
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
bdxrick_h: is there special prometheus/telegraf/grafana bundle floating around that works with cmr/juju-2.3beta?00:49
rick_hbdx: just have to grab my versions in http://jujucharms.com/u/rharding00:50
bdxrick_h: possibly you haven't granted me access?00:51
bdxoh the charms there00:52
bdxare the ones I'm looking for00:52
rick_hbdx: everyone has? https://jujucharms.com/u/rharding/prometheus/2 and https://jujucharms.com/u/rharding/telegraf/000:52
rick_h bdx right00:52
bdxyou deploy telegraf to the model on which you want to monitor the things on?00:53
bdxand relate telegraf across to prometheus then?00:53
bdxor, you offer up the prometheus endpoint00:53
bdxI see00:53
bdxoffer up the prometheus endpoint00:54
bdxthen the target model telegraf can relate00:54
rick_hbdx: right, telegraf is the subordinate that goes onto the things you want to watch00:58
rick_hbdx: right, should be some blog examples to walk through from the demos if that helps00:58
bdxalready on it00:58
kwmonroenot awesome rick_h00:59
rick_hkwmonroe: :( but but can it please be awesome?01:00
kwmonroei hate our monitoring stack, and here's why...01:00
kwmonroeit's too hard01:01
kwmonroerick_h: i want to gather logs and metrics from my deployment.. maybe that's k8s, maybe that's hadoop, etc.  it's hard to figure out whether elastico or prometheus or roll-your-own-rsyslog will serve me best.01:03
rick_hkwmonroe: yea, I think that getting the data into prometheus is alright as things tend to build that part in01:04
rick_hkwmonroe: the missing gap is that the relations needs to send sample dashboards over the wire to pre-setup the grafana/visualization bit for that data01:05
rick_hkwmonroe: imo and all that01:05
kwmonroerick_h, yes! we can give peeps a great deployment and functional UI in one shot.  things like "sample dashboards" are what we're lacking.01:07
bdxI'm on the same track01:07
rick_hkwmonroe: yea, so in the work we did for monitoring Juju we gave a  downloadable sample dashboard but you have to import it manually01:07
bdxI figured if I can get the grafana-source relation working there01:07
bdxthat would help pull it all together01:08
rick_hkwmonroe: I think the thing is that the thing feeding prometheus data knows about the dashboard json, but has to pass that through prometheus, to grafana somehow01:08
rick_hbdx: yea, but it's a bit different since it's a relation once removed (one link back)01:08
bdx"things like "sample dashboards" are what we're lacking" - totaly01:09
bdx@kwmonroe we need to start a hoard of dashboard json01:09
rick_hbdx: sorry, I thought you were saying prometheus should do it "I figured if I can get the grafana-source relation working there"01:10
bdxI got it working01:10
bdxwith elasticsearch01:10
bdxnot 100%01:10
rick_hI'm just saying if you monitor a machine with telegraf the telegraf charm should have sample grafana dashboards and I'm not sure how to get them to grafana through prometheus01:10
bdxbut like working/bronk working01:10
rick_hbdx: ah, ES in particular01:10
rick_hbdx: gotcha, I read too much into it my bad01:10
bdxI prefer grafana over kibana, I think its good to have both options for people (I've a new kibana charm in the works now)01:12
bdxbut for *me*01:12
bdxI just want it all in one place01:12
bdxit makes sense to just have the two backends plugged into grafana01:12
bdxthen you can get your elastic beat metrics01:13
bdxfor logs01:13
kwmonroei prefer "juju run --all top" for my metrics, but i get that others want this pesky stuff called "data".01:13
kwmonroebdx: let's say i want to propose a visualization engine for metrics/log analysis. your vote is +1 for grafana?01:16
bdxits multi-backend capable01:17
kwmonroek, that settles it.  we're doing kibana.01:17
kwmonroebdx: you tested so well the first time, let me try another.  prometheus vs elastic.  what say you?01:18
bdxwe need a snap monitor01:18
bdxto export logs from snaps01:19
bdxkwmonroe, rick_h: how are you guys getting snap logs exported?01:19
bdxoh, nm01:21
bdxIm guessing you just pick them up from syslog01:21
kwmonroebdx: i really don't know what you're asking... like a report from "snap list" for installed snaps?01:23
kwmonroehow in the holy heck this is related to prometheus/grafana/kibana monitors is a mystery to me.  get back in line bdx, one topic at a time.01:24
bdxI just snapped our api01:25
bdxmy next goal01:25
bdxlike tomorrow is to get the logs sending through filebeat01:25
bdxso I asked the snapcraft guys what the best practice is there, to get the logs from your snaps01:27
