
Osmodivsadrian_1908, both HDD are UEFI (Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10) but I can't get to the GRUB menu when I press Shift key...00:00
OsmodivsIn the BIOS I have the ubuntu HDD to bbot first00:01
adrian_1908Hmm, no idea then. You'd indeed want to select the HDD via the BIOS menu and that should be it normally.00:01
Bashing-omOsmodivs: EFI it is the escap[e key grub looks for . Spam it .. only a 3 second window of oportunity .00:01
adrian_1908My food is done, good luck.00:02
OsmodivsBashing-om, I thought it was the shift key, Im gonna try the escape key then, thx.00:02
Bashing-omOsmodivs: shift for MBR ( legacy ) .00:03
half-potatois this the right place to get help with trackpad kernel issues?00:23
nostroraHi i've just installed kubernetes-core with conjure-up. install is finished correctly and installed give me ip. but i can't access from another computer of my lan network. how can i debug this ?00:23
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
half-potatookay so this place is really active00:27
Bashing-omhalf-potato: right place, State the issue and await one who can advise .00:31
varesaWhere can I find older kernel releases for 16.04?00:40
leftyfbvaresa: why?00:41
half-potatoso my trackpad is being detected as a mouse yet it still has multitouch capabilities. I've listened to the events using sudo libinput-debug-events --device=/dev/input/event18 and it seems like something in the kernel is handling my trackpad because it only outputs preprocessed outputs like buttons being pressed, scrolling, and mouse movement00:42
varesaleftyfb: I have to setup a virtual machine that matches exactly a running production server00:42
half-potatoas a result I can't configure my trackpad to disable tap to click because libinput isn't handling whether tap to click is enabled. It seems like the input module is00:42
half-potatomy laptop is an hp elitebook x360 g200:43
varesaI'm trying to install 4.4.0-72-generic00:44
varesaoh I see, I think I just had the wrong syntax for apt-get...00:45
half-potatoi2c_hid i2c-ALP0016:00: error in i2c_hid_init_report size:137 / ret_size:2 [   14.957380] input: ALP0016:00 044E:1215 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-7/i2c-ALP0016:00/0018:044E:1215.0002/input/input26 [   14.957520] hid-generic 0018:044E:1215.0002: input,hidraw1: I2C HID v1.00 Mouse [ALP0016:00 044E:1215] on i2c-ALP0016:0000:45
half-potatodamn it's not formatted but that is where my trackpad is being loaded00:46
varesarather, not running apt-get update first and using the wrong syntax after update :'D00:46
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
Hastoukihey guys, can someone take a look at this powertop summary: https://pastebin.com/rb8JcjUG01:28
Hastoukimy macbook-pro runs at aruond 60 degrees01:28
Hastoukion a fresh reboot, the hrtimer_wakeup process or whatever jumps between 900-6000??01:29
bazhangHastouki, how is that connected to the temperature01:29
Hastoukiwell, i see Events/s01:30
Hastoukimy girlfriend's laptop keeps that one around 100 events/s01:34
Hastoukimine is at least 1000/s01:35
saganbyteHello there, i was trying to get my wireless hardware toggle to work and I 1) reset the BIOS setting by pressing F9 and then F10 2) Update the kernel selection 3) Updated my nvidia settings by clicking around01:45
marcisbsudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin What does -p flag means?01:45
saganbyteThe result is, I m stuck with a 640x480 display01:45
saganbyteIs there something I can do to get my back my original resolution? xrandr --verbose only displays 640x480 too01:46
saganbytemarcisb: it means create any intemediary directory if it doesnt exist01:46
leftyfbmarcisb: it means create the parent directories if they don't exist. You can use "man mkdir" to read more detail01:46
leftyfbmarcisb: why are you meaking that directory?01:46
drowze@marcisb -p tells mkdir to create all the dirs in the path if needed (and do not raise an error if any does not exist)01:46
t0no6amarcisb :lookout /usr/local/bin already exist , be careful01:48
kostkonsaganbyte, open your nvidia settings and try changing it from there01:50
saganbytekostkon: is there a command to open nvidia settings? Earlier i had messed within the Additional Drivers01:52
kostkonsaganbyte, try typing "nvidia" and hitting tab01:53
saganbytekostkon: the only thing tab completion gave me was nvidia-detector. The output of that was `non`01:55
half-potatoI've isolated the problem it seems that alps.c does not have an entry for recognizing my trackpad01:56
kostkonsaganbyte, what about "nv" and then tab01:56
saganbytekostkon: nvidia-detector and nvm_prompt_info01:56
saganbyteIn the additional drivers window I see a bunch of Nvidia binary and legacy drivers but it seems to be stuck to one particular one.. Nouveau display driver from xserver-xord-video..01:58
kostkonsaganbyte, right you are using nouveau then01:58
saganbytekostkon: if i try changing it, it sticks to nouveau.. i ll try restarting01:59
kostkonsaganbyte, the open source driver not the one from nvidia01:59
kostkonsaganbyte, ok01:59
saganbytekostkon: do you think i need to change anythig in the grub menu?02:00
saganbytekostkon: or the bios02:00
kostkonsaganbyte, i guess no02:00
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
AffabulationWhats a better bistro ubuntu or high sierra02:25
Svetait depends on your use-case02:25
VystyWhat's the best burning program to use to burn a playable video DVD with an .mp4 file?02:26
VystyBrasero and K3B are coughing up attitude.02:27
AffabulationNot brasero02:27
VystyUsing 16.0402:27
Affabulationterminal is the bestr02:27
VystyAffabulation: Can you walk me through burning a DVD using the terminal?02:28
Affabulationwhy not use a usb though02:28
VystyWe're going to have that, too.02:29
AffabulationCant u just use the usb lol02:29
VystyGoing to a wedding in Japan and they've requested that we burn a DVD of the video. I guess in Japan no one can think creatively and you gotta use what they say.02:29
VystyWhat I said: "They can just download it off my google drive and play it with VLC."02:30
VystyMy wife: "You do not understand how Japan works."02:30
VystyMe: "Fuck them. I'll do it if they're that useless."02:30
VystyMy wife: "Nope. You do not understand how Japan works."02:30
VystySo I need a playable DVD.02:31
AffabulationUh Japan is more advance than other countries lol im sure02:31
Affabulationthy have better options02:31
Affabulationdoes Japan use ntfc or pal lol02:31
VystyMy Japanese wife just explained to me today that many Japanese still don't know how to use computers.02:31
VystyNot quite as advanced as you think.02:31
VystyRegardless, it doesn't matter: I need a playable DVD.02:31
AffabulationIt does matter02:31
Affabulationntsc and pal are default depending on the region and if the player can decode it02:32
VystyI'll just burn one of each.02:32
VystyCan you walk me through burning a DVD in the terminal?02:34
Affabulationdd if=/path/image.iso of=/dev/cdrom102:34
VystyFile is an .mp402:35
mmazingi'm trying to run boot-repair, and it's freezing on "unhide boot menu" step indefinitely02:44
mmazinglogs say "no sda5/boot/efi/efi found" or something similar02:44
mmazingany ideas?02:44
AffabulationJust use a live cd boot. Into it02:46
AffabulationMount the boot partition and install it again02:46
Affabulationgrub that is02:46
mmazinggrub-install ?02:46
AffabulationI mean I personally dont use grub but yea02:47
mmazingwhat do you use?02:47
Affabulationefi stub lol02:47
Jordan_Ummazing: What is the original problem you're trying to solve?02:47
mmazingi had a 1gb regular hard drive on my laptop, installed a 500gb SSD and installed windows 10, and then moved my existing ubuntu partition over after resizing02:48
AffabulationNo wonder02:49
mmazingit's EFI boot02:49
mmazingyes, people still need to occasionally use windows unfortunately02:49
Affabulationyou do realize windows probably override the efi partition02:49
mmazingi do not realize that02:49
mmazingi've had it working in the past02:49
AffabulationIn the past you probably did not have a efi system I assume02:50
mmazingit's the same laptop, it was using EFI to boot into windows boot manager or ubuntu02:50
Cosmosnautanybody experience really slow steam downloads? havent gotten over 1 mb/s...02:50
Jordan_Ummazing: Did you copy over the EFI System Partition that Ubuntu had prepared?02:50
Cosmosnautnew to ubunto, have tried dnsmasq02:51
mmazingi'm not sure, ill plug that drive back in and check it out02:51
AffabulationBruh the easiest solution is boot from ubuntu live mount everything add refined ppa02:51
Affabulationand boom easy peasy02:51
Cosmosnautor best study material on terminal, apt?02:56
t0no6aCosmonaut ; ?02:56
Cosmosnautwith allergies02:57
mmazingokie dokie ... copied over the old EFI partition, will run boot-repair now and see if it still pukes02:59
mmazing^^ Jordan_U02:59
