03:58] /var/log/?? [03:59] /var/log/auth.log [03:59] is it normal for me to want to setup some sorta mail forwarder to send me access logs? [04:00] also, can I bash script this to leverage a regex to remove known IP's? [04:00] ktechmidas: want to join me in offtopic? :) [04:00] like, only 'mail' me if x, y, z, IP's are matched? [04:00] SmokinGrunts: you mean like fail2ban or sshguard? [04:01] possibly. I have fail2ban going, but IIRC I kept getting a crapton of bogus memory usage mails [04:01] I think munin was sending those... maybe.. it was months ago [04:03] what'd be the best thing to attempt to have a server securely send me near realtime updates of any changes to /var/log/auth.log? [04:06] SmokinGrunts - send it to Santa Claus, as per XKCD #838 :) No, I'm just kidding. It probably involves printing the output of [ diff ] to a file and having the file sent over SSH, but I'm not exactly sure of the correct params. [04:06] ;P [04:08] part of me wants to spend some time making a secure node backend api to connect to a 'status' daemon and get realtime updates of certain server logs [04:08] part of me says 'just focus on what you need to, instead.' === SkyRocknRoll_ is now known as SkyRocknRoll [04:15] so... [04:16] my system is installing 17.10 [04:16] it seems stuck on [04:16] "Installing new version of config file /etc/lsb-release" [04:16] is that a "large file" [04:16] that will take a lot of time [04:16] or.... [04:16] should it not take that long? [04:17] shouldn't take long at all [04:17] lol fail2ban is down... wtf... [04:18] I'm getting bruteforced right now [04:18] Nov 6 22:18:05 mhkonnekt login[2847]: pam_securetty(login:auth): access denied: tty '/dev/pts/0' is not secure ! [04:18] Nov 6 22:18:08 mhkonnekt login[2847]: FAILED LOGIN (3) on '/dev/pts/0' from '' FOR 'root', Authentication failure [04:18] x hundreds [04:18] lmfao [04:31] it still is stuck on Installing new version of config file [04:31] lsb-release [04:32] any recommendations? [04:32] its been 15 minutes [04:32] well [04:32] longer I think [04:33] SmokinGrunts: [Re: auth.log] remote syslog, possibly over a secure link (vpn, tunnel) [04:35] What is bruteforced? [04:36] someone trying to gain admin access by just... running random pw attempts? [04:38] anyone here? [04:41] clear [04:41] oops wrong window [04:42] it still is stuck on Installing new version of config file /etc/lsb-release [04:43] what do I do [04:45] I'm running into some issues with an upgrade, and apt --fix-broken install isn't solving the issue. It revolves around systemd; apparently I have libsystemd0 version 232-21ubuntu7.1, but it needs version 232-21ubuntu5. Apt dist-upgrade also can't do anything. [04:47] This is just after I upgraded my kernel, and I haven't restarted yet. However, I'm afraid to, since I'm not sure if systemd will break. [04:53] fraktor thanks for letting me know about apt --fix-broken install [04:53] "Installing new version of config file /etc/lsb-release" [04:53] is where my system got stuck on [04:58] JFox762: Glad I could help. Are you having the same issue? [05:00] what is your issue? [05:01] is it... getting stuck at various installation points? [05:01] because now it got stuck on "Setting up base0files (9.6ubuntu102)... [05:01] Im wondering [05:01] Hmmm [05:01] could be .... [05:01] my hard drive just filled up [05:02] i had only 52 gb when i tried the upgrade [05:02] but that should be mor ethan plenty [05:15] well [05:15] guess Im going to have to format and reinstall Ubuntu [05:15] Not a big deal I guess [05:15] Pardon... I want to get this straight... 17.10 is an interim release until 18.something next Spring? [05:30] oy, JFox762 what's going on? [05:32] Update: I was able to get it working by downloading the systemd package from the Ubuntu website. Who knows. [05:42] hey [05:44] hey [05:46] MarkB2: there's two "tiers" of ubuntu, the LTS (the last of which was 18.04 and the next will be 20.04) and 6-monthly (this one is 18.10 and next will be 19.04) [05:47] 17.10 is current [05:47] shit [05:47] yeah [05:47] sorry 17.10 is current [05:47] 18.04 is next [05:47] * ktechmidas looks around suspiciously, hoping no-one noticed the time travel [05:48] 17.10 has some of the oddest problems. Every half hour or so, it spits up a problem report with apport-gtk . [05:48] that happens on new releases sometimes [05:48] That's just one of 'em. [05:49] MarkB2: yeah it's stable... but not as stable as 16.04 [05:49] 17.10 is a HUGE overhaul [05:49] stuff like that is why i stick to LTS [05:49] and yeah, lots of changes in 17.10 [05:49] biggest change in 5 years between releases [05:49] IMO [05:49] 16.04 ... Intel first picked 16.04 to run on their Joule processor. That might explain (a little) why Intel discontinued the Joule. [05:49] so things are gonna break [05:51] I just got a two-camera chunk of software running on 17.10 . Using SDL2 and v4l2 . Nice and smooth. Switching between cameras is at the press of a button.. [06:07] anyone here? [06:07] yes, 1114 people [06:07] i need help with a reinstallation of Ubuntu to make sure I don't make any terrible mistakes [06:08] ask any questions you have and wait for a response [06:11] My latest version Ubuntu is not booting up, but my older ubuntu version starts without any issue. I'm new to Ubuntu [06:12] Ok... so [06:12] I'm trying to install Ubuntu 17.10 on my messed up drive. I want to basically do a fresh reinstall of Ubuntu, with 17.10... since upgrading really screwed itself up [06:13] Problem is, on the install screen, after selecting to download updates, and install 3rd party software... it seems to get stuck after hitting "Continue" [06:13] just a stupid hourglass analouge [06:14] Im starting to suspect the hard drive itself is the culprit [06:14] Hmmm [06:14] actually nevermind [06:14] it finally got to the next screen... took long enough [06:18] My latest version Ubuntu is not booting up, but my older ubuntu version starts without any issue. The screen is stuck at showing 'loading initial ramdisk...'. I'm new to Ubuntu [06:19] raga: 1) what version? 2) did you make changes before it stopped booting? 3) what kernel version? [06:20] ok [06:20] from a 250 Gig HD [06:20] how do I create a new partition table? [06:20] do I do? [06:21] 1)Ubuntu 16.04, 2)i was trying to make Tensorflow make use of GPU, but it got stuck and after force shutdown ubuntu doesnt start. 3) Linux 4.10.0-38-generic [06:21] JFox762, read this? https://gparted.org/display-doc.php%3Fname%3Dhelp-manual#gparted-create-partition-table [06:23] raga, can you start recovery mode from 'advanced options' in grub> [06:23] ? [06:25] @SmokinGrunts no i cant open from recover either, [06:26] raga try to roll your video drivers back, or use xorg defaults [06:26] Its stuck, and shows failed to execute /init/bin/sh: cant open 'recovery' [06:26] How do i do that .. my laptop is dual booted, windows and ubuntu [06:27] nvidia card? [06:27] GEFORCE GTX 960M [06:29] do you have an older kernel you can try to boot into from the grub menu? [06:29] also what is the last few lines of output on startup? [06:29] Yes i can boot from Linux 4.10.0-28-generic [06:30] do that, get into a proper shell then [06:33] ok [06:33] soooo according to some googling [06:33] https://askubuntu.com/questions/49109/i-have-16gb-ram-do-i-need-32gb-swap [06:33] i found that [06:33] so since I have 16gb ram [06:34] i guess Ill use 8gb of swpa area [06:34] swap area [06:34] do you have an sshd JFox762 ? [06:35] no [06:35] okies [06:35] Soooo [06:35] Im here in the installation partition manager [06:35] I have 8GB designated for Sawp [06:35] Swap* [06:35] What else do I need [06:36] keep in mind, I have two hard drives [06:36] One has Windows installed on it [06:36] JFox762: if you intend to suspend you need equal swap to ram [06:36] this hard drive [06:36] intend to suspend? [06:36] what do you mean by suspend? [06:36] "sleep mode" [06:36] hmmm [06:36] ok [06:36] hibronation [06:37] hibernate is to disk, suspend is to ram [06:37] Ok [06:37] JFox762: if you dont intend to do that, you don't *need* to have swap at all. It's probably good to have some tho [06:37] @SmokinGrunts i m in the older kernel version [06:37] what other partitions do I need? [06:37] I want to be able to have a seperate partition for /home [06:38] That way, later on... I can try different distros [06:38] raga: open a terminal, 'sudo apt update' and 'sudo apt upgrade' make sure all packages are up to date [06:38] I have 233999MB "free" after swap [06:38] Shows an error [06:38] 404 not found [06:39] JFox762, here is a decent dual boot guide with settable /home instructions: https://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-dual-boot-mode-windows/ [06:39] Invalid date entry in release file _var_cuda-repo-8-0-local_Release [06:40] hm. might have to clean apt sources [06:40] How do i do that? [06:41] I just recently did a fresh install of Ubuntu 17.10 from DVD. I previously had 17.04 and my Logitech HD C615 webcam worked fine. lsusb shows the webcam, and programs like Chrome even recognize it exists by name HD C615, but it doesn't work. [06:41] ok raga that is def nvidia issue [06:41] Programs like avconv, cheese, and chrome just say the device is not working. [06:41] https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/970938/invalid-date-entry-in-release-file/ [06:41] I've tried mknod of /dev/video0, which already existed but a forum post somewhere suggested it. [06:42] Does anyone know of a good thing to try to debug this? [06:42] raga, what method did you use to install nvidia driver, and is it proprietary or community? [06:44] how big shoul root be? [06:44] damn [06:44] mmachenry, you got shafted on stack [06:45] mmachenry: when you plug in the camera, run "dmesg" and see if it complains about any missing firmware or such [06:45] they shouldn't have closed, only directed you towards the proper stack [06:45] https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KtFSZeeZA9wJ:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47142756/why-isnt-my-logitech-c615-webcam-not-working-in-ubuntu-17-10+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us [06:45] ask that same question on askubuntu [06:45] I'm sorry people suck sometimes [06:46] SmokinGrunts: I'm a bit confused. "shafted on stack" ? [06:46] stack exchange, I saw the google cache of your question there [06:47] SmokinGrunts: Oh yes... I deleted it. The commenter I guess was right. It's not programming... but I see *so* many non-programming questions on there. [06:47] hateball: I'll check. [06:47] @SmokinGrunts now it shows unable to connect to ppa.launcher.net:http and the same invalid date entry error [06:47] when in doubt, leave the question. The right avenue for asking said-question will usually pop up [06:48] raga, what method did you use to install nvidia driver, and is it proprietary or community? [06:49] JFox762: more than 10GB.. I usually go for the whole disk or at least what's left after the EFI partition [06:49] wait [06:49] Ummm [06:49] I have multiple drives [06:50] sda is my Linux drive [06:50] I installed the new nvidia on windows and it got updated in ubuntu automatically, since then i cant use gpu cant be detected by python libraries, [06:50] sdb is my windows drive [06:50] on Sda, what do I need in terms of partitions [06:50] My nvidia 384.98 shows open source on ubuntu [06:50] rule of thumg JFox762; leave ~15 gigs if you can, maybe more, depending on your intended use. Lots of development? more. [06:50] I need (swap), (/) , and (/home) [06:50] am I missing anything? [06:51] JFox762: I just have EFI and root on my machine. many guides suggest a swap partition but you only really need that for hibernate support [06:51] 15 gigs should be okay, and you can always resize later [06:51] 15 gigs for? [06:51] I have my home in a btrfs subvolume [06:51] '/' [06:51] OH [06:51] i gave 20 gigs for / [06:51] raga_: 384.98 is version number for the nvidia binary blob (and you need that for cuda), not open source nouveau [06:51] good [06:51] So [06:51] do I need an EFI Partition? [06:52] JFox762: is it a GPT or an MBR disk? [06:52] Are you booted in EFI or in BIOS mode? [06:52] there already is an EFI partition "Windows Boot Manager" on SBD [06:52] I am installing linux on SBA [06:52] SDA* [06:52] So what can i do now? [06:52] Ok I have a 1TB HD, that has windows on it [06:53] and a 250gig HD that I am installing linux on [06:53] Do you want to be able to boot linux even if you remove the windows disk? [06:53] yes... [06:53] but... [06:53] Then, yes to efi partition :) [06:53] Oh ok [06:53] (assuming you ARE using efi) [06:53] that will make the hard drive... [06:53] And, GPT, not MBR [06:53] "Self sufficient" [06:54] raga_, you have graphical ubuntu, right? [06:54] If you formatted using mbr, you need to repartition [06:54] mbr? [06:54] master boot record [06:54] hateball: I see just one message about it. It looks pretty healthy. "usb 1-1.4: Product: HD Webcam C615" [06:54] Actually I see "current rate is different from the runtime rate" messages too [06:55] Ok [06:55] so it is normal to have two different EFIs [06:55] for two different drives [06:55] that way [06:55] no matter which Hard drive gets removed [06:55] JFox762, https://askubuntu.com/questions/629470/gpt-vs-mbr-why-not-mbr [06:55] , an OS will still boot up? [06:55] what is gpt? [06:55] is that the same as grub? [06:55] @SmokinGrunts yes i have graphical ubuntu [06:56] raga_, go to system settings > software and updates > additional drivers [06:56] let it populate [06:56] and what is listed [06:57] JFox762: put the output of `sudo parted -l` to pastebin [06:57] i can't [06:57] im in the installation portion [06:57] Alt+Ctrl+T doesn't bring a terminal? [06:57] no [06:57] What about alt+ctrl+f1? [06:57] Nvidia 387.12, 381.22, 384.98, 378.13 and X.Org.server-Nouveau display driver , all open source [06:57] Do you get text mode login there? [06:57] no [06:57] alt+ctrl+f2? [06:58] okay JFox762 when you open a new console screen, to get back to the graphical one, do ctrl + alt + f7 [06:58] just for reference [06:58] shoot [06:58] it got me out of the installation screen [06:58] ya [06:58] and now just a black screen with a curosor [06:58] In unknown devices: using processor microcode firmwar for intel CPU (proprietary) [06:58] login [06:58] nothing can be typed in [06:58] JFox762: alt+ctrl+f1 should get you back to the login screen [06:58] hit enter [06:58] *installation screen [06:58] noting [06:59] try ctrl alt f2 [06:59] ok back in it [06:59] tried all of those [06:59] ctrl alt f7 [06:59] did the same thing [06:59] brought me to a black