Sveta | do we have coffee survivors here (people who switched away from it at a point)? | 01:37 |
daftykins | mostly substituted for tea to cut down | 01:38 |
Sveta | :) | 01:39 |
daftykins | i don't even understand what's with tea, it's not especially good tasting or anything... just the ritual of making it seems to be the thing | 01:40 |
daftykins | are you planning a coffee detox? :) | 01:40 |
oerheks | I keep a jar of instantcoffee in the back, just in case .. | 01:46 |
daftykins | :D | 01:49 |
daftykins | "break glass to brew" | 01:49 |
oerheks | sugar&milk sackets from the restaurant, cookies too :-D | 01:50 |
Sveta | I don't use coffee, just asked anyone at random | 01:50 |
JanC | daftykins: some "teas" have more caffeine than coffee :P | 01:50 |
oerheks | Tea is not my pot | 01:51 |
oerheks | wiskey makes cola acceptable | 01:51 |
daftykins | eh all i know is i'd go to the coffee chains that are right beside my home here a little too often, then worried when i felt my heart racing just sat in my PC chair :> | 01:52 |
daftykins | and i'm not overweight or unfit or anything particularly, so that was odd | 01:52 |
JanC | many professional athletes use coffee before a race | 01:52 |
JanC | and some coffee has very little caffeine | 01:54 |
daftykins | well the athlete angle is new to me, but the rest is very much a statement of the obvious | 01:55 |
JanC | and there are also plenty of teas, so whatever taste you like might also depend on choice | 01:56 |
JanC | tea + other herbs/tastes blends | 01:56 |
daftykins | man, you bring back the feeling of being in #ubuntu so accurately | 01:57 |
JanC | like, Moroccan tea with mint, cinnamon & orange extract :) | 01:57 |
JanC | daftykins: it's common for some cyclists, football (soccer) players and T&F athletes | 02:00 |
JanC | and probably more | 02:00 |
daftykins | well it is the energy unlocker after all | 02:00 |
JanC | something like that | 02:00 |
JanC | for many athletes, you try to lower your in-rest heartbeat as much as possible, so maybe the caffeine helps to to get it up at the start of a race | 02:03 |
Sveta | [14:34:35] <GhostwalkGames> Ubuntu removed Wine from apt ? | 03:34 |
Sveta | [14:34:46] <gogeta> GhostwalkGames, seems so | 03:34 |
Sveta | what the | 03:34 |
Sveta | hmm | 03:35 |
oerheks | ssst | 03:36 |
Sveta | it's a bit baffling that I don't even know where to check this info | 03:37 |
oerheks | wine is in universe | 03:41 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:42 |
EriC^^ | good morning lotuspsychje | 06:25 |
lotuspsychje | hey EriC^^ | 06:26 |
EriC^^ | how's it going? | 06:28 |
ducasse | good morning, everyone | 06:48 |
Alsophila | SoooooSAD:( | 06:49 |
Alsophila | I failed to install Ubuntu... | 06:50 |
Alsophila | What is busybox and why it appears... | 06:50 |
lotuspsychje | hey ducasse | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | fine here EriC^^ | 06:52 |
ducasse | morning lotuspsychje, how's life treating you? :) | 06:54 |
lotuspsychje | great here tnx :p | 06:54 |
lotuspsychje | brb | 06:54 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:11 |
ducasse | g'morning lordievader! | 07:14 |
ducasse | all well today? | 07:14 |
lordievader | Doing good here, how are you ducasse ? | 07:15 |
ducasse | i'm good as long as i can stay inside - it's -5°C here today :) | 07:16 |
lordievader | Brr | 07:20 |
lordievader | It is around 10 degrees here, lot better. | 07:20 |
ducasse | lordievader: i'm just going to ignore the outside world today, pretend it's not there. shut all windows, turn up the heat and make a huge pot of tea :) | 07:27 |
lordievader | Hahaha, great idea/ | 07:28 |
lotuspsychje | hey lordievader | 07:31 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: we visited the champagne area in france | 07:31 |
lordievader | Hey lotuspsychje , how are you doing? | 07:31 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: this weekend? cool, how was it? | 07:32 |
lotuspsychje | amazing | 07:32 |
lotuspsychje | alot of rain but much champagne tasting | 07:32 |
lotuspsychje | the whole city there has underground cellars with bottles of champagne | 07:33 |
