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mitya57doko: both qtwebengine and kdb are now fixed in -proposed10:45
dokomitya57: ta10:47
dokojamespage: please merge/sync python-testtools, bzr is dep-wait on it.11:40
dokoit's Debian openstack package11:41
dokojbicha, seb128: udisks2 needs another merge, gnome-disk-utility is dep-wait11:47
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, gnome-shell is a "please steal it from me"12:02
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seb128doko, right, that's known but blocked on libblockdev that needs to be MIRed first12:18
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: I already did ;)13:12
LocutusOfBorg<3 jbicha13:41
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: but if you want that gnome-shell/virtualbox bug SRU'd to artful, you'll need to add the SRU template to the bug description13:42
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, I don't even know if it is worth the fix or not13:56
LocutusOfBorgand if it fixed at the end completely the issue13:56
LocutusOfBorgvbox in bionic is utterly broken it seems13:56
jbichaI haven't had much of a problem with VirtualBox13:56
LocutusOfBorghost or guest?13:58
LocutusOfBorgsetting up a bionic or artful machine is painful13:59
* Faux uses virtualbox pretty heavily on an artful host.13:59
LocutusOfBorgFaux, what is the guest14:00
FauxXP, Win7.14:00
jbichaI have bionic guest on artful host, doesn't feel very painful here14:00
LocutusOfBorgFaux, the problem seems to be wayland or so14:04
LocutusOfBorgand new kernels14:04
FauxAha. As an nvidia user, I will never get to use wayland on the host.14:05
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, why not merging from Debian?14:31
* LocutusOfBorg gnome-shell is context14:31
jbichabecause there is substantial diff and I wanted to get the 3.26.2 SRU started sooner14:49
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TJ-nacc: whilst you're looking at my fixes for ycmd  maybe you'd look at couple of other papercuts fixes (related to vim) I've prepared debdiffs for: bug #1575802  and bug #172644118:47
ubottubug 1575802 in powerline (Ubuntu) "default dependancy should be python3-powerline" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157580218:47
ubottubug 1726441 in powerline (Ubuntu) "powerline version from repository is not compatible with fish version" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172644118:47
naccTJ-: i'll add them to my list :) they are lower priority generally for me right now, but i should be able to sponsor them sometime soon18:48
naccTJ-: I promise I will at least look tonight18:53
naccTJ-: if i read the ycmd bug, it needs a xenial only task? can you help make sure that there is a comment in each (if it's already there, it's fine) saying where the fix is needed (including 16.04, 17.04, 17.10, 18.04 as possiblities) and where ot?18:53
TJ-nacc: will do :)20:03
naccTJ-: thanks!20:03
TJ-nacc: argh! my membership of bug-control has lapsed. I'll have to re-join20:06
naccTJ-: if you do the nomination, i can approve them20:07
naccI believe anyone can nominate, at least20:07
naccTJ-: i just want to make sure the bug stat is right20:07
nacc*status, sorry20:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
TJ-nacc: no nomination links for me :(20:29
naccTJ-: ok, can you add comments with the relevant info?20:30
TJ-will do; sorting out my bugcontrol membership too20:39
niedbalskibdmurray, ping21:27
bdmurrayniedbalski: howdy21:27
niedbalskibdmurray, hey bryan, sorry to pester you about this, could you check the verification for LP: #1657256? also, not sure why the Trusty patch wasn't moved into -proposed (it's currently seating in unapvd).21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1657256 in percona-xtradb-cluster-5.5 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Percona crashes when doing a a 'larger' update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165725621:28
bdmurrayniedbalski: There are some autopkgtest failures for zesty w/ diaspora-installer21:31
niedbalskibdmurray, where I can look for those errors?21:32
niedbalskibdmurray, hard to tell if those failures are related to the change though.21:37
superm1Hi all.  I was interested in fixing autopkgtest for a package I maintain (fwupd).  I've got it working on debci now, but on Ubuntu it fails with an error i'm not sure how to properly fix.  http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/fwupd/bionic/amd64 the particular error is "Failed to restart dbus.service: Operation refused, unit dbus.service may be requested by dependency only (it is configured to refuse manual start/stop)." which yes,22:31
superm1I'm trying to manually start dbus because it's needed in the test environment. ....  The debian/tests i'm using is here: https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd/tree/master/contrib/debian/tests22:31
infinitysuperm1: Depending on dbus should be all that's required to have it started in the test environment.22:33
superm1infinity: really?  OK well that's an easy enough fix, thanks22:34
infinitysuperm1: "The test enviornment" is a regular system (in a VM or container, depending on arch).  So, yes, depending on daemons should start them the same way it would on your desktop or laptop.22:34
infinitysuperm1: Not like a build chroot, where we intentionally hamstring daemons.22:35
superm1Alright, thanks22:35
infinitysuperm1: Oh, but looking at the script, it seems the intent there wasn't to start dbus, but maybe to reload your config?22:39
infinitysuperm1: If so, it wanted to be reload, not restart.22:39
superm1no, it was to start dbus22:40
infinitysuperm1: (and reload does work)22:40
infinitysuperm1: Kay.  If the intent was to use restart to start, indeed, dbus should alread be started.22:40
superm1I just had this thought that it needed explicit starting since that's how i'm used to working in chroots and stuff like travis CI22:40
infinitysuperm1: Yeah, debci is (IMO) better than that, in the sense that it's really testing how your stuff behaves on a real non-hobbled Debian/Ubuntu system.22:41
infinitysuperm1: If you have to do any synthetic setup after installing your packages, it's a pretty crap test of how your package works, after all.22:41
superm1infinity: yeah true22:41
superm1the peculiar thing to me though; why was I not hitting this in debian's debci?22:42
superm1It's been working just fine there22:42
infinityTheir dbus service might not block restart like ours does.22:44
superm1ah yeah; that looks to be the case: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/154028222:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1540282 in dbus (Ubuntu) "Breaks policykit/systemctl commands when restarted" [Low,Fix released]22:45
infinityYeahp, just checked in a sid chroot, they don't block restart.  They really should, for the same reasons.22:47
infinitydbus restart is amazingly harmful.22:47
infinityI'm going to blame pitti, who probably should have committed that back to Debian. :P22:48

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