
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:44
zmoylan-samj3morning mammals10:05
brobostigonmorning gelatanous cubes10:10
ali1234how do i know if a snap is really made by who it says it is?12:16
ali1234for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/25946119/12:17
ali1234this seems to confirm it is legit: https://twitter.com/pycharm/status/92788333546823270512:18
ali1234although that account is not verified so idk12:18
zmoylan-samj3it's good to see paranoia and mistrust in the young :-P13:09
zmoylan-pixidrive by linking... sure i'll click on that...22:40
zmoylan-pixiright after i install windows 1022:42

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