
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
hoopertr0nHello ex. Arch daily user here00:46
shoogzi'm gonna ask a really dumb q here but my googling skills are failing me and i'm getting frustrated. I have a server runnig ubuntu 17.10, installed on a ssd. this server also has 3 other hard drives of different sizes installed (2tb, 500gb, 250gb). is there a way i have make my /home/user/ folder to be 2.75tb?01:04
shoogzie merge those 3 disks into one volume as my user home drive01:04
bcowanwith LVM01:05
shoogzi did see some mention of LVM but i'm so terrible at this stuff, let me try look at some docs and tuts01:06
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
bcowanLVM is like dynamic disks if youre used to windows01:06
shoogzah okay01:08
shoogzyeah but much more familiar with windows01:08
shoogzis it a terrible idea to have 1 logical volume across 3 phyiscal as a user home drive?01:10
shoogz(again i may have missed something here)01:10
shoogzi get that if one hd fails i may lose it all01:10
shoogzforget that - lemme read through https://askubuntu.com/questions/923886/moving-home-with-lvm01:12
bcowanLVM is pretty invaluable really, something everyone should learn if they are interested in linux01:14
shoogzthanks fella, looks like i can work it out. will it work with usb hard drives? (then i can practice nd make sure i know what i'm doing on  rpi with 2 usb drives before touching my actual home server)01:15
shoogzyeah i'm slowly trying to build up my linux skills, its just grasping the concepts that get me but i'll get there :)01:16
shoogzand i generally don't like to be that guy who asks for every little thing but i was eeing mixed responses around that confused me01:17
bcowanshould work for any drive01:17
shoogzalright, i'll play with it on my rpi, if i can get it owrking properly then i'll prob format the main server from fresh and start clean01:18
VystyI'm putting together a video slideshow on Kdenlive that will need subtitles, that I plan on putting into the video using Aegisub. Anyone have any idea the best video format to render with Kdenlive to load into Aegisub?01:31
nadioI have a file that has gone missing for some reason called "libauthpwd01:33
nadioI have no idea what package its from and tried to search for it but cant find it, what todo in situation like this ?01:33
palmtreehi, so I've installed the common-lisp interpreter manually, because of issues with the internet connection. After the installed finished without errors with its packages dependencies... I tried clisp, but it returns me Segmentation faul.... how to solve this? ideas? thanks :)01:37
tinfoil_hathelp, I'm stuck in dependecy hell on my ubuntu 16.04 server -.- some package has as dependency mysql-server-5.7 but I already have a newer version of MYSQL installed, so downgrading is not an option01:37
tinfoil_hatI cant make an upgrade anymore01:38
oerheksnadio, so tell us about libauthpwd gone missing? what linux are you on?01:39
nadiooerheks: ubuntu, and worked on some other stuff and it was gone for some reason, did nothign related to it. (its password module for courier-imap) but not included in the package it self it seems.01:40
nadiooerheks: so I am trying to track down what package its located in01:40
nadio"The authpwd authentication module01:41
nadioThis modules obtains account information and passwords from the /etc/passwd file.01:41
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greenshirtis it possible to automount ufs partition using udisksctl ...01:57
greenshirti cant get it working01:57
greenshirtanyone active?02:00
donofrio_greenshirt, people are here - irc is not instant answers, lurk around a few hours and someone will be about02:16
caleleHello Good Evening!02:16
carmelo12341Evening for you maybe ;)02:16
greenshirtdonofrio_: thanks for responses,02:16
caleleis my first time in an IRC... what is the channel topic?02:18
donofrio_calele, ground rules one might say, guidelines02:18
carmelo12341"Official Ubuntu support channel"02:18
lordcirthcalele, the topic should have printed when you joined, or type /topic02:18
caleleok thanks02:19
lordcirthPici, The link in topic,  http://ubottu.com/y/irc , is broken02:19
lordcirth"Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB"02:20
silencecmCan anyone help with me with a user question?02:24
lordcirthsilencecm, don't ask to ask, just go ahead02:26
silencecmheh ok02:26
calelehi so I finally decided to make the shift to Linux and I did it with Ubuntu... It has been a task but I like it02:28
caleleI have been looking at videos and reading electronic "free Linux books" Is there a more effective way?02:30
niko__calele practice, practice, and keep practicing02:33
silencecmI have an ubuntu server install. When the server starts I can't ssh in until I log in to my user. I have the rsa keys stored in that users home folder. Is this wrong?02:34
silencecmI get connection refused port 22 until the user is physically logged in.02:34
silencecmI assume my rsa keys shouldn't be in the users root dir.02:35
lordcirthsilencecm, did you select "encrypt my home directory" during install?02:35
silencecmnot encrypted02:35
lordcirthsilencecm, normally ssh keys are stored in $HOME/.ssh/02:35
TingPingWhat is the main repo for the Ambiance theme (specifically 17.10's version)?02:37
lordcirthsilencecm, look at the output of 'systemctl status ssh'02:37
Bashing-om!manual | calele02:38
ubottucalele: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:38
=== flkzz is now known as ezekl
silencecmSo here's my confusion: everything works fine after I physically log in to my user. I feel like the rsa keys should live on root -- or I should have a systemctl service to automatically log my regular user in on boot.02:40
PointlessManwhat was the dobj command?02:40
silencecmIf the machine goes down I need to attach a monitor and physically log in. If I don't do that the user home directory doesn't seem to exist (although I can't confirm that). I must be missing something.02:41
silencecmI must be misunderstanding how user accounts behave on unix.02:43
PointlessManmostly they behave nicely02:47
lordcirthsilencecm, the home directory not existing sounds *exactly* like what happens when you enable encryptfs for your home directory.02:51
silencecmLet me see if I have enabled encryptfs on my home dir.02:52
lordcirthsilencecm, run 'ls -A /home' and see if there's anything extra there02:52
lordcirthAlthough, you'd expect to get your key rejected, rather than no connection02:53
silencecmoh snap I see .ecryptfs02:53
silencecmI've physically logged in02:53
silencecminteresting information, let me investigate02:53
silencecmI'll bet this is exactly what's causing the issue! Shouldn't have drank so much scotch when running the install haha.02:55
