amflir | is dmesg logs saved in a file? where is the file? | 00:02 |
nacc | amflir: by default, no, i do't think so | 00:04 |
CoJaBo | Isn't it in /var/log/ ? | 00:04 |
amflir | CoJaBo, I expected it in /var/log/messages but there is no such file | 00:04 |
nacc | amflir: CoJaBo: it's the kernel ring buffer, so it's in memory at all times (by default). If you set up syslog for it, there might be a file | 00:05 |
amflir | nacc, what do you mean by setting up a syslog? how can I do that? | 00:05 |
CoJaBo | /var/log/kern.log ? | 00:06 |
kostkon | amflir, grep its output or redirect it to a file. or use journalctl instead | 00:06 |
lunagirl | im trying to compile squid source but it throws error squid-common missing files: usr/share/squid/mime.conf | 00:07 |
lunagirl | the file is there | 00:07 |
nacc | !compile | lunagirl | 00:07 |
ubottu | lunagirl: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall | 00:07 |
nacc | lunagirl: why are you building squid from source? | 00:07 |
lunagirl | because the binary doesnt have --enable-http-violations enabled | 00:07 |
lunagirl | the package that is | 00:07 |
lunagirl | im starting to think the source is broken somehow since it cant find a file thats there | 00:08 |
nacc | lunagirl: | 00:11 |
ubottu | Debian bug 813854 in squid "squid: Please rebuild with '--enable-http-violations'" [Wishlist,Open] | 00:11 |
amflir | why this gives perm denied? sudo echo "" > /var/log/kern.log | 00:12 |
nacc | amflir: echo is not hwat you think it is, you're runnning the bash builtin | 00:13 |
nacc | amflir: you need too use /bin/echo (iirc) | 00:13 |
lunagirl | yes, thats standard with squid source, violations have been disabled, thats not the problem though | 00:14 |
Bashing-om | amflir: nacc : sudo will not cross over the '>' boundry ?? | 00:14 |
lunagirl | at least the squid nightly has it disabled | 00:14 |
nacc | lunagirl: you just said you are building yourself because that flag is not set. It is set in debian an dubuntu packages afaict | 00:15 |
lunagirl | not according to squid -v |grep violations | 00:15 |
nacc | lunagirl: read that bug. | 00:15 |
amflir | nacc, still permission denied | 00:15 |
nacc | lunagirl: it doesn't show up in that output | 00:15 |
nacc | Bashing-om: oh right, you ight need sudo tee | 00:16 |
lunagirl | ahh | 00:16 |
nacc | amflir: /bin/echo "" | sudo tee /var/log/kern.log (iirc) | 00:16 |
nacc | lunagirl: actually test the feature, not the presence of a flag | 00:16 |
lunagirl | then there must be some automagic why it ignores request_header_access Referer deny all | 00:17 |
lunagirl | saw it in the bug | 00:17 |
leftyfb | amflir: echo "" | sudo tee -a /var/log/kern.log | 00:18 |
leftyfb | oops, nacc got it | 00:18 |
leftyfb | also, no -a | 00:18 |
leftyfb | i'll be quiet now :) | 00:18 |
leftyfb | or | 00:19 |
leftyfb | sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/kern.log | 00:19 |
MannyLNJ | Not sure if this is a Samba issue or Ubuntu but on 16.04 when I do apt-get install Samba the install fails. The first fail message is Job for smbd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status smbd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. | 00:32 |
stevie | cheese installed nautilus, is there a way I can remove it on my xubuntu | 00:32 |
stevie | i tried but i can't because cheese needs it | 00:33 |
leftyfb | MannyLNJ: and did you do that? | 00:34 |
MannyLNJ | The full error is at | 00:34 |
MannyLNJ | leftyfb, I did and I don't understand what they are saying | 00:35 |
Jordan_U | stevie: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt remove nautilus" (You can answer "no"). | 00:35 |
leftyfb | stevie: try --no-install-recommends when installing cheese | 00:35 |
leftyfb | MannyLNJ: post what it says to pastebin | 00:35 |
leftyfb | oh, nm | 00:35 |
leftyfb | missed it | 00:35 |
stevie | how can I fully uninstall cheese | 00:35 |
MannyLNJ | leftyfb, I will post the other output now | 00:35 |
MannyLNJ | leftyfb, see and | 00:38 |
leftyfb | MannyLNJ: look through the logs in /var/log/samba/ | 00:40 |
CoJaBo | Is there any way to make 2-tap do a middleclick instead of right? | 00:46 |
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MannyLNJ | leftyfb, there are no logs from today's date | 00:53 |
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arooni | how can i make my scroll mouse sroll less lines per click | 02:17 |
AquaPixie | Still struggling with anacron here. | 02:42 |
arooni | i'm struggling too | 02:45 |
arooni | so theres at least two of us | 02:46 |
arooni | i have; ;; in my .imwheelrc ; | 02:56 |
arooni | anyway to slow it down more? | 02:56 |
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Hugbox | arooni if your scroll wheel is scrolling way too fast, a common solution seems to be to unplug the dongle and plug it back in, and see if that changes it any | 03:00 |
Hugbox | | 03:00 |
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pwnr | I just installed 17.10 and made 4 partitions but cannot write to any of them i did 'sudo chown pwnr /dev/sda2-3-and 4' still cant write what did i do wrong? this has never happened before | 03:11 |
greenshirt | is it possible to mount ufs freebsd partition with udisksctl ? | 03:15 |
greenshirt | i can't get it work | 03:16 |
greenshirt | even in root access | 03:16 |
arooni | thanks hug | 03:19 |
arooni | oh guess he left | 03:19 |
EndlessMacro | help please, if i reinstall the root partition, and leave my home partition untouched, what settings will I lose? I understand that most settings and themes are in /home/. what about the rest? | 03:30 |
Sveta | some packages have settings in /etc/ | 03:31 |
Sveta | you may want to back that one up before you reinstall | 03:31 |
EndlessMacro | Sveta, what you're saying is, if i copy /etc/ from my current OS to a fresh install, it will work fine? there arent any unique info or settings that only relate to my current os? | 03:33 |
Sveta | i don;t know how to restore it properly, i'd personally just have a copy and restore only if a program doesn't behave as expected | 03:34 |
EndlessMacro | got it | 03:34 |
crazyhorse | is it possible to mount ubuntu-14/15 encrypted ext-4 drives on ubuntu 12? | 03:45 |
crazyhorse | reason i asked .. is i tried and it didn't work | 03:45 |
crazyhorse | maybe download latest version and boot off usb? | 03:45 |
teward | crazyhorse: i don't think you can, because of older software. | 03:46 |
crazyhorse | ah cool | 03:47 |
crazyhorse | i'll setup a usb | 03:47 |
BudgetSlug | Does anyone have an alternative to TeamViewer that doesn't run in Wine, native to Linux? | 04:03 |
capella | Vidyo? | 04:09 |
BudgetSlug | capella: Thank you, I will take a look. | 04:09 |
craigbass76 | I'm ssh-ed into an Ubuntu box, and ran elinks to get to a wordpress site. I'm in the username field, and as soon as I start typing, I'm asked if I want to quit elinks. Any idea what's going wrong? | 04:16 |
AntumDeluge | I have a question that is not directly related to Ubuntu. It is about PGP keys, but I'm not sure where to ask it. Is it possible to add an APT trusted key from a remote keyserver (like without adding it to my local keyring? | 04:17 |
craigbass76 | Nevermind -- I see now something at the bottom that I have to hit enter first, before typing. Duh... | 04:17 |
AntumDeluge | I've tried the following, but it adds it to my local user keyring: apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys KEY | 04:18 |
AntumDeluge | I just found the #gnupg channel. So I am going to ask there as well. | 04:20 |
EndlessMacro | when installing from terminal do i have to type y to continue, or can i just hit enter? is there a difference? | 04:21 |
Jordan_U | EndlessMacro: When installing you'll be prompted with "Do you want to continue? [Y/n]", that [Y/n] part means that if you just press enter, it will default to "y" or yes. The capital "Y" tells you that's the default. Sometimes, you'll get a prompt like "Do you want to continue? [y/N]". That would mean that if you pressed enter it would default to "n", or no. | 04:23 |
EndlessMacro | Jordan_U, thanks! thats good to know. | 04:24 |
Prest0o | i have a question about linux | 04:24 |
Prest0o | why the hell they always use the crappy color selection bar of few colors? | 04:25 |
hggdh | ? | 04:25 |
EndlessMacro | Prest0o, where exactly? | 04:25 |
vijaikumar | Prest0o: what do you mean ? | 04:25 |
Prest0o | let me show a picture | 04:26 |
Prest0o | whats the standar "paint" alternative used on linux? | 04:26 |
Prest0o | a simple draw program | 04:26 |
EndlessMacro | gimp lol | 04:26 |
Prest0o | no thats the pro one | 04:26 |
Prest0o | i mean a shit one | 04:26 |
EndlessMacro | lol gimp is not pro | 04:26 |
Prest0o | gimp is the photoshop wanabee | 04:26 |
Prest0o | ok | 04:27 |
Prest0o | so a shitter one | 04:27 |
Jordan_U | Prest0o: kirita, kolorpaint. | 04:27 |
Jordan_U | s/kirita/krita/ | 04:27 |
EndlessMacro | you want one that's more lightweight | 04:27 |
hggdh | Prest0o: mind your language, please | 04:27 |
vijaikumar | Prest0o: Those are un necessary words | 04:27 |
Prest0o | sorry | 04:27 |
Prest0o | i dont find what i look for | 04:28 |
viper1833 | inkscape is good, its not so called simple but has alot of flexability | 04:28 |
Prest0o | lubuntu as one by default | 04:28 |
Prest0o | inkscape was my next example | 04:28 |
Prest0o | | 04:28 |
Prest0o | look inkscape color selection bar | 04:28 |
Prest0o | this is so ugly, why not a real color palete ? there are very few colors there | 04:28 |
Prest0o | lubuntu as a default "paint" alternative that has same thing | 04:29 |
Prest0o | so ugly and limited | 04:29 |
EndlessMacro | xpaint | 04:29 |
Jordan_U | Prest0o: I can help you use the other color secting options in inkscape, but "Why is that not the default" is not really a support question (and is offtopic for this channel). | 04:29 |
Prest0o | mtpaint: | 04:30 |
vijaikumar | No one is stopping you from switching you to windows / osx. In the mean time, try to get support from relevant devs. | 04:30 |
Prest0o | thats by default at lubuntu | 04:30 |
EndlessMacro | try PINTA | 04:30 |
Prest0o | another ugly color palete bar | 04:30 |
Prest0o | its like if opensource can't be good... | 04:30 |
Prest0o | pinta | 04:30 |
Prest0o | lets see | 04:30 |
Prest0o | pinta looks a bit better clearly | 04:31 |
EndlessMacro | Gnome Paint | 04:31 |
Prest0o | pretty acceptable pinta | 04:31 |
Prest0o | gnome paint, lets see | 04:31 |
Prest0o | pinta uses layers? | 04:32 |
Prest0o | yes i see them | 04:32 |
EndlessMacro | KolourPaint | 04:32 |
Prest0o | Gnome Paint, where is the full color palete? is that available? looks missing by the screenshosts | 04:32 |
Prest0o | KolourPaint, this looks very bad xD | 04:33 |
EndlessMacro | just use pinta. it's better than paint | 04:33 |
Prest0o | yes | 04:34 |
Prest0o | pinta in probably the single one that looks programed by a brain | 04:34 |
Prest0o | there is something crazy on linux that repeats always | 04:35 |
Prest0o | streteched vertically boxes | 04:35 |
Jordan_U | Prest0o: Please stick to support questions in this channel. If you'd like to discuss what you do/don't like about certain apps feel free to do so in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 04:36 |
Prest0o | Jordan_U ok sorry | 04:36 |
Prest0o | since no one talks | 04:36 |
Prest0o | and we talk on linux | 04:36 |
Prest0o | i just felt free to talk about a linux program | 04:36 |
vijaikumar | Prest0o: There is a difference between constructive criticism and dissing | 04:36 |
gogeta | Prest0o, then you trigger the topic nazi lol | 04:37 |
Prest0o | i think everyting wrong done, is wrong, i must be a narcicist | 04:43 |
Prest0o | | 04:44 |
AntumDeluge | I figured it out. Just have to add the "--no-default-keyring" argument: apt-key adv --no-default-keyring --keyserver --recv-keys KEY | 04:44 |
lakitu | hello. say i wanted to download an 64bit live ubuntu disc WITH repositories (essentials or all) - is there anything pre-made for this? | 04:47 |
lakitu | maybe like 4.0 gig DVD with OS & essential packages? | 04:47 |
lakitu | i'm trying to surmount some barriers | 04:48 |
lakitu | like a. | 04:48 |
lakitu | (*) | 04:48 |
luxio | How do I get Times New Roman on LibreOffice Writer? | 04:53 |
Jordan_U | lakitu: This might or might not be helpful: (Note the warnings about needing cleanup and being out of date. I did not have time to check if any of it is still relevant or useful). | 04:53 |
Jordan_U | !info ttf-mscorefonts-installer | luxio | 04:54 |
ubottu | luxio: ttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6ubuntu2 (artful), package size 26 kB, installed size 92 kB | 04:54 |
Jordan_U | luxio: So, "sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer" should do it. The fonts are not Free as in freedom, which is why they can't be included by default (and why you may choose to instead use similar free fonts like Liberation Serif which is similar to Times New Roman). | 04:56 |
luxio | I'd very much prefer to use Liberation Serif, but I have to use Times New Roman for MLA formatted papers. | 04:58 |
lakitu | hey Jordan_U - one nick i recognize from these rooms. I found "Cubic" - a custom Ubuntu .iso maker. I am wondering, is there a list of default/included packages with the live cd i could check, to save the time of making my own Ubuntu iso? | 05:00 |
lakitu | i've been googling for that for the past 5 min or so | 05:01 |
Sveta | lakitu: not the list of dependencies for ubuntu-desktop metapackage? | 05:02 |
lakitu | ran out of harddrive space | 05:02 |
lakitu | i mean like apps included on the live cd | 05:03 |
lakitu | packages/apps | 05:03 |
enav | hello waht is the easiest way to setup a mail server in ubuntu just for local web dev | 05:03 |
cluelessperson | Anyone know why remmina can't seem to save prefernces? | 05:03 |
lakitu | kind of important i do this - not to bring excess pressure . . . to me it's important anyway | 05:03 |
lakitu | if the package i need were included by default, it would save me a decent amoutn of time | 05:04 |
* lakitu googles more | 05:04 | |
viper1833 | @enav is it going to be a local mail server | 05:06 |
viper1833 | if its a local machine for mail i would say postfix | 05:07 |
lakitu | i'm good - i got the Cubic package, which seems like it will work. great primer on it here: | 05:48 |
lakitu | way cool. once upon a time, it seemed a harder to do stuff like this. lucky to have the software development we do | 05:49 |
Rockwood | i wanna restart my mysql services in 16.04 | 05:49 |
lakitu | anyway, thanks. =D | 05:49 |
Rockwood | i wanna restart my mysql services in 16.04 | 05:50 |
Rockwood | what should be command for it in 16+.04 | 05:51 |
Rockwood | what should be command for it in 16.04 | 05:51 |
vijaikumar | sudo systemctl restart mysql | 05:53 |
Rockwood | vijaikumar, facing error | 05:57 |
vijaikumar | what is the error ? | 05:57 |
Rockwood | job for mysql.service failed because the contral procress exited with error code. | 05:58 |
vijaikumar | what is the output of sudo journalctl -xe ? | 06:00 |
Rockwood | see 'systemctl status mysql.service' and 'journalcti -xe' foe details | 06:00 |
Rockwood | invalid user jboss mostly time showing in error | 06:01 |
Rockwood | pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure vijaikumar | 06:02 |
vijaikumar | That is irrelevant information. | 06:03 |
Rockwood | actually i am on digital ocean droplet | 06:03 |
Rockwood | and there is no option for copy and paste | 06:04 |
vijaikumar | Perhaps not | 06:04 |
vijaikumar | Why not ? | 06:04 |
vijaikumar | Aren't you SSH'ing from your Linux Machine ? | 06:04 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 06:10 |
DaemonFC | Does anyone else on 17.10 have distorted indicator icons? | 06:16 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: have you tryed the xorg session to compare? | 06:22 |
DaemonFC | lotuspsychje, Should I log out and try to use the Xorg session? | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: yes please, as a test | 06:24 |
DaemonFC | brb | 06:24 |
luxio | Even if Wayland is buggy, I'm glad Ubuntu is using it by default now. The bugs will get more attention and we'll finally have something to replace the age-old xorg. | 06:25 |
lotuspsychje | luxio: true, come to #ubuntu-discuss to talk about :p | 06:27 |
DaemonFC | Well, that didn't work. | 06:29 |
DaemonFC | They seem to be stretched vertically. | 06:29 |
