
adam5isaliveHey gents01:47
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest53500
=== tom is now known as Guest23779
ubmtwhy my ubuntu-mate can't update the new version firefox quantum?13:42
diogenes_ubmt, maybe because it's not officially released yet?13:52
sixwheeledbeastquantum is only the engine it's not a version as such. v57 should have been released but maybe not in the repos yet.14:10
M1K4When do ubuntu mate 17.10 get firefox 57 ?18:20
M1K4Or do i have to install a new ppa ?18:29
ali1234M1K4: there is a PPA if you want nightly19:25
ali1234but you probably don't19:26
ali1234!info firefox artful19:26
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 56.0+build6-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 43612 kB, installed size 166642 kB19:26
M1K4ali1234: i wana try the new 5719:27
ali1234well nightly PPA gets you 58 now19:28
ali123457 will come to the repos soon i think19:28
M1K4Yes, but 58 is dayly so not stable19:29
M1K4So i have to wait19:30
ali1234seems like it19:30
M1K4i wil look again in the weekend19:30
M1K4thx anyway19:36
swift110hey all19:38
adam5isaliveHey folks21:15
adam5isaliveHows the 4k scaling in the latest release? Anyone know?21:16

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