silencecmWorking to reverse this now thanks so much!02:55
SvetaI suspect that encrypted homedir is supposed to work somehow, and keeping it encrypted is not a bad idea.02:56
silencecmI'm using strict rsa keys I wonder if unencrypting the data will really have any effect03:01
elbrujoon 17.10 ldconfig -v prints stuff but doesn't update the cache, ldconfig updates the cache. Is that a bug that should be reported?03:04
caleleare there any LUG in the Washington, Kitsap County area?03:18
caleleAre there any LUG in Washington, Kitsap County?03:22
Svetacalele: ask at a few local universities, they might know..03:23
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/03:23
caleleok thanks03:26
sling00Hello everyone,  I have a bit of an uncommon question that I can't seem to find an answer on.  I have a machine with 16 nvidia P106-100 "mining gpu" / 3d accelerator only with no vga output and then using the VGA output on the motherboard, for a total of 17 screens necessary (nvidia cards require a screen to be able to overclock / control fans).  Does anyone know if xorg has a limit to the number of screens that can be run with one X server?03:47
sling0015 GPUS + IGPU works normally, 16 GPUS + IGPU xorg can't load the desktop because it fails to init the last screen (the config file is generated automatically, on the fly at boot and is correct)03:48
donofrio_sling00, lurk around a few hours and you'll get a responce.....I'm intrested fwiw (I only run four screens - used to run six (using three dual output desktops and synergy))04:22
sling00aye, its a bit of an odd scenario, but unfortunately due to how nvidia's gpu controls work, its a necessity.  If I can't find a way to make them work on one X server I suppose I'll have to spawn multiple, but that makes auto configuration a bit more...interesting....04:23
donofrio_sling00, over a decade ago I was using matric parhella and other way to much wasting money on multiple output cards (had one that had four one time)04:28
donofrio_my xorg.conf was intresting sometimes took me weeks to get it right04:29
sling00its amazing how times have changed, I remember how revolutionary the parhelia was for traders etc because of the amount of displays it could handle.04:30
donofrio_so long as that gpu is registered at one chip you should be able to have fun....didn't have much luck years ago with diffrent chip...I'm so glad things are working better these days.04:31
sling00aha it is a thing!04:33
sling00#define MAXGPUSCREENS        1604:33
donofrio_why you not mineing with it?04:33
sling00it is mining, but the clocks cant be controlled without a "screen"04:34
donofrio_I see04:34
sling00will send you a pm with a picture of it, its crazy looking.04:35
donofrio_I'll go back to mute I'm sure others know...04:35
donofrio_oh I'll review that ;)04:35
Johnjayis there a way with apt-get I can install commonly used dev packages?04:49
Johnjayi don't want to type every single name like autoconf,cmake,git,gcc, etc04:49
sling00Johnjay: build-essential?04:54
Johnjaysling00: it says build essential is for package maintainers that want to build packages04:57
Johnjaybut i think if I add --install-suggests that might work04:57
sling00Johnjay: its a metapackage that pulls in the most common build tools, but yes you will still need to add a few more, cmake for sure.04:57
Johnjaylibstdc++-6-dev, not sure why i need that. doesn't gcc and g++ compile already?04:58
Johnjayor is that like, files to develop the c library itself?04:58
Johnjayyeah i just installed cmake04:58
Johnjayidk why autoconf is not installed by default04:59
sling00glibc ( libstdc++) is necessary.05:04
sling00ive asked the same question regarding why autoconf isnt in build-essential, but i ended up just making my own little pack of toolchain and pull it in as needed, this is what i use: https://hastebin.com/raw/xerubiduwe05:06
sling00some bits are for kernel build (kexec, kernel-wedge, crash)05:06
Johnjaysling00: i've been asking for something like that since 2010 or something lol thanks05:45
nkelhow do I only apply security updates w/ apt ?05:47
sling00Johnjay: you can make it even cooler, store the script on your own webserver and you can do something like... source <(curl -s http://myurlgoeshere.co/devtools-install.sh)05:47
mah454Why file command don't show mbr information anymore ?05:48
mah454Any show "DOS/MBR boot sector"05:48
nkel'sudo apt upgrade' is trying to install everything not just xenial/security05:48
mah454I use ubuntu 16.0405:48
EriC^^mah454: are you using it on the device or partition?05:49
mah454EriC^^: This is example : dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 of=mbr.backup05:49
EriC^^that looks right05:50
EriC^^it should have the mbr05:51
Johnjayapparently the source builtin is not posix05:51
Johnjaybut it's still a cool idea05:51
mah454EriC^^: yes , this is mbr , but why file command dont show information about that ?05:51
mah454I remember oldest linux version show that : like this : http://www.miljan.org/main/2007/09/05/easy-way-to-read-mbr/05:52
EriC^^mah454: dunno, i dont think it showed that for me too05:53
mah454EriC^^: I do this operation about 7 years ago (last time) , I think on debian 5 or 6 . now after 7 years file command changed !!! :D05:55
mircx1Hello i need please help how i Keeping a linux process running after I logout?07:51
ducassemircx1: https://askubuntu.com/questions/8653/how-to-keep-processes-running-after-ending-ssh-session#22088007:56
linogeHi I'm on 16.04 and trying to set up LVM on DRBD with pacemaker for postgresql HA. I've come to a point where the LVM volume fails to start with error messages about duplicates (included underlying device /dev/xvdb on the lvm reject filter). If I issue vgscan --cache and the systemctl restatt corosync then the node starts alright.08:00
linogeAny hints?08:00
ducasselinoge: that sounds like a question you'd be more likely to get good answers for in #ubuntu-server, but this time on a saturday...? still worth a shot, though.08:02
ducassekeep trying here also now and then, but it will be quiet for another couple of hours or so.08:03
linogeK, thanks :)08:03
ducassei'm not familiar enough with lvm to be much help to you, sorry :)08:04
linogeNo prob, I'm quite sure someone / me will come up with something... eventually08:05
gregor3005about Postifx on Ubuntu 16.04.3: I'm not able to change the sending domain like on other distributions with "myhostname", "mydomain" or "myorigin" it still sticks to the from `hostnamectl`. Is there any special set anywhere else?08:49
ducassegregor3005: have you set it in /etc/mailname?08:51
gregor3005ducasse: I have disable this and set it inside the config08:51
gregor3005ducasse: + changed it there as well08:51
gregor3005ducasse: When I change the hostname with `hostnamectl`, postfix will pick up the new name08:52