bdxand the say to log to syslog01:27
bdxso I did that01:27
bdxbut that doesnt actually mean your same log entries get into the actual system syslog01:28
bdxall in all01:28
bdxwhat I'm saying is01:28
bdxI don't know how to export the logs of a snap01:28
bdxand I feel its a difficult task01:28
bdxthat I am extremely pressed to figure out01:28
bdxand I'm entirely blocked because I dont know how to export the darn logs for my snapped processes01:29
bdxif everyone is snapping their software, this has to be a common issue01:29
bdxif there is one thing that is a blocker for the whole logging deal using canonical tech01:30
bdxits exporting logs from snaps01:31
bdxfor sure01:31
rick_hbdx: hmm, yea not sure tbh. I think stuff is still early into snaps and gaps like this need some love. I've not tried it out myself so no first hand exp.01:31
bdxkwmonroe: your snapping quite a bit01:31
bdxhow are you exporting your snapped process' logs?01:32
bdxahh possibly they snap cant be in devmode01:36
bdxim so silly02:00
bdxmy logs were never showing up in syslog because I hadnt ever taken my snaps out of devmode02:01
bdxoh it wsa probably actually the confinement mode confinement02:02
bdxgetting switched to classic02:02
bdxthere we go02:02
bdxok glad I figured that out02:03
kwmonroebdx: i had to go see a guy about a thing.  i'm sorry i missed the diatribe, but here's the juice.  use the content interface to provide data from one snap to another (or the filessytem as a whole)02:06
kwmonroeit works wonders with 2.2902:06
kwmonroesure, classic mode can save you, but you can enforce all kinds of specialness if you go confined. nothing good, mind you, but all kinds for sure.02:07
bdxIll look into this immediately02:08
bdxsnapd 2.29?02:08
bdxis that in zesty or something02:10
bdxits not even in bionic02:11
kwmonroebdx, stop being a sheeple02:11
bdxthat is a funny joke kwmonroe02:11
kwmonroesnap refresh core --channel candidate will get ya 2.2902:12
kwmonroesudo ^^ and what not02:12
kwmonroeanywho, i really do have to bug out.. point i was trying to make is the new ability to share bits via the content interface.  if you're interested, here's how something like the "pig" snap talks to hadoop, which is only available in 2.29: https://github.com/juju-solutions/snap-pig/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L2902:14
bdxoh beautiful02:14
bdxthank you02:15
bdxgo bug out now02:15
kwmonroefwiw bdx, that only works because the 'configure' script of the pig snap makes that directory. it's a fickle time to be alive. i'm happy to chat with you more about how this stuff works -- maybe even headline the juju show this week.02:18
bdxyou should02:19
bdxthat would be great02:19
bdxnot sure what you agenda is02:19
kwmonroeoh hell, now you've gone and made it official02:20
bdxim hungry02:20
bdxfor blood02:20
kwmonroeheh, see you folks manana02:20
rick_hLol on the hook!02:20
rick_hNight kwmonroe02:20
sirajI am still looking for some help in this "unable to remove a service using juju remove-service <service-name> or by juju remove-unit or even removing a machine by juju remove-machine command. Even i deleted container still juju show-status display associated machine, application"05:54
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
ChaoticMindI'm having trouble provisioning a ceph cluster via juju. I think I got most of it going, but curl'ing the radosgw results in "Empty reply from server" -- can any folks with ceph/openstack experience provide insight?13:51
zeestratHey ChaoticMind, what are you deploying on (MAAS?) and how (bundle?)Å14:13
ChaoticMindzeestrat: I'm deploying on aws, via my own bundle which includes ceph-mon/ceph-osd/ceph-radosgw/keystone/horizon/percona(mysql) with appropriate relations etc14:20
zeestratChaoticMind: Gotcha. What do the radosgw logs say? Are you using network spaces by any chance?14:24
ChaoticMindIs there maybe like a minimum viable bundle available somewhere? The logs via juju debug-log aren't super helpful. Nope, not using network spaces.14:27
ChaoticMindIs there some specific log you're referring to?14:27
ChaoticMindoh, also, trying to follow https://jujucharms.com/ceph-radosgw/#access results in the command just hanging14:29
zeestratTry to `juju ssh ceph-radosgw/0` and look at `/var/log/ceph/radosgw.log`14:42
zeestratThe guys in #openstack-charms (https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers/ in the charm store) have a bundle, but that is aimed at maas. You could ask the guys there if they have anything for specific for aws.14:45
