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rbasak | If we want to store the launchpadlib self_link in a git commit log message as metadata in the usual git RFC822-style header style (eg. "Signed-off-by: ..."), what would be an appropriate name to use for the key? | 05:44 |
rbasak | Eg. Launchpad-API-URL? Launchpad-URL? Launchpadlib-URL? | 05:44 |
wgrant | rbasak: The self link for what sort of object? | 05:45 |
wgrant | A commit doesn't have a launchpadlib URL -- let alone a commit that doesn't exist yet. | 05:45 |
rbasak | This is where we want to link our "imported" git commit to the Launchpad object it came from | 05:46 |
rbasak | So Launchpad -> our importer -> git commit | 05:46 |
rbasak | Where we'd like to track what Launchpad object our git commit came from. | 05:46 |
rbasak | Also...I didn't expect a reply for a few hours at least! :) | 05:47 |
wgrant | rbasak: It's not quite EOD for me :) | 05:56 |
wgrant | rbasak: But presumably it's some type of object | 05:56 |
wgrant | eg. Launchpad-Source-Package-Release | 05:56 |
nacc | wgrant: source pacakge publishing history record | 06:06 |
nacc | wgrant: rbasak: I think (per the web reference) we should store str(spph_object) | 06:08 |
nacc | https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib "Persistent referencnes to Launchpad objects" | 06:08 |
nacc | so I think we could do Launchpad-Source-Package-Publishing-Record: | 06:09 |
nacc | i'm not fussed on URL, as it's really just storing a persistent identifier of an object, which happens to be a URL right nnow | 06:09 |
nacc | wgrant: for context, LP: #1730734, if you want to read | 06:09 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1730734 in usd-importer "importer: having only one import record for every publish means the commit date is no longer identical to the publishing date" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1730734 | 06:09 |
* nacc is past EOD, just checking in | 06:10 | |
* rbasak is at BOD :) | 06:10 | |
wgrant | nacc: That seems weird, since what happens when the package gets copied? | 06:10 |
wgrant | That probably won't create a new commit. | 06:10 |
rbasak | Yeah that's what I was pondering | 06:10 |
rbasak | I had intended to discuss that with nacc later :) | 06:11 |
rbasak | I'm still pondering the general problem. | 06:11 |
wgrant | It is complicated. | 06:11 |
wgrant | The SPPH in theory has no impact on the commits | 06:11 |
wgrant | Just the refs | 06:11 |
wgrant | Which is messy since refs don't really have history | 06:11 |
rbasak | OTOH, we watch the SPPH to drive the imports | 06:12 |
wgrant | Sure, it clearly triggers the imports | 06:12 |
wgrant | But the commit can't be the only place you record that, since it can change without the commit changing. | 06:12 |
rbasak | Currently we don't record the SPPH, but that's where the problem is AIUI. | 06:13 |
rbasak | The first time we see a particular version, we add it into our commit graph. | 06:13 |
rbasak | And the SPPH entries drive our refs moving around. | 06:13 |
rbasak | But we don't know where to pick up from next time, and we'd prefer to not store any additional state. | 06:14 |
rbasak | I think nacc was suggesting that the commit store the _first_ SPPH that originally drove the first import adding the version to our commit graph. | 06:14 |
rbasak | Recurrences of the same version in SPPH would lead to some fairly small inefficiency as we walk over the same records again. | 06:14 |
rbasak | So the algorithm would be: | 06:16 |
rbasak | 1) Walk the SPPH in reverse chronological order | 06:16 |
rbasak | 2) Look for a matching commit (we can do this as we look for a tag import/<version> which will take us immediately to the commit if it exists) | 06:17 |
rbasak | 3) If the matching commit has metadata pointing to the same SPPH record, then stop | 06:17 |
wgrant | What will happen when the commit lists an SPPH in warty, and you have to walk back 27 series? | 06:17 |
rbasak | 4) Work backwards from where over what we have already gone over, backwards, and import those, which will now be in chronological order. | 06:18 |
wgrant | An alternative would be to use a ref for each SPPH | 06:18 |
wgrant | I think | 06:18 |
wgrant | Hmmm | 06:18 |
rbasak | I'm not sure I understand your question. | 06:18 |
wgrant | If you store no other state, you're going to end up walking the entire publication for packages that don't change very often | 06:19 |
wgrant | s/entire publication/entire publication history/ | 06:19 |
rbasak | Ah. Because of all the copy forwards and no other uploads? | 06:20 |
rbasak | Yeah I see. That would require us to walk all the way back to warty. | 06:20 |
wgrant | Exactly. | 06:20 |
rbasak | One iteration per series max I think? | 06:20 |
wgrant | Most likely. | 06:20 |
* rbasak wonders what would happen if we used a git note for each SPPH record against the commit | 06:21 | |
rbasak | That could be optional. A present git note would optimise your pathological case. | 06:22 |
rbasak | A missing git note and the previous algorithm applies. | 06:22 |
rbasak | So it'd be fairly robust to missing notes. | 06:22 |
rbasak | And if we see an SPPH record without a corresponding note, we could add it later. | 06:23 |
