
naccto see what it's trying to load and why00:00
mribeirodantasDoes anyone know what may have happened? Any package that I'm not aware of that might have been removed when I removed xfce4/xubuntu-desktop?00:01
naccmribeirodantas: you can check your apt.log00:01
naccmribeirodantas: but i'd also try backing up ~/.config and ~/.local and seeing if things work00:02
naccmribeirodantas: not sure what controls those optionsn, tbh00:02
foopermanEg, try a new user, can also try  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^  and see what it wants to (re-)install.00:02
naccfooperman: yeah, good idea too00:03
naccalthough if it's the option not being present at the greeter, then it won't matter about the user00:03
naccso it's probably a knob or setting that got toggled00:03
foopermanWell he's on 17.10, the GNOME version uses GDM while Xubuntu uses lightdm.  If he installed xubuntu-desktop (the package, rather than task) he'll have something more inbetween.00:05
naccfooperman: true, and depending on it, the greeter may have switched00:05
ErtainSome other information about the wifi adapter: when I load the "8192cu" module, it blinks a few times, then it goes dark.00:06
ErtainLog on Ubuntu Pastebin -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25921446/00:08
foopermanThat is one fantastic device name..00:09
aroonican anyone help with getting my extra mouse buttons to work on ubuntu?00:09
naccErtain: your dhcp server is putting out rather short leases00:11
naccErtain: it's renewing every 2 minutes?00:11
ErtainFrom the looks of it, it is. I didn't set it do that, though.00:11
ErtainI'm wondering if the wifi adapter is dropping the connection every few minutes?00:11
ErtainDrat. That's a paste from the preivous day. The problem started on the 7th, not the 6th.00:13
naccErtain: ah ok, because i'm not seeing any real errors there00:13
ErtainHere's the newer one -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25921469/00:14
cicdcSo I've upgraded to 17.10, but I need to now install the python3.5-dev package, only it doesn't exist, is there a way I can do this?00:16
nacccicdc: non, becuase 17.10 is 3.600:16
TJ-Ertain: does the device use a firmware file? maybe there's a newer version been installed?00:17
naccErtain: it looks to not have received any DHCP offers00:18
ErtainFrom the looks of the apt log, a newer firmware file hasn't been installed.00:18
ErtainI'm wondering _why_ it hasn't received any DHCP offers.00:19
cicdcnacc, ok, so on the other hand, can I just remove the python 3.5 package then?00:19
naccErtain: you'd want to check the dhcp server00:19
oerheks!info python3.6-dev00:19
ubottupython3.6-dev (source: python3.6): Header files and a static library for Python (v3.6). In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.3-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 507 kB, installed size 524 kB00:19
TJ-Ertain: has the system been COLD powered-off since the issue began?00:19
oerhekscicdc, hod did you install 3.5 in the first place??00:20
nacccicdc: if you have python3 installed and are fully upgraded, python3.5 should autoremove00:20
naccoerheks: if they came from 17.04?00:20
cicdcok Thanks!00:20
oerhekshe should be on 3.6, no?00:20
naccoerheks: yeah, it sounds like they are00:20
naccoerheks: but perhaps somethign didn't clean up properly?00:20
naccoerheks: not sure, i don't konw the actual state00:20
nacccicdc: is python3.5 actually installed?00:21
ErtainWhat would I check exactly? Are there logs (besides the syslog) that I could check?00:21
foopermancicdc: Take a look at what you have installed locally,  apt list | grep installed,loc00:24
TJ-Ertain: nacc do you notice that there's a dhclient running at boot WAY BEFORE NetworkManager gets started. when NM starts it uses wpa_supplicant but because something else has hold of the interface nothing happens00:24
ErtainT3: so you think that there is something _else_ which calls "dhclient" before it is suppose to be called?00:25
ErtainOops, it's "TJ" not "T3". :-/00:25
causativein system monitor it says 2.4 GiB memory used, 2.8 GiB swap used.  I tried manually adding up all the memory used by each process listed in system monitor and it only comes to 1483 MiB.  What gives?00:26
TJ-Ertain: "Nov  7 17:02:12 CCA-login-kiosk dhclient[688]: Listening on LPF/wlx74da386bb9cb/74:da:38:6b:b9:cb"00:26
naccTJ-: good catch00:26
sixyearsofdreamshow do i boot ubuntu 1604 in terminal/console only00:26
TJ-Ertain: looks like you have Network Manager looking after eno1 but not wlx74da386bb9cb00:27
TJ-Ertain: process ID 649 is 'sh', so I'm assuming there is an early shell script being used to load dhclient00:29
Hugboxcausative, check out the answer here https://askubuntu.com/questions/158205/memory-usage-doesnt-add-up great explanation of what you're seeing, and how to get a better idea of how much ram is being used00:29
foopermansixyearsofdreams: Edit the grub line, adding systemd.unit=multi-user.target00:29
TJ-Ertain: I'm going to guess that you've got multiple network-management tools conflicting00:29
ErtainI'll look in /etc/rc.local. Maybe I put something in there and had forgotten about it.00:29
TJ-Ertain: and ensure NM is set to manage the WiFi connection (all connections) so there's no conflicy00:30
ErtainIf I recall, it used "nmtui" to set the connection. So maybe it changed something there.00:30
ljchey, i need linux-gate.so.2 library, but not sure how to get it?00:30
causativeHugbox, free tells me used: 2040 free: 1197 buff/cache: 631, it's still not adding up, and there's no explanation for why it's using so much swap since it shouldn't be buffering files in swap00:31
TJ-Ertain: "nmcli dev" and "nmcli con" and for a ncurses connection editor, "nmtui"00:31
causativewell, ok the actual memory more or less adds up, but not the swap00:31
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing00:32
causativeI've been actually running out of memory recently with 4gb memory 4gb swap00:33
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/00:33
causativeand I don't see why this would be happening00:33
causativeyes that just says file caching, doesn't tell me why it's using swap00:34
ErtainBtw, I had to change around the connections in /etc/network/interfaces. Specifically, I switched the orders of the wifi connection and the ethernet connection, so that the wifi connection is first given an IP address. I had to do that because the system kept using the ethernet connection even when there wasn't an ethernet cable connected.00:35
TJ-ljc: you can't have it; it doesn't exist00:35
causativewhen I say I've been running out of memory I don't mean my memory appears full on system monitor, I mean my programs are crashing and leaving out of memory logs in dmesg00:36
TJ-Ertain: if it is using ifupdown then why have network-manager installed? You'd be better off removing one or the other00:36
TJ-causative: OK, the OOM killer (Out Of Memory)00:36
ljcTJ-: hm ok. i'm getting a "no such file or directory" when i try to run this executable, how can I debug what it it's referring to?00:36
TJ-causative: that suggests some process(es) are locking pages in RAM so they can't be swapped out. What applications are you using ?00:37
causativebut I don't see why I would be running out, or why I'm using so much swap right now when I only have firefox 10 10 tabs, hexchat, and some text editors and terminals open00:37
causative*firefox with 10 tabs00:37
TJ-ljc: linux-gate.so is a pseudo-file that the Linux kernel 'embeds' in process virtual memory to allow the process to make syscalls into the kernel00:37
sixyearsofdreamsfooperman, thanks00:37
ErtainThe kiosk is in a place where they don't have an ethernet connection available.00:37
causativeTJ-, I was using pyrogenesis, the process has been killed but perhaps the pages are still wrongly locked?00:39
TJ-ljc: it's part of the vDSO (virtual Dynamic Shared Object) services the kernel embeds in every process00:39
ljcTJ-: not sure how to debug this situation, it's a 32bit binary but i've been able to run other 32bit bins on this machine00:40
TJ-causative: I'm not familiar with that application; but if it likes to use lots of memory it could be the cause. The /var/log/kern.log might give more info00:40
TJ-ljc: sounds like it's a very old binary, from an old version of Linux?00:41
ljcTJ-: yes that is very well possible00:41
TJ-ljc: see "man 7 vdso" and the NOTES section00:42
causativethe /var/log/kern.log has the same information as dmesg about the out of memory error00:42
ljcTJ-: oky00:42
TJ-causative: right; that's where dmesg gets saved to :) I was hoping there might be more info about processes and memory pressure00:42
causativeyeah there's a lot of information, it's a big dump00:43
sixyearsofdreamsfooperman, would that be about the same as ctrl+alt+f1 > stop lightdm00:43
tripledoubleHello, this might not be the channel to ask this, but: I have an Ubuntu aws ec2 instance. I ssh'd into the virtual machine with Putty and the .pem key I generated when creating the box. I can change to root user by typing $sudo su, but If I remain on the default created ubuntu user and type $sudo ls for example, I am asked for a password. What is that password, since I didnt set one?00:43
ArMedic Would anyone have a reason as to why a VPN would have a DNS leak while connecting with network manager, but not when connecting to the vpn via the terminal...00:43
causativebut why is it using so much swap *right now*? isn't there some tool that will tell me which process is taking up swap?00:44
jaithhi everyone. I would like to jail/chroot a user such that this can *only* scp a file to a particular location to be read by others. I've looked into chroot but it seems really complicated and poorly explained here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:46
causativeit's not adding up, even accounting for cache00:47
TJ-causative: "top" in a terminal, then press 'i' to hide idle processes. focus on the RES (resident memory set) column initially00:47
jaithcan anyone suggest a simple way to grant scp privileges for a user to upload a file? I'm especially concerned that this user is not able to read my PHP source files in the web root00:48
TJ-jaith: can that user also ssh in, or only have scp access?00:48
tyzoidjaith: Just set the ssh to chroot to a locked-down location, and set it to sftp-only00:48
jaithI only want the user to be able to scp a file up to the server00:50
jaithor perhaps download ONLY the files in their own home directory00:50
jaithtyzoid: "set the ssh to chroot?" not sure what you mean?00:50
causativehmm it looks like compiz is taking up a lot of virtual memory00:51
causativeand little resident00:51
tyzoidjaith: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot#Configure_OpenSSH00:51
tyzoidjaith: You can set it up to match users instead of groups, which is how I use it.00:52
TJ-jaith: you can do that via the user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. see the 29-point answer here: https://serverfault.com/questions/83856/allow-scp-but-not-actual-login-using-ssh#8385700:52
tyzoidTJ-: That requires keys be active and used.00:52
jaithoh dang TJ, sorry00:53
causativethis is a strange way of reporting, I would have expected system monitor to list the actual total virtual memory used by each process, instead it seems to list only the resident memory of each process00:53
foopermansixyearsofdreams: That'd precisely replace the old 'text' option.00:53
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:53
foopermansixyearsofdreams: If you want to change and make that default, then you could also set that as default without editing /etc/default/grub.00:54
TJ-tyzoid: right; keys should be the default for any public access00:54
jaithtyzoid: thank you...looking into that00:54
causativebut I am using an SSD and I actually think I should turn off swap, right? or perhaps plug a HDD in and put my swap on that, because SSDs are not designed for swap activity levels00:54
tyzoidTJ-: Not all systems can use keys.00:54
TJ-tyzoid: huh? it's a standard part of SSH!00:55
tyzoidTJ-: Think windows ftp/scp clients. Some don't work with keys.00:55
tyzoidSure, for ssh, but this is for file uploads.00:55
jaithTJ-: perhaps I'm missing something, but can't a user edit their own ssh key? it's important that this user not be able to alter/escalate their privileges and escape the chroot/jail00:56
tyzoidjaith: That's why you place their keyfile outside their jail00:56
TJ-tyzoid: files over SSH (scp) the s standards for Secure shell cp.00:56
TJ-jaith: not if you make them read-only and immutable00:56
tyzoidTJ-: I'm aware. Not sure what that has anything to do with it - clients are not required to implement the entire spec. It's strongly suggested, but some don't support it.00:57
jaithTJ-: I think I'd prefer to try and jail/chroot them by editing the sshd_config, perhaps by group rather than username00:57
causativealso perhaps I should install lubuntu, because this is ridiculous that it's using 3.5G of memory (minus 730M buff/cache) when I have even closed firefox, and have nothing but a few terminals, hexchat, system monitor, and a couple text editors open00:57
causative3.5G = mem + swap00:57
tyzoidcausative: Run htop/top and see what's taking the majority of your memory00:58
TJ-jaith: for those kinf of situations I don't store the user's .ssh in the user's $HOME, it's in /etc/sshd/users/$USER/00:58
tyzoidI guess system monitor should also display that. I'm curious as to what's taking 3.5gb on a system that's not running much.00:59
solidfoxhello, I'm using xubuntu00:59
solidfoxand when I click a .c file it doesn't open because the default action is "Execute"01:00
causativetyzoid, system monitor apparently only displays resident memory use per process, it's not showing anything that would add up to that much01:00
tyzoidcausative: what's `free -m` gotta say about it?01:01
tyzoidsolidfox: what's your xdg default for .c files?01:01
solidfoxMakefile wants to execute too01:01
TJ-causative: try "vmstat -a"01:02
causativevmstat -aw https://pastebin.com/rsevZmf501:03
TJ-causative: if you really want to see where the kernel is using pages: "sudo vmstat -m"01:04
tyzoidsolidfox: Right click the C file, select01:04
tyzoid'Open with Other Application'01:04
tyzoidthen select the correct application, and check 'Use as default'01:04
tyzoidthen click ok01:04
solidfoxtyzoid, still wants to execute instead of opening01:05
solidfoxI chose gedit01:05
TJ-causative: so right now there's 2.2GiB available01:05
solidfoxtyzoid, I chose use as default01:06
solidfoxtyzoid, it opens after I click ok. but not after that when I double click01:06
tyzoidcausative: I only see 1.2gb used.01:06
tyzoidcausative: https://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:06
causativefree says 2090 kb swap used01:07
tyzoidoh wait, i didn't factor in swap.01:07
tyzoidcausative: Use htop, and sort on memory.01:07
tyzoidthat's what I usually use.01:07
causativewhat's this where it shows 10.2%  memory usage for 20 different PIDs that are all firefox (which I reopened)?01:08
tyzoidcausative: It's possible that firefox didn't fully close, and is hanging around in the background. Just kill 'em01:10
causativeI said I reopened it, question is why does it show that on so many different processes01:10
causativeshouldn't just one process have the memory usage?01:10
tyzoidoh, those are threads.01:10
causativethreads have different PIDs?01:11
tyzoidhtop will show those. You can change the options to show them in a different color, if you want01:11
causativeI guess it's confusingly showing PID and TID in the same column01:12
tyzoidcausative: That's what I can tell too.01:12
causativeI'll reboot01:21
causativeit's not using any swap after rebooting01:24
craigbass76I'm trying to compare Windows to Linux filesystem layout for someone. What's the Windows equivalent of /etc/ ? A lot of that's stored in Program Files, isn't it? /bin and /sbin also have equivalents of what's in Program Files too methinks01:27
causativeso idk, maybe it was something that just wasn't getting cleaned up, I had 60 days uptime01:27
causativememory leaks01:27
=== vern_ is now known as vern
Jordan_Ucraigbass76: Windows does things significantly differently, to the point where comparisons might be more confusing than just explaining how things are. For example, the closest thing to /etc/ in Windows would probably be the registry, which isn't even a directory.02:00