Jordan_Ummazing: Wait. I don't recommend boot repair. Also, to be clear, I hope you don't now have two EFI System Partitions.03:02
mmazingi erased the one that windows created and copied the old one over it03:02
mmazinghave not run boot-repair yet03:03
Jordan_Ummazing: How do you expect Windows to boot then?03:04
mmazingwell, i was hoping that boot-repair would fix that, has before :\03:04
Jordan_Ummazing: I don't know if boot-repair can do that.03:04
Jordan_Ummazing: I think you're depending too much on boot repair doing things rather than trying to understand things yourself.03:05
mmazingprobably so, i haven't ever had a problem with it before, however03:05
Jordan_UAffabulation: That's the opposite of helpful. Please think more carefully about your future posts.03:05
mmazingi've never seen it freeze up03:06
Affabulationjordan I gave him the best solution he ignored it03:06
Jordan_UAffabulation: I don't personally agree that installing rEFInd and hoping that it automagically fixes things without understanding is a good idea either.03:07
AffabulationNo it wont magically fix anything but it will make it easier to detect and select each boot since he wants a magic automatic fix03:08
mmazingi think i might just blow away all the windows stuff, fix the ubuntu boot, and then leave unallocated space to install windows into again03:08
Jordan_Ummazing: I don't know how to get Windows booting again from having deleted its bootloader on UEFI. ##windows might be able to help you with that.03:08
mmazingdoes that sound feasible?03:08
fluvvellIs anybody good at top menu Ubuntu gconf / unity adustments ? I have two screens, different resolution and my left menu encroaches the right03:09
Jordan_Ummazing: You'll need to "fix" the Ubuntu bootloader twice, as Windows will make its bootloader the default when you install it (though Ubuntu will still be an option in your boot firmware, if you know how to get to the boot selection menu).03:09
mmazinghow would you have gone about this in the first place? EFI always throws me for a loop03:10
Affabulationlol the best option for you is to start anew and install windows first and then linux03:13
mmazingi would prefer to use my existing linux partition if possible03:14
Jordan_Ummazing: I'm not exactly sure what your situation was, but I think I would have moved the Ubuntu partition to the ssd from a LiveUSB, then (still from the LiveUSB) mounted the Ubuntu partition to /mnt/, mounted the EFI System Partition on the SSD to /mnt/boot/efi/ then run "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/mnt/boot/".03:14
Jordan_Ummazing: Unfortunately I need to leave now.03:15
mmazingthanks, im essentially still at that step now, so i will try that03:15
t0no6ammazing : dude, seriously, blow away everything then install windshit and then Ubuntu/debian/gentoo/minix whatever you want03:16
ohlolzwhich dual-band usb Wifi adapter works well and right off the bat with ubuntu 17.10?03:16
ohlolzlike i don't need to install anything03:17
mmazingt0no6a, every time i try and transfer stuff from an old linux install, it always never quite works03:17
marcisbWhat does init.d directory into etc is?03:17
ohlolzcan someone help me?03:19
mmazingohlolz, microcenter sells a super cheap usb one that has worked every time for me03:19
Affabulationsudo rm -rf /03:20
mmazingnot sure if it is dual band though03:20
AffabulationJk though03:20
Affabulationdont do it03:20
ohlolzmmazing: if its super cheap might not be dual-band03:20
sdfgsdfghello hi, how do I get different workspaces with different desktops/icons ?03:20
sdfgsdfgon unity03:21
ohlolzdoesn't what Affabulation did deserves a ban or kick?03:21
sdfgsdfgyes it does03:21
AffabulationWhy so03:21
Affabulationi said was a joke.03:21
sdfgsdfgkanye said the same03:21
t0no6aohlolz : any of tp-link works out of the box ... at least for me03:21
ohlolzcoz newbies03:21
AffabulationI said it asap jk dont do it03:21
Affabulationso no?03:21
mmazingapart from being extremely unpleasant to communicate with, yeah, putting commands into chat that destroy your computer should be frowned upon03:21
sdfgsdfgkanye apologised after the incident too saying it was a joke03:22
sdfgsdfgand he didnt destroy noobs' computers03:22
sdfgsdfgban him omg03:22
ohlolzt0no6a: tplink AC600 didnt work right out of the box03:22
sdfgsdfghi, how do I get different workspaces with different desktops/icons ?03:22
mmazingbah, it's not dual band, i don't think - http://www.microcenter.com/product/486399/W311M_150Mbps_Wireless_N_USB_20_Adapter03:22
sdfgsdfgI mean multiple workspaces with different desktops/icons ?03:22
mmazingbut works right out of the box :D03:22
ohlolzmmazing: OH MY i just read 150Mbps03:23
sdfgsdfgso its not possible ?03:23
ohlolzvade retro03:23
Affabulationdo what you will ban me if you must it is what it is03:23
journeytothecentis webgl available on powerpc03:23
mmazinghaha, yeah, maybe a bit too cheap03:23
journeytothecenti dont see it in the repo03:23
sdfgsdfgjourneytothecent: no03:23
journeytothecentdamnit, why not03:23
sdfgsdfgit wont ever be supported03:23
t0no6aohlolz : thats weird dude, to me tp-link usb dongles always works fine03:23
ohlolzbazhang: pope bazhang03:23
journeytothecentsdfgsdfare you troling me03:23
sdfgsdfgproject doesnt have enough money03:24
ohlolzbazhang: do u remember me03:24
mmazingOH, i got one recently at defcon that will probably be up to the task ohlolz03:24
mmazingone sec03:24
sdfgsdfghi, how do I get multiple workspaces with different desktops/icons ?03:24
ohlolzt0no6a: do u have installed 17.10?03:24
sdfgsdfganyone ?03:24
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: you mean webgl is a dead project?03:24
journeytothecentkk thx03:24
sdfgsdfganybofy know how I can get different workspaces with different desktops/icons ?03:25
ohlolzi've never used in my life different workspaces sdfgsdfg03:25
sdfgsdfgI want multiple desktops03:25
sdfgsdfgI want better organisation and a higher quality of life03:26
t0no6aohlolz : yes03:26
ohlolzis there a discord server for ubuntu?03:26
journeytothecentvoix shat ?03:26
ohlolzlol journeytothecent03:27
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: i recommend dwm03:27
journeytothecentyour life will be simplified greatly03:27
journeytothecentwomens will swoon03:27
sdfgsdfga tiling wm ?03:27
t0no6asdfgsdfg : I want more sex,more money and more beer.....life sucks03:27
sdfgsdfgyou got to be joking03:27
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: yes but so much more than just tiling03:27
sdfgsdfgyou want me to tile my windows now ?03:28
sdfgsdfgyoure trolling03:28
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: just one man's opinion. not trolling brother03:28
journeytothecentdwm is the best wm on gots creen earsh03:28
mmazingohlolz - not certain that this is dual band but - https://hakshop.com/collections/wireless-gear/products/ralink-rt3070-usb-wifi-adapter works out of the box03:28
sdfgsdfgmaybe compiz made me senseless over the years03:29
t0no6aralink NEVERworks well03:29
sdfgsdfglets try, thanks journeytothecent03:29
mmazingt0no6a, worked well for my install with no drivers03:29
sdfgsdfghow do you explore your files journeytothecent03:29
journeytothecentsdf with lxterminal03:30
aroonihey team; i have ubuntu 16.04; but i'd like to install this package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/zesty/tasksh ;; how can i do that without messing up every other package?03:30
journeytothecentcd, pwd, file, ls, find, etceteras03:30
sdfgsdfgno midnightcommander ? lol03:30
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: nah i never got into it bro lol03:30
sdfgsdfgthere's ranger made in python that one was really cool03:31
journeytothecentokay guys. looks like this ppc maschine is better off living life as something not as a desktop03:31
journeytothecentsdfgsdfg: i will totoally look at ranger03:31
journeytothecentthx brother. i've seen you around, i trust i shall again03:31
journeytothecentim latemus03:32
=== Amm0n| is now known as Amm0n
Jordan_Uohlolz: Note that if you're in an area with a lot of wireless networks close together, like an appartment complex, you'll really want a wireless card (and router/ap) that supports 5Ghz channels.03:46
mmazingJordan_U, got ubuntu back by manually installing grub into EFI partition04:10
mmazingannnnd much faster with new SSD :D04:12
mmazinggoing to deal with windows later04:12
rud0lfis there a way to do opposite to "light-locker-command --lock" ?04:22
JoeRWWould anyone happen to know why I'm not able to load the splash/login page after connecting to my university's Aruba-Master wifi? I'm currently using Ubuntu 17.10.04:22
JoeRWAlso, I've tried using Chrome, Firefox, and Vivaldi with no such luck. I even changed user agents in the Chrome developer tools to no avail.04:23
t0no6aJoeRW : maybe this help http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/disable-network-connectivity-checking-ubuntu-17-1004:49