wgrant | That sounds like a possible alternative to ref per SPPH, yeah | 06:23 |
wgrant | Effective caching, but in the repo and mutably. | 06:23 |
rbasak | If we used ref per SPPH, what would you call the refs? | 06:23 |
rbasak | Caching is the right way to think about it I think, thanks. | 06:25 |
wgrant | refs/go-away/no-really/this-is-pretty-internal/nothing-to-see-here/spph-1234 | 06:25 |
rbasak | I'm less averse to storing state if it is just a cache | 06:25 |
rbasak | And the cache is semantically a (SPPH identifier -> commit id) mapping I think. | 06:26 |
wgrant | I guess if you already identify the commit first by (name, version) ref, the fact that notes aren't indexed by content isn't a problem. | 06:26 |
wgrant | Right, which was I was going for a ref rather than a note -- notes are structured the other way, so you can't efficiently look up by SPPH ID | 06:26 |
rbasak | You'd have to look up the SPPH record package version string, then look for the tag. | 06:26 |
rbasak | Which is still O(1) for our purposes I think. | 06:27 |
rbasak | I'm pondering just using an out-of-repo cache. | 06:28 |
wgrant | Out-of-repo cache is certainly the approach I'd start with. | 06:28 |
rbasak | Though that won't be shared, so a third party person wanting to manually catch up on a package will have to regenerate the cache. | 06:28 |
rbasak | Let's see what nacc thinks. | 06:28 |
rbasak | wgrant: thank you for the discussion | 06:31 |
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* cjwatson comments on the bug before reading the above discussion, although it sounds like I reached a similar conclusion independently | 07:42 | |
rbasak | Thanks | 08:01 |
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VG12 | Hello everyone, I have a pressing question if someone would be so kind as to help me. | 10:32 |
rbasak | VG12: just ask your question. Otherwise nobody knows if they can help you, so can't answer. | 10:33 |
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VG12 | A work colleague of mine is targeted by a hainous website, the WHOIS is privacy protected but the registrar is launchpad. I have never used launchpad, I don't get how thats possible : is launchpad a webhosting service ? | 10:34 |
VG12 | Registrar WHOIS Server: www.launchpad.com Registrar URL: www.launchpad.com | 10:34 |
rbasak | This channel is about launchpad.net. | 10:35 |
cjwatson | VG12: That's not us. | 10:35 |
cjwatson | Similar name, but no relation. | 10:36 |
cjwatson | (From time to time we get misdirected queries from people who've registered domains with launchpad.com, and the best we can do is point them in the right direction.) | 10:37 |
VG12 | Oh yes indeed. Thank you folks, sorry the answer was before my eyes. | 10:37 |
VG12 | Have a great day | 10:37 |
cjwatson | Good luck tracking down the problem. | 10:37 |
rbasak | I need a list of all source packages (that we might need to import). nacc is parsing http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/source/Sources.xz. Any opinion? | 10:38 |
cjwatson | rbasak: I believe I suggested that. | 10:38 |
rbasak | Ah, OK :) | 10:38 |
cjwatson | Except obviously more components etc. | 10:38 |
rbasak | Trouble is that also excludes older series. If we care. | 10:38 |
cjwatson | Well, I didn't specifically suggest only devel. | 10:39 |
cjwatson | I'd check all series and all pockets. | 10:39 |
cjwatson | The thing I suggested was using published Sources files rather than (probably very slow) API queries. | 10:39 |
rbasak | Getting the series from the API presumably | 10:39 |
cjwatson | Yep | 10:39 |
* rbasak wonders if a list of pockets is similarly available | 10:39 | |
cjwatson | Afraid not, but it hasn't changed in over a decade | 10:40 |
rbasak | Looks like the API defines the set | 10:40 |
cjwatson | It's in lp.registry.interfaces.pocket | 10:41 |
rbasak | While you're here (I'm review nacc's MP), any opinion on the actual parsing, as implemented in Python? nacc is doing some Python-based parsing of the Sources file. Which feels ugly, but shelling out to grep-dctrl would also be ugly. | 10:42 |
rbasak | What would you do? | 10:42 |
cjwatson | rbasak: I'd use python-debian | 10:42 |
cjwatson | The stuff in debian.deb822 is generally fine for this | 10:42 |
rbasak | Thanks! | 10:43 |
cjwatson | rbasak: (python-apt is also fine; python-debian sometimes makes use of that for speed. Use whichever interface is more comfortable.) | 10:43 |
cjwatson | rbasak: germinate uses python-apt, so possibly I preferred that at one point. I think when I wrote that python-debian was significantly less good. | 10:44 |
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kama | hi! | 19:17 |
kama | is it possible/am I allowed to use a launchpad PPA to make packages for Debian? | 19:18 |
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nacc | cjwatson: i just had a lightbulb moment thanks to your responses in the bug, thank you very much! | 21:50 |
nacc | cjwatson: and you are right about the algorithm rework, and i think we have more to do in that space | 21:50 |
cjwatson | cool, glad to help | 21:57 |
nacc | cjwatson: sorry for my density :) | 21:59 |
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