[00:38] Hello, can someone help me with a window/ubuntu grub boot loader problem. I removed the ubuntu partition, but did not delete the grub boot loader, now i cannot boot into windows. What is the best solution? I can't create a win10 recover disk. [00:38] I have seen a solution that says to boot a live ubuntu usb instance and install boot-repair, will that work okay? === hggdh is now known as WieWoWasWozu [07:17] good morning [07:27] good morning desktoppers [07:31] Morning didrocks and oSoMoN [07:34] good morning everyone [07:46] hey duflu, oSoMoN, jibel [08:52] morning [08:53] hey willcooke [08:59] hey willcooke [09:02] Morning willcooke [09:03] oops [09:03] forgot to press enter [09:03] morning! [09:04] Hey Laney [09:05] morning Laney [09:06] Hmm, nautilus has 2035 open bugs. There's a project for someone if you're bored [09:16] hey duflu & didrocks (d*) [09:17] ;) [09:17] happy FRIDAY! [09:17] i just checked the calendar to make sure [09:18] yes!!! [09:29] * Laney updates to bionic [09:29] fun friday activity [09:51] only 884 updates [09:51] pfft [10:12] so many packages still blocked in proposed [10:13] :) [10:13] one day we'll get through the test backlog [10:14] * Laney is constantly sending hamsters to the DCs [10:17] ooh bionic, shiny [12:12] willcooke regarding this https://trello.com/c/RSNS27OP/89-patch-disks-etc-to-hide-snap-squashfs [12:13] nautilus does not show them because they're not mounted in /media or /run/media [12:14] I guess we can just filter them in gnome disk utility [12:14] if the mount point in in /snap/... just ignore them [12:24] andyrock, ah yeah. Filtering seems like a distro-hack, but I can't think of a better way that will work for everything. I wonder if there is a way we could fix this upstream for everyone? [12:24] let me ask what they think upstream [12:26] there's a GVFS attribute for things that should be hidden I think [12:26] maybe that could be used [12:26] worth asking [12:26] ♥ [12:29] Laney: gnome-disk-utility uses udisk [12:30] and has already some internal logic to decide what to show and what to hide [12:30] do you know who's the main maintainer? [12:36] andyrock: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-disk-utility/tree/gnome-disk-utility.doap this has an email [12:36] yeah I was sort of suggesting that it could use gvfs via gio to list them [12:36] (gio mount -l) [12:36] anyway, what do I know, ask the guy :P [12:36] nice i pinged him [13:09] you can set a udev property to have udisks ignore certain partitions [13:09] e.g. KERNEL=="sda1",ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1" [13:09] via a rules file [13:11] good to know [13:23] yeah we can do that but still we need to patch gnome-disk-utilities to ignore an udisk object if hint-ignore is true [13:24] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/wt8MnpJb/ [13:24] that ignores all loop devices, is that right? [13:24] yeah [13:25] too generic [13:26] but if upstream is ok with respecting the property something like that seems sane [13:27] maybe we can also make it less generic including also the squashfs check [14:38] jbicha: Hi Jeremy, do you have time to sponsor the seed MPs at bug #1581160? [14:38] bug 1581160 in ubuntukylin-meta (Ubuntu) "Switch to Noto Sans as default font for Japanese and/or Korean?" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581160 [14:40] chrisccoulson, just a reminder that a stable update of chromium (62.0.3202.89) is ready for publication in the stage PPA [14:41] GunnarHj: do you intend to do a language pack update for 17.10? [14:43] jbicha: No such plan... Actually we haven't done that for the latest non-LTS releases. Any specific reason why you ask? (Actually I'm about to nudge seb128 about a last langpack update for 16.04.) [14:44] I was asking because there are some GNOME 3.26.2 updates that are otherwise not worth SRUing (only translation updates for a package in main) [14:44] I don't know have any need for a 17.10 language pack update, I was just curious [14:46] jbicha: My vote would be to not do it, and thus not bother about those SRUs. Better focus on 18.04. [14:46] +1 [14:46] that's fine with me, I just wanted to confirm intentions :) [14:47] btw, I think we might do freetype 2.8.1 for 18.04, but probably delay a bit longer because of electron regressions LP: #1728329 [14:47] Launchpad bug 1728329 in freetype (Ubuntu) "Update freetype to 2.8.1" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728329 [14:56] cyphermox: are the flavor 'supported' seeds actually used for anything? I'm looking at [14:56] https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntukylin.bionic_drop-takao-nanum/+merge/333506 [15:00] yes, they are usually used to denote things that are not on the image but still technically "supported" by the flavor community [15:02] did all -dbg packages got removed from ubuntu archives ? [15:02] I couldn't find them on 17.10 [15:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages [15:15] jbicha, yep, added that repo, but many packages used to have -dbg in the main archive, they got dropped i favor of external repo ? [15:16] xclaesse: yeah, Debian got support for automatic debug symbol packages so packages which used to build -dbg have been moving over [15:17] yes, there's more info at https://wiki.debian.org/AutomaticDebugPackages [15:17] ok [15:17] thc [15:17] thx [15:35] oSoMoN, yeah, I'm on that [15:35] thanks :) [15:37] cheers === JanC is now known as Guest54856 [17:56] uhm, what happened to nm-applet in 16.04? it's not showing up in the unity indicators any more, on either of my machines [18:01] have a good weekend all [21:24] chrisccoulson, still around?