
=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS
hallyncpaelzer: yeah i was going to use it to check whether upstreamahd fixed the broken qemu-img convert -O vmdk wrt esx501:53
hallyncpaelzer: I do remember it was a pain to keep running at times, so I'm not complaining if it's not worth your time.01:54
hallynAlthough, it did also save time at merges01:54
hallyncpaelzer: how were you doing it?  were you keeping the packaging for the daily in its own git tree?01:55
cpaelzerhallyn: yeah I started an own git tree (owned by the repos user) which was a stripped down debian/ dir06:33
cpaelzerhallyn: and then set up a LP recipe which pulled together repositories as needed06:33
cpaelzerhallyn: the recipes are also in the git of the LP user06:33
cpaelzerhallyn: I didn't delete anything, just disabled the recipes and added the statement why I disabled it on the ppa description06:34
cpaelzerbtw - good morning everybody06:35
lordievaderGood morning07:11
ikonia/w/win 1011:21
ikoniaoops, sorry11:21
PrototipI have a question... what is the benefit of using netplan in newer ubuntu-server releases?13:03
Prototipfrom what I've read it does not work with openvswitch yet.. even so..   is yaml config so appealing these days?13:08
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
cyphermoxPrototip: it's not a matter of whether it's YAML. The idea is to have a single common place to write networking configuration so users don't need to learn systemd syntax and NetworkManager syntax and something else, etc.14:01
cyphermoxPrototip: so you can configure your networking the same way you did for ifupdown (sure, the syntax and grammar are a bit different, but we hope intuitive enough), when ifupdown started to show issues with complex network setups with bridges, vlans, etc. involved14:02
Ussatwait, what did I miss,  /etc/network/interfaces is not what it used to be ?14:06
Ussatbecause editing that is how I did/do all my server interface config14:07
xnoxUssat, in zesty and up, ifupdown is no longer installed by default. Instead installers write out netplan yaml configuration file, which then on server by default uses systemd-networkd to bring networking up.14:11
xnoxUssat, on upgrades, as usual, existing configuration and installed packages are preserved.14:11
Ussatwell, good thing mt 16.04 LTS isnt changing anytime soon14:12
xnoxUssat, ifupdown is racy and broken with bonded vlans among many other things =/ it really is not reliable at all.14:12
xnoxUssat, 16.04 LTS ships netplan as a supported, but not default, option.14:12
Ussatright, reding now14:12
UssatI assume next LTS it will be the default14:13
Prototipcyphermox: if networkmanager would know how to parse /etc/network/interfaces, the problem would be solved already.14:13
xnoxUssat, it is default in zesty and bionic, yes.14:13
cyphermoxPrototip: no, because it did and that was a load of pain.14:13
xnoxPrototip, no. as /etc/network/interfaces allows arbitrary code execution / it is turing complete scripting language. network-manager xml / networkd units are not.14:14
Prototipxnox: oh, you mean pre-up and post-up scripts.. yes, that can get ugly..14:15
Prototipxnox, cyphermox: I hope that by 18.04 netplan supports openvswitch too.14:16
Ussat16.04 is still latest LTS right ?14:17
PrototipI am all for switchover to better solutions as long as they do not downgrade functionalities14:17
xnoxPrototip, also arbitrary hooks, the accept arbitrary any-case additional keys, with silent substitution of _ and -14:17
xnoxUssat, 16.04 LTS is the current LTS, we are currently developing bionic which will become 18.04 LTS in April - 2018-0414:18
xnox16.04 is supported for 5 years, plus to be announced paid-only Extended Security Maintainance (ESM).14:18
xnoxgiven how popular ESM is for trusty 14.04, I expect there will be 16.04 LTS ESM too14:19
UssatWell, guess better grab a 17.X server and play with it14:19
compdocI installed a 14.04 server for someone, and cant wait to upgrade it14:23
xnoxcompdoc, well 16.04 has been out for a long time =) to upgrade 14.04 machines....14:24
xnoxcompdoc, unless you are waiting for 18.04 to release to upgrade 14.04 -> 16.04 reboot -> 18.04 reboot in one go.14:24
compdocI cant justify the cost. I have to wait for it to expire14:26
Ussatscrew that, just clean install a8.04 at that point14:28
Ussatneed more coffee14:28