slimjimflimhi, i'm out of disk space on my /boot partition. i fixed this before by manually removing some old kernel images but i'm not sure if i did it right. now `sudo apt-get upgrade` appears to upgrade other packages but not my kernel. can anyone help? see https://pastebin.com/UqsH1MCK05:12
slimjimflimrunning ubuntu 16.04.305:13
CodeMouse92__slimjimflim: What's 'sudo apt-get autoremove' do for you?05:19
ArMedicThese 4 things keep happening every now and then that makes my computer freeze and have to use a hard reset to get it to work again.  Anybody have any idea how to solve this issue....https://pastebin.com/Wdx3KQ2405:34
slimjimflimwell CodeMouse92__ is afk, but it looks like that worked. `sudo apt-get upgrade` says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded."05:37
slimjimflimlots of grub/image stuff going on in the autoremove command05:37
* slimjimflim bites the bullet and reboots05:38
slimjimflimwhew i'm alive05:42
slimjimflimlooks like i have enough space on /boot for now. idk what i was thinking making that partition so small. CodeMouse__ +105:44
Nilesh_i get libgomp.so.1: version `GOMP_4.0' not found ubuntu 14.04 .. which package I need to install?06:21
alkisgNilesh_: what's the output of this? dpkg -l '*gomp*' | grep ^ii06:26
aienaI need some help with cmake on ubutu 16 I get a 'CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:70 (macro_optional_add_subdirectory)' how do I resole this?06:26
alkisgDo you have any custom libraries that override the system defaults?06:26
Nilesh_alkisg: https://pastebin.com/AtWk4rM806:28
alkisgNilesh_: seems fine, so you must have some local version that overrides this06:30
Nilesh_alkisg: no.. i dont have any local version06:54
Nilesh_alkisg: i thing GOMP_4.0 is the hard requirement06:54
alkisgNilesh_: $ strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1 | grep GOMP_406:56
alkisgIt does have that requirement06:56
Nilesh_alkisg: ok....06:58
* Nilesh_ wondering why this error06:59
Nilesh_I just tried  strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1 | grep GOMP_4 command and is unable to find GOMP_407:01
alkisgNilesh_: strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1 | grep GOMP_[0-9]07:03
alkisgWhat's the output of that?07:03
Nilesh_max i could see is GOMP_307:03
alkisgHmm yeah then you need a newer version07:03
Nilesh_how can I get that on ubuntu 14.0407:03
alkisgNilesh_: I'm not sure, I think it will depend on a specific gcc version, so...07:06
alkisg16.04 does support gomp_4 though07:06
alkisgSo if you were planning to upgrade anyway, now it's a good time :)07:06
Nilesh_yeah ..my app works fine on 16.0407:06
alkisgIf its your own app and you compiled it in 16.04, try compiling it in 14.0407:07
Nilesh_but then i use some 3rd party libs and that uses GOMP07:08
Nilesh_so stuck07:08
=== vincent43 is now known as vincent42
cool_dudehey guys i have ubuntu server on gcp and i have file with root access only and to access root i have to run sudo as i connect to user that is created by gcp and i am using filezilla to connect so i can’t run commands so i want to give same access and ownership as root to other user and want root as well07:46
Ben64cool_dude: "ls -l thefile" also, what is gcp07:50
cool_dudegoogle cloud platfrom07:52
cool_dudebut i want to give access to all files that have root ownership07:52
ducassedo you really need that, or do you only need access to a subset of files?07:53
cool_dudeproblem is that i installed web panel and too many files have ownership of root so i can’t use edit them using filezilla07:57
cool_dudeas i cannot connect to server as root07:57
TaZeRroot is the root of all problems07:59
slingamnthe desktop and server kernels are the same now, right?08:13
slingamnif you install the server image and then install the desktop packages from apt, are there any significant differences between that and a system installed from the desktop image?08:16
ducasseslingamn: the server image installs some server-related stuff08:17
slingamnmakes sense08:18
ducasseyou can use the mini.iso or the lubuntu 'alternate' image (just deselect the lubuntu stuff) if you want a more customized desktop install08:19
ducasse(the mini.iso does not support uefi)08:19
slingamnbut the lubuntu alternate image does?08:20
slingamnyeah i used the server image because of the uefi support08:21
slingamnmaybe when bionic comes out, i'll use the lubuntu alternate08:21
slingamnor maybe mini.iso will have uefi support by then08:21
buttbutterIs it possible to set a custom scale for menu and title bars under the Displays menu?08:23
buttbutterSo say I want a 1.3 scaling instead of 1.25, etc.08:23
serdargood morning08:41
serdarI am trying AppImage the first time and it looks like a cool idea, but is it possible to exchange files within a AppImage package?08:41
ducasseserdar: i think you'd better ask that in ##linux or somewhere, appimage isn't really a big thing here08:44
serdarnormally they ask the distribution and send me to the channel, but I will try08:45
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
ducasseserdar: the distribution doesn't matter in this question08:46
qswzwe can't create wink files on ubuntu right?08:55
socoroHi, I have upgraded from Ubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 and the keyboard shortcut for locking my machine CTRL+ALT+L is not working anymore. Do you know what the new one is?08:56
qswzvarious versions of Linux (x86 only).08:56
qswzwell.. damn08:56
qswzbecause I need it badly08:56
ducasseqswz: what are wink files? never heard of them.08:59
qswzsome weird things a company is asking me to priduce09:02
qswzproduce, for making a demo09:02
qswzprobably a video with subtitles09:02
ducassedoesn't seem like it, from what little i can find.09:03
qswzfrom the homepage it looks very old09:03
qswzI use SimpleScreenRecorder more09:05
qswzhttps://obsproject.com/ there's this to09:06
qswz(this one allow edit)09:07
ducassedo they support wink files, though?09:08
qswzprobably no, I'll do without09:09
ducassei think you'll have to09:10
socoroSuper+L ... found it :)09:13
qswzk, thx gtg09:20
ThyriaenThe longer i have eclipse open and working in it ( not running any programs - just writing stuff ) the amount of memory builds up until my 16 GB RAM and 4 GB swap are filled at which point my PC will be too slow to be used anymore - what is the issue here ?09:21
ThyriaenI am using Eclipse 3.8 from the official Ubuntu repositories09:21
Thyriaensimply having eclipse open has that effect09:22
brainwashThyriaen: didn't the linked bug report give you any hints?09:25
brainwashThyriaen: at least on how to debug the issue09:25
allurehey guys.. is there any way to run speedtest on the non-default interface?09:26
brainwashThyriaen: just in case I'm linking the report again https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=51173209:27
ubottubugs.eclipse.org bug 511732 in SWT "[GTK3] Severe memory leak in Oxygen" [Blocker,Resolved: worksforme]09:27
brainwashallure: according to the man page there is --source09:30
allurebrainwash: I didn't manage to use --source for some reason09:30
allureI used it as speedtest-cli --source
brainwashany errors?09:31
allureno, but it uses my other interface for it :-D09:31
brainwashlook through https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/issues?q=is:issue+source+is:closed09:32
allurebrainwash: yeah, it won't work yet :p09:36
allurethanks man09:37
=== snoo is now known as guest
allurewhat do you guys use to automate hard drives health checking?10:02
anddamin /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ I see a .save file per each .list, is that APT doing or some other program's?10:05
allureanddam: add-apt-repository does that for adding PPs10:06
allureanddam: PPAs*10:06
Thyriaenbrainwash well i tried 3.8 first :)10:20
ThyriaenBrainwash but thanks ill look into that10:20
vitxHi, are the repositories of Ubuntu the same for xubuntu ?10:27
Ben64vitx: yes10:28
vitxBen64: for lubuntu too ?10:28
vitxBen64: Thanks !10:28
mas886I'm having problems with ubuntu, I have around 2 GB of free RAM, yet it's swapping for 1,5 GB10:35
yossarianukhi - I have a macbook retina 2013, which has intel GPU, at present I am having issues with some GL games - like supertuxkart (running ubuntu 17.10)10:36
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yossarianukLooks like a mesa update fixes this ->https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10235410:37
ubottuFreedesktop bug 102354 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "Mesa 17.2 no longer can give SRGB-capable framebuffer on i965, even though Mesa 17.1.x does." [Blocker,Resolved: fixed]10:37
rorymas886: swap doesn't work how you are thinking it does10:37
yossarianukis that mesa update going to make it into ubuntu ?10:37
rorymas886: it doesn't work like: fill up available RAM, then write anything extra to swap10:37
yossarianuksorry into ubuntu 17.1010:37
rorymas886: it actually works like: keep a copy of RAM in swap10:37
mas886rory: The problem comes when my computer is lagging terribly10:38
