[02:19] Can anyone help me with an ssh issue? [02:19] I assume I have the rsa keys stored in the wrong place [02:22] When my server initially starts I'm unable to ssh (connection refused on port 22). I assume this is because my rsa keys / ssh config are stored in a user folder who has not yet been logged in. [03:49] rharper: man, qemu-img convert -O vmdk is so disappoint [03:49] wish I knew someone at vmware who I could get drunk enough to make them write a sed script to convert the .vmdk to one that loads into esx :) [03:50] sed dash i [03:50] I've got little doubt tht's all it would take [04:31] silencecm: not necessary [04:31] silencecm: in fact, connection refused means nothing is listening [04:31] so you can pretty much trust I think that ssh isn't running [04:32] if it was an auth problem, say pass not permitted and only key, you would see a different error (public key denied), or something like that [04:32] silencecm: the sshd config is in /etc/ssh, nothing to do with the user or keys [08:03] (linoge) Hi I'm on 16.04 and trying to set up LVM on DRBD with pacemaker for postgresql HA. I've come to a point where the LVM volume fails to start with error messages about duplicates (included underlying device /dev/xvdb on the lvm reject filter). If I issue vgscan --cache and the systemctl restart corosync then the node starts alright. [08:11] lionel: why not use postgres streaming relpication? [08:13] Well, it's actually for learning purposes :D [08:13] And testing [10:36] Hi, I'm having a network connectivity issue on a Hetzner server with an Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller [10:36] Every day and a half or so the network connectivity will just disappear. [10:36] I can't ping it, can't connect to it, can't do anything unless I hard reset it twice. [10:38] Oddly, if I launch vKVM ahead of time I can connect to vKVM and control the system when the network doesn't work. I'm not sure how vKVM works, it's a Hetzner tool. When I connect with vKVM (as I am right now) I cannot ping out from the server either. [10:38] I have no idea how I would go about troubleshooting this. [10:44] I can't push output from the commandline to a pastebin with no network connectivity so here is a screenshot from vKVM of ifconfig's output: https://puu.sh/yjA5X/6b6c0e1f10.png [10:45] And from ethtool https://puu.sh/yjA7v/ed54851250.png [10:48] FWIW - I can ping [10:55] Hi NetSplat. Did you ask Hetzner? [10:55] Do you see any errors in dmesg or /var/log/syslog? [10:55] daincredibleholg, not yet. I wanted to see if there was troubleshooting I could do first. [10:55] None in dmesg [10:55] vKVM works over another connection, so no worries [10:55] hmm, odd [10:55] I'll post dmesg, just a sec [10:57] https://puu.sh/yjApg/1443233d0f.png [10:57] can you also provide the output of `sudo lsmod` please? [10:57] That's all that's there. [10:57] Yes [10:58] ah, that is from within vKVM? [10:58] sorry, need it from the system [10:58] can you chroot into it? [10:59] check here: https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Hetzner_Rescue-System/en#Starting_the_Rescue_System and do the necessary steps [10:59] vKVM lets me log in as if I were at the system. [10:59] not quite [10:59] it gives you a rescue system [10:59] but this is not what you would normally run [11:00] see the link I just pasted [11:00] Sorry, that was a distracted typing. vKVM shows me what would currently be on the screen. I can launch the rescue system and vKVM into that, I've done that before as well. Right now I am logged in as my normal user, in my normal root. [11:05] Is this a virtual server? [11:05] I mean your normal server? [11:05] It is a dedicated server [11:06] Ok, then vkvm gives you just a live system, it does not boot into your system:The Hetzner Rescue System is a Linux live environment that allows you to have administrative access to your server. The environment starts from the network (PXE boot) and runs in the memory of the server. This makes it possible to carry out repairs to the installed system, to check file systems or to install a new operating system. [11:09] So, if you want to enable a rescue mode you can choose from these options: https://puu.sh/yjAG4/a516cdee5a.png [11:09] Linux and FreeBSD are live environments. [11:10] vKVM, though, just shows what is presently on the screen. The normal OS, on the HDD, is what runs if you select that. [11:11] what is vkvm? [11:11] hmm, ok [11:11] what is `lshw -C net` giving you? [11:11] oh Das vKVM-Rescue-System erlaubt ihnen, das auf der Festplatte Ihres Servers installierte Betriebssystem in einer virtuellen Maschine zu starten und so z.B. Boot-Probleme oder Firewall-Einstellungen zu korrigieren, für die Sie üblicherweise eine KVM-Konsole benötigen würden. [11:12] lshw is not installed [11:12] you can also do this with any linux that boots from USB and has KVM [11:12] I can do lspci [11:12] lspci output: https://puu.sh/yjALG/7bfd3b8f85.png [11:14] @gunix, he is using a Hetzner Dedicated server, hard to attach a USB on that distance :P [11:14] lol, I can request that they put a hardware KVM on it as well. [11:14] But I've only had to do that once. [11:15] @NetSplat: Hmm, I did some googling and all I find is either virtualisation related or related to an old bios / wrong EPROM version, which would need fixing from Hetzner staff. [11:15] Yeah, Hetzner is pretty good, love the KVM feature, never used the vKVM tho :P [11:16] this save my back more than once [11:16] daincredibleholg, that's really all I could find as well. I wanted to bounce it off the community before calling 911. But I suppose I'll do that now. [11:16] anyhow - as this is a persistent issue, I think it would be worth bothering Hetzner support with it [11:16] Ok, thanks for your help. [11:17] Tell them what you already did, provide them with the output you posted here and ask for help [11:17] No worries. Sorry that I couldn't help more [16:53] Hey all. Is there a way, I can plug in a samsung phone into my ubuntu laptop and have it automount to specific folder in stead of the generic "mtp://[usb:003,008]/" type mount? I want to write a bash script that grabs my videos and pictures and moves them for me but I would need them to go to /mnt/samsung or etc? [16:54] I am assuming I need to do this in udev rules or something but not sure and could use some help finding where I need to go