
ninetlsUnit193: nothing to release08:21
ninetlsUnit193: what about xkb plugin?08:22
ninetlsit's still 0.7.1 in ubuntu!08:22
bluesabreUnit193: where's your package tracker page at again?11:29
Unit193ninetls: I did actually package an update to that, it's somewhere.16:52
Unit193bluesabre: https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce412.html16:52
Unit193'Debian' includes experimental.16:53
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=== auslaender is now known as itaorna
=== itaorna is now known as hggdh
Unit193ninetls: FYI, pushed the updates to Debian VCS.21:00
bluesabreUnit193: thanks22:46
Unit193bluesabre: Hiii.23:03
bluesabreUnit193: hiya23:51
Unit193bluesabre: Whatcha doin'?23:52
bluesabreUnit193: probably going to do some ppa review or something23:52
Unit193Anything I'm supposed to be doing and haven't?23:52
bluesabreUnit193: Don't suppose you could add artful to the package tracker as well so its easier to track differences?23:54
Unit193bluesabre: Ubuntu/artful?  Hmm.23:54
Unit193Well not precisely easily.23:55
bluesabrexenially though?23:57
Unit193It's so annoying that 'precise' was used, I'm glad it's dead.23:58
bluesabreBut yeah, if it's a no go, that's fine too23:59
bluesabreI have a scraper for packages.u that I can use to get what I need to know23:59

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