=== JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC is now known as Guest67213 === JanC__ is now known as JanC === JanC__ is now known as JanC [05:02] I'm skeptical that gnome-shell should be using 2.0 GiB of memory. [06:47] good morning [07:50] good morning desktoppers [08:20] salut oSoMoN, ça va ? [08:23] salut didrocks, ça va et toi? [08:24] ça va bien, merci :-) [08:42] morning all [08:44] good morning willcooke [08:55] hey willcooke [09:02] hey buddies [09:03] morning Laney [09:06] morning Laney [09:06] hey willcooke and oSoMoN [09:09] morning Laney! [09:17] hey didrocks [09:17] how's everyone? [09:18] good good, but it's quite freezing outside, yourself? [09:20] can't complain too much! [09:20] ok, just a bit [09:20] been hoping for a dry morning for a while so I can finish re-oiling outside but there hasn't been one, grrrrr [09:20] #shouldhavedoneitinsummer [13:58] oSoMoN, oh, another chromium update? [14:28] chrisccoulson, yes, I'm validating it now [15:00] seb128: hi, btw, the gtk3/artful SRU might be held up by http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/software-properties/artful/amd64 [15:00] it doesn't look like it's gtk3's fault though [15:02] jbicha: are you debugging that? [15:02] I just saw it on excuses/bionic [15:02] not really :| [15:03] right [15:04] the bionic failure is a different arch (i386 on bionic, amd64 on artful) [15:06] dbus timeout? maybe too much load on the machine? I feel I'm not very good at troubleshooting this kind of issue [15:07] same problem though [15:07] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/autopkgtest.yAzi54/build.9aF/software-properties-' [15:07] that path looks weird eh [16:02] andyrock, you froze in the HO :) [16:03] yeah reconnecting [16:20] any idea why I get this in bionic [16:20] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/MPwQDzU5/ [16:20] the ".1" seems to broken other packages too [16:25] andyrock, try to run "apt update" [16:25] I did [16:25] btw proposed seems to fix this [16:26] I see, I am using -proposed here, but I don't see a package with 234-2ubuntu12.1 [16:27] i don't know but it got fixed someway [16:27] :D [16:27] $ apt-cache policy libudev1 [16:27] -proposed has systemd 235 already [16:28] https://paste.debian.net/plain/995896 [16:28] that can be the reason [16:30] so no 234-2ubuntu12.1 here, maybe check your sources.list which apt-cache policy will tell you [16:39] andyrock: I think you can fix that by enabling artful-security, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd [16:44] jbicha: solved thanks [17:42] Yes jbicha, we could look into verifying the change in proposed for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1724024. Could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/1731318 ? [17:43] Launchpad bug 1724024 in mutter (Ubuntu Artful) "can't set usable scale for hidpi internal display if when using external display less than 1600x1200" [Medium,Fix committed] [17:43] Launchpad bug 1731318 in gnome-desktop "NVIDIA systems will not suspend with lid close and no external monitors" [Medium,Confirmed] [17:46] jackpot51: could you ping GNOME about your proposed patch? it looks like hadess is the gnome-desktop maintainer [17:49] Will do [18:08] good night desktoppers [18:37] night all, few days off now, see you next week [19:57] chrisccoulson, ping? [20:02] chrisccoulson, could you take a look at the trunk packaging branch and check if I forgot any of your changes [20:13] kenvandine: howdy new manager [20:13] robert_ancell, hey there!