screen with just a cursor [06:59] yer lookin' for a text console screen with login [06:59] no response from keyboard input [07:00] JFox762: I would suggest that you reboot, and select "try ubuntu without installing", so that you have a terminal to give us info, AND the installer [07:00] ubuntu doesn't give login terminals during install last time I checked [07:00] raga_, what is the version you currently have the radio-selection on? [07:01] for video driver [07:02] where do i install the bootloader? [07:02] on the drive i am installing linux? [07:02] shouldn't matter, it's temporary [07:03] wait [07:03] so but [07:03] you can always manually add a grub entry if need be [07:03] grub entry? [07:03] just select the drive that has the main startup [07:04] oh because Windows Boot manager will allow me to do it? [07:04] will allow me to boot into linux that is [07:04] WBM will probably be overwritten by grub... I'd do it that way, anyhow [07:04] alkisg, please advise [07:04] what do you mean WBM Willl be overwritten by grub? [07:05] okay powering up, hang [07:05] SmokinGrunts: I can't advice, because JFox762 hasn't provided the necessary information [07:05] We don't even know if he's using EFI or not [07:05] @SmokinGrunts Nvidia 384.98, 387.12, 381.22, 378.13 and X.org.server-Nouveau display driver [07:06] raga which is selected? I'm on 381.22 myself, I'd try that [07:06] @SmokinGrunts 384.98 is selected [07:06] I found some dmesg issues for my webcam. http://lpaste.net/359846 This is a snippet. [07:07] okay JFox762 please give output of 'sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL' [07:07] All versions are open source by the way .. [07:07] raga, try 381.22, let it install, reboot, and report back [07:08] ok im running linux without installing [07:08] then JFox762 do you have gparted or gdisk installed? [07:08] oh, live [07:08] erm.. [07:09] I only have experience up to 16.04.. JFox762 is there internet thru the live-install? [07:10] https://pastebin.com/Sfw5JUkn [07:10] i hpe that works [07:10] yep it did [07:11] sdb is my dedicated windows drive [07:11] and I'd like to leave it, completely unmolested [07:11] yes, preferably [07:11] as it has my important data on it [07:12] okay what is output of 'sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdb' [07:13] @SmokinGrunts i m still getting same 404 not found after changing to nvidia 38q [07:13] 381.98* [07:13] On doing sudo apt update [07:13] https://pastebin.com/dGGQ3gW9 [07:14] JFox762, what is output of 'dmesg | grep "EFI v"' [07:14] 381.22* [07:14] doh [07:15] https://pastebin.com/mQ0VBb5V [07:15] okay you have EFI partition for windows, not bios [07:16] @SmokinGrunts i still cant perform sudo apt update, same error 404 not found [07:16] hm [07:17] raga_, can you pastebin me the output? [07:17] Smoking Grunts [07:17] yes [07:17] try pinging a known website [07:17] like [07:17] google.com [07:18] ? [07:18] ping is resolving fine [07:18] ie: PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. [07:19] 64 bytes from atl14s38-in-f238.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=42.4 ms (and so on for every hop) [07:20] hmmm [07:20] raga_: did you add external ppa's to your system? [07:21] Ok so ... [07:21] what do I do now? [07:21] JFox762, what version of windows again? [07:21] 10 [07:21] windows 10 [07:21] ew lol [07:21] but okay [07:21] I prefer it to windows 8.1 [07:21] 8.1 is gutter garbage [07:22] lol to each their own [07:22] are you following a guide so far? [07:22] It has some new features compared to 7 [07:22] if so, where are you? [07:22] not really [07:22] where are you at* [07:22] I just need to know [07:22] do i need a grub? [07:22] partition? [07:22] grub is a loader [07:22] Ok [07:22] Grub loads linux kernel? [07:23] kinda like Windows Boot Manager, but better [07:23] raga_: pastebin sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade plz? [07:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [07:24] Ok... so I absolutely need Grub [07:24] is that going to go into its own partition? [07:24] JFox762: are you installing linux to /dev/sda? What's the output of `sudo parted -l /dev/sda` ? [07:24] yes [07:24] JFox762, for reference, this should be good: http://linuxbsdos.com/2016/06/05/dual-boot-ubuntu-16-04-and-windows-10-on-a-pc-with-uefi-firmware/ [07:25] #2: https://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/ #3: https://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/ [07:26] (09:24:33 πμ) alkisg: JFox762: are you installing linux to /dev/sda? What's the output of `sudo parted -l /dev/sda` ? [07:28] yes [07:28] i only want ot install to sda drive [07:28] I dont want my sdb drive to be modified in any way [07:32] JFox762, you can install as 'something else' from the 'Installation Type' screen of the installer [07:32] JFox762: I'm still waiting for the command output [07:32] JFox762: sudo parted -l /dev/sda [07:33] so.... [07:34] https://pastebin.com/vuiqbddz [07:35] JFox762: ok, so it's gpt, and you have an efi partition in it, all is well [07:35] You don't need a "grub" partition since it's gpt [07:35] good morning dave, how do I install brisk menu ? [07:36] JFox762: you didn't create a separate /home like you were saying though [07:36] not yet [07:36] CoderEurope: i'm sorry dave, i can't let you do that [07:36] damnit ! [07:36] sda is just freespace now [07:37] so i can just start over iwth partitioning it [07:37] what do you recommend i start with? [07:37] CoderEurope: there's an article on brisk on omgubuntu [07:37] lotuspsychje: yeah - but it didn't say how to install from ppa etc ? [07:37] CoderEurope: there's a package called mate-applet-brisk-menu - is that the one? [07:38] k [07:38] CoderEurope: try 'sudo apt install mate-applet-brisk-menu' [07:39] JFox762: I recommend what you showed me in pastebin, which isn't free space but 3 partitions, and another one for /home. https://pastebin.com/vuiqbddz [07:39] I.e. EFI 512 MB, Ubuntu 40 GB, Home *, Swap 8 GB [07:41] 40GB!? [07:41] for just root!? [07:41] you sure? [07:41] Yes, you can put more if you like [07:41] seems like a lot [07:41] OK [07:41] lolol it'll be fine [07:42] you got some space to spare [07:42] While for /home you have 200 GB and it's not enough? :D [07:42] JFox762: my root is 477GB, why does 40 seem big? [07:42] A basic installation is under 20 GB, but you might want to install additional things [07:42] does the order in which I create the partitions matter? [07:43] JFox762: it used to but probably not anymore [07:43] because i am creating a seperate partition for /home [07:43] It's recommended that EFI is first [07:43] The others don't matter much [07:43] oh ok [07:43] i did create the EFI first [07:44] I have 16gb ram [07:44] JFox762, be sure to determine a backup routine once this is all done ;) [07:44] should i use 8gb of swap? [07:44] or 16 gb ? [07:44] Are you going to enable hibernation? [07:44] I would like to have the option [07:44] sure [07:44] Eh, ok put 16 GB then [07:44] JFox762: if you want to hibernate, swap must be >= ram. otherwise it really doesn't matter. I typically just use swap files rather than a dedicated partition [07:45] wait [07:45] but what about the whole Giga vs gebi thing? [07:45] 16000MB is not technically equal to 16Gigabytes [07:45] # echo $((1024*16)) [07:45] 16384 [07:46] you do not have 16000MB ram, do you :) [07:46] heh just different prefixes [07:46] JFox762: well check what units your partitioner is using *shrug* [07:47] ehh screw ot [07:47] ill just put in 16GB [07:47] er 16000 [07:47] mbb [07:47] MB* [07:47] Why not 16384? [07:47] Put 17GB then :) [07:47] To fit the ram? [07:48] i dunno if it matters [07:48] does it? [07:48] it depends :P [07:48] If the swap is less than the ram, you can't hibernate [07:48] And ram is using gibibytes [07:49] free -m tells me I have 11979 MB ram.. it's not even devidable by 1024 :) how come [07:49] Reserved address space for pci cards etc [07:49] !who [07:49] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [07:49] Ok [07:49] alkisg provided a neat lil formula to determine byte-notation for given memory :) [07:49] so I have 510MB for EFI [07:49] sda1 efi 510 MB [07:49] sda2 ext4 / 40GB [07:50] sda3 swap 16999MB [07:50] SDA4 ext4 /home 192488 [07:50] free space 1MB! [07:50] Oh wow! I can probably install a commodore 64 OS on that! [07:50] lol just kidding [07:51] MiB is byte-notation, MB is SI notation [07:51] circa 1998 rulings of standard organizations, and all that [07:52] so does that partition table look good to you? [07:52] JFox762: for a desktop machine it looks fine [07:52] It looks good to me [07:53] where will grub end up being installed? [07:53] JFox762: in the EFI [07:53] OHHHH [07:53] ok [07:53] will my machine default to windows? Or ubuntu? [07:53] JFox762: it might end up in the second efi, if it prompts you, select, if it doesn't, verify after installation [07:53] Remember you have 2 efi partitions in 2 disks [07:53] whichever has boot flag methinks, and is first? [07:53] JFox762: depends on your BIOS.. it interacts with the EFI partition and you can go in and tell it what you want [07:54] boot will end up on /, efi will be mounted to /boot/efi [07:54] Oh ok [07:54] so it *IS* set by by the Bios/UEFI [07:55] depends on the manufacturer... Some of them suck.. most of the ones I've worked on >2012 have had the option, though [07:55] ESP is the same as EFI? [07:56] ESP = Efi System Partition [07:57] are there any downsides to encryptying home folder? [07:57] JFox762: if you lose your key, you're screwed [07:57] pain in the ass if you forget your key [07:58] JFox762: also a bit more CPU load during disk I/O [07:58] ahh nevermind hten [07:58] I wont encrypt it [07:58] its a desktop PC [07:58] JFox762: one more layer of things that can go wrong. if something breaks in that layer you better pray you have backups. [07:58] probably not significant unless you have nvme raid or a celeron or something like that though [07:58] On a laptop it probably makes more sense [07:59] ++++++ to backups [07:59] please get a backup method and schedule sorted [07:59] Ok installing now :D [07:59] So... since my /home is in a different partition [07:59] JFox762: the ecryptfs tools in ubuntu comes with a script for setting up a single encrypted folder where you can keep sensitive stuff. probably a good compromise. [07:59] does that mean, that If down the road, I want try try a different distro.... [07:59] I can just install that different distro ontop of the / dir [08:00] / partition [08:00] not dir [08:00] JFox762: stop the installation and create an additional 40 gb partition for the other distro :D [08:00] for the most part. You'll have to reconfig any root apps [08:00] wait [08:00] That way you can try a new distro before formatting the old one [08:00] can't I just take take freespace from an already used partition? [08:00] and create a new partition from unused space w/ gparted? [08:00] No, because it'll use the same dirs, e.g. /usr [08:00] word to the wise: always use 'checkinstall' instad of 'install' when building & installing from source [08:01] Yes, you can resize later on [08:01] Booting from a live usb stick, resize, then install [08:02] I really wish I had a larger Hard drive for this [08:02] You can use virtualbox for tests as well [08:03] yeah i've done that [08:03] but,... it can be buggy as hell [08:03] I haven't seen anything serious with it [08:03] LOL I actually installed Android OS on a VM on my Linux laptop [08:03] I've been using it for 20 OSes for 10 years... [08:04] Android x64 is buggy, yes, but that's not a vbox issue [08:04] hoping that I can download Netflix application from the play store, and use that to download Netflix videos for offline viewing... so I don't use previous bandwidth when Im away from home and using my "Unlimted" (But actually limited) cellular wifi hotspot [08:05] basically Verizon (major Cellular provider in the US), limits me to 15GB of tethering before they throttle me down from 4g to 3g speeds :( [08:05] unfortunately [08:05] The playstore apparently seems to understand that the VM isn't an actual android device [08:06] and therefor won't let me install netflix on it [08:06] Ok finished installing [08:06] Now getting ready to cross fingers [08:06] im not going to enter boot menu [08:07] just to see what the system does on its own [08:07] Where did you install grub? [08:07] sda [08:07] Did you get a prompt for that? [08:07] Or are you just assuming? [08:07] it doesnt prompt you [08:07] but it just says it at the bottom [08:07] OK, because you have efi at sdb too [08:07] i know [08:07] And usually there's a combo box to select which one [08:08] it defaulted to windows 10 [08:08] Then it's a good installation, each disk is supposed to work on each own without needing the other disk [08:08] If I had more money... [08:09] I would like to get a 2nd Graffics card [08:09] press a button on startup... it's different for each bios, but there should be a 'boot from X' selection menu [08:09] oh i know that part [08:09] Well I would love to be able to ... [08:09] Get rid of my dual boot [08:09] ah [08:09] and instead [08:09] Run all windows games through a VM [08:10] and just using PCI passthrough to passthrough the Graphics card's power [08:10] into the VM [08:10] You lose 10% of cpu when in a VM [08:10] In which logfile can i see where the source of a runing script is? after a reboot a cmd executed which i removed from my crontab weeks ago and i cant seem to find it anymore [08:10] Games might need that [08:11] then I can just overclock my CPU by that amount ;) [08:11] hmmm [08:11] It seems like the log in screen isn't showing upo [08:11] just a purple screen [08:11] mouse pointer shows [08:12] uhhh [08:12] Thumpxr_: try 'pstree' to track it down [08:12] I think this is a display issue [08:12] my mouse, moves off screen [08:12] so I think the log in dialogue box... is off scree [08:12] how do i change yhe screen resolution? [08:12] via term? [08:12] ducasse unfortunatly the script is already killed ;) [08:12] dual monitors? [08:13] dual gpus? [08:13] .... [08:13] actually [08:13] i do have two monitors hooked up [08:13] shoot [08:13] brb [08:13] Thumpxr_: ok, then you're probably stuck. [08:13] ahhhh ther eit is [08:14] my "2nd monitor" is my TV [08:14] well, i tried to "grep -r 'cmd' in various folders, but none got a hit [08:14] LOL On windows, I set it to "duplicate [08:14] Well I was able to find the log in dialogue [08:15] Thumpxr_: you know where the script is, but you don't know where it's called from? [08:16] Cool [08:16] is great success? [08:16] i know which command got executed but i