ChaoticMindah thanks zeestrat - it looks like it didn't initialize properly -- unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/keyring.rados.gateway. Have to figure out why15:01
[Kid]zeestrat, i am trying my new YAML and getting the same thing i was before16:51
[Kid]ERROR invalid charm or bundle provided at "./k8s-v1.yml"16:51
[Kid]is there a way to get a more verbose output on where juju is erroring?16:52
[Kid]like what line, column type debug16:52
kwmonroe[Kid]: try running 'charm proof' on the directory with your yaml.  you'll need to call it 'bundle.yaml' because i think that's a hard req for proofing bundles.17:50
kwmonroe[Kid]: when i ran it, it complained on line 28 and 40ish.  looks like you're missing the "to:" directive before your lxd:x entries.17:50
zeestratAlso, I think you can drop machine definitions 2 to 7 and just add the constraints part to the worker charm17:53
rick_hJuju show in 15min!!!!18:45
rick_hwoot woot!18:45
rick_hlink for folks that want to join in the chat https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/zxyr3qie45ejfh2x7x7sva5szee18:51
rick_hkwmonroe: bdx hml tvansteenburgh cory_fu marcoceppi and anyone else that I can talk into it :)18:52
rick_hfor watching from the sidelines you'll want the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFwE6x6JETY18:52
cory_fuCynerva, ryebot: ^18:53
rick_hbdx: you coming today?18:58
cory_fuAlso, here is an example interface refactored to use it: https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-kube-control/blob/6987921aacb7a03c01b635a9465873683a6a54ac/provides.py19:19
cory_fubdx: Have you used the --wheelhouse-overrides option for charm build to test some of these in-progress features?19:21
bdxI can feed that a wheelhouse tarbal?19:22
cory_fubdx: Newer versions of charm-build support --wheelhouse-overrides that lets you provide an external wheelhouse.txt file when building a charm that will override items provided by the charm or layers19:22
cory_fuNot a tarball, alas19:22
cory_fuMight be worth doing as another feature19:22
cory_fuBut it lets you override items line-by-line19:23
bdxcory_fu: how is it that I get your branch into the wheelhouse.txt?19:28
kwmonroecontent interface docs: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-content-interface/1074 <-- rick_h19:29
cory_fubdx: You can use the VCS URL support: https://pip.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#vcs-support19:31
zeestratWho's in charge of charmhelpers? The docs situation is a bit of a mess. https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/issues/2719:31
rick_hdamn, hit done on that and it killed my chrome19:40
rick_hkwmonroe: :P the last thing I heard before crashing was something about "get it together at the end"19:41
kwmonroeyeah rick_h, i was trolling on your ability to get your k8stuffv2 deployed.  you did it though.  nice job :)19:42
rick_hkwmonroe: hah, /me dances harder for the fans19:42
cory_fuzeestrat: Hrm, yeah, that's probably because pythonhosted.org has been deprecated and uploads all but disabled.  We need to set it up on RTD.io19:47
zeestratThat would be great :)19:49
cory_futvansteenburgh: Are you admin on the charm-helpers GH repo?19:51
tvansteenburghcory_fu: yes, and so are you19:52
tvansteenburghoh wait19:52
cory_futvansteenburgh: Nope.19:52
cory_fuIt's probably just jamespage, I suspect19:53
tvansteenburghcory_fu: yeah probably, i'm not19:53
cory_futvansteenburgh, zeestrat: Ok, I pinged him on the issue.  Should be pretty straightforward to get done when he's in.19:55
bdxall of those ^ machines are right next to eachother in the same subnet19:56
bdxjust because its a cross-model relation shouldn't mean we automatically assume the public ip19:57
bdxI know I've talked about this with jam and axw (I think)19:57
bdxbut I just want to make it apparent such that its something people think about as they use the new networking functionality19:58
bdxI absolutely do not want my things to talk over the wan when they are sitting right next to eachother19:58
bdxhopefully others start to see this, and start yapping about it19:58
bdx"all of those ^ machines are right next to eachother in the same subnet" - the machine are also right next to prometheus and grafana19:59
bdxin the same subnet19:59
bdxnot sure if people are aware19:59
bdxor even care19:59
bdxI guess we are making the assumption that if things are in a different model, then they dont have rout-ability to eachother20:00
bdxor possibly, just the wrong endpoint was chosen from network-get20:01
[Kid]kwmonroe, thanks! i completely missed that20:01