DaemonFC | Meh, it's just a nit. | 06:30 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: ok, tnx for testing. what graphics card do you have? | 06:30 |
DaemonFC | Intel Iris 540 | 06:30 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: clean installed or upgrade from? | 06:31 |
DaemonFC | Clean installed a few hours ago. | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: allrighty | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: can you check sudo lshw -C video to see wich driver= is in use? | 06:32 |
DaemonFC | i915 according to that | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: ok you might wanna consider creating a new bug, dont find it right away | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: with explaining you clean installed, kernel version, ubuntu version and tested both wayland & xorg | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: and a screenshot of your glitch | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: you know howto file a bug? | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: i see intels drivers website goes to 17.04 only, so we cant test that | 06:39 |
amazoniantoad | Hey is anyone around to help me with a problem on my ubuntu PC? | 06:54 |
amazoniantoad | Can I ask for help with its speed? | 06:54 |
amazoniantoad | :/ | 06:56 |
amazoniantoad | No support? | 06:56 |
Jordan_U | amazoniantoad: Try describing exactly what problem you're having first. | 06:57 |
amazoniantoad | Well my computer works fine except when I try to play media, then it starts to lock up | 06:57 |
amazoniantoad | I just don't get why it freezes up so bad | 06:59 |
amazoniantoad | Do you think it could be because of the kind of media I'm watching? Or maybe even the websites? | 06:59 |
DaemonFC | I seem to have "fixed" the problem by selecting a GNOME Shell theme that shrinks the size of the top panel. | 07:03 |
ducasse | amazoniantoad: could be a graphics driver thing, which gpu + driver is this? also, which ubuntu and kernel versions? | 07:09 |
hateball | amazoniantoad: It helps if you provide more details than "media". Is it eg a 1080p youtube video? Is it a local audio track? etc etc | 07:12 |
amazoniantoad | hateball oh no it's remote. Mostly porno | 07:12 |
amazoniantoad | My computer is fine until I watch around ~6 porn vids at once | 07:13 |
amazoniantoad | I like the home-video style, yah know? | 07:13 |
amazoniantoad | Do you think the adds in the web pages are freezing the page up? | 07:13 |
capella | what browser? | 07:14 |
amazoniantoad | firefox | 07:14 |
capella | yes | 07:14 |
amazoniantoad | I have like 16+ addons | 07:14 |
amazoniantoad | Meant to optimize my browsing experience but it isn't seeming to work | 07:15 |
capella | wow ... try disabling all those "safe mode" style and see if you observe a diff | 07:15 |
capella | I wouldn't think they're related | 07:15 |
capella | I laugh @ FF cause I contributed code to them for 5 years .... I've seen how the sausage is made XD | 07:16 |
amazoniantoad | well I install them at the advice of the porn site | 07:16 |
amazoniantoad | I get all of these popups saying that I have a virus | 07:16 |
capella | oh well you fool ! It's a trap! | 07:16 |
amazoniantoad | WHAT | 07:17 |
capella | You're probably mining bitcoins | 07:17 |
amazoniantoad | Oh god no! | 07:17 |
amazoniantoad | What's a bitcoin? | 07:17 |
amazoniantoad | What does bitcoin have to do with porn and the addons I have installed? | 07:18 |
amazoniantoad | So should I switch to Chrome? | 07:18 |
capella | here, click this link I'm about to give you and install this software .... enter your ss number its ok trust me XD | 07:18 |
amazoniantoad | okay | 07:19 |
capella | Heh, I'd get those addons out :) | 07:19 |
capella | Well, review them, but sounds fishy | 07:19 |
amazoniantoad | It said I can't watch the videos without installing them though? | 07:19 |
amazoniantoad | How else would I watch my porn then? | 07:19 |
capella | Oh, then you're on the wrong porn sites | 07:19 |
confluency | Are you trolling? | 07:19 |
amazoniantoad | capella wait there's such thing as free porn? | 07:20 |
amazoniantoad | confluency no? | 07:20 |
hateball | Obviously some #arch troll | 07:20 |
confluency | Yes. | 07:20 |
hateball | It's that time of the day | 07:20 |
confluency | They're also in #python. | 07:20 |
amazoniantoad | is that like an arch nemesis? | 07:20 |
capella | oic ... :-/ | 07:20 |
confluency | Hooray for the ignore feature. | 07:20 |
amazoniantoad | Hey what's wrong with python? I was debating the importance of eval | 07:20 |
amazoniantoad | They don't seem to like setting eval on incoming network connections | 07:20 |
capella | Sheesh, we never get IOS devs on the #android-dev channel attack like that :D | 07:22 |
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lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: still sounds like a vanilla gnome bug to me | 07:32 |
batteronizer | Hi | 07:53 |
batteronizer | Which VNC server is recommended to use with KDE? | 07:53 |
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lotuspsychje | batteronizer: be carefull with vnc, its a security danger | 07:53 |
lotuspsychje | !vnc | batteronizer | 07:53 |
ubottu | batteronizer: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 07:53 |
batteronizer | Yes I understand | 07:54 |
lotuspsychje | batteronizer: can you do your work done with openssh instead? | 07:54 |
batteronizer | But still need to access UI on my server | 07:54 |
batteronizer | SSH won't be enough | 07:54 |
lotuspsychje | batteronizer: one time, or 24/7 | 07:54 |
batteronizer | Somewhere in between, lol | 07:54 |
batteronizer | Like a couple of hours a day | 07:55 |
lotuspsychje | !info vino | batteronizer | 07:56 |
ubottu | batteronizer: vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu12 (artful), package size 141 kB, installed size 588 kB | 07:56 |
lotuspsychje | batteronizer: you can also inform in #openssh to see how they use ssh X | 07:56 |
batteronizer | | 07:56 |
batteronizer | I want to understand which server is good for use with KDE | 07:57 |
batteronizer | If someone has done this here | 07:57 |
lotuspsychje | batteronizer: you can use any vnc server on other flavors | 07:58 |
gt8ost4l | can anybody help my my screen goes black when i uplug my laptop! | 08:06 |
gt8ost4l | me* | 08:06 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: you mean when unplug power? | 08:07 |
gt8ost4l | yes | 08:07 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: wich ubuntu version are you on? | 08:08 |
gt8ost4l | 16.04.3 | 08:08 |
lotuspsychje | ok good | 08:08 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: this happened before or after an update? | 08:08 |
gt8ost4l | it start happening whne i installed ubuntu | 08:09 |
lotuspsychje | ok | 08:09 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: can you hastebin the output on a tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug out/back in power? | 08:10 |
batteronizer | gt8ost4l: When you say goes black, you mean that no text or GUI is visible at all? | 08:10 |
gt8ost4l | its juyst a black screem | 08:10 |
gt8ost4l | when i plug it back it acts normal | 08:11 |
batteronizer | What build is the laptop? | 08:11 |
gt8ost4l | you mean the model? | 08:12 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest4348 | ||
ducasse | batteronizer: personally i've had good results with vnc4server. not sure kde will work, though, i expect you'd need to turn off compositing if that's possible. | 08:17 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: you can also test some things at the energy options values with dconf-editor perhaps | 08:19 |
gt8ost4l | will that ework? | 08:19 |
lotuspsychje | gt8ost4l: well, we need to findout whats happening first, hence why the tests | 08:20 |
ducasse | gt8ost4l: best if you plug out, plug back in, and then paste the output of 'dmesg' in a pastebin for us | 08:20 |
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC | ||
mrpackethead_ | ping | 08:21 |
ducasse | !ping | 08:21 |
ubottu | pong! | 08:21 |
mrpackethead_ | syn | 08:21 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: can we help you? | 08:21 |
* mrpackethead_ waits to see if anyone is really geeky and responds with an akc | 08:22 | |
mrpackethead_ | lotuspsychje, in deed you can | 08:22 |
mrpackethead_ | i've done something to break the apt in my system | 08:22 |
mrpackethead_ | and i'm pretty sure its do to with python versions | 08:23 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: can you explain what you did exactly? | 08:23 |
mrpackethead_ | well, i need python 3.5 for my web app | 08:23 |
oerheks | !info python3.6 | 08:23 |
ubottu | python3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.3-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 171 kB, installed size 300 kB | 08:23 |
mrpackethead_ | python is now version 3.5.0 | 08:23 |
mrpackethead_ | the problem is now if I try to use apt-get lots of thigns break | 08:24 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: wich ubuntu version are you on now? | 08:24 |
gt8ost4l | lotuspsychje | 08:25 |
DaemonFC | Hmmm, is there some reason Rhythmbox keeps playing after you close it? | 08:25 |
mrpackethead_ | its 16.04.2 LTS | 08:27 |
lotuspsychje | da | 08:28 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: update to .3 plz | 08:28 |
mrpackethead_ | update wat to .3 | 08:28 |
lotuspsychje | DaemonFC: rythmbox goes to the tray and continues to play there | 08:28 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: upgrade your ubuntu from 16.04.2 to 16.04.3 | 08:29 |
mrpackethead_ | how will that help? | 08:29 |
ducasse | that will be hard if apt is borked | 08:29 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: always keep your system up to date | 08:29 |
mrpackethead_ | ducasse, in ded. | 08:30 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: can you hastebin us output of sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ? | 08:30 |
mrpackethead_ | lotuspsychje, i'm of the school that says dont' mess with stuff unless you need to | 08:30 |
ducasse | !info python3 xenial | 08:31 |
ubottu | python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.5.1-3 (xenial), package size 8 kB, installed size 67 kB | 08:31 |
lotuspsychje | mrpackethead_: if your apt is borked, you already did mess yourself? | 08:31 |
mrpackethead_ | yes, becuase i needed python 3.5 | 08:31 |
ducasse | mrpackethead_: did you install python3 from somewhere else to get another version, is that what you're saying? | 08:31 |
ducasse | just to clarify :) | 08:32 |
mrpackethead_ | yes, i installed python 3.5 using apt-get | 08:32 |
mrpackethead_ | it installed just fine. | 08:32 |
ducasse | from where? | 08:32 |
oerheks | how did you install python 3.5.0 ?? as xenial already has 3.5.1-3 | 08:32 |
mrpackethead_ | i have 3.5.2 to be exact | 08:32 |
mrpackethead_ | what ever the stock repos are | 08:33 |
mrpackethead_ | thats not been modifyed | 08:33 |
ducasse | 'apt policy python3' - can you pastebin the output? | 08:34 |
mrpackethead_ | <--- this is what happens when i'm trying to use it | 08:35 |
mrpackethead_ | <-- apt policy python3 | 08:37 |
ducasse | ok, so why do you say you have 3.5.2? | 08:37 |
mrpackethead_ | python -v | 08:38 |
ducasse | ah, that won't necessarily match the version of the package, due to patching etc. | 08:39 |
mrpackethead_ | >>> import sys | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | >>> print (sys.version) | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23) | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | >>> | 08:40 |
ducasse | but wasn't python3 installed by default? it should have been. | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | yes, it almost certainly was | 08:40 |
mrpackethead_ | i used apt-get to install various things on this server jsut fine | 08:41 |
mrpackethead_ | somewhere sometime somethign went wrong | 08:41 |
mrpackethead_ | ttps:// <---this iswhat happens | 08:43 |
ducasse | you've installed nothing from outside the repos? | 08:45 |
mrpackethead_ | a few python modules | 08:45 |
mrpackethead_ | using pip | 08:45 |
mrpackethead_ | but other than that.. | 08:45 |
ducasse | did you check if any of those modules were already installed from the repos? | 08:46 |
oerheks | used pip with sudo ? | 08:48 |
ducasse | can you try 'sudo dpkg -P python-samba'? | 08:50 |
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter | ||
steenman | how can i configure my system so i type my password once when i login and thats it | 08:58 |
steenman | i.e dont need to enter in terminal all the time | 08:59 |
auronandace | steenman: you want anything run with sudo to not ask for your password? that is a very bad idea | 09:00 |
steenman | i agree, but it also seems pointless to keep entering my password for sudo when im at home | 09:01 |
steenman | so i may type my password in 30 times a day | 09:02 |
steenman | :) | 09:02 |
steenman | there must a better way to set things up | 09:03 |
auronandace | steenman: there is a timeout value if you use sudo in quick succession but it seems to me you are not using sudo too often | 09:04 |
mrpackethead_ | found the problme! | 09:11 |
mrpackethead_ | python lock file | 09:11 |
ducasse | steenman: removing the password protection from sudo is a horrible idea. instead, if you know you'll be needing to do stuff as root a lot for a while, run 'sudo -i' in a separate terminal and keep it open. | 09:19 |
JFox762 | Hi | 09:27 |
JFox762 | Does anyone know how to check if you are currently running on xorg or wayland via the terminal? | 09:27 |
JFox762 | I keep running into an odd Window problem... | 09:28 |
ducasse | JFox762: try 'loginctl show-session c2' and look at 'type' | 09:29 |
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
steenman | ducasse: ill try that - thanks! | 09:31 |
JFox762 | output is | 09:34 |
JFox762 | Failed to get session path: No session 'c2' known | 09:34 |
ducasse | JFox762: 'loginctl list-sessions', look under 'session', the one that has an entry under 'seat' | 09:41 |
ducasse | it's usually c<number> | 09:42 |
JFox762 | uhh | 09:42 |
JFox762 | why are there two sessions? | 09:42 |
JFox762 | what is "Gdm" | 09:42 |
gogeta | JFox762, lol what | 09:42 |
JFox762 | Im seeing there are two sessions open | 09:42 |
gogeta | JFox762, gdm is your login manager | 09:43 |
JFox762 | one user is "myname" | 09:43 |
JFox762 | and the other is "gdm" | 09:43 |
JFox762 | I have no idea who gdm is | 09:43 |
gogeta | JFox762, it controle what wm to load and give you a fancy login ui | 09:44 |
gogeta | JFox762, aka your greeting screen | 09:44 |
steenman | what is all that *.net *.split | 09:45 |
JFox762 | oh ok | 09:46 |
gogeta | steenman, its when irc loses connection to a node | 09:46 |
gogeta | steenman, it happnes often | 09:46 |
JFox762 | it is runnign x11,... xorg I take it? | 09:47 |
steenman | is it a server going offline? | 09:47 |
gogeta | JFox762, more it tell xorg what to load | 09:47 |
gogeta | steenman, no | 09:47 |
steenman | network issue? | 09:47 |
gogeta | steenman, irc has many nodes and for whatever reasion sometimes one has a issue and netsplit | 09:48 |
JFox762 | I'm having a weird bug that is starting to get on my nerves... When I switch between windows... and I see this happen more often with Skype... when I tab into skype, sometimes the window will end up offset, with a portion of it off screen... the window becomes unresponsive to any attempts to move/resize/maximize etc | 09:49 |
steenman | hmm ok | 09:49 |
JFox762 | It requires me to hit hte super key, and "X" out the window from that... and then reopen | 09:49 |
gogeta | steenman, worst thing those kicked reconnect to another node | 09:49 |
gogeta | steenman, in fact hear they come | 09:49 |
gogeta | steenman, lol | 09:49 |
steenman | do they automatically rejoin the channels they were in? | 09:49 |
JFox762 | luckily, skype remains "open" even after "X"ing out (or at least it reopens the program fast enough that I can't tell the difference) | 09:49 |
gogeta | steenman, if they set there client to do that yes | 09:50 |
JFox762 | Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem with 17.10 | 09:50 |
steenman | ic | 09:50 |
gogeta | JFox762, issue? | 09:52 |
