
=== Dino is now known as Guest42646
dzhogage: where did you get the kernel?01:23
dzhoI'd try something like dpkg-reconfigure on the name of the kernel package01:24
gageFrom the 14.04 repos01:27
gageso I should try 'dpkg-reconfigure linux-image 3.19.etc.'?01:30
gageCool I'll try that thanks01:50
PriyadarshanI am trying to use Lubuntu 16.04 as live linux07:17
PriyadarshanHowever, I am not able to do it07:17
JohnDoe_71Ruswhy not?07:18
PriyadarshanI do not know07:18
JohnDoe_71Rusdo you use live CD?07:19
PriyadarshanI used disk image creator and wrote the 16.04.3 Lubuntu onto an USB drive and booted it07:19
PriyadarshanI do not have a seperate live CD07:19
PriyadarshanI download the Lubuntu from the standard website http://lubuntu.me/downloads/07:20
JohnDoe_71Rusok. i don't know about 16.04, but i take microSD card + card reader. remove all other storage device and install lubuntu 14.04 to this card. and use it07:21
PriyadarshanI am using a laptop07:21
JohnDoe_71Rusyes. i remove laptop hdd to time install to card07:22
PriyadarshanCan I do the same thing with HDD present in the system07:22
PriyadarshanGood idea I will try that, may be I will disable the HDD in the BIOS07:23
PriyadarshanBecause i do not know how to open the Laptop07:23
JohnDoe_71Rusthink you can. but you must more attention then install grub07:23
PriyadarshanOk I will do that07:23
PriyadarshanDo you mean I have to install grub on the USB drive?07:24
JohnDoe_71Rusif you disable hdd at bios, first test, linux can find hdd exept bios07:24
JohnDoe_71Rusyes. install to flash07:25
JohnDoe_71Rusand you better use x8607:26
PriyadarshanThank you John  for your inputs07:26
PriyadarshanI guess you meant x86_64?07:26
TheSchafeh, sorry, wrong buttonm07:26
JohnDoe_71RusPriyadarshan: think so. to use usb with more hardwares07:27
JohnDoe_71Rusnot only x6407:27
Priyadarshanok I got it07:27
zap0hi,  upgrade dialog is open..    the dialog window is larger than my screen height.... i can't see the buttons14:28
zap0how do i progress?14:28
leszekzap0: Hold ALT+Key on the keyboard and use left mouse button to move the window14:48
zap0the 5 dots lubuntu startup splash screen has taken about 10 mins... is that normal?15:30
zap0still going :(15:35
LioneLLtry Ctrl+Alt+F115:38
zap0didn't do anything15:41
zap0it's still on that screen15:41
LioneLLtry Ctrl+Alt+F215:51
zap0screen just went blank15:54
LioneLLno login prompt on the left top ?15:59
LioneLLCtrl+Alt+Del  will let u reboot..16:01
zap0and then it might star over whatever it's doing16:01
zap0i just want to know what it is doing16:01
zap0after 1hr, i reboot it16:28
zap0and now it's doing the same thing again16:28
zap0is there some type of safe mode i can boot to?16:30
LioneLLat Grub starting u may choose 'safe mode recover...16:39
zvan92hey guys16:47
zvan92just about to create a lubuntu 17.10 usb16:48
zvan92wondering what software i should use to create the bootable usb?16:48
zvan92i'm on linux16:48
bmattzvan92: unetbootin?16:51
dzhozvan92: creating from what OS?16:51
zvan92ok, sure16:51
dzhofrom lubuntu to lubuntu?16:51
zvan92i installed 14.0 LTS a while back and updated it all the way but i got it all messy. just want to start fresh from the latest distro if i an16:52
bmattzvan92: that's ridiculous, but if you insist, I would use unetbootin to make the bootable USB.16:52
bmattThere are plenty of guides online to walk you through it if you're unfamiliar.16:52
zvan92haha alright16:53
zvan92i dunno. i'm still new to linux, i don't mind just starting fresh16:53
bmattI understand. I've done it before.16:53
GuyFawkeshello - can anyone tell me why I occasionally get two sets of up/down arrows for a network connection on boot?16:53
zvan92thx though16:53
bmattBecause I thought I broke something, lol.16:53
zvan92well it's easy to create clutter16:54
zvan92and i'm neurotic :)16:54
bmattIt happens :P16:54
bmattGuyFawkes: wat?16:54
bmattzvan92: have you ever used Unetbootin?16:55
GuyFawkesi get two network connection icons in the toolbar on bootup...is this a problem, a known issue, something weird I should dig deeper into...?16:55
zvan92no. only various windows tools16:55
bmattzvan92: if you need help using it, just scream at me very loudly.16:56
zvan92ok i just might thanks bmatt16:56
zap0i ran the recovery mode,  now it's just sitting there after  Setting up accountsservice16:56
bmattGuyFawkes: check your autostart list.16:56
zap0it's been there for over 5 mins16:56
bmattGuyFawkes: did you recently update/upgrade?16:56
bmattzap0: what are you trying to do?16:57
GuyFawkesyes, a fresh install of 17.04, and the first software update that was triggered indicated I could upgrade to 17.1016:57
zap0just boot this laptop16:58
zap0it was running fine before this stupid install process failed16:58
zap0now the thing wont even boot16:58
GuyFawkesbmatt:  how do I check autostart?16:59
bmattGuyFawkes: what is the output of ls /etc/xdg/autostart/ | grep nm-applet17:05
GuyFawkesbmatt:  standby please while I consult terminal17:06
GuyFawkesbmatt: nm-applet.desktop17:07
bmattGuyFawkes: try sudo kill -9 nm-applet || sudo nm-applet17:08
GuyFawkesbmatt: the mn-applet is in red if that matters17:08
bmattGuyFawkes: can I PM?17:11
GuyFawkesbmatt:  please17:11
GuyFawkesif that's possible with webui17:12
krytarikBut please no more advising to handle user-space apps as root, let alone GUI ones with 'sudo'17:16
bmattkrytarik: it wouldn't be significant in this particular scenario17:18
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GuyFawkesbmatt:  I'm back, and it seems snappier.  Thank you.  Is there anything else we need to look at?17:27
bmattGuyFawkes: are there still two icons?17:30
GuyFawkesbmatt: no icons at all pertaining to network connection17:30
GuyFawkesbmatt:  but I'm obviously connected and page loads seem quicker somehow17:31
bmattI PM'd.17:31
GuyFawkeswhen I tried running lubuntu off a usb before installing, I had a weird loopback issue that prevented me from connecting me at all17:32
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=== itaorna is now known as hggdh

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