craigbass76Jordan_U: I'm leaning toward saying that /etc, /bin, and /sbin are "kind of" the equivalent02:01
craigbass76Jordan_U: http://fossfolks.com/wp-content/uploads/images/oses/windows_and_linux_file_system_comparison.png02:01
craigbass76This is just enough for someone to not feel like a total idiot when they first sit down02:02
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
hatp_hello, no matter what distro I try to install, I get an error that looks like this as soon as I hit install: https://imgur.com/gallery/4y5Sr02:10
compdochatp_, in the bios, you might try to disable iommu or virtual machine service02:13
terfysgwrIn (any) terminal, when I press a function key (F10, F11, etc) it spits out a number + ~ (f11 = 3~). What should I be googling to sort out this? I am having trouble finding results02:34
Ben64terfysgwr: what do you expect will happen02:36
terfysgwrFor something like F11, I would expect the terminal to go fullscreen02:36
terfysgwrIt's a recent issue and I am not sure what I did that altered it02:36
Ben64whatever terminal would have to support that shortcut02:39
=== Vector3 is now known as vok
=== vok is now known as vohk
terfysgwrBen64, lxterminal does support it. Normally (in my experience) it comes that out out the box on a fresh install02:46
terfysgwrIt's a new issue for me. When you press function keys in a terminal, will it normally result in number+tilde ?02:48
davido_Having read the Known Issues | Desktop for Ubuntu 17.10 I am curious if people are successfully using multi-monitor support with laptops, with the laptop display intentionally disabled.02:53
davido_That is my specific mode of use. Because it's identified as a known issue, I've been delaying upgrade from 17.04.02:54
Ben64i don't see why it wouldn't be possible on xorg02:55
davido_This is the "Known Issue" that has me concerned: When an external monitor is connected to a laptop, the login screen is only displayed on the internal one and in some case is not visible (1723025)02:56
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
=== Sveta_ is now known as sveta
=== sveta is now known as Sveta
ZythyrI have a question regarding secruity. I want to create a Ubuntu based Seafile server for backuping and sync of data between my computers. The computer will be running at home. My biggest concern what if a theif gets hold of my server/hard drive. I looked into encrypted home using ecryptfs (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome). But one issue I run into is that Seafile server doesn't03:28
Zythyrrun until I physically loginto the server. This means I can't remotely manage the server. Is there an alternate approach?03:28
CryptoManiacI have openvpn server running on Ubuntu 14. The server has its main IP address on eth0 and an additional IP from the host provider which I have assigned as an alias to eth 0:0. I've tried a lot of things so far to get my vpn traffic to see originate from the alias IP instead of the main server IP but it doesn't work. I edited the ufw before rules with these lines but still nothing...03:34
AlsophilaHello everyone...03:56
AlsophilaI need some help...After my Ubuntu upgraded to 17.10, I can't create java or c project in Eclipse...03:58
AlsophilaThere only remains General and CVS...04:00
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
jaithhey guys!  I'm trying to restrict a user to nothing but chrooted sftp and/or scp access to my machine. I tried this, but it doesn't support scp: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot05:11
jaithIf you try scp, you get "This service allows sftp connections only."05:12
jaithI tried rssh according to some other instructions, and I was able to copy files via both sftp and scp, HOWEVER the user was not chrooted...If I set the sshd config to chroot the user, it complains "/usr/bin/rssh: No such file or directory"05:16
bloopsomeone should put a note for nvidia 340 drivers that it will freeze the desktop at seemingly random times05:42
bloopunless you disable low power mode05:42
bloopin nvidia x settings05:42
Svetabloop: is this driver from ubuntu, or from an external repository?05:43
bloopfrom ubuntu05:43
bloopit doesn't just affect ubuntu either05:43
bloopbecause I went from ubuntu to arch linux and the nvidia 340 drivers from arch linux also freeze my system when it goes into low power mode05:44
bloopand this has been a problem for a very long time, apparently05:44
bloopfrom my googling until I finally discovered what was wrong05:44
bloopit's an nvidia driver issue05:44
Svetabloop: but it's a proprietary nvidia driver right? i think you can use http://www.nvidia.com/object/support_readme.html05:45
bloopyes it is proprietary05:45
bloopand it's broke05:45
bloopthe only way to fix it from freezing is to disable going into lower power mode in the x settings for nvidia05:45
bloopit didn't affect my system when I was 32 bit on 16.0405:45
bloopwhen I installed 64 bit and the corresponding nvidia 340 64 bit drivers is when I experienced the issue05:46
Svetabloop: I would suggest to ask nvidia about it following the link.05:46
bloopI've already googled it05:46
bloopnvidia have responded and blamed other people05:46
hateball340.x is considered legacy so I doubt nVidia puts much resources into it05:46
bloopbut they don't care enough to fix legacy drivers05:46
Svetabloop: ok, perhaps ubuntu package needs to be fixed so that low power mode is off by default?05:47
bloopI would suggest so05:47
bloopbecause I thought I wasn't able to use my drivers05:47
Svetabloop: could you request this at launchpad please?05:47
Ben64have you verified the problem happens on other systems05:47
Svetaat archlinux yes, but he tested only one computer I think05:47
bloopBen64, I've googled and it seems to be an issue that affects a lot of people with legacy cards05:47
Ben64what card is it05:48
bloopfor instance05:48
bloophere is someone who experienced a similar issue05:48
Ben64is it all mobile05:48
bloopbut he thought it was because he has two graphics card05:48
bloopintel hd and nvidia05:48
bloopbut it's not that05:48
bloopbecause it affects me and I don't have an intel hd onboard05:48
bloopi have nvidia gt geforce 240m05:49
bloopit seems to only affect mobile cards from my googling05:49
bloopnouveau works fine by the way05:50
bloopso it's not an issue there05:51
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
Ben64says it doesn't happen on kernels >2.6.3805:53
Ben64!info linux-image-generic trusty05:54
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB05:54
Ben64yeah, they're all above 2.605:54
jaithanyone know a really quick/clean way to restrict a user to scp access and chroot them? This just supports sftp: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot05:58
jaithrssh can limit users easily to scp and sftp (ideal!) but doesn't play nice with chroot05:59
=== thurstylark is now known as thursdaylark
gnomethrowerjaith: doesn't sftp *use* scp?06:16
gnomethroweri would think allowing sftp explicitly means allowing the things it relies on :)06:16
gnomethrower...oh. never mind, please ignore me.06:17
jaithgnomethrower: from my experience these past few hours, NO06:17
jaithgnomethrower: sshd_config has nice features to easily allow chrooted sftp, but when you try to copy files from a remote machine using scp, you get "This service allows sftp connections only."06:19
jaithrssh allows both sftp and scp, but when you tell sshd_config to chroot connections, you get "/usr/bin/rssh: No such file or directory"06:19
gnomethrowerinteresting. sorry I can't be of more help06:20
gnomethrowerbut i'll continue to lurk in case you find a solution ;)06:21
=== Menzador is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador
=== tarator85 is now known as tarator
=== Alsophila1 is now known as Alsophila
nadiohello I am using postfix https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-on-ubuntu-16-04 and trying to add alises but for some reason it refuse to work /etc/postfix/virtual is the only file in ubuntu that is needed to changes in right ?06:45
nadiohave tried it all restart and postmap, but logs says relay access denied06:46
Triffid_Hunternadio: aliases and relaying have nothing to do with each other. if you want to send mail through it, you need to allow localhost to relay06:49
nadioTriffid_Hunter: the main.cnf relayhost =06:54
nadiosetting ?06:54
Triffid_Hunternadio: no, that's where to send emails06:55
nadioTriffid_Hunter: what setting are you refering to ? scanning over the config file with little success.06:57
Triffid_Hunternadio: mynetworks06:59
Triffid_Hunternadio: although it seems like the defaults should work for sending mail from local machine.. you'll have to set it up if you want to send mail from other machines though07:00
nadioTriffid_Hunter: thing is everything looks alright there, "mynetworks =" nothing odd what I can see ?07:00
Triffid_Hunternadio: and you're sure that's the incoming IP that postfix sees, and it has re-read your config since you added that?07:01
nadioTriffid_Hunter: Yes, just did a test, so long as I send to an email address assigned an user it works fine, but when I try to use an alias it refuses and causes the  Relay access denied; error07:04
nadiomynetworks was 100% what it says and restarted the deamon07:05
nadioerror unknown user: "admin"07:07
nadioor alias in this case07:07
nadiogreat now both are screwed up...07:10
kanupatarHi all, I am trying to setup cuckoo in my Ubuntu 17.04 PC. When I given the cuckoo installation command, I am getting the following error. Rolling back uninstall of Pillow Command "/usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-build-rzRJ1T/pillow/setup.py';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pi07:32
kanupatarany ideas?07:32
kanupatarHere is the command. sudo pip install -U cuckoo07:32
ducassekanupatar: that's not an ubuntu issue, you're using pip. talk to those who maintain cuckoo or try a python channel07:34
hateballkanupatar: also 17.04 will go EOL so might want to think about upgrading to 17.1007:36
ducassekanupatar: ^^ that happens in january, so start planning07:37
energizerI have a .cab file "microsoft cabinet archive" and i `cabextract` the file "WARNING; found InstallShield header. This is probably an InstallShield file. Use UNSHIELD from www.synce.org to unpack it." So I try "unshield -- 'data1.cab'" but it says "Unknown action 'd' on command line."07:44
energizerwhich is very strange given the command line -h07:44
energizerunshield [-c COMPONENT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D LEVEL] [-g GROUP] [-i VERSION] [-GhlOrV] c|g|l|t|x CABFILE [FILENAME...]07:44
energizeroh no it isnt07:44
gnomethrowerenergizer: what are you trying to do?07:46
energizergnomethrower: i have this cd from Windows 98, its supposed to have a data file on it, and im trying to figure out where/what it is07:54
EriC^^energizer: what data?08:02
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
energizerEriC^^: should just be text listings08:02
EriC^^energizer: if you know part of the text you could search for files that have that part08:03
energizerEriC^^: i think it might be encoded binary08:04
energizertheres a big .NFO file which looks promising but trying to decode it isnt working08:04
energizertried 8859-1 and cp45708:04
alkisgInstallshield .cab files are programs (both .exe and data)08:04
energizeryeah i successfully unshielded08:05
alkisg.nfo files usualyl are description files for cracks for old programs08:05
alkisgEncoded in cp43708:05
energizerthis is straight out of the original case so no warez presumably08:05
alkisgSometimes "file /path/to/file" gives useful insight08:06
energizerfile -i says application/octet-stream; charset=binary08:06
energizerand chardet gets confused08:06
alkisgtry "strings file | less"08:06
energizeralkisg: a few lines of metadata like "Times New Roman"\n copyright, etc, and then garbage08:08
alkisgSounds like data then08:09
alkisgE.g. loadable library or something08:09
energizerhate to try this in WINE...08:10
Ben64what are you actually trying to do though08:11
energizertheres some text data encoded on this cd here somehow/somewhere, and i want to get it out and readable08:12
Symmetriatop - 11:13:27 up 1 day, 20:30,  1 user,  load average: 43.10, 37.14, 32.2108:13
Symmetriawhat makes you think my poor server is taking serious strain08:13
energizerunless you've got quite a few cores...08:15
Symmetriaenergizer heh 32 cores - 64 with hyperthreading08:15
Symmetriaso it aint actually that bad08:15
Symmetriaheh cpu's are around 40% idle still *shrug*08:16
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=== onoma is now known as alkisg
okaycoolHey at a time how many active ssh seasons ( terminals ) I can run is there any limit in os or hardware?08:42
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Pahadyhey guys ! is there a channel for newbee ubuntu?08:53
okaycoolThis is for newbee08:53
alkisgokaycool: there's no hard limit other than your cpu/ram, no08:54
okaycoolalkisg: any idea about resources usage per 100 or something like that09:04
alkisgokaycool: it depends on what they're doing, encryption takes a lot off of the cpu. E.g. terminal usage => nothing, copying large files with scp => a lot09:04
TheNH813Did I miss any replies? I just noticed I lost my connection after asking that question about 20 minutes ago.09:05
okaycoolRunning 10 commands per ssh session09:06
ponyriderTheNH813: did get ur post09:06
TheNH813Allright. Well, basically I was wondering if anyone knew why PlayOnLinux.com was down and if anyone else was experiencing pulseaudio reset volume to 100% upon login.09:07
TheNH813It's been resetting the volume to 100% for a long time. Actually, probably since I started using XFCE or LXDE.09:07
alkisgokaycool: a command is "ls" which doesn't require cpu at all. Another command is "encode this video of 5 GB and transfer it via scp" which needs a lot of cpu. So "10 commands" doesn't mean anything...09:08
TheNH813The loud volume isn't as much a serious problem as it is a serious annoyance.09:08
okaycoolalkisg: resources are used of host pc so I am just running commands through ssh so every command is same in my case am I wrong?09:11
alkisgokaycool: when you run commands via ssh, they run on the server09:11
TheNH813*Sigh* apt-get is still reporting failure to connect to playonlinux.com as well.09:12
okaycoolYes and I am asking how much resources are used on my client pc per ssh session to server ?09:12
mjrosenbI have a laptop that only supports s2idle; by default when I enter that state, the screen remains on.  I assume this means that the gpu is still drawing power.  I used xset to turn the screen off, but I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to get the gpu to actually deactivate.09:12
TheNH813How old is your laptop?09:13
TheNH813The S3 state is supported on pretty much any laptop model made in the past 10 years.09:13
mjrosenbnot the dell 9365!09:14
TheNH813The GPU is probably off in S2.09:15
TheNH813Unless they're picture on the screen.09:15
mjrosenbthe picture remains on the screen.09:15
mjrosenbit looks disconcertingly like the whole laptop froze.09:16
TheNH813Hm..... then it sounds to me it's not even entering S2 fully.09:16
TheNH813The screen should normally go off but the fans and chipset will remain partially on.09:16
TheNH813The disks should also spin down.09:17
mjrosenbAfter I poke it,the kernel messages make it sound like everything went away correctly.09:17
TheNH813That's very unusual.09:17
TheNH813What's the  make and model?09:17
TheNH813Perhaps the framebuffer in the GPU keeps sending the same image instead of turning off.09:18
mjrosenbdell XPS 13 2-in-1 aka 936509:18
alkisg(11:12:39 πμ) okaycool: Yes and I am asking how much resources are used on my client pc per ssh session to server ? ==> on the client, almost nothing, *except* if you use scp for file transfers, which then require a lot09:18
TheNH813Allright, what Ubuntu version and Kernel version?09:19
nadioauthdaemond: /etc/courier/authdaemonrc: No such file or directory09:19
nadioanyone got a clue what I could do in this situation I have tried to reinstall the package, but doesnt seem to help09:19
