tsimonq2 | RAOF: Can I also get lubuntu-meta and lubuntu-default-settings released at the same time? | 00:39 |
tsimonq2 | (apologies if you're already doing that) | 00:40 |
RAOF | You can indeed. | 00:40 |
tsimonq2 | Thanks. | 00:41 |
slangasek | LocutusOfBorg: ah, a re-test of libpoe-component-client-dns-perl against release pocket on ppc64el showed the same SIGUNUSED failure, so hinting that through | 00:51 |
slangasek | this leaves only the ppc64el/valgrind issue, which we may want to ignore | 00:53 |
slangasek | LocutusOfBorg: I've satisfied myself that this doesn't point to perl itself being broken (the valgrind suppressions generated match the failure output, so something else is going on, and I'll override the failure to not block perl indefinitely. | 01:17 |
tsimonq2 | slangasek: Hello, would you be able to let spinx migrate given that mailman3-core is the only rdep autopkgtest failure and it isn't relevant to the new Sphinx (and is an issue in Debian as well)? | 01:25 |
slangasek | tsimonq2: "happens in Debian" is not a reason to ignore an autopkgtest regression. "happens in the release pocket" would be. | 01:27 |
tsimonq2 | slangasek: Note that my point is not to let mailman3-core in, I'm still working to fix that, but to let sphinx in because that's the only blocker and it's irrelevant. | 01:27 |
slangasek | tsimonq2: and the autopkgtest history shows that it's rather busted for reasons unrelated to sphinx, yeah; marking badtest | 01:28 |
slangasek | (done) | 01:29 |
tsimonq2 | Thanks. | 01:29 |
tsimonq2 | What I don't get though, is how to solve this problem. It seems to me that it needs postgresql set up but that fails due to it installing it in a non-interactive way. | 01:31 |
tsimonq2 | Or... dbconfig-common? | 01:32 |
tsimonq2 | I don't know, suggestions welcome. | 01:34 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (artful-proposed/main) [1:2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3 => 1:2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1] (ubuntu-server, virt) | 06:59 | |
ginggs | would someone please update vorlon's hints file 'force-badtest cacti/1.1.18+ds1-1/armhf cacti/1.1.27+ds1-2' -> 'force-badtest cacti/1.1.18+ds1-1/armhf cacti/1.1.27+ds1-3/armhf' and note the /armhf | 08:15 |
apw | ginggs, looking | 08:23 |
apw | ginggs, done | 08:33 |
ginggs | apw: ta! | 08:39 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-themes (artful-proposed/main) [16.10+17.10.20171012.1-0ubuntu1 => 16.10+17.10.20171115-0ubuntu1] (core) (sync) | 08:41 | |
LocutusOfBorg | slangasek, sorry, but I don't think our internal kde* discussions should go in release :) I don't want to spam here uselessly. e.g. splitting work or rebuilds, is something I don't think should belong to this chan :) | 09:13 |
LocutusOfBorg | thanks slangasek :) | 09:14 |
LocutusOfBorg | for perl! | 09:14 |
LocutusOfBorg | lets see if perl is candidate now | 09:14 |
* LocutusOfBorg triggered an evil plan to make perl candidate, by increasing the three missing autopkgtests priority | 09:24 | |
Laney | LocutusOfBorg: by queueing the same thing multiple times? | 09:28 |
LocutusOfBorg | yep, I abused a 3-4 minutes of the infrastructure time :/ | 09:29 |
LocutusOfBorg | this is why it was evil | 09:29 |
Laney | no | 09:29 |
Laney | *you* queued multiple runs of the same thing | 09:30 |
LocutusOfBorg | do you have an explanation about how this can be possible? | 09:31 |
LocutusOfBorg | you are right, I use vipe to check the output... I don't understand | 09:31 |
Laney | dunno, run it again and see what you see in the output | 09:32 |
* LocutusOfBorg checks | 09:32 | |
LocutusOfBorg | just to make you aware, this is the command I run | 09:33 |
LocutusOfBorg | ./retry-autopkgtest-regressions --all-proposed --state RUNNING --max-age 20 | grep perl | vipe | xargs -rn1 -P10 wget --load-cookies ~/.cache/autopkgt | 09:33 |
LocutusOfBorg | est.cookie -O- | 09:33 |
LocutusOfBorg | it takes eons to load on my little tethering phone that command, this is why I'm mostly sure I didn't run it twice :) | 09:34 |
LocutusOfBorg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25966448/ | 09:34 |
LocutusOfBorg | result seems legit | 09:34 |
mwhudson | so i've uploaded a bunch of go packages that stop building shared library packages | 09:34 |
mwhudson | do i need to get an AA to remove the shared library packages from bionic RELEASE before they will migrate? | 09:35 |
LocutusOfBorg | I will blame myself, maybe when I closed the window some shortcuts made copy-paste I don't like nano :( | 09:35 |
tjaalton | apw: I've updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server-hwe-16.04/+bug/1716203 with regression potential in the packages | 09:37 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1716203 in xorg-server-hwe-16.04 (Ubuntu Xenial) "Backport packages for 16.04.4 HWE stack" [Undecided,New] | 09:37 |
tjaalton | still need mesa in -proposed soon, also the point-release for artful so that radeon vulkan driver would work again (after dropping mir vulkan patch) | 09:38 |
tjaalton | infinity: ^ | 09:38 |
Laney | don't think all-proposed was needed either | 09:38 |
* Laney just tried with libclass-mixinfactory-perl | 09:38 | |
Laney | anyway, thx for making it go in (assuming it does) | 09:39 |
LocutusOfBorg | Laney, I also think it wasn't needed, but some of the failures were related to hard-coded 5.26.0 ABI | 09:40 |
LocutusOfBorg | I had to do a 5 packages transition | 09:41 |
