
user|82419oh okay00:01
user|82419Do you have any help for fixing this taskbar setting00:04
valorieI don't think I entirely understand the issue, user|8241900:10
DaneGeldHi again. Right. I now have Kubuntu 17.10 installed from fresh, and it IS broken - at least, something is, even if the whole thing isn't.00:37
DaneGeldThis is what is coming up in my dmesg when Plasma tries to start:00:38
DaneGeld[  598.416092] plasmashell[1559]: segfault at 0 ip abb12f74 sp bfb44c24 error 4 in nouveau_dri.so[ab62a000+b03000]00:38
DaneGeldIs there any way I can change my graphics driver for something generic, rather than using nouveau?00:38
valoriewell, nouveau *is* the generic00:42
valoriebut sure, you can have a better driver00:42
DaneGeldoh. bum.00:42
DaneGeldI'm not sure what the problem is - whether plasmashell is crashing because of nouveau, or whether nouveau is crashing and taking plasma with it.00:43
valorieprobably the latter00:43
valoriebut I'm not very good with this stuff00:43
valorielet me see if someone more expert is about00:43
DaneGeldI have never used the bot in here, how do you find out what it knows?00:43
valorieI should know, but basically stab in the dark00:44
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »00:45
valorieare you running nvidia?00:46
valorieI am, but can't recall what I did to make everything cool00:47
valorieif you have krunner you can type alt+space and then when it pops up, drivers00:47
valorieand get into systemsettings00:47
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viewer|55156how to enable/disable ssh03:19
viewer|55156anyone here03:21
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Y0Y0systemctl restart sshd03:49
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lordievaderGood morninig07:11
lordievadermorning even07:11
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marc__hi, please, how can I remove the trash and files icon from the desktop?08:57
lordievaderAll, or just those?09:08
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BluesKajHi folks12:34
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EvilRoeycan anyone help me with this? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1034909  <-- I'm stuck at the part the original poster is, not knowing how to obtain the WEBDAV server's .pem16:32
mr-richKununtu 14.04. / is 100% full (50GB). Primay culpret is /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/. What is safe to delete?17:25
BluesKajmr-rich, run sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean17:42
BluesKajor apt-get if you prefer17:43
shevchukHello. What is the preferred way to update plasmoid which was installed with Get New Widgets -> Download New Plasma Widgets? I've just tried to install the new version the same way, restarted plasma with `kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell`, but plasmoid seems to be the old version. Running Ubuntu 17.10 + Plasma 5.11.3 via kubuntu-backports ppa.17:44
shevchuknever mind. i've added `old` suffix to the dir name of the plasmoid in `.local/share/plasma/plasmoids`, then installed new one as usual, restarted plasma and got updated widget working. old one dir can now be deleted17:48
panHi guys!18:15
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Guest22985Just installed Kubuntu!18:15
Guest22985On the dashboard launcher, the background is not blurred but black. Compositing os active. How do I fix that?18:21
Guest22985Thanks for all help!18:22
Guest22985I meaned "compositing IS active."18:24
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MrJonnyHi Guys, I installed Kubuntu 17.10 last week. About KDE says 17.10 but /etc/os-release says 16.04.320:23
viewer|93293Hi! Does the Kubuntu team plan to adopt the kernel 4.14 in the Kubuntu 17.10 backports PPA?20:24
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MrJonnyviewer|93293, I doubt it but you can get it from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.14/20:24
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MajoranaBut then I won't receive the Ubuntu specfic changes / updates :-/20:25
MrJonnyThats build for ubuntu20:26
MrJonnyhits in the url :)20:26
MajoranaOkay, but is there a PPA so that it would be enough to run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade in order to update the kernel?20:28
MajoranaAs I see it, I have to check for updates myself and then to download  and install the debian packages manually20:29
BluesKajMrJonny,  lsb_release -r will show your OS20:31
MrJonnyBluesKaj, yeap 16.04, how's this happened, just checked the install USB and it says 17.1020:31
MrJonnyMajorana, yeah no other way.20:33
MrJonnyMajorana, why do you need newer kernel?20:33
MrJonnyBluesKaj, how well does 16.04 upgrade to 17.10 like? can't be bothered to reinstall again, and reset everything20:34
MrJonnyBluesKaj, also about kubuntu says 17.10 how odd.20:35
MajoranaMrJonny, it offers Suspend-To-Idle for some laptop models, which I would like to use20:35
MrJonnyMajorana, aw ok, not been backported yet? Your'll just have to dpkg only way.20:35
BluesKajMrJonny, did you start from a clean partition and autoinstall the OS ?20:36
MrJonnyBluesKaj, yeah completely wiped due to use of LUKS20:37
MrJonnyBluesKaj, could I have gotten dodgy ISO downloaded via HTTP?20:37
BluesKajyeah, but 16.04 , perhaps you were looking for a LTS?20:38
MajoranaMrJonny, what do you mean exactly?20:39
MrJonnyBluesKaj, I've made a oops, was SSHed in to server haha20:40
MajoranaThat once happed to me too :-D20:40
MrJonnyMajorana, yeap soon happens lol20:41
MrJonnyMajorana, so with newer kernels there's no PPA, just that website that ubuntu provide. Backport is when a fix gets backported to a LTS kernel like 4,4,20:42
MajoranaI see, so I will wait for 18.0420:45
Majoranait ain't too importend to upgrade now20:46
MrJonnyMajorana, whats wrong with dpkg -i the files?20:46
MajoranaMrJonny, maby I will write myself a python script to update the mainline kernel automatically, but I definitely won't do it manually (on a weekly basis)20:52
MrJonnyMajorana, might be worth googling, might be a script already out there :)20:55
MrJonnyMajorana, https://github.com/mtompkins/linux-kernel-utilities21:00
MajoranaMrJonny, Thanks!21:12
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IrcsomeBotJonas was removed by: Jonas22:58
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