[Kid]and that charm proof command is handy!20:01
kwmonroenp [Kid]20:02
jamespagecory_fu: hey - what do you need?20:02
cory_fujamespage: You're up late.  :)  I was going to set up the charm-helpers repo on readthedocs.org, but I don't have sufficient permissions.  So it's up to you to either set it up there, or give me perms to do so20:03
jamespagecory_fu: in australia - what's your github handle?20:03
cory_fujamespage: johnsca  Then you're up even later than I thought!20:04
jamespagecory_fu: ok you have admin on that repo now20:04
* jamespage heads for breakfast20:04
[Kid]kwmonroe, is charm a separate program?20:04
cory_fujamespage: Thanks!  Oh, I guess it's early there, then20:05
[Kid]i.e., do i need to apt-get install charm?20:05
cory_fuI'm bad at timezones20:05
zeestratcory_fu: Great. Would also be handy to redirect the pythonhosted site and update the pypi as it has a decent google rank.20:05
[Kid]ahh got it20:05
cory_fuzeestrat: Unfortunately, I haven't found a way that (still) works to do a pythonhosted.org redirect.  Best I can do is delete the docs from there entirely20:05
[Kid]haha, now i am getting FATAL: Not a Bundle or a Charm, can not proof20:07
[Kid]and i named it bundle.yaml20:07
[Kid]haha, but it works anyways20:09
[Kid]oh well20:09
kwmonroe[Kid]: charm is a separate program, and while i think you've stumbled onto the ppa that provides charm-tools, the recommended install method is to 'sudo snap install charm'.20:14
kwmonroenot sure why you're getting a fatal error, but you can pass --debug to the charm command.  perhaps that'll reveal something.20:15
[Kid]it works20:16
[Kid]it is deploying, but still only deploying 5 out of the 8 nodes20:16
[Kid]will it deploy in stages?20:16
[Kid]i.e., do 5 then the other 3?20:16
[Kid]this is my new bundle.yaml20:17
[Kid]and i have the "worker" tag on the nodes in MAAS that are not being deployed20:17
[Kid]but they are showing "down" in juju status20:18
kwmonroe[Kid]: juju should do all the machines at once -- maybe maas is just taking a bit of time to fulfil the request.  you could try passing --debug to the juju deploy command to see if that bubbles up any provisioning errors from maas.20:20
kwmonroe[Kid]: fyi, you can run 'juju deploy' multiple times and it'll reuse existing deployed stuff, so like if easyrsa is already in your model, a subsequent juju deploy will just reuse it.20:21
[Kid]ahh that is good information20:24
[Kid]maybe that will kick start MAAS20:25
zeestrat[Kid]: Just to be clear, how many nodes do you have in maas and how are they tagged? Could ya also pastebin `juju status`?20:31
[Kid]zeestrat, i have 8 nodes20:33
[Kid]first two are tagged: master,worker20:33
[Kid]the rest are tagged: worker20:33
[Kid]juju status20:34
[Kid]thing is, MAAS spun up 5 nodes20:34
[Kid]and not 320:35
[Kid]and the 3 it didn't spin up are in a "Ready" state powered off20:35
[Kid]the two that are labeled master,worker were spun up, but they arent being seen by juju20:36
thumper[Kid]: are there any errors in the juju log?20:37
[Kid]just ran deploy again against the same bundle also.20:37
[Kid]umm in /var/log/juju.log?20:37
[Kid]i mean /var/log/juju/logsink.log?20:38
thumperor juju debug-log20:38
zeestrat[Kid]: Gotcha. Thanks for the info. I see the model shows version 2.0.2. Could you write the output of `juju version`? Just wanna make sure you're on an up to date juju first.20:38
* thumper thinks of a nice way20:38
[Kid]juju --version20:39
thumperoh dear20:39
thumperyou really want to be using newer20:39
[Kid]i used snap install20:39
[Kid]that should have pulled latest, right?20:39
thumperjuju debug-log -m controller -l warning --replay20:39
thumper[Kid]: snap list20:40
thumperhow old is the controller?20:40
[Kid]snap list20:40
[Kid]Name  Version    Rev   Developer  Notes20:40
[Kid]core  16-2.28.5  3247  canonical  core20:40
[Kid]juju  2.2.6      2739  canonical  classic20:40
thumperwhen did you bootstrap the controller?20:41
[Kid]like a week ago20:41
thumperjuju status -m controller20:41
[Kid]this is a brand new install20:41
zeestrat@thumper, might we have a case of mixed snap and ppa install?20:41
[Kid]juju status -m controller20:41
[Kid]Model       Controller  Cloud/Region  Version  Notes20:41
[Kid]controller  dal01-maas  dal01-maas    2.0.2    upgrade available: 2.0.420:41
[Kid]App  Version  Status  Scale  Charm  Store  Rev  OS  Notes20:41
[Kid]Unit  Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message20:41
[Kid]Machine  State    DNS          Inst id  Series  AZ20:42
[Kid]0        started  6hqhy4   xenial  default20:42
[Kid]1        started  n83trc   xenial  default20:42
