
smoserblackboxsw: rharper some interesting numbers collected from my runs for artful zesty and xenial02:40
smoserand with that i go to bed.02:40
smoserrharper: how do i "dump" the journal16:56
smoserkeeping the original format or whatever16:56
smoserso that i can then later feed it to journalctl commands16:56
rharperoh, you copy it from /run/log/journal17:06
rharperthen you use journalctl --directory=/path/to/copy/of/journal17:07
rharpersmoser: ^17:07
smoserrharper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25926898/18:41
rharpersmoser: oi; that's unfortunate;  would be nicer to have journalctl apply and offset18:44
smoserwell, yeah, but. if you have the offset and have the journall og, yhou can do whatever you want.18:45
smoserwe could also read the journal format and update it.18:45
rharperwell, that's what the offset would be fore18:45
rharperjournalctl --offset foo and it just applies that value to the timestamp;  but what you have is useful18:46
smoserright. but such a feature is kind of not expecte.18:47
rharperno;  it's a namespace bug18:48
rharperand yes , not expected18:48
blkadderHi, are there any restrictions on the characters in the content section of a file that is written as plain text?18:54
blkadderI am getting an error about unable to load yaml blob...18:54
rharperblkadder: not that I know of; generally for write files, I try to use the content: |  to inline text with minimal formatting19:03
blkadderWhat about blank lines in the file?19:04
blkadderIt's busting on something...19:04
rharperas long as it's indented I think it's fine19:06
blkadderMind taking a peek?19:07
rharperpastebin away19:07
blkadderI've just been using base64 which works fine, but one of the other folks here did this...19:08
rharperthat's my inline with newlines and how I check it19:09
blkadderHmm, wondering if it doesn't like some character or other.19:10
rharperthe ?19:10
rharperit seems it doesn't like19:10
rharperyour path is not indented I think19:11
rharperthere you go19:11
* blkadder mumbles something about white space and scope19:12
blkadderMadness. :-)19:12
smoserblkadder: easiest thing to do is to check that things are at least loadable as yaml19:14
rharperI included my yprint which loads and dumps yaml19:14
smoserwe are working towards having a cloud-init tool to validate config19:14
smoserah. i didnt see that rharper19:15
blkadderCool, thanks.19:16
blkadderWould love a linter. :-)19:17
blackboxswblkadder: cloud-init devel schame --config-file <your-config> will at least validate yaml for you (and some cloud-init keys currently)19:17
blackboxswblkadder: cloud-init devel schema --config-file <your-config> will at least validate yaml for you (and some cloud-init keys currently)19:18
blackboxswit in progress currently, (as a 'devel' subcommand) we're building it up as smoser suggested.19:18
blkadderAwesome, thanks.19:27
blkadderThat is going in the toolbox.19:27
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smoserblackboxsw: could you https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33335021:21
blackboxswsmoser: rharper how best to yeap21:21
rharperyeap ?21:21
smoserbest way to yeap is just to do it. let your personality ring out.21:21
smosereach person has their own 'yeap'21:21
rharperI need more yeap21:21
* smoser thinks "theres a million ways to yeap"21:22
blackboxswok approved smoser want me to merge?21:25
rharpersmoser: quick question, the CI_DOMAIN value is not resolvable; is that expected ?  later in the code there is a cloudinit2.<same string as CI_DOMAIN but does not reference variable)>21:25
rharperthe subdomain is resolvable21:25
rharperso I suppose I'm missing something21:25
smoserwe use CI_DOMAIN in python code21:26
smoseroh i see. yeahk, i didnt change the set_hostname_fqdn to use CI_DOMAIN21:26
smoseri could have...21:27
rharper-    ex_fqdn = "cloudinit2.i9n.brickies.net"21:27
rharper26+    ex_fqdn = "cloudinit2.i9n.cloud-init.io"21:27
smoserbut since we'd need some further magic to make the set_hostname_fqdn.yaml21:27
smoserthen its kind of 50/50 i think21:27
rharperwell, if we changed the domain in the future we might miss21:27
rharperno ?21:27
smoserie, there is usefulness in those strings being simple identical strings there.21:27
rharperso ex_fqdn = "subdomain." + CI_DOMAIN  ?21:27
rharperor setting CI_DOMAIN to just the full string that's resolvable ?21:28
smoserbut you have to change tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml anyway21:28
rharperagain, I'm prolly missing something21:28
rharperjust the diff by itself looks odd to me21:28
smoserwell, line 39 there...21:28
smoserthats yaml21:28
rharperwell, the yaml could use a template if we waned21:28
smoserso we can't as easily change that.21:28
smoserright. yes we could do something like that. but we dont do anything like that.21:28
rharpernot in cloud-init21:29
rharperwe do in vmtest for curtin21:29
rharperfor similar reasons21:29
rharperwe could include a # should match CI_DOMAIN from nocloudkvm.py  in the yaml for a marker/hint21:29
smoserwell. i dont knwo. i dont think there is a lot of value in it. its a string. tests cases are full of string duplication. if you think it shoudl say 'cloudinit2.' + CI_DOMAIN21:29
smoserthen i can make it say that21:30
rharperso yaml aside, why doesn't CI_DOMAIN just equal the fqdn we want ?21:30
smoserbut i'm not really interested in tmemplating yaml just for that.21:30
rharperI don't have a strong opinion other than it looked strange to me21:30
rharperthat's fair on the template21:30
smoserblackboxsw: you think its worht the change there?21:31
smoserrharper is suggesting line 26 in the web diff would show:21:31
smoser ex_fqdn = "cloudinit2." + CI_DOMAIN21:32
smoser(probably an import to get it too)21:32
blackboxswit's a good point, either that + CI_DOMAIN or a comment cross-referencing the why21:32
smoserk. i'll push that21:33
blackboxswyes, don't want just magic, as then we have to fgrep21:33
blackboxswthe "later we" who forget this21:33
smoserbut you ahve to grep anyway21:35
smoserbecause of the yaml21:35
blackboxswtrue story21:35
smoserand i thought the inability to change the yaml and the proximity of the two meant it was more straight forward to have the same string21:36
smoserbut aywahy.21:36
blackboxswhold up a sec. :/ hmm. I'm onboard w/ the import in python for CI_DOMAIN.21:37
blackboxswin yaml just want that string comparison21:37
blackboxswthose files are side-by-side and easy to Xreference21:37
blackboxswno need to do much work for the yaml as I want just plain expected strings etc.21:37
blackboxswI kindof liken it to our unit test  assertEquals('some-string', result_of_somefunc) it's nice to see the full expected string unaltered by having to decode what CI_DOMAIN means21:39
blackboxswsmoser: rharper ^.   I don't really mind one way or another. Just wanted a stance21:40
blackboxswI liken 'it'  (the yaml file as the plain string assertions)21:40
rharperI suggested a comment in the yaml to point back to the variable source21:41
rharperIMO; I'd see CI_DOMAIN='cloudinit2.i9n.cloud-init.io';  then the test py code import CI_DOMAIN; and the yaml use the string value of the variable and add # CI_DOMAIN from nocloud_kvm.py21:42
rharperso, one variable, one string; all .py code uses the same variable; and the yaml points to the variable via comment string21:42
blackboxswok +1 /me should go back to reading comprehension school21:42
smoserok. udpated.21:51
rharpergood enough21:52

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