gregor3005ducasse: Via telnet it replies with the name which was set in the main.cf08:53
gregor3005maybe I should also ask in #postfix08:59
NeoFrontierHello, how would I go about reading the traffic on a tcp port when that port is mirroring a serial port.09:43
NeoFrontierwith a limited command set :|09:44
NeoFrontiertelnet does it, FYI10:19
briefi have a folder if 744M size, how do i delete it? rm folder/* takes a long time and does not seem to delete anything as the size of the folder does not shrink. the problem is that the "Directory index [is] full" (inodes).10:23
alkisgbrief: rm -rf folder10:25
Ben64rm -fr folder10:25
briefi also tried that, i also took ages and i cancelled it. perhaps the still running rm folder/* which is not cancelable blocks it10:26
alkisgWhy is it not cancellable? Ctrl+C is supposed to cancel it10:26
briefit only displays ^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C :)10:27
alkisgHow about Ctrl+\10:27
Ben64there might be a billion files in there just bogging it down10:27
alkisgOr switch to another tab, find its process number, and kill it10:28
Ben64maybe just do a bit at a time10:28
alkisgOr Ctrl+Z to pause it first10:28
briefafter closing the ssh connection, i cannot find the process10:29
briefi'll try rm -rf folder now10:29
mdroidwhat is the command running that show the number of packages available for update (2 packages available 1 security ....). What is the command giving this kind of information?10:39
Svetamdroid: does `sudo apt update` and then `apt list --upgradable` do it?10:40
alkisgmdroid: that's motd, /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available and sudo cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available10:43
alkisgmotd is displayed on logins10:44
alkisg(by pam_motd)10:44
floogyHi, how should pulseaudio be started on bootup, using kde in 17.04? Here it doesn't start up on boot or login. after manually issue pulseaudio -D I got working sound. There is no start script under rc.d. U guess it's maybe due to the change from upstart to systemd?10:56
floogyShould I manage it with an autostart sceript, or do I have manage it with systemd?10:57
EriC^floogy: does sudo systemctl enable pulseaudio do anything?10:57
floogyFailed to execute operation: No such file or directory10:58
sambomHello, I need to get some help with expanding an LVM... Its a virtual Ubuntu Server. Virtual disk are expanded from 1TB to 1.5TB. I have booted in Gparted Live and resized the partition to use all available space. LVM commands shows following information: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25937790/ Anyone can point me in the right direction to expand the LVM?... Thanks!10:59
floogyEriC^, I think systemd cannot dind a pulseaudio startscript? ii  systemd                            229-4ubuntu21          amd6411:03
BluesKajHowdy folks11:04
geirhafloogy: is it a kubuntu install, or did you install kde as extra?11:13
floogyas extra.11:14
EriC^floogy: try reinstalling the pulseaudio packages11:15
geirhaThen you're probably missing some other kde packages, though I have no idea which11:15
geirhaLook through  apt-cache depends kubuntu-desktop   perhaps11:16
EriC^floogy: sudo apt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-x1111:16
floogyhu, 16.04.3:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages11:17
enycHrrm, what programs on  Ubuntu-16.04.x LTS  can help with viewing (or for that matter creating) "PDF portfolio" files?11:37
alkisgenyc: what is a "pdf portfolio"?11:37
alkisgA portfolio is a collection of documents, folders etc, what does that mean "pdf portfolio"?11:37
enycalkisg: it apparas to be a ".PDF" file that contains a set of actual/traditional .pdf files in it11:37
alkisgenyc: who calls it that? what does the "file /path/to/file" command display?11:38
enycalkisg: "For the best experience, open this PDF portfolious in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later."11:38
enycalkisg: : PDF document, version 1.711:38
alkisgenyc: ah got it, https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/overview-pdf-portfolios.html11:38
alkisgYet another pdf addition from adobe that noone will implement except for adobe :)11:39
alkisgenyc: you could file a feature request there: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&order=relevance%20desc&product=poppler&query_format=specific11:42
alkisg...but don't hold your breath :)11:42
alkisg(poppler is the basic library for reading pdf files in linux)11:42
enycalkisg: pdftk seems to be allowing me to manually extract the separate contents.......11:43
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
jonahhi can anyone please help. I've just got this sweet new motherboard: https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z370M%20Pro4/11:57
jonahwhich is supposed to support triple monitor setup11:57
jonahusing integrated intel video card11:57
zteamdoes anybody know how to use clonezilla to storage an image of a encrypted lvm, to another lukes-encrypted volume?11:58
jonahbut I'm just getting one display in ubuntu...11:58
jonahdoes anyone know how I can get two monitors fired up?11:58
zteamclonezilla can't seem to find any files on these devices11:58
gregor3000hello, if i run the OS live from USB with persistency, and then install nvidia proprietary drivers, can i test hardware compatibility in that way? since drivers need reboot. i had issues with this card on another computer with 14.04 installed and a recent forum post told me i am not alone having problmes wiht this GPU model. so i would like to try it in live session to see if it works with 17.10, but i need to have the drivers installed..12:05
brainwashjonah: which ubuntu release is that?12:05
jonahbrainwash: it's kubuntu12:06
jonahbrainwash: I've asked in kubuntu channel too. getting in trouble for asking in both haha but thought it was worth a shot as usually people have helped me with display issues in the past faster in the normal ubuntu channel due to having more users12:07
brainwashI assume that you've tried to configure your display setup via the KDE system settings12:08
zteamgregor3000, nope, it doesn't work with driver which needs hardware access12:08
gregor3000zteam, so the only way to test it is to install, on metal in the dual boot mode?12:09
zteamgregor3000, but generally speaking Linux does provide excellent support for Nvidia hardware12:09
Ben64gregor3000: whats the video card12:11
gregor3000GT 73012:11
Ben64it works fine12:11
zteamgregor3000,sort of... you could select your usb-thumbdrive as your installation target12:11
zteamI have a way newer Nvidia card gtx 980) and that work just fine :-)12:12
jonahbrainwash: yeah display settings just shows one monitor. If I only plug one in I get my full 2048x1152 resolution. If I plug two monitors in and reboot I just get the same on both monitors at 1024x768 res...12:12
