
bluesabreNice to see sn-plug and pa-plug just work in the daily iso :)11:13
bluesabreflocculant: will review and respond a bit later11:13
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r328 First bionic release (by Sean Davis)11:45
knomeone thing i'd really want to see is an etherpad with side-by-side diff11:59
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
knomeslickymasterWork, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-180413:43
knomethis is very barebones and artwork hasn't really been touched - except that most of it is dropped13:44
knomenote that this is a considerably smaller window and two slides shorter than the current slideshow -- intentionally13:44
knomenow, bbl13:45
slickymasterWorkknome, minor changes/suggestions in the pad14:43
slickymasterWorkoverall I agree with the drop of those three slides14:44
slickymasterWorkdo you already hace something in mind to the Artwork: Ubuntu + Xfce = Xubuntu replacement?14:45
slickymasterWorkflocculant ^^^14:45
knomeslickymasterWork, in the branch i pushed i just replaced it with the xubuntu logo15:07
knomebut tbh, we likely want to add artwork to other slides as well15:07
knomejust a starting point15:07
slickymasterWorkknome, just fyi your branch ins't running the slideshow15:22
slickymasterWork./test-slideshow.sh dies silently after choosing xubuntu15:23
jbichaslickymasterWork: install gir1.2-webkit-3.015:28
jbichathe bad part is that package will be removed before Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is released, someone needs to port the test app to webkit215:28
slickymasterWorkdon't think it's that jbicha, I have gir1.2-webkit-3.015:32
slickymasterWorkany way, we're still working on the slideshow so nothing to serious15:32
jbichaI'm curious if y'all have thought about shipping ubuntu-software by default instead of gnome-software15:33
jbichabasically do you want it branded as Ubuntu Software or GNOME Software?15:34
jbichaI think there's a bug where even if ubuntu-software is installed it won't use the Ubuntu branding on Xfce but I think I can fix that15:35
jbichahmm, let me think about this bug some more15:39
jbichaI'm trying to think if there is any reason why someone wouldn't want the Ubuntu Software branding except if they're trying to run vanilla GNOME15:40
slickymasterWorkin all cases any change to the shipped packages will always have to go through the Xub-Council, jbicha 15:42
jbichawell I guess it depends on how this bug is fixed ;)15:43
jbichahere I'll file a bug and show you what I mean15:43
jbichaLP: #173129615:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1731296 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "GNOME Software app not shown as "Ubuntu Software" in Unity 17.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173129615:58
knomejbicha, ubuntu software is more appropriate16:07
jbichayeah, I'm leaning to #3, #2 would require action from all the flavors to opt in if they wanted the Ubuntu Software branding16:09
slickymasterWorkseriously doubt ubuntu gnome would go with it16:10
jbichathere is no separate Ubuntu GNOME, but #3 also opts out vanilla GNOME anyway :)16:11
flocculantbluesabre: ack18:04
flocculantslickymasterWork: tried the iso ? really slow to load here on kvm18:14
flocculantakxwi-dave: ^^18:14
flocculantif it does18:15
slickymasterWorkhaven't tried the iso flocculant 18:21
flocculantokey doke18:21
slickymasterWorkjust went with sudo sed -i 's/artful/bionic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list from artful install 18:21
flocculantwell yea - me too ages ago it feels like, iso's landed so I tested it 18:27
flocculantor tried18:27
slickymasterWorkI'll download the iso tonight and will give it a try tomorrow, over here18:36
slickymasterWorkheading home ->19:02
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
ochosibluesabre: shall we finalize the proposal of gtk3/4.14 packages that we want in 18.04?22:01
ochosifinalize in the sense of making it public22:01
ochosiand in the sense of starting to get the packages and PPAs in shape22:02
ochosihmm, compiling fails while running a distribution upgrade22:17
ochosii guess that's not a huge suprise :p22:17
knomebetter that way22:17
ochosiwell the results could have been interesting :)22:40
ochosianyway, i'm considering to run bionic on a daily basis22:43
knomegood luck22:43
ochosithat should also help us with taking more informed decisions about what to incldue22:43
bluesabreochosi: sounds good to me23:33
bluesabreochosi: annoyingly, I've lost the link :D23:34
bluesabrenvm, found it, http://pad.ubuntu.com/PyIIYsyIfn23:34

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