
nicomachus!info firefox01:21
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 56.0+build6-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 43612 kB, installed size 166642 kB01:21
daftykinsslow bot? :>01:21
nicomachusidk, is 57 in the repos yet? I assume not01:21
Bashing-omnicomachus: And some mirors a real way behind too :(01:23
nicomachusI was about to install from a tar... figured I'd check first.01:24
nicomachusno android update yet, either, but it looks like a few of the features are going to be a couple versions behind on android01:28
nicomachuslooks like it should hit the repos in 0-2 days.01:57
nicomachusok... this is nice.02:03
nicomachus!info wmctrl02:55
ubot5wmctrl (source: wmctrl): control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-7 (artful), package size 20 kB, installed size 78 kB02:55
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:35
oerheksno no, goodnight lotuspsychje05:38
oerheksit is still dark outside ..05:38
lotuspsychjedont tell me your still awake oerheks05:40
oerheksjups ..05:40
lotuspsychjeuh oh05:40
lotuspsychjethe good side is you sucked up a lotta information tonight :p05:41
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic05:43
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB05:43
Bashing-om'Nuff Good nite \o07:00
lordievaderGood morning07:16
ducassegood morning, all07:20
ducasse\o lordievader, lotuspsychje07:20
lordievaderHey ducasse (IRC)07:21
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje (IRC)07:21
ducassehow are you, lordievader?07:22
lordievaderDoing good here :)07:22
ducassenot as cold today here :)07:23
lordievaderThats good :)07:37
ducassehow is it in .nl - any snow yet?07:41
oerhekssend us snow, please07:56
ducasseyou are welcome to come here and pick up as much as you want, oerheks08:02
lotuspsychjebbl work guys08:06
oerheksducasse, oke, make some cookies, i'll be there in a ziffy08:11
ducassenow you've even got a bike to bring it back with!08:12
oerheksMonday, when i get new tyres, i'll make a pic08:28
lordievaderducasse (IRC): Keep your snow, we don't want it.08:29
lordievaderCold enough here08:29
* lordievader likes spring, not too hot not too cold08:29
* oerheks shakes his head, no cookies for lordievader 08:30
lordievaderBut I like cookies!08:31
ducassei agree with you lordievader, spring is a good time. i can't deal with serious heat08:33
ducassewhy are you so fond of snow, oerheks?08:33
oerheksI am not, Drabber likes it08:34
oerheks.. and cookies, but sugar is bad for him, not for me \0/08:34
oerheksOneplus removing backdoor, hmmm08:34
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BluesKajHowdy folks13:05
lordievaderHey BluesKaj (IRC)13:06
lordievaderHow are you doing?13:06
BluesKajHi lordievader, fine here, and you?13:07
lordievaderDoing good here13:08
nicomachus!info firefox19:00
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 56.0+build6-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 43612 kB, installed size 166642 kB19:00
nicomachusnacc: any updates on when it should hit the repos?19:03
nicomachuslast night I was seeing "0-2 days"19:03
naccnicomachus: it builds in the security ppa and gets copied over. I don't see it in proposed yet, but nont sure if that happens for ff19:04
nicomachusI just installed the firefox-next ppa19:04
naccnicomachus: yeah, that's the thign to do in the meanwhile19:05
daftykinsooh version chasers :P19:07
Bashing-omRainy Wed here - good to go to irc :)19:17
nicomachusBashing-om: first day without rain in almost a week here19:57
Bashing-omnicomachus: Welcome the Sun Shine - same was here and had 2 days of sun .. wonderfull :)19:59
nicomachusthis guy trying to use tv.xfinity.com is interesting20:03
nicomachusthey completely block all linux OS's20:03
Bashing-omnicomachus: Yeah .. watching too to see how it unfolds .20:04
nicomachusI'm installing IE in wine right now20:05
nicomachuserrr... maybe not20:06
Bashing-omnicomachus: Glad that my use cases are - simple - no Windows for me :)20:06
daftykinswhy not just install a user agent switcher?20:07
Bashing-omdaftykins: OP tryed too .. no workie still .20:08
daftykinsi saw a UK satellite provider thats' service truly is IE only the other day - no way around that one20:09
nicomachusyea, UA switch didn't work20:09
Bashing-omdaftykins: nicomachus "  done works on archlinux but you need pipelight " .20:10
nicomachussaw that. I'm skeptical.20:11
nicomachusinstalling Windows version of Firefox in wine now.20:11
Bashing-omandd had TJ-'s interest ./. see where this leads :)20:12
daftykinsthere's a guy in #ubuntu-uk who is being forced to enable and permit SSHv1 for work purposes and is having issues on one host despite identical config to another working host, if anyone fancies helping20:21
daftykinsany way to find out sshd's compile options?20:24
TJ-!info ssh1 | daftykins20:36
ubot5daftykins: Package ssh1 does not exist in artful20:36
TJ-!info ssh1 xenial | daftykins20:37
ubot5daftykins: Package ssh1 does not exist in xenial20:37
TJ-Grrr grrr20:37
TJ-!info openssh-client-ssh1 xenial | daftykins20:38
ubot5daftykins: openssh-client-ssh1 (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client for legacy SSH1 protocol. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2 (xenial), package size 364 kB, installed size 1429 kB20:38
daftykinshmm i wonder which distros he's dealing with20:38
TJ-daftykins: I use that to access some older embedded devices (CDU/UPS control boards)20:38
TJ-I assumed Ubuntu!20:38
daftykinswell i think it is on one of them20:39
daftykinsi'll suggest it :>20:39
TJ-I also have to use separate ~/.ssh/config files to make use of shorter DH keys (ssh2 doesn't accept the smaller values or some ciphers/hashes that need enabling for the ssh1 devices)20:40
daftykinsmmm he reckons he's generated them, but it's CentOS d'aww20:41
TJ-not a problem generating them; it's using them in some builds of openssh20:41
TJ-shorter lengths can leave the diffie-hellman key exchange weak20:42
TJ-but older devices don't support longer key lengths20:42
daftykinspoor guy is trapped in the office until he wins!20:42
TJ-tell him to install an Ubuntu VM :)20:42
TJ-or a container20:42
daftykinssounds like it's bound by a client of theirs20:42
TJ-I use containers for these things to compartmentalise them from my regular configs. makes things easily portable; just have to ensure the same LAN IP follows the container if it moves hosts20:43
TJ-otherwise the authorized_keys needs updating20:43
* nicomachus can't decide if dedze in #ubuntu is trolling or dumb21:04
nicomachusliterally every time someone says "am I being hacked?!?!?!11" I can't tell if trolling or dumb.21:05
daftykinsi certainly never know why they think anyone cares about them :>21:06
TJ-of course you're being hacked! Your DNA is constantly evolving21:16
leftyfbnicomachus: I'm not so sure the 2 aren't mutually exclusive to begin with anyway :)21:40

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