gregor3000the previous PC booted to blinking cursor after installing the nvidia driver (nuvoeu gave worng resolution), but it has an unusual motherboard with both AGP and PCIe slots, as well as DDR and DDR2 RAM slots. so i  am hoping the issue had somehting to do with the motherboard. this one is a "normal" motherboard. old, and live session works perfectly, but ofcourse in live session only opensource drivers are available.12:13
gregor3000zteam, eh haven-t thought of that. i could indeed just install it all to USB, just need to be carefull to put GRUB on it as well.12:14
Ben64the nvidia driver will work.12:14
ztaneis there any way to get unity-style merged menu/title/activity bars in gnome3?12:15
zteamgregor3000, alot has changed since Ubuntu 14.04, that release is ancient by now :-)12:15
ztanethat's about the only thing that I miss from unity...12:17
gregor3000Ben64, the nvidia driver should have worked, but didn't (recomended, lates...). nvidia tried to solved it but could't troubleshoot it. so i returned the card. then the other PC card died, and since gt730 worked well on it i got one for that PC. it has windowsXP, butlately i am having issues as vendros drop support for security software (firewall, antivir..). so i plan a dual boot with locked down XP for games & LAN games, linux for12:17
gregor3000everything else. but i would like to move some of the games that i know work well in linux to Linux as well.12:17
ztanegregor3000: it is really easy, you should stop playing the odd games that don't run in ubuntu and then can reclaim the space from windows :P12:18
zteamgregor3000, did you have full disk encryption installed? (that have given me similiair problems with the nvidia driver)12:19
EriC^fixing my keyboard key..12:20
zteamdo anybody know a solution to this clonezilla problem (it can't read and write to any of my luks encrypted devices https://imgur.com/a/vnN5J12:22
gregor3000no encryption was installed. i am thinking i will try with an older GPU on it in. maybe i could borrow it. i htink it has PCIe 1.1 or somethig. in any case latest AMD card didn'work, old HD3650 worked, but very slow (worked just fine on other machine) and finally nvidia 730, worked, bu tnot withdrivers installed. this GT30 acts strange in windows as well. for example even if i have only one monitor plugged it the ouput is still made to12:25
gregor3000another  plug. (DVI) just ignores the setup. so when i boot the PC under windows, pic is first now transmitted to TV, then it turns off the TV and switches to monitor. ridiculous.12:25
zteamgregor3000, just start by upgrading Ubuntu to a more recent release :-)12:26
gregor3000i plan to move it to 16.04 next year... i need some time to plan and then execute the upgrade12:29
gregor3000imean prepare... backup...12:29
gregor3000old pcs... 14 and 8 yo, still working well, serving their purpose.12:31
zteamgregor3000, you problably get no security updates for such an old release just so you know, and backup could be made with clonezilla12:34
akikzteam: 14.04? still supported until 201912:35
gregor300014.04 gets security updates until 201912:37
zteamaik gregor3000 my bad, I thought the droped support for older LTS releases as soon as a new LTS release was born, turns out I was wrong :-)12:39
zteamvery well, time to go12:40
gregor3000bye bye12:41
floogyEriC^, geirah, unfortunately reinstalling the 2 pulseaudio packages didn't solve the non existance of a 'systemd pulseaudio script'(?).12:42
EriC^floogy: i dont have a pulseaudio service too12:44
floogyOk, then, EriC^, how do you get pulseaudio daemon started automatically after a reboot?12:44
EriC^floogy: i do have an alsa-restore service though12:46
EriC^floogy: ah, i do have pulseaudio.service file in /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service12:46
EriC^pulseaudio package provides it12:46
floogyIs there a script in autostart, or is it somewhere in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf  or so defined?12:46
floogyah, ok. wait, I'm looking into it ...12:46
EriC^floogy: i'm trying to grep the cmd12:46
floogy~$ egrep -v '^;|^#|^ *$'  /etc/pulse/daemon.conf12:48
floogyflat-volumes = no12:48
floogydeferred-volume-safety-margin-usec = 112:48
floogyAh: https://bpaste.net/show/72cfcf8b985b12:50
floogy sudo egrep -v '^;|^#|^ *$'  /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service | grep Exec12:50
floogyExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no12:50
floogyEriC^, do you have --daemonize=yes instead?12:51
ponyrideror just pulseaudio --start12:54
floogyponyrider, I can receive sound if I issue as a user manually pulseaudio -D12:55
floogyI want to achieve to have sound after a reboot.12:55
BluesKajfloogy, do you have pavucontrol installed ?12:59
floogyI have a very old ubuntu installation, which maybe based on a breeze installation with a transfered debian potato/ubuntu/hoary instalation. I had to tweak often things on LTS upgrades due to issues during the do-release-upgrade/dist-upgrade. Therefore this upgrade process and also the kde ppa might be the culprit to this behaviour.13:01
floogyNo, rc  pavucontrol                        2.0-2                  amd6413:01
BluesKajfloogy, also if you have an older pc then check the bios to make sure the audio codec is enabled13:02
floogyBluesKaj, Everything is enabled. I just try to figure outr how to start pulseaudio on reboot automatically. regarding pavucontrol   I just installed it now. It's a gnome audio conrol similar to the kde audio control13:06
akikfloogy: i use pavucontrol to switch between laptop speakers and hdmi audio13:07
BluesKajpavucontrol is a pulseaudio optional volume and input and output settings control, it's availble most DEs, floogy13:07
floogyOn a first look pavuucontrol got the same set of settings like the already installed kde replacement.13:09
pirayehi guys! i have this problem when i try install make , how can i install make either sudo make install13:09
pirayemake: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.13:09
BluesKajsudo apt install make13:12
pirayeReading package lists... Done13:14
pirayeBuilding dependency tree13:14
pirayeReading state information... Done13:14
pirayemake is already the newest version (4.1-6).13:14
piraye0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 325 not upgraded.13:14
tomreyn!paste | piraye13:15
ubottupiraye: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:15
pirayeam i have it installed13:15
pirayeok, sorry13:15
akikfloogy: do you use hdmi audio?13:15
tomreynpiraye: yes, make is already installed13:16
tomreyn"325 not upgraded" would worry me13:16
pirayebut when i try make my file give me this error Makefile:813: recipe for target 'kaz-tur.autobil.bin' failed13:16
