
ubot5If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/00:32
=== Sveta_ is now known as sveta
=== sveta is now known as Sveta
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:54
lotuspsychjeBen64: did your xenial work out the other day?05:55
Ben64still got some playing around to do with themes05:55
Ben64was editing them by hand for a couple hrs today :|05:55
lotuspsychjeBen64: wich DE did you choose?05:56
Ben64and still haven't been able to get windows in qemu to take my passthrough'd gpu05:56
Ben64grabbing qemu stuff from artful repo05:56
Ben64i'm breaking all the rules over here05:57
Ben64took nvidia driver out of initramfs so i can grab the 2nd gpu before nvidia does05:57
lotuspsychjeim gonna start testing beaver soon05:57
Ben64bought a rx 560 for passthrough today05:57
Ben64might have more luck with that05:58
Ben64apparently nvidia drivers try to detect vm and stop it05:58
lotuspsychjehmm didnt know that05:58
Ben64all so i can run like 3 windows apps05:58
lotuspsychjewich ones05:59
Ben64fusion 360, maya, unity3d05:59
Ben64maya and unity3d have linux versions but they're not quite as polished06:00
lotuspsychjei hear blender did alot of bugging out recently06:00
Ben64i never could get the hang of blender06:01
EriC^^morning all06:01
EriC^^hey Ben6406:01
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== ariver is now known as Guest17819
Alsophila1Hi EriC^^06:17
EriC^^hi Alsophila106:17
Alsophila1I'm going to die...06:17
Alsophila1After upgrading my Ubuntu to 17.10...06:18
Alsophila1I can't create any project in Eclipse...06:18
EriC^^create or save?06:19
Alsophila1Only can I choose General and CVS06:21
Alsophila1My JDT and CDT all did not work...06:21
=== Alsophila1 is now known as Alsophila
EriC^^did you try reinstalling eclipse?06:23
AlsophilaYes but useless...06:23
AlsophilaWhen I open an existing project... It called mousepad for me to edit my file...06:24
AlsophilaAs if it doesn't have an editor...06:25
AlsophilaI wonder if I should burn another Ubuntu installer USB stick...06:29
EriC^^Alsophila: fresh installing is nicer anyways06:40
EriC^^go for it06:40
AlsophilaOh...  My collected software...06:49
ducassegood morning!06:54
EriC^^morning ducasse o/06:57
ducasse\o EriC^^ - up early?06:57
EriC^^yup :)06:57
EriC^^how are you doing?06:58
ducassea bit tired, didn't sleep much - otherwise good, thanks :) all well with you?06:59
EriC^^good here, didn't sleep much myself either, i think my neighbors had a birthday party or something, til about 5am07:00
ducasseoh, that's always fun :-/ luckily both my neighbors are well into their 80s, so not much noise here :)07:02
lordievaderGood morning07:02
EriC^^morning lordievader07:03
ducassewb lordievader, how's life?07:04
lordievaderHey EriC^^ ducasse07:04
lordievaderDoing good here07:04
lordievaderHow are you guys?07:04
EriC^^lordievader: good here thanks, you?07:05
lordievader^, hihihi07:05
ducassegood morning lotuspsychje :)07:33
ducassework today?07:33
jinkWork EVERY DAY07:35
jinkBecause pay checks and bills.07:35
ducassedon't talk about bills this early :(07:37
Ben64monodevelop saying it doesn't know what IEnumerator is now...07:49
ducasseBen64: did you get the theme thing sorted out?07:53
Ben64really frustrating doing theme stuff07:56
Ben64dunno if its a gnome thing or an ubuntu thing07:56
Ben64yay IEnumerator exists again07:57
Ben64had to install mono-reference-assemblies-2.0 mono-reference-assemblies-3.507:58
Ben64all the little problems that come up is why i like LTS07:58
lotuspsychjehey ducasse08:08
ducassehiya, lotus \o08:09
ducasseall well today?08:09
lotuspsychjeyeah fine mate, chilling before WORK lol08:12
ducassesssh, don't say that word ;)08:12
lotuspsychjeKILL BILLS08:13
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
BluesKajHiyas all11:56
lordievaderhey BluesKaj (IRC)11:58
lordievaderHow are you doing?11:58
BluesKajHi lordievader, fine here, and you?11:58
lordievaderDoing good here.11:59
lordievaderMoved from riot to Weechat.11:59