JFox762 | I'm having a weird bug that is starting to get on my nerves... When I switch between windows... and I see this happen more often with Skype... when I tab into skype, sometimes the window will end up offset, with a portion of it off screen... the window becomes unresponsive to any attempts to move/resize/maximize etc | 09:53 |
JFox762 | It requires me to hit hte super key, and "X" out the window from that... and then reopen | 09:53 |
gogeta | JFox762, oh skype that program is a issue | 09:53 |
JFox762 | luckily, skype remains "open" even after "X"ing out (or at least it reopens the program fast enough that I can't tell the difference) | 09:53 |
JFox762 | Is that issue "known" | 09:53 |
gogeta | JFox762, skype isnt oss so only microsoft could fix it | 09:54 |
steenman | i want to build a simple personnel website for my study notes, i started off just using gedit and html but it takes too long | 09:54 |
steenman | is there a simple framework i can use | 09:54 |
steenman | ? | 09:54 |
gogeta | steenman, lots of builders out there | 09:55 |
steenman | whats a free one with themes? | 09:55 |
=== Ionic_ is now known as Ionic | ||
vijaikumar | steenman: you want to share your study notes / store them ? | 09:55 |
gogeta | steenman, quick google and a huge list | 09:55 |
steenman | its just on my personal webserver at home, so i can easily check back on things | 09:55 |
gogeta | steenman, most are web based so | 09:56 |
vijaikumar | why not use something like onenote / ever note who just get the job done ? | 09:56 |
vijaikumar | and use that time to learn some more | 09:56 |
gogeta | vijaikumar, he was talking about site bulding | 09:56 |
vijaikumar | he wants to build a site to store his notes right ? (if i am not wrong) | 09:57 |
Sveta | steenman: I use ikiwiki. | 09:57 |
steenman | i use keep note but i want to build a webite as well | 09:57 |
gogeta | oh yea evernote is good for that | 09:57 |
Sveta | steenman: it allows to create markdown files and publish respective html files on the web. | 09:57 |
Sveta | steenman: history is tracked using git. | 09:57 |
vijaikumar | steenman: just use github pages or gitlab pages | 09:57 |
vijaikumar | allows you to write in markdown like Sveta suggested | 09:57 |
vijaikumar | and you can have them version tracked | 09:58 |
vijaikumar | they even let you use ur own domain name | 09:58 |
Sveta | steenman: unlike github pages or gitlab pages, ikiwiki does not require you to run google analytics or invite users to use proprietary github or gitlab services. | 09:58 |
Sveta | steenman: it does not advertise. | 09:58 |
Sveta | thallada: github pages are powered by jekyll. jekyll is very similar to ikiwiki. you can use it, too. | 09:58 |
Sveta | er | 09:58 |
JFox762 | gogeta: I just wanted to know if other people experienced the same issue. If Skype is the fault, then I get it. What is "oss"? | 09:58 |
Sveta | thallada: unping | 09:58 |
Sveta | steenman: github pages are powered by jekyll. jekyll is very similar to ikiwiki. you can use it, too. | 09:59 |
steenman | yes although it wont be published online for now | 09:59 |
vijaikumar | JFox762: Open Source Software | 09:59 |
gogeta | JFox762, oss opern source softwhere | 09:59 |
steenman | i guess i need more of a blogging framwork | 09:59 |
Sveta | steenman: ikiwiki or jekyll can be run locally, so that the resulting html output is only viewable by you. | 09:59 |
gogeta | JFox762, sky is not its owned by microsoft | 09:59 |
gogeta | skype | 09:59 |
vijaikumar | steenman: you can use jekyll locally then | 09:59 |
Sveta | steenman: they both qualify as blogging frameworks, in fact. | 09:59 |
steenman | thxs im going to check that out | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | also steenman.. sometime ago, i used to use a static site generator called pelican | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | its written in python | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | helps you achieve the same.. i remember it being very useful at 1 point | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | worth checking out | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | has a good community | 10:00 |
vijaikumar | and you can customize the hell out of it too | 10:00 |
gogeta | JFox762, that mean if it has a problem the community/ubuntu cant fix ir | 10:01 |
vijaikumar | | 10:01 |
uzair_ | how can I remove bird app running on juju completely including its container ? | 10:01 |
steenman | vijaikumar,Sveta thxs im checking the apps you suggest now | 10:11 |
Sveta | ok | 10:11 |
animtakhnet | Hello, i am having problems with SSH x11 forwarding. Some applications as gedit show on the host not remote while a simpler application as xterm does who on the remote. | 10:16 |
animtakhnet | i am using a mostly clean install (only few hours old) of 17.10 | 10:16 |
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713 | ||
rockyh | Hi! | 10:47 |
rockyh | I tried to resize a partition with GNU `parted', shrinking it from 500 GB to 400 GB | 10:47 |
rockyh | but now Ubuntu 16.04 can't boot, because the superblock has a different value than the physical size of the partition | 10:47 |
rockyh | the superblock is still about the old (500 GB) dimension, but the new dimension set by parted is 400 GB. Is it a way to fix it? | 10:48 |
Franciman | Hi | 10:51 |
Franciman | what's the difference between ubuntu for server and ubuntu for desktop? | 10:51 |
Triffid_Hunter | rockyh: put the partition back, shrink the filesystem, then shrink the partition, then resize the filesystem up to the partition size. you can't just shrink a partition without shrinking the filesystem first and expect things to not break | 10:52 |
Triffid_Hunter | Franciman: server won't have all the graphics stuff preinstalled I suppose | 10:52 |
Franciman | ok thanks | 10:53 |
rockyh | Franciman: IIRC, Ubuntu server doesn't have a GUI (but you can install it, so that there are no actual differences between the server version and the desktop version, except than some settings maybe or services pre-installed) | 10:53 |
Franciman | Ah some settings... I see. Maybe I'll be better with the desktop version, then | 10:55 |
Franciman | thanks for infos | 10:55 |
rockyh | Triffid_Hunter: ok, so both the partition and the filesystem has to be considered. Ok. By `put the partition back' are you suggesting to re-use `parted' restoring the old partition size? | 10:55 |
onla | Should `sudo apt-get install wine1.6` and then `sudo apt-get remove wine1.6` leave me with the dependencies the wine1.6 needs? I am trying to install but when I try install the deb files I get dependency problems, although they seem to be about one deb depending on the other | 10:55 |
Triffid_Hunter | rockyh: yes, otherwise your filesystem won't be able to shrink | 10:55 |
rockyh | THX | 10:56 |
Triffid_Hunter | rockyh: the partition can be bigger than the filesystem, but not smaller or everything will break | 10:56 |
rockyh | Franciman: you're welcome | 10:56 |
lesshaste | could someone help me use sshfs please. I tried sshfs icydir but I get read: Connection reset by peer | 10:57 |
rockyh | Triffid_Hunter: I didn't know that `parted' acted only on partitions, guides don't mention this important distinction between partition and filesystems | 10:57 |
Franciman | my objective was to install ubuntu without any GUI | 10:57 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 10:57 |
Franciman | because I want to use xmonad | 10:57 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
Tin_man | Franciman, might try >> #xmonad @ | 11:10 |
brainwash | onla: you are missing the i386 package, don't you? | 11:12 |
Franciman | thanks Tin_man | 11:12 |
Rockwood | select all files in a folder and copy all of em and paste all file in different folder, is possible terminal means by command | 11:13 |
onla | brainwash: if you mean the .deb package on that dir, then yeah seems like.. hmm | 11:13 |
brainwash | the first error is "wine1.6 depends on wine1.6-i386" | 11:14 |
Tin_man | np | 11:14 |
onla | compiling the customized wine took over night... waited couple hours and went to bed. I don't know why it didnt create i386 version and why it did create 1.4 versions etc :s | 11:15 |
onla | but yeah, could be a problem. I messaged the github page, if the author has an idea | 11:16 |
ducasse | Franciman: what you can do is use the 'alternate' lubuntu image, which will let you select packages at the end of the install. simply select xmonad and other things you want there, and you will have everything you need. | 11:18 |
Franciman | perfect | 11:19 |
Franciman | thank you very much ducasse | 11:20 |
ducasse | Franciman: just select the 'alternate' image here - - it's a text-based installer, but easy enough to handle. ask here if you get problems :) | 11:27 |
Rockwood | select all files in a folder and copy all of em and paste all file in different folder, is possible terminal means by command | 11:28 |
Franciman | ducasse, and how about the ubuntu minimal cd | 11:28 |
Franciman | ? | 11:28 |
ducasse | Franciman: that doesn't support uefi if you need that | 11:29 |
Franciman | ah, it's important, yes | 11:29 |
Franciman | thank you | 11:29 |
Franciman | so the alternate lubuntu is the best one | 11:29 |
Franciman | thanks ducasse | 11:29 |
ducasse | Franciman: same installer, though, i just generally use either the server or alternate lubuntu image, lubuntu for when the server stuff is not wanted. | 11:30 |
nullifidian | Did they fix wi-fi vulnerabilities in hostapd 1:2.4-0ubuntu6.2 ? Anyone knows? | 11:32 |
nullifidian | it seems like it. | 11:34 |
ducasse | nullifidian: 'apt-get changelog hostapd' | 11:34 |
nullifidian | ducasse, since when ubuntu has changelogs? | 11:35 |
nullifidian | I thought it's a debian thing | 11:35 |
nullifidian | ducasse, thanks | 11:35 |
ducasse | np | 11:36 |
Tahvok | Hey guys! | 11:49 |
Tahvok | I would like to create an ubuntu installation iso out of my currently installed packages. | 11:49 |
Tahvok | Is it possible? | 11:49 |
Tahvok | I'm on 16.04 | 11:49 |
hateball | !clone | 11:51 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 11:51 |
hateball | hmm | 11:51 |
hateball | !remaster | 11:51 |
ubottu | Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: and - Or use tools such as | 11:51 |
hateball | Tahvok: ^ | 11:51 |
Rockwood | i am getting 404 | 12:27 |
Rockwood | why | 12:27 |
Tahvok | hateball: I saw that uck was not updated for 2 years | 12:28 |
Tahvok | Is it compatible with 16.04? | 12:28 |
hateball | Tahvok: dont use it myself so I cant really say, here's a wiki page tho | 12:31 |
Tahvok | hateball: Yeah I saw them, and read them. My only concern was that it's speaking of really old ubuntu versions. That's why I asked here | 12:32 |
hateball | Tahvok: I guess you can hang around and ask later, or ask on | 12:33 |
melissa__ | Hello! I was wondering how I can prevent the Unity launcher from showing my pornographic pictures. (They're pictures I recently viewed.) | 12:42 |
leftyfb | melissa__: | 12:44 |
melissa__ | leftyfb thank you but I'm not sure if that will help me. I watch pornographic pictures on a regular basis so they will come back and I'd have to clear the history again and again. I want to disable the history entirely. | 12:51 |
leftyfb | melissa__: please keep the details of the content to yourself. Just asking about clearing history is adequate. | 12:52 |
melissa__ | Oh okay. Often people ask me for the background because they want to know why I'm trying to do something, that's why I mentioned it. | 12:54 |
faekjarz | Is there a boot parameter for the 17.10 USB Live environment to boot into Xorg instead of wayland? (My Matrox Millenium G550 produced weird artifacts.) | 13:05 |
jmak642 | is the 17.10 screensaver supposed to be simply turning off my monitors in power save? | 13:06 |
hateball | faekjarz: I'm thinking if you boot with nomodeset it shouldnt go to Wayland | 13:06 |
jmak642 | like it doesnt fade out, it doesnt do anything before it switches my displays off | 13:07 |
faekjarz | hateball: thanks, i'll try! If i recall correctly, that fixed wayland issues on my nvidia box about a year ago (fedora) | 13:10 |
hateball | faekjarz: because nvidia blob wants eglstreams, and a year ago nothing supported that. gnomes mutter apparently supports it now tho, but no other compositor I know of | 13:12 |
hateball | faekjarz: as per usual a case of nvidia being nvidia | 13:12 |
BluesKaj | nvidia claims they are working on wayland support drivers | 13:13 |
lealgo | Hello. How can I increase the mouse speed beyond that of the mouse speed slider on settings? | 13:17 |
lealgo | The mouse speed is too slow after upgrading to 17.10 | 13:18 |
JFox762 | quick question. Lets say I start an application via terminal, that runs in the GUI (e.g. Steam), and I want to hide the ongoing process output in the terminal. | 13:22 |
JFox762 | How do I do that? Also, can I close the responsible terminal and hte application not "kill" upon terminating ht eterminal? | 13:22 |
faekjarz | hateball: nomodeset seems to have worked, not verified whether wayland is active but those artifacts are gone now …thanks again | 13:27 |
mcphail | JFox762: you can redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null if you dont want to see it. You can run "nohup programname" if you want to launch it and close the terminal, iirc | 13:30 |
hateball | faekjarz: :) | 13:31 |
[itchyjunk] | hello, i used gparted to format my SSD. but now the permission is root only. How would i make it so that the current user can use it? :D thanks | 13:46 |
konrados | Hi. I got "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." when doing sudo apt install php7.0-phpdbg | 13:47 |
konrados | I thought there is a problem with my current repos on local machine or something... but the very first google result, on tells me "This error is actually telling you exactly what is wrong: dpkg was interrupted as a result the package was not configured correctly." | 13:47 |
konrados | So... is this an issue with the php7.0-phpdbg package or something with my computer? | 13:48 |
brainwash | konrados: try to reproduce it | 13:53 |
brainwash | konrados: were there any related message before the error message? | 13:54 |
brainwash | logs can be found in /var/log/apt/ | 13:54 |
hateball | [itchyjunk]: is this an external ssd? what filesystem? how do you mount it? | 14:03 |
[itchyjunk] | hateball: got sorted with chown. its internal SSD M2 | 14:04 |
[itchyjunk] | thanks though o/ | 14:04 |
pathum | Ioria, i hope u remember me from two days back, i troubled you about my ununtu not working properly with my AMD gpu | 14:09 |
EriC^^ | pathum: what's the problem? | 14:15 |
pathum | Eric, i am unable to boot live usb or boot my ubuntu intallation without the nomodeset parameter. Im using an amd r9 380. Im on 16.04 at yhe moment | 14:16 |
EriC^^ | pathum: did you try installing the recommended drivers? | 14:16 |
EriC^^ | "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" shows them | 14:16 |
pathum | Eric, ive tried the amd gpu pro driver and it disnt work. | 14:17 |
pathum | Eric, driver: intel-microcode - distro non-free | 14:18 |
EriC^^ | pathum: what happened when you tried the amdgpu pro driver? | 14:19 |
pathum | Eric, btw the gui is very laggy and almost unable to use hence in in terminal mode... Im not able to use pastebin or anything.... Im chatting using a mobile.. so if something big comes on the terminal i will send a imgur link od a screenshot | 14:19 |
EriC^^ | pathum: you can upload pastes from the terminal with some-command | nc 9999 | 14:20 |
EriC^^ | pathum: which kernel are you using? try "uname -r" | 14:21 |
pathum | Eric, | 14:21 |
pathum | Eric amd gpu pro drivers also caused my monitor to switch off | 14:22 |
EriC^^ | pathum: try an older kernel | 14:22 |
pathum | Eric, what would you recommend | 14:23 |
EriC^^ | pathum: 4.4.0-98 | 14:23 |
pathum | Eric, ok i will give it a go and get back to you... | 14:23 |
EriC^^ | ok | 14:23 |
pathum | Eric, thanks | 14:23 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 14:24 |
melissa__ | Hello can anyone help me?? | 14:24 |
melissa__ | I would like the Unity launcher not to show my recent files. | 14:24 |
strive | melissa__: | 14:25 |
konrados | brainwash, oh, had to go afk for a moment. /var/log/apt/ logs give me but it doesn't tell me anything o_O | 14:30 |
brainwash | konrados: and /var/log/dpkg.log ? | 14:32 |