hanna`apt upgrade` is stuck on the dpkg unpack gitlab-ce step. htop shows the status as D (uninterruptible sleep, usually disk I/O) and the disk usage of the process is minimak14:40
hannaIt writes a few hundred MB/s for some amount of time and then just goes defunct like this14:41
hannaNothing has changed since then14:41
hannaNo log, no dmesg output, nothing14:41
hannaAny idea what could be going on and how to fix it? It's rather annoying having `apt upgrade` hang forever14:41
hannaHeh. just completed14:49
hannaJust spent forever doing literally fuckall14:49
hallyncpaelzer: ok, i *may* see about making that live again.  though i guess now that qemu can mainly merge from debian it's far less useful.15:11
cpaelzerhallyn: yep15:16
cpaelzerhallyn: I won't stop you maintaining the ppa if you want, it just lost its value for me15:16
cpaelzerhallyn: it worked when I was merging libvirt/qemu anyway as I knew what changes were currently in flight15:17
cpaelzerhallyn: but then the usability falls of and maintenance rises15:17
cpaelzerhallyn: on the last cycle it didn't give me huge plus on the "easen the next merge" thing15:17
dpb1hallyn: and it had just 1 download. :)15:18
hallyndpb1: but that one download may have been inordinately helpful :)15:30
hallynyeah it would probably make more sense if anything to collaborate with debian on a single bleeding edge package; and really that's not necessary15:31
hallynmjt does too good of a job :)15:31
dpb1hallyn: hah15:33
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jamespagecoreycb: I should have all of the oslo* in PPA before I eod (apart from messaging - see note)17:32
jonfatinoDo anyone have a good script to backup volume groups17:35
jonfatinovgscan, foreach   create snapshot, for each snapshot dd if=snapshot of=/backup/snapshot.img  then remove snapshot?17:36
coreycbjamespage: ok sounds good!18:01
Ussatso looking at netplan, and the syntax is very easy to follow, makes sence, BUT, how do I down/up the interface ?18:32
ahasenackUssat: I think with ip18:37
ahasenacki.e., no new tool for that18:37
ahasenackbut I could be wrong18:37
Ussatlooking now18:44
Ussatip link set <device> up/down18:48
* cyphermox adds that to the FAQ18:49
Ussatits just ifup/ifdown was...simpler18:54
UssatI have a test vm to play with all this, just getting prepared18:54
Ussatwell, multiple test vm's18:55
dpb1Ussat: continued feedback is welcome18:55
Ussatglad to help18:55
UssatOH, BTW, if one decides to install the ifupdown package, it will still not work, because /etc/networ/interfaces is not populated....someone may (like I did) make that assumption18:56
UssatBTW I am testing on server 17.1018:57
Ussat /etc/network/interfaces18:57
Ussatthey syntax is VERY easy to fillow and is very intuitive though18:57
Ussatfirst look at it was easy to tell what was what18:58
cyphermox/etc/network/interfaces is never filled in automatically, that's always done as a "discovery" step as the installer runs (hence why it will try to do DHCP and then ask you for stuff). The installer now simply writes config to /etc/netplan instead19:04
hallynthere's no ifupdown backend for netplan yet right?19:09
tewardis there a way to override netplan and force the use of the traditional /etc/network/interfaces at all?19:09
tewardor no?19:09
sarnoldI thought netplan just wrote the config files and then it's on you to use the existing tooling?19:12
UssatHonestly, I dont see a need for a ifup/down for it...it took me about...3mins to figure out what I needed19:18
dpb1teward: that is one of the questions we will put in the FAQ as well.19:19
Ussatnope, existing ifup./down doesnt work, use the ip command I posted earlier19:19
dpb1cyphermox: ^ have a sneak preview answer for teward? :)19:19
tewarddpb1: i arrived late, but i'm asking this because it's fubaring a VPS installation :)19:19
UssatHonestly, it took me very little time to figure it out19:20
Ussatand I kinda like it better19:20
Ussatjust my 2 cents19:20
tewardwell when you are stuck using SolusVM for VPS management and it in turn hates everyone and wants the traditional method of configuring things...19:20
dpb1sarnold: yes, that's correct.  That is the intent.  not to be a total abstraction, just to abstract the config generation.19:20
tewardyou're stuck.19:20
cyphermoxsarnold: precisely, it's just a translator for $backend19:30
cyphermoxteward: if all you have is SolusVM, you probably can't preseed the install a special way either, so you're probably quite stuck indeed.19:36