mjrosenb17.10, and 4.13; I installed that while the machine was on 17.04, and I think it is still using it09:20
TheNH813Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure on the package and set it up again.09:20
nadiook thanks09:20
TheNH813Otherwise, look for a example configuration and base a new one off that.09:20
TheNH813@mjrosenb It seems to me you might be missing some firmware.09:21
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 192591 in Hibernation/Suspend "Suspend to idle & ram issues on Dell XPS 13 9365" [Normal,Resolved: patch_already_available]09:21
TheNH813Try typing "dmesg | grep firmware" into a terminal.09:21
nadiodpkg-reconfigure did nothing but goan try the second one.09:21
mjrosenbI just measured on the machine, and am also seeing a similar power drain of about 5%/hour as reported in hte last comment.09:22
TheNH813That's interesting. Did you try a newer kernel that may include the patch?09:24
okaycoolSo I type command and run it will not use any resources on my client?09:26
mjrosenbthere are only 3 lines in dmesg's output about firmware; all of them bluetooth.09:26
okaycoolWell i have idea about that but what am I saying is should i run thousands of ssh if I have enough cpu and ram ?09:27
mjrosenbhte config file that is mentioned in the patch (ec_no_wakeup) exists on my machine, and I configured it to use the correct value.09:27
okaycoolI have python in mind to open ssh and run commands09:27
tuskkk___Hello, I was running an ansible playbook, it requires jinja2 2.9, but since there already is 2.7, how do we upgrade it?09:29
TheNH813@mjrosenb What kernel version are you on?09:29
tuskkk___Tried uninstalling, but it shouts09:29
TheNH813tuskkk___: You have two options: Look if a updated version is available in the repos, or build it from source.09:30
mjrosenbapparently, I am using an ubuntu supplied kernel.09:30
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tuskkk___TheNH813: until now I was using pip, should I try something like sudo apt-get update python-jinja2?09:30
TheNH813tuskkk___: Can't hurt to try that. Otherwise you can download the source version and use the "setup.py build; sudo setup.py install" procedure.09:32
TheNH813As a last resort.09:32
tuskkk___Nah, says already the newest :(09:33
TheNH813tuskkk___: I guess remove it and install from the source: https://github.com/pallets/jinja/archive/master.zip09:34
TheNH813Wait no.09:34
TheNH813pip install https://github.com/pallets/jinja/zipball/master09:34
TheNH813Should do it for your.09:35
mjrosenbTheNH813: https://gist.github.com/f98d50cfd93016ca773fcbb5c3dd4078 -- on a fresh boot, before stuff scrolled out of dmesg.09:35
tuskkk___TheNH813: they dont have the exact steps to follow in their git repo though @TheNH81309:35
TheNH813@mjrosenb: Dell patched the firmware bug in a newer BIOS.09:37
TheNH813The message "ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored"09:37
TheNH813Is directly related to the problem.09:37
TheNH813I know personally I dislike upgrading BIOS ROMs, but if there's a problem it's a case where it's worth a shot,09:38
TheNH813tuskkk___: I'd assume pip install https://github.com/pallets/jinja/zipball/master would take care of it for you.09:39
TheNH813But I don't know what the prerequisites/dependencies are.09:39
tuskkk___Ok, I have removed the one bundled with ubuntu using apt get, let me try using pip, should I do sudo here?09:40
TheNH813Pretty certain.09:41
TheNH813If you want it installed system wide.09:41
tuskkk___TheNH813: something strange happened https://bpaste.net/show/626a99ff41fb09:42
mjrosenbhrmm, there was a new bios released at the end of august.  I'll have to try that this weekend.09:42
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tuskkk___TheNH813: but pip show Jinja2 shows the version which it got from their git repo09:44
TheNH813tuskkk___: Seems it installed then.09:44
TheNH813Maybe test it and see if it works.09:44
tuskkk___TheNH813: uninstalling jinja removed ansible!09:45
TheNH813mjrosenb: I wish you the best of luck with that. Someone on that forum thread mentioned it causes suspend issues on Windows 10 as well.09:45
tuskkk___this is so weird09:45
TheNH813What the...09:45
TheNH813That's some really odd behavior.09:48
tuskkk___maybe that old version was a dependency of ansible...09:49
tuskkk___this is like a circular dependency, ```The following extra packages will be installed: python-jinja2``` while installing ansible09:50
TheNH813Maybe try uninstalling both, and then installing both from pip or git.09:52
TheNH813Could be a wierd bug caused by version mismatches.09:53
okaycoolSo if I use ssh there is no cpu ram load on client machine?10:17
okaycoolDoes ulimit applies in ssh session?10:18
TheNH813Only load for the SSH connection itself. Any commands executed over SSH run exclusively on the target.10:18
okaycoolso if I run 100s of ssh connection what type of machine is needed ?10:19
okaycoolI mean high end server or raspberry pi ?10:19
animtakhnetHello, i am having problems with SSH x11 forwarding. Some applications as gedit show on the host not remote while a simpler application as xterm does who on the remote.10:20
animtakhneti am using a mostly clean install (only a day old) of 17.1010:20
animtakhnetexecuting  ' XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=""  ' helps10:20
animtakhnetcan somebody please point me in a direction i have no clue where to start searching10:20
animtakhnetMy other pc has the same configuration and does not have the problem :(10:21
animtakhnetOne with the problem is an intel nuc the other a xeon workstation10:21
TheNH813X11 forwarding is a pain last I tried using it.10:21
TheNH813I usually tunnel VNC through SSH.10:22
mih80Hello guys, I cannot set mtu on pppoe, remains 1500 still and browsing is not working10:22
TheNH813But a good place to look would be compare config files on the two machines.10:22
TheNH813miYou're using a DSL modem directly on the computer?10:22
mih80TheNH813, yeah10:22
mih80TheNH813, is a fiber ONT10:23
TheNH813Did you try "sudo pppoeconf" to reconfigure it?10:23
mih80something is wrong, doesn't receive mtu from ISP, I have to set it up manually10:23
mih80TheNH813, I edited it in connections/dsl10:24
TheNH813What's the MTU allowed on your connection?10:24
mih80I want to lower it to 1480, my router receives this setting from ISP10:25
mih80basically I wanna test speed on pppoe, through router is ok10:26
TheNH813sudo ifconfig <device> mtu 148010:26
TheNH813See if that works.10:26
Nomad81hi. Can i Setup some shorter command for youtube-dl ? I dont want to type all the time 'youtube-dl' . thanks10:27
TheNH813You can also persistently force MTU in /etc/network/interfaces by adding a "mtu 1480" line right under the subnet mask for that interface, if networkmanager won't work.10:27
mih80TheNH813, thanks man10:27
chron0how is macsec supposed to be configured using /etc/network means?10:28
mih80TheNH813, it worked!10:28
chron0or do I have to leave the interfaces unconfigured and run some rc.local script?10:28
mih80TheNH813, http://rcs-rds.speedtestcustom.com/result/8df1bd40-c538-11e7-ba96-6bb977d9d79110:28
mih80btw, windows 10 sux bad10:28
TheNH813That's....... impressive.10:28
TheNH813I have 6Mb/s down 0.5Mb/s up. I'm jealous. XD10:29
mih80what country10:29
TheNH813Yeah. United States.10:29
mih80duh, google's country and you have these speeds?10:29
TheNH813I could probably get a better speed if I asked.\10:30
mih80I pay like 8 euro for 1gbit10:30
TheNH813It's a old "price for life" package deal from 2010. It was 1.5Mb/s down until a free upgrade in 2013.10:30
TheNH813I could talk them into 15Mb/s down 6Mb/s up probably. Just need to call one of these days.10:31
Nomad81yeah romania (romanelia) has good internet. About a few good things it has10:31
TheNH813That's insane.10:31
brainwashNomad81: you can type the first 2-3 letters and then hit TAB10:31
brainwashNomad81: or create a bash alias10:31
TheNH813Cable internet around here is 60 down 15 up but goes out for a couple minutes a few times a week and the cable phone is terrible.10:31
mih80i went from cable to fiber10:32
Nomad81brainwash, yeah, I know about tab completion..but I dunno howto create an alias10:32
TheNH813I'l take my ADSL that never goes down. XD10:32
mih80Nomad81, editeaza .bashrc10:32
brainwashNomad81: https://askubuntu.com/a/1753710:33
TheNH813Eyyyyy playonlinux.com is back up. Now I can apt-get upgrade it.10:33
mih80ok guys, thanks for help, got my result (windows 10 sux)10:33
brunchhow do I help someone with the X -> Y problem description?10:33
brunchThis guy says he messed up his pulseaudio because "he can now hear notifications"10:33
brunchcan anyone decypher what he really wants?10:34
TheNH813mih80: Heh, yeah that's very possible. :P10:34
Svetabrunch: which guy?10:34
TheNH813Been waiting hours for this. Wonder why the playonlinux repo went down anyway.10:34
brainwashbrunch: tell him to join this channel10:34
brunchsome buddy around here10:34
brunchhaha you don't want to have him around here :P10:34
brunchhe'd probably end up banned, too10:34
brainwashthen why should we help him?10:35
Nomad81btw,anybody knows if youtube-dl can download playlists already ?10:35
Svetabrunch: okay. do you know him only online, or you can sit next to his machine?10:35
brunchyoutube-dl could download playlists before, couldn't it?10:35
brainwashNomad81: did you download the latest version?10:35
SvetaNomad81, brunch: it can.10:35
TheNH813Just put a playlist link instead of a video link or any video with a playlist= option on the end of the url10:35
Nomad81brainwash, yes, installed it with pip10:35
brunchSveta: I know him online. But nevermind; he fixed the issue by plugging his headphones or something10:36
brunchI'm still confused and I don't want to know anymore10:36
TheNH813Maybe it's best you don't know lol.10:36
xstreunerSomeone knows why an ubuntu 17.10 x64 live install disk stucks while choosing an ext4 partition as / mount point? The live distro goes well, just the installer was on an infinite loading. If I make the install disk with a windows program it's everything ok, but with this disk made with the stock software on an Ubuntu 16.04.3 PC no10:41
xstreunerObviously every disk was made with the same iso file, and I checked the md5 of the file every time10:42
brainwashxstreuner: I would check the log files in /var/log/installer/10:45
xstreunerbrainwash: I'll do that and I'll post them here10:46
Dualityi am running ubuntu 14.04 and timedatectl says ntp synchronized: no10:58
Dualityhow do i fix this? i know how to fix it on 16.04 because it's got systemd and 14.04 does not have systemd10:58
xstreunerbrainwash: I see three files: debug, dm, version. Should I upload all the files or just one?10:58
brainwashxstreuner: probably the debug one only11:03
xstreunerBrainwash: here the debug paste -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/2592444811:04
brainwashDuality: you've copied the log while the installer is stuck?11:06
brainwashxstreuner: ^11:06
xstreunerBrainwash: I closed the installer pressing the "exit" button on itself11:07
xstreunerBefore coping the log, obviously11:07
brainwashnot sure if the log output is any helpful11:08
brainwashit mainly contains gui related messages11:09
xstreunerOk. Understood. There is something else I can do for the troubleshooting?11:09
xstreuner^ brainwash (sorry)11:10
brainwashyou could run "ubuntu-bug ubiquity". this will collect all relevant logs and then create a bug report on launchpad11:10
brainwashmentions /var/log/partman11:12
duziInstalling ubuntu on my colleague's system via connecting a lan cable between his system and mine. Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot. But dnsmasq.conf is missing. Why?11:21
brainwashduzi: is that 17.10?11:23
brainwash17.10 uses systemd-resolved, and not dnsmasq11:23
duzino, xenial11:23
brainwashmmh ok11:23
duziArticle mentions it's in /etc/, But it's not there on my system11:24
duziI have /etc/dnsmasq.d/11:24
ThinkT51016.04 uses systemd too, i'd imagine that netboot page is a little out of date. only 14.04 is not using systemd11:25
brainwashthe article is from 201411:25
brainwashduzi: any files in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ ?11:27
duziand README11:27
brainwashI guess you should open and read both11:28
kusfedorahi, can someone knowledgeable with apt tell me if I can update visual studio code using apt? my ubuntu is 32 bit but cat shows Microsoft only offers 64 bit? $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.listdeb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode stable main11:45
steenmanwhen you install ubuntu (16.04) does it automatically install GFX drivers?11:47
steenmani didnt check the option to automatically dl 3rd party drivers11:48
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:52
steenmanits lazy of me i should i knwo i should google for an answer :)11:53
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:53
BluesKajHiyas all11:56
acheron-ahello BluesKaj11:56
BluesKajhi acheron-a11:57
ducassesteenman: by default you get the open source drivers. if you want anything other than that you need to handle it post-install12:15
greglHas anyone been successful installing a Nvidia card using 17.10?? I have tried several times but I gave up when my machine booted to a black screen... If there is a card that works, could some one let me know what card and what driver?12:16
steenmanducasse, thxs, i have an old ati radeon 7870 it seems to work ok, but sometimes the screen is a bit glitchy and elements of the screen will flash or be distorted, but not all the time12:18
BluesKajgregl, wayland? if so it has no nvidia support, but the open source default nouveau driver should work12:19
ducassesteenman: for older radeon cards there really is only the open source radeon driver.12:20
ducassegregl: as BluesKaj says wayland does not play well with nvidia, but you should still be able to get the x session. did the open source driver work?12:21
BluesKajhi ducasse. is there stall a X11/xorg option on gnom?12:22
acheron-ai have never had an issue with ATI Radeon HD 7560D or R7 24012:22
ducasseBluesKaj: yep12:22
greglBluesKaj, Yeah, no I didn't use Wayland,I had read it wouldn't work,but I use this machine to host my Mythtv server.. The open source driver does work.but when trying to play a movie or video it runs real slow..12:23
steenmanacheron-a, its only since i did a fresh install, i wondered if it was becasue i didnt check the 3rd party option something didnt get installed12:23
acheron-aalways check that 3rd party option12:24
greglBluesKaj, I guess I will stay with 16.04 until the driver issue has a solution ...thanks..12:24
BluesKajgregl, then you can install the recommended driver for your nvidia gpu if you use X1112:25
steenmanyes, i didnt want to disable secure boot however12:25
steenmando you have to disable it permanently or is it just to install drivers then you can reenable12:26
ducassegregl: maybe you should try a few versions of the nvidia driver to find one that works better for you12:26
BluesKajgregl, I did, but I'm on kde/plasma ...no video issues here with an cheap nvidia gt21812:27
ducassesteenman: it doesn't really disable secure boot, it just turns off module signature verification for ubuntu. if for example windows is also installed it will still boot with secure boot.12:28
greglBluesKaj,  Tried that also and it didn't work.. This card is a Geforce 9500GT only 2 drivers show for it 304 and 340..12:28
BluesKajyeah the 340 should work12:28
acheron-ayeah, it still installs the secure boot binaries12:29
steenmanducasse, right i will bear in mind next time12:30
steenmanlooks like i can install them post install anyway12:30
steenmansudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:30
BluesKaj!nomodeset | gregl12:31
ubottugregl: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:31
greglBluesKaj,  I have been thinking ahead so when 18,04  LTS comes out I won't have these problems...12:31
Dave114is there any way to detect what might be blocking a server from initiating a reboot?  Even a "sudo reboot --force" seemingly has no effect other than terminating my shell session (but I'm able to log back in again)12:32
greglBluesKaj, Yeah, read that.. i am sure I will be able too figure it out... Got to run thanks for the pointers...12:33