konrados | brainwash, | 14:33 |
konrados | I must say, I don't remember installing anything in the last few days... | 14:33 |
konrados | Not that I didn't, just don't remember it :P | 14:33 |
brainwash | odd then | 14:34 |
melissa__ | ty | 14:34 |
melissa__ | Now I can finally prevent Ubuntu from accidentally showing people what porn I watch! | 14:35 |
brainwash | konrados: there should be lines for the package which you've tried to install today | 14:35 |
brainwash | konrados: or? | 14:35 |
hatp | Hello, I' trying to install Ubuntu Studio on a new tower, and it's spazzing out as soon as I select "Install Ubuntu Studio". It posts past the mobo screen, but doesn't do much after that before giving various errors relating to timing out. In at least one case I saw some errors relating to CPU 3 and 4. I've tried installing from a DVD and a USB thumb drive with the same results. Does this sound like I messed something up with my tower or an OS related problem? | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | heh, nothing to brag about | 14:35 |
melissa__ | Another question. I do kind of like the recent files feature. The porn is really the only problem. I was wondering if I can just exclude the porn pictures from showing. | 14:36 |
hatp | I should mention I was able to install with the same install disk on my old rig, just not my new one | 14:36 |
melissa__ | Like can I exclude directories? | 14:36 |
brainwash | hatp: which ubuntu release is that? | 14:36 |
hatp | brainwash: ubuntustudio-16.04.3-dvd-amd64 | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | hatp, old rig using BIOS , new one using UEFI ? | 14:37 |
leftyfb | melissa__: please stop | 14:37 |
melissa__ | It was a valid question1 | 14:37 |
leftyfb | melissa__: the answers you've been given are as good as it gets | 14:37 |
melissa__ | Please stop oppressing me | 14:37 |
hatp | Not entirely sure atm if my new tower uses UEFI, but I'm pretty sure old one was BIOS | 14:38 |
melissa__ | You are shaming me | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | melissa__, we don't care about your porn , put the files in an encrypted folder if you must | 14:38 |
leftyfb | melissa__: I'm telling you, the constant mention of your porn is inappropriate here. | 14:38 |
leftyfb | BluesKaj: that won't help with recent files | 14:38 |
leftyfb | melissa__: you either enable recent files or disable it. Your choice | 14:39 |
melissa__ | okay.jpg | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | then get rid of unity , install something that doesn't save recent files | 14:39 |
brainwash | hatp: mmh. maybe booting the install iso with acpi=off could help | 14:41 |
brainwash | hatp: | 14:41 |
brainwash | hatp: other than that, I would test with 17.10, and see if that boots properly | 14:41 |
hatp | brainwash: Cool. I'll try a couple different things when I get home. Out of curiousity, does it sound likely at all the CPU is damaged? I'm always nervous using those spring style screws on the CPU cooler. Feels like I'm putitng a lot of pressure on the CPU | 14:43 |
chomwitt | i have serious stability issues with a ralink wifi card in xenial. should i do try to find a kernel backport or a drivers backport? | 14:44 |
rory | Question about logrotate - if I am using "maxsize" will it work for a symbolic link based on the size of the real log file? Or will it just see the link itsself is 42 bytes or whatever, and do nothing? | 14:45 |
konrados | brainwash, ok, but I can't understand why should I enter sudo dpkg --configure -a - the man say it should be --configure package...|-a| | 14:46 |
brainwash | hatp: not sure how likely that is | 14:46 |
konrados | brainwash, I mean, there should be 'package name' after --configure, right? | 14:46 |
leftyfb | rory: should be pretty easy to test, but I'd assume the former | 14:46 |
melissa__ | Okay thanks for the help. Not thanks for the oppression. Bye. | 14:47 |
brainwash | konrados: omitting the package name means that all unconfigured packages will be configured | 14:47 |
brainwash | konrados: and not just a particular one | 14:48 |
konrados | brainwash, ok, and this is what I usually miss on those man pages, what does it mean to "configure a package" | 14:48 |
konrados | ? | 14:48 |
chomwitt | is there a non-free firmware that i may need? | 14:49 |
rory | konrados: | means or, so it's saying you can specify a package, or use -a | 14:49 |
konrados | rory, ah, indeed, good to know, thanks! | 14:50 |
konrados | brainwash, sooo, do I have a problem with this particular package or something system - wide? | 14:51 |
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brainwash | konrados: could be either | 14:57 |
brainwash | run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and see if that manages to fix your issue | 14:59 |
konrados | brainwash but... I don't know what it does.... | 15:07 |
konrados | anybody? | 15:07 |
rfleming | Mornin' | 15:08 |
designbybeck | I don't know much about a Mac, but I had someone ask if they could put Ubuntu Linux on their old one. It is currently runnin OSX 10.8.5 | 15:09 |
designbybeck | Anyone have luck doing that? | 15:09 |
EriC^^ | !mac | designbybeck | 15:09 |
ubottu | designbybeck: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 15:09 |
rfleming | designbybeck: easy-peasy | 15:09 |
designbybeck | thank you EriC^^ | 15:09 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 15:09 |
ptpatrick | hello! I'm trying to run a small site using nginx on Ubuntu, but I'm getting "nginx: [emerg] unknown "ptpatrick" variable" when I run "sudo nginx -t", any one know how I can find out where this "variable" is? | 15:10 |
* rfleming keeps forgetting about prompting ubottu | 15:10 | |
pavlos | konrados: | 15:10 |
designbybeck | rfleming, do you have ubuntu installed on a mac? | 15:12 |
designbybeck | which version are you using? | 15:12 |
rfleming | designbybeck: no, but a co-worker does... on a 2013 macbook air. Bsaically stuck the USB key in, booted from the USB key (in EFI mode) and installed. | 15:13 |
rfleming | I don't know if he did any disk prep beforehand though | 15:14 |
designbybeck | ok, I'll keep looking rfleming thanks | 15:15 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: is an efi mac? | 15:16 |
designbybeck | what she said so far was: "Mid 2012 MacBook Pro... is it Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F2560)" | 15:17 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, ^^ | 15:17 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, I'm looking at the chart you sent | 15:17 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, Maybe Trusty? | 15:17 |
pavlos | ptpatrick: can you paste the output of, sudo nginx -t | 15:17 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: seems to be efi, this is a good guide on mac efi + ubuntu | 15:18 |
EriC^^ | i've set up a few macs that way, it works | 15:18 |
konrados | pavlos, - thanks! | 15:19 |
pavlos | konrados: np | 15:20 |
designbybeck | Ok Thanks EriC^^ I've done the efi thing one time on a mac, but that was like 6 years ago | 15:20 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: it's not difficult and its straightforward | 15:21 |
designbybeck | should I use 16.04? or does it haveto be older? | 15:21 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, ^^ | 15:21 |
chomwitt | i want to install a newer version available , but linux-generic doesnt 'links' to it. is it safe to install directly the kernel version i want (eg: linux-image-4.11.0-13-generic....._amd64.deb ? | 15:21 |
EriC^^ | hmm, any should work i think, i've only tried 14.04 so can't say for sure | 15:21 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: 16.04 seems like it should work, the ppa from the guide has xenial packages | 15:23 |
designbybeck | ah, good to hear! I'll meet with them after work and see if I can get it installed for them! Thanks EriC^^ | 15:24 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: no problem | 15:24 |
konrados | I'm really scared of running dpkg --configure on all my packages, so I wanted to list those, which are not-yet-configured, found this: but I can't find it. In the first column which symbol means 'installed but not yet configured"? Is it "c = Config-files" (this is from man)? | 15:25 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, as it seems her machine is getting long in the tooth and she might not have it much longer anyway, would you recommend the latest Ubuntu with GNOME? | 15:29 |
designbybeck | 17.10? | 15:29 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: i'd go for 16.04 :) | 15:30 |
designbybeck | ok! | 15:30 |
auronandace | !mainline | chomwitt | 15:30 |
ubottu | chomwitt: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at | 15:30 |
pavlos | konrados: you can "sudo dpkg --configure <package>" instead of using -a | 15:40 |
pavlos | konrados: I think dpkg -l | grep '^.ic' should list those pkgs installed but yet to be configured | 15:40 |
x-warrior | hey guys, I just installed ubuntu 17.10 on my new computer and I'm noticing the repeat keys function didn't work properly, for example, if I start pressing some key it will repeat a couple of times and eventually it will stop. I took a look on system settings, repeat option, enabled/disabled, changed speed and the result is the same. Any ideas on what could be? | 15:45 |
chomwitt | auronandace: thanks. i managed to install 4.11.0 but no changes in my grub boot many (even in advance grub submenu ) | 15:45 |
auronandace | chomwitt: you'd need to sudo update-grub | 15:48 |
* chomwitt thanks auronandace | 15:55 | |
pavlos | konrados: correction, dpkg -l | grep '^ic' ... look for ic as the first 2 chars | 15:57 |
chomwitt | ch)mw!tt | 15:57 |
chomwitt | sorry forget that | 15:58 |
chomwitt | auronandace: update-grub mentions 4.11 but boot grub nothing | 15:59 |
auronandace | chomwitt: what does uname -a say? | 16:04 |
chomwitt | 4.4.0-34 | 16:04 |
auronandace | chomwitt: how did you install the 4.11 kernel? | 16:07 |
arunkumar413 | there is 1 gb additional memory to be used on my system but still shotwell struggles with performance. It takes about 5-10 seconds for the picture to become clear | 16:08 |
chomwitt | i thinks i messed thinks. i have another partition . maybe that's partition grub is what i see.. | 16:08 |
arunkumar413 | why doesn't shotwell prefetch about -3 images and +3 images from the current image being viewed to improve the performance and reduce the wait time | 16:09 |
theablestman | hello i need some help | 16:11 |
jink | Don't we all. | 16:11 |
theablestman | how do i do this | 16:11 |
theablestman | lol | 16:11 |
theablestman | | 16:11 |
auronandace | chomwitt: can you pastebin ls /boot/ please? | 16:12 |
jink | theablestman: Get a PowerPC computer, install Linux, add repositories, install stuff, configure, run, etc? Just what it says there? | 16:15 |
theablestman | i have mol in my download folder | 16:15 |
baxx | is there a preference to using sources.list vs sources.list.d ? | 16:29 |
leftyfb | baxx: organization | 16:30 |
baxx | leftyfb: which do you use? | 16:30 |
baxx | 16:30 | |
leftyfb | baxx: I prefer to only put the official ubuntu repo's in sources.list. PPA's go in sources.list.d/ | 16:30 |
ss23 | Hi all. I have an issue where it looks like Ubuntu is trying to mount a iscsi disk during the boot process before starting the iscsi daemon and doing logins. It's in my /etc/fstab with _netdev ( ), but I get "A start job is running for dev-disk-by\..." on boot, then once that times out, I see iscsid is started, logins happen, so I just press ctrl+d | 16:30 |
ss23 | to continue the boot process, at which point the disk is mounted fine | 16:30 |
baxx | leftyfb: ok fair - so you'd put Tor into .d | 16:30 |
leftyfb | baxx: I put ppa's and non-official repo's into sources.list.d/* | 16:31 |
ss23 | There have been a few bugs about this in the past (e.g. ) but it was marked as solved Hardy. | 16:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227848 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu Hardy) "boot order wrong for iscsi" [High,Fix released] | 16:31 |
baxx | leftyfb: tor's non-official isn't it | 16:31 |
leftyfb | baxx: tor is already part of the official repo's. | 16:32 |
baxx | leftyfb: oh ok - on the site it has adding PPAs, i found this off the ubuntu stack | 16:33 |
nacc | ss23: what version ? | 16:34 |
baxx | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser < seems to be what lot of people suggest | 16:34 |
baxx | torbrowser-launcher < is this what you're referrign to leftyfb ? | 16:36 |
baxx | 16:36 | |
ss23 | nacc: 16.04 (I just realised _netdev might be in the wrong place though, so trying to move it)_ | 16:36 |
boxrick | When using bonding with active-backup and I don't define bond-primary what determines the primary, Is it simply alphabetical order? | 16:36 |
roger_padactor | hello, trying to upgrade my ubuntu from 15.10 to 16.04 on digital ocean, i've followed the steps in a walk through but when I do sudo do-release-upgrade I get the error: An upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool. | 16:43 |
nacc | !eolupgrade | roger_padactor | 16:44 |
ubottu | roger_padactor: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 16:44 |
roger_padactor | thanks | 16:44 |
nacc | ss23: ok, it *should* work | 16:44 |
nacc | ss23: if it doesn't, i might have some relevant bugs, let me knonw | 16:45 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | roger_padactor see also security risks here | 16:46 |
ubottu | roger_padactor see also security risks here: Please see for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. | 16:46 |
EriC^^ | roger_padactor: sometimes vps companies don't allow upgrading, you might want to ask them about it too | 16:47 |
lotuspsychje | hey EriC^^ | 16:47 |
EriC^^ | hey lotuspsychje | 16:47 |
nacc | EriC^^: good point, depends on the VPS | 16:51 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: iirc, digitalocean says they don't officially support it, but nor is there anything in place to prevent it from working. that was what they said some time ago, from memory. | 16:53 |
roger_padactor | so im stuck on 15.10? | 16:53 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: that's not what i said | 16:55 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: it means "it should work, but you're left holding the bag if it doesn't" | 16:56 |
nacc | roger_padactor: as in DO doesn't support it, and we don't support EOL releases (beyond the FAQ itself) | 16:56 |
nacc | tbh, it might imply a few things -- 1) stay on LTS only; 2) have a deployment model where you can just trash your VPS and start it fresh with your data (either restored from backups, or depending on the application you don't have any state to maintain) | 16:57 |
eelstrebor | i have openvpn, network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome installed but the edit connections doesn't show up | 16:57 |
lotuspsychje | roger_padactor: a good aproach for this is next time upgrade before your version goes EOL | 16:58 |
nacc | !wily | roger_padactor: see how long 15.10 has been eol: | 16:58 |
ubottu | roger_padactor: see how long 15.10 has been eol:: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and | 16:58 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: i've upgraded releases on do myself without problems, fwiw | 16:59 |
roger_padactor | im reading the wiki but confused about the Update sources.list do I have to add those lines. to teh sources.list file? and change CODENAME to the current release? | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | no | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | roger_padactor: you just add "old-releases" instead of archive.ubuntu | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | you want to end up with /stuff | 17:04 |
roger_padactor | I dont want to mess up this sources.list file everything in it is a digitalocean mirror and doesn't lok anything like the example | 17:06 |
lotuspsychje | roger_padactor: is there a reason why dont you want to clean install 16.04? just 30min of your time | 17:07 |
EriC^^ | roger_padactor: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:07 |
roger_padactor | lotuspsychje, I have lots of stuff on it. | 17:08 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: well, restore from backups on a new install | 17:08 |
