[00:56] daftykins: I see you too! [00:57] ERMAGERD [00:57] *ermatux === Guest17819 is now known as ariver [05:02] good morning to all [05:03] lotuspsychje: o/ [05:03] hey Bashing-om [05:05] lotuspsychje: Not much at all going on . Been an off session . [05:06] kk tnx for the headsup === Jonesy_ is now known as Jonesy === Jonesy is now known as JonesyJ [05:21] JonesyJ: thats your nex nick? [05:21] new [05:22] yeah other one is taken [05:22] kk [07:20] good morning [07:39] 'sup. [07:40] snow :( [07:42] Heh. :) [07:46] cat seems utterly perplexed and shocked at this phenomenon :) [08:25] best thing is to roll the cat in the snow [08:25] :-D [08:26] that would make me an enemy for life :) [08:28] shake that cat-diner, and see [08:28] how's your weather today, oerheks? [08:28] Dry, 8'C, little cloudy [08:30] Bought a bakfiets yesterday, going to show mom later on [08:30] http://imgs.advertentiex.nl/upload/Origine-bakfiets-fietsfabriek-995-zwart-10339.jpeg [08:30] but 1st i will have coffee now [08:31] sounds like a plan :) congrats on the new bike [08:31] 3 wheel has to go, not really comfy to ride [11:18] Hi folks === hggdh is now known as auslaender === auslaender is now known as itaorna === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === itaorna is now known as hggdh [22:08] !ram [22:08] If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [22:10] another one? :)