dont know where it got called. [08:16] yes [08:16] Working great now :D [08:16] salud. dobra. very good! [08:17] BEAUTIFUL 17.10! [08:17] Thumpxr_: if the command is something editable, e.g. "/path/to/myscript param1 param2", then you can edit "myscript" to include a "ps faux" at its top. [08:17] I really love 17.10 on my Lenovo laptop [08:17] runs really great... [08:17] although, the battery life sucks [08:17] Thumpxr_: otherwise, `grep -r myscript /etc` or similar [08:17] now get a backup plan! make an image and set a dedicated backup space! [08:17] Can only really get realistically about 2 hours of batt time [08:17] far less if I do anything intense [08:17] even installed tlp drivers [08:18] !enter [08:18] Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. [08:18] Its a nasty habit I have. really hard to kick it. I apologize, I know it must be super annoying :( [08:18] alkisg thats what im running right now, waiting for hits [08:19] I have actually thought about, getting an SSD... [08:19] Thumpxr_: it's started before you log in, or could it be started by something in your homedir as well? [08:21] before i login [08:22] then just clone that drive to it. that way, I can have a super fast bootable OS option for whenever I need to just get into my PC. Maybe even use the other hard drives for Windows VM/Windows games etc. [08:23] one day, get tired of windows entirely, and make the complete switch. [08:23] :) [08:24] The only thing keeping me in Windows is games [08:24] those too, shall pass. [08:24] How so? I love gaming [08:25] you love one way to to work towards a goal that throttles your dopamine. it'll probably change same day. [08:25] some* [08:25] I can see myself abandoning Windows if I can figure out a workable VM solution that can play games without a significant performance hit. According to a linus-tech-tips video I watched, [08:25] wine dev nightlies are tops [08:26] highly recommend [08:26] wine dev? [08:26] yep [08:26] what do you mean ? [08:26] https://www.winehq.org/ [08:26] I know what Wine is... but what do you mean by "Dev nightlies" [08:26] nightly development releases [08:27] winehq-devel [08:27] WOAH!!!! [08:27] very much better than stable, for just about everything I've tried [08:28] they are slow, (and smart) in their update schema for releases [08:28] NATIVE RAZER SUPPORT! I was able to adjust my keyboards brightness. I Wasn't able to do that before on the 16.04LTS [08:29] JFox762: if you want to play games etc 17.10 is a better choice [08:29] specially if you have an amd card [08:29] my car dis a GTX 970, soooooo yeah :( [08:30] I take it that AMD Cards fare better On linux? [08:31] JFox762: LTS editions receive kernel and xorg updates, so it'll get the kernel/xorg of 17.10 in a while, and then it'll get even more newer versions [08:32] JFox762: nvidia generally works better, much more consistent performance [08:33] so do you guys prefer chrome or chromium? [08:34] JFox762: AMD support is open source and in the kernel, it also lets you use Wayland. To get performance with nVidia you need to use their binary blob, and that does not support Wayland either [08:35] So why is Wayland considered superior to Xorg? [08:37] ugh [08:37] now i have to download Synergy again and reconfigure it [08:40] JFox762: there are no good reasons to use chrome over chromium [08:41] hateball: gnome includes an egl path now [08:41] I think Chromium works better with Chromecast [08:41] MrElendig: Oh, I must have missed that (I use Plasma) [08:42] err Chrome that is [08:49] Hello [08:49] JFox762: neither works, google dropped support for it on gnu/linux [08:49] TheNH813: welcome [08:49] Anyone know how to set ICC profiles on Lubuntu? [08:49] TheNH813: the #lubuntu channel might know that [08:49] Allright. [08:50] MrElendig: when did that happen? pretty sure I cast google music quite recently [08:50] I found out the reason my prints look green and washed out was color settings. Prints fine on Windows, so I copied the profiles to use them. [08:50] I'l check #lubuntu [08:50] well [08:50] TheNH813: can this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/199661/how-do-you-set-system-display-color-profiles-in-xubuntu-and-lubuntu [08:51] might have enabled it again in chrome though, haven't tested it in the latest couple of releases [08:51] I think you're wrong. I just tested it. Chromecast absolutely works. I just used Chrome to play a youtube video on my TV via it's Chromecast. [08:51] but it went poof in chrome too for a long time [08:52] when they changed from the plugin to "native" [08:53] lotuspsycheje: Well, that makes some sense. [08:54] Thanks. I think I'l be able to figure it out. Seems familliar. Think I read that earlier but stopped at the "you can't use gnome-color-manager in XFCE/LDXE" part. [08:54] !info xcalib | TheNH813 maybe this usefull? [08:54] TheNH813 maybe this usefull?: xcalib (source: xcalib): Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.dfsg1-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB [08:55] Hmm Netflix doesn't work with Chromium [08:55] Try Firefox. [08:55] Firefox works on Netflix when I tried it. [08:55] Because it supports HTML5 DRM. [08:56] For Chromium you need the Widevine plugin I think. [08:56] Because Google Chrome had that built in. [08:59] how do i download the widevine plugin? [09:08] TheNH813: 52 firefox and higher disabled npapi plugins? [09:08] unless you use 52ESR yes [10:04] Hello, still struggling with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1730469. I noticed errors with gtk here https://launchpadlibrarian.net/344732905/buggedseat0-greeter.log. Is reinstalling gtk possible? [10:04] Launchpad bug 1730469 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Display session freezes constitently on login after Win10 dual boot crash - Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,New] === imadz714 is now known as imadz713 === evilnewbie is now known as beaver [11:00] Hello. We're using laptop installed with ubuntu gnome 16.04, lid closed & 24" monitor plugged via dell dock. Whenevr booting, login prompt won't display on the 24", we've to open laptop, login, then we can close the lid and work properly. Any hints on solving this glitch ? [11:30] imrg: you could try setting the external screen to primary with xrandr if it's possible for gdm to run a script on startup - i'm not familiar with it [11:37] ducasse I'm running lightdm [11:37] Gonna search a bit along this line [11:37] imrg: then look at this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/74189/run-a-startup-script-with-lightdm [11:40] in particular this https://askubuntu.com/a/78572 [11:40] Ok [11:40] Will try [12:08] is there a pretty straightforward way to run some script through systemd at the very end of the boot? === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [12:09] the reason i need it to be at the end is because i'm spining down an hdd and if doesn't happen at the end, then something spins it up again [12:17] my modem has this thing where I can plug a hard disk into it, and access files over it [12:18] to access it, it gives an ip \\192 etc\\hard drive name [12:18] but I can't find a place to put that in file browser [12:20] selsper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [12:23] selsper, or press Ctrl-L in the file browser [12:23] Seeing this area ... value: 85 million BRL. whatssap: +55 71 992846919 gmail: unbelievable.lab@gmail.com I accept Bitcoin [12:23] http://prntscr.com/h7ao07 [12:23] http://prntscr.com/h7aogb [12:26] is there any ubuntu distro that is true to "the fact that a statically compiled executable might not run on every linux distro" [12:30] Hello, I'm looking for a bit of help with intel "fake raid" setup of a recent 17.10 install, it seems the raid isn't recognised by the installer... do you have any idea of documentation could look at to make it work and have luks encryption woking with it? [12:32] remove all the disks from the fake RAID and then use them as individual disks and use "mdadm" to setup normal software raid? [12:34] universalpackage: try #ubuntu-offtopic for that, maybe [12:36] kuzko: +1 to what mutante says, avoid fakeraid when possible [12:38] alright but may I ask why? it's likle the simplest why of setting up raid and normally exposes only one device? [12:39] because setting up raid in the ubuntu installer is tedious at best, a purge most of the time and impossible when using luks... [12:41] Hi folks [12:41] kuzko: you could probaby: boot from a Live CD, do http://matthiaslee.com/encrypted-partition-on-a-soft-raid-device-using-mdadm-and-cryptsetupluks/ then start installer and make it use existign partition [12:42] mutante : ooooh, I'm having a look thank you [12:52] alright, took a look... in your opinion how should I deal with the /boot partition?? [13:01] Hello - this is probably nothing, but i am experiencing the following behaviour on 16.04. When i start the machine, there is a square overlay behind the mosue cursor so i can not see what i type or it covers buttons etc. When i log out and log back in, this is fixed. Restarting does not help [13:01] i realise this is a bit of an incomplete description - i don't know much more and i am not sure where to look [13:01] i am happy to help with anything i can, just wanted to mention it in case this is a bug and you'd like to know about it [13:02] My college has the same behaviour with kubuntu [13:02] (we suspect the nvidia gpu to be at fault) [13:05] log in to Xorg session fixes problem? [13:06] only on the second try. after the first login i see that problem, log out and back in fixes it [13:10] hey guys, ive had this same issues twice now on two different machines... I install a fresh copy, networking is intermittent, from the machine itself it seems that when I am actively using it its ok, but second I walk away from it and SSH to it, the session lasts minutes even seconds until it stops respoding [13:11] installing windows10 on these same machines they work flawlessly so I dont beleive its a routing / cable etc issue [13:11] ixio2: is it just ssh or all networking [13:11] ixio2: ssh has a session time out by default (I think it's 3 minutes as I recall) [13:12] ping drops too, SSH isnt lasting 3mins and the session is active while I lose it [13:14] if I ping from the same VLAN its fine, but if I ping from another VLAN it drops intermittently... as if its losing its upstream gateway ?? [13:15] pandaadb: I have similar problem, but with amdgpu drivers, still didn't find fix, for me it fixes after first login to Xorg, if you figure out something do tell :) [13:15] hehe that's exactly what we do. Start up, log in, log out, log in :) [13:16] i am rather crappy at debugging ubuntu i have to say to my shame so i am not sure where to look for why this is happening [13:16] frankly i can't even tell if this is a bug with ubuntu, nvidia, xorg or me setting it all up wrong [13:17] dmesg -> [ 35.655052] show_signal_msg: 18 callbacks suppressed [ 35.655054] typefind:sink[2682]: segfault at 13 ip 00007f2732b08196 sp 00007f2731f42510 error 4 in libgstvideo-1.0.so.0.803.0[7f2732adf000+7c000] [24833.188343] perf: interrupt took too long (2505 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 79750 [13:18] pandaadb: which ubuntu version, upgrade or clean install [13:19] could anyone be so kind and guide me, my config file is looking for " api_url : " not sure where such would come from [13:19] 4.10.0-38-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 10 16:32:20 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux - fresh install [13:20] pandaadb: there goes my theory that upgrade broke things :( (I'm on 17.10 upgraded from 17.04, kernel 4.13) [13:20] pandaadb, kubuntu or ubuntu ? (there's a confirmed bug for kubuntu) [13:21] both [13:21] What is best method to debug init.d start script? [13:21] i am seeing this in ubuntu, my colleague on kubuntu [13:21] pandaadb, nvidia drivers in use ? [13:22] what is the command in ubuntu to shutdown - I use "shutdown -h now" but it seems that at times it does not do the job. Perhaps I need to look at syslog to see what happened? [13:22] 384.98 for me [13:22] pandaadb: check in journalctl if Xorg reloads drivers, in my situation Wayland doesnt do that, so if I wan't to use wayland, I need to start Xorg which loads drivers and then evrything is fixed) [13:22] 384.90 for the kubuntu one [13:23] pandaadb, the card ? [13:24] there's no support for proprietary nvidia drivers in wayland yet, if that's your issue pandaadb [13:24] GM108M GeForce 940MX [13:24] codepython777: there is probably process blocking shutdown, in those cases try to run with sudo [13:24] pandaadb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-workspace/+bug/1684240 [13:24] Launchpad bug 1684240 in plasma-workspace (Ubuntu) "Mouse pointer behaves strangely" [Undecided,Confirmed] [13:24] krashekspress: My shutdowns are sent as root [13:25] ioria, that's the one [13:25] krashekspress: https://askubuntu.com/questions/764568/ubuntu-16-04-hangs-on-shutdown-restart [13:25] pandaadb, there are a couples of workarounds, like restore nouveau or change dm [13:25] I need the nvidia thing running for cuda support [13:25] oh [13:26] ioria, it really isn't too bad anyway. like I said it solves itself by doing the login loop [13:26] codepython777: huh, in that case you will have to figure out in logs what is stopping full shutdown [13:26] i just wasn't sure if this was something relevant so wanted to mention it here to see if this can help someone [13:27] pandaadb, you can script that in /etc/rc.local maybe ; sudo service lightdm restart [13:27] pandaadb, restart lightdm is equivalent of logout7in [13:27] oh cool [13:27] i will have to give that a try [13:27] in fact, let me try that now, i need a restart anyway :) [13:27] brb [13:28] someone help me figure out what an api url is [13:28] like where does api sit [13:28] sixyearsofdreams: you'll need to explain more what you're trying to do [13:29] well i have a small website sample, with a config, i can show you one moment [13:31] https://paste.ubuntu.com/25910824/ [13:31] EriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/25910824/ [13:31] i just dont understanda whole ton about api nor if it has any relation to apache [13:31] restarting lightdm solves the problem for me, but i don't think i could script that. Restarting the service just logs me back out, so having it in a script that runs on login (i assume) will just put me in a loop? [13:32] krashekspress, would you know what exactly to look for in journalctl? It talks a lot [13:34] pandaadb: anything nvidia related, but