lotuspsychje | 1 million of them | 07:33 |
ducasse | oO | 07:33 |
lotuspsychje | | 07:33 |
lotuspsychje | richest street of the world | 07:34 |
lotuspsychje | its such a labirynth of underground streets, they got street names below oO | 07:34 |
ducasse | cool :) they have a similar thing in paris, i think, with the catacombs below ground | 07:35 |
ducasse | you can basically follow the street signs down there all across the city | 07:36 |
lotuspsychje | yep | 07:36 |
lotuspsychje | so we went tasting 3 champagne houses/farmers | 07:37 |
ducasse | still hungover? ;) | 07:37 |
lotuspsychje | lol no, its not like you getting full glasses | 07:37 |
lordievader | Wow, street names below the streets XD | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | just enough to feel dizzy before lunch | 07:38 |
lordievader | ducasse: The catacombs in Paris are great. To me still the best part of Paris. | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | | 07:39 |
lotuspsychje | this house we did | 07:39 |
ducasse | lordievader: i'd love to see them some time, but haven't been in paris yet :-/ | 07:39 |
lordievader | Fancy | 07:39 |
lordievader | | 07:40 |
lotuspsychje | horror | 07:40 |
ducasse | haha! a heart in sculls! perfect valentines card! :D | 07:42 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 07:43 |
ducasse | lordievader: did you spend much time there? aiui the catacombs cover an enormous area? | 07:44 |
lordievader | I thought walking from start to finish took you some 15min, stopping at times to look at the skulls layed out in patterns, etc. | 07:45 |
lordievader | It is quite large, though cramped at the same time. | 07:45 |
ducasse | i still need to see them some time, got to visit paris anyway | 07:50 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: did you spend all weekend there, or see something else as well? | 07:50 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: yeah whole weekend bus trip | 07:51 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: we traveled around the grapes fields aswell | 07:52 |
ducasse | it's a bit quicker and easier for you to take a quick trip to france than it is for me :) | 07:52 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: indeed was about 4h drive | 07:54 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: seems you had a good time :) | 07:57 |
lotuspsychje | yeah :p | 07:57 |
lotuspsychje | prepare for work now | 07:58 |
lotuspsychje | ttyl guys | 07:58 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: have a nice warm day (inside) :p | 07:58 |
ducasse | enjoy! | 07:59 |
lotuspsychje | tnx | 07:59 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 12:34 |
lordievader | Hey BluesKaj | 12:35 |
lordievader | How are you doing? | 12:35 |
BluesKaj | Hi lordievader , doing fine thanks, and you? | 12:36 |
lordievader | Doing good :) | 12:36 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
=== jacky is now known as jalcine | ||
=== jalcine is now known as jacky | ||
pauljw | Hi everyone | 18:22 |
immu | hiu | 18:32 |
immu | EriC^^, | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | hi immu | 18:36 |
immu | i think you should add me to your friend list so that you know when i am in | 18:37 |
immu | Notify: EriC^^ is online (freenode) EriC^^ | 18:37 |
immu | seeee | 18:37 |
EriC^^ | :D | 18:38 |
EriC^^ | i dont think this one has a friend list | 18:38 |
immu | right click my name and add to friend list | 18:39 |
EriC^^ | ah cool | 18:39 |
immu | see Bashing-om is here | 18:40 |
Bashing-om | immu: :) .. See what I can learn this day . | 18:41 |
immu | yeah | 18:41 |
immu | lets see? | 18:41 |
nicomachus | BluesKaj: fite me | 19:08 |
BluesKaj | it's not dated at all it's actually a new DE | 19:09 |
BluesKaj | oops wrong chaat :-) | 19:11 |
nicomachus | :D | 19:11 |
nicomachus | rebooting real quick | 19:11 |
nicomachus | man. normally I reboot my rpi once every 2-3 months. | 20:30 |
nicomachus | twice today. | 20:30 |
daftykins | o0 | 20:36 |
daftykins | trouble? | 20:36 |
nicomachus | nah, just upgrades | 20:39 |
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