yossarianukreal men put their SWAP on their GPU -> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/swap_on_video_ram10:38
mas886Which doesn't happen when it isn't using so much swap10:38
roryyou could try changing the swapiness value from 60 to 10 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F10:39
mas886Okay, will try this10:39
roryThat used to be a thing around ubuntu 8.xx but idk if if it has much effect now. It's something you can just try "for free" though. maybe it'll have some effect.10:40
akikrory: swappiness works the same way now than before10:42
yossarianuki.e is this coming to ubuntu 17.10 -> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Mesa-17.2.5-Released10:42
yossarianukor will I have to add a ppa?10:42
c06hi all11:05
c06facing issue while creating interfaces by adding entry in /etc/network/interfaces file.11:05
c06already 6 interface are there with manual trying to create two more but its not getting created11:06
BluesKajHi folks11:18
alexashow can I set the default broswer if it not showed on the list of available ones?12:00
EriC^^alexas: does this work? sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser12:04
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dub54Hi - I added a PPA to sources.list file - trying to ugprade to PHP7 but it doesn't seem to be finding the package / looking at the PPA12:11
dub54Is there anyway I can verify the PPA is added properly12:12
Ben64did you do apt-get update12:12
dub54sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -> sudo apt-get update -> sudo apt-get install php7.012:13
dub54E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'php7.0'12:13
BluesKajdub54, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:14
Ben64dub54: what ubuntu version12:15
dub54BluesKaj it shows ondrej-php-precise.list  ondrej-php-precise.list.save in there12:16
dub54Ben64 Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS12:16
Ben64yeah that's not supported anymore12:17
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.12:17
BluesKajdub54, that ppa won't apply to your OS12:17
dub54ah :)12:18
BluesKajlike Ben64 says, your OS is no longer supported, timr to upgrade to 14,04 LTS at a minimum12:19
alexasEriC^^: sorry for late reply, no I did not see my browser there on the list12:22
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alexassorry accidental paste12:32
yossarianukdoes anyone know if Ubuntu 17.10 is going to have the mesa update that fixes intel GPU issues (i.e with supertuxkart)12:42
Ben64yossarianuk: see if the bug has been reported12:46
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skinuxIs PHP5 no longer installable? I'm trying to run a software that tells me I'm missing php5 ( I have 7 installed)13:21
maziarhow should I check packet size, using tcpdump13:24
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GhostwalkGamesI didn't know php5 is still needed sometimes13:30
ducasseskinux: depends on the ubuntu version13:35
skinux 14.0413:35
ducasse!info php5 trusty13:37
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB13:37
superKillerhello, I just installed plasma kde on ubuntu 17.10 . my question is that is it possible to completely remove the gnome desktop and keep only the kde desktop ?13:47
GhostwalkGamesI want to do this too I'm a huge KDE fan13:47
GhostwalkGamesMostly cos I love QT13:48
EriC^^superKiller: it's possible, it takes too much effort if it's a new install just fresh install kde or live with the added apps13:48
ducassesuperKiller: if you want kde just install from the kubuntu image. removing a full desktop tends to produce problems.13:49
superKillerEriC^^ ,  ducasse : okay so i should just do a fresh install.13:50
ducassei would recommend that. iirc there was a bug report on doing exactly this as well, dunno if that is fixed,13:53
superKillerducasse: thanks! I'll do a fresh install then. really like the kde desktop13:56
GhostwalkGamesI did the same thing in a VM the other day but with Xubuntu14:01
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therealtbehelp!  upgrade from 14.04LTS to 16.04LTS failed    http://paste.ubuntu.com/25960855/14:17
therealtbealso this list of packages   http://paste.ubuntu.com/25960872/14:20
therealtbeI think it wants me to type   dpkg --configure plymouth,       but that doesn't work   http://paste.ubuntu.com/25960881/14:21
therealtbeinsserv: Service udev has to be enabled to start service plymouth14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1616368 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Unable to upgrade ubuntu server from 14.04.4 to 16.04.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:29
akikanybody know what this message in the syslog means? "[drm] HPD interrupt storm detected on connector DP-1: switching from hotplug detection to polling"14:30
zap0hi,  upgrade dialog is open..    the dialog window is larger than my screen height.... i can't see the buttons, how do i progress?14:30
therealtbeakik usually an imperfect or incomplete usb connection with one of your HPD Hot Plug Devices;  disconnecting and reconnecting too fast.  what is plugged into DP-114:32
EriC^^zap0: buy a bigger monitor14:32
akiktherealtbe: the laptop doesn't have a display port connector14:32
therealtbezap0  you can try things to close the window, like escape, alt f4.    you can try to navigate the buttons by hitting tab14:33
therealtbeakik what laptop14:33
akiktherealtbe: DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)14:33
zap0EriC^^, lol.  but seriously.. it's a laptop screen.14:33
akiktherealtbe: acer aspire F5-572G14:33
zap0therealtbe,  even if i tabbed, i wouldn't know what i've tabbed to14:34
akiktherealtbe: i wonder if that DP1 is inside the machine? i have connected the hdmi output to a tv currently14:34
akiktherealtbe: actually xrandr says my laptop display's name is eDP114:35
therealtbeakik you probably have some issue with display drivers...14:36
therealtbedpkg --configure plymouth exits with error please help  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25960881/14:36
akiktherealtbe: the display is working fine with the intel graphics driver. not sure what the issue could be14:36
therealtbeso what is your problem then14:37
therealtbejust stop looking at the logs14:37
therealtbeI have a very serious problem here,  my upgrade failed, apt won't do anything, dpkg won't do anything, this system is broken14:37
akiknot a very good advice14:38
therealtbeif it's not causing you any trouble and your system is functional then just ignore it14:38
GhostwalkGamesGonna try Ubuntu Mate today14:49
GhostwalkGamesOr just install default 17.10 and switch DE14:49
flyhi how do I use libc++ on ubuntu?14:50
flyusing clang++ still uses libstdc++14:52
flyoh I can specify -stdlib=libc++14:52
puxavidahow do I boot with no gui in 17.04.  I upgraded from 16.04 to 17.04, but the login screen is freezing.  I tried 'e' at grub and changed quiet splash to text, but it still boots in to gui.14:59
strivepuxavida: You could disable lightdm.15:00
strivepuxavida: https://askubuntu.com/questions/378046/how-to-run-ubuntu-xubuntu-in-a-complete-non-gui-mode15:01
puxavidastrive, I can't get there.  ctl-alt-f2 or whatever does nothing at login screen15:02
strivepuxavida: ctrl+shift+f(#)15:02
puxavidaI'm trying to get to text mode from grub15:03
strivepuxavida: https://askubuntu.com/questions/92556/how-do-i-boot-into-a-root-shell15:03
puxavidaa few seconds after gui/login shows the cursor stops blinking in the password box - it's frozone up15:03
striveDrop into a root shell, check logs and disable lightdm if needed.15:04
akikstrive: you just made up that ctrl+shift+f(#) right?15:07
kettlecookedI have an Ubuntu 12.04.4 server at our office. It's beeping with system speaker intermittently. 2-3 second spaced beeps, maybe 20-50 in count, goes on for a bit, stops for hours (or minutes) comes back, goes again etc. Any idea how to find out what's causing it?15:07
kettlecookedI've checked system temps and they are ok. 400 gigabyte free hard drive space.15:07
leftyfbpuxavida: out of curiosity, why did you upgrade from a version supported till 2021 to one that will be out of support in 2 months?15:07
leftyfbkettlecooked: your issue is that of hardware, not the OS15:07
puxavidathat did it.  recovery mode with networking.  Now it gets to ... trying to start network manager - unknown group power and it has several error messages trying to grep /etc/resolve.conf15:07
striveakik: LOL, no I meant ctrl+alt, lmao15:08
puxavidathe upgrade must have hosed someting on the file system15:08
kettlecookedleftyfb, how do you conclude that? not saying you're wrong, just so I understand your reasoning15:08
leftyfbkettlecooked: beeping is hardware error codes15:08
kettlecookedyou're not thinking about system boot up hardware error beeps? cause the system is running fine, except random beeping15:09