you are in luck if service restart fixes it for you, just script it after lgithdm start (not sure where it is, but someone here should be able to point you directly to which file to update) [13:35] pandaadb: journalctl -b (greps only logs from current boot, search is same as in vi) [13:36] i can't see any reloading of drivers or anything that i would think points towards thta [13:36] particular i can see when it is loading the nvidia-drm drivers and it hdoes not seem to complain [13:37] i think this: https://pastebin.com/Xj1FDZ5m [13:38] pandaadb: when is this loaded before/after DM, or after login to Xorg? [13:39] pandaadb: timing is evrything :) [13:40] pandaadb: nevermind, that's before DM [13:40] i am more than happy to post the entire output if this can be helpful :) [13:40] a question. long time ago there were wiki pages with the laptop models and test, descriptions, etc. what policy is now regarding that kind of information? should I create a page with my laptop model, etc.? [13:40] there's no secret info in there, is there [13:40] pandaadb: not that I'm aware of [13:44] here we go - now that i look at this, there seems to be a lot more wrong with my setup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25910920/ [13:48] pandaadb: didn't find anything similar to my problems [13:49] okay - thank you for looking [13:49] apart from that little thing all works relatively smoothly [13:50] pandaadb: since lightdm restart fixes your problem, try to add that to /etc/rc.local [13:51] does anyone know what is the difference between https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started/intel-nuc and ubuntu 16.04.3 ? [13:51] krashekspress, thanks - i added it (without sudo). will do a restart to check if that did the trick [13:57] krashekspress, that didn't work :) Each login restart lightdm which kicks me out and wants me to re-log-in === Chinesium is now known as X230t [13:59] pandaadb: ah :( [13:59] Please can somebody help me with this https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/txaISdJl50YElTSeIVw48A ? It starts and say its active, but no daemon or service of user odoo is started, no log is written and no error is shown. [13:59] it's okay :) a minor hiccup in an otherwise great experience [14:01] I just find semi solution for my problem, if I force GDM to not use Wayland, GDM screen is not broken anymore, but then I can't login to Wayland (which I can live without for now) [14:04] Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what is going on. I ./configured vim8 source in a non root's /home/user/vim directory, then as root tried running checkinstall and dpkg -i (.debfile), and it works for a while. And then at some point it gets removed from /usr/local/bin and vim 7.4 is put back in. I have already tried removing/ [14:04] purging vim 7.4 and it is purged for a time, but temporarily. [14:06] Is there something further I should be doing or something I should look up to figure out why it gets removed? Because I figured if it didn't get removed I could just make an alias for the command, but since it does get removed that makes it tricky. [14:06] probably an issue with the version number [14:07] you can check /var/log/apt/ for install logs [14:08] That indeed looks like useful information [14:11] dimmer: or the machine is controlled by some orchestration ;-) I've had my share of fun on a puppet managed machine once :D [14:17] In the logs it looks like it is something to do with unattended-upgrades [14:22] dimmer: I think there's a ppa for vim8 available. that way apt would not overwrite it with an older version. [14:23] dimmer: what are the exact version strings of your and the ubuntu provided vim package? [14:27] guys, I have a postcript file which I want to print, but freaking Evince won't let me re-size the output [14:27] so I want A5 style paper but I can't get the text to fit properly, margins are cut when printed [14:27] the option for scaling is grayed out (when printing from GUI) [14:29] is there a way of accessing a dav network mount through terminal? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/nautilus-connect.html [14:29] 2:7.4.1689-3ubuntu1.2 I think is what you are asking for for 7.4 [14:29] Not sure I can grab what the vim 8 be in dpkg -l [14:31] in checkinstall the version says 20171107 [14:31] Release 1 [14:32] try with "dpkg-deb -f ? [14:32] " [14:32] without the question mark [14:33] so, it may be the case that the package manager sees the ubuntu provided package as newer [14:33] hence, it automatically downgrades it [14:37] from the above command "20171107-1" [14:39] you could use apt pinning to increase the priority of that version [14:40] or apt-mark hold vim [14:40] or pick another version string while building the package [14:40] or use the vim ppa [14:40] I installed teamviewer using dpkg but prodcues an error when running [14:40] https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux/ [14:41] waiting for the error [14:41] apt-mark hold vim seems very easy [14:42] I'm going to try that, thank you all for the help. [14:42] g2g work [14:42] good luck === codelinx_ is now known as codelinx [15:08] hi all [15:09] how to install ubuntu 16.04 for a BIOS only notebook? Which doesn't support UEFI [15:11] Why is ``sudo apt-get --fix-missing upgrade'' not working? [15:11] > E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [15:12] > gzip: stdout: No space left on device [15:12] oh... [15:12] that'll do it =D [15:12] how do I clean up /boot ? [15:13] it's at 100% [15:13] greyline traditional bios should not be a problem, what happens when you attempt to install? [15:14] greyline, Shouldn't be a problem UEFI is a option, not a requirement. (Unlike newer versions of Windows.) [15:16] I try to purge an old kernel with: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.10.0-27 [15:16] and it doesn't work etierh... [15:16] dostoyevsky: remove 1 or 2 initrd images from there that are not used and then try again [15:16] > E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [15:16] dostoyevsky: https://gist.github.com/ipbastola/2760cfc28be62a5ee10036851c654600 [15:17] dostoyevsky: if you already tried with upgrade and it failed, you need to go with Case II [15:21] timyp: https://askubuntu.com/questions/397485/what-to-do-when-i-get-an-attempt-to-read-or-write-outside-of-disk-hd0-error/397520#397520 [15:21] timyp: I had this problem [15:21] timyp: but lsmod normal didn't helped me at all in the end, when I tried that solution [15:22] timyp: so now I try to put the iso into a pendrive instead of a dvd, because the dvd reader also have problems [15:23] just wanted to say r.i.p. unity y2k17 [15:23] timyp: and with live cd, I try to check the hdd itself (but I don't know any of the checking methods) [15:24] greyline is this a fresh install? [15:24] timyp: it was, yeah [15:25] So /boot is empty now... [15:25] but I still cannot do the upgrade [15:25] > E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nvidia-settings/nvidia-settings_384.90-0ubuntu0~gpu16.04.1_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [15:25] you say live boot works from cd? [15:25] many failed to fetch messages [15:25] dostoyevsky: why did you remove everything? [15:26] akik: Did I remove everything? [15:26] dostoyevsky: you said it's empty now [15:26] akik: Nah, the current kernel is still there [15:27] dostoyevsky: you also need a grub dir there [15:27] akik: I did not delete that [15:27] dostoyevsky: ok so it's not empty as you said [15:28] dostoyevsky: "Failed to fetch..." error, can you try by disabling that ppa? [15:29] krashekspress: These are the gpu drivers... why should I disable them? [15:29] guys where would api normally sit host/api or api.host [15:29] sixyearsofdreams: wrong channnel? [15:29] I mean, this amounts now to just rm -rf / and reinstall ubuntu.. [15:30] I think I just install the openssl headers without aptitude.. [15:30] It's not worth it [15:30] ubuntu 16.04 [docker]; what's "invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel" mean & how do I fix it? [15:31] dostoyevsky: error says file is missing, if you don't purge ppa, current drivers will stay [15:33] nacc, ok [15:33] nacc, where do you think i could go to get some help on that :/ [15:33] sixyearsofdreams: your question had no content (to me), so I don't know [15:34] dostoyevsky: what is the error you are getting? [15:35] that makes me twice as confused [15:35] ok thanks though [15:35] nacc: I installed the ssl headers now without aptitude in /usr/local ... apt-get upgrade had a long list of warnings and then failed packages.. not sure what the actual error is [15:36] I guess ubuntu doesn't like that I installed the nvidia drivers for the gpu [15:36] dostoyevsky: installing headers should have no impact on openssl, ulness you also means libs and modified LD_LIBRARY_PATH [15:36] dostoyevsky: you should use a pastebin and provide actual output [15:38] does ubuntu support high dpi screens? because I tried the last version and everything looks tiny. [15:39] ubuntu 17.10 should [15:40] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/enable-fractional-scaling-gnome-linux [15:40] yeah but that's for gnome only [15:40] rest of apps still look tiny [15:41] ah, I'll try that === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:43] quit [15:46] so [15:47] my problem has changed [15:47] now it seems to take all eternity to run anacron jobs [15:47] and it hasn't booted to desktop yet [15:47] in, what, nine, ten hours [15:48] got nine lines of it on my screen [15:55] I keep getting a very annoying KDE wallet popup every time I try to use FTP from Netbeans. Google tells me to remove kwalletmanager, but I can't this package or anything similar [15:55] How can I remove it? [15:56] Can't find this package* [15:56] MacroMan: what version of ubuntu? [15:56] 16.04 [15:56] !info kwalletmanager xenial [15:56] kwalletmanager (source: kwalletmanager): secure password wallet manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 512 kB, installed size 1043 kB [15:57] That's all very well, but I don't appear to have kwalletmanager installed [15:57] MacroMan: ok, that's not what you said [15:57] MacroMan: you said you couldn't find it, which isn't quite the same [15:57] Sorry. I meant I can't find it on my system using apt [15:58] I assume something is installed, just not the kwalletmanager package [15:59] MacroMan: anything suspicious in 'dpkg -l |grep wallet' ? [16:00] libkf5wallet-bin? [16:00] http://termbin.com/guwx [16:00] Can I safely remove them or are they required? [16:04] its at least kwallet related [16:05] Ah I see. It installed when I install kdeconnect. Looks like I can safely remove it. [16:06] it may have dependencies to other packages on your computer [16:06] Seems to only be stuff I don't really use anymore. kdeconnect and plasma-workspace [16:08] anyone have any insight on why videos would play fine but the OS seems to lag when drawing windows / loading websites? [16:09] i've only been using ubuntu or linux in general for about a week now [16:09] *at home* [16:10] Lack of CPU or memory could be a cause. What hardware are you running? [16:11] lol, out of desperation, I started an 14.04 ubuntu cd, there the raid is properly recognised, the drivers work, grub works and the keyboard layout for luks is good... damn, the recent releases have such a garbage installer [16:12] Or potentially wrong graphics card drivers, but it's difficult to say without more info. [16:14] seems like all my issues are pointing at bad memory [16:14] i have an i7 and an HD7850 [16:15] im also syncing a bitcoin node but it seems like the issues persist even when its not running [16:15] but ive been having issues with the node that also point to faulty memory so i guess i'll do a memtest soon [16:20] Hi everyone! I have a problem with ain init-script i'm trying to create. For some reason if i use start-stop-daemon —start XXX, and the app crashes, i can't start it again with the same start-stop-daemon —start XXX. I have to first run start-stop-daemon —stop before i can re-start the app again.. Til now i have not yet figured out how to fix this problem :-( [16:22] Rene: seems you already have your solution. maybe you could investigate why the app crashes and see what you can do to prevent that? [16:23] Rene: also, maybe use a more modern tool? [16:23] Rene: start-stop-daemon is from dpkg === Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB [16:27] auronandace: i'm using the init-script for starting a proprietary app that unfortunately tends to crash every now and then. I also have to force it into the background, because it does not handle this by itself. My problem is that it seems to me that start-stop-daemon does not check if the app is running or not, but blindly ignores a —start if it is already started before it's again stopped [16:28] i have it running on centos-servers, but i would not like to port their way of starting/stopping apps.. [16:29] Rene: in other words you want to avoid systemd? [16:29] auronandace: yep [16:30] auronandace: if i got it right, it does not work with stubborn apps like i am using.. [16:31] Rene: to my knowlesge the only supported ubuntu release that isn't using systemdis 14.04 and it will be end of life in 2019. i'm not sure how well more modern ubuntu releases fare with alternate init systems sorry [16:35] auronandace: the app uses itself a standard bash-script with a whileloop that keeps the app alive. the app itself is run withn an &. This way of running is horrible, and if it crashes and messes up its own proprietary database, a loop that restarts it just makes thngs worse.. Also talking to the devs is like talking to a wall.. useless :-( [16:36] can't you track if it runs with ps, and maybe have your own run.pid file? [16:36] lie write your own bash script that will take care of app [16:36] *like === jstein_ is now known as jstein [16:43] krashekspress: yepe, that's what i have to do. I'll have then to port the init-functions from Centos.. Sucks that start-stop-daemon does not do the check, and if the program is not running, then it would just start it again without first doing a stop first.. [16:43] thanks again dax [16:43] mclaren: no problem, glad to see you got it working :) [17:01] hi all. i have (using fuse) mapped a cloud storage account as a local drive, and mounted it successfuly. I would like to allocate some space on this local mount for one user and some other space for another user, with each user NOT having access to the other's, but I'm having trouble getting the permissions right. Anyone available to help? [17:02] (i'm on ubuntu 