pirayemake: *** [kaz-tur.autobil.bin] Error 12713:16
floogyIn /etc/pulse/client.conf these two lines are commented out (?)13:16
floogy   ; autospawn = yes13:16
floogy; daemon-binary = /usr/bin/pulseaudio13:16
pirayewhat is problem here13:17
floogyakik, no analog13:17
tomreynpiraye: then seek support from the developers of this software13:17
floogyHm, why is pulseaudio.service not found? https://bpaste.net/show/014a8b3973ce13:21
floogy~$ systemctl --system status pulseaudio.service13:22
floogy● pulseaudio.service13:22
floogy   Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)13:22
floogy   Active: inactive (dead)13:22
BluesKajwhich ubuntu version is this , floogy?13:22
floogyBluesKaj,  16.04.313:31
ioriafloogy, and you have pavucontrol 2.0-2 ???13:32
floogyNow, yes. Formerly no (due to kde?) I installed it.13:35
ioria!info pavucontrol xenial13:36
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3build1 (xenial), package size 111 kB, installed size 732 kB13:36
floogyAlso I got sound working since I manually started pulseaudio -D13:36
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floogySorry, rc 3.0.2 was an outdated entry: ii  pavucontrol                        3.0-3build1            amd6413:37
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floogyerr *rc 2.0.213:38
floogyUnfortunately I'm unfamiliar with systemd and have abandonned most of my ubuntu/linux activity. I just tried to link `sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service '/etc/systemd/system/pulseaudio.service'`13:42
floogyBut that diidn't work either13:42
floogy~$ sudo systemctl --system enable pulseaudio.service13:43
floogyFailed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links13:43
marcisbWhat is this sudo: /etc/sudoers.d is world writable ???13:43
floogyI gues that wasn't the right linking13:43
marcisbHow to fic it?13:43
BluesKajfloogy, you could writea small bash script with the manual start command and place it in startup and shutdown if Unity/gnome has such an option13:43
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akikmarcisb: it shouldn't be. sudo chmod 755 /etc/sudoers.d13:45
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marcisbpkexec chmod 0755 /etc/sudoers.d13:46
marcisbnot working13:46
marcisbsame line of code i got13:46
akikmarcisb: use sudo?13:47
marcisbWHich pastebin was console print?13:47
floogyBluesKay, is your sound working after a reboot without the need of issue a pulseaudio -D manually?13:47
BluesKajmy sound works fine with and without pulseaudio . since I use 2 soundcards , one requires pulse and one doesn't floogy13:49
akikmarcisb: you can use "echo stuff | nc termbin.com 9999"13:50
marcisbI cant install docker wtf13:53
akikmarcisb: details, details, details13:54
geirhamarcisb: You should probably find out why /etc/sudoers.d was compromised13:54
akikmarcisb: ubuntu includes docker.io in the repository but you should install docker-ce from download.docker.com13:55
akikmarcisb: there's been some kind of drift between the versions13:55
floogyBuesKaj, do you know how pulseaudio starts on your system? What is the output of13:56
floogysystemctl --system status pulseaudio.service13:56
floogyls -lh /etc/systemd/system/pulseaudio.service13:56
marcisbbunch of errors13:56
pavlosmarcisb: https://askubuntu.com/questions/938700/how-do-i-install-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts13:57
akikmarcisb: not very constructive "bunch of errors". use the pastebin to show the command outputs13:57
marcisbHow i can strea my console output13:58
marcisbin pastebin?13:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:58
brainwas1floogy: it's started via /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop14:00
marcisbhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/25938841/  i getting these bunch of errors usually wtfff14:02
brainwas1try with a different mirror14:03
marcisbIt takes from lv server14:03
marcisbE: Failed to fetch http://lv.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cgroupfs-mount/cgroupfs-mount_1.2_all.deb  Temporary failure resolving 'lv.archive.ubuntu.com'14:03
marcisbit takes usually from lv.archive14:04
brainwas1can you download it manually via web browser or wget/curl?14:05
marcisbI have no idea14:05
brainwas1seems to work for me14:05
marcisbi get these bunch of errors frequently14:06
brainwas1how what?14:06
brainwas1changing the server should be possible via the system settings14:07
brainwas1under software & updates I think14:07
floogybrainwas1, so in unbuntu it's not common to start pulseaudio systemwide by using systemd. Thank you. Can you please link to a pstebin with the content of pulseaudio.desktip14:14
brainwas1floogy: you don't have that desktop file?14:16
floogy? hm, good point. I got three places: /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop14:20
floogySo why didn't kde starts with pulseaudio enabled?14:20
xstreunerHi everyone. I have just resumed my conputer from suspension and I have no sound (from neither headphones or pc speakers). I'm on kubuntu 17.10 (but I had this problem also with ubuntu 16.04.3)14:20
brainwas1floogy: did you check KDE's system settings? I assume that there is something to configure autostart applications14:21
brainwas1and there it should list pulseaudio14:21
kostkonxstreuner, did you reboot?14:23
xstreunerkostkon, usually audio works again after the reboot. But when I suspend, nope (I try to reboot, now)14:25
xstreunerI'll be back14:25
BluesKajthere's no pulseaudio listed in any background services in startup and shutdown in system settings in kde14:26
xstreunerkostkon: I have rebooted. Now speakers works, but headphones no. I'm pretty confused14:32
kostkonxstreuner, check your audio settings. Also, you could see what's happening with your volume levels in alsamixer. And there's always the option of deleting ~/.confing/pulse and starting afresh14:35
floogybrainwas1, thank you for the hint.  I added now /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop as a Start Script under kde settings > autostart14:39
floogyI'll reboot and see how it goes, bye14:39
kostkonfloogy, nowadays it's either hidden or systemd takes care of starting it so I believe there's no need to do that14:39
xstreunerkostkon: I'll check14:40
xstreunerkostkon: this is what I see https://imgur.com/a/AQjud14:41
xstreunerI think this could by my graphic card audio output... Or something related. But I'm using headphones and speaker14:43
kostkonxstreuner, yeah. Pressing F6 will allow you to select a different audio device14:44
xstreunerkostok: Ok, I selected the correct device. Everything seems normal to me... https://imgur.com/a/aajFz14:46
xstreunerWhen I remove headphones the volume of "speaker" rises and the "headphone" one goes to 0, and when I put them on again happens the opposite14:47
