
theblazehenHi superfly 06:05
superflyhow's it going?06:06
inetprogoeiedag mense07:02
chesedohi superfly theblazehen inetpro and others07:47
theblazehenGood and you superfly ? Hi chesedo 07:47
Kilosai! another unhappy internet day08:43
Kilosmorning everyone08:43
Kilosoh and inetpro 08:43
inetprouh... goeimore oom Kilos... al weer laat geslaap vandag?09:04
Kilosjy het?09:05
Kilosek was al 5 uur op seun maar internet baie sleg09:05
inetprohaha, ek was lank reeds hier09:05
Kilosen ek was besig om n groot swapfile te maak09:05
Kilosmy ram is te min en hulle se ssd moenine swap partition he nie09:06
Kilosnou het ek n 8g swapfile en moet nog my swap partisie delete09:07
Kilosen my thunderbird vat forever om oop te maak09:07
inetprosorg dat jy jou ram effektief gebruik en nie swap gebruik nie09:08
Kilosbaie stadig geword, al maak ek al die deleted skoon09:08
Kilos4g ram te min09:08
inetproyep, 4GB is ongelukkig te min deesdae, veral as jy Opera gebruik09:08
Kilosek was op 3.66 busy nou die dag en lappie het baie stadig begin loop hehe09:08
Kiloslol ek sal begin saar vir n 8g ram card09:09
inetproOpera en Chromium gebruik baie RAM09:09
inetproOpera is gebou op Chromium09:10
Kilosja ek sien dit met opera, 09:10
inetproek wag vir die nuwe Firefox, hulle sĂȘ hy gaan weer blitsig wees09:10
Kilosen my internet kry piengs tot by 8000 p/s09:11
Kilosso dis weer baklei met telkom09:11
Kiloshulle het nou 3 keer n tech uit gestuur maar as hy hier kom dan speedtest als by 7g/s09:12
Kilosvolgende dag weer onder 500k/s09:12
Kilosnuwe za standaarde09:13
chesedoKilos-: what is "p/s"?11:02
Kilos-per second11:02
Kilos-sorry forgot how to show that11:02
Kilos-hi chesedo 11:02
Kilos-and kb/s i think11:03
Kilos-head goes stupid if i dont do things all the time11:04
inetproKilos-: mbps, mBps, kbps of kBps11:43
Kilos-danke mein herr11:44
inetprooja en gbps of gBps deesdae ook11:46
inetpromaar daai is waarvan ek steeds net kan droom11:47
* chesedo almost though it was pings / second12:30
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
inetproFirefox Quantum - New. Fast. Fierce. 13:52
inetproApparently launching today https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/quantum/13:52
inetpro2x faster and uses 30% less memory than Chrome13:52
inetprolet's hope that will be true13:52
inetprowb cocooncrash13:53
bushtechhas anybody here tried it?14:10
superflybushtech: not yet, I'm expecting it to land in Debian unstable in the next few days15:09
bushtechjust installed it on my W10 lappy15:10
bushtechdoes seem faster15:11
superflyI've always used Firefox, always preferred it over Chrome, and in my experience it was always less of a memory hog than Chrome15:13
superflyI just downloaded FF 57, and it DOES seem zippier15:25
superflyalthough I'm not a fan of the dark theme as much as I'd hoped15:25
bushtechYeah, ditto15:34
bushtechalthough I see theres a gazillion ways to customise it so sure can change15:34
MaNIfaster (at which specific benchmark) and slight memory reductions are no longer compelling enough reasons IMO16:15
MaNInobody who has switched to chrome is going to switch back just because firefox is temporarily slightly faster16:15
MaNIthey need to go back to doing their own thing UI wise and otherwise innovating in usability, I stopped specifically -liking- firefox (though I still use both it and chrome) when they became obsessed with trying to make themselves identical to chrome16:16
Kiloshi superfly 16:31
Kilosoh inetprswapfile has helped for the min ramo making an 8g 16:32
Kilosinetpro sort that16:32
Kilosstupid touchpad16:32
superflyMaNI: I've used both extensively, and I still prefer Firefox. But I agree with you about people not using it just because it's faster.16:35
MaNII use both, different set of tabs in each :)18:10
MaNIhonestly I don't really like either at this point, I want really hard to like firefox, but they IMO really lost the plot quite a while back and haven't really got it back. I hope that changes soon18:11
inetproMaNI: they lost the plot in what way?18:28
inetprobrowsers have certainly become way too bulky these days 18:30
MaNII think they got too much money to be honest, and then the managers and "UX designers" and "marketers" took over from the programmers. They started putting out releases too frequently often ones that broke things, they switched to some insane version scheme (firefox 56?) simply because "marketing" and so forth.18:32
MaNIThen they became obsessed that chrome was growing and going to take all their market share, so they started copying chrome obsessively, which ironically just meant they were a second rate chrome, which just chased even more people too chrome18:33
inetprointeresting take, and sounds about right18:34
MaNIthey've forgotten their roots IMO18:34
MaNIanyway I still don't particularly like chrome, so I still use both, but yeah it's been a long time since I can claim I actually 'like' firefox specifically18:35
inetproI still prefer Firefox but also use Chrome as well18:36
MaNIHopefully the new plugin API that breaks compatibility, will prove worthwhile by being stable for a long time and some of the plugin developers that have left will return, I've seen a lot of whining about broken plugins lately18:38
inetproone thing that has improved a huge lot for both browsers is the debugging side of things18:39
MaNIWas reading the other day that firebug was on the way out, I remember when firebug was one of the main reasons to use firefox because nothing else came close18:40
MaNInow they all have an okay "developer tools"18:40
inetprobut so many options it actually becomes confusing if you don't work with it every day18:41
MaNIThough apparently firefox developer tools still lacks some aspects of firebug - I've not personally done any web dev in quite a while so not paying overly close attention to that.18:41
inetprobeginners would do well if they started by learning to use the developer tools18:43
MaNIstill waiting to see whether either firefox or chrome will copy the "free VPN" for incognito mode thing from opera, surprised none of them have yet, I find it quite handy18:48
MaNII mean obviously it's no good for real sensitive stuff, but it's great for bypassing simple geo-blocks and whatnot18:49
inetproare there no addons for that?18:58
Kilosnight guys sleep tight19:02
jan_Good evening, how are all the guys? Looks like I have an imposter - a new Langjan? 19:13
jan_Or I have joined twice...lol!19:23
LangjanHi all, keeping well? 19:24
bushtechja boet19:49

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