tewardcyphermox: true statement, this is why I prefer mounting the ISO in KVM even though Solus manages that, so I just manually install :P19:37
tewardbut the issue still remains.19:37
cyphermoxthat VPS provider should update their magic to take into account that things may not just be ifupdown or ifcfg19:38
tewardtell it to Solus not the provider :P19:38
cyphermoxyeah, becoming a VPS is so cool we'll make so much money19:39
* drab now wonders if that actually exists19:40
drabit's not, quick, it's a great business opportunity19:40
cyphermoxdrab: I claim 30% profits, it was my idea ;)19:42
tewardcyphermox: well i claim 60% profits because i own the domain now as a subsidiary of Dark-Net.IO, and therefore own the name unless you can prove otherwise.  :P19:53
tewardwell i could rather :P19:54
tewardbut i'm lazy and don't want to set up *another* business.19:54
cyphermoxpowersj: hey, I think I'd really like to know more about how your preseed is being done for the smoketesting, because preseeding layoutcode works here, at least the way I've always learned how to do it (preseeding layoutcode, not layout)21:17
cyphermoxauto=true url=http://people.canonical.com/~mtrudel/preseed/full-bionic.cfg21:18
cyphermoxpowersj: ^ so far, this is working with a mini.iso on ppc64el, I'm at installing the packages21:19
powersjcyphermox: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25956524/ is what we use for the pressed itself21:19
cyphermoxmy preseed isn't quite complete though, missing bits here and there to partition correctly, and to set the hostname21:19
cyphermoxyeah, your preseed is basically the same w.r.t layoutcode.21:21
powersjcyphermox: thoughts on what to try next? have you used a full server iso?21:24
cyphermoxnot yet, that goes next21:25
cyphermoxI'm adapting your preseed to remove anything unrelated, and I'll run one test with mini.iso and one with a full iso21:25
cyphermoxbut hey, I don't see why that would really matter to picking a keyboard.21:26
powersjok thx21:26
cyphermoxinitial test done, looks fine with my old preseed21:29
cyphermoxso now I'm running mini.iso with yours, but added a small change to recognize that it's different21:29
cyphermox(preseeding us:intl, which is definitely not default)21:29
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drabif you're on the subject of preseeding22:03
drabI can't stop the installer (of mini.iso) from asking which drive to partition and which to install grub to...22:03
Epx998im always on the subject of preseeding22:03
drabany clue about that?22:03
drabhurray for that, I almost sorted out all the issues except that and the iface selection22:04
Epx998dont get me started on iface selection22:04
drabyeah, I remember your qs from days ago...22:04
drabcyphermox: powersj ^^^ if you have any hint22:05
Epx998i use for grub22:05
Epx998d-i grub-installer/only_debian and d-i grub-installer/with_other_os  set to true22:06
Epx998i never get asked for which drive22:06
powersj^ same22:06
powersjhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/powersj/ubuntu-server-preseed/master/preseed.cfg is what I've used in the past for 100% fully automated22:06
Epx998for networking, i read an thread somewhere that ubuntu has a bug with offboard nics, even if you set the interface statically to say eth4, afterwards it will try eth0 and fall on its face22:07
Epx998one thing I wish was more easy, adding modules to a kernel after an install22:15
naccEpx998: you mean out of tree modules?22:16
Epx998nacc: yeah an ixgbe driver again :D22:17
naccEpx998: not sure why that should be 'easy'22:17
naccEpx998: use dkms, i guess22:18
Epx998more easy :D22:18
naccEpx998: dkms is pretty easy22:18
naccEpx998: sounds like a vendor problem, tbh.22:18
Epx998i built a new netboot initrd.gz with the 3.13.0-117 kernel i think, with the latest ixgbe driver - once a OS is deployed, need to get the installed kernel with the same module.22:19
Epx998dkms havent used it before let me check22:19
naccEpx998: right, you want dkms, which lets you maintain a kernel module source that gets rebuilt against all installed kernels22:20
naccEpx998: that's the problem dkms tries to solve22:20
Epx998nacc: I can do this during a netboot install?22:20
naccEpx998: you'd still have to build the isntaller module by hand, I think22:21