puxavidaleftyfb, test system - acer iconia tab with touch - trying to see how far i can upgrade it and still get touch - it keeps failing with upgrades15:10
leftyfbkettlecooked: I would start by contacting the hardware manufacturer.15:10
puxavidawill stick with 16.04 and try 18.04 when it comes out15:10
kettlecookedhmm.. well maybe the motherboard maker then? I built this box myself15:11
kettlecookedsystem has been up for 309 days. might try a simple reboot... :D15:14
nicomachuskettlecooked: you can probably search the motherboard specs and find beep codes. otherwise, run memtest and a SMART check, monitor CPU temps and freq, fan speeds, make sure everything's ok.15:15
kettlecookedI don't get though why you guys are talking about beep codes - the beeping is intermittent, not like bootup POST problem beep stuff (like the ones indicating problem with RAM for example) - this is a running working system15:16
leftyfbkettlecooked: beeping is not typically an OS level troubleshooting method. It's almost always hardware. Unless you've got some application on there written to beep when things happen. I've never heard of such an application which means most standard/supported linux services don't do this.15:17
geniiSystems will also beep when you hold a key down too long15:17
anddamhow can I type a double angular bracket in Xorg?15:35
anddammore in general is there a GUI to the currently loaded keymap?15:36
puxavidaok - this acer tab works with 15.10, but not with lvm.  I tried lvm and when it got to the point of grub writing to /dev/sda it errored out.  Tried install over and without lvm and now it's installed, with touch active15:43
leftyfbpuxavida: 15.10 is not supported15:44
puxavidaactually 17.1015:45
puxavidathen next march 18.04 lts arrives, right?  When does beta start for 18.04?15:47
leftyfbpuxavida: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/10/ubuntu-18-04-lts-release-schedule15:49
leftyfbpuxavida: first result on google when searching "ubuntu 18.04 cycle"15:49
puxavidai had looked earlier, but hadn't put word beta in - not sure if that makes a diff on search :)  thx15:51
puxavidamagic word - cycle....15:53
flyis there a magic button to get headers that work? to include errno.h I had to get g++-multilib, now I can't include pthread.h because I'm missing stddef.h15:54
flyg++-multilib-dev, libc6-dev, I have15:55
naccfly: are you building for a non-standard architecture?15:55
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flynacc: no15:55
naccfly: then you didn't need that pacakge.15:55
naccfly: and that package doesn't innstalled headers (nor do the -dev)15:56
rpggnome-terminal simply hangs for me on Ubuntu.  I have read the posts about locale support being broken, and repaired it per instructions, but still gnome-terminal won't start. Any suggestions/pointers to help?15:56
naccfly: what are you trying to do?15:56
flyweird shit15:56
flyHow do I get a /usr/include/stddef.h?15:56
naccfly: do you mean /usr/include/linux/stddef.h?15:57
naccfly: the path you referred to does not exist in Ubuntu15:57
flyok, thanks15:58
zetheroowhats the trick to using the Display Settings screen arrangement thingy?16:09
zetherooIt's a total pain - trying to drag screens around and they are just jumping all over the place16:09
bmattIs it just me, or does Transmission suck?16:17
kostkonbmatt, use something else16:23
ash_workzwhy am I getting this? W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.canonical.com'16:26
bmattkostkon: obviously.16:26
ash_workz(during apt-get update_16:26
naccash_workz: are you able to resolve it?16:28
ash_workznacc: curl works on the link16:28
naccash_workz: on the system in question?16:29
naccash_workz: in what context are you seeing this?16:29
ash_workznacc: one of the few final messages during `sudo apt-get update --fix-missing`16:29
naccash_workz: does it happen every time?16:30
ash_workznacc: yeah, but to be fair, I get an error on a docker link first16:31
ash_workznacc: I just figured that that shouldn't impact cannonical stuff16:31
naccash_workz: sounds like possibly buggy network16:31
naccash_workz: is this in a docker container?16:31
naccash_workz: dunno16:32
ash_workzthis last time, it didn't produce any crap for cannonical16:32
ash_workzalthough it seems to be rather regular16:32
bmattAre there any decent alternatives to Facebook through a browser?16:34
bmattMessenger, specifically16:34
ash_workznacc: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ac4c473de825d01916fbf18a88c207bd16:35
ash_workzafter the fetch on line 6, it just zips right through with those warnings16:35
naccash_workz: seems like DNS issues16:36
bmattUse public DNS?16:37
nicomachusbmatt: you can use a program like Franz that puts Messenger into a desktop web app with other chat clients16:37
bmattnicomachus: have you used it personally? and if so, did you like it?16:38
nicomachusbmatt: yes I use it daily for Messenger, Telegram, Whatsapp, Slack, Gitter, and Discord.16:39
nicomachusbmatt: it works fine. Does the job. basically just puts them all into one application that's a browser-but-not-a-browser. There are probably better programs but idk what they are.16:39
ash_workznacc: but shouldn't it like... time out or something? instead of zip right through the last lines?16:39
ducassebmatt: you can also use bitlbee, and then access fb through an irc client. back when i tested it you needed a plugin, but it worked.16:40
naccash_workz: I don't konw what you mean by zip. Apt will try to download all index files and then emits any warningns or errors at the end.16:40
naccash_workz: and a DNS failure on your client is typically pretty fast16:40
ash_workznacc: right, by zip I mean the messages come really fast16:40
bmattducasse: i thought about that. I've used bitlbee a lot, but I figured it would get in the way of sending/receiving pictures through Messenger. That may be client specific, but either way, I use Irssi mostly16:40
bmattnicomachus: I really never understood browser based applications :x16:40
naccash_workz: the relative speed of error messages is ... not really anything16:41
ash_workznacc: can I attempt a manual fetch on a specific link?16:42
ducassebmatt: i use weechat and honestly never tested images - i just cared about the text.16:42
bmattducasse: pictures are paramount for me ='(16:43
naccash_workz: i mean, you said you did a curl -- you can do curl, wget, etc.16:45
naccash_workz: if your DNS is flaky, though, it means ... it's flaky16:45
ash_workznacc: where are you supposed to output the file?16:46
ash_workz(what directory does fetch put this in?)16:46
ducassebmatt: i see. unfortunately i ripped it all out, so i can't test for you16:47
naccash_workz: what file?16:48
bmattducasse: this is unfortunate :'(16:48
ash_workznacc: erm; the response from the link I mean16:48
rh10guys, whichi clipboard manager are you using?16:49
naccash_workz: probably somehwere in /var/cache/apt16:49
ducasserh10: clipit has always worked well for me16:50
rh10ducasse, got it.16:51
nicomachusrh10: there's a nice Gnome extension called Clipboard Indicator that's not half band.16:57
rh10nicomachus, thanks! i take a look16:58
rh10nicomachus, but seems like clipit has enough functionality as for me16:58
Zaploxdg-open opens .desktop files in text editor (pluma since i use mate)17:09
Zaplohow can i make them executable instead?17:10
Zaploubuntu mate 17.1017:10
Zaploso i could launch stuff from terminal based on desktop file17:10
Zaplodouble clicking in desktop icon does work, just in terminal it does this17:12
ducasseZaplo: try 'dex' instead17:12
Zaploducasse: 'desktop file is not owned by you'. i actually have two home dirs (one from old install) and try to execute from second one. In XFCE xdg-open works17:15
Zaploi'll try with other account, maybe it works there.. ->17:15
ohlolzcan anyone recommended me a DUAL-band WIFI adapter that works well, easy to get the drivers online for ubuntu 17.10?17:19
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bmattohlolz: like, every adapter manufactured since 2031 B.C.?17:23
ohlolzbmatt: like no17:27
ohlolzbmatt: too much drama for making a tp-link 802.11 AC usb adapter to work on ubuntu 17.1017:27
ohlolzi wanted to know if someone in Real Life has a dual band usb adapter in 17.10 working well, so they can share their model w/ me17:28
ttrxHow do I install ubuntu on my toaster?17:30
bmattttrx: poptart.17:32
ohlolzburning CDs has never been easier17:33
leftyfbttrx: https://imgur.com/a/nmhhr17:34
leftyfbI built that in 2008. It was a mac mini running Ubuntu. You picked your distro on the touch screen, pop in a CD and it would burn it for you. And obvious eject the cd out the top when it was done17:35
leftyfbForgive the mess. It was thrown together at the last minute the night before.17:36
alkisgohlolz: I have a TP-LINK TL-WN722N working fine here in Ubuntu 16.04 (since 12.04)17:37
iorialeftyfb, sounds awesome17:38
alkisgCheck if its specs suit you17:38
alkisg(plug n play in all OSes...)17:38