16.04) [17:03] <_BIGSHOT_> how to check if port 8080 is open on this server or something is blocking it? [17:03] <_BIGSHOT_> xubuntu 16.04 [17:03] try http://canyouseeme.org/ [17:04] _BIGSHOT_, you can also use nmap, but that site should be maximally user friendly [17:05] <_BIGSHOT_> linuxnoob011, xubuntu must be blocking incoming req [17:05] <_BIGSHOT_> how to check if it IS xubuntu which is blocking request [17:05] <_BIGSHOT_> because i checked router and it is fine there [17:05] <_BIGSHOT_> all settings are fine on router [17:05] you usually need to open ports locally, too [17:05] <_BIGSHOT_> how [17:05] i use iptables. ufw might be more user-friendly [17:06] <_BIGSHOT_> ufw is inactive [17:06] <_BIGSHOT_> so firewall must be off? [17:06] <_BIGSHOT_> so no blocking must be happeneing? [17:06] run 'iptables -L' [17:06] that should show your current firewall rules [17:06] see if you see anything about the port oyu are interested in [17:06] you may have to run as your admin (sudo) user [17:07] <_BIGSHOT_> linuxnoob011, policy is "accept" on all [17:07] <_BIGSHOT_> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) [17:07] <_BIGSHOT_> target prot opt source destination [17:07] but no explicit rule for port 8080? [17:07] <_BIGSHOT_> no [17:08] _BIGSHOT_: Is this machine behind a router performing NAT? [17:08] Hello! I installed 17.10 but now I can't get the same mouse speed that I had in 16.04, even though I've set the mouse slider to the max. How could I fix that? [17:08] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, yes [17:08] _BIGSHOT_: Have you setup port forwarding on that router? [17:09] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, what changes do i need to make in xubuntu? [17:09] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, all my settings are open on router [17:09] how can I test if the hdd is okay or not with ubuntu live cd? [17:09] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, i have forwarded port 8080 on router [17:09] <_BIGSHOT_> tcp === codelinx_ is now known as codelinx [17:10] _BIGSHOT_: Can you access port 8080 on the server from another machine on the same network? [17:10] <_BIGSHOT_> hold on [17:10] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, yes [17:10] _BIGSHOT_: (Using the server's local ip address, not its public ip address) [17:10] <_BIGSHOT_> yes [17:11] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, ? [17:11] _BIGSHOT_: Then it's pretty clearly not Ubuntu that's blocking the connection. [17:13] anyone have a sec to help me sort out a permissions issue on samba shares? ubuntu 16.04 [17:13] _BIGSHOT_: I wouldn't be surprised if your ISP blocks incomming connections on port 8080. Can you try another port as a test? [17:14] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, why would ip block it it's limited GB connection [17:14] <_BIGSHOT_> pay per use [17:14] <_BIGSHOT_> pay per gb used [17:14] greyline: Open "Disks" (The name of an app), select your drive, open the menu and choose "SMART Data & Tests". [17:15] hey there, Just wondering how do I get hardware encoding to work with obs with an RX 460. I have installed the AMDGPU-PRO drivers and "vainfo" just returns an error code [17:15] Jordan_U: yeah, I already did that [17:15] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, what to do? [17:15] Jordan_U: 8 bad sectors :D [17:15] _BIGSHOT_: Can you provide a screenshot of your router's configuration? Does your server have a static ip address on the LAN? [17:16] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, i checked with testyoursignal.com and it shows port closed [17:16] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, i enabled virtualserver on port 80 as public port and my server with 8080 port [17:16] so. Ive been fighting NFS for about a week. Cannot get it to tune higher than 50MB/s. I have a 10GB/s network. Is it just not capable? [17:17] is there any way to search for files in gnome-shell search box? [17:17] just the file name? [17:19] anyone else have zfs stop working after the upgrade to 17.10? [17:19] "zfs modules are not loaded" [17:24] quarkFusion: signed kernel? [17:24] exit [17:25] althogh afaik the DKMS should be signed by Canonical [17:25] roobi: /exit [17:25] Jordan_U: it says "SELF-TEST FAILED" [17:25] for the hdd [17:25] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, https://screenshots.firefox.com/69cxnBZBBTydHTYV/ [17:25] does it mean hdd goes to trash? [17:26] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, https://screenshots.firefox.com/jS7MhoExX4LzcLRc/ [17:30] <_BIGSHOT_> you there Jordan_U === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [17:32] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, you there bud [17:32] _BIGSHOT_: And your server is configured with a static ip address of ? [17:32] <_BIGSHOT_> yes! Jordan_U [17:33] <_BIGSHOT_> local statis [17:33] <_BIGSHOT_> static [17:33] <_BIGSHOT_> i have reserved it with that local ip address [17:33] _BIGSHOT_: Then my best guess is that your ISP is filtering incomming connections on port 80 and 8080. They might be filtering all incomming connections. [17:33] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, how to verfiy that [17:33] <_BIGSHOT_> verify [17:34] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, [17:35] _BIGSHOT_: From outside your network, try running "tracepath -p 8080 your_public_ip_here" and see where it appears to be failing. [17:36] still hoping to resolve my permissions issue. anyone around? === Menzador47 is now known as Menzador === semeion is now known as mnemonic === kurros__ is now known as kurros [17:38] ubuntu smart hdd test says "SELF-TEST FAILED" what does it mean in practice? question 2: why can't I install gsmartcontrol in ubuntu live cd? [17:38] it says gsmartcontrol has no installation candidate [17:39] <_BIGSHOT_> Jordan_U, is there any online tool i can use for tracepath? [17:39] !info gsmartcontrol [17:39] gsmartcontrol (source: gsmartcontrol): graphical user interface for smartctl. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.2-1 (artful), package size 581 kB, installed size 1980 kB [17:40] linuxnoob011: I think you need to create separate folder for each user and apply appropriate permissions, which part is bugging you? [17:40] greyline - If you're not using a 17.10 Live image you need to manually enable universe. [17:40] Menzador: I have enabled them I think (in the software & updates) [17:40] krashekspress: I have created the separate folders, created the relevant smb users, and edited the configuration file to make sure the set up is right [17:41] greyline: smartmontools ?? ' apt show smartmontools ' . The tool you seek ? [17:41] nonetheless, using the relevant login info does not supply access from my windows comp [17:41] Bashing-om: gsmartcontrol [17:41] i think my problem is the folder i want to share is on a cloud share that is locally mounted using fuse [17:42] and that is making my attempts to change permissions unsuccessful? [17:42] Bashing-om: https://askubuntu.com/questions/317241/can-i-use-ubuntu-to-diagnose-hard-drive-or-ram-problems-in-windows [17:42] Bashing-om: they adviced that gsmartcontrol here [17:43] krashekspress, yeah there is something weird going on. like the root user cannot access the folder, only the user who mounted the drive [17:43] linuxnoob011: I have newer used samba, so I'm probably out, but can you try with linked folders? e.g. soft link folder and apply permissions there (outside of fuse folder)? [17:43] krashekspress, i tried that, the link is broken when created [17:44] i think the root user not having access is a huge hint as to what is going on [17:44] bet this isn't a linux permissions issue and an issue on the cloud share end [17:44] greyline: I see from ' apt show gsmartcontrol " that it is a front end to smartctl ( smartmontools) . Maybe one must install smartmontools 1st ?? Reading your link at this time . [17:44] you need someone with fuse expirience then or find some other way of mounting drive [17:45] i think that's right. as long as you can confirm that there's nothing on my comp the root user shouldn't be able to access [17:45] right? [17:45] like if root can't access, it isn't a linux permissions issue [17:45] (that's my thinking, that is) [17:45] can root user change owner? [17:45] also fiddle with mount options, perhaps you are missing flag or smthn [17:46] let me check re chown [17:46] no, root cannot [17:46] permission denied [17:47] huh :) [17:48] it isn't just me--that's a weird error, right? [17:49] Bashing-om: I have installed smartmontools, but still can't install gsmartcontrol [17:49] i wasn't even aware there existed anything that could be created on my linux system that root did not have access to [17:49] Bashing-om: I just want to check the hdd... [17:49] linuxnoob011: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/mount.fuse.8.html [17:50] linuxnoob011: you need to use allow_other flag, I think [17:52] krashekspress, i'll look into that now, thanks! [17:54] greyline: I use smartctl to check drives . for a quick check I run ' sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda ' . where sda as the target is the 1st device the system recognizes . Your hard drive ID may be different ! [17:54] linuxnoob011: Be *very* careful with mounting using the allow_other mount option. Without other work, it will basically allow all users on your system that can cd into that directory to read and write any file. Without some work, there is no concept of files having anything but one user on fuse mounts. That's why by default fuse only allows access to the user that mounted the fs. [17:58] Bashing-om: okay, and what means the result? which line or text means I need to throw the hdd into trash? [17:59] Bashing-om: and which line means it is usable? [18:00] Jordan_U just seeing this message. i assume you get what i'm trying to do here. i have a cloud storage account and i'd like to allocate some of that space for one user, and some for another user [18:00] it is okay that an admin on the computer on which the cloud account is locally mapped has access to both [18:01] but i then want to share that local mount over my local network, providing access to one subdirectory to one user on my local network and access to the other subdirectory to another user--with each user NOT having access to the other's subdirectory [18:03] greyline: There is no one line .. maonly is the number of re-allocated sectors .. and IF no more can be re-allocated . [18:03] mainly* [18:05] I am running ubuntu 16.04 32 bit gnome desktop no such significant application is running on my laptop but the cpu usage is around 99% for systemd-journal and 80-85 % for Xorg . Can anybody help, why is this happening and how to resolve this [18:05] Bashing-om: and where can I see the number of re-allocated sectors? [18:06] anubhav996: gnome has bit high resource overall, did you try on unity to compare? [18:07] greyline, smartctl [18:07] ntd: I'm in smartctl [18:07] oh, smartctl -a /dev/sdX [18:07] ntd: I did that [18:08] 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct [18:09] Jordan_U any advice for closing the security hole with the allow other user option? [18:10] lotuspsychje: I don't have unity installed . I downloaded the gnome only version of ubuntu . It has happened recently, it was not happening before [18:10] where is the link that shows the current ubuntu kernal? [18:11] !info linux-image-generic | jasperberries [18:11] anubhav996: presumably omsething is logging heavily, check your journal [18:11] jasperberries: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB [18:11] jasperberries: for which version of ubuntu? [18:11] 16.04 [18:12] greyline: Depending on the drive and IF the manufactirer supports smatrctl . the re-allocated count is toward the bottom of the summary list . Ya want to pastebin the outpit for our viewing and recommendations ? [18:12] jasperberries: hwe or not? [18:12] Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/TJ1hMwNu [18:12] what hwe? [18:12] is [18:12] !hwe | jasperberries [18:12] jasperberries: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [18:12] i guess not [18:12] lol [18:12] what;s the offtopic channel/ [18:12] jasperberries: maybe ask your actual question, I'm not sure what link you are lookinng for [18:12] !ot | varaindemian [18:12] varaindemian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:12] there is a link that says what the current kernel is [18:13] on the packages webpages [18:13] nacc, thx [18:13] greyline: reading " Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] " :) [18:13] jasperberries: current depends on your ubuntu version [18:13] its the lastes [18:13] jasperberries: there is? then why do you need to ask us? [18:14] cause i dont know where it is now..ive seen it before [18:14] Bashing-om: so smartctl -a -P /dev/sda1? [18:14] this is not rocket science if you dont know then you dont know [18:14] Bashing-om: so adding the -P? [18:14] jasperberries: how about you tell us what you really want? [18:14] jasperberries: we don't knonw what you are talking about, so it's hard to help [18:14] what? [18:14] wow [18:14] jasperberries: packages.ubuntu.com, which i am guessing is what you mean, is a search UI [18:15] a linke [18:15] a link [18:15] you know what a link is right maybe we can start there [18:15] jasperberries: what are you going to do with some kernel, to do what? [18:15] you know what that is right? [18:15] a webpage [18:15] a link [18:15] jasperberries: explain us first whats it for? [18:15] im looking for the page that says what the current version is lol [18:16] jasperberries: you want mainline kernel? latest kernel from linus? what exactly? [18:16] afaik, there is no such page [18:16] yes there i [18:16] is [18:16] ive seen it [18:16] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux ? [18:17] is 4.13.0-16 the lastet kernel [18:17] ? [18:17] jasperberries: for xenial? no. [18:17] jasperberries: again, your question is not sensible yet. [18:18] what is the fucking lastest kernel for 16.04 shitfaces [18:18] Jordan_U yeah, i'm getting unexpected behavior when i use allow all users. like a user on my machine can enter folders that they do not have read permissions on [18:18] you get it now gomer? [18:18] fucking retards [18:18] !language | jasperberries [18:18] jasperberries: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [18:18] you know what a fucking kernal is or a link [18:18] fucking gomer pile in the room [18:19] !ops | jasperberries swearing [18:19] ops? [18:19] jasperberries