* LocutusOfBorg has to switch network, fingers crossed! | 09:41 | |
LocutusOfBorg | autopkgtest for astroml/0.3-6: amd64: Regression ♻ , armhf: Regression ♻ , i386: Regression ♻ , ppc64el: Ignored failure, s390x: Ignored failure | 11:05 |
LocutusOfBorg | can we please kick astroml out from release? it is RC buggy in Debian, out of Buster, and needs anyway a sourceful upload | 11:05 |
LocutusOfBorg | nobody seems to be caring of https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=877161 so far | 11:06 |
ubot5 | Debian bug 877161 in src:astroml "astroml FTBFS and Debci failure: IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 2048 but corresponding boolean dimension is 2047" [Serious,Open] | 11:06 |
LocutusOfBorg | hello, question: python-scipy loves to fail on i386 from time to time, due to precision issues (new glibc, new gcc and so on) | 11:31 |
LocutusOfBorg | what we do is "relax" the precision bits on i386, test pass and we live happy | 11:32 |
LocutusOfBorg | what about instead forcing it bad? i386 is even going away, and we are never fixing the underlying precision issue, but rather hiding it | 11:32 |
LocutusOfBorg | (and upstream confirms this is not an issue BTW) | 11:32 |
LocutusOfBorg | ginggs, ^^ you did that many times, please confirm if you agree :) | 11:33 |
Laney | mitya57: hey, any idea about pyqt5 apparently breaking qscintilla2 (tests) on ppc64el/s390x? | 11:47 |
Laney | at least I think it's pyqt5 | 11:47 |
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [s390x] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 11:58 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 11:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [i386] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 12:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 12:01 | |
Mirv | if anyone is interested in looking at logs, my earlier ldns sponsoring upload simply disappeared - no e-mail, not in any queues. rm *.upload and dput again and here we go. | 12:01 |
Mirv | no need to look for me, but if you're curious what happened | 12:01 |
* Laney is poking a bit at the big transition | 12:05 | |
Laney | konqueror needs looking at too - acheronuk, are you aware of that one? (guessing so) | 12:05 |
acheronuk | Laney: yes, but not sure what the issue is, and won't have a chance today | 12:06 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [arm64] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 12:08 | |
ginggs | LocutusOfBorg: I did that once, but it has been done in the past, yes. | 12:12 |
ginggs | debian bug #758022 | 12:13 |
ubot5 | Debian bug 758022 in python-scipy "test_interpolate.TestPPoly.test_roots test fails on i386" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/758022 | 12:13 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ldns [armhf] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server) | 12:17 | |
ginggs | LocutusOfBorg: forcing it bad will make i386 no worse than armhf, ppc64el and s390x where the tests have always failed | 12:17 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [s390x] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 12:55 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 12:57 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 13:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 13:01 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [armhf] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 13:18 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby2.5 [arm64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] (no packageset) | 13:31 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [arm64] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [i386] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ldns [i386] (bionic-proposed) [1.7.0-3ubuntu1] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby2.5 [arm64] (bionic-proposed) [2.5.0~preview1-1ubuntu2] | 13:35 | |
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes | ||
LocutusOfBorg | please ignore python-scipy/i386 and python-bayespy that seems to be regressed in release (looking at ppc64el) | 14:29 |
LocutusOfBorg | and kick astroml out of testing (see above) | 14:31 |
LocutusOfBorg | Laney, ^^ this should unblock a bunch of stuff, and perl is now ready to migrate | 14:31 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted adobe-flashplugin [source] (artful-proposed) [1:20171114.1-0ubuntu0.17.10.1] | 14:33 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted adobe-flashplugin [source] (zesty-proposed) [1:20171114.1-0ubuntu0.17.04.1] | 14:33 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted adobe-flashplugin [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:20171114.1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1] | 14:33 | |
LocutusOfBorg | ffmpeg seems a sad stuff | 14:33 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted adobe-flashplugin [source] (trusty-proposed) [1:20171114.1-0ubuntu0.14.04.1] | 14:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mailman (trusty-proposed/main) [1:2.1.16-2ubuntu0.2 => 1:2.1.16-2ubuntu0.3] (ubuntu-server) | 14:38 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pulseaudio (xenial-proposed/main) [1:8.0-0ubuntu3.4 => 1:8.0-0ubuntu3.7] (core) | 15:01 | |
doko | astroml removed, node-mapnik demoted | 15:04 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pulseaudio [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:8.0-0ubuntu3.7] | 15:06 | |