xstreunerbut I can't hear anything from headphones...14:48
kostkonxstreuner, try increasing both volume levels with the up arrow key. You can scroll through the volume levels with the left and right arrow keys.14:55
kostkonxstreuner, also see how the various switches affect your audio by turning them on and off, e.g. test the auto-mute switch14:57
Neo1How long have been installing Ubuntu on virtual server, It has been passing 10 minutes and changed nothing . I see always the same pic http://prntscr.com/h93mj414:59
Neo1Oh I had forgotten press enter?15:00
kostkonxstreuner, you could also take a snapshot of your volume levels and switches just before suspending and one after waking up from it and then compare those two, see if anything has changed15:01
Neo1now started the process15:01
Neo1guys, is Ubuntu easy learn? I need to install node.js on server and customize it. I am learning it behalf node.js only15:03
oromaattohpieaJust do it Neo1. It might take a few hours at start but it's a good experience15:04
Neo1for everything other tasks enough simply a shared hosting15:04
skweekI'm wondering about the best way to go from a computer with 17.10, to 16.04 and 'clone' config/packages15:04
skweekdo you all think rsync -ap to the new machine is a good idea?15:04
skweekand dpkg --get-selections < pkglist_from_17.10 is a good way to go about doing it?15:05
ducasseskweek: is this a desktop or server?15:06
skweekboth of the machines are desktops15:07
ducassea lot of things have changed, especially in the desktop packages. the list from 17.10 will probably not apply to 16.0415:08
acheron-aLike LibreOffice, etc15:09
ducasseor like the actual desktop, unity -> gnome15:09
* skweek contemplates distro-upgrading15:09
acheron-a16.04.3 is not really a bad distro to be at15:11
floogyBluesKaj, brainwas1, yes, it doesn't help to add  /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop to kde startup (triggered by logon)15:11
skweeksure, so what do you think?15:12
acheron-aunless you have hardware made in the last year15:12
skweekanyone familiar with oneconf?15:12
floogyI have no sound in kde as long as I open a terminal and issue pulseaudio -D as a user.15:12
ducasse16.04.3 will get the hwe stack from 17.10 eventually15:12
kostkonducasse, in february15:13
floogySo 'm wondering how pulseaudio gets started on your systems ...15:13
skweeklol, sure... but you guys don't really have any good input on my introduced topic :-(15:14
kostkonfloogy, i'll take a wild guess and say systemd15:15
ducasseskweek: if you want to go from 17.10 to 16.04 i would say you need to do it pretty manually. the config from new software might not work with older versions either.15:16
skweekwhat about the idea of using rsync to migrate from an drive back to the other machine15:17
Neo1What do packages to choose here? http://prntscr.com/h93ucz15:17
Neo1I need php mysql apach and node.js15:17
floogyWhat gives `sudo egrep -v '^;|^#|^ *$'  /etc/pulse/client.conf` (here all is commented out == empty)15:17
skweeklet me say drive and mean home folder tho15:17
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ducasseskweek: migrate what? data, you mean?15:18
floogykostkon, do you use kde?15:18
skweekya, like I ran rsync last night to external media15:19
ducasseskweek: your home folder contains config as well, which might not work with the older software15:19
skweekso I think i'm going to handle that with a dist-upgrade15:20
skweekmainly I'm wondering how the permissions work15:20
skweekor the file ownership15:21
BluesKajfloogy, the use the command,  pulseaudio -D,  in your bash script, or /usr/bin/pulseaudio15:21
skweekdoesn't rsync -p preserve the permissions, would that be a bad idea or what i'm looking for with the new machine?15:21
xstreunerkostkon: I tried to suspend and to login back. From alsamixer I didn't notice any change15:22
ducasseskweek: if the uids are the same you can just preserve the permissions, sure, otherwise you need to change them by hand15:22
ducasseskweek: well, by 'permissions' i actually mean 'ownership'15:23
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Neo1I've installed Ubuntu server and have got it http://prntscr.com/h93x4915:24
Neo1dark screen15:24
Neo1What is root login and password?15:24
peanutbutter144root login is root15:24
Neo1is it user what I created?15:24
Neo1and password?15:24
ducasse!root | Neo115:24
ubottuNeo1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:24
Neo1login incorrect15:25
Neo1I created new user when asked me15:26
ducasseNeo1: read the link from ubottu15:26
peanutbutter144login with the user you created15:26
Neo1and this is root?15:26
ducasseNeo1: you don't use root on ubuntu, you use a user account and sudo15:26
Neo1that user that I created has root rights?15:27
Neo1Seems there was saying it's not root15:27
ducasseNeo1: it has sudo rights15:27
Neo1If I need root rights, what I will do?15:28
ducasseNeo1: again, *read* the link from ubottu15:28
Neo1there many texts is written, I boring read that everything15:29
Neo1will input user what I created15:29
Neo1I've gone in there http://prntscr.com/h93zva15:31
Neo1what do do now? How to run server?15:31
ducasse!server | Neo1 see the server guide15:31
ubottuNeo1 see the server guide: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:31
Neo1ubottu: ok, will try15:32
ubottuNeo1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:32
Neo1Would be good show video lessons15:32
Neo1ubottu: ok, thanks :)15:33
ubottuNeo1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:33
floogy!pulseaudio | floogy15:34
ubottufloogy, please see my private message15:34
Neo1see this, command dir doesn't work http://prntscr.com/h941ku15:35
Neo1I need ssh access and however customize server15:35
peanutbutter144I think you mean pwd15:35
floogyunfortunately I cannot find anything on startup pulseaudio in kde in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio, ubotto15:36
peanutbutter144no, cd15:36
Neo1permission denied15:36
peanutbutter144you need to sudo15:37
Neo1how I can put there some html files and see how does it work?15:37
ducasse!bash | Neo1 here's a guide to using the shell15:37
ubottuNeo1 here's a guide to using the shell: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:37
Neo1there so many texts, only for put node.js on VPS I should be to learn that all?15:38
ducasseNeo1: you have a lot to learn if you don't know linux at all15:39
Neo1I don't want a lot, only common commands15:40
Neo1relate to php and nodejs15:40
Neo1how to install node.js php mysql15:40
Neo1how to put database15:40
ducasseNeo1: you are dealing with complex tools here, you can't just start working with zero knowledge of how they work. hence you need to read docs.15:40
