
supermom2586How can I make A new login I don't know the password to the old account02:06
oerhekssupermom2586, just reset your password, if you haven' t encrypted your kubuntu http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword02:09
supermom2586authentication required password to do anything,Make a new account,ect.....02:13
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deku_Hey. Does the live CD use Wayland? If not, is it possible to use it to try itout?03:39
deku_Appears I have to start it myself, will try03:42
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BluesKajHey folks10:45
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viewer|81643Hi folks, not sure if I'm right here. I've a problem with the icon location for my app. I've set Icon=appname in the desktop file and installed /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/appname.png. However, the icon does not show up in the launcher.16:42
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guilherme__Hi all16:48
guilherme__What name of virtual keyboard in kubuntu?16:48
BluesKajguilherme__, install florence17:00
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DaneGeldHi guys, good evening.  I have a problem - I upgraded my kubuntu install last night from 16.04.3 to 17.04 in prep to move up to artful.  My 17.04 system won't run - plasmashell is crashing on startup and constantly respawning.18:44
DaneGeldWithout being able to get to the network icon, I can't connect the install to the net and try to fix this from CLI. Anyone got any ideas, besides a fresh install, which I really don't want to do?18:44
Prototypequick question19:48
Prototypei want to watch something on my TV,  but my laptop is treating my TV and my laptop as two seperate displays..19:49
Prototypehow do i get my TV showing whats on my laptop?19:50
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Prototypewow..i just figured it out...after clicking just about everything in display settings lol19:53
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rgb-oneAnyone know how to pass audio to a tv screen in 17.10?21:22
soeergb-one: via hdmi?21:52
soeergb-one: change audio output in system settingd21:54
rgb-onegot some help on #kde, thanks though21:54
rgb-oneyea sorted it out21:55
DaneGeldHi.  Right, I appear to have gotten to the bottom of the problem I was talking about earlier.  I have downloaded a new iso of Artful, gone to install it, and discovered what is broken.  It's not plasmashell, it's the driver for my GPU which is causing plasmashell to die, or vice versa, I can't decide.23:27
DaneGeldvalorie was helping me with the upgrade info last night, when I changed from LTS to normal distribution, and it doesn't appear to have gone well.23:27
DaneGeldNot their fault, certainly, more likely a broken module or something has gone feet up in the water23:28
user|64584Hello All23:30
user|64584Is anyone around for some help23:30
DaneGeldDepends on what you need help with! I can do some things, but nothing too complicated :)23:33
user|64584Okay, thanks23:33
user|64584I am having problems with the task bar23:33
DaneGeldWhat kind of problems?23:34
user|64584When I open several firefox's it spread them across the entire bar instead of grouping them on top of another like windows23:34
user|64584mozilla firefox23:34
DaneGeldyeah. If i remember rightly, that is in the task manager settings.  one sec while i pull up something23:35
DaneGeldOooook. He'll be back :)23:37
user|82419Hello. I was the one just talking about help with the taskbar23:40
DaneGeldyes, hello again!23:40
user|82419Hi! :)23:40
DaneGeldRight, I haven't changed this setting for a long time, but I believe I can help you.23:40
user|82419I made some changes, trying change it. Now when I minimize firefox23:40
user|82419for example, this window. When I go to open firefox again, it opens a whole new firefox,23:41
user|82419and this window, is kinda hidden23:41
DaneGeldRight click on the task bar, and select task manager settings23:41
user|82419I don't have that setting23:42
DaneGeldok, one moment23:42
DaneGeldwhat version of kubuntu are you running23:42
user|82419panel options> add widgets>add panel23:42
user|82419i'm not exactly sure. I believe 5.1023:43
user|82419how do I found out23:43
user|82419I'm using kabuntu 16.0423:43
user|82419but it has the plasma desktop built into it23:43
valorieDaneGeld: you may have to run `sudo apt install -f` where f=fix23:44
valorieand sudo dpkg-reconfigure a few times23:44
valoriealong with full-upgrade23:44
DaneGeldthanks valorie - you couldn't help user|82419 while you're here, could you? I'm trying to remember how to group in the taskbar, and I've not done it for ages!23:44
valoriesprinkled in23:44
DaneGeldI did that, it's properly broken with a side of "what the hell?" thrown in23:45
DaneGeldI am gonna start fresh with 17.10 from new23:45
valorieDaneGeld: just go ahead and upgrade to the next?23:45
user|82419I have to do this to fix the taskbar setting??23:45
valorieuser|82419: if you want one firefox, why not open new tabs?23:46
valoriethat's the point of tabs23:46
DaneGeldno, valorie was talking to me, user|82419 - apologies for the confusion.23:46
user|82419ohh, no worries23:46
user|82419its more like a taskmanager issue23:47
valorieuser|82419: if you want separate instances of FF, wouldn't you want them individually on the taskbar?23:47
user|82419not the taskbar23:47
valorienot sure what you mean by taskmanager23:47
user|82419yes, but it stack them horizontally . I would like them stacked vertically23:47
user|82419but before I fix that. I need to figure out why if I was to minimize this window in firefox, I can't bring this window back up23:48
valoriewell, I've recently pretty much abandoned FF for Falkon23:50
valoriebut it sounds to me like you want a separate taskbar for firefox perhaps, on the left or right side of your screen23:51
valoriewhich you can quite easily have23:51
user|82419I will have to look into that browser, I have never heard of that one. Another browser I use alot is brave23:55
user|82419use to when I open ff, it would open another window on the task bar23:56
user|82419that windows would allow me to click it and go into that particular firefox23:56
user|82419now when I open ff, that bar/taskbar isn't there anymore23:57
valorieI've never heard of brave23:58
valorieFalkon is the re-branded and moving-into-KDE Qupzilla23:58
valorieit's already better IMO23:59
user|82419yea, its great! No cookies are saved, and skips advertisement23:59
valoriebut it's not yet had an official release23:59
user|82419I'll check it out23:59
valorieI'm using it from a PPA which I trust23:59

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