naccEpx998: you could, if the dkms package was available to install22:21
naccEpx998: that is, you need to install a binary package that contains the dkms module source22:21
naccEpx998: `reverse-depends dkms` to see example packages22:21
Epx998means hacking at my network installer more22:22
Epx998what i have now almost works, i have ixgbe available after a restart from an install, but my post scripts are not executing22:24
Epx998d-i preseed/run string does not run as expected22:49
drabEpx998: powersj sry had to go afk, I have both options set (debian_only and with_other_os) and I still get asked22:57
drabrecently tried to rpeseed a desktop with 3 disks, ssd which was supposed to be root/main and 2 other spindles22:57
draband got asked22:57
drabcan pastebin the preseed and boot line if it helps22:57
Epx998is your device sda?22:59
drabthat's what I end up putting in anyway , same for the grub question, have to type out /dev/sda22:59
Epx998that is one of my preseeds23:01
Epx998better yet https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0973564df935ce9f60ade0cbc48269d123:02
drabthat's what I'm using23:03
Epx998I do have -> d-i partman-partitioning/no_bootable_gpt_biosgrub boolean false as well23:04
drabthe only "wird" thing I do is the custom partitioning, because by default the swap is craeted as 2xram which makes no sense on newer systems23:04
Epx998there is a way to get all the options, sec i just did this last friday to get passed a kernel module question23:04
drabbut that's after drive selection anyway23:05
drabI've seen some ppl piping in scripts to select the drive23:05
Epx998debconf-get-selections --installer > file23:05
Epx998that gets you every d-i option, good reading23:05
drabbut there seems more complicated than should be needed to write to the "first connected drive"23:05
drabumhk, will take a look, I thought that was including all the installed packages etc23:05
drabon --installer23:06
drabgood one23:06
drabEpx998: I get nothing out of it23:07
Epx998# Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?23:07
Epx998grub-installer  grub-installer/with_other_os    boolean true23:07
Epx998thats from get selections output23:07
drabright, and I have it in my preseed, line 68 in the pastebin23:08
Epx998# Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?23:08
Epx998grub-installer  grub-installer/only_debian      boolean true23:08
Epx998same comments added to each heh23:08
drabyeah and I have that before the other one :)23:09
drabline 6723:09
Epx998# Device for boot loader installation:23:09
Epx998# Choices: Enter device manually, /dev/sda  (ata-MB1000EAMZE_9WK3CL1J), /dev/sdb  (usb-General_USB_Flash_Disk_0415100000014014-0:0)23:09
Epx998grub-installer  grub-installer/choose_bootdev   select  /dev/sda23:09
drabdo you have that in urs?23:09
drabwithout the systemd predictable naming... was it ensurad that the disk connected to sata0 port was gonna be sda?23:11
Epx998i do not - but...23:11
drabor was that also up for grabs?23:11
Epx998i dont get asked what youre getting asked :D23:11
drabthat's what I thought you said23:11
drabso I don't get why I am...23:11
draband I don't get asked if there's only one disk23:11
drabso it's clearly something happenign with multiple devices23:11
Epx998so you have 2 disks23:11
Epx998i only ever have 123:12
drabbut yeah, 2 will do too23:12
drabyeah then I don't get asked either23:12
Epx998if i had 2, i may need that line23:12
drabok, I'll try that line23:12
Epx998we can only break it worse23:12
Epx998could be worse in that, your farm is running ub12 with a provisioning setup that uses both a ubuntu preseed AND a kickstart cfg file :D23:14
drablike I said, it was...23:21
drabeven ub11 and I found one ub923:22
drabso there, I win, I'm the king of cruft :P23:22
Epx998did it work?23:22
drabsort of, they couldn't do anything anymore, but ips were given out and traffic was making it to the internet23:23
Epx998i meant the other fix23:24
Epx998but i hear ya, my dev team wants an ub16 builder and said the ub12 packagesa were the same23:25
draboh, I don't know, I've added a task on my todo to try later, I just thought I'd ask since ppl were talking about preseed23:25
=== ScottE_ is now known as ScottE
Epx998if i change my netboot kernel to match whats installed by the installer, would the kernel modules i build into netboot be added automatically?23:59

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