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jibel | good morning | 07:17 |
duflu | Morning jibel | 07:20 |
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jibel | Hi duflu | 07:24 |
didrocks | good morning | 07:27 |
jibel | salut didrocks | 07:27 |
didrocks | ça va jibel ? | 07:29 |
jibel | didrocks, de retour de 2 semaines de congés. 1 semaine au soleil et une semaine pour déménager. Donc ça va bin et toi? | 07:32 |
jibel | bien* | 07:32 |
didrocks | Martin et moi commençont à ne plus être malade, enfin, donc ça permet de respirer un peu :) | 07:36 |
jibel | good to hear you're all feeling better :) | 07:44 |
koza | hey everyone | 07:48 |
oSoMoN | good morning desktoppers | 07:56 |
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didrocks | morning koza, oSoMoN | 08:13 |
oSoMoN | salut didrocks, ça va mieux? | 08:16 |
didrocks | oSoMoN: bien mieux merci ! Encore un peu de toux, mais c'est acceptable maintenant :) et toi, ça va ? | 08:20 |
oSoMoN | moi ça va, j’essaie de chauffer la maison parce qu’il fait très froid dehors, résultats mitigés pour le moment, du coup je bosse devant le poële :) | 08:25 |
didrocks | argh ;) | 08:29 |
willcooke | moin | 08:45 |
didrocks | hey willcooke! | 08:46 |
didrocks | how are you? | 08:46 |
oSoMoN | good morning willcooke | 08:47 |
willcooke | morning didrocks oSoMoN | 08:47 |
duflu | Morning didrocks, koza, willcooke, oSoMoN | 08:48 |
duflu | world | 08:48 |
oSoMoN | afternoon duflu | 08:48 |
didrocks | hey duflu | 08:48 |
duflu | koza, willcooke, feel like meeting today? Also we were going to bring the time forward (in five minutes from now) because it moved with someone's time zone | 08:55 |
willcooke | duflu, nothing to report for me (cc koza) - wb koza, how you had a good break | 08:56 |
willcooke | *hope | 08:56 |
koza | duflu, i feel, been missing you guys :) but i remember the timechange - should it be moved one hour + to suit you? | 08:57 |
duflu | koza, minus I think... due in 2 minutes from now | 08:58 |
koza | a willcooke nothing to report if you duflu nothingtoreport as well then we can skip | 08:58 |
koza | duflu, you are away next week right? | 08:58 |
koza | *starting from | 08:59 |
koza | willcooke, yes, the break was really good | 09:00 |
koza | duflu, willcooke so lets skip | 09:00 |
Laney | moin | 09:02 |
duflu | Morning Laney | 09:02 |
oSoMoN | morning Laney | 09:04 |
didrocks | hey Laney | 09:05 |
Laney | hey duflu oSoMoN didrocks | 09:05 |
Laney | you good? | 09:05 |
didrocks | feeling better and better day by day, thanks! yourself? | 09:06 |
Laney | c-c-c-c-cccccccccccccold this morning | 09:06 |
didrocks | yeah, winter weather here in term of temperature | 09:06 |
* duflu uploads excess warmth (and not just because the aircon is broken) | 09:06 | |
Laney | didrocks: glad you are getting better :-) | 09:09 |
Laney | this seemed to last for a long time | 09:09 |
oSoMoN | cold here too | 09:11 |
oSoMoN | but sunny and blue sky | 09:11 |
Laney | ya | 09:11 |
Laney | let's make a fire | 09:11 |
Laney | I found all this old computer code, should burn pretty well | 09:11 |
andyrock | 🔥 | 09:11 |
Laney | "u... ni... ty" | 09:12 |
willcooke | oof | 09:12 |
didrocks | #troll | 09:12 |
willcooke | :) | 09:12 |
oSoMoN | heh | 09:12 |
Laney | ♥ | 09:12 |
didrocks | I think we can even see if compiled code or interpreted one burns faster | 09:12 |
willcooke | haha | 09:13 |
willcooke | krashekspress, hey! Was it you I was talking to about the slowness when opening the user | 10:27 |
willcooke | panel in control center? | 10:27 |
krashekspress | I'm hit with that "camera" bug, yes | 10:28 |
willcooke | krashekspress, did you open a bug for it? I think you did, but I can't find it | 10:28 |
willcooke | I want to add it to our backlog so that it gets fixed | 10:28 |
krashekspress | willcooke: yes, I think I did | 10:35 |
krashekspress | give me a sec | 10:35 |
krashekspress | willcooke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1725163 | 10:35 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1725163 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell freezes for 25s when logout/shutdown" [Medium,New] | 10:35 |
krashekspress | its for shutdown, but issue is same | 10:36 |
krashekspress | I can create another one for settings if you want | 10:36 |
willcooke | krashekspress, that one is fine, thanks very much | 10:37 |
willcooke | ah yes, that's the one I was looking for | 10:38 |
willcooke | cheers! | 10:38 |
koza | seb128, hey long time no see :) correct me if I'm wrong but I have a bluez sru to land which is on the kernel side of the stack. this means that i should talk to kernel team, right (or perhaps you can somehow be the sponsor of ths one as well)? | 10:38 |
willcooke | koza, seb128 is on hols today, but yeah I think the kernel team would need to sponsor it. | 10:39 |
koza | willcooke, this is what I though, thanks. who is the best to ping from that team to start the discussion? | 10:40 |
willcooke | koza, not 100% sure, but I think bjf is a good place to start | 10:41 |
koza | willcooke, sweet, thanks | 10:41 |
czajkowski | aloha | 10:41 |
willcooke | hi czajkowski, how are you? | 10:42 |
czajkowski | willcooke: not bad thanks working away | 10:42 |
jbicha | jibel: do you know what's currently blocking the daily bionic iso's from moving from /pending/ to /current/ ? | 14:30 |
tjaalton | jbicha: new mesa uploaded with your changes in it | 14:36 |
jbicha | thanks :) | 14:41 |
jibel | jbicha, the team was focused on cloud-images but they should appear anytime soon | 14:43 |
jibel | jbicha, let me check | 14:43 |
jibel | they should have migrated | 14:43 |
oSoMoN | doko, not sure if you've seen this, the new ICU (60.1) breaks libreoffice, I've filed a bug upstream which has been acknowledged (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113705) and I'm trying to figure out if a simple distro-patch is doable in the meantime | 14:54 |
ubot5 | bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 113705 in framework "linebreak unit test failure when building against libicu 60.1" [Normal,Assigned] | 14:54 |
oSoMoN | chrisccoulson, chromium-browser 62.0.3202.89 is ready for publication in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+packages | 16:12 |
jibel | jbicha, bionic images have been promoted to current | 16:39 |
jbicha | thanks! | 16:44 |
jbicha | jibel: do you happen to know why there aren't daily iso's for other flavors or should I ask in #ubuntu-release ? | 17:01 |
jbicha | oh I guess they just started today so maybe I should just be a bit more patient | 17:03 |
* oSoMoN EOD, have a good evening everyone | 17:05 | |
willcooke | night all | 18:09 |
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