Neo1how to remove something and nothing else15:40
EriC^^Neo1: to copy files to the VPS, either download them using wget on the server, or use scp /path/to/file/on/your/pc user@host:/path/on/server/to/put/them15:41
ducasse!software | Neo115:41
ubottuNeo1: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:41
ducasse^^ that's how you install software15:41
Neo1ok, thanks, will read and trying understand that everything. There so many texts...15:43
Neo1Should create my own crib15:43
Neo1Learn that all doesn't have sense, only what I need to15:43
Neo1I've typed in command these (php, mysql, node) and  have got result the app didn't installed15:56
Neo1What does it mean? I need all install manually?15:57
Neo1on my VPS after install ubuntu I get server with all this app already installed15:57
Neo1why in local I have got naked server?15:58
ducasseyes, you need to install them. some vps services gives you preconfigured images.15:58
Neo1my VPS using ISP manager, How install this here too?15:59
Neo1in ISP manager I know how to install any php version15:59
Neo1how to customize databases16:00
Neo1How linked ISPmanager in my VPS?16:01
Neo1I pay for ISPmanager additional money16:01
Neo1if don't pay you don't have access16:01
ducassethat's probably something your vps provider is responsible for, you would need to get it and set it up yourself.16:02
Neo1if don't pay you won't have access*16:02
ducassethen pay, or learn to do things the normal way?16:04
Neo1normal way it means to do things in dark command line?16:04
Neo1it's not much useful16:05
Neo1with UI I can do this faster16:05
ducassewhen you learn how to use the shell it's much, much more effective than any gui16:06
Neo1How long does it take time to use it more effective?16:07
ducassedepends on how fast you learn and how much effort you put in16:09
Neo1in average, For average user as I am16:09
Neo1for newbie16:09
ducassethere is no way to answer that16:11
Neo1I'm not newbie, I had been using ubuntu for 2 months and then removed it. It was when I had bought new laptop16:11
Neo1ducasse: one week?16:11
Neo1ducasse: month? Year?16:11
donofrio_Neo1, you'll know when you're there....for now just learn....16:13
Neo1))) ok16:13
ducasseNeo1: buy a good linux book and start at the beginning, you'll quickly be up to speed the more you work with it16:16
Neo1ducasse: I'm going to read it instead book https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/serverguide.pdf16:17
ducasseNeo1: in my opinion you'll need at least a good bash guide also16:19
Neo1yes, I make list what i need, I need ssh command for install node.js, for change password and user.16:20
peanutbutter144if you want to use the shell you should learn the basics before the specifics16:21
Neo1not so much. Server can customize use ftp16:21
ducasseyou are either trolling or unrealistic16:22
Neo1selected command, I don't want learn it. Passed this, this, I've got much information now, need to digest now )16:22
ducasseif you don't want to learn we have little to offer you16:23
Neo1ducasse: no, realistic, I've realized that seems takes many times.16:23
Neo1no will learn16:23
Neo1ok thanks16:23
Neo1will take much time*16:24
pthreatHi,I have a DELL Latitude with an intel card, the intel driver freezes my computer when xorg tries to start16:24
pthreatHow can I force Xorg to use VESA instead of intel16:25
pthreatjust remove the intel driver ?16:25
ioriapthreat, custom xorg.conf16:25
ducassepthreat: you could try the modesetting driver16:26
pthreatducasse: modprobe i915 modeset=1 ... and so on correct ?16:27
ducassepthreat: create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d and save http://paste.ubuntu.com/25939827/ as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.conf16:28
peanutbutter144vimart, hi16:43
floogyHi all, I finally managed to solve the issue. It seems to me, that I once disabled autospawn = yes in /home/$USER/.pulse/client.conf16:50
vimarthi floogy16:50
floogyDue to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/38244016:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382440 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[karmic] Failed to load module "module-alsa-card": initialization failed" [Undecided,Fix released]16:50
konamhey guys, I'm having an issue with ubuntu 17.10. When I'm playing an audio file via rhythmbox or vlc, if I close the app the audio keeps playing for like 5 seconds. What could be causing this?16:55
kostkonkonam, you are closing the window or selecting quit from the menu?16:57
floogyMaybe in gnome pulseaudio was started in another way. I switched to kde and plasmashell 5.8.8 due to issues with KMail.17:01
netcrashanyone knows of how to have the functionality of pressing mod4 key and writing the name of a app and getting sugestions back but for openbox? :D17:17
ghost-287hello, is it possible to hide his hostname in a wifi network? because it appears in the router statistics :/17:33
CoJaBoghost-287: Change it to something generic17:34
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ghost-287and i have another problem, when i have an extern antenna and when i change its mac address the connection does not work17:37
tomreynthen your wifi client does not support mac cloning17:38
tomreynor the mac address is whitelisted on the AP17:38
ghost-287hum , thank you for those informations17:41
CoJaBoIs there any possible way to disable write-protect in an SDcard slot? Or do I have yet another laptop with a completely defective SD slot :/17:42
StumpDumbGreetings:I was here a few days ago having issue with burning an Audio CD, the advice was to upgrade to 17.10, which I have done. I Still have the same problem, Brasero locks up when it goes to burn the Audio CD. K3B does Not have an Audio CD burn selection17:42
cschneid_I have a fresh install of 17.04, and things were working great for hours, but then the system paused & screen went black. Unclear on what the error is, dmesg & syslog have nothing of interest. This has happened several times - mouse starts lagging, then screen goes black. Sometimes just after getting to desktop after booting17:42
StumpDumbI have installed libk3b7-extracodecs17:44
BluesKajcschneid_, could be the file indexer and auto updates are running in the background17:48
cschneid_BluesKaj: this is "lag, lag, then BLACK SCREEN NO RESPONSE" -- so it's a crash, not just laggy system17:50
cschneid_also, I misspoke and it's 17.10, latest17:50
cschneid_I guess I'll see if it happens in xorg, not wayland. Not too familiar w/ desktop ubuntu - just used server stuff17:54
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=== Gadgit is now known as Gadjit
tony1I wonder why pdfchain no longer works? (17.10) same with 18.04 daily build.17:57
BluesKajcschneid_, ahh wayland, you didn't tell the most important part ..wayland is lacking in features and it's still buggy18:01
