
=== JanC is now known as Guest1441
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1727 artful:amd6412:55
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.12:55
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Food
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1727 xenial:armhf16:33
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.16:33
sergiusenselopio that will fail anyways, why trigger it?17:06
=== JoshStrobl|Food is now known as JoshStrobl
sergiusensikey niemeyer so the apt thing is only a problem with the snapcraft snap, works fine when running form source (tested on fedora) (cannot get solus running on boxes after the installation takes place but the symptoms should be the same)19:37
ikeyinteresting, ty19:37
CoderEuropeGood evening - I would like halp creating a snap on my xubuntu 17.10 lenovo ... 1st try really.19:41
sergiusensikey funny how we can use libarchive which allows rpm sources on ubuntu/debian but cannot "import debian" to extract debs on fedora :/19:44
CoderEuropewait ikey is here ?19:46
CoderEuropefrom Solus ?19:46
CoderEuropeikey - how much should your 2nd bounty be (under $20) ?19:47
ikeywhat now19:47
ikeygonna need some context19:47
CoderEuropedoesn't matter.19:47
ikeyotherwise im gonna think you want me to kill someone19:47
CoderEuropewats up with Riddell ?19:48
Riddelldo I keep disconnecting?19:48
ikeyyeah your tinterwebz are on the blink19:49
ikeymore likely the fault of freenode tbh though19:49
CoderEuropeRiddell: sup ?19:50
Riddell(this is a pune or play on words for the canoeists here)19:51
CoderEuropeHa ! - only on macos my friend - back in the 1990's !19:51
CoderEuropeI had the same machine at school - very B&White thou.19:52
CoderEuropeso quassel snap ....19:52
CoderEuropeis this lady about ? https://phabricator.kde.org/p/scarlettclark/19:54
RiddellCoderEurope: she's sgclark19:55
Riddellit's a sunday though so may be away, she's usually around european work hours (despite living in the US)19:55
mupPR snapd#3734 closed: packaging: add debian-unstable <Decaying> <Created by mwhudson> <Closed by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3734>19:56
CoderEuropeok - lets see if she available on sundays , otherwise we'll have to do that on our own.19:56
RiddellCoderEurope: we build snaps on KDE neon, and while we don't build quassel on neon (it's not a KDE project) the .deb packaging is in pkg-kde and you'd be welcome to build a Snap on Neon for it19:58
Riddellsnaps we build https://build.neon.kde.org/view/snap%20(build)/19:58
CoderEuropeRiddell: ok cool, I shall just put it in the snap store though.19:58
Riddellas you wish19:59
CoderEuropehow do I describe the name of the snap ?20:03
RiddellCoderEurope: Quassel Client ?20:07
RiddellIRC frontend which connects to a Quassel Core for persistent connection20:08
CoderEuropeyeah, but how do I actually describe the snap in the yaml ?20:08
Riddell(no laughing at whatever is up with my connection today)20:08
Riddellyou can see an example .yaml file here if that's what you're asking https://packaging.neon.kde.org/applications/kanagram.git/tree/?h=Neon/unstable20:09
CoderEuropeI am saying I dont know how to describe a yaml on the command line.20:09
CoderEuropehiya robert_ancell hows the zealand ?20:11
CoderEuropewhao only 210-ish ppl have a first like.20:14
robert_ancellCoderEurope: good morning!20:26
CoderEuroperobert_ancell: Hiya - heard the new gov. is doing well - what is she called in Nz ?20:28
robert_ancellJacina Adern is the new PM20:28
robert_ancellJacinda rather20:29
robert_ancellIt's easy to do well when you've just started, time will tell :)20:29
robert_ancellCoderEurope: what country are you in?20:30
CoderEuropelooks like she doing well - I shall PM you something I found on reddit.20:30
robert_ancellcodereurope: didn't get any PM...20:41
Son_Gokuhey robert_ancell20:46
robert_ancellSon_Goku: hi!20:46
Son_Goku[02:44:03 PM]  <sergiusens>ikey funny how we can use libarchive which allows rpm sources on ubuntu/debian but cannot "import debian" to extract debs on fedora :/20:46
Son_Gokusergiusens: this is not true20:46
Son_Gokupython-debian is available in Fedora20:47
Son_Gokuin python2 and python3 flavors20:47
Son_Gokuthe main problem is that python-apt is unavailable20:47
Son_Gokurobert_ancell: so I see you've made a couple of releases with snapd-glib?20:47
Son_Gokuwhat's up with the massive API changes?20:47
robert_ancellSon_Goku: the new API?20:48
Son_Goku1.24 and 1.25 introduce a bunch of new APIs20:48
Son_Gokuand started deprecating some20:48
robert_ancelljust keeping up with snapd :)20:48
robert_ancellAnd I did a big internal refactor as snapd-glib had grown much larger than I expected20:49
robert_ancellBut all the old API is still there (except for the alias API, because I'm sure no-one had ever used it)20:49
robert_ancellThe functions are there, but they just bail out.20:49