roger_padactor | I thought the backup was off the whole droplet | 17:09 |
roger_padactor | like an image of the server | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | roger_padactor: you could deploy a fresh 16.04 and copy everything there and see if it's running right, and then remove the old 15.10 server once it's running right | 17:09 |
ducasse | ^^ +1 | 17:10 |
=== CodeMouse92 is now known as CodeMouse92__ | ||
konrados | pavlos, thanks. But dpkg -l | grep '^ic' returned nothing... :( | 17:11 |
konrados | pavlos, so, it looks like I don't have any non-configured packaged installed? Then why the "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " message, when installing stuff? | 17:12 |
EriC^^ | konrados: try dpkg -l | grep -Ev ^(ii|rc) | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | konrados: 1 sec | 17:14 |
EriC^^ | konrados: try dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^(ii|rc)" | 17:14 |
roger_padactor | EriC^^, | 17:17 |
konrados | EriC^^, - and yes, now I remember I installed teamviewer recently, but everything was fine | 17:18 |
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konrados | EriC^^, then should I do dpkg --configure teamviewer maybe? | 17:20 |
Johnjay | I'm trying to make a ubuntu usb disk, but both LinuxLiveUsbCreator and UniversalUsbInstaller freeze on windows 7 | 17:22 |
Johnjay | can I make a ubuntu usb disk directly from the boot disc screen? | 17:22 |
norbert | hello all, I'm wondering if anyone here knows if Skype disappeared from the packages? | 17:22 |
givello | Hi, I just spent a few minutes debugging my computer that wouldn't get past the splash screen. Turns out it won't boot if a network cable isn't plugged in. Any way to change that behaviour? | 17:23 |
givello | I figured it out by booting in text mode (changing the end of the boot line to text in grub) and seeing it waiting for dhcp | 17:23 |
lotuspsychje | norbert: you got multiverse repo enabled? | 17:24 |
givello | It was something ludicrous like waiting for 5 minutes for dhcp. I checked in /lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service and the wait time is set to 30, so that's obviously much higher | 17:24 |
lotuspsychje | !usb | Johnjay | 17:24 |
ubottu | Johnjay: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 17:24 |
givello | Any ideaN? | 17:24 |
norbert | lotuspsychje: yeah; I noticed it also doesn't seem to show up here:§ion=all | 17:24 |
Jordan_U | givello: Please pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces . | 17:25 |
lotuspsychje | norbert: | 17:25 |
Delimia | Lmao dumbass #okchat normies banned me | 17:26 |
norbert | lotuspsychje: I think that's outdated (as the lead says) | 17:26 |
lotuspsychje | Delimia: you joined the ubuntu channel here | 17:27 |
lotuspsychje | norbert: you can also try downloading the .deb from main skype website | 17:27 |
norbert | lotuspsychje: yeep | 17:28 |
givello | | 17:28 |
givello | Jordan_U: ^ | 17:28 |
lotuspsychje | norbert: second tab in software&updates enable partner and sudo apt update | 17:29 |
Jordan_U | givello: Try changing "auto eth0" to "allow-hotplug eth0". That should tell ifupdown not to block boot if the interface can't be brought up. You may also want to switch from ifupdown to systemd-networkd, but you don't need to. | 17:34 |
givello | Jordan_U: I'll try that, thanks :) | 17:34 |
givello | Is networkd the default in newer ubuntu releases? | 17:35 |
givello | I'm aware my install is outdated but I'm sticking to it due to space issues for now (can't update) | 17:35 |
givello | hopefully that change works tho | 17:35 |
Jordan_U | givello: For Ubuntu server, yes. (Desktop still uses network-manager by default IIRC). If you add an entry to /etc/network/interfaces though then ifupdown will manage the interface, and network-manager and systemd-networkd will both ignore that interface. | 17:36 |
ducasse | givello: which release is this, anyway? | 17:38 |
ducasse | Jordan_U: except for 17.10 - that will generate a systemd-networkd config if it finds a dynamic /e/n/i setup, or fail horribly if it finds a static one or something more complicated | 17:41 |
ducasse | (on upgrades, that is) | 17:41 |
Johnjay | If I have a few different ubuntu images on my hard drive, should I put them in a zip file? | 17:47 |
Johnjay | If a single bit rots then the whole image is unusable right? | 17:47 |
Johnjay | but zip files are checksummed | 17:47 |
ksbalaji | My system partition is full because of a big /usr folder. I wish to create a sepate partition for this folder. Any guidance please? | 17:51 |
kostkon | Johnjay, you worry too much about bit rot | 17:51 |
lotuspsychje | Johnjay: whats the purpose? archiving for more space? | 17:52 |
lotuspsychje | ksbalaji: free your systems space with bleachbit | 17:52 |
ksbalaji | lotuspsychje, so that my system may work normally. Now I have a lot of problems like sound not working, no flash, unable to download etac | 17:53 |
lotuspsychje | ksbalaji: usually you can store data on your /home | 17:53 |
Johnjay | well I deleted a bunch of old ubuntu and debian ISO images I had lying around | 17:54 |
Johnjay | no point keeping them around esp if they might not be bootable | 17:54 |
ksbalaji | lotuspsychje, I already have a separate /home created at the time of installing ubuntu. but now I need to separate /usr from the rest to create more spae | 17:55 |
lotuspsychje | Johnjay: check if they are end-of-life, then indeed you dont need to keep them | 17:55 |
ducasse | Johnjay: why worry about bitrot on distro iso images? they're still available years after they're too old to be useful. | 17:56 |
lotuspsychje | ksbalaji: its best to leave your ubuntu's filestructure as it is mate | 17:56 |
Johnjay | ducasse: i had trouble downloading old debian iamges with jigdo plus laziness | 17:56 |
Johnjay | bit rot has me pretty paranoid after I lost an old hard drive with my driver's license photo on it | 17:57 |
Johnjay | pretty much unless it's on a torrent or being checksummed actively I don't consider it permanent | 17:57 |
lotuspsychje | !info bleachbit | ksbalaji | 17:58 |
ubottu | ksbalaji: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (artful), package size 291 kB, installed size 1853 kB | 17:58 |
roger_padactor | ducasse, i followed this: still get the same error when runnung do-release-upgrade... so im looking into restoring from backup to fresh install somehow. | 17:58 |
nacc | Johnjay: i think you're using terms oddly. Your hard drive dying is not what 'bit rot' refers to, to me. | 17:58 |
nacc | Johnjay: and there's nothing about the consistency of your files that's related to a hard drive dying. | 17:58 |
nacc | Johnjay: in any case, i don't see how your question is an ubuntu support topic | 17:59 |
ducasse | Johnjay: not ontopic here, but check out zfs | 17:59 |
nacc | ksbalaji: runninng out of space on /usr does not imply your issues. Unless you mean you have not updated because you are out of space? | 18:00 |
nacc | ksbalaji: what is partition sizes now? | 18:00 |
ducasse | roger_padactor: do it like EriC^ suggested - spin up a new vps, copy your stuff over, check that it works. rsync is your friend. | 18:00 |
roger_padactor | it will keep my db's and everything using rsync | 18:01 |
ksbalaji | nacc, you are right. I have not updated because I am out of space. | 18:03 |
nacc | ksbalaji: ok, what is using up all your space? please provide `df -h` output | 18:03 |
ksbalaji | nacc, my / partition is about 20gb | 18:03 |
givello | Jordan_U: I'm on desktop | 18:04 |
givello | ducasse: I think the one that just got unsupported | 18:04 |
Johnjay | nacc: well I misspoke. I meant the hard drive was not used for a few years and then when I turned it on, the iso images on it were lost | 18:04 |
givello | 16.10 | 18:04 |
nacc | Johnjay: because the disk had errors? | 18:05 |
nacc | !yakkety | givello | 18:05 |
ubottu | givello: Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol, !eolupgrade and | 18:05 |
Johnjay | yeah the CRC cyclic error when you try to mount an ISO file | 18:05 |
nacc | Johnjay: that's not what I asked. The disk havig errors means you cannot trust the contents, so doing checksumming of files on it is sort of irrelevant. | 18:05 |
Johnjay | is ubuntu 12 end of life but 14 is not? | 18:06 |
nacc | Johnjay: 12.04 is eol, yes. | 18:06 |
nacc | Johnjay: 14.04 is not eol. | 18:06 |
ksbalaji | I am running bleachbit. It says another 30 minutes to wipe free disk space. Is it normal? | 18:24 |
brainwash | no. it's not normal to run bleachbit | 18:25 |
ksbalaji | nacc, my partitions usage | 18:31 |
nacc | ksbalaji: ok, so the issue is your / is rather full? | 18:45 |
ksbalaji | nacc, you are right. | 18:46 |
nacc | ksbalaji: just trying to understand -- it is a relatively small partition size, depending on your usage | 18:46 |
nacc | ksbalaji: e.g, my /usr alone is 8.2G | 18:47 |
ksbalaji | nacc, I initially thought that system files would be small. Now I see /usr folder to be huge. | 18:48 |
nacc | ksbalaji: not sure why you would thinnk that? it completely depends, and /usr includes, e.g., libraries that can be large and the documentation for packages (/usr/share/doc is typically in the GBs on its own) | 18:49 |
TJ- | unusual seeing /dev/ 100% ! | 18:50 |
nacc | TJ-: hrm, true | 18:50 |
nacc | ksbalaji: also your /boot is enormous | 18:51 |
TJ- | nacc: maybe related to the /dev/loopX situation | 18:51 |
nacc | TJ-: snaps yeah, could be ... although i have snaps here and my usage is 0% as usual | 18:51 |
TJ- | I didn't see ksbalaji's original issue; but /dev/ at 100% would ring bells for me no matter what :) | 18:52 |
ksbalaji | nacc, yes I configured it big initially. I now think /boot size is too much. | 18:52 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: this is where LVM comes into it's own; if you'd configured the system to use LVM originally you could trivally move the space around the various file-systems | 18:53 |
nacc | TJ-: yeah, it's odd, you're right (esp. for a udev filesystem) | 18:54 |
nacc | ksbalaji: but eve so, you have 1.3G free in /, so most things should insntall | 18:55 |
nacc | ksbalaji: can you provide logs from a failure? | 18:55 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, though I do not fully understand what you mean, I get that I missed LVM utility.. | 18:55 |
ksbalaji | nacc, I often get failures/ Now that bleachbit is running, logs would have been wiped out. I shall try. | 18:57 |
irongeeks | Anyone know a way to install older version of firefox, i.e. 2015 or earlier? | 18:57 |
nacc | irongeeks: why would you want to? not an ubuntu support topic, as well. | 18:58 |
TJ- | nacc: isn't udevfs really tmpfs? is it really using 1.9G of RAM? | 18:58 |
nacc | TJ-: unclear, i thinkn it's a special type of tmpfs, yeah. | 18:58 |
nacc | ksbalaji: what version of ubuntu is this? | 18:58 |
TJ- | nacc: on my 8GiB system udevfs is 4GiB 0% used | 18:58 |
nacc | TJ-: right, here 16GiB RAM, 8GiB udev and 0% used as well | 18:59 |
TJ- | nacc: could be causing RAM exhaustion; i'm guessing it's 50% of RAM, so the system likely has 4GiB | 18:59 |
nacc | TJ-: yeah, but that ... shouldn't happen with any kernel supported (afaik) | 18:59 |
irongeeks | nacc: It's for Pi 3 to use for viewing specific IP camera, unfortunately, the camer don't work on Linux system wiht FF or Chrome anything. | 18:59 |
irongeeks | Pi 3 will strictly be for managing the cameras... | 19:00 |
irongeeks | Local use only. | 19:00 |
irongeeks | IE can't be installed on Ubuntu or other Linux platforms. | 19:00 |
TJ- | irongeeks: I've had similar issues with older network gear with web interfaces that only support old MS Internet Explorer; my solution was to install the last version of Netscape Navigator :) | 19:01 |
TJ- | irongeeks: but I don't think there's a NN build for armhf/RasPi | 19:01 |
irongeeks | Ugh... | 19:01 |
irongeeks | I am trying to work on a script but it's so complicated and challenging project.. | 19:02 |
irongeeks | Working on low cost IP camera managements.. | 19:02 |
irongeeks | Instead of using Windows... What a PITA | 19:03 |
irongeeks | The vendor ddon't want to upgrade or provide a fix. | 19:03 |
TJ- | irongeeks: yes; the only problem with many Chinese-made IP cameras is they require ActiveX plugins to view/control the streams/configure patrol zones and movement detection areas | 19:03 |
ksbalaji | nacc, mine is 16.04 | 19:04 |
irongeeks | TJ: So, hence forth, using an older version of FF will hopefullyt provide a solution. | 19:04 |
TJ- | irongeeks: I failed to find a solution for that on Ubuntu in any way | 19:04 |
irongeeks | Right... Thanks TJ: | 19:05 |
TJ- | irongeeks: you could look in (or firefox-3.5) | 19:06 |
nacc | ksbalaji: ok | 19:06 |
nacc | ksbalaji: what is the output of `sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade` ? | 19:06 |
irongeeks | Thanks TJ: will check it out... | 19:06 |
nacc | ksbalaji: you can say 'no' to the latter command, when it asks to upgrade packages | 19:06 |
nacc | ksbalaji: or run it with -s | 19:07 |
ksbalaji | nacc, TJ-, I think snap is doing all the wreck right? May I remove it? | 19:07 |
TJ- | irongeeks: but I doubt there's anything for armhf | 19:07 |
irongeeks | Very sure of your opinion but will dig around.. i have a premade script that I haven't tested just yet.. | 19:08 |
TJ- | irongeeks: there's some armhf in ports. FF not as old though: | 19:08 |
TJ- | irongeeks: looks like FF 11 | 19:09 |
nacc | ksbalaji: i don't think it is the snaps | 19:09 |
nacc | ksbalaji: you can remove the snaps of course, that probably won't change anything | 19:09 |
nacc | ksbalaji: i think your system is very out of date | 19:09 |
nacc | ksbalaji: maybe `uname -r` | 19:09 |
ksbalaji | nacc, here is the broth (sorry if it is total garbage!) | 19:12 |
TJ- | irongeeks: another idea; a Debian iceweasel package (the non-Firefox-branded version) from | 19:12 |
ksbalaji | ~$ uname -r 4.10.0-28-generic | 19:13 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: can you show us "pastebinit <(df -i) " | 19:14 |
nacc | ksbalaji: right, so you're around 10 kernel updates out of date, at least | 19:14 |
nacc | ksbalaji: TJ-: /tmp is full and /var ? | 19:15 |
ksbalaji | nacc, no no, I chose the kernel on login. Other recent ones do not work anyway! | 19:15 |
TJ- | nacc: if it's in / rootfs as that df shows, there's 7% left | 19:15 |
TJ- | nacc: but the inode's might be 100% on rootfs | 19:15 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: show us the pastebin I asked for | 19:16 |
nacc | TJ-: i meant based upon the apt update output | 19:16 |
TJ- | nacc: no, there's free space but inodes will cause the same error | 19:16 |
nacc | TJ-: ah | 19:16 |
nacc | TJ-: good call | 19:16 |
nacc | also a strange mix of repositories (archive.canonical and for the release pocket) | 19:18 |
TJ- | nacc: canonical is for the partner repos isn't it? in.archive is the Indian mirrors? | 19:18 |
TJ- | .... of the Ubuntu archive | 19:18 |
nacc | TJ-: oh you might be right, i though it would say partner in the log, but perhaps not | 19:19 |
ksbalaji | nacc, df -i (sorry the system is a bit slow) | 19:20 |
nacc | TJ-: good call, out of inodes | 19:20 |
TJ- | nacc: :) | 19:20 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, is this ok? | 19:21 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: see what nacc just said ^^^ the / rootfs is out of inodes (the blocks that are allocated to files) | 19:21 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: sorry, inodes, the 'pointers' that point to the blocks that are allocated to files | 19:22 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: so, it looks like there are so many small files on the rootfs that it ran out of pointers, but all those files didn't use up all the free space | 19:22 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: so maybe the first thing to do is identify where, in the rootfs, all the very small files are and see if some are not required and can be deleted | 19:23 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, can the / rootfs be fixed regarding inodes? | 19:23 |
ArMedic | Has anyone had in trouble with openvpn and dns leaks since the 17.10 update? | 19:25 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, I would gladly remove small files if only I could spot them! How can I go about it please? | 19:25 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: run this and show us the result: "pastebinit <( find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n )" | 19:25 |