cschneid_BluesKaj: honestly, I'm familiar w/ linux, but haven't used desktop in a long time. So I didn't realize wayland was a thing until I started googling around a few minutes ago. :-/ sorry bad that a fresh install of the user-friendly version uses a known buggy UI?18:03
cschneid_99% of my experience is hosting apps / server stuff. So I don't know the world of X & Gnome all that well18:03
BluesKajcschneid_, yeah run X11/xorg for a stable desktop, especially if you have a nvidia gpu18:04
cschneid_yeah, that's what I got. Only change needed is the settings-button on the login screen? Or is there anything else I have to change to flip over to xorg?18:05
BluesKajcschneid_, I'm on kde/plasma so my gnome knowledge is lacking, but my login has the same option18:08
BluesKajif i have wayland installed that is18:08
cschneid_cool, I'll see if it happens again, and then dig in more. Just want a good dev machine to play w/ rust :)18:08
StumpDumbI was here a few days ago having issue with burning an Audio CD, the advice was to upgrade to 17.10, which I have done. I Still have the same problem, Brasero locks up when it goes to burn the Audio CD. K3B does Not have an Audio CD burn selection18:27
DaemonFCHas anyone else been having shutdown/log out problems in GNOME on 17.10?18:30
DaemonFCSometimes the log out button does nothing and sometimes shutting down hangs on a stop job running.18:30
DaemonFCHad to give up and use shutdown -r now a minute ago. :/18:30
t0m3khave same shutdown problem but with any linux :D18:30
akikStumpDumb: k3b -> new project -> new audio cd project?18:30
immuDaemonFC, i had earlier18:31
StumpDumbAudio CD....Burn....hello?18:31
akikStumpDumb: i don't understand you but if it's a ready made iso image, just burn it from the tools menu18:32
StumpDumbk3b does not have Audio CD selection18:32
akikStumpDumb: it has a audio cd project selection18:32
StumpDumbtrying k3b Again....before just Locks up18:35
StumpDumbno iso.....mp3 to audo cd18:36
zteamHi! Is there any replacement for unitys smart scope in Gnome shell?18:41
zteamto lookup, weather, wikipedia, pictures etc)18:42
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TheWildUbuntu developers, why did you f'd up Universal Access/Mouse Keys so badly? The mouse moves so slowly that's almost useless!19:53
TheWildand I need this function right now19:54
TheWildMicrosoft did it better19:54
TheWildslowly means it moves about 10 pixels per second19:54
TheWildseriously. Does anyone test this crap before release?19:55
brainwashwhich release is that?19:55
brainwashthat's odd then19:56
brainwashLTS releases are well tested19:56
brainwashand this one is already more than a year old19:56
brainwashTheWild: did you check the bug tracker? maybe it's a known issue19:57
TheWildsomeone posted in on ubuntuforums but hard to reach the second page using only keyboard19:59
TheWilda lot propose "suto apt install xkbset" (da hell?), but no bulletproof solution20:01
brainwashno idea20:03
brainwashyou haven't linked the ubuntuforums thread yet20:03
brainwashnor have you searched the bug tracker20:03
brainwashdevs usually don't read this channel here20:03
ioriaTheWild, install xkbset and run 'xkbset ma 60 10 10 5 2'20:07
ioria 20:09
nostroraHi! i try to change nameserver in my ubuntu server 17.10 to but there is always and
nostroraI have to edit the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file ?20:39
bcowansounds like you have a dhcp server running on your router20:40
nostrorabcowan: i don't. all my config is static20:46
bcowannostrora, then im misunderstanding you20:48
lyzeHello! I'm trying to customize the /etc/issue file. I however can't get the tty to output black. Whenever I write ' echo -e "\e[30m█"' it prints a grey character instead of a black one. Could anybody help me, please?20:50
Seveaslyze: then your terminal emulator decided that black is no good and gives you gray instead. If you're lucky, you can edit its palette to turn the gray back into black20:52
lyzeSeveas, ah that's a bummer, thanks :P21:00
brainwashdo the other colors work properly?21:02
aroonihow come i cant seem to resize my ntfs partition on an external disk with gparted?21:08
TheWildsorry, I was in another tty for some time. Thanks iorita, although I thought it can be done without installing additional software.21:09
TJ-arooni: it may be due to fragmentation21:14
tony1arooni: make sure it is not mounted maybe?21:19
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
DebianTUXhi all. i have this process called irq/168-NPCE038, consuming 10 to 20 % of my cpu, all the time. in /proc/interrupts I found "intel-gpio   45  NPCE0388:00", in ps -ax i get "743 ?        D    534:36 [irq/168-NPCE038]". how do i know wich kernel module is handling this interrupt?21:44
DebianTUXgoogling i found that is related to iio-sensor-proxy21:46
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
dlew86how do i change which tty the default xserver starts on? i see it was started upon boot with the arguments "vt7 -novtswitch" but i can't seem to find which file contains that in it's startup config. i've checked the default x startup conf's and lightdm's starup conf's and can't seem to find it. i've searched google and found several articles saying X will start on the first available tty. does this mean i can add tty22:47
Jordan_Udlew86: Why do you want to change what vt X starts on? Do you want to change what VT GDM starts on, or your GNOME session?22:55
dlew86i just want to see if it can be done and both23:02
dlew86i essentially want to use tty0 - tty11 and then have tty12 (ctrl+alt+f12) bring me back to the de environment23:03
=== Chinesium is now known as X230t
wudo_honourHi, where can I find the ATI driver for my laptop?23:24
Bashing-omwudo_honour: 16.04.2++ the driver is now in the kernel . IF you have a cutting edge card AMD does provide a overlay .23:27
oerheksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'23:32
Johnjaywhich packages do i need for kernel dev?23:33
JohnjayI searched headers but got a lot of stuff23:33
Johnjayoh nevermind I think the packages are called linux-headers-<blah> where <blah> is my platform23:37
Bashing-omJohnjay: Maybe like unto ' linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic ' . for the version rather than the platform .23:39
Johnjaywhat's generic?23:44
Johnjaylike a standin for the platform or are here actual generic headers?23:44
Johnjayalso may I ask if you track contrib and non-free?23:48
Johnjayi'm not sure if i should put that in or not23:48
oerheksgood start,https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev23:48
rh10guys, whichi two panel file managers (gui) available on linux?23:53

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