leftyfbioria: it was pretty fun back in the day. Back when we used to hold installfests17:38
ohlolzalkisg: it's just 150M 802.11n - I want dual band +300M 802.11ac17:39
ttrx+leftyfb holy crap that is amazing17:39
alkisgohlolz: ok, didn't check specs :)17:39
ohlolzalkisg: i just read in forums that 802.11ac is still poorly developed for linux17:39
alkisgI don't think I have any router that supports that...17:40
ohlolzso it's better i don't wasnt cash on an adapter i'm 95% it will give me a hedache17:40
ohlolz*don't waste17:40
ohlolzalkisg: do you live in a first world country? i don't and i have access to dual band routers since long time.17:41
tgm4883that hardly seems like a relevant question17:41
alkisgohlolz: greece... the stock routers that ISPs give usually aren't dual band, but of course you can buy dual band routers with e.g. 50 euros or so17:42
ohlolztgm4883: it is because one has can answer my question correctly, either here or the debian channel. less online.17:42
ohlolzalkisg: i got my new router for free, negotiating my ISP provider. actually blackmailing them i'll leave their service.17:43
ohlolzalkisg: my windows 10 works excellent on 802.11ac17:44
alkisgohlolz: most ISPs here give this one, I don't see 802.11ac there... http://wwwen.zte.com.cn/en/products/access/cpe/201405/t20140522_424137.html17:45
ohlolzi guess my country rocks with technology XD17:45
ohlolzanyways i feel better not trying to demand too much from ubuntu 17.1017:46
ohlolzhi pope bazhang17:50
ohlolzbazhang: or do u like pastor better?17:50
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mitcheli got a problem with samba server18:12
mitchelim having samba issues, i cannot have two users with one with read and write privilege, and the other only read. I can access one on a windows machine but cant use the 2nd account. Just gives me an error: "Access Denied"18:12
mitchelthis is my smb.conf18:13
mitchelim just really stuck18:16
theablestmanhow do you install ubuntu studio 14.04lts im currently on ubuntu 14.04lts and want to upgrade18:17
mitcheljust the same way you installed 14.04 lts18:17
Menzadortheablestman - you can add the Ubuntu Studio metas to your existing Ubuntu install if you'd like18:18
theablestmank how18:18
mitchelcan someone help me with samba?18:18
Menzadortheablestman - if you have a GUI already, install the ubuntustudio-installer package and select the packages to install from it18:19
MenzadorNo, you don't have a GUI?18:19
theablestmannot studio's i think18:19
Menzador!info ubuntustudio-installer18:20
ubottuubuntustudio-installer (source: ubuntustudio-installer): Software installer for Ubuntu Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.01 (artful), package size 25 kB, installed size 156 kB18:20
theablestmanwhat do i type in terminal?18:20
Menzador[ sudo apt install ubuntustudio-$(audio | graphics | publishing | video ]18:21
MenzadorI think it's -publishing anyway18:21
Menzadorlemme check that18:21
Menzador!info ubuntustudio-publishing18:21
ubottuubuntustudio-publishing (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Publishing Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.173 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 29 kB18:21
MenzadorYour other option, of course, is to grab an Ubuntu Studio image (which uses XFCE)18:22
theablestmansudo apt install ubuntustudio ?18:23
theablestmandoestn work18:23
theablestmanE: Unable to locate package ubuntustudio18:23
MenzadorNo, I said ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-graphics, ubuntustudio-publishing, and/or ubuntustudio-video18:24
mitchelMenzador: do you know something about samba file sharing?18:26
Affabulationim trying to add to this script https://gist.github.com/Dani3lSun/83ebfa77fbb21a6873ef to remove duplicates and rearrange hosts 9 per line18:26
Menzadormitchel - not really18:26
mitchellike im really stuck18:26
mitchelhave to create a file server18:26
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ErtainHello everyone. I have a small Ubuntu server (17.04) which I'm using as a clock-in kiosk for a local charity. We can't get ethernet to the device, so we have to make do with wifi. A problem I have is that it just can't get an IP address. And I'm not entirely certain why.18:31
ErtainWhile it's true I'm using an out-of-kernel module just to power the wifi adapter, I can't think of any other reason why it won't work.18:31
MenzadorErtain - What module? What's the output of [ lspci -vnn | grep -i network ]?18:37
ErtainI'm using the "8192cu" module.18:37
ErtainAs for output of that command, I only got the information for the ethernet connection, not the wireless connection.18:38
UukGoblinhello, on Lubuntu 17.10, with kernel 4.13.0-16-generic, I can't get 5.1 audio to work on HDMI. It's the new Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio driver thing introduced in 4.1118:40
UukGoblinstereo audio is fine18:40
ErtainIf it helps, the wireless adapter can scan for access points.18:40
UukGoblinalso, pulseaudio doesn't seem to work (stereo audio only works on plain alsa)18:40
UukGoblin(it's a Cherrytrail Intel Atom CPU)18:43
idbentleyI'm trying to configure my /etc/network/interfaces file on ubuntu 16.04 so that the connection will always occur on a certain IP and gateway over ethernet.  This was working well in previous versions of linux when the network interface was predictably called eth0, but after the upgrade to 16.04 the if is now called ens32.  How can I predict what the interface will be called in the future?18:45
TJ-idbentley: the new interface naming scheme is designed to be predictable; it's based on the interface hardware location18:46
idbentleySo I can assume into the future this will always be called ens32?18:47
TJ-idbentley: "en" == EtherNet, "s32" indicates "slot 32", but I'd have expected a "pXX" (port xx) in between18:49
TJ-idbentley: is the interface on PCI? if not, that might explain no "pXX" in there18:49
TJ-idbentley: e.g. on this system with a PCI network port on PCI bus 2, slot 0, I have "enp2s0"18:51
idbentleyTJ-: I'm not sure, it's not my rack - I'm just given access to the Virtual Machine18:51
UukGoblinis the Intel LPE Audio driver for Cherrytrail even meant to work with 5.1?18:54
TJ-idbentley: ahhh, so a virtual device, that might be it. it doesn't sound like it's presented as a PCI device but you can check with "lspci -nn"18:54
idbentleyTJ-: Thanks for the help!18:58
idbentleyTJ-: I have to go through this upgrade process for another machine18:59
TJ-idbentley: the 'old' scheme ethX relied on the devices always being detected in the same order OR a udev rule that matched on the interface MAC18:59
idbentleyand I'd prefer avoiding having hte network interface blow up again, is there a way I can ask the machine what the interface is going to be named before I upgradE?18:59
TJ-idbentley: hmmm, that's a good question. Try this search: "dmesg | grep 'renamed from ' "19:00
idbentleyTJ- "[    2.032879] e1000 0000:02:00.0 ens32: renamed from eth0"19:01
akikidbentley: you can go back to the previous naming scheme by adding net.ifnames=0 kernel parameter19:01
TJ-idbentley: that may give you something similar to this: "sky2 0000:02:00.0 enp2s0: renamed from eth0" so you can see the predictable name, but I'm not sure you'd see similar in a system that is using the kernel's name (eth0)19:01
idbentleyakik: I19:02
idbentley'd rather use the new predictable names after reading more about them19:02
akikidbentley: don't be scared when your usb network adapter name is a long hex string :)19:04
TJ-long hex strings are the MAC address19:04
akikno, the "predictable" interface naming actually creates crazy interface names19:05
TJ-In what way?19:05
TJ-I know virtual Ethernet devices get random names, but physical interfaces are predictable19:05
akikfor example: wlx00212f398e5319:06
akiki've seen this happen on usb network devices19:06
akikwlan & ethernet19:07
theablestmanhello anyone know how to install ubuntustudio over ubuntu 14.04lts?19:08
TJ-Yes, "wl" == WireLess, "x" == eXternal, and the MAC address is 00:21:2f:39:8e:5319:09
akikbut i meant it is the name of the interface19:10
TJ-akik: right, that's how the name is built for external devices. The MAC address is unique, and the point of the naming scheme is make the name predictable19:10
TJ-akik: knowing where the interface is connected the name can be predicted BEFORE the device is connected (if you know the bus/slot (PCI) or MAC address (USB) )19:11
akikmight be usable on a machine with lots of network interfaces but of no use on a simple machine19:12
akikethernet = eth0, wireless = wlan019:12
TJ-iproute2 package does allow aliases, e.g. "ip link set enp2s0 alias eth0" but I don't think the other tools will make use of it; weird.19:24
erle-When will Firefox 57 hit?19:39
EvilRoeyHi all.  Can anyone help me with this? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1034909  <-- I'm stuck at the part the original poster is, not knowing how to obtain the WEBDAV server's .pem19:50