Son_Gokualso, gnome-software is now being CI'd in GNOME GitLab20:51
Son_Gokuand because snapd-glib is in Fedora, it's being built and tested in it :)20:51
CoderEuropeCI'd ? IDK what that means ?20:51
Son_Gokucontinuously integrated20:52
robert_ancellSon_Goku: awesome!20:52
robert_ancellI need to enable some CI for snapd-glib20:52
Son_Gokurobert_ancell: now you just need to provide some tests for gnome-software to use for the snap plugin :)20:52
Son_Gokuno one is ever really sure when that plugin works or not20:52
robert_ancellSon_Goku: there's some, but they're not great20:52
Son_Gokuand speaking of which, I got a weird bug forwarded to me: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=150958620:53
robert_ancellSon_Goku, jibel is working on getting a student to work on some autopilot tests I hear.20:53
robert_ancellSon_Goku: weird bug, I will be very happy when snapd-login-service is dead and buried...20:54
Son_Gokuyeah, it's super-bizarre, as I've never seen this before20:54
Son_GokuI'm setting up a fresh Fedora 27 VM to test it now20:54
Son_Gokurobert_ancell: as an aside, I also did this: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ngompa/snapcore-el7/20:59
Son_Gokunot quite sure how well it works, as it's a first attempt at offering snap-enabled gnome-software for CentOS 721:00
robert_ancellSon_Goku: I like the installation instructions21:00
robert_ancellSon_Goku: was there anything special required for CentOS?21:03
Son_Gokufor a while, it was basically not working21:03
Son_Gokuthen CentOS 7 rebased to GNOME 3.2221:03
Son_Gokuthe main problem was getting snapd built21:04
Son_GokuI did decide to take a look at the commits in gnome-3-22 branch and backport all the snap-plugin related ones21:04
robert_ancellI do try and backport all the snap plugin stuff to 3.2221:07
Son_Gokuso for me, trying to install snaps through gnome-software hangs on Fedora 2721:09
Son_Gokuit's stuck at 0% installing21:09
Son_Gokurobert_ancell: I don't suppose you have an rhbz account, do you?21:10
robert_ancellSon_Goku:  I think I do21:12
mwhudsoni wonder if snapd 2.29 works with godbus 321:14
Son_Gokumwhudson: just assume no and your life is easier21:15
robert_ancellSon_Goku: yep, I do, using my gmail address21:15
Son_Gokuokay, cool, so that *is* you21:15
Son_GokuI wasn't sure since I don't usually see things from you with an @gmail.com address21:16
mwhudsonum maybe i shouldn't run sbuild on 3g21:21
mwhudsonsrc/github.com/snapcore/snapd/userd/launcher.go:76:11: undefined: dbus.ErrMsgInvalidArg21:23
mwhudsonsrc/github.com/snapcore/snapd/userd/launcher.go:84:10: undefined: dbus.MakeFailedError21:23
mwhudsonah well21:23
robert_ancellSon_Goku: I'll download F27 and try in a VM...21:50
Son_Gokurobert_ancell: cool, thanks21:50
robert_ancellFedora website fail - has a banner for F27 beta but doesn't link to anything...21:51
robert_ancellSon_Goku: and the download section doesn't seem to have any links to F27 - where do I find the ISO?21:52
Son_Gokuthis is the build that will be released as Fedora 27 on Tuesday21:53
CoderEuropeikey: liked your #48 snap post :D21:54
mupPR #48: s/autopilot/autoupdate/ mostly (leave the unit files alone). Also update the documentation <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/48>21:54
ikeyoh should post here21:54
CoderEuropeikey: Where is the github for the website at ?21:54
ikeywebsite? private21:54
CoderEuropeah - cs21:54
ikeyits considered a branding asset and not a public thing21:55
ikeythe help-center is public though21:55
ikeyas it required hoomans to contribute21:55
CoderEuropecan I buy a solus cdvd on ebay ?21:55
CoderEuropeA dvd21:55
ikeyprobably not?21:56
* CoderEurope only installs from duvd21:56
* ikey didn't know they still made those21:56
CoderEuropeoh exactly21:56
CoderEuropeyou need an ebay shop, eally - to operate over here :)21:56
* CoderEurope wondes if ikey is on ebay ?21:57
ikeyi mean im not saying i wouldnt sell myself21:57
ikeyyknow, friday nights n all21:57
ikeybut im not on ebay21:57
CoderEuropetroo https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/ikey?_trksid=p2047675.l255921:58
CoderEuropeI'd set up a shop for ya ?!!21:58
CoderEuropeif you give us the £5.21:59
ikeyeh yeah no you're grand22:00
CoderEuropeokay - missed oppourtunity though - its 10 o'clock !22:00
ikeymight have a €5 sat here somewhere but you may come get it yourself22:01
ikeyim not going anywhere now, its cold22:01
* CoderEurope loooks at the studio door .. its not movin` :D22:02
CoderEurope7.2 raqqi earthquake - where do I go for discussion on ubuntu ?22:03
Son_Gokuikey: super-cold here too22:12
* Son_Goku is bundled up in his bed22:12
ikeyyea i should probably close the window22:14
=== CoderEurope is now known as holdontwio
=== holdontwio is now known as thebottlerundry
* ikey blinks at his PM22:58
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz

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