swearing: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [18:19] you know that little thing that spits out on uname -r? retard? [18:19] jasperberries: please stop [18:19] fucking stupid asses lol [18:19] jasperberries, grow up [18:19] is that silly little name and umber when you type in uname -r lol [18:20] you get it now gomer [18:20] slow ops today.... [18:25] greyline: Other's input here would be good " UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 116447261 " . I am concerned enough to advise the long smartctl test .. Will take some time to run ' long ' . [18:25] Hey could someone help me out with an issue? I wanna dual boot ubuntu on my laptop but the usb stick's won't boot on UEFI mode and windows 10 can't be installed on legacy BIOS mode. Is it possible to somwhow install ubuntu onto the empty hard drive without using a usb stick or cd, from windows? [18:25] Bashing-om: what is the parameter list for that? [18:26] !uefi | Discordian93 [18:26] Discordian93: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [18:27] greyline: Also . can you get to the hard drive ? a loose sata cable may also cause such an error condition . ' sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda ' . [18:27] I've looked at it, but secure boot can't be disabled and I don't have quick boot, and I've been trying with an EFI-only image [18:27] it's a internal hard drive [18:27] Hello [18:27] laptop has two a ssd and a regular one+ [18:27] Does anybody can see my chat? [18:27] windows is on regular one since it has bigger capaciy and I use it for games which take more space [18:27] edney: No. ;) [18:28] Bashing-om: it's not connected with cable, it's connected directly to the motherboard of the notebook [18:28] want ubuntu for browsing more unsafe sites and programming assignement from school [18:28] Why not? =D [18:28] Bashing-om: I check that [18:28] Discordian93: https://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/ [18:28] edney: you joined the ubuntu support channel [18:29] Yeah i know thats what i want [18:29] ok, back to having a very simple linux question. why can users on my computer enter the home directories of other users when they are notin the asme group and there is no guest/other access?! [18:29] Can anyone please help me with this? https://pastebin.com/PE9q4BcL [18:30] edney: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and any additional list files you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ? [18:33] yes for sure [18:33] Bashing-om: I will check /dev/sda1, because that's the hdd [18:33] linuxnoob011: home dirs are 755, others can look but cannot write. You can change perms so that others cannot see other user's dir [18:34] pavlos the permissions just had not updated due to terminal being open before changes made [18:34] that said, i'm in permissions hell [18:34] so if you know anything about trying to set up permissions for a fuse drive, i'd appreciate a hand [18:35] greyline: sad1 is a partition on the device sda . you check the device ! // " https://superuser.com/questions/976372/are-few-udma-crc-error-count-errors-in-an-ssd-an-issue " concures to re-seat the drive . [18:35] people, which is faster for download, wget or rsync? [18:35] thanks for the guide couldn't find that by googling seems to have what I need [18:36] Bashing-om: I also checked sda1 in the previous smartctl. Can that caused the problems you saw? [18:36] there we go https://pastebin.com/szy47nVr [18:36] Bashing-om: nevermind, I check the long analysis with sda [18:36] linuxnoob011: this may help ... https://github.com/erichamion/FuseDrive [18:36] !yay | Discordian93 [18:36] Discordian93: Glad you made it! :-) [18:37] greyline: As to running a check on sda1 and what issues might insue .. I just do not know . Might be good to run a file system check ( fsck ) on sda1 , [18:37] not yet but it seems to have the instructions to disable all the sceure boot and quick boot stuff, the instructions on the offical guide are insufficient [18:38] pavlos is there a particular help thread you thin might help? or are you saying that you thin this tool allows for the granualr configuarion i am looking for? [18:39] linuxnoob011: I assume you have an fuse drive and want to set permissions. IS this correct? [18:40] linuxnoob011: the link explains file- and dir- perms [18:41] Bashing-om: filesystem is totally bad, I know that for sure, because I installed the boot sector to /boot, but that is wrong if I have BIOS only system. [18:41] popey [18:41] @popey [18:41] Bashing-om: (or something like this happened, I don't know exactly, I just know I have installed the OS badly to this hdd) [18:41] pavlos those look like options for mounting the fuse drive itself. i understand how to congigure access to the fuse drive overall. the question is how to change permissions on folders on the fuse drive [18:42] do you think the link covers that pavlos? if so, i'll read more closely, but I didn't see that information when I combed through the link [18:42] Bashing-om: I tried to place the HDD out and in again, started the live cd again, but now I can't use/install smartctl [18:42] greyline: verify the drive is good .. - then nuke and pave ? [18:42] Bashing-om: it says it has no installation candidate [18:42] edney: ok [18:43] Anyone know where I can download ubuntu 16.04 livecd (minimal) without gui? [18:43] I don't want to rip apart filesystem.squashfs and remove 1000's of packages [18:43] Bashing-om: verify the drive is good? how? I'm trying to do that right now with you.... [18:43] linuxnoob011: is the fuse drive available to all users? if so, perms should be wide open. If not, it is up to you to set perms to the drive and its dirs [18:43] greyline: You are working from a liveDVD ? [18:43] jonfatino: no such thing exists, live cd = gui [18:43] i have made the drive available to all users, pavlos [18:43] I dont know how to use irc good ...when i writte looks like my chatline is greyed lol [18:43] Bashing-om: livedvd (from pendrive) yeah [18:43] (by using the -o allow_other flag) [18:43] jonfatino: there is a minimal cd. but it has no gui [18:43] Can it be pxe booted live? [18:44] Bashing-om: since I can't use the installed ubuntu at all, since I have installed that badly [18:44] the real issue is that i can't change the permissions of foldes on the actual fuse drive [18:44] it seems to be all or nothing [18:44] Bashing-om: but I also installed the ubuntu correctly before that and still had some issues [18:44] Bashing-om: with using that on this hdd [18:44] linuxnoob011: probably you need sudo [18:44] greyline: YUeaj, then nothing installed in the live environment will persist a re-boot . ( unless provisions have been made before hand on a USB drive) . [18:44] edney: hm, i actually wanted the contents of the ppas, but that's okay. what happens if you try and manually install those debs that it complained about? [18:44] in what sense pavlos? [18:45] to be clear, i run the chmod commands as sudo [18:45] i.e., sudo chmod 750 /path/to/directory [18:45] linuxnoob011: sudo chmod 777 /thefusedrivemountpoint [18:45] Bashing-om: I know it will persist [18:45] Hum ok sorry haha [18:45] Bashing-om: *I know it will be purged every reboot [18:45] it says that it wont be installed [18:45] and gives me similar error [18:45] pavlos, the mount point is wide open--anyone can access the overall mount point. that's great. but i want to close access to certain subdirectories [18:46] i have even tried the aptitude [18:46] Bashing-om: the actual question is why can't I install smartctl right now [18:46] those subdirectories are not actually present on my computer, but exist in the cloud, and so i can't quite get this done [18:46] greyline: sorry, missing context, what happens when you try? [18:46] edney: dpkg-architecture --list [18:46] edney: ^ run that, what does it say? [18:46] greyline: see that the 'universe' repo is enabled . then try and install the tools once more . [18:47] it says https://pastebin.com/wbkyf2zg [18:47] edney: no, wait, wrong command, sorry :) [18:47] dpkg --print-foreign-architectures [18:47] that one :) [18:47] no problem hehe [18:48] Bashing-om: if it can be done via software & updates, then it's enabled [18:48] linuxnoob011: example ... 777 /fusedrive 750 /fusedrive/music 700 /fusedrive/code Is that what you want to do? === codelinx_ is now known as codelinx [18:48] Bashing-om, nacc: but it says it has no installation candidate [18:48] Has anyone successfully used vim-youcompleteme on 16.04? It seems it is broken in several ways; works on 17.10. [18:48] it says i386 lol why? [18:48] hmmm [18:48] greyline: `apt-cache policy smartctl` please [18:48] greyline: in a pastebin [18:49] maybe because i tried sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 on terminal? [18:49] greyline: Then ' sudo apt install smartmontools ' results in what ? [18:49] greyline: are you sure on the package name? that's not a valid ubuntu package [18:50] nacc: now I have smartctl [18:50] Bashing-om: I have smartctl [18:50] edney: that should work, followed by "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt install steam" [18:50] greyline: ok, so it was because you were ot insntalling the correct package [18:50] greyline: *not installing [18:51] okay, now I try "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" [18:51] nacc: IRT greyline - https://pastebin.com/TJ1hMwNu - we looking at re-seating the hard drive ? [18:52] same error [18:52] popey: its kinda annoying actually lol i dont know why this is happening [18:52] hmm, I don't either, sorry. [18:52] Bashing-om: I don't know what means re-seating [18:52] Bashing-om: I mean the english word is unknown for me [18:53] Bashing-om: I just want to test if the hdd is working or not [18:53] greyline: K; will take a ling while to complete . [18:53] Bashing-om: yeah... 236 minutes [18:53] =( [18:54] greyline: You advised there was no cable connection to this hard drive . was attached to the nainboard . All I can think of is a lap top / Pull that drive . clean thee contacts with contact cleaner and VERY carefully a brush and replace the drive . [18:55] Bashing-om: I don't have a contact cleaner [18:55] Bashing-om: I just wait for the end of the result, and we will see what's going on [18:56] https://pastebin.com/KFPJs4Wv the problem popey [18:56] pavlos yes, that's more or less right. really, they can both have the same permissions--i want distinct ownership [18:56] pavlos as in i want one user to ahve access to music, but not code. And the other user to have access to code but not music [18:56] edney: what video card do you have? [18:57] i like how your webpage has a screenshot of an outdated os :) [18:57] s/outdated/not the latest/i [18:58] greyline: contact cleaner : spray can -> I use CTC brand QD Electronic Cleaner . Available here in the local hardware store . [18:58] !who | Success: also, this seems offtopic for the channel [18:58] Success: also, this seems offtopic for the channel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [18:59] linuxnoob011: create a music group, add users to the music group, then chmod the /fusedrive/music/ to be of group music. Then only users that belong to the music group can access that dir [18:59] Its an Clevo W650SJ laptop [18:59] greyline: Correct the brand name to " CRC " . [18:59] @#ubuntu [in reference] to //www.ubuntu.com/ [18:59] Nvidia optimus 850m + intel hd [18:59] Success: it's showing 17.10 here. [18:59] Bashing-om: there's nothing like that in here. it's a very small town [18:59] pavlos would that have a different effect than creating two new users and assigning one folder to the one user and the other fodler to the other user? [18:59] Bashing-om: so I just wait for the end of the test, and I think the connection has nothing wrong [19:00] popey, oh that's odd for me the screenshot clearly has a unity version running :o [19:00] because that didn't work--both users still have access to both folders [19:00] Success: it's gnome shell with our extensions that looks like unity. [19:00] linuxnoob011: how can you assign a folder to a user? [19:00] i don't see how using group instead of user as the hook for the permissions would affect things? [19:00] Success: https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/b0b06642-Laptop.png?w=654 is not unity [19:00] popey, oh sorry thanks [19:00] using chown? [19:00] chown user:user /path/to/directory [19:00] impressive [19:00] guess that does both right? group and user [19:01] edney: do you have the nvidia driver from the archive or from nvidia.com or a ppa? [19:01] am i confused about something? [19:01] linuxnoob011: you can do chown music.music /path/music and chown code.code /path/code is that's you want [19:02] greyline: Whatever. -- smartctl saus there are issues reading and writing to the disk . Much prefered to clean the contacts than to replace that old drive .. but it is old . and drives generally only have a 5 year lifetime :( [19:02] The nvidia driver i have was installed by the additional drivers gui in wich i installed the proprietary [19:02] ok. [19:02] when i do try to install manually i receive https://pastebin.com/fuTLKBqw [19:02] sure, but what i'm telling you, is i cannot. the allow_other flag in fuse overrides the linux permissions [19:02] linuxnoob011: make music and code users [19:02] does what I'm saying sound plausible? [19:02] edney: you installed nvidia-prime? [19:02] edney: another option. get steam from https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb [19:03] linuxnoob011: I dont have an fuse drive to test [19:03] edney: and "sudo dpkg -i steam.deb" rather than the one from the archive. I'd be interested to know if that works [19:03] after the dpkg -i, you'll then need to "sudo apt install -f" probably [19:03] (that deb link came from store.steampowered.com/about/ - not some random deb) [19:03] linuxnoob011: you may have to change how the fuse drive is mounted [19:04] pavlos i think that's right. i think fuse just isn't meant for this [19:04] symlinks won't provide a work around, right pavlos? [19:05] linuxnoob011: might be ... I will be afk for a while [19:05] here https://pastebin.com/LEKBrmEu [19:05] linuxnoob011: no, symlinks are a different thing [19:06] pavlos the idea would be to use an intermeiate user with full permission to both folders, use that intermediate user to create two sylinks, and then change the permissions on the symlinks [19:06] but that sounds unlikely to work to me [19:06] just wanted to check [19:09] the problem is still he same with your new deb suggestion [19:09] Lotus nvidia prime is installed by default [19:09] edney: I'm sorry, I