steenmanif i have x number of outputs on my GFX card that doesnt mean i can connect that number of monitors?12:37
steenmancurrently i have 2 monitors, whne i connect a 3rd i dont get anything - it does detect it in the display settings however12:38
steenmani am using 1 x hdmi and 1 x dvi and i tried to add another dvi12:39
ducassesteenman: depends on the gpu12:39
brunchhey, I have a server for development and test-deployment of web applications. I just came up with the idea I could use it to run a minecraft server. Would it be secure to create a user 'minecraft', placing the javas in /opt/minecraft and running a systemd service?12:40
steenmanducasse, yeh, i just checked and it is possible but one of the monitors needs to use the display port connection12:42
steenmanso i need an adapter or new monitor :)12:43
ducassebrunch: anything that can be reached from the internet is potentially vulnerable12:44
brunchducasse: Yeah... but I'm wondering if it's «safe enough»12:45
ducassebrunch: you could for example isolate it in a container, which can help a bit12:45
ducassebrunch: whether it's safe enough depends on how secure you need it to be - we can't answer that :)12:46
brunchwell, it's just a server for testing which can get wiped if anything bad happens12:47
akikbrunch: you can set iptables to only allow connections from the ip range you want12:47
brunchakik: just for that process?12:47
akikbrunch: for the service port12:47
brunchoh, interesting. Will have a look at it12:48
akikbrunch: ubuntu includes ufw which you can use12:48
brunchit's especially relevant since I want to play with a couple of friends I know12:48
ducassebrunch: if there's no sensitive data on it or anything, then it might be ok12:48
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hark011does ubuntu wiki works at all? I can seem to change or add nothing13:26
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
neredsenvyI have multiple files:  v17.11.09.1, v17.11.09.2, .. basically last number is a counter value for the day. I need to determine in bash next available filename which would be v17.11.09.3 however i'm having issue with my script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925279/13:32
neredsenvyIt does suggest v3 but it never stops13:32
brainwashneredsenvy: I suggest asking in #bash13:32
doug16kchanging INC won't magically change TAG13:33
doug16kand yes, #bash is a very helpful room13:33
=== IonutVan_ is now known as IonutVan
neredsenvywill do, thanks.13:35
decciAny good commandline tool/utility which comes with ubuntu repo which can stress my tesla K80 GPU card running on Dell System?13:39
EriC^^decci: http://wili.cc/blog/gpu-burn.html maybe?13:43
decciEriC^^: Tried it on ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 https://pastebin.com/J9q2j44d13:49
decciEriC^^: /bin/sh: 1: /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc: not found Makefile:10: recipe for target 'drv' failed13:49
kozyhi I'm finding appropriate proxy server for my purpose , my purpose is caching static files (such as .zip), so I  can speed up next time13:57
kozyany recommend?13:57
rom-Hi all14:00
rom-Please can someone help me with this... I saw a PID named watchdog. What does that mean? Someone watching me? If So How do I remove the program. http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925493/14:04
rkorandyhello rom-14:04
rkorandyhow r u14:04
rkorandydid you have a nice breakfast14:05
rkorandyhello Es0teric14:06
rkorandyhello vacho14:06
ducassekozy: squid should be able to do that with a little configuration14:08
BluesKaj!watchdog | rom-14:08
rkorandyhello BluesKaj14:08
rkorandyhello ducasse14:08
BluesKajrom sudo apt remove watchdog14:08
rom-BlueKaj .. Long time14:08
BluesKajhi rkorandy14:08
rkorandyBluesKaj, howdy sir14:08
BluesKajhi rom, yeah14:09
rkorandyBluesKaj, are you having a nice day14:09
ducasserom-: http://chronicles.blog.ryanrampersad.com/2011/04/ubuntu-watchdog-process/14:09
rom-BlueKaj http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925539/14:11
BluesKajrom-, there are several apps withe name watchdog in them , look in your package manager as a reference to see which ones are installed and then you have the option of removing them if you wish14:17
rom-ps ux = BlueKaj http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925568/     ps -ef =  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925580/     top = http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925589/14:19
rom-BlueKaj    ps ux = http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925568/     ps -ef =  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925580/     top = http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925589/14:19
Roger_the_BumHey guys! How do I set up mouse acceleration on 17.10?14:21
Roger_the_BumI think it was an option in previous versions that must have gone away in the Wayland switch14:22
ducasserom-: it's not a program as such, it's part of the kernel14:22
BluesKajrom-, as I suggested above is your best option if you're worried about what watchdog does14:22
rom-BluesKaj I just saw it now from the parkage rtkit and python-watchdog. Are those those useful14:23
BluesKajdunno , I don't have them installed14:24
BluesKajrtkit is a rootlit detection app iirc , that might be useful14:26
BluesKajrootkit even14:26
rom-BluesKaj Thanks... Have to uninstall right away. By the way there's another process named crypto14:26
ducasserom-: the same thing applies to that14:27
ducasserom-: use 'ps ax', and you will see the name enclosed in [...], meaning it's a kernel thread14:28
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: I use Xubuntu, but since my mouse has always been too fast for the GUI dials, I used a script in X and now libinput. That was the only way to solve it.14:32
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: Something like this loaded at startup: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25925668/14:33
rom-BluesKaj   ducasse  https://pasteboard.co/GSRdTmr.png14:34
rom-ducasse  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25925675/14:36
Harishello all14:37
HarisI just ran apt-get update; aptitude update on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS. aptitude show mysql-server is showing me 5.6.33 for install. where-as apt-cache search mysql-server or apt-cache show mysql-server-56 is showing me 5.6.16-1~exp1 for install. Which should I believe ?14:38
alkisgWhat's the output of `apt-cache policy mysql-server` ?14:39
ducasserom-: yes, i know what it looks like, i was telling you what the output means14:39
Haris  Installed: (none)14:39
Haris  Candidate: 5.5.58-0ubuntu0.14.04.114:40
alkisgHaris: that's the candidate then14:40
HarisI need 5.6.x on this box14:40
Harispreferebly near 5.6.3814:40
alkisgIs that all the output,just one line?14:40
alkisghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/mysql-server => trusty-updates (database): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version)14:41
alkisg5.5.58-0ubuntu0.14.04.1: all14:41
Harisno. Output it multi-line. with 5.5.35 and 5.5.58 as available14:41
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:41
=== Menzador is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador
rom-BluesKaj mind you, I see same process names on my android phone too e.g kworker/watchdog/watchdogd/ etc14:42
HarisState: not installed14:42
HarisVersion: 5.6.33-0ubuntu0.14.04.114:42
HarisPriority: optional14:42
Harismysql 5.6.x is not latest14:42
rom-someone is watching what I do online and I need to know the apps installed on my phone and PC ... Please HELP14:42
Hariswhat I'm asking is, apt-get and aptitude are both showing different version(s) available for install. which of them should I believe in ?14:43
ducasserom-: for the last time, they're not userland processes!14:43
Harisso far, 5.6.33 seems preferable to 5.5.5814:43
Harisor 5.6.1614:43
ducasserom-: read what you're being told, please14:44
BluesKajrom-, don't obsess, most processes are necessary14:44
bcowanlol @ watchdog and thinking someone is stalking14:44
Harisapt-get intsall mysql-server-5.6 is going to install 5.6.16. aptitude install mysql-server-5.6 is hopefully going to install 5.6.3314:44
Harishow can aptitude and apt-get offer different version(s), when they'r looking at the same (hopefully) repo ?14:46
jerichowasahoaxHaris: before and after the mirrors themselves updated?14:47
Harismay be14:47
jerichowasahoaxaptitude and apt-get don't maintain different database, they both use the same apt nuts and bolts14:47
Hariswhich means they should have been offering the same pkg version(s)14:47
HarisI guess different mirrors14:48
jerichowasahoaxdifferent mirrors is doubtful14:49
rom-if you have a process watchdog on your PC and same on your phone... What do you call thats? Android and ubuntu14:49
jerichowasahoaxeven if you're set to the round-robin, the ip address for the last mirror should still be cached unless there was something else more seriously wrong with that mirror (and you'd notice that)14:49
jerichowasahoaxmore likely, you updated with one tool, then the mirror itself updated from wherever it gets updates from, and then you updated again and got those changes14:50
HarisI ran apt-get update; aptitude update14:50
Harisso they were run one after the other14:50
ducasserom-: i call that "perfectly harmless"14:50
phy1729What is the preferred way to persist never or madvise transparent huge pages (also for defrag) settings?14:50
phy172914.04 and 16.04 if it matters14:51
bcowanrom-, its the feds...they're after your pr0n14:51
rom-LOL.... Seriously someone is watching whatever I do from both PC/Phone14:53
jerichowasahoaxrom-: you're paranoid and delusional14:53
jerichowasahoaxrom-: seek professional help14:53
Harisrom-: That's right. you voted for them14:54
bcowanrom-, better put some tape over your phone cam14:54
Harisor support the puppet masters' behind them14:54
Hariswith your decision(s), action(s)14:54
Roger_the_BumI do think this is paranoia but I do not think it is constructive to harp on them like this.14:54
ducasseplease stop this stuff and keep to support issues.14:55
Roger_the_Bumadrian_1908 I saw your pastebin re: trackpad acceleration. Doesn't look like I have the "libinput Accel Speed" property when I do xset watch-props14:56
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: that's your mouse,  yes?14:56
Roger_the_BumIt should be a trackpad, let me post my device list as well14:57
Roger_the_Bumthis is what it looks like: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25925788/14:57
Roger_the_Bum(my device list, that is)14:58
Roger_the_Bumso you have a good point in that I'm not sure whether device #6 is the right device.14:59
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: Hmm, I'm not too well versed in this either, but could it be that you're not using libinput yet, but still the old X stuff?14:59
Roger_the_BumThis is a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 install that I put on on Saturday, would that be it?15:00
Roger_the_BumIt's a yoga thinkpad S1. It has a trackpad, a trackpoint, a touchscreen, and a stylus15:00
Roger_the_Bumall of them may use different inputs, but this computer has a lot of them.15:00
jerichowasahoaxjust needs a mouse, trackball, joystick and an oculus rift15:01
adrian_1908Afaik "Constant Deceleration" and "Velocity Scaling" aren't part of libinput but X. I don't have them anymore.15:01
adrian_1908I can give you a similar script to try for X, if that's the case.15:01
Roger_the_Bumbut if I'm on a brand-new 17.10 install, would it be X and not Wayland?15:02
ducasseRoger_the_Bum: that depends on a few things, like gpu and driver15:03
Roger_the_Bumjerichowasahoax: I'm insufferable enough, I don't need a trackball mouse to make it even worse15:03
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: I'm on 17.10 too and it should be libinput (wayland), but maybe there's more to this. Here is my old script for X: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25925818/15:03
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: you could manually try one of the commands, e.g. the last one that ends with 2.3 and see if that has an effect.15:04
UbuntivityHello. does Ubuntu have a directory that is actually on RAM rather than hard disk?15:04
Roger_the_Bumadrian_1908 I'll give this a shot15:04
Roger_the_Bumducasse: how will I know whether I'm on one or the other15:04
jerichowasahoaxUbuntivity: that is called a tmpfs in linux land15:04
alkisgUbuntivity: type "mount | grep tmpfs " in a terminal15:04
Ubuntivitythanks jerichowasahoax alkisg15:05
MathisenUbuntivity, you can add tmpfs for example to fstab15:05
UbuntivityI've found /dev /run as tmpfs15:05
Ubuntivitybut are they writable?15:05
alkisgrw there means writeable15:06
jerichowasahoaxI wouldn't recommend it15:06
alkisgtmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=787208k,mode=755)15:06
jerichowasahoaxbut theoretically yes15:06
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: basically, those commands no longer work for me in 17.10 because my device no longer supports them (X -> libinput switch). They actually worked better than libinput, as the control seems to be more fine grained (acceleration curve). Good luck.15:06
Roger_the_BumI get "Type=wayland" from loginctl, should I just try the x stuff anyway adrian_190815:06
Roger_the_Bumor is it not going to work15:06
Roger_the_Bum(more specifically,  loginctl show-session 2 -p Type )15:07
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: you can just try it, it's only temorary, and typing `xset mouse` should reset any mistakes iirc.15:07
jerichowasahoaxUbuntivity: those particular dirs are important to the OS for various bookkeeping and mechanical reasons, not good spots to dump files15:07
jerichowasahoaxUbuntivity: what are we planning to put in the tmpfs15:07
adrian_1908and of course rebooting will nullify any changes, hence the script would have to be added to autostart scripts to take effect each time.15:07
ducasseRoger_the_Bum: aiui, under wayland it's the responsibility of the compositor to provide configuration options for things like pointer accel etc, and gnome doesn't have them (yet?)15:10
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Roger_the_Bumadrian_1908 this either makes a difference, or it's all placebo effect, but it seems better15:15
adrian_1908Roger_the_Bum: Np. Have a look at the comments in my script and change accordingly. The idea would be to edit it to DEVICE_STRING="xwayland-pointer:13" and have the script set the correct device on startup.15:17
Dlabzhi, all. need to vacate the remote server running  Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS. What's my best option to download everything from it (some 40gb)15:23
duziWhat's the ip addr and server.name to set in 'dhcp-root=' in dmasq.conf?15:25
EriC^^Dlabz: tar czvf /contents.tar.gz /path/to/stuff , then scp user@host:/contents.tar.gz .15:25
DlabzEriC^^: that will create a tar.gz file, right?15:26
Dlabzproblem is, I don't have much space on it15:26
phy1729You can tar czf - /path | ssh otherserver cat \>contents.tgz15:28
EriC^^Dlabz: what phy1729 said15:28
Dlabzphy1729: EriC^^ thanks ...15:30
adrian_1908^ I really need to learn about pipes, been putting it off forever.15:35
phy1729You put stuff in on one side and it comes out the other15:37
adrian_1908Alright then ;)15:39
=== Sven__ is now known as Sven_vB
davido_In the Known Issues for 17.10 release notes (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Desktop) this appears: "When an external monitor is connected to a laptop, the login screen is only displayed on the internal one and in some case is not visible".  I'm not able to determine from the ticket that issue refers to the extent of the impact, but this appears to be my exact mode of operation: External monitors, laptop lid shut.  So15:46
davido_I've been avoiding upgrading. Is my hesitation warranted?15:46
hggdhdavido_: I have been running 17.10 for quite some time now; the only thing I noticed is that the login is shown only on the native monitor15:50
davido_That's kind of what I'm afraid of. I keep my laptop closed while at work, and use it to drive triple 27's.15:51
Dlabzphy1729: this is magic :D not sure on progress,though ...15:55
auronandaceDlabz: i'd expect 40gb through ssh to take quite a while. speed likely depends on the network15:56