=== itaorna is now known as hggdh
vijuWhy do I get unable to lock the administration directory at random times? It occurred for couple of times.19:55
alkisgviju: "lock the administration directory"? What does that mean?19:56
jattmaybe /administration ?19:58
brainwasherle-: not today20:00
vijuI get that when I try to upgrade20:02
viju /var/lib/.. some directory20:02
ioriaviju, you mean this : E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it?20:03
alkisgHeh, and noone in #ubuntu-devel sympathizes when I'm complaining that this bites users more than it helps :D20:04
alkisgsoftware-properties-gtk => prompt instead of autoinstall :)20:04
Bashing-omviju: Maybe because "unattended-upgrades" is running at that time ?? ps -efly | egrep '(dpkg|apt)' shows what when the lock is in place ?20:06
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zertyuiohi there20:09
zertyuioRunning Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS \n \l20:10
zertyuioeach time when i reboot my ubuntu system20:10
zertyuiowith iptables -L i see the old rules actives20:11
zertyuiocan't understand why?20:11
zertyuiowhat to check ?20:12
strivezertyuio: Are you saving them?20:16
zertyuiogood question20:16
TJ-zertyuio: there's a tools and service called iptables-save that generally saves/reloads the rules at shutdown/startup time20:16
strivezertyuio: iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v420:17
zertyuioyou are correct20:17
=== CptLuxx is now known as CptFutureLuxx
strivezertyuio: Give it a try :)20:18
zertyuiothanks a lot20:18
strivezertyuio: I learned to get accustomed to using 'iptables -nvL'20:18
zertyuioi was going on sysgtemd etc... disable ufw service more than 1 hour i didn't find that20:19
shazbotmcnastyanyone ever used zammad? I've got a few questions.20:19
strive-n for numeric output, -v for verbose.20:19
strivezertyuio: yw.20:19
TJ-!info iptables-persistent20:19
ubottuiptables-persistent (source: iptables-persistent): boot-time loader for netfilter rules, iptables plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4+nmu2 (artful), package size 6 kB, installed size 42 kB20:19
zertyuioso this line is not necessary invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent sav20:21
zertyuioso this line is not necessary invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save20:21
TJ-zertyuio: it'll save/restore the rules.  I think you'll find they are written to /etc/iptables/rules.v420:22
TJ-zertyuio: so after you change the existing rules you can manually do "sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4" and your new rules will be set on startup20:23
zertyuiook good20:24
TJ-zertyuio: correction!...20:24
TJ-zertyuio: o "sudo sh -c 'iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4'  "20:24
TJ-zertyuio: I forgot both command and redirection need UID 0 privileges20:25
zertyuiogod it20:25
gluonany idea when firfox quantum is landing on artful aardvark's official repos?20:25
kostkongluon, soon20:26
gluonkostkon: maybe within the next 24 hours?20:26
kostkongluon, probably20:27
zambawhat do you guys use to monitor several different network locations?20:27
zambai need to probe certain network points from different locations.. and i'd like to have some centrally running service for that20:27
zertyuioan other issue20:30
=== CptFutureLuxx is now known as CptLuxx
alkisgzamba: monitor, like online status and immediate access, or like resource viewing and logging?20:33
zertyuiolxd related question is it here ?20:34
zertyuiolxd not creating its bridge20:35
zertyuioeach time you install it20:35
lordcirth_workzamba, monitoring like Nagios or Icinga?20:42
zambalordcirth_work: yes20:43
akikwhat are ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard packages? they don't contain any real payload, just a changelog and copyright20:49
RomanticHello, is there a way to access the ubuntu clipboard from terminal?  Xsel/Xclip are only accessing the X clipboard.20:57
aloo_shuakik I think they are meta packages intended to pull diffrent sets of packages in the earlyer stages of different installs. a look at these pkgs' dependencies should confirm this21:04
akikaloo_shu: i saw those packages update, and was curious why i have both ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard. thanks for the explanation21:10
aloo_shuakik: a hopefully intelligent guess it was rather, but you're welcome21:12
ducasseRomantic: xsel can access the clipboard, see the man page21:13
puxavidaRomantic, not sure of your environment.  I can copy from text editor or browser then use shift-ctl-v to paste or copy highlight in terminal and copy with shift-ctl-c21:13
akik This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu minimal system,21:15
akik that is a functional command-line system with the following capabilities:21:15
RomanticI'm not looking for a way to paste, but to pipe the content of the clipboard to another tool, a la pbpaste on osx.21:15
Romanticlooking at it ducasse21:15
Romantic`xsel -o -b` tx21:16
ecdheWhat is the best supported means of allowing a network mounted home directory for ubuntu desktop?21:18
YADW1Hello! Maybe it's not the right place to ask (if so please don't kill me, redirect me to a more appropriate support channel instead :D), but I'm having a lot of issues trying to play a stream from stdin with Mplayer from terminal.21:21
YADW1I tried googling for some solutions, but nothing worked apparently21:22
TJ-YADW1: what's the source writing to stdin?21:26
TJ-YADW1: usually you'd do "sourceprogram | mplayer -21:27
TJ-YADW1: the "-" means read from stdin21:27
YADW1It's adb screenrecord over USB. It works perfectly when I pipe it to ffplay or VLC21:27
TJ-YADW1: see "man mplayer"21:28
YADW1I really don't mean to say that it's too long to read, but it's kind of... you know, 10055 lines long. I'll give it a quick look and let you know in 3-4 hours I guess.21:32
TJ-YADW1: first line of the SYNOPIS: "mplayer [options] [file|URL|playlist|-]"21:33
TJ-YADW1: convention is that if a program can read from stdin as well a file the symbol is "-" where a filename would be21:34
YADW1That was quick. Yes, of course I did put a - at the end21:35
TJ-YADW1: well that's how to have it read stdin. what issues are you having?21:35
on3pkSo, as you may have guessed, I'm really new to linux.  I got this RFID reader from China.  How do I know which device in /dev/ it relates too?21:35
TJ-on3pk: is it USB?21:36
on3pkSome code on GitHub seems to indicate it should be /dev/ttyUSB0 but that device isn't found21:37
TJ-on3pk: should show up in sysfs as /sys/class/nfc/nfcX21:38
YADW1TJ-: This is the command I used: "adb shell screenrecord --output-format=h264 - | mplayer -demuxer h264es -". I end up having this error21:38
YADW1"[h264 @ 0xb6d92fe0]No start code is found.21:38
YADW1[h264 @ 0xb6d92fe0]Error splitting the input into NAL units.21:38
YADW1Error while decoding frame!"21:38
on3pkit doesn't appear there is a nfc folder available in /sys/class21:39
TJ-YADW1: that's something you'd need to ask the mencoder/mplayer folks; looks like a container encoding issue21:39
TJ-on3pk: check what dmesg reports when the device is connected to begin with.21:39
YADW1Um, alright, thank you. Is there an irc channel?21:40
TJ-on3pk: e.g. on my system it's a USB device shown with "lsusb": "Bus 006 Device 002: ID 04cc:2533 ST-Ericsson NFC device (PN533)"21:40
ducasseYADW1: #mplayer sounds promising :)21:41
on3pkThis looks relevant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25963354/21:41
TJ-on3pk: It presents as a keyboard then21:43
YADW1ducasse: It--it's just I... I didn't want to, err, be too... obvious, yeah!21:43
YADW1(Thank you of course :))21:43
ducasseYADW1: no problem :)21:44
TJ-on3pk: use "lsusb" to identify it's bus/device numbers, then you may find a character device link with "ls -latr /dev/char/" -- the last listed device will be something like "189:641 -> ../bus/usb/006/002"21:44
ducasse!alis | YADW1 in case you didn't know21:44
ubottuYADW1 in case you didn't know: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:44
on3pkoh ok21:45
TJ-on3pk: if it's presenting as a keyboard it may be read-only though21:45
YADW1ducasse:That looks quite handy, actually. I'll give it a try next time!21:45
toymachineAny devs working on thunderbolt3 + egpu? If so I'd like to help out.21:48
toymachineNot sure where to start.21:48
on3pkI don't mind read only.  I'm just a little annoyed it doesn't seem to be working21:50
alexasi want to reprogram my foor switch connected through usb to a custom key, right now by default it is programmed as F2, I have found this manual to do it http://h6o6.com/2013/03/configure-a-usb-foot-pedal-on-linux/ but in my ubuntu 17.10 i can't found specific locations to files that author mentioned, however I was able to locate my foot switch with 'lsusb' command, that is as far as I got now21:52