[Kid]2        started  e6qkdm   xenial  default20:42
zeestrat[Kid]: Could you also do a `sudo dpkg -l | grep juju`20:42
[Kid]just to be clear the 3 controllers it is showing are VMs20:43
[Kid]and the machine i am running these commands from is the MAAS server20:43
[Kid]so i could bootstrap20:43
[Kid]ii  juju                               2.0.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2                     all          next generation service orchestration system20:43
[Kid]ii  juju-2.0                           2.0.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2                     amd64        Juju is devops distilled - client20:43
[Kid]ii  python-jujubundlelib               0.4.1-0ubuntu1                             all          Python 2 library for working with Juju bundles20:43
zeestratLooks like there's an old juju installed. I'd suggest removing the juju and juju-2.0 packages with apt remove etc. Then hopefully you should end up with 2.2.6 from the snap.20:46
zeestratThen if it's OK, destroy the controller and do a fresh bootstrap with
[Kid]this is wierd20:48
[Kid]Removing juju (2.0.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2) ...20:48
[Kid]juju --version20:48
[Kid]Removing juju (2.0.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2) ...20:49
zeestratYou probably need to purge those packages20:50
kwmonroe[Kid]: might also want to 'export PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH' to make sure the snap executables take precedence20:51
[Kid]kwmonroe, that did i!20:52
[Kid]the export now points to the right juju20:52
[Kid]another wierd thing is when it destroys the model, it will release all the nodes except for the two that have the dual tags.20:54
[Kid]the worker,master two20:54
[Kid]i have to manually release those20:54
[Kid]trying with 2.2.6 now20:54
[Kid]well this is stupid. i just rebooted and right back to 2.0.220:57
[Kid]ok, its cause it isn't keeping the system variable20:58
[Kid]how can i make that variable persistant?20:59
zeestratYeah, if purging those packages aint an option, you could fix your path in .bashrc or the like20:59
[Kid]crap, i have to bootstrap again too21:00
[Kid]cause the controllers are at 2.0.221:00
zeestrat[Kid]: As it's getting late for my brain, here's what I'd do if you still end up with the nodes not deploying. Make sure juju is able to deploy all maas nodes, for example by just deploying a bunch of ubuntu charms `juju deploy ubuntu -n 8`. If all good, remove the worker tags from the master nodes in maas for now just to avoid any confusion and try to deploy something like this: https://pastebin.com/UP3CpdD321:09
zeestratBy the way, what version of maas are you running?21:09
[Kid]zeestrat, kwmonroe, and thumper. thank you for your help, i really apprciate it21:10
zeestratGreat. That should work fine.21:10
[Kid]i see how beneficial juju and maas can be together, just have to get past these bumps. helps me learn though21:11
kwmonroew00t, great to here [Kid]21:11
kwmonroeer, hear21:11
thumper[Kid]: you probably could have upgraded the controllers21:20
thumperrather than redeploy21:20
[Kid]crap. oh well21:21
[Kid]i am almost done bootstrapping again21:22
[Kid]also, i meant to mention i am in a HA cluster21:22
[Kid]for the controllers21:22
thumperyou will find 2.2.6 much better than 2.0.221:22
thumperand more stable21:22
[Kid]that is good21:22
thumperbetter memory footprint21:22
[Kid]yeah, the ubuntu repos are usually way behind21:23
[Kid]i don't like bleeding edge, but they are barely trickling blood edge21:23
[Kid]well, this is interesting21:29
[Kid]2.2.6 gives me more detail21:30
[Kid]cannot run instances: cannot run instance: N21:30
[Kid]o available machine matches constraints: [('tags', ['master', 'worker']), ('agent_name', ['d71fcd25-e21:30
[Kid]11b-4991-8831-1349aca1ad9a']), ('zone', ['default'])] (resolved to "tags=master,worker zone=default")21:30
[Kid]they are there.21:30
[Kid]and now the only machines it spun up are the two that have the master,worker tags21:31
[Kid]ahhh there we go21:31
[Kid]it is spinning more up now...21:31
[Kid]so now i think it has something to do with those tags21:32
[Kid]its like it doesn;t like having two tags as a constraint21:32
zeestrat[Kid]: I'd try not using multiple tags in constraints like I described above to avoid the issue for now and come back to that later.21:40
[Kid]and i can just use the to: instead of contraints22:01
thumper[Kid]: why does the machine need both master and worker tags?22:37

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