leftyfb | ArMedic: you won't typically find people here willing to take surveys | 19:28 |
ArMedic | leftyfb, k | 19:29 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, find result | 19:30 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
ArMedic | Well. My ip address changes when I connect to the VPN. However, when I goto displays my actual isp ip and not sure why Ubuntu would do that. Windows doesn't do it, iOS doesn't do it... | 19:32 |
jer | i've got a 2015 mbp, coretemp tells me no device found when i try and install it; trying to get my fans spinning up -- cpu temp is steady at 75 C and really want to get that down any pointers? | 19:33 |
ajbone | Hello, I've used debian on my pc for years and have now decided to switch to ubuntu. All thats held me back is not wanting to part with KDE desktop. Is there an option of KDE in ubuntu or if not, would kubuntu have all the functionality of ubuntu? Thanks1;2c1;2c | 19:33 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: LOL! command failed due to lack of inodes :) | 19:34 |
[jasper] | hej guys, getting this error: sickbeard.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /etc/init.d/sickbeard: Exec format error | 19:34 |
[jasper] | any idea what could cause this? | 19:34 |
[jasper] | it always worked fine and suddenly stopped working | 19:34 |
ksbalaji | ajbone, kubuntu is as good as ubuntu I am told. | 19:34 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, expected! | 19:35 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: OK, let's sort that thing out! | 19:35 |
ajbone | thanks ksbalaji, ill try kubuntu first | 19:36 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: do "sudo mkdir /boot/tmp; sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /boot/tmp -o rw,nosuid,nodev" | 19:37 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: now run this modified search and show us the result: "pastebinit <( TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n )" | 19:37 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: actually, hold on, don't run that last command... | 19:38 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, how nice of you to say this! My video apps wouldn't spawn, my audio is muted and many more now. I am having good guidance now. | 19:38 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: run this instead: "pastebinit <( export TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; sudo find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n )" | 19:38 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, ok | 19:39 |
peanutbutter144 | is it possible to use zfs as my main filesystem? I've heard it's pretty good | 19:40 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: what this is doing is creating a temporary file-system in RAM, which is mounted in /boot/ where there's free inodes, and running the find command with root permissions so it can see all files. 'sort' will write it's temporary files to TMPDIR (/boot/tmp) | 19:40 |
leftyfb | peanutbutter144: yes | 19:41 |
peanutbutter144 | leftyfb: ok then, how would i do that? | 19:42 |
leftyfb | peanutbutter144: what documentation/articles have you found in your search? | 19:42 |
ajbone | art #ubuntu | 19:43 |
ajbone | oops | 19:43 |
peanutbutter144 | i haven't, i was just wondering | 19:43 |
hutch | Hi. This isn't Ubuntu related exactly. Is anyone familiar with clamd input in /etc/clamav/clamd.conf? | 19:45 |
Symmetria | Mmmm anyone here feel like educating me about how load average is calculated and works - like - why a box where the disk usage is almost totally idle and the cpus are running at 60% idle would have a load average in the 30s? | 19:45 |
Symmetria | I get its not all about the cpu - but I dont understand what could be causing that kinda rise in LA when neither the disks OR the cpus are overloaded | 19:46 |
hutch | I want to add 'clamdscan -m /home' does that look right? | 19:47 |
Symmetria | (and the wierd thing is, I can't really feel a massive performance dip even with that LA) | 19:47 |
TJ- | Symmetria: it's telling you how many processes are ready to run. | 19:48 |
Symmetria | TJ- mmm any idea why they would be waiting like that? it just seems strange - and do I need to be concerned about it is more than question | 19:49 |
Symmetria | heh - I've got a new server on the way to replace this thats much much more powerful - but I'm just keeping an eye on this (this is a quad cpu, 8 cores per cpu with 256gigs of ram, I'm moving to a quad cpu 22 core per cpu with 512gigs of ram to replace this) | 19:50 |
onla | hey. I have pip installed an app that takes parameters too. If I want to run it without typing the virtual env path or with alias, should I add the virtual environment to the PATH, or add something to .bashrc? Here's an example `./.venv/bin/myougiden -p nanda` | 19:51 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, It didn't work. Maybe I erred? ksbalaji@ksbalaji-Aspire:~$ export TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; sudo find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -nsort: cannot create temporary file in '/boot/tmp': Permission denied | 19:51 |
jer | Symmetria, they might be waiting for a variety of reasons, I/O bound, memory pressure, pipeline stalls being frequent on some cores, underutilized parallelism in the software you're running, ... | 19:53 |
TJ- | Symmetria: see "man 5 proc" and the "/proc/loadavg" explanation | 19:53 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: oh foeey, my fault!! | 19:54 |
Symmetria | (btw as a note - though probably irrelevant information) the box is basically just running a *ton* of virtualized routers for a lab environment | 19:54 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, I just opened the boot and created a tmp folder as su | 19:54 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: 4th time lucky! "pastebinit <( export TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; sudo sh -c 'find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n' )" | 19:54 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: the problem was sort/uniq/sort weren't running as root | 19:54 |
jer | Symmetria, yeah so expect to see higher loads, as its workload sounds more I/O bound than CPU bound | 19:55 |
Symmetria | jer the wierd thing is - it certainly aint disk I/O - might be to do with the interactions with the network hardware I suppose | 19:55 |
jer | Symmetria, which will probably mean that you'll still see the system responsive even at high loads, since the processes in the vm are limited by the number of network interfaces they can talk to, and the traffic over them | 19:55 |
jer | Symmetria, your network is also I/O, as are dozens of other things =] | 19:55 |
Symmetria | ok that makes sense yeah | 19:55 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, I am very much lucky today to have you people helping out ! | 19:56 |
Symmetria | heh interestingly I can still do a gigabit a second through the lab network lol | 19:56 |
jer | Symmetria, sure, not surprising | 19:56 |
TJ- | Symmetria: NFS is known to spike loadavg too | 19:56 |
Symmetria | heh i must say though I'm pretty impressed - on another (production) server that isn't in the lab - I've got a box running juniper vmx routing software that is doing 40gigabit full duplex routing with heirachical QoS with 8000 broadband subscribers running through it | 19:58 |
Symmetria | and its rock solid | 19:58 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, and what do I type at > ? It is just waiting for an input! | 19:58 |
peanutbutter144 | ksbalaji: there's probably a lonely ' | 19:59 |
onla | This works `./.venv/bin/myougiden -p nanda` but when I add `myou() { ./.venv/bin/myougiden "$1"; }` to .bashrc, it works without the flag/parameter -p like `myou nanda` but `myou -p nanda` won't work. How do I add the parameter possibility to bashrc function? | 20:00 |
TJ- | _KaszpiR_: oh, sorry, there's multiple single-quotes I didn't spot those! | 20:00 |
TJ- | grrrr! | 20:00 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: oh, sorry, there's multiple single-quotes I didn't spot those! | 20:01 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: type a lone ' and press enter | 20:01 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, np I should have removed those. But can I have the command? | 20:01 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: 6th time for the win :D pastebinit <( export TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; sudo sh -c "find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n" ) | 20:02 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, hurray! That lengthy command started working ! But the result is not what we expected : sort: cannot create temporary file in '/tmp': No space left on device | 20:05 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: well drat!!! | 20:05 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, If only I could do something about it ... | 20:06 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: 7th time pastebinit <( export TMPDIR=/boot/tmp; sudo sh -c "find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort -T /boot/tmp | uniq -c | sort -T /boot/tmp -k 1 -n" ) | 20:06 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: this one tells 'sort' explicitly to use /boot/tmp for temporary files | 20:07 |
kus_ubuntui686 | hi sorry if this is offtopic but I was looking at signal for desktop and the installer says echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list does this mean I can't use it on 32 bit ubuntu xenial? | 20:07 |
kus_ubuntui686 | | 20:07 |
TJ- | kus_ubuntui686: it would seen so if they've restricted it to [arch=amd64] | 20:07 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Yeah it seems to be doing something... silently. | 20:08 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Would it be taking this long?! May I have to abort it? | 20:09 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: if you've used the "pastebinit" prefix then it will be silent until it's finished, and it could take several minutes, it's having to read the inode entry for every file | 20:10 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: and from your earlier "df -i" we know there are 1,220,608 inodes in the rootfs | 20:10 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, You would have noted that I do not have the pastebinit app. I am uploading it through the browser. | 20:11 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: OK, that's fine. Have a cup of tea and come back :) | 20:11 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: the output will be ordered so that the directories with the most inodes in use are listed last. That way you should find it easy to identify where you can have most impact by removing files. If you can't afford to delete them, we could move them over to /boot/XXXXX/ as a temporary measure to get the system stable | 20:13 |
ducasse | kus_ubuntui686: looks like there's no 32-bit build, then, yes. not too uncommon these days. | 20:15 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Is this what you were looking for? | 20:19 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, I do not see any file in /boot/tmp also. | 20:21 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: yes. you see that the largest user is /var/lib/dpkg/info/ where all the installed packages' control/script files are stored. But we don't need to touch those directly, we should start by removing some of those /usr/src/linux-headers* | 20:21 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: what does "dpkg -l 'linux-*3.16*' | grep ^ii" show ? | 20:22 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Does it also mean that we remove the entries in grub? | 20:23 |
kus_ubuntui686 | ducasse, I think this computer is capable of running 64 bit Ubuntu but I don't want to reinstall everything (mainly because I don't know how to handle kerberos sign in with active directory) | 20:23 |
kus_ubuntui686 | it is like a i5-4xxx processor so I think all of those are 64 bit | 20:23 |
ksbalaji | dpkg-query: no packages found matching linux-*3.16* | 20:24 |
ducasse | kus_ubuntui686: they are, but it requires a reinstall | 20:24 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: right! so those are remains from a previous installation but the package manager doesn't know anything about them. Let's remove them, that'll give the system some headroom to work again | 20:24 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, ah! now for the ultimate command! | 20:25 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: make sure you type this very accurately; it's going to remove lots file files and sub-directories: "sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.16.0-23-generic " | 20:26 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: then check if there are some free inodes with "df -i /" | 20:26 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: if there are free inodes then do "sudo apt-get autoremove" to clear some other cruft out | 20:26 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, is it possible to include something which makes the deletion verbose? | 20:27 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: there's no point; it's all kernel header files for a version of the kernel the package manager doesn't know about. You'd just get a list of header files. If you want to check do "find /usr/src/linux-headers-3.16.0-23-generic -type f -ls" | 20:29 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, df -i / gave about 8000 free inodes. I am doing autoremove. | 20:32 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: that's good, the system should return to stability now. It looks like you still need to go through all those unknown linux-header directories and remove them manually but we can do that once the autoremove is done | 20:33 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, now, sudo apt-get autoremove E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 20:33 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: run it | 20:34 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: you've got free space/inodes now so it'll work | 20:34 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: and you'd best "sudo umount /boot/tmp" too now it is no longer needed | 20:34 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: then "sudo rmdir /boot/tmp | 20:34 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Yeah manually It did something after months. Now, running it again I got some config errors. Does it matter? | 20:38 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: I'm assuming that several packages failed to configure correctly so you'll need to work through those. Maybe "sudo apt-get -f install" will help fix them all | 20:39 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, it says /boot/tmp not mounted | 20:40 |
ksbalaji | I have removed /boot/tmp anyway | 20:41 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: no worries; as long as it's not there. After you've got all that done see if you can bring the system up to date with "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade". Once that is done do "sudo apt install pastebinit" and then show us "pastebinit <( dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep ^ii )" | 20:41 |
ikonia | what the devil depends on /boot/tmp | 20:41 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: whilst you do all that I'll go for dinner. Be back shortly. | 20:41 |
TJ- | ikonia: we created it as a workaround when rootfs was out of inodes | 20:41 |
ikonia | TJ-: ahh, a hack, ok | 20:42 |
ikonia | I was interested for a moment | 20:42 |
TJ- | ikonia: right, sort needs to write to /tmp so we did "sort -T /boot/tmp" instead to avoid the rootfs | 20:42 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, thanks a lot for all you have done. My system is neat! | 20:42 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