BluesKajstill use the reliable old Konversation12:04
BluesKajprefer a gui for irc, easier for these old eyes. I'll use irssi in the vt/tty if needed, but otherwise Konversation is my choice12:07
BluesKajlordievader, I just read about Riot, it looks like an interesting irc client, why did you switch?13:23
lordievaderIt is not an IRC client, it is a Matrix client. Though you can do your IRC via Matrix.13:33
lordievaderWeechat has a Matrix plugin. I like a cli client more than running half a Web browser as a chat client.13:33
BluesKajlordievader, this guy like to have his hand held if you let him, he's lazy13:47
lordievaderI know.13:51
lordievaderQuite lazy.13:51
ducassei think it's ignore time in loonyville...14:44
BluesKajhehe, yeah14:45
ducasse"i don't understand what this is, but i need to get rid of it because it's spying on me!"14:47
BluesKajparanoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep :-)14:48
BluesKajNeil Young14:48
pauljwi thought that was CSN14:56
pauljwmy bad, you're right.  it was Buffalo Springfield w/Neil Young... :)14:58
BluesKajHi pauljw , you aren't bad, just mistaken :-)15:00
BluesKajI wasa wrong as well, Stephen Stills wrote the song, "Forwhat it'15:04
BluesKajs worth"15:04
pauljwah, and i'd bet CSN has performed it more than once, hence my thinking it was theirs.15:06
BluesKajall these yrs i thought Neil Young wrote it ...too bad my musiclologist pal passed last yr , he would have straightened me out on that one ... he was amazing15:07
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest87474
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest45041
tgm4883nacc: I'm not even sure I understand that logic..... "I've always used iirc when I want to talk about irc. I didn't know I could just type irc to mean irc"18:10
nacctgm4883: :)18:11
TJ-nooo, you misunderstand, iirc == irritating internet relay chat :)18:14
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=== IdleOne is now known as Guest57523
naccwhat is wrong with the channel today??19:32
lordievadernacc (IRC): What do you mean?19:44
nacclordievader: just crazy right now ... totally random offtopic requests19:45
nacc"how do I make it so root can't see what I do on a system"?19:45
nicomachusI'm not even bothering today nacc19:45
lordievaderAh, #ubuntu? Glad I'm not in there.19:46
nacclordievader: yeah19:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
daftykins<Morpheus mode> it's always been this way, you're just seeing it for the first time20:18
daftykins</The Matrix>20:18
nicomachusdaftykins: here's a fun riddle for you20:20
nicomachuswhy would my Amazon Echo ping 'www.example.com', 'www.example.org', and 'www.example.net' on both IPv4 and IPv6 every 5 minutes on the dot?20:20
daftykinsi daren't hazard a guess for such silly gimmicky devices (:20:21
nicomachusApparently Amazon doesn't even know.20:21
nicomachus"This is just the network logs being sent to improve connectivity."20:23
nicomachus"This will take time to send all the logs once all the logs will be sent it will automatically silent. As often it will ping as soon it will be resolved."20:23
nicomachus"So higher frequency of the pings means that your network connectivity is being strong much sooner."20:23
nicomachusJust.... what.20:23
daftykinssounds like online support chat? :)20:25
nicomachusI asked for a native English speaker after that because I had no idea what that guy was trying to say.20:25
daftykinsyeah they're dirty liars20:25
nicomachusgot a new person, just as bad with English. Told me they'd look into it and get in touch within 24-48 hours.20:25
nicomachusmeanwhile, I'm just blacklisting the domain through pihole I guess. And a few of their metric domains. :D20:26
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daftykinsgotta love big company support20:41
oerheksyay, new LSHW .. lshw_02.18-0.1ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb23:49
oerhekslets see if i have new hardware too23:49

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