kszarlej | hey guys. is it possible to run cloud init network configuration on every boot> | 00:01 |
kszarlej | so after I add another IP to NoCloud config drive for an existing KVM VM cloud-init after reboot will | 00:02 |
kszarlej | set this interface up? | 00:02 |
kszarlej | Hey guys. I am using cloud-init NoCloud on my KVM VMS to setup networking using network-config. On first boot cloud-init sets up networking interfaces correctly. After first boot modifying network settings (adding another IP address to interface) doesnt work - the address is not added after reboot. Is it by design (so cloud-init reads networking info only on first boot?) | 19:22 |
kszarlej | If yes then is there any possible way to "rerun" network configuration on every boot using cloud-init? | 19:22 |
kszarlej | besides rebooting I was also trying 'systemctl stop cloud-init-local.service && systemctl start cloud-init-local.service' | 19:50 |
kszarlej | but it also doesnt add the new IP address. I am sure that new network-config is in the ISO /dev/sr0 | 19:51 |
blkadder | cloud-init is designed to run once. | 20:35 |
kszarlej | blkadder: but it has 'per-always' 'per-instance' etc | 20:37 |
kszarlej | I would like to set that interfaces are being setup 'per-always' | 20:37 |
blkadder | There is a way to run something on subsequent boots, I was looking it up.... | 20:37 |
kszarlej | but I cannot find which "module" is setting up networking | 20:38 |
kszarlej | none of the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg surely | 20:39 |
kszarlej | of the listed in* | 20:39 |
kszarlej | there isnt any 'network' module | 20:39 |
kszarlej | it looks like it is done my cloud-init-local | 20:45 |
blkadder | I think (not positive someone smarter here may know) that this is what you'd use some sort of config management tool for. Cloud-init provides initial config then you hand off to config management for things you need to do repeatedly. | 20:48 |
blkadder | That's my understanding anyways... | 20:48 |
kszarlej | Ye but then I duplicate networking configuration between two tools | 20:53 |
kszarlej | cloud-init and ie. ansible | 20:53 |
kszarlej | it would be much better if cloud-init could do that | 20:54 |
blkadder | So don't have cloud-init handle the network config and just use ansible? | 20:57 |
kszarlej | How will I access an host using ansible+ssh when it has network not configured on start? :) | 21:02 |
kszarlej | I dont want to log to every KVM VM and set manually IP address | 21:03 |
kszarlej | its 21th century :) | 21:04 |
blkadder | kszarlej, Distribute your network config playbook as part of the initial cloud-init config and run it. | 23:12 |
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