TJ- | ksbalaji: how about removing all those unknown kernel versions? | 21:05 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Hope you had a good dinner. Yes definitely those too many kernels may be removed. But the commands complain that the / disk is full | 21:07 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: again!? | 21:09 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: OK, can you paste the result of "dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep ^ii" ? | 21:09 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, If I remember correct, we have cleared inodes. Still space in / is less. Have I got it right? | 21:11 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, | 21:13 |
ksbalaji | Are they a lot more than normal with other machines? | 21:15 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: you've sure got a lot of kernel versions there! | 21:15 |
tlofp | when you do an update; upgrade; what determines if the kernel is updated? | 21:15 |
ksbalaji | :( | 21:16 |
nacc | tlofp: just like any other package, is there a newer version in the package lists | 21:16 |
nacc | tlofp: for the kernel specifically, that's managed via the metapackages (e.g., linux-generic) | 21:16 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: far too many. the running-out-of-space-again issue is because those packages that have been correctly installed have used it up so we have to identify and remove anything that isn't required | 21:16 |
tlofp | nacc: I see references to 4.10 kernel as well as 4.4.0-112 but I am on 4.4.0-98, how come the newer versions of the kernel don't show up for me? | 21:17 |
nacc | tlofp: references? | 21:17 |
EriC^^ | tlofp: linux-image-generic depends on the kernels, it gets it's dependencies updated and it pulls in the newer kernel | 21:17 |
nacc | tlofp: there is no 112, 100 is i xenial-proposed right now | 21:17 |
EriC^^ | tlofp: those are from hwe stacks not the xenial standard linux-generic ones | 21:17 |
nacc | tlofp: 4.10 is from the hwe stack | 21:17 |
nacc | !hwe | tlofp | 21:17 |
ubottu | tlofp: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 21:17 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: do "sudo dpkg -r 'linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}*' " | 21:18 |
ksbalaji | I have been thinking that older versions would be wiped off automatically. | 21:18 |
ksbalaji | tj upto that ' ? | 21:19 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, upto that ' ? | 21:19 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: at some point you've removed the packages that would cause that to happen. The packages "linux-image-lowlatency" and "linux-image-generic" "linux-headers-lowlatency" | 21:20 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: you should re-install the three packages I've just mentioned with "sudo apt install ..." and then you should find that "sudo apt autoremove" will remove some of the orphaned linux-headers packages | 21:21 |
ksbalaji | I'm getting errors. | 21:21 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: out of space again? | 21:21 |
ksbalaji | this error | 21:23 |
nacc | TJ-: single quotes will prevent the expansion? | 21:24 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: try also "sudo apt-get clean" to clear the package cache | 21:24 |
TJ- | nacc: doh! | 21:24 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: do "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}* " | 21:24 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: my fingers and my brain aren't in sync tonight | 21:24 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: once that is done "sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.19* " | 21:26 |
ksbalaji | oops! Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through 'less' or 'more' ! | 21:27 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: which command gave you that report? Both the commands I've given should only have generated about 8 items | 21:28 |
ksbalaji | I shall paste the full error. | 21:29 |
ksbalaji | | 21:31 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, may I do "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}* " now? | 21:31 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: that's what you just tried isn't it? with the error, according to the paste | 21:32 |
ksbalaji | yes. | 21:33 |
ksbalaji | I am not able to do sudo apt install ... | 21:33 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: Doing the same thing here I cannot reproduce that error; it doesn't make sense. | 21:33 |
nacc | TJ-: are you sure you cann do globbig with dpkg? | 21:34 |
TJ- | nacc: indeed; I'm testing similar commands here before giving them out | 21:34 |
nacc | TJ-: ok | 21:34 |
nacc | the error message is a connfusing one | 21:34 |
nacc | but it's sayinng that if you run 'dpkg --help', you'll get lots of output | 21:35 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: what does "echo $SHELL" say? | 21:35 |
nacc | the real error is line 2 in that paste, which is sayig that 'linux-headers-4.8.0-72*' was passed verbatim down | 21:35 |
ksbalaji | Am I missing some instructions? echo $SHELL /bin/bash | 21:36 |
TJ- | nacc: I know; I'm trying to figure out why since there's no quotes on the command line and the shell has expanded the sequence | 21:36 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: the shell's fine | 21:36 |
nacc | TJ-: i get the same error her | 21:37 |
nacc | *here | 21:37 |
nacc | TJ-: you have to give dpkg a package name, not a pattern, afaik | 21:37 |
nacc | TJ-: i thikn the shell is fine, it's the trailing * | 21:37 |
TJ- | nacc: I'm testing it here and it works fine | 21:37 |
nacc | TJ-: afaict, you don't need it, right? | 21:37 |
nacc | TJ-: strange, i'm on artful and although i don't have those pacakges, the error is the same, because the package can't be found | 21:38 |
nacc | (due to an illegal specifier) | 21:38 |
TJ- | nacc: OH! "-l" works, "-r" doesn't | 21:38 |
nacc | TJ-: yeah | 21:38 |
nacc | TJ-: -l takes a pattern explicitly | 21:39 |
nacc | TJ-: another reason apt exists :) | 21:39 |
nacc | although i konw that doesn't help here | 21:39 |
TJ- | nacc: I was trying to avoid temporary files, thus using dpkg | 21:39 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: do "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}-generic " | 21:40 |
nacc | TJ-: yep, understood | 21:40 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: then do "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79} " | 21:40 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: finally, once that is done "sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.19* " | 21:41 |
nacc | TJ-: sorry i didn't catch that earlier | 21:41 |
TJ- | nacc: no worries; I'm surprised dpkg treats the glob differently, never been caught by that before and I use that form of command a lot | 21:41 |
nacc | TJ-: yeah, it must be somethig in the perl that handles the arguments distinctly | 21:42 |
ksbalaji | for all those files, I got dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-headers-4.8.0-7*-generic which isn't installed | 21:42 |
nacc | ksbalaji: you have a strange * | 21:42 |
nacc | *stray | 21:42 |
TJ- | nacc: maybe deliberate for --remove to prevent catastrophic damage | 21:42 |
nacc | TJ-: yeah | 21:42 |
nacc | ksbalaji: or was the '*' your isnertion? | 21:42 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: there shouldn't be a "*" in the names this time | 21:43 |
ksbalaji | I have inserted for four files. Otherwise I have to paste and you have to view... I thought. | 21:43 |
nacc | ksbalaji: ah ok :) just checkig, makes it harder to confirm | 21:43 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
ksbalaji | Yeah. I should have told that I inserted. | 21:44 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: once you've done all those operations there should be lots of free inodes | 21:45 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, Were those files not recognized by the command? | 21:46 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: did you redo the command without the * inserted? | 21:47 |
ksbalaji | can I remove those 3.19* files now? (since the earlier command gave ignored message?) | 21:47 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}-generic " and "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-{72,77,78,79}" | 21:48 |
TJ- | bahh! | 21:48 |
ksbalaji | ok | 21:48 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: the last of those should be: "sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-4.8.0-{72,77,78,79}" | 21:48 |
* TJ- stands on his fingers to make them behave | 21:48 | |
ksbalaji | again same error? | 21:51 |
nacc | TJ-: is the package list wrong now? | 21:51 |
nacc | TJ-: that is the list you're going off of | 21:51 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: That's fine - they're gone due to your earlier commands! now you can do: "sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.19* " | 21:51 |
nacc | ah ok | 21:51 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: due to our miscommunication around the "*" I wanted to be double-sure you'd rid the system of those packages | 21:52 |
ksbalaji | Whew! I for a second thought I removed something important. | 21:52 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: blah! who needs a kernel anyhow!? :D | 21:52 |
nacc | heh | 21:53 |
arooni | is bookworm the best ereader for ubunt | 21:53 |
arooni | u | 21:53 |
ksbalaji | Yeah. No need for kernels. Good friends are more than enough.'! | 21:53 |
malex | I've suddenly started getting W: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial_InRelease' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied) error. | 21:53 |
TJ- | if we can have 'serverless architectures" surely we can have 'kernelless OS'? | 21:53 |
malex | That directory exists and is owned by _apt | 21:53 |
malex | on 16.04 | 21:54 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: check the inode situation now "df -i /" | 21:55 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: in case it might remove a few more redundant packages: "sudo apt-get autoremove" | 21:55 |
ksbalaji | IUse% 78%, Hurray! | 21:57 |
nathdwek | Hello I have two questions regarding resolvconf and openfortivpn | 21:57 |
nathdwek | I use openfortivpn to connect to my work vpn | 21:57 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: just so the kernels get tracked for autoremove in the future, install: "sudo apt install linux-image-generic linux-image-lowlatency" | 21:58 |
nathdwek | and it added DNS address to /etc/resolv.conf | 21:58 |
nathdwek | For the life of me I cannot figure out where resolvconf is getting those adresses from when I run resolvconf-u | 21:58 |
TJ- | nathdwek: it should be adding it to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf via the scripts in /etc/resolvconf/update.d/ | 21:59 |
tw | Is it possible to prevent the release upgrader from adding prerequists-sources.list, or modify the contents to | 21:59 |
TJ- | nathdwek: /etc/resolv.conf should be a symlink to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf | 21:59 |
nacc | tw: you are doign an EOL upgrade? | 21:59 |
tw | Yes. | 21:59 |
nacc | tw: are you following the steps on the wiki? | 22:00 |
nathdwek | TJ-: I only have the libc script in /etc/resolvconf/update.d | 22:01 |
nathdwek | Currently not connected to the VPN | 22:01 |
tw | nacc: now that I've read the article, I have accidentally done that, yes. | 22:01 |
nathdwek | so why would it still generate the wrong DNS adsress? | 22:01 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, May I ask .. Is this a major remote surgery or a set of instructions you usually give ? :) | 22:03 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: major surgery :) | 22:03 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: ... whilst blindfolded :) | 22:03 |
nathdwek | TJ-: content of resolv.conf is: nameserver blabla, search workdomain.tld lan | 22:04 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, :0 | 22:04 |
nathdwek | and if I grep workdomain.tld in / I only get stuff in /run and resolv.conf | 22:04 |
nathdwek | so I don't get how on regeneration it would still be there | 22:04 |
TJ- | nathdwek: has something replaced the symlink /etc/resolv.conf with a hard file? | 22:04 |
nathdwek | /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf | 22:05 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, and with the knife in the hands of the patient! | 22:05 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: talented patient :) | 22:06 |
TJ- | nathdwek: OK, so the resolvconf scripts will work properly | 22:06 |
ksbalaji | TJ-, LOL with your expertise, we are still connected! Talented or not! | 22:06 |
TJ- | nathdwek: maybe the openfortivpn package isn't following the standard Debian/resolvconf way of doing things. I don't see openforti in the archives though so can't check it. | 22:07 |
seventwo | i'm getting 404s on trusty-security packages | 22:07 |
TJ- | seventwo: have you done "sudo apt update" immediately prior to seeing that? | 22:08 |
seventwo | i also noticed it's been modified today: | 22:08 |
seventwo | yes | 22:08 |
TJ- | seventwo: which mirror (if any) is /etc/apt/sources.list using? | 22:08 |
seventwo | | 22:09 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: I'd still want to know why your system's /dev/ is using 100% space. That doesn't seem good | 22:09 |
seventwo | is the only source.. | 22:09 |
seventwo | maybe i should look at using a mirror... yeah... | 22:09 |
TJ- | seventwo: right, so in theory there shouldn't be a 404. Are you, or your ISP, using a HTTP proxy? | 22:09 |
seventwo | kinda. it's in a docker environment | 22:10 |
TJ- | seventwo: hmmm... I've had a similar issue with a default LXD container where there's a minimal proxy built-in for packages but it doesn't extend to other entries added to source.list! maybe you've got the same thing? | 22:11 |
TJ- | seventwo: had me chasing my tail for a few hours and swearing :) | 22:11 |
seventwo | -___- | 22:11 |
nathdwek | does /run/resolvconf/interface/systemd-resolved play a role in all this? | 22:12 |
seventwo | TJ- i'll check and see why my container can't find ``. that's pretty odd | 22:13 |
seventwo | it's strange though. i log into the container from an old build and can clearly hit hte endpoint | 22:14 |
malex | No issues with 14.04. It's only 16.04 that's throwing the error | 22:14 |
malex | Are there known issues with 16.04 and apt updates? | 22:15 |
malex | W: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial_InRelease' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied) | 22:17 |
malex | E: Could not read from /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial-updates_InRelease - getline (12: Cannot allocate memory) | 22:17 |
seventwo | i looked at the archive | 22:17 |
nacc | malex: are you out of memory? | 22:17 |
malex | nacc: nope | 22:17 |
seventwo | it's clearly missing these files | 22:17 |
nacc | malex: well, that's not what apt thinks :) | 22:18 |
nacc | malex: the first message is a warnninng (W) | 22:18 |
nacc | malex: the second is the error | 22:18 |
seventwo | | 22:18 |
malex | ls -al /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial-updates_InRelease | 22:18 |
malex | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 102128 Nov 8 21:49 /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial-updates_InRelease | 22:18 |
TJ- | malex: is this bare-metal or a container? | 22:19 |
malex | container | 22:19 |
malex | ubuntu:16.04 from docker hub | 22:19 |
malex | 14.04 runs perfectly on the same box | 22:19 |
TJ- | malex: /follow open test2 malex 60 | 22:19 |
TJ- | oops | 22:19 |
seventwo | did someone delete dependency references???? | 22:20 |
seventwo | <-- this doesn't exist. any reason why that is? | 22:20 |
TJ- | malex: what kind of container? docker, LXD ? | 22:20 |
malex | TJ-: singularity container freshly built from the docker container pulled from docker hub | 22:21 |
nacc | seventwo: why are you tryign to downlnoad old packages? | 22:21 |
malex | TJ-: same fresh build for 14.04 works fine. | 22:21 |
nacc | seventwo: trusty is at 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.12 | 22:21 |
nacc | seventwo: something is wrogn with your package lists, and i don't think there is any guarantee by the archive that old packages will exist forever | 22:21 |
TJ- | nacc: we have seventwo and malex with docker containers and noth having problems with packages | 22:23 |