puxavidain ubuntu 16.04 (unity), is there a way to put workspace switcher in top bar?  I've looked in settings/tweak tool/web search and don't see a way.  or have a panel at the bottom with switcher??21:56
TJ-alexas: if you're using start off identifying the device with "for n in  /sys/class/input/input*; do echo $n = $(cat $n/name); done "21:58
puxavidai do see the switcher in the launcher, but I have the launcher auto-hide - I guess I'll need to super to view launcher then select switcher applet22:00
dbuggerHello everyone22:00
dbuggerI have a weird issue with GRUB. When I click on "advanced options for ubuntu" I see something called "Low latency". What is that??22:00
akiki asked earlier about this strange message on my laptop's syslog "[drm] HPD interrupt storm detected on connector DP-1". it can be suppressed by echoing N to /sys/module/drm_kms_helper/parameters/poll22:00
akikotherwise it was outputing the message every 2 seconds22:01
TJ-dbugger: we have 2 variations of the standard kernels; -generic and -lowlatency. lowlatency is better for desktops where the user doesn't expect to be kept waiting22:01
akikhmm actually it's every two minutes, not two seconds22:01
CashDash123whats the package name fore makeinfo and m4?22:03
akikTJ-: isn't that always? :)22:03
TJ-!info m422:04
ubottum4 (source: m4): macro processing language. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.18-1 (artful), package size 191 kB, installed size 342 kB22:05
TJ-!texinfo | CashDash12322:05
TJ-!info texinfo | CashDash12322:05
ubottuCashDash123: texinfo (source: texinfo): Documentation system for on-line information and printed output. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.90.dfsg.1-1build1 (artful), package size 734 kB, installed size 6876 kB22:05
dbuggerTJ-, does not expect to be waiting? What does that mean?22:06
dedzeHi can someone help me please?22:06
dbuggerCan you give me a "for instance"?22:06
CashDash123TJ-, ubottu  Thanks22:06
TJ-dbugger: processes that want low latency, such as for sound (e.g. JACK)22:07
* CashDash123 also hopes to see fan art of Tux urinating on the Ubuntu logo22:07
TJ-dbugger: also, general responsiveness for GUI with heavy I/O workloads22:07
dedzeHow can I know if uid=0 and uid=1000 are me??22:08
dedzeIn the auth log22:08
TJ-dedze: "id"22:09
dedzeHi TJ-22:09
alexasTJ-: I have consulted the following tutorial and found my event id of the pedal, and I followed the rest of the instruction and installed the program specified but then in my text editor it is still the key that it was: https://hillelcoren.com/2016/03/01/using-a-foot-pedal-for-ctrl-and-alt-modifiers-on-ubuntu/22:10
dedzeTJ-: id=1000(ussop) gid=1000(ussop) groups=1000(ussop),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),128(sambashare)22:11
dedzeWho are all these users???22:11
alexasTJ-: ok sorry i misunderstood your message, I think I found the device input22:11
TJ-dedze: that's your user's ID and group menberships22:11
dedzeTJ-: I'm always anxious about being hacked22:12
dedzeTJ-: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)22:12
dedzeIs that suspicious?22:12
TJ-alexas: i've not seen evrouter in use before. Were you able to configure the ~/.evrouterrc for your device's values?22:12
TJ-dedze: no; the cron system service does that to run time-based jobs22:13
dedzeTJ-: I was typing on click and I'm almost sure that a right click happened for a sec, like I saw the little Paste, copy box22:13
alexasTJ-: yes, but without the effect apparently, I am now can't see how I can kill this program in order to restart it to see if it will work with another values22:13
dedzeTyping on skype* sorry22:13
dedzeCould it be a hacker remotely controling my laptop?22:14
TJ-alexas: I'm wondering if the lack of a response is due to the GUI moving from the event (libev) sub-system to libinput22:15
TJ-alexas: so it may require something done via libinput22:15
alexasaha ok I found how to kill it22:16
alexasTJ-: am affarid I understood only half of your analysis sir22:17
TJ-alexas: in the last few years the input device sub-system has been moving from libev (events) to libinput. The solution you linked to relies on libev (evrouter). If your system is using libinput then evrouter will not work22:19
alexasTJ-: am having the ubuntu 17.10 if that helps22:20
puxavidaCashDash123, dpkg -S /path/to/file22:23
CashDash123puxavida, I'm just going to ue bash22:24
adacWhen is firefox 57 available for 16.04, anyone knows?22:26
kostkonadac, soon22:29
dedzeHow can I figure out if my routeur is infected?22:31
TJ-alexas: I'm not finding much information that suggests libinput can be configured the same way. You need to confirm whether your system is using libinput or libev. On 17.10 there's a good chance it's not even using Xorg because by default it is set to use Gnome/Wayland with libinput.22:31
snadgewhere is firefox quantum!? :P22:33
snadgei expect an update in the update channel.. in 50 nanoseconds22:33
snadge.. its late :P22:33
PazoozaWhy in 17.10 I have to do an xhost si and start a program with sudo like synaptic package manager. Never had to do that before in privious versions.22:36
TJ-Pazooza: "Wayland" - that project's developers decided that it wasn't sure so prevent it22:37
=== maayke is now known as tmux
JoniiI got Ubuntu 17.1022:44
JoniiHow do I change screen full screen app is in? :/22:44
JoniiLike, display it's in22:44
JoniiFigured it out22:47
alexashow can I configure caps lock as Ctrl in tty terminal, in GUI it works but not in tty22:48
JoniiIt was pretty intuitive spot, lay out all windows and then just drag it. Though it was a bit bugged, after dragging window layout would display it wrong until you got out of window layout thing22:48
preyaloneanyone else seeing install failures for ubuntu 16.04, especially in VMware?22:54
AffabulationDont use ubuntu22:54
Affabulationarch for the win22:55
Affabulationsorry im kidding lol22:55
AffabulationI had a troll moment :(22:55
preyalonethanks for the laugh, i needed that! so much brokenness these days22:57
Jordan_U!ot | Affabulation23:01
ubottuAffabulation: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:01
CashDash123Affabulation, How? Granted I'm still using 52 for my lfs install23:01
AffabulationSorry its just wow I looks amazing I culdnt help myself23:01
CashDash123I mean 5623:02
CashDash123my gentoo box is using 52.40 which is I think one out of date23:02
AffabulationI pmed you23:03
Affabulationdont want to go off topic23:03
_28kbcannot connect to brltty at :023:09
_28kbcan this mess up graphics?23:09
_28kbi want to setup radeon card on 16.04... no proprietary driver can be installed23:13
Affabulation28kb you can download it from the amd website23:15
_28kbrolling back to 14.04? i guess that's not recommendable23:15
AffabulationOr add the spa23:15
_28kbcan't... there's only 14.04 driver version to download23:15
Affabulationis it those catalyst driver23:16
Affabulationor is it newer23:16
_28kbmy card is old23:16
_28kband not supported by new amdgpu driver23:16
Affabulationyea I went through this hell myself23:18
_28kbi need to use radeon open source driver23:18
_28kbbut it's not even listed in xorg.conf.d23:19
Jordan_U_28kb: What problem did you have when you installed Ubuntu 16.04, before doing anything else?23:19
_28kbproblem is from start23:19
_28kbsystem hangs on desktop load23:20
_28kbi have to log to console and restart lightdm23:20
_28kbthen i got visuals, but no 3d accel23:20
_28kbi do this every time i boot23:21
_28kbcouldn't find any logs reporting error23:22
Jordan_U_28kb: Please pastebin the output of "lspci | grep VGA".23:22
_28kbit's one line can i paste here?23:23
_28kbi paste it in paste bin.. how do tou find it?23:24
_28kbis it working... it says i don't have to login23:27
Jordan_U_28kb: Yes, that worked.23:28
Jordan_U_28kb: Is this a fresh install or an upgrade from 14.04?23:28
Jordan_U_28kb: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".23:30
_28kbi pasted you a book... now you know more about my machine then I know23:34
_28kbis it safe pasting all this data publicly?23:35
_28kbi guess passwords aren't there23:35
_28kbi guess passwords aren't there23:36
_28kbnow.. i did install and uninstall stuff... but the problem was from the beginning23:37
Jordan_U_28kb: Yes, it's all safe to post. There are no passwords or other sensitive information.23:37
_28kbi switched to gnome and back from unity to check if lightdm was messing23:39
Jordan_U_28kb: Do you have that same problem if you boot from an Ubuntu 17.10 LiveUSB?23:39
_28kbi didn't boot from there23:39
_28kbi booted 16.04 LTS usb with "try"23:40
_28kbit booted.. but i didn't test 3d23:41
_28kbdudes here suggested me to verbose boot23:41
_28kbno errors pop up23:41
_28kbi turned on initial login screen23:42
IndustrialHow do I disable the redis service?23:43
IndustrialI don't want it to start on boot23:43
preyalonefirefox crashes from a fresh ubuntu 14.04 install. wat.23:54
Toadisattvaforget to run the updates after installing?23:58

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