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mup | Bug #1677318 changed: [2.2] Hardware test "back" navigation goes out-of-context <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1677318> | 03:35 |
mup | Bug #1720167 changed: Clicking 'back to machine details' goes to the main summary page <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1720167> | 03:35 |
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
mup | Bug #1732169 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] When I click on "See results" from a component, MAAS should take me to the hardware tests section and scroll to that component <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732169> | 12:27 |
mup | Bug #1732184 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] In devices, when the IP assignment is dynamic the interfaces table doesn't have a value for IP address and subnet <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732184> | 13:57 |
mup | Bug #1732187 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] In devices, the IP assignment option for interfaces is called dynamic, while in machines it is called auto-assign <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732187> | 13:57 |
mup | Bug #1732188 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] In devices, when I click Edit from the Overview or the Tags card I go to Configuration but the page content is empty <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732188> | 13:57 |
vogelc | Has anyone had MAAS hang after the kernel and initrd are loaded during pxe boot? If you reboot the system it will work and continue booting. | 14:09 |
jac_cplane | We have a charm for xenial that relys on /etc/network/interfaces, there was a recent update to curtin that moves /etc/network/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces.d. I dont think this is correct, but I' not sure why this change was made. Can someone help? | 14:25 |
jac_cplane | is there a way to revert back to /etc/network/interfaces | 14:25 |
mup | Bug #1732194 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] When I want to add a new interface to a device the MAC address field has a red border <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732194> | 14:27 |
jac_cplane | https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1732202 bug opened for /etc/network/interface file on curtin 532 | 14:53 |
mup | Bug #1732202 opened: Xenial Deploy fails when using /etc/network/interface <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732202> | 14:57 |
mup | Bug #1732202 changed: Xenial Deploy fails when using /etc/network/interface <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732202> | 15:09 |
mup | Bug #1732202 opened: Xenial Deploy fails when using /etc/network/interface <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732202> | 15:18 |
mup | Bug #1732202 changed: Xenial Deploy fails when using /etc/network/interface <curtin:Incomplete> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732202> | 15:27 |
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mup | Bug #1732215 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] When I am editing the configuration of a device the edit button remains on the screen <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732215> | 16:09 |
xygnal_ | is UEFI the prefered boot method or do you still depend on legacy in most cases? | 17:18 |
mup | Bug #1732220 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] In controllers, when I click Edit from the Tags card I go to Configuration but the page content is empty <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:Triaged by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732220> | 17:19 |
mup | Bug #1732224 opened: [2.3rc2, UI] Information is missing from the CPU and Memory cards in controller summary <2.3qa> <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732224> | 17:19 |
xygnal_ | curious as i saw a bug showing it has been implimented, but our dell boxes had trouble booting an OS with it. | 17:19 |
xygnal_ | magic number error | 17:19 |
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=== jac_ is now known as jac_cplane | ||
roaksoax | xygnal_: uefi is supported | 17:35 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: all of what we do in the field is efi | 17:35 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: we avoid legacy | 17:35 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: that said, a lot of the issues we face are mainly 2: 1. firmware issues, where machines require a newer firmware. 2. configuration of the bios to do efi | 17:36 |
roaksoax | also, we had issues with grub2, but we fixed the ones that were blocking us | 17:40 |
xygnal_ | so xenial commission images should support it? | 17:52 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: commissioning should detect whether the systems is EFI configured or legacy | 17:54 |
roaksoax | so that when you deploy it does the right righ | 17:54 |
xygnal_ | we are seeing hangs during commission using BIOS mode so was hoping to give UEFI a try. | 17:54 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: but where does it hang ? | 17:54 |
xygnal_ | very early. when grabbing initrd i think. | 17:55 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: maybe it doesn't hang, but since console may not be enabled it doesn't output anything ? | 17:55 |
xygnal_ | if we power cycle the box again and again it eventually gets past it | 17:55 |
xygnal_ | we are not changing any options so the fact it does this at random does not suggest lack of tty redirect | 17:57 |
xygnal_ | loading ubuntu/amd64/generic/xenial/daily/boot-initrd ok | 17:58 |
xygnal_ | last line | 17:58 |
xygnal_ | after that, nothing. | 17:58 |
xygnal_ | commission never stops. sits like that in console untl | 17:59 |
xygnal_ | rebooted, or aborted | 17:59 |
xygnal_ | what comes after initrd? | 17:59 |
vogelc_ | roaksoax: could you tell me where maas stores the url to pull down centos images? I mirrored them locally and want to maas to look locally. | 18:23 |
roaksoax | vogelc_: maas pulls all images from the streams. so you need a image mirror to pull ubuntu/centos. The only thingh you need to do is to point ythat to your local mirror | 18:49 |
xygnal_ | that? | 18:52 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: the initrd will load the image into the ephemeral environment to run comissioning | 18:59 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: have you sent kernel parameters to enable console of the machine and see what's happeninig ? | 18:59 |
vogelc_ | roaksoax: turns out the image I mirrored with streams was bad, I am resyncing. | 19:07 |
xygnal_ | roak: i dont enable any console options for commission. console always nust | 19:20 |
xygnal_ | just worked | 19:21 |
xygnal_ | what do you want me to change in orser t | 19:21 |
xygnal_ | order to see more | 19:21 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: add kernel parameters for the machine to enable console | 19:22 |
roaksoax | and see what happens | 19:22 |
roaksoax | vogelc_: you should be able to input to index.json | 19:22 |
xygnal_ | roaksoax: suggested options? | 19:47 |
roaksoax | xygnal_: https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/installconfig-nodes-kernel-boot-options | 19:48 |
roaksoax | vogelc_: s/input/point/ | 20:07 |
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