Dlabzactually compressed only one folder, to another machine in the same datacenter15:57
Dlabz1GB tgz in few minutets...15:58
q9Hi I am using kontact/kmail on LTSP on ubuntu. For me the message window is solid black. Has anybody an idea, what might be wrong?16:21
VeryBewitchingI received this a couple of days ago on one of my servers, though I'm not sure what my next steps should be https://gist.github.com/bewitchingme/19df106cb3f27f5d2dcffd7dbe26ca8216:24
tgm4883VeryBewitching: Did you do an update?16:25
tgm4883VeryBewitching: do you have auto updates enabled?16:25
VeryBewitchingNope, when I logged into it this morning there were packages available to update16:26
tgm4883VeryBewitching: is this a  publically accessible server?16:26
chomwitti tried to install a newer kernel for 16.04 (from 4.4 to 4.10) and the KDE broke. plasma couldnt start16:27
VeryBewitchingIt is, though it's heavily firewalled16:27
naccchomwitt: you mean you istalled HWE?16:27
VeryBewitchingWe expose 80, 443 publically and 22 only to our office IPs16:27
chomwittnacc: i installed a newer generic kernel image16:27
tgm4883VeryBewitching: you should investigate the log files then I suppose, both firewall logs and server logs, as well as your server application logs16:27
naccchomwitt: what do you mean?16:28
naccchomwitt: what did you exactly do?16:28
VeryBewitchingtgm4883: Does the message mean that the openssl binary is no longer the stock binary provided by the Ubuntu package?16:28
chomwittnacc: sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.11.0-14-generic16:29
tgm4883VeryBewitching: it means that you have monitoring software that monitors the md5sum of that particular file (probably something like rtkhunter or the other one) and that file no longer matches16:29
VeryBewitchingtgm4883: OK, thank you for the lead :D16:30
tgm4883VeryBewitching: whether that was a regular update that did it or something malicious is something for you to investigate16:30
chomwittnacc: i tried this that 16.04 wont work with three realtek wifi chips i tried16:30
naccchomwitt: that command doesn't make sense16:30
chomwittnacc: in what sense?16:31
naccchomwitt: `apt-cache policy linux-image-4.11.0-14-generic` in a pastebin16:31
naccchomwitt: 16.04.3 (hwe) is at 4.1016:31
naccchomwitt: the edge hwe is at 4.1316:31
naccchomwitt: so yu isntalled some random unsupported kernel16:31
naccchomwitt: and there is almost never a reason to istall a specific kernel deb, you use the metapackages16:32
chomwittnacc: didnt know that some kernels are unsupported16:33
naccchomwitt: please provide the requsted pastebin, i fyou can16:33
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:33
tgm4883chomwitt: also, out of curiosity, why did you think you needed to install a specific kernel?16:33
chomwittnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25926274/16:34
chomwitttgm4883: to seek better stability  for my wireless cards16:35
naccchomwitt: ok, so ... it's there, but it's defiintely not current16:35
naccchomwitt: right but why are you pickig some random kernel?16:35
naccchomwitt: tjat16:36
naccchomwitt: that's a random linux-hwe-edge kernel16:36
naccfrom 8 Aug 201716:36
chomwittnacc: i wasnt aware that a kernel image in the repos will be 'unsupported' and also as i said i seek better wireless support16:36
naccchomwitt: you understand that old packages are ont supported, right?16:37
* Ubuntivity had a rough internet experience...16:38
UbuntivityHi again. I need to write a file to RAM not on Hard Disk, and I have the /run directory as ramfs, is it OK to write a file to /run? Or do you recommend something better?16:40
chomwittnacc: so how can i safely try more recent kernel images ?16:40
naccchomwitt: yes, install linux-signed-generic-hwe-16.04-edge16:40
naccor not signed if youo are not useing UEFI (iirc)16:41
chomwittnacc: thanks!16:42
naccchomwitt: annd then cleaup your kernels, which will nned to be manual, i expect16:43
StumpDumbhello: I'm having some problems burning an audio cd with an external cdrom and can not find out why....could someone help me. thx16:43
chomwittnacc: what do u mean 'clean up my kernels' ? and how do i do that? u mean purge unused packages?16:44
naccchomwitt: can you `ls -ahl /boot` in a pastebin?16:45
StumpDumbI have tried both Brasero and K3B, neither work16:46
chomwitti'll try . my ubuntu box has bad connectivity16:46
StumpDumbBrasero just hangs when I do a burn and I can Not kill it, have to reboot16:47
StumpDumbK3B does not have an audio cd selection16:48
BluesKajStumpDumb, try wodim like this in the cli, wodim -eject  -tao speed=0 dev=/dev/sr0 -v -data /my/directory/image.iso16:48
StumpDumbI've checked on the codecs and I Think there correct?16:49
BluesKajk3bworks on cds but not dvds here, that bug hasn't been fixed for several yrs16:49
frankie64anyone on here familiar with Netplan?16:50
pavlosStumpDumb: do you get any errors in dmesg?16:50
BluesKajfrankie64, yes somewhat16:50
StumpDumbjust to be clear, I'm not trying to burn an .iso. trying to burn mp3s to an audio cd.16:51
chomwittnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/2592636916:51
StumpDumbthats okay that DVDs dont work here. Thx16:51
naccchomwitt: right, so you have a 3.13 kernel that can be removed; 3 *old* 4.4 kernels (like 40 versions old) and an unsupported 4.11 kernel.16:52
naccchomwitt: you should isntall the correct linux-image-generic and linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge pacakges and remove the manually installed ones16:52
StumpDumbI did find this error log somewhere (forget wair).../usr/bin/wodim: OPC failed.16:52
naccchomwitt: and stop manually insntalling kernels, that's not how you do things :)16:52
StumpDumbthere was also this in that log. Errno: 5 (Input/output error), prevent/allow medium removal scsi sendcmd: retryable error16:54
pavlosStumpDumb: sudo apt-get install libk3b6-extracodecs16:54
StumpDumbI think I've tried that but I'll try again, been at this for a while....plz hold16:55
chomwittnacc: i got it! i tried to find ubuntu wiki pages on how to try more recent kernels but there werent helpfull16:55
frankie64i am trying to set the MTU to 9000 in my netplan configuration file however it does not seem to be working, anyone??16:56
StumpDumbyes I had tried that...libk3b6-extracodecs is already the newest version (2.0.3-0ubuntu5)16:56
auronandace!hwe | chomwitt16:56
ubottuchomwitt: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:56
chomwittnacc: what is the 'correct linux-image-generic' ?16:56
BluesKajpavlos, Artful uses libk3b7-extracodecs16:56
BudgetSlugIf you are having issues with video drivers (screen goes black) how do you go about fixxing the drivers if you cannot see anything?16:56
chomwittauronandace: thanks!!!16:56
naccchomwitt: i mean just use the meta package, nont specific versioned packages16:57
pavlosStumpDumb: which ubuntu release? see msg from BluesKaj ...16:57
naccchomwitt: what i expect will happen in your case if you install 'linux-generic linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge', is that you will get two new kernels installed16:57
naccchomwitt: then, presuminng you have a kernel you know works, leave that one alone16:58
StumpDumbshould I try libk3b7-extracodecs?16:58
naccchomwitt: and remove the others (kernels not i nthe new kernels insntalled or the one that works)16:58
BluesKajStumpDumb, probly already installed if you run Artful16:58
naccchomwitt: if you are able to boot into either the linux-generic (4.4) or hwe-16.04-edge (4.13) kernel, then you should be fine to remove the old working kernel16:58
chomwittnacc: aha! i see why i need both linux-gereric and the hwe ..16:59
naccchomwitt: also, read the hwe page, as to what edge means, you may want the stock hwe not the hwe-edge16:59
naccchomwitt: hwe-edge is like a preview of the *next* hwe16:59
StumpDumbArtful? not fermlr16:59
nacc!artful | StumpDumb16:59
ubottuStumpDumb: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://ubottu.com/y/artful16:59
BluesKajArtful is ubuntu 17.1016:59
StumpDumbhu? did ketch that release...I'll upgrade and retest. Thx a Bunch...Take care... bye17:01
pavlosStumpDumb: maybe re-install k3b to bring all the libriries it needs17:03
BluesKajpavlos, k3b has been broken on my Kubuntus for over 2 yrs, the devs don't seem to be paying much atthetion to it's bugs17:04
BluesKajattention even17:04
* chomwitt thanks nacc for the helpfull and informative response17:10
naccchomwitt: yw, hopefully that works out and makes a bit of sense :)17:12
Dworfhello, any ideas why crontab is running script off the time it should be? https://imgur.com/fdqZbZW i have this set up, but it actually works at 02:00, 7:00, 13:00, 16:3017:38
Dworfand ubuntu date is right17:38
auronandacedaylight savings?17:39
donofrio_Dworf, sure it's not something weird in your php code?17:40
Dworfauronandace: ubuntus time is 19:40, my time is 19:40, so should not be?17:40
ishigoyaDoes another user also have a crontab?17:40
Dworfonly one user just fresh ubuntu install17:41
Dworfand the php code runs fine, no while/for/if functions even17:41
donofrio_Dworf, just saying crontab is working fine its "something else"17:41
Dworfit just looks like crontab is running it at the wrong time17:41
ishigoyaThey're all off by 10 hours right?17:42
Dworfdonofrio_: what would it be then?17:42
=== pitastrudl_ is now known as pitastrudl
Dworfmmm, they are of sometimes 1hour, sometimes 30minutes17:42
Dworflike when it should run at 6:30, it runs 7:00, and when it should run at 12:00 it runs 13:0017:43
donofrio_change it from php to be touch timefile and see if its aligned correctly when running touch instead of php17:43
donofrio_I like m&m's too - lol17:44
donofrio_just a thought something external to php is all...17:44
donofrio_when your testing helps to simple down things17:44
TJ-Dworf: have you checked the cron system logs for clues?17:46
Dworfnoup not yet, tought i might have some stupid mistake with some of those times i set or something17:47
Dworfbut maybe its something else17:47
TJ-Dworf: "journalctl -u anacron.service" and "journalctl -u cron.service"17:48
Dworfhavent rebootet the system after cronjobs have changed so thats my next steb maybe17:48
Dworfokay thanks17:48
Dworftho i just restarted so logs probably dissapeared?17:48
donofrio_no need to reboot to get crontab working, it's working already17:48
shazbotmcnastyso, I'm writing an entry for an iso on my pxe server - and for some reason while booting it can't see the file - it says no file there17:49
shazbotmcnastyi've had this before and it was some odd thing about capital letters - but that doesn't apply here - also I've changed it from lowercase to uppercase back to lowercase and taken out all underscores and stuff17:50
TJ-shazbotmcnasty: check the log file17:51
TJ-shazbotmcnasty: on the TFTP server. Seems like you need it always to be doing debug-level logging :)17:51
shazbotmcnastysyslog says "rrq from (IP) filename /tftp/path/to/iso/iso.iso - remap: done17:52
pothiboHello, I'm on 17.10 and just installed it on my macbook pro, now I want to configure the touchpad to feel like OSX. However, I'm having difficulties figuring out what the driver is, xinput talks about xwayland-pointer:13 [slave pointer]. libgeis is installed so I supposed that my touchpad is handled through that? I also know that unity is on its wa17:53
pothiboy out, so I want to be able to configure my touchpad so when it switches back to gnome I won't have to do this again. Ideas?17:53
shazbotmcnastyalso another one that says "client does not accept options"17:53
donofrio_pothibo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch17:58
pothibodonofrio_: if you've ever read that wiki, you'd know how useless it is17:58
pothibowiki entry*17:58
donofrio_I read it before I pasted it17:58
donofrio_pothibo, "better?" https://www.maketecheasier.com/add-multitouch-gestures-ubuntu/17:59
pothibostop pasting first result you find on google. I don't need that18:00
donofrio_pothibo, how long have you been on iirc?  what have you tried so far that makes you so jadded?18:00
TJ-shazbotmcnasty: what's on the PXE client-side that understands ISOs ?18:01
pothibodonofrio_: nevermind. I'll keep reading the source code, I'll find my answer.18:02
donofrio_pothibo, enjoy18:02
donofrio_pothibo, don't forget to come back and share in what your tried and what works for 'others' to learn18:02
pothibolol, sure18:02
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donofrio_pothibo, was not jokeing18:03
pothiboI'll send you the first link I find on google18:03
naccpothibo: i'm not sure libgeis1 is relevannt, that's for gesture support18:03
pothibojust like you did18:03
donofrio_pothibo, I don't care about touchpad18:03
naccpothibo: tbh, configuring one OS to be like another OS feels sort of futile. Possibly use the other OS instead. Or tell us what you're trying to achive (I've never used a Mac so I don't know what you're trying to do)18:04
pothibonacc: That's what I've been wondering all this time :/ so what's the driver for the touchpad? xinput-*?18:04
naccpothibo: driver in which sense? you mean from the perspective of wayland?18:05
pothibonacc: makes sense. My thumb is always on the thouchpad, and it prevents my mouse from moving. I want the driver/gesture recognizer/etc. to be able to ignore finger if they don't move18:06
naccpothibo: i think that's the same as palm detection, probably?18:06
nacchrm, i guess not, actually18:07
pothibonacc: could be yes, I did try touchegg with that18:07
TJ-pothibo: is Gnome using Wayland, or Xorg?18:07
pothiboBut touchegg didn't do much in terms of helping out...18:07
pothiboTJ-: Ubuntu 17.10 defaults to Unity, am I right?18:07
naccpothibo: no, it's Gnome18:08
naccpothibo: it looks like Unity a bit18:08
TJ-pothibo: no, there is no Unity; it's Gnome (ubuntu-desktop) themed18:08
pothibonacc: possible, I haven't used desktop linux in ~5 years hehe18:08
naccTJ-: and based upon the output above, it's xwayland18:08
naccpothibo: i've never heard of touchegg18:08
donofrio_pothibo, or disable and use external mouse (I've been on iirc over 25 years and answers take time to find....I wish you luck)18:08
naccdonofrio_: are you saying iirc when you mean irc?18:08
naccdonofrio_: iirc = if i recall correctly18:09
TJ-pothibo: and to make it more confusing the default is using the Wayland compositor if the hardware/drivers supports it, which changes the touchpad support. Gnome 3.20 added wayland multitouch gestures, but not sure where/how that is configured18:09
donofrio_nacc, just always used it that way...if better way to call irc I'm open ears18:09
pothibonacc: glad to hear, I nuked it out. I want to be able to configure it within wayland as much as possible18:09
naccdonofrio_: ... 'irc'.18:09
naccpothibo: yep, i'm looking myself18:09
naccpothibo: on my system, holding one finger steady and moving the other leads to two finger scrolling18:10
naccpothibo: it sounds like what you want is for it to ignore the fixed contact?18:10
naccmaybe https://github.com/mpiannucci/gnome-shell-extended-gestures18:10
pothibonacc: totally correct. and yes, it will scroll if the focussed panel is scrollable, which I feel is a limitation of the underlying driver/etc.18:11
nacchttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1253/extended-gestures/ is the official link, i guess18:11
naccone comment evenn mentions apple computers :)18:11
pothiboYeah, that's for people who want to register multiple finger gesture recognition, that's what all the different *fix* I've seen so far18:12
pothibobut now that I know it's gnome and wayland, I might be able to figure out where the trackpad is handled18:13
pothiboI want it so bad, I'm even willing to create a PR for it if I can find the right project lol18:13
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pothibonacc: thanks a lot, that gave me a lot to go with!18:17
pothiboI think libinput is what I was looking for18:17
donofrio_pothibo, not like what I suggest matters but I found a feedback in askubuntu that says there is no 'palmdetection' in libinput18:19
pavlosBluesKaj: I did not know that about k3b18:19
pothibodonofrio_: Thanks! that would be bad for me :(18:19
donofrio_pothibo, https://askubuntu.com/questions/649103/proper-touchpad-thumb-palm-detection-with-libinput fwiw18:20