don't know how to help further. I'd recommend asking on askubuntu.com :( [19:10] no problem i think i will remove the graphics drivers and reinstall [19:10] wich one would you recommend me? [19:10] edney: if you have optimus, you need install nvidia-prime [19:10] i installed the latest one on ubuntu add drivers [19:10] isnt it?? [19:11] edney: check ubuntu-drivers list to see wich are on your system [19:11] edney: make sure you have performance mode enabled from nvidia-prime [19:12] all right it says edney@edney-W65-67SJ:~$ ubuntu-drivers list [19:12] intel-microcode [19:12] nvidia-340 [19:12] nvidia-384 [19:12] !paste > edney [19:12] edney, please see my private message [19:12] edney: try both and test/reboot [19:13] the one that is runing is the 384 [19:13] will try the other one [19:17] hello [19:18] automount on my Ubuntu 16.04 stopped working, any idea how to solve this? [19:21] hey [19:21] can someone tell me ... does Ubuntu use systemd nowadays? [19:21] specifically, 16.04 [19:23] Bashing-om: it's not 5 year old [19:23] Bashing-om: just 2 [19:23] DarkUranium: SystemD has been in use for some time now, yes. 16.04+ use SystemD by default [19:24] greyline: :) [19:24] Bashing-om: another question: how will I know if the test is finished? how can I see the result of that? [19:24] teward, that's a shame. I've been trying to find a VPS that offers either an OS without that, or just a custom image, heh. [19:24] oh well; thanks anyhow. [19:25] I really don't mind systemd [19:25] it's pretty easy get create a unit and the monitoring/restart feature is pretty nice [19:25] not to mention dependencies [19:26] vavkamil: system up to date to latest? [19:26] leftyfb: it'll also help once everythingn is migrated to native systemd units (hopefully this cycle), so there are better examples [19:26] lotuspsychje, yeah it's stopped working idk why [19:26] vavkamil: what are you trying to mount now? [19:26] nacc: though I'm really not excited about managing my network with it [19:27] lotuspsychje, all is fine, but when I plug in flashdisk or smartphone, I must mount manually [19:27] 1 tool to rule them all never works out in everyones favor [19:27] leftyfb: yeah, that part is still a bit of a mess [19:27] there was automount by default for external media [19:27] vavkamil: can you hastebin us tail -f /var/log/syslog after plugin? [19:29] lotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25912791/ [19:29] seems like the problem is after kernel update https://askubuntu.com/questions/959729/latest-ubuntu-16-04-kernel-update-not-automounting-external-usb-devices [19:29] on another note, I think I know the answer isn't in my favor, but is there a way to install the previous version of a package from a ppa? [19:30] vavkamil: ok, perhaps try a previous kernel to test then? [19:31] greyline: I exoect when the long test completes that the results will be displayed in terminal . [19:31] I can mount manually it's not a big problem [19:32] maybe there will be fix for this [19:33] vavkamil: your on .3? [19:35] Linux version 4.10.0-38-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-059) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ) #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 10 16:32:20 UTC 2017 [19:35] vavkamil: lsb_release -a plz? [19:35] yeah Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS [19:36] ok good [19:36] !info linux-image-generic xenial [19:36] I'm updating regularly, don't really know when it stopped working [19:36] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB [19:37] vavkamil: did you try on another user/guest? [19:38] lotuspsychje, I really didn't tried anything at all. just playing with new raspberry pi right now and was wondering why the sdcard is not mounting [19:38] tried flash disk and smartphone too, then asked here [19:39] vavkamil: regular usb stick same? [19:40] yeah I can see all devices in fdisk -l, it just wont mount and show in nautilius automatically [19:48] vavkamil: check with dconf-editor perhaps org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount ? [20:05] Howdy. I am ignorant when it comes to Python, and need some guidance. I am aware of PEP 394, and that /usr/bin/python should point to python2 ... but how does one set up an environment where everything is python3? Is it simply calling the version 3 tool (pip3, python3, idle3, etc), or is there another way? [20:05] PEP 394 succinctly describes the different shebang calls for scripts, so I understand how that'll work [20:06] By the way... I've lived under a rock my whole life, and never used Python... so go easy on a n00b eh? [20:31] rfleming: not pyPro, but you can easily use python3 for evrything, to check where it points run which python3, and in scripts just define it on to (e.g. #!/usr/bin/python3), thats for now, until some pyPro responds, happy coding === jstein_ is now known as jstein [20:44] rfleming: "everything"? [20:51] Hello I have a strange issue on 17.10, I installed and the login screen wont accept my password changing to a different terminal (ctrl-alt-f2) and logging in works, tried using passwd to change my password and still no joy [20:54] krashekspress: thanks. [20:54] nacc: Basically, I'm asking if I should refer to the python3 tools with the 3 at the end, or if I should alias them locally [20:54] rfleming: alias them as what? [20:55] python3 as python, pip3 as pip, etc... knowing full well not to do it globally because of the expected behavour of /usr/bin/python [20:58] how would you do it globally and not be doing it globally for your user? [20:58] rfleming: don't do what you're suggesting [20:58] rfleming: everything, afaik, assumes python (regardless of path) is python2 and python3 is python3. [21:03] nacc: from reading the PEP and Ubuntu/Debian python doc, the plan is to ensure that /usr/bin/python always points to python2, while python2 and python3 always point to the newest installed version of 2 or 3... all-the-while making python3 the 'default' interpreter when calling just plain python [21:03] it's a bit ambiguous in that regard though, that's why I asked. [21:03] rfleming: i genuinely have no idea how your last and first sentences can both be true [21:04] rfleming: and does not match what i know of python [21:04] I assumed it was because of shebangs #!/usr/bin/python always has to be python2 [21:04] rfleming: oh i see what you are sayinng, maybe -- "making python3 the default interpreter" being a distro change [21:05] I understand the PEP was directly related to arch making /usr/bin/python point to python3 [21:06] rfleming: right [21:06] rfleming: which broke quite a bit of stuff [21:06] rfleming: don't do that on ubuntu [21:06] I didn't say I was going to change /usr/bin/python [21:06] don't make python be python3 [21:06] regardless of path [21:07] nacc: as a matter of fact, I distinctly said I understood the global ramification of changing /usr/bin/python... I was simply asking if making an alias (alias python='python3') was adequate enough [21:07] rfleming: that alias will *also* break things. [21:07] rfleming: not every script does the right thing [21:08] rfleming: sounds good, doesn... kidding, dont know, but since its alias on you user only you can try and just revert if you get strange behaviour [21:08] rfleming: also, you're misreading the PEP, afaict [21:08] rfleming: it's not about absolute paths to binaries [21:08] "for the time being, all distributions should ensure that python refers to the same target as python2." [21:09] it's kind if strange if alias would brake things, in my opinion that shouldnt happen, but it is open source, so you newer know [21:09] *of [21:10] krashekspress: alias will change the meaning of strings in the current shell. If some script invokes 'pythonn ...' it will now get python3 and that may or may not work. [21:10] I know that [21:10] krashekspress: not sure why it would be strange that would break things... [21:10] but thinking that it's script fault then [21:10] shouldn't script define absolute path? [21:11] yeah, I might be wrong here, but it's interesting topic :) [21:11] krashekspress: as of right now, on all Ubuntu, scripts are free to assume 'python' is python2 [21:11] krashekspress: that will change [21:11] nacc: I guess I misunderstood, because I read that because of shebanging python and compatibility [21:11] krashekspress: so yes, a *good* script will invoke the correct interpreter (and not rely o the pep) [21:12] nacc: I know the second part, but wasn't sure about first, thanks [21:12] rfleming: there are only two references to usr/bin in pep 394, both in 'references' [21:12] rfleming: it has nothig to do with the path to the binary itself [21:17] correct, it has everything to do with the aliasing of python to python3 and the 'legacy' usage of /usr/bin/python in scripts instead of the recommended #!/usr/bin/env python# [21:17] nacc: but I get the gist of it now... just suck it up and use python3 in the CLI and quit bitchin' ;) [21:18] because of legacy stuff, python has to exist as it does. [21:18] rfleming: for now, yes [21:18] rfleming: i believe we're aimig for 18.04 to be pytho3 only [21:18] rfleming: (python2 will be available, but not needed) [21:18] even then, won't /usr/bin/python still have to point to python2 (as it currently does)? [21:19] rfleming: also, to be clear the `/usr/bin/env python` is what breaks in your hypothetical change [21:19] nacc: that's why I said python# for python2 and python3 [21:19] rfleming: not necessarily, the distro shipped packages will be correct (they will either be python3 compatible or depend on python2 and invoke python2 explicitly [21:19] rfleming: ah i misread that [21:20] s'okay, I wasn't clear. [21:20] best of all, we learned something from this question :) [21:20] python developers are nuts [21:20] this whole mess is for consistency across platforms so that python will work no matter the distro [21:21] and because of Arch... [21:21] rfleming: not sure what mess you are referring to, but ok [21:21] * rfleming sharpens his arch pitchfork [21:21] Refer to PEP 394: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ [21:21] nacc: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2011-March/108491.html [21:22] which is reference 1 in PEP 394 [21:22] rfleming: just an fyi, that was using the term 'soon' 6 years ago and it's still not happened. [21:22] nacc: Why do you think that python will point to python3? That sounds insane. [21:23] Pici: you're right, i shouldn't have mentioned that [21:23] nacc: okay, you got me worried for a moment. [21:23] Pici: although technnically allowed by the pep [21:23] this is some world is flat/round level stuff [21:23] * nacc goes back to other work [21:24] it's not mess, it's just strange to write python3 all the time while outside of "that" you are referring it as python, dem semantics [21:24] nacc: thanks. I have more understanding of the issue... maybe not more clarity, but at least its complexity. [21:24] rfleming: np [21:25] I am running ubuntu precise, and need to find out if my apache package resolves CVE-2017-3169. according to the cve tracker, it is resolved in version released (2.2.22-1ubuntu1.12). according to my policy I have 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.11. on launchpad, the latest security release is 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.11. So is this just a typo in the cve tracker? [21:27] paxmanchris: 12.04 is end-of-life [21:27] paxmanchris: you really should upgrade [21:27] paxmanchris: or pay canonical for support [21:29] I get that. but that does not answer my question. [21:29] paxmanchris: it may not be a typo, because they stopped supporting all precise packages April 28. 2017 [21:29] that included security updates [21:30] paxmanchris: if you read the page, it says ESM [21:30] paxmanchris: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-3169.html [21:30] paxmanchris: not a typo, it means pay for ESM if you want the security update [21:32] ohhh okay. I figured at much. now I have more ammo to tell my people to get off it. I told them months ago to get off it. [21:33] paxmanchris: although to be fare, 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.11 is the last one still in the apache2 pool. [21:34] paxmanchris: and the CVE does say that 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.12 is an ESM release [21:34] okay. [21:36] you should look to upgrade to trusty [21:36] I don't know if that will be difficult for you or not [21:37] but apache is version 2.4 in trusty [21:38] like a dist upgrade? we are afraid of breaking things. our process has been to roll out a new vm with new distro and then migrating the site. [21:38] paxmanchris: is the machine already a VM? [21:39] yes. and I know what you are about to say. take a snapshot. [21:39] paxmanchris: No, I was going to suggest making a clone and attempting an upgrade to 14.04 [21:39] that way your main server is up and running, and you can see if it work s out [21:40] ahhh.. interesting [21:40] then you can cut over to the 14.04 machine if it all worked out [21:41] ever done a release upgrade back so far? [21:41] 14.04 support ends April 2019... You can then plan a new machine with 18.04.1 [21:42] paxmanchris: 14.04 is current, so it isn't that far :) [21:43] I mean it isn't new new... but it's 100% supported [21:43] the upgrade path should be pretty straight forward [21:43] the server in question is on 12.04.5 [21:44] paxmanchris: I was succesful -on bare metal - upgrading from 12.04 to 17.04 . It is a long hard road ! [21:44] https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3475-1/ [21:44] The only thing I don't know is how to have do-release-upgrade not take you right to 16.04 [21:44] (if it goes straight to lastest LTS) === Tacoder is now known as DarkPsydeLord [21:46] alight. thanks rfleming. I'm out for the day. [21:47] that's a good question though. What does happen when there is two current LTS releases to upgrade to? Does do-release-upgrade go to 14.04 first, then you have to run it again to go to 16.04? [21:49] it will go to the next one (it should at least) [21:49] rfleming: 12.04 was still supported when I did the release upgrades . the path then was 12.04 - 14.04 - 16.04 ..... [21:50] cool. paxmanchris should have no insurmountable problem then. [22:11] is there a good music visualizer for ubuntu 16.04? i thought project milk would be good but it crashes before it runs. ideally id like to see visaulizations even without music [22:14] should i apache2 or lighthttpd [22:14] light sounds good [22:16] sixyearsofdreams, it's just a matter of personal preference. Try them both, keep the one you like. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [22:17] ok havent tried lighth in recent years, it shouldnt affect much of my work switching yeah? [22:17] btw thank you [22:18] sixyearsofdreams, well you could try them in a vm with a copy of your web apps/data/etc first if possible [22:19] ok [22:24] Hello I have a strange issue on 17.10, I installed and the login screen wont accept my password changing to a different terminal (ctrl-alt-f2) and logging in works, tried using passwd to change my password and still no joy [22:26] jonnyw2k: what do you mean it won't accept your password, what happens exactly [22:33] is there a way to get updates for kernels installed through the ubuntu mainline kernels page? my laptop needs a newer kernel than the one in 16.04 LTS so i had to install an ubuntu mainline kernel manually [22:33] i mean with apt as opposed to manually downloading new ones from the webpage [22:34] zuiss1: what kernel do you have and what do you need? [22:34] nacc: i have installed the 4.9 LTS kernel since that is the one i need. the one that comes with 16.04 is 4.4 i think. [22:34] !hwe | zuiss1 [22:34] zuiss1: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [22:34] zuiss1: the latest hwe is 4.10 [22:34] zuiss1: and the edge hwe has 4.13 [22:35] zuiss1: use those rather than the mainline kernels, which are unsupported anyways [22:35] where would i get those? and what does hwe mean? [22:35] zuiss1: read the FAQ. [22:35] oh i'll check the link [22:36] zuiss1, 16.04.4 will get 4.13 in february [22:37] nacc: that's really cool, so it sounds like i can get rid of the mainline kernel and just install the linux-generic-hwe-16.04 and xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 packages instead [22:37] zuiss1: that's correct [22:37] thank you [22:38] zuiss1, and a newer x [22:38] and installing that xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0 package will replace the current x version kostkon? [22:38] zuiss1, yep [22:38] Having a problem compiling a program. [22:39] cool [22:39] "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbfd [22:39] " [22:40] "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopcodes" [22:41] bigjoe_: you presumably need those library development packages [22:42] nacc, not sure where to find them though [22:42] bigjoe_: what are you compiling ? [22:42] bigjoe_, are you the one from ##linux with debian sources? [22:43] bigjoe_: binutils-dev [22:43] An exploit for an old video game, from 2003 [22:43] nacc, have that already [22:44] bigjoe_: then you need to provide more messages than what you are quoting, and probably pass V=1 to make, if that's what you're using to build [22:44] bigjoe_: I've just been reading your history in other channels [22:44] it appears you've got mixed source repos and tried to actually "downgrade" you install to an earlier version [22:44] is that the correct situation of your host ? [22:44] hex and I fixed it I think, ikonia [22:45] On armhf wayland (ubuntu 17.10) Firefox 56 (default, xwayland) is crashing on start (when trying to load start page); i've compiled latest wayland nightly but i get segmentation fault on start (can't debug, since i had to disable debug symbols to be able to compile it with 2GB RAM)... [22:45] * nacc backs away slowly [22:45] I'm not sure it is fixed from what I'm reading bigjoe_ and I don't think that your machine is in a state that can be classified as "stable" in terms of package versions of package content [22:45] while it maybe "booting" I'm not convinced it's in a supportable state personally [22:46] How do I fix it then, ikonia ? [22:46] bigjoe_: to clarify - I'd suggest you re-install ubuntu cleanly to get back to a known state personally, then move forward from there [22:46] as I don't trust your "fix" that was worked through [22:47] What is better? [22:47] bigjoe_: what do you mean what is better ? [22:47] in what respect ? [22:48] How do I get my compile to work? [22:48] With no errors? [22:48] could be many reasons [22:48] but at the moment I don't personally trust your build environment [22:49] ikonia, I still don't know the best course of action. New to linux, here [22:49] to be sure your foreign package install and removal is clean, do a fresh install, then you can rely on the errors you get [22:49] bigjoe_: for me personally, I would install ubuntu again to get to a known "good" state [22:50] How do I install ubuntu again? I don't have anything worth backing up. [22:50] The same way I did the first time? [22:50] Or is there an easier way? [22:51] I used sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda, but nothing was printed onto the terminal after the test (I think it is already over) [22:51] bigjoe_: I don't know how you did it the first time, but just any of the official install methods [22:51] !install | bigjoe_ [22:51] bigjoe_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [22:51] what to do now? [22:51] Alright [22:51] can I open the result somehow? === Trystam is now known as Tristam [22:51] I did it with a USB drive [22:52] bigjoe_: ? [22:52] between apt-get / apt / aptitude, which one is the most recent / most active in development? [22:52] bigjoe_: to me? [22:52] So I guess there's no way to reinstall it, I have to go with the USB drive again? [22:52] greyline, to ikonia [22:53] bigjoe_, yes, you can be back in 30 minutes [22:54] I'll do a full linux reinstall then, I'll be back [22:54] Should be easy [22:54] it was a 4 hour long test with smartctl long [22:54] and I ran that with ubuntu live cd [22:54] can I somehow see the result? [22:55] Bashing-om: are you still there? [22:56] greyline: Yeah . what shows ' sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda ' As that will be the last record held in smartctl . [22:57] Bashing-om: that will show the result of the long test? [23:00] tgm4883: I get: "sorry that didn't work. Please try again" [23:01] greyline: yes . See : https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/SMART_tests_with_smartctl . [23:04] Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/PJ3H3RCp [23:06] greyline: looking . [23:06] Ok capslock was on :') [23:09] Can anyone point me into a direction to figure out why (and how to change) Ubuntu 17.10 is closing software after the computer is left alone for the day (not powered off, just walked away from for 5+ hours)? [23:10] BudgetSlug, closing software? what do you mean? [23:11] kostkon: I have Duplicati (backup software) and TeamViewer running in the backgroup (showing up in the tray) and when I get home from work the screen is black (turns on when the mouse is moved) and the programs are closed (now showing in the tray). [23:16] are these programs running in background but hidden in tray, or they are completely closed? [23:16] I've finally gotten everything but sound working, and it only took a week =D [23:16] Literally has not crashed once all day today [23:17] Sveta: I have checked Stacer and I see both programs in the Process manager. [23:17] Neither programs are working though. [23:18] sounds like possible problem with your window manager [23:19] Sveta: It is Wayland from Gnome 3.16. [23:19] are you able to check it without teamviewer [23:19] Sveta: Any direction on how to resolve or at least identify the issue? [23:19] Sveta: What do you mean check? I am on the PC having the issue. [23:21] shut teamviewer off and check for the issue [23:21] Sveta: How would I check for the issues? Logs? [23:21] Is there anyway to restrict an application to a single monitor on a dual monitor setup? [23:22] BudgetSlug: just leave your programs open and walk away, then come back and check whether something hid them or not [23:22] tgm4883: i don't think by default, there is, but i believer there are some tools (possibly X specific) to do that [23:22] I'll have a search for them [23:22] greyline: I will be glad to be corrected on my view. But I still see that there are interface issues "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count " and "Multi_Zone_Error_Rate" . The counts are rising even as short of a time as the last smartctl test . [23:24] Hello. I have kind of a boot problem. During kernel loading, after starting to load GPU driver laptop just seems to do nothing for 10-20 seconds, and then proceeds to boot as usual. In dmesg after "[drm] Initialized radeon 2.50.0 20080528 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 0" at say 10th second the next message would be at like 27th second. If I boot with radeon.dpm=0 (adding it to grub config), this pause is gone. Bug, probably? Any [23:24] workarounds? Ubuntu 17.10 64 bit, Linux 4.13.0-16-generic, xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.10.0-1 Bootchart: https://transfer.sh/kLOBn/bootchart.svg [23:24] Bashing-om: so they can be solved with cleaning the hdd's connectors? [23:24] BudgetSlug, have a look at your power management settings again [23:25] o.0 [23:25] Sveta: Logs show Gnomescreen saver error. [23:25] greyline: That is one likely cause .. Not the only one / .. The good thing here is that no additional sectors are reported bad . ( 8 bad sectors is not a bad thing ) . [23:26] kostkon: Not may settings (5) and all of them are turned off. [23:26] BudgetSlug: pastebin it. you can disable your gnome screen saver in screensaver settings to help you narrow it down [23:27] 17.10 seems to have no installation instructions anywhere. Can I just dd if=ubuntu-17.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb to write it to a stick? [23:27] tgm4883: i'm thinmkig of devilspie, not sure if that still exists [23:27] Also, those http://ubottu.com links in the topic are giving "Fatal error, Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB" [23:28] tgm4883: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie [23:28] Sveta: https://pastebin.com/TbZbGy8h === tyzoid is now known as google [23:28] BudgetSlug, you've set up your monitor to turn off automatically then? === google is now known as tyzoid [23:28] nacc: thanks, I'll look into that. All this work because slack sucks :/ [23:28] kostkon: It has been set to 15 minutes. [23:28] kostkon: To keep burn in down. === tyzoid is now known as google [23:28] akk: yes. add bs=1024k to dd options and run sync before removing the stick === google is now known as tyzoid [23:28] Thanks akik [23:29] BudgetSlug, so that setting is on then [23:29] kostkon: That breaks all the programs? [23:29] tgm4883: ah :/ [23:29] kostkon: Isn't it the same thing as locking the computer? [23:30] BudgetSlug, tfts very rarely get permanent burn in unless your monitor is a crt or plasma [23:30] BudgetSlug, and screen lock is disabled? [23:31] kostkon: Gotcha, I will turn that off and see if it does the same. No option for screen lock, under power settings that is. [23:31] Bashing-om: I will check that CRC QD electronic cleaner here [23:32] Bashing-om: still don't know anything about the brush [23:33] BudgetSlug, afaik screen blanking is controlled by gnome screensaver. I don't know if the errors you are getting have anything to do with that [23:34] kostkon: Dang. [23:35] kostkon, BudgetSlug: S-IPS monitors can definitely get burn-in. I had to replace one because of that. [23:36] nacc: still testing, but not sure this is what I'm after. This appears to move windows and such, but I'd like to restrict the knowledge of the second display for slack so when I share my screen it only shows one monitor (currently slack shows both monitors because it's dumb) [23:37] greyline: Any cleaner .. that is the brand I have available .. tetra-chloride will work . but is a dangerous chemical to use . [23:38] Bashing-om: but if I search for electronic cleaner or contact cleaner, I'm good, right? [23:38] greyline: Affirmed . [23:39] watch getting it on plastic [23:39] Bashing-om: now I go to sleep. Bye all [23:39] hi [23:40] how to update time and date by a ntp server? [23:40] tgm4883: ah ... i'm not sure how you'd do that to a client [23:40] tgm4883: it feels like you want to almost give it a sub-display [23:41] wallbroken: ntpdate ? [23:41] does not work [23:41] nacc: hmm, that sounds like a good search term. Let me try that :) [23:41] says "server does not respond" [23:41] wallbroken, systemd does it for you if you enable internet time in your time/date settings [23:41] but is not a network issue [23:41] kostkon, it's ubuntu 12.04 [23:41] works the same? [23:42] wallbroken: 12.04 is eol [23:42] wallbroken: i highly recommend you upgrade ASAP [23:42] wallbroken: you have not been getting security updates for months [23:42] i know [23:42] but i can't [23:42] wallbroken, oh then you'd need to install ntp. But that's a theory due to the fact that 12.04 is eol and probably most of the repo mirrors for 12.04 are down already [23:42] my device supports 12.04 and no newer releases [23:42] wallbroken: we can't support you on 12.04 [23:43] why you can't give me an help? [23:43] wallbroken: because it's EOL [23:43] wallbroken: that is, it's unsupported and you are in the support channel [23:43] wallbroken: you did give ntpdate a server to use, right? [23:44] did you even look at the wiki ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime [23:45] weird that a device would only support a single release [23:45] * tgm4883 wonders what device doesn't support newer than 12.04 [23:45] yes [23:45] ntpdate time.nist.gov [23:45] wallbroken, and that device is.. [23:45] it's an old dev board [23:45] wallbroken, aha [23:46] ntpdate[3122]: no server suitable for synchronization found [23:48] if your time is waaaaay out of whack it may error like that [23:49] no, just 2 days difference [23:49] set it manually then try [23:49] Rebooted to get tray icons back and disabled Screen Lock under Privacy settings. When locking the screen it still turns off my monitor. [23:50] 2 days difference is waaaaay out of whack [23:51] tgm4883, what is the maximum? [23:51] wallbroken: before it doesn't sync anymore? IIRC a few minutes. Just set it correctly now and then run the sync [23:51] wallbroken, like a few secs if it's more than that ntpdate will give up [23:52] if is set correctly [23:52] i don't need ntp [23:52] ntp shuld be used to set date correctly [23:52] wallbroken: NTP keeps it in check. [23:52] ?? [23:54] wallbroken: you can try passing -d to ntpdate, i fyou think there is an error [23:55] wallbroken: what's the output of 'sudo service ntp status' [23:55] the process does nont exist [23:56] wallbroken: can you 'sudo ntpd -gq' [23:57] also the -b flag and use pool.ntp.org should be helpful [23:59] wallbroken, sudo apt-get install ntp [23:59] ikonia I'm back