
=== RAOF is now known as Guest13499
Guest13499Oh, good.06:00
Guest13499Now that I'm actually testing Mir, it doesn't pass the wlcs tests.06:00
* Guest13499 thinks CLion at least should have a static analysis for “this function which claims to return an int will instead always throw”06:00
Guest13499Now GNOME Shell passes the wlcs tests!06:23
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== Guest13499 is now known as RAOF
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
alan_gSon_Goku: I fixed the gmock issue in cmake, but am getting weird errors running some of the tests and wondering if F28 has known issues.14:30
Son_Gokuit's possible14:30
Son_GokuFedora 28 isn't branched yet14:30
Son_Gokuthink of it like Debian sid at this point14:31
alan_gIn that case I'll leave it (for the time being).14:35
Son_GokuI'm going to take a look and see what might be wrong with gmock14:36
Son_Gokualan_g, what do the errors look like from the tests?14:38
alan_g"double free or corruption"14:39
alan_gAnd assorted expectation failures14:40
Son_Gokuhmm, are they happening in the test or in gmock?14:44
alan_gI guess that one's an "invalid pointer"14:51
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Pharaoh_Atemalan_g: did you intend to not tag and release mir 0.28.2?17:49
alan_gPharaoh_Atem: 0.28.2? That's still under development17:50
Pharaoh_Atemah, I thought it was released since you made a debian changelog entry for it17:50
alan_gThat's just a working draft ATM17:51
Pharaoh_Atemah, okay17:51
* Pharaoh_Atem is running through a build of mir with 0.28.1 with the two patches for Fedora17:51
alan_gCool, let me know how that works for you17:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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