
knome!team | email sent about next community meeting; this friday at 22UTC here; wiki page and team calendar updated as well.10:26
ubottuemail sent about next community meeting; this friday at 22UTC here; wiki page and team calendar updated as well.: team is akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19310:26
knomeall council members should be able to attend10:26
Unit193Yeah I'm not going to "be" there.10:56
knomesorry :(10:56
bluesabreThanks knome11:18
slickymasterWorknoted knome 11:18
=== torv_ is now known as torv
Unit193bluesabre: Since I couldn't wait any longer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin/0.2.1-0ubuntu122:40
Unit193(Now watch ninetls release a new version tomorrow. :P )22:41
bluesabreUnit193: good work22:41

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