TJ- | s/noth/both/ | 22:23 |
nacc | TJ-: well the former is trying to download old pacakges | 22:23 |
nacc | and also docker != ubuntu, imo :) | 22:23 |
nacc | but whatever, it *should* work, if they are current | 22:23 |
seventwo | i'm trying to get old packages which is more ubuntu | 22:23 |
nacc | seventwo: no. | 22:23 |
seventwo | regardless | 22:23 |
TJ- | nacc: indeed; but I'm wondering if there's something stange ahoy :) | 22:23 |
nacc | seventwo: getting an old package is not 'ubuntu' | 22:23 |
TJ- | seventwo: older packages are deleted from the archive once the replacements are there | 22:23 |
nacc | seventwo: and it's not supported here anyways | 22:23 |
seventwo | is ubuntu's package manager not owned by ubuntu? then why wouldn't an update help in this case? what am i missing? | 22:24 |
nacc | seventwo: you said you are tryig nto get old packages ... why? | 22:24 |
nacc | seventwo: please show the output of `sudo apt update` | 22:24 |
TJ- | seventwo: "Removed from disk on 2017-10-11. " | 22:25 |
nacc | malex: what command gave the above output? | 22:26 |
TJ- | seventwo: you can pull packages directly from launchpad via the Publishing History: here for 2.10: | 22:26 |
malex | apt update; apt list | 22:26 |
nacc | but doing so is unsupported (here) and means you are open to security issues | 22:26 |
malex | both | 22:26 |
nacc | malex: both output that? | 22:26 |
nacc | iirc, you can delete the apt lists safely and recreate them to see if it just works | 22:26 |
malex | I've removed the lists directory and got the same error. That was the first thing I tried. | 22:27 |
TJ- | seventwo: the package lists only list the most recent version. It seems your system has an out-of-date package list. Therefore it is asking the archive servers for a file that was deleted from the archive since there's a newer version. "sudo apt update" should fetch the latest package lists | 22:27 |
seventwo | yeah | 22:27 |
seventwo | i think you're right | 22:27 |
seventwo | my makefile was using a cached version | 22:28 |
seventwo | i flushed it and rebuilding... | 22:28 |
malex | I just tried replicating this on an EL7 server and didn't get the error with the same docker container and the same build of singularity. So, this appears to be an EL6 specific issue, I guess. | 22:28 |
ksbalaji | done ~$ sudo apt install linux-image-generic linux-image-lowlatency , still I see so many kernels. Here : Can't they be removed to release space? | 22:28 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: I don't how how the system got into such a state! | 22:30 |
malex | Thank you for the suggestions. I'll use an EL7 build server as a workaround. As long as I can execute these containers under EL6 I'll be alright, don't want to take up your time. Thank you again. | 22:30 |
TJ- | ksbalaji: "sudo rm /boot/{vmlinuz,initrd.img,config,abi,}-3.19.0* " then "sudo rm /boot/{vmlinuz,initrd.img,config,abi,}-3.16.0* " then "sudo update-grub" | 22:32 |
seventwo | alright it built. thanks nacc and TJ- | 22:35 |
seventwo | this was a docker problem... it caches intermediate steps in its provisioning process. >__> | 22:35 |
TJ- | seventwo: of course! I read about that a week or so ago, and meant to remember it as a gotchya! | 22:40 |
Threadnaught | when I connect my bluetooth headphones and play sound through them they work fine, but as soon as I try to tell ubuntu to listen to their microphone, the playback part stops working. I'm on ubuntu | 22:53 |
Threadnaught | I hit enter before i typed version lol | 22:53 |
Threadnaught | 17.04 | 22:53 |
cuddlesquid | would anyone point me in the right direction of enabling hugepage support and increasing | 23:02 |
cuddlesquid | large page support | 23:02 |
ikonia | put it in the kernel settings in sysctl | 23:03 |
ikonia | huge pages is enabled by default, just set the sizes and limits | 23:03 |
cuddlesquid | I see | 23:03 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: what are you actually trying to achive | 23:03 |
nacc | "increasing large page support" doesn't really have meaning to me | 23:03 |
cuddlesquid | >>> /etc/sysctl.conf | 23:04 |
ikonia | I assumed he meant the page size | 23:04 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: what's the goal here | 23:04 |
cuddlesquid | the thing is there is nothing there in regards to vm.nr_hugepages = 256 | 23:04 |
cuddlesquid | well a certain process desires me to increase hugepage support | 23:04 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: what is the problem | 23:04 |
cuddlesquid | my process requires large page support | 23:05 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: it's enabled by default | 23:05 |
cuddlesquid | Ok I guess thats fixed then :) | 23:05 |
tomreyn | certain process is called redis | 23:06 |
cuddlesquid | its just xmr-stak-cpu | 23:07 |
ikonia | I don't know the question wasn't "redis requires huge page support, is it enabled/how do I enable it" | 23:07 |
ikonia | rather than a mystic dance | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, On Linux you will need to configure large page support "sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128" and increase your | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | ulimit -l. To do do this you need to add following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf - "* soft memlock 262144" | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | and "* hard memlock 262144". You can also do it Windows-style and simply run-as-root, but this is NOT | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | recommended for security reasons. | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | omg so nice | 23:07 |
cuddlesquid | good job cuddles flood the system | 23:07 |
ikonia | accidents happen | 23:08 |
cuddlesquid | :) | 23:09 |
tomreyn | ok, wrong guess | 23:09 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, | 23:09 |
Sveta | <cuddlesquid> my process requires large page support | 23:09 |
Sveta | <ikonia> cuddlesquid: it's enabled by default | 23:09 |
Sveta | problem solved? | 23:10 |
cuddlesquid | perhaps, apperas it wants modification to soft and hard memlocks | 23:10 |
ikonia | I'd hope so | 23:10 |
Sveta | cuddlesquid: maybe that guide is out of date? | 23:10 |
cuddlesquid | althought, i did find a very good post on some memory conclusions, | 23:10 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: do you actually understand what any of this is doing ? | 23:10 |
cuddlesquid | Sveta, absolutely a possiblity | 23:10 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: (not being rude trying to understand how to give you the info) | 23:10 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, not quite | 23:10 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: have you actually got a problem - or do you want to make sure you don't have a problem | 23:11 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, well the problem is not quite noticable but good help the process perform better | 23:11 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: so are you getting an error/warning or something ? | 23:11 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, its just that when i went through some of the guides on large page support, none of the configs really show anything related to hugepage support | 23:12 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: that doesn't really make sense, a guide on large page support not detailing the huge page support....which is large page support | 23:12 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, no, just the performance could be lower if large page support and softhard memlock is not configured | 23:12 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: is there actually a problem ? | 23:12 |
cuddlesquid | how does performance not make sense to you i dont understand, disable huge page spport cut perofmance by 20%, enable huge page support 20% performance increase | 23:13 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: that's not what you're asking though | 23:13 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, and what exactly did you understand? | 23:14 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: do you actually have a problem - or are you asking how to do something ? what's the actual question | 23:14 |
ikonia | or the actual problem | 23:14 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, i dont think i ever said i had a problem | 23:14 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: thats what I'm asking - what info are you looking for | 23:15 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, you've already answered it, huge page support is already enabled, now i need to increase it | 23:15 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: you are in the support channel, let's start over, what can we help you with? | 23:15 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: increase what? you can't increase a yes/no question's answer. | 23:16 |
cuddlesquid | nacc, not a thing bud :) thanks for all your helps | 23:16 |
ikonia | cuddlesquid: how do you know you need to increase it, what is it currently set at, what is the sizing ratio to load | 23:16 |
cuddlesquid | ikonia, thanks for all help, im done | 23:16 |
ikonia | ok | 23:16 |
Sveta | thanks nacc too | 23:17 |
nacc | not sure there is anything to thank for | 23:17 |
cuddlesquid | nacc, does this appear normal to you | 23:19 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: 1) grep Huge /proc/meminfo :) | 23:19 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: 2) yes, it means you have THP enabled, but no static hugepages allocated. | 23:19 |
nacc | s/but/ad/ | 23:19 |
nacc | *and | 23:20 |
cuddlesquid | nacc, ok thanks | 23:20 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: 'normal' is a relative term and still not sure what your goal is | 23:21 |
AppAraat | hi, does Ubuntu 16.04 support ZFS native encryption? | 23:23 |
ikonia | ZFS isn't native | 23:23 |
metaphysician | down!? 503 Service Unavailable | 23:23 |
ikonia | metaphysician: firewall maintenance | 23:23 |
ikonia | metaphysician: shoildn't be too long with a bit of luck | 23:23 |
cuddlesquid | nacc, i have some studying to do i suppose, | 23:25 |
ikonia | you keep repeating that | 23:25 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: it is usually better to give the actual documennt, rather than na link to a snippet of it | 23:26 |
ikonia | but what is the actual issue here ? | 23:26 |
AppAraat | ikonia: what do you mean by that? I mean this: | 23:26 |
nacc | cuddlesquid: but also, did you try doing what it rather clearly says to do? | 23:26 |
ikonia | AppAraat: if ZFS isn't native in can ubuntu support native ZFS encyption | 23:27 |
ikonia | looks like 17.04 ships the zfsutils package | 23:29 |
AppAraat | it's already on 16.04 too IIRC | 23:29 |
nacc | yes, for data storage, not for /; and you want zfsutils-linux | 23:30 |
AppAraat | and with native encryption I meant whatever ZFS added (somewhat) recently. | 23:30 |
nacc | AppAraat: the version of zfs in 16.04 is not 'recent', so probably not | 23:30 |
AppAraat | ah | 23:30 |
ikonia | is there still the limitation on shipping the kernel module ? | 23:30 |
nacc | but i don't use zfs so not sure | 23:30 |
ptx0 | did you know is dead? | 23:31 |
ptx0 | oops, is dead | 23:31 |
nacc | ikonia: which limitatio? canonical's kernel ships it noow | 23:31 |
nacc | iirc | 23:31 |
ikonia | ptx0: firewall maintenance | 23:31 |
oerheks | -- | 23:31 |
nacc | oerheks: thanks | 23:31 |
ikonia | nacc: there was a license problem shipping it in mainline | 23:31 |
nacc | ikonia: yeah it's not upstream, but it's in the ubuntu kernel | 23:31 |
ikonia | it had to be an external module, I'm curious if that's gone now | 23:31 |
nacc | (again iirc) | 23:31 |
ptx0 | it's just ironic to me that can be taken down by maintenance, isn't it positioned as powering the cloud? | 23:32 |
nacc | ikonia: zfs.ko is inn the linux-image-generic packages (versioned) | 23:32 |
nacc | ptx0: firewall maintenance would take down a cloud. | 23:32 |
oerheks | ptx0, it is back | 23:32 |
nacc | (and has, as has network disruptions) | 23:32 |
ptx0 | single point of failure? sounds like someone needs to learn about HA :P | 23:33 |
ikonia | errr no | 23:33 |
nacc | ptx0: i'm not sure you know what you're talking about in this case | 23:33 |
nacc | but it's also offtopic, so i'll leave it | 23:33 |
ptx0 | guess you're not :D | 23:33 |
ptx0 | anyway, thanks for the help | 23:34 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. I built a clock-in kiosk for a local charity, and it uses 17.04. Until recently, the WiFi dongle on it was working just fine. On it, I used the 4.10.0-33-generic kernel with a custom-built 8192cu module (I had to use that because the packed-in kernel module doesn't work). When I updated to the 4.10.0-38-generic kernel, something broke. What's odd is that it uses dkms, and had built a module for the 38-generic kernel. | 23:40 |
Ertain | FWIW, the dongle is an Edimax EW-7811Un wifi adapter. | 23:41 |
nacc | Ertain: if you boot back to 4.10.0-33-generic, does it work? | 23:45 |
Ertain | No, it doesn't work, nacc. | 23:45 |
nacc | Ertain: so no kernel works any longer? | 23:45 |
oerheks | dkms status | 23:45 |
Ertain | I tried downgrading network-manager, but that didn't help. | 23:45 |
nacc | Ertain: sounds like it's unrelated to the kernel update then, i'd check other things that also were upgraded recently. | 23:45 |
Ertain | Unfortunately, I'm not at the box atm. | 23:46 |
nacc | Ertain: it's best to be at it, and log back in at some point | 23:46 |
nacc | Ertain: hard to support otherwise | 23:46 |
Ertain | I do have the apt log for it. | 23:47 |
Ertain | As well as the syslog. | 23:49 |
nacc | Ertain: probably worth pastebinning if you want us to look | 23:49 |
oerheks | with dkms status you could tell if the module is there | 23:50 |
Orphis_ | Fun stuff, kodi on artful doesn't work for me, missing symbol PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8. Which seems to show that python was miscompiled. Whaaaat? | 23:51 |
nacc | Orphis_: apt-cache policy kodi in a pastebi | 23:52 |
Orphis_ | nacc: No pinning, only one candidate, it's the one from artful | 23:52 |
Ertain | I'll put it on a pastebin. | 23:52 |
nacc | Orphis_: based upon my experience, I'd like to see the actual output | 23:53 |
Orphis_ | | 23:53 |
=== Orphis_ is now known as Orphis | ||
nacc | Orphis: can you pastebin the full error message? | 23:54 |
Orphis | /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi/kodi.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi/kodi.bin: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8 | 23:54 |
nacc | Orphis: which python | 23:55 |
Orphis | ldd on kodi.bin shows that it's importing libpython2.7, which comes from artful as well | 23:55 |
Orphis | nacc: /usr/bin/python | 23:55 |
nacc | Orphis: and you are not using pip or any other python environment stuff, right? | 23:56 |
Orphis | Nop | 23:56 |
mribeirodantas | I'm running Ubuntu 17.10 with the default desktop environment. Earlier, I installed xfce (xfce4 and then xubuntu-desktop) just to give it a try (performance) but then didn't like it, removed both of them. Ever since, I don't have the option to log in Ubuntu with Wayland anymore | 23:56 |
mribeirodantas | Only with x11 (which is confirmed through ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE). xwayland and ubuntu-session are installed | 23:57 |
Ertain | Crap, the log is too big. | 23:57 |
Ertain | I can upload it to my personal file share. | 23:57 |
Orphis | nacc: ldd shows the right libpython2.7 from /usr/lib | 23:57 |
Ertain | Log file -> | 23:58 |
nacc | Orphis: strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep PyUnicodeUSC4_DecodeUTF8 in a pastebin | 23:58 |
nacc | Orphis: presuming that is the so it was usinng | 23:58 |
Orphis | => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67dce5d000) | 23:59 |
Orphis | Yes, that's the one | 23:59 |
Orphis | But it's midnight and I have to go to bed | 23:59 |
Orphis | Just realized now | 23:59 |
Orphis | I'll investigate more tomorrow! | 23:59 |
nacc | Orphis: if it is there, then probably need to dig further (strace may help) | 23:59 |
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