naccpothibo: yeah, libinput is the future, i'd say -- and generally works better than synaptic ever did18:20
pothiboMan, all of this crap so I can run kubernetes natively on my macbook pro :/18:21
naccpothibo: some of the comments here are also relevant probably: https://github.com/bulletmark/libinput-gestures18:21
donofrio_pothibo, I use WSL seen where someone uses it for docker like kms18:22
* nacc discovers 4 finger swipe18:22
jymAre there any persistent installs theses days?18:22
donofrio_pothibo, but I only use it to get ubuntu on w1018:22
naccjym: sorry, what?18:22
jymnacc: I'd like to creative a LiveUSB with pertistant18:22
nacc!persistent | jym18:23
ubottujym: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:23
donofrio_^^^ (good bot)18:23
jymnacc: ty18:24
donofrio_pothibo, windows subsystem for linux18:24
donofrio_I basically use w10 for great drivers and and boot (basically w10 is a 13gb bootloader for ubuntu goodness) apaste.info/xJnN (rough steps I use)18:26
pothibomy problem is fixed in 1.9.018:28
jrp93WLS leaves a lot to be desired18:28
jaithdoes anyone know an easy way to set up chrooted scp access to a server?18:29
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donofrio_jrp93, wsl rocks.....useing on my daily work driver for almost six months now18:29
donofrio_jaith, you means ssh keys?18:30
naccdonofrio_: jrp93: take it to the other channel, donofrio_ I know you know this :)18:30
jaithI tried rssh (which doesn't play nice with chroot) and sshd config, which doesn't support scp https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot#Configure_OpenSSH18:30
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:30
jaithdonofrio_: i want to grant access to my server to a user, but no SSH access...i need for them to be able to scp files up to the server, nothing more18:30
jrp93Ehh I'll join when they support FUSE :)18:31
naccjaith: scp is over ssh.18:31
jaithnacc: yes, I know, but various chroot/jail possibilities can lock down that ssh to only allow sftp or scp actions. setting their shell to rssh is one such way18:31
donofrio_jrp93, no need for fuse18:32
jaithnacc: another way to restrict to sftp only is this, but it doesn't support scp: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot#Configure_OpenSSH18:32
pothibonacc thanks a lot for all of this. Here's instructions on how to build libinput while keeping the system provided version there so you can revert if needed: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/building_libinput.html18:33
naccjaith: i'm not sure why you say rssh doesn't play nicely with chroot. It's mentioned explicitly in its description18:33
naccpothibo: yeah, i'll just wait til i upgrade to bionic :)18:33
naccpothibo: 18.0418:33
jaithnacc: I set a user to have shell be rssh, only allow scp/sftp and when I also add a chrootdirectory setting in sshd_config, I get complaint that "/usr/bin/rssh" doesn't exist or something18:34
pothibonacc: it was more of a information snippet so if you guys get that question again from someone as impatient as I am, you'll have it here ;)18:34
naccpothibo: thannks18:34
naccjaith: and ... does it?18:34
jaithyes, it does...the problem is the chroot...when user connects, it doesn't exist in their chroot18:34
jaithnacc: i.e., the chroot directive successfully limits their file system to just the chroot and in that chroot, the file does not exist18:35
naccjaith: well you ahve to setup the chroot, of course.18:35
naccjaith: this feels like maybe you didn't think it through18:35
jaithnacc: and that is precisely what i don't know how to do18:35
naccjaith: did you read `man rssh`18:36
naccjaith: which tells you about what files to read before using it?18:36
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jaithnacc: reviewing again18:38
jaithnacc: just to clarify, my intent is to allow someuser to upload a file, that is all. they must be chrooted so they can't snoop sensitive files that may be 664 or 775 in the web root18:40
jaiththis sounds absolutely awful: "if a regular user had shell access to a machine where rssh was installed, a18:41
jaith       root compromise was possible due to rssh_chroot_helper allowing a user to arbitrarily chroot(2)18:41
jaith       to  anywhere  on  the filesystem."18:41
kozywhen NetworkManager(nm) managed=false, it means interfaces file cannot be configured with nm tool, but when systemctl start nm, it will do jobs according to interfaces files. right?18:42
nacckozy: network manager does not use the interfaces file18:43
kozythen they use what?? nacc18:43
kozywhere they store conf data18:43
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nacckozy: i believe in /etc/NetworkManager and possibly in the home direcotry (for per-user configuration)18:45
nacckozy: nm definnitely does not store dconfig in interfaces18:45
jaithnacc: this is hardly simple. is there no easier way to just grant chroot scp access to a server?18:48
naccjaith: dunno, never needed to do such a thing18:48
DolphinDreamis there a way to convert the terminal output (with colors) into a PDF file ?18:48
jaithnacc: I find it hard to believe that this is an uncommon request. surely others have needed to allow some remote user to reliably upload a file to a server?18:49
naccjaith: why not just use sftp18:50
naccjaith: iwht the chroot optio18:50
jrp93DolphinDream, HTML::FromANSI and wkhtmltopdf maybe18:50
jaithnacc: external constraint. why doesn't the sftp/chroot/sshd_confg option allow scp? puzzling18:50
naccjaith: that is a question for openssh not ubuntu :)18:51
jaithnacc: fair enough :D18:51
ubuntuisgreathi, i had remote desktop working. Because of network issues i had to reboot my modem ect so my ip changed. Now i can not connect to my remote desktop from the new ip.18:52
ubuntuisgreatDo i need to change anything in ubuntu?18:52
jrp93nacc is on channel duty18:52
naccI would refer jrp93 to their own command :)18:52
jrp93ubuntuisgreat, use dynamic dns ?18:54
jrp93or you know the new ip?18:54
ubuntuisgreatOfc i know the ip18:54
ubuntuisgreatIt just cant connect18:55
jrp93oh kk18:55
jrp93Is it using an ssh tunnel?18:55
ubuntuisgreatNot that i know18:56
naccubuntuisgreat: are your remote and local machines both on this modem's network?18:58
ubuntuisgreatIts a modem that gives my multiple external ip's18:59
naccubuntuisgreat: not my question.18:59
RandomNoobhello guys which browser is more lightweight  ? which drains laptop battery less?18:59
naccubuntuisgreat: when you restarted your modem, did both the machine you are on and the remote machine get new IPs?18:59
ubuntuisgreatatm i am using devices connected on this modem18:59
ubuntuisgreatNo only the ubuntu machine did18:59
xrs1RandomNoob: Lynx18:59
naccubuntuisgreat: and which one is the ubuntu machine?18:59
naccubuntuisgreat: you really haven't described your environment or what you have tried.19:00
jrp93it's a modem/router combo?19:00
ubuntuisgreatNo a emta modem that gives multiple ip's19:00
ubuntuisgreatI want the ubuntu machine on a different network19:00
naccubuntuisgreat: what??19:01
ubuntuisgreatSo i give it his own ip19:01
naccubuntuisgreat: start over. tell us what is where (maybe draw somethingn if you don't have the words)19:01
ubuntuisgreatOther then my other network19:01
xrs1nacc:  sounds more like a queston for the ##networking channel19:01
naccubuntuisgreat: --^19:01
naccubuntuisgreat: you keep on addig details that change the problem.19:02
jrp93did you manually assign it outside of the dhcp scope?19:02
zarzarhi i have an ubuntu vm (vbox), the vdi file is too large because i previously used 103GB for a yocto build, i need to clear the unused part of the ubuntu (guest) hard drive, how can i do that?19:03
nicomachuszarzar: use 'du -h' to find what's using a lot of space. delete files as wanted.19:03
ubuntuisgreatA modem that gives me more then one ip... one ip/port is connected to the ubuntu machine a other ip/port is connected to my router thats deals out local ip's to be other machines like a laptop and a desktop ect, because i had to reboot my modem the ubuntu machine got a new ip. Because of that i can not connect remotely with vnc because i get a timeout.19:04
ubuntuisgreatEverything else works fine19:04
zarzarnicomachus: the files are already deleted, but virtualbox keeps the sectors becuase the sectors contain non-zxero data19:04
naccubuntuisgreat: did the ubuntu machine restart?19:04
ubuntuisgreatI just can not connect to it with vnc19:04
naccubuntuisgreat: you might need to restart the vnc server19:04
ubuntuisgreatYes i tried to turn it off and on again19:05
ubuntuisgreatThe machine19:05
ubuntuisgreatSo that should have restarted the vnc server right?19:05
zarzarnicomachus: virtualbox cannot tell if a file is delted, only if a 1MB sector has non-zero data19:05
xrs1assign a static IP in the router19:05
ubuntuisgreatthe ubuntu machine is not behind a router19:05
naccubuntuisgreat: you *just* said it's connected to the router.19:06
xrs1what is providing DHCP?  the ubuntu machine?19:06
naccubuntuisgreat: the modem, rather19:06
jrp93ubuntuisgreat, is the modem in bridge mode19:07
ubuntuisgreat@nacc i did not19:08
ubuntuisgreatI said its connected to the emta modem19:08
xrs1you havent provided a clear picture oh the network and it's routes. im not understanding the setup.  but from what i gather, you are in the wrong place. this is a question for the ##networking channel. does the modem have more than 1 ethernet port?  if it does its most likely a router.19:08
ubuntuisgreat@jrp93 it doesnt have such things19:08
naccubuntuisgreat: did you check if the vnc server is running?19:09
ubuntuisgreatNo the modem has only one port19:09
naccubuntuisgreat: did you check if it's bound to a bad IP?19:09
ubuntuisgreatBut with a switch on that port... i get more ports and more then one ip19:09
jrp93What is the model of the modem19:09
ikoniaa modem that gives out multiple IP's and directs trafic through them.....is a router19:10
dlamis there any handy tools for seeing what's making my load average go up?  its on a web server so pretty sure its like I/O from serving images and stuff19:10
xrs1it also kiind of sounds like he is using the ubuntu machine as the router19:10
naccdlam: top?19:10
ikoniadlam: how are you pretty sure of that19:10
ubuntuisgreatIts not a router...19:10
ubuntuisgreat 24*8 DOC 3 EMTA(DOCSIS)19:11
tgm4883that's not a model number19:11
ubuntuisgreati cant find the model number right now19:11
ikoniamanaging multiple IP's out of a single IP is routing19:11
ubuntuisgreatgive me 5 minutes19:11
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: is this a home setup or a business setup? Why are you getting multiple public IP addresses?19:11
ubuntuisgreatBecause thats how my isp works lol19:12
jrp93Who is your isp19:12
ubuntuisgreatNot my fault19:12
ubuntuisgreattelenet in belgium19:12
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: I disagree, I think this probably is your fault19:13
xrs1im so confused.    so the modem has only 1 ethernet port. "one ip/port is connected to the ubuntu machine a other ip/port is connected to my router thats deals out local ip's to be other machines like a laptop and a desktop ect"   what is providing DHCP?  how is the router connected? what is it connected to?19:13
ikoniathis doesn't sound like an ubuntu problem19:13
ikoniathis sounds like a problem with your networking kit/ISP/dns19:13
tgm4883Most internet setups would be      ISP ---> Modem ---> Router ----> <Multiple PCs>19:13
ikoniaI don't believe ubuntu is a problem here19:14
tgm4883ikonia: +119:14
ubuntuisgreatI gues you guys just get it19:14
ubuntuisgreatdont get it*19:14
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: a bit of irony there19:14
naccubuntuisgreat: as I said a while ago, describe it better if we're missing something19:14
xrs1ubuntuisgreat: okay for the 3rd time. this isnt a problem with ubuntu, its a problem wth your network.  for help with your network you need to ask in the channel called ##networking.  type /join ##networking19:15
ubuntuisgreatTheres a emta modem with one port then there is a switch that has 5 ports one port is the ubuntu machine that gets a ip from my isp another port is my router that gets another ip from my isp19:15
ubuntuisgreatBecause the modem restart the ubuntu ip changed and remote desktop times out19:16
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: drop the switch, plug your ubuntu machine into the router19:16
xrs1what IP does the router have?19:16
ubuntuisgreatI want it have a seperate network19:16
ikoniaso...routing then19:16
xrs1you can use the router to subnet?19:16
ubuntuisgreat84.192.xxx.132 is my router ip19:17
xrs1so then this has nothing to do with ubuntu.19:17
* tgm4883 thinks you somehow fell in a gap with your ISP giving you multiple public IP addresses19:17
akikubuntuisgreat: maybe use a dyndns service so that the hostname will be updated automatically?19:18
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: what is the IP of your ubuntu machine?19:18
tgm4883akik: that's not the issue19:18
akiktgm4883: it is if he doesn't know the new ip address19:19
jrp932did you post the model number19:19
tgm4883akik: if you read the backlog you'll know that dynamic DNS was suggested 30 minutes ago19:19
ubuntuisgreatubuntu machine is 84.192.xxx.8019:20
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: are those XXX numbers the same on both boxes?19:20
ikoniaso routing then19:20
ikoniawhat is the router19:20
ubuntuisgreatA pfsense home build19:20
ikoniaso now there is another box in the mix19:21
jrp932triple NAT baby19:21
tgm4883sounds like an issue with the ISP not segregating stuff correctly that allowed it to work before19:21
ubuntuisgreatAll other things work fine19:21
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ubuntuisgreatJust not remote desktop19:21
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: wait, you're router is a pfsense box and you have this PoS setup because you want your ubuntu box on a different network19:21
tgm4883ok i'm done19:21
ubuntuisgreatThe pfsense machine is just to play with atm19:22
ikoniayet its controlling the routing of your network19:22
pavlosubuntuisgreat: the ifsense box should have 2 net cards, one to the modem (isp) and one for your local net19:22
=== jrp932 is now known as jrp93
tgm4883Let's all stay on topic19:23
ikoniathis is clearly not an ubuntu issue19:23
jrp93ya true19:23
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: I suggest you take this to the networking channel ##networking19:23
ubuntuisgreatikonia the pfsense machine has nothing to do with the ubuntu machine...19:23
jrp93lets talk about how bad amd gpu pro drivers are19:23
tharkunAloha I just recieved a laptop that has ubuntu installed. I don't know what version. How can i find out?19:24
pavlostharkun: lsb_release -a19:24
jrp93top right -> about this computer19:24
ubuntuisgreatWhat channel is the network channel?19:26
tharkunpavlos: Thanks, is that ubuntu only or is it available on any distro?19:26
ubuntuisgreateven to this has nothing to do with networks19:26
tharkunjrp93: Headles machine no X or wayland19:26
pavlostharkun: that command is on most distros, I think19:27
jrp93On a laptop?19:27
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: can you explain how this is an ubuntu problem ?19:27
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: if you think it's an ubuntu problem we'll be happy to help but so far nothing you've said suggests this is an ubuntu issue19:27
okaycoolHey guys I want to hide commands that I run  using ssh session from admins root user  while running them and after I run command I want to remove it from everywhere logs and all19:28
nacctharkun: pavlos' command should work (lsb_release -a)19:28
tharkunjrp93: Yes, we make miracles everyother day with available hardware.19:28
jymdoes anyone happen to remember WHICH  version of ubuntu had a "live USB" installer built into the distro (iso)?19:28
ikoniaokaycool: not helping you with that19:28
naccokaycool: no.19:28
tharkunnacc: just tested it around and you are right19:28
ubuntuisgreatDo i realy have to repeat my setup again? ikonia19:28
okaycoolOkay reason?19:28
ubuntuisgreatMy isp gives me multiple ip's19:28
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: no, but if you could explain why this is an ubuntu problem, that would be a key thing19:28
