gojko | and keep it running that way? | 00:01 |
diogenes_ | nope, first try and see if there's sound with the live session | 00:01 |
gojko | but if there isn't | 00:02 |
diogenes_ | if there isn't then yous hould take the spets on troubleshooting it | 00:03 |
diogenes_ | steps* | 00:03 |
gojko | also pulse audio keeps change my port from headphones to line out | 00:05 |
gojko | manjaro shows that they are unplugged | 00:05 |
diogenes_ | try 16.04 in live and we'll see | 00:06 |
gojko | I can't remember but i think I tried that I now i tried ubuntu 16.04 and it didn't work | 00:07 |
diogenes_ | there are stages, 16.04.1 16.04.2 and so on | 00:08 |
diogenes_ | thye all come with improvements | 00:09 |
diogenes_ | so try the latest in live | 00:09 |
gojko | all of my distros were downloaded in last couple of days | 00:10 |
gojko | so they are fresh as can be | 00:10 |
diogenes_ | well if you want to troubleshoot then install the latest 16.04, update to the latest packages afterwards we could try to troubleshoot it, but tomorrow | 00:11 |
gojko | yes of course man thanks a lot, thanks for the effort, :) | 00:14 |
diogenes_ | np | 00:14 |
gojko | and keep up the good work :) | 00:14 |
diogenes_ | hehe ok | 00:14 |
uribecesar | ok | 01:32 |
=== mj is now known as Guest60833 | ||
=== Guest60833 is now known as mj2810 | ||
rootme | how to install google chrome | 13:26 |
rootme | please help me | 13:27 |
diogenes_ | where is hi?> | 13:27 |
rootme | hi | 13:27 |
diogenes_ | hi | 13:27 |
diogenes_ | can I help you? | 13:27 |
rootme | hi man please help to install google chrome | 13:27 |
rootme | in ubuntu mate | 13:28 |
diogenes_ | click here | 13:28 |
diogenes_ | https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html | 13:28 |
rootme | okay thank you man | 13:29 |
diogenes_ | you're welcome Mr. Gentleman | 13:29 |
rootme | my browser is cracking please help me | 13:30 |
diogenes_ | is it the second question? is there a commenction between the two? | 13:30 |
diogenes_ | connection* | 13:30 |
rootme | yeah | 13:31 |
diogenes_ | I've got an idea | 13:31 |
diogenes_ | let's deal with one at a time | 13:31 |
rootme | tell me | 13:31 |
rootme | what to do | 13:31 |
diogenes_ | what you want to do | 13:32 |
rootme | please | 13:32 |
diogenes_ | first you have to determine what you want to do | 13:32 |
rootme | "my firefox browaers | 13:33 |
diogenes_ | your firefox browsers? you have several? | 13:33 |
rootme | it is crashing | 13:33 |
diogenes_ | ok, one more time, try to figure out what is your real problem and try to explain it in the most eloquent way possible | 13:34 |
raspi_ | bonjour a tous je vient de m'acquerir le raspi pi3 avec ecran 3.5 pouce mais je n'arrive pas a avoir le tactile je ne connait en rien les programmes unpeu d'aide svp | 16:21 |
angel_ | hola | 19:18 |
angel_ | : | 19:33 |
angel_ | :) | 19:33 |
alkisg | halo :) | 19:39 |
TaZeR | greetings my beautiful ubuntu mate angels | 19:39 |
angel_ | deseo hacer una pregunta como instalo aplicaciones de windows en linux | 19:58 |
angel_ | ya que solo necesito el office, desafortunadamente | 19:58 |
diogenes_ | angel_, in terminalo: sudo apt install wine | 19:59 |
angel_ | se que WINE o PlayOneLinux | 19:59 |
angel_ | ok pero wine hasta que office me soporta | 20:00 |
angel_ | el 2013 o el 2010 | 20:00 |
diogenes_ | 2010 | 20:00 |
angel_ | ok | 20:01 |
angel_ | muchas gracias | 20:01 |
angel_ | otra consulta | 20:01 |
diogenes_ | ok | 20:02 |
angel_ | al instalar wine, solo es dar doble clic en el ejecutable | 20:02 |
diogenes_ | si | 20:02 |
angel_ | nada mas? o debo instalar algo desde consola ? | 20:02 |
diogenes_ | angel_, https://superuser.com/questions/866833/microsoft-office-2010-along-with-a-language-pack-using-wine | 20:03 |
angel_ | agradesco mucha su colaboracion | 20:04 |
diogenes_ | ok | 20:04 |
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