naccokaycool: there is no legitimate reason for you to try to hide your actions from a system administrator19:28
ubuntuisgreatThey seperated networks19:29
naccokaycool: it sounds like you're trying to hack someone's system and not be caught.19:29
ubuntuisgreatSo my pfsense machine does not even see this ubuntu machine19:29
jrp93okaycool, echo " " > ~/.bash_history19:29
ubuntuisgreatWhere you think it does19:29
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: how is it an ubuntu problem though19:29
tharkunokaycool: It is not nice to play with someones toys and not let them know how  are you palying. Unless you want to break his toys :(19:29
ubuntuisgreatWhat else can it be?19:29
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: a network problem, an ISP problem,19:30
okaycoolonly reason is that I have commands and get paid for that19:30
ubuntuisgreatThe machine got a new ip and only remote desktop times out, all other services work19:30
okaycoolScript that automates some tasks19:30
naccokaycool: not sure that sentence makes sense to me.19:30
ubuntuisgreatNote: all other services work19:30
jrp93ubuntuisgreat, you can ssh into the machine?19:30
tharkunubuntuisgreat: check how the remote desktop is connecting, probably using ip address directly.19:30
naccokaycool: what does getting paid to ... do something that you are nnot denying might be illegal or not what an admin wants ... have to do with us not supporting it?19:31
okaycoolAnd if someone ( advance user ) will get my script my business will be -19:31
jrp93test it with a ddns service then19:31
jrp93if it doesn't work then it's a software problem probably19:31
ubuntuisgreatWhat would a ddns change?19:31
ubuntuisgreatI know the ubuntu machine ip...19:31
jrp93you not going through your odd setup19:31
okaycoolI want to hide commands not changes19:31
nacctharkun: what are you tryig to query?19:31
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: what is doing the port forwarding19:32
jrp93go through the interwebs instead19:32
ikoniaokaycool: enough - we will not help with that19:32
naccokaycool: what would that achieve? I still see no reason to do what you're saying19:32
jrp93oh you're sshing with the external ip ?19:32
ikoniaokaycool: please don't ask again19:32
ubuntuisgreatTheres no port forwarding inbetween this ikonia19:32
ubuntuisgreatAtleast not on the ubuntu machine19:32
jrp93if you're using the external ip for everything then it is your router configuration that's messed up19:32
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: there has to be - you have a modem that is NOT a router, yet it's giving out multiple IP's on different subnets19:32
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: either a.) something is routing b.) something is port forwarding19:33
ubuntuisgreatMy isp gives me ip's to my emta modem19:33
ikoniayou've said that19:33
pavlosubuntuisgreat: do you have the modem model #19:33
ikoniaand I understand it19:33
jrp93i still want to know the model19:33
ubuntuisgreatGive me 5 minutes19:33
jrp93what kind of modem gives multiple ips and doesnt have bridge mode19:33
okaycoolHow can you guys say that I want to do something illegal do you think if I cannot hide things from people can hack their pcs I tried encryption but I have to decrypt script to run I asked for solutions but know one have sol for that so thought I will run that remotely19:34
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ikoniaokaycool: please don't ask again19:34
okaycoolSo know one will get my work for free19:34
tharkunWhat is the latest LTS version of Ubuntu? This piece of hw has 14.04 and since a major revamp is needed I might as well pump it up to the latest one. The site is not beeing nice to me today :(19:35
okaycoolDo you guys have any solution to protect my work from root users19:35
nacctharkun: 16.04 is the latest LTS19:35
pavlostharkun: 16.0419:35
ikoniaencypt the disk/file19:35
tharkunThank you guys :D19:35
okaycoolBut then file will not execute19:35
ikoniayes it will19:36
okaycoolAnd script will be useless19:36
okaycoolHow I tried openssl didn’t work19:36
tharkunokaycool: Cool down and research about your Shell you will find that it has lots of niceties that you are not viewing.19:36
jrp93okaycool, why are you doing sensitive work as an unprivileged user19:36
jrp93on a machine you dont control...19:36
jymokaycool: root is root, if you are accessing another's machine via ssh, there is no way that you can essentially hide anything from them.19:37
tharkunbashrc or zshrc or cshrc do have configuration parameters.19:37
okaycoolMy script configures program that user have on their PC19:37
okaycoolThat all it does19:37
okaycoolI don’t want to hide my work I want to hide I did that19:37
tharkunokaycool: What shell are you using?19:38
jymokaycool: again, root is root, if you are accessing another's machine via ssh, there is no way that you can essentially hide anything from them.19:38
okaycoolSomething like selinux?19:38
ubuntuisgreatmodel is cbn CV7160E19:38
naccokaycool: why do you want to do that?19:39
naccokaycool: what possible reason is there to hide that from the root user?19:39
okaycoolBecause if someone will get my work19:39
okaycoolWhy he/she will pay me for it19:39
naccokaycool: they can get your work by snapshotting their system, before and aftrer your script and diffing them.19:39
jymokaycool: Then get your own server and you can control everything.19:39
naccokaycool: afaict, if all your script does is configure some app19:39
okaycoolAnd it he/she will give it to everyone why anyone will pay me :(19:40
ikoniaokaycool: I assure you there is nothing secret about your work19:40
naccokaycool: we don't know.19:40
ikoniaif it is a script that configures someone's PC it is not "secret"19:40
naccokaycool: it sounds like people should not be payig you for your work, if all it is is app configurationn.19:40
okaycoolYes you are right ikonia there is nothing special about my script19:41
okaycoolBut making it is headache19:41
ikoniagreat, so no need to hide it19:41
ikonialets move on19:41
okaycoolThink my script as bitnami version of any program:)19:42
ikoniait's not a secret, nothing to hide19:42
ikonialets move on19:42
ubuntuisgreatSo... i posted the model19:42
jrp93ever heard of docker19:42
ubuntuisgreatWhat now?19:42
jrp93what's the company19:43
okaycoolikonia: you are always rude to everyone who’s problem is out of your understanding :(19:43
ikoniaokaycool: not being rude at all19:43
okaycoolI know my way of work is so weird19:44
ikoniaokaycool: then don't do it19:44
ikoniaokaycool: follow standard patterns like everyone else19:44
ikoniathen you can use the same tools / methods19:44
naccokaycool: as non-root, there is not a reasonable way to hide your actions in a guarannteed fashion from root, and there is no reaso to do so.19:44
okaycoolI have root access19:44
okaycoolthey gave me server to install and configure app19:45
okaycoolThats why I get paid19:45
ikoniathen do it ?19:45
tgm4883okaycool: who runs the script?19:45
ikoniawhat's the problem19:45
tgm4883okaycool: then how are they going to know what it's doing if you are running it?19:45
tgm4883just don't give them the script....19:46
ikoniathis is getting tedious now19:46
naccokaycool: as I said, a good admin will have backups and can trivially detect what you did to their system. Not sure why it matters *how* you did it19:46
naccokaycool: in any case, this is 100% not a support topic19:46
tgm4883okaycool: I mean, what you want to do is against the nature of this channel, but this is possibly the simplist problem to solve. If you don't want someone to get ahold of your script, then don't give them the script19:46
okaycoolBut as you know Ubuntu log keys we type19:47
tharkunokaycool: research HISTCONTROL under man bash and be done.19:47
ikoniaubuntu doesn't log what you type19:47
nacci thikn okaycool means the shell hsitory19:47
naccwhich tharkun has answered.19:47
okaycool I mean19:47
tgm4883okaycool: assuming you're talking about shell history, delete the history19:47
okaycoolWhat we did19:47
ikoniaokaycool: what is the REAL problem here19:48
ikoniaokaycool: as we can't keep going around in this circle19:48
ubuntuisgreatikonia cbn CV7160E19:48
okaycoolAdded to list19:48
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: what ?19:48
tharkunI believe it simple paranoia19:48
tgm4883okaycool: but seriously, nobody wants your script that apt installs some packages and then copies some config files around19:48
ubuntuisgreatThe model...19:48
ubuntuisgreatYou asked for19:48
ikoniaubuntuisgreat: I didn't ask for the model, but thank you, it's useful to know19:48
jrp93ubuntuisgreat, it's some obscure european router19:48
jrp93find a manual in english and ill help you19:49
okaycoolI will try what you guys suggested thanx19:49
ubuntuisgreatWhat are looking for in the manual jrp93?19:49
ubuntuisgreatI have a paper one19:49
pavlos ... reference: CV7160E cable modem. Type is 24*8 DOC 3 EMTA(DOCSIS).19:49
ubuntuisgreatCant find a digital one19:50
tgm4883it's a cable modem, I'm not sure why we care about this non-ubuntu issue anymore19:50
ikoniawhy are we debugging his modem ?19:50
ikoniathis is ubuntu support for ubuntu issues19:50
jrp93Ya true. You'd get better help in ##networking19:50
ubuntuisgreatidk ikonia19:50
jrp93or https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/19:50
ubuntuisgreatTo proof this is not a issue with my modem i gues ikonia19:51
jrp93I'm more curious about getting two public IPs than helping you tbh19:51
ubuntuisgreatI get 16 ip's actualy if i want19:51
xrs1i havent seen an ISP offer that in over a decade19:52
ikoniaand yet it's not a router....19:52
ubuntuisgreatWell this isp does19:52
jrp93It's europe19:52
akikjrp93: don't be silly19:52
jrp93You probably pay 50 euro for 1gbit up/down19:52
okaycoolYou mean lan level ips ubuntuisgreat ?19:53
ubuntuisgreatAbout €70 for 200/2019:53
ubuntuisgreatBut thats not issue related19:53
jrp93Oh that's pretty bad actually19:53
tgm4883I'd say that's about normal, but I don't know the conversion from compound bows to dollars19:53
ubuntuisgreatIts not that bad19:54
ubuntuisgreatI get 16 ip's for free so...19:54
ubuntuisgreatBut can we focus on the issue please?19:54
pavlosthe modem should have one rj45 connector (for your network) and other connector that goes to the ISP19:54
ubuntuisgreatI dont want to compare penises19:54
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: can you restate the issue19:54
pavlosyour laptop connects to that rj45 and get an 88.* address19:54
xrs1ubuntuisgreat:  the issue is you are in the wrong room.   go to ##networking  for help19:55
ubuntuisgreatIt has a power connecter, coax connector and one rj45 port19:55
naccubuntuisgreat: regardless of your topology, did you do what i asked ... an hour ago? did you check if the vnc server is running on the IP you expect?19:55
ubuntuisgreatHow can check that?19:55
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: netstat19:55
naccubuntuisgreat: login to the vnc server and check `sudo netstat -pan` for the vncserver process.19:55
ubuntuisgreatvnc server as in the ubuntu machine?19:56
naccubuntuisgreat: the machine running the vnc server, whatever that is.19:56
ubuntuisgreattbh i dont think it goes through a vnc server? I used this https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2011/12/ubuntu-allow-desktop-sharing-.png19:57
ubuntuisgreatAnd connect with vnc viewer19:58
naccubuntuisgreat: then why did you say vnc?19:58
naccubuntuisgreat: i'm done helping you, good luck with your issue.19:58
ubuntuisgreatSorry for being new to ubuntu19:58
ubuntuisgreatI dont think i said vnc server at the beginning to19:58
xrs1your in the wrong room.  only the ##networking room can help you ubuntuisgreat19:58
jrp93Desktop sharing is vnc19:58
jrp93But yeah join ##networking19:59
ubuntuisgreatMy gues now is desktop sharing binds to a ip?20:00
tgm4883ubuntuisgreat: which is what that netstat command would tell you20:01
jrp93ubuntuisgreat, it binds to localhost by default20:01
ubuntuisgreatWhat part you need from it?20:01
tgm4883jrp93: localhost? Why would it do that? I'm not even sure how that would be useful20:02
ioriaubuntuisgreat, that is vino preferences ; sudo netstat -natp | grep 'LISTEN\|ESTABLISHED' | grep vino20:04
jrp93tgm4883, ah maybe i'm wrong20:04
ubuntuisgreatIt works!20:12
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
akikubuntuisgreat: how does it work now that it didn't work before?20:16
jrp93my guess is he just needed to port forward20:18
ubuntuisgreattheres no port forwarding on this ubuntu machine...20:18
ubuntuisgreatOnce again theres no router inbetween the internet and the machine20:19
ubuntuisgreatAll i did is reinstall the remote desktop service20:19
=== deadlysin is now known as deadlysin_
ubuntuisgreatSo yes a ubuntu issue20:19
AkumaHello, I'm having some issues installing 17.10 desktop from a USB key, as soon as the USB key tries to enter the installer, the screen shows the mouse with a black background and then starts turning the screen on and off until I'm left with text entry only20:19
ubuntuisgreatNot a network issue20:19
Akumaany ideas?20:19
akikubuntuisgreat: which package?20:20
ubuntuisgreatNot sure wich one20:21
pavlosubuntuisgreat: you installed vino-server ?20:21
ubuntuisgreatI followed a guide on the world wide web20:21
naccyou just did something and don't know what you did?20:21
tulphoonHi! I'm trying to share internet through Ethernet port using the Method: Shared to other computers.20:21
Elodinwhat would be a reason my wifi card keeps going to down status?20:22
ubuntuisgreatI reinstalled the remote desktop service20:22
pavlosubuntuisgreat: look at your history to find the command20:22
tulphoonWhen I try to connect though, it doesn't work.20:22
ubuntuisgreatWill do later20:22
ubuntuisgreatMy work is calling20:22
jrp93How do you even enable VNC through the GUI20:22
ubuntuisgreatBy enabling this?20:24
jrp93Is remote desktop service even a thing? I'm pretty sure it's vnc4server20:24
jrp93Oh ok I was searching for remote20:24
tulphoonOkay. I've managed to fix it. If you have problems with sharing internet through ethernet then install dnsmasq-base.20:29
jvelasquezis it possible to make a tiny change to a VM in libvirt noninteractively ?20:46
jvelasquezthis doesn't seem to work.,  virt-xml $M --edit --network network=vmbr0,model=virtio,mac=52:54:01:00:00:$A20:47
jvelasquez--print-diff shows me the diff,  but the machine doesn't change.20:47
ikoniajvelasquez: yes, the virt tools, such as virt-sysprep virt-edit etc20:47
jvelasquezikonia, virt-edit is to edit a file in the vm.  so that's not it.20:48
jvelasquezvirt-sysprep is before it exists, so that's not it.20:48
ikoniajvelasquez: "such as"20:48
jvelasquezand virt-xml is broken.20:48
ikonianot "the exact command20:48
ikoniavirt-xml is not broken20:48
BudgetSlugHas anyone tried the AMDGPU-Pro drivers with 17.10?20:48
jvelasquezikonia,  ohh. well it's not working either.20:49
DaemonFCSo, I ran into an interesting problem with Valve Source Engine games on Ubuntu 17.10. At some point they all seem to crash and freeze the whole comuputer to where nothing responds and the last second or so of audio plays and you have to hold in the power button to get the system to shut off. Half Life 2 does this at the Route Kanal mission and Portal 2 does it as Wheatley breaks down the wall and you try to get into a test20:49
jrp93BudgetSlug, i don't think they're supported on 17.1020:49
omginaI have installed some chrome apps; why are they visible in the terminal ? their name is ledger bitcoin wallet20:50
BudgetSlugjrp93: Damn, thanks.20:50
omginabut /bin/ /usr/bin doesnt have them but I know they are installed on teh desktop so where are tehy?20:50
jrp93omgina, are or aren't visible?20:51
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jvelasquezman. it just doesn't make any sense.  they have virsh dumpxml,  but no "loadxml".20:55
jvelasquezwhat kind of moron wrote this?20:56
jvelasquezvirsh edit, is interactive,  but I can't use cat?20:56
ikoniajvelasquez: tone it down20:56
ikoniajvelasquez: raise a feature request20:56
jvelasquezthe craziest thing is, it had worked. but then somehow, I'm back to old settings.20:57
xrs1well poop. i wanted to install ubuntu on this machine but it wont let me mess with the partitions.   gparted sees the drive has bad sectors and tells me i need to run a surface scan in windows.  after 7 hours of scanning and repairing, gparted still says it wont mess with the partitions untill i run a surface scan21:00
jvelasquezxrs1, what about nortan ghost?21:02
xrs1i only have 1 hard drive (and not sure what you would have me do with ghost any way)21:02
jvelasquezwhat kind of fs?21:03
jvelasquezand which label?21:03
xrs1not sure. im in wiindows atm.   win7 machine.21:04
jvelasquezwell, that makes a big fiddence21:05
jvelasquezdos is the old table type,  gpt is newer, supports bigger sizes, and that UEFI boot stuff21:05
jvelasquezit's also reffered to as a label21:06
jvelasquezI want everyone to know, that it's impossible to make any change to a vm in libvirt automatically.  all changes must be by hand.21:07
jrp93runc > lxc21:10
* jvelasquez googles runc21:12
puxavidahi.  i inherited an acer aconia tab and the touch screen was working while in the live version of 16.04 lts, but after installing there is no touch.  How do I get the touch screen working again?21:12
jrp93jvelasquez, docker :)21:12
jrp93puxavida, did you run dist-upgrade? open additional drivers app?21:13
puxavidano, I'm just at the system right after installing.  No updates, yet or added anything21:14
puxavidai'll try updating and look at additional drivers.  thx21:15
omginajrp93: hi21:46
jrp93omgina, i missed you21:46
omginaI can see them when I press the super button-they are chrome apps21:46
omginabut my question is how come they are installed on desktop21:46
jrp93omgina, they're "applets," they're not going to be in /usr/bin21:46
omginathen where?21:46
jrp93~/.config maybe? not sure21:47
omginathose are binaries21:47
omginaso how do I locate the items that I see in the super button tab? does ubuntu provide a featuer21:48
jrp93find . -name "*ledger*"21:49
jrp93No binary though21:49
jrp93Not sure where that is21:49
jrp93Probably some encrypted javascript file or something21:50
omginajrp93: you tooo use bitcoin?21:52
jrp93omgina, i <3 crypto21:53
=== HPL2000 is now known as hpl2000
ErtainHello everyone. I made a clock-in kiosk for a local charity. While the wireless for it was working for a while, it is now borked. I am not entirely certain why. It could be a kernel update I did, which may have knocked out the wireless driver. The thing is, the driver uses dkms, so it should have been installed on the newer kernel.22:05
ErtainFWIW, I'm using 17.04, with an Edimax 7811Un wireless adapter and the 8192cu kernel module.22:06
jrp93Ertain, did you try the driver from their website?22:11
Mr_HHi. I had a RAID5 (4 disks)  created with mdadm. After a failure of the motherboard the computer wil not boot anymore. I may have changed the order of SATA ports, but it seems like the problem lies on the disks. Running mdadm --detail /dev/md127 says it's a RAID0 of 2 disks.  mdadm -E on all disk shows active decvice 2 and 3 from RAID5, but the two in RAID0 has no superblock. What can I do to get my data back?22:12
netcrashHello, has anyone had any trouble printing to a windows 10 printer share?22:13
Ertainjrp93 I know not of a driver; I have used the ones shipped with the kernel, and the one which was backported for Realtek adapters.22:13
jrp93Mr_H, did you run `mdadm --verbose --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm.conf` ?22:13
ErtainI have read that the driver Realtek has released only supports up to 12.04.22:14
Mr_Hjrp93: no, I will try that now :)22:14
jrp93Try that22:14
* Ertain looks into it.22:15
Mr_Hjrp93: it says inactive array with 2 devices, the two missing the superblock22:15
oerheksErtain, your issue is still the dkms does not build the driver after kernel update?22:16
oerhekswhat if you build it now, and boot again?22:16
Ertainoerheks I have built the module. The thing is, the wireless adapter doesn't work. I mean, I can reload the module, and the adapter blinks a couple of times. But that's it.22:17
ErtainThe system can't get an IP address with it.22:17
oerheksErtain, maybe a hardware failure, did you try to unplug/plug back in?22:18
oerheksand what gives: dkms status22:19
ErtainWhen I plug it back in, the logs try to get an IP address. Yet nothing comes of it.22:19
ErtainThe "dkms status": 8192cu, 1.10, 4.10.0-38-generic, x86_64: installed22:21
oerheksoke, it did build, .. i would try the adapter on an other machine, to see if the hardware works properly22:22
ErtainWhen I removed it, and plugged it back in, dhclient gave an error about no such device, and tried to send 300 bytes to it.22:22
ErtainI'll try that.22:22
* Ertain tries plugging it into something else.22:22
ErtainYep, it works on other hardware.22:26
Dave_ElecI am having trouble on booting up ubuntu 16.04.. When i try to boot normaly it freezes at the purple screen it didn't even show plymouth screen and it boot's up correctly with advanced options -> generic... any help?22:27
on3pkSo, question, htop is saying I am using more ram than I have allocated in the VPS.  Is this a bug or have I discovered a singularity and a way to download RAM?22:29
jrp93on3pk, virtual or resident?22:30
jrp93virtual ram is not actual ram22:30
on3pkWhatever "Mem" is referring too22:30
naccon3pk: also htop does't refer to ram, iirc, it says "mem"22:30
jrp93not 100% anyway22:30
naccon3pk: right, so *not* RAM.22:30
nacc(at least not nnecessarily)22:31
on3pkOh.  Well, that's disappointing.22:32
on3pkWhat does mem refer to?22:32
ErtainSo the wireless adapter works. It's just that I can't get an IP address with it. Or, something is tying it up.22:32
naccon3pk: can you take a screenshot of what you are seeinng?22:33
Dave_ElecI am having trouble on booting up ubuntu 16.04.. When i try to boot normaly it freezes at the purple screen it didn't even show plymouth screen and it boot's up correctly with advanced options -> generic... any help?22:34
jrp93on3pk, this will make htop less terrible to look at https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/3c1f2566b550a95ca4062034e3e5d542/raw/0f759fba620e6618ef5aeca1ae1c6495da4791ff/gistfile1.txt22:34
on3pknacc, https://i.imgur.com/EZZh18J.png22:35
naccon3pk: cat /proc/meminfo in a pastebin ?22:36
naccon3pk: dunno, could be a quirk of the VPS provider (if they allow ballooning, maybe?) or a bug in htop. Per the meminfo output you're using about all of your rather small amount of system memory.22:39
naccon3pk: does regular top report the same thing?22:39
on3pkNo.  Top appears to show that I'm using all but 1mb22:40
naccon3pk: then i'd suspect a bug in htop ... what version of ubuntu?22:41
puxavidaodd.  When I first start up usb flash live 16.04 touch works at the try ubuntu or install, but then when I go in to try, touch is gone22:42
on3pkUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS22:43
puxavidacan't get to a terminal from that screen either to check xinput list22:45
naccpuxavida: 'touch' ?22:46
jrp93touch the binary file or touch screen?22:46
naccon3pk: hrm, seems surprisig, but possible, i guess, for small systems22:46
naccon3pk: i'd see if there is a bug already and if not file one22:46
puxavidatouch screen22:47
jrp93Doesn't surprise me22:47
jrp93Touch screen being broken I mean22:48
puxavidais there a way to get to a terminal from the initial installer screen22:48
jrp93Ctrl + alt + f4 I think22:48
Ben64if you go to try, you can hit ctrl+alt+t22:48
jrp93Something like that22:48
jrp93Ya thats it22:48
puxavidapressing ctl-alt-# other than f1 only shows a blinking cursor22:48
puxavidaonce try is selection, something else happens since the touch is gone at that point22:50
Ben64it loads the live usb22:50
on3pkIf I file a bug report it'll mean I have to be slightly more professional than claiming to discover a singularity :(22:50
jrp93I'd see if it's repeatable first22:52
on3pkI have other VPS's, but all with this same provider22:52
on3pkIf there is something weird that this provider is doing, I wouldn't be able to discount it22:53
naccon3pk: just to be sure, `apt-cache policy htop` ?22:53
naccon3pk: ok, that looks fine22:54
jrp93I'll spin up a 128MB mem vagrant box22:56
miner8866Hi, im trying to run a .c file through gcc, but i cannot resolve a number of warnings where the argument is not as expected (int vs int*). should i use another version of gcc in this case, and how can i figure out which, if so?22:58
=== peroni3 is now known as peroni
ikoniaminer8866: you need to talk to C developers to understand the problem22:59
ikoniarandomly swapping compilers is not the answer22:59
naccminer8866: you are trying to compile something and it is failing? why are you compiling it?22:59
miner8866@ikonia okay @nacc trying to install amd-adl-sdk because it is a dependency for amdcovc, which is an overclocking tool23:01
naccminer8866: we can't help with random tools, feel free to contact the owner of the tool for help23:02
naccminer8866: if it's in the archive, we can help23:02
jrp93miner8866, I recently installed that actually23:02
miner8866it is not a specific case of a general 'issue'?23:02
jrp93miner8866, What cards do you have though? Waste of time for 2xx series23:02
miner8866ahh okay, wasnt aware23:02
jrp93Yeah fuck amd gpu pro23:03
miner8866580 and 470 jrp9323:03
jrp93Ohh you're good then :)23:03
naccminer8866: what issue? that something you are tryig to build fails?23:03
ikoniajrp93: no need for the lanaguage23:03
ikoniaplease keep it civil23:03
jrp93You're right my bad23:03
miner8866the documentation is very marginal, already fixed multiple issues, but now the getvalue, get hex and get float fail23:03
jrp93miner8866, don't feel bad, the documentation on that repo is bad23:04
miner8866when running main.c23:04
puxavidaeven odder.  I rebooted and now touch is working.  Maybe I have to reboot after turning screen keyboard on??23:04
ikoniayou don't run main.c23:04
miner8866i mean compile23:04
ikoniaminer8866: I suggest you talk to the maintainer23:04
miner8866? sorry am new to linux23:04
ikoniaor a programming channel if you feel like you want to work the source code through23:05
nacc!compile | miner886623:05
ubottuminer8866: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall23:05
naccminer8866: but this channel is not for fixing source code, sorry23:05
miner8866okay, clear23:05
jrp93miner8866, I'll help you in PM23:05
ikoniavery kind jrp9323:06
miner8866i agree irkonia :D23:13
IndustrialHi. How do I disable a service from starting at boot (redis) ?23:20
naccIndustrial: what version of ubuntu?23:20
IndustrialHow do I check?23:21
naccIndustrial: lsb_release -a23:21
nacc!eol | Industrial23:21
ubottuIndustrial: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:21
nacc!yakkety | Industrial23:21
ubottuIndustrial: Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol, !eolupgrade and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety23:21
naccIndustrial: you really should upgrade23:21
Sveta16.10 was not lts ?23:21
Jordan_USveta: No. Ubuntu 16.04 is an LTS release, 16.10 is not.23:22
Svetaok thanks23:22
naccSveta: every two years, in the .04 release only23:22
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:22
Svetaok thanks23:22
Mr_HHi. I had a RAID5 (4 disks) created with mdadm. After a failure of the motherboard the computer wil not boot anymore. I may have changed the order of SATA ports, but it seems like the problem lies on the disks. Running mdadm --detail /dev/md127 says it's a RAID0 of 2 disks. mdadm -E on all disk shows active decvice 2 and 3 from RAID5, but the two in RAID0 has no superblock. What can I do to get my data back? mdadm --detail --scan also shows the23:30
Mr_H RAID0. Running 16.04.02 LTS23:30
oerheksmobo failure or problem with disks .. are you trying on the problem mobo ?23:31
Mr_His there any way to get the headers back from some config or anything?23:31
Mr_HI had a mobo with the Atom C2000 bug, replaced it with a new mobo of same model after one motnh today23:31
chomwittnacc: trying to install hwe kernel i got a 'warning' about missing kernel headers. should i worry?23:31
Mr_HI was thinking it would be plug and play, but I cant get the disk up. I'm running RAID5 with LUKS on top23:32
naccchomwitt: can you pastebin the command and output?23:32
ikoniawith luks.....there we go23:34
Mr_Hikonia: is that bad? I would think that if I only get the RAID working LUKS would decrypt nicely?23:35
Absolute0How do I get /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc?23:36
Absolute0I need it for vmware workstation23:36
chomwittnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25928435     line 17523:37
jrp93Mr_H, LUKS won't affect your RAID configuration. Reassembling mdadm is just a pain23:37
naccAbsolute0: are you sure on that path?23:37
Absolute0nacc askubuntu.com/questions/966585/ubuntu-17-10-upgrade-broke-vmware-workstation-12-5/96842923:38
jrp93Mr_H, what are the contents of /etc/mdadm.conf23:38
naccchomwitt: you can add that package it recommends to your list, it's goig to be uanble to build your dkms drivers otherwise23:38
naccchomwitt: it proably means you are missing similarly named metapcakges for the header files, fwiw23:38
Mr_Hjrp93: that is my thinking also since luks is one layer up. But I need to get mdadm working, all family photos are on that disk set23:39
naccAbsolute0: if you read the link you just provided, they are creatign that path23:39
naccAbsolute0: it's not an ubuntu path.23:39
chomwittnacc: should i use sudo apt-get install --install-recommends  . i mean i didnt use 'recommends'23:39
jrp93Mr_H, I have RAID 10 with LUKS. I can share my provisioning script but it's probably different for you23:39
Mr_HI'm working on getting SSH working now, it only says "system is booting up. See pam nologin(8)"23:40
naccchomwitt: headers are a suggests nont a recommends23:40
naccchomwitt: do you actually have dkms eanbled drivers?23:40
Absolute0nacc: I guess they assume you will create it?23:40
naccAbsolute0: I don't understand what you are asking.23:40
Absolute0nacc: I created the dir23:41
naccAbsolute0: ok.23:41
chomwittnacc: i dont know many things about that. (dkms enable drivers)23:41
naccoerheks: didn't you have a command to check that?23:41
Absolute0nacc: insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc/vmmon.o: Invalid module format23:41
naccoerheks: if any drivers are using dkms23:41
naccAbsolute0: i'ts not a ko, dunno23:41
naccAbsolute0: not really our issue to resolve, i'd ask vmware23:42
naccchomwitt: i think you want to install linux-headers-generic-hwe-16.04-edge and linux-headers-generic (corresponds to the binary metapackages you are installing)23:44
naccchomwitt: if you do that, it should trigger the dkms builds again (the ones that failed in that log)23:44
oerhekssudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)23:44
naccoerheks: i don't recommend that23:44
naccwell, i mean, it'd work for the current kernels23:44
naccbut the point is we're trying to get chomwitt off the install a specific package23:45
naccoerheks: the above will also make autoremove not work23:45
oerheksoh, HWE .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:45
nacctehre's a corresponding metapacakge for the GA stack, for the HWE stack and for teh HWE-edge stack23:46
nacc(for both the binary kernel and for the headers)23:46
oerheksyeah, lets not mix that23:46
Mr_Hjrp93: here is the cointent of mdadm.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/25928477/23:47
jrp93Run sudo mdadm --verbose --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm.conf23:48
jrp93then show the contents again23:49
Mr_Hjrp93: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25928487/23:51
jrp93Mr_H, Hmm. Was the array fully functioning before the mobo died?23:52
jrp93Mr_H, try sudo mdadm --assemble --scan23:54
chomwittnacc: packages linux-signed-image-generic-hwe-16.04 and edge dont recommend or depend on linux-headers packages.  (as i checked with apt-cache show) but linux-generic do23:54
chomwittnacc: i'll install the headers of the hwe.23:54
Mr_Hjrp93: yes. everything was working, but I had the Intel Atom bug, so I lost contact with the box and after a reboot it never got up again. Replaced mobo with excact same model. wont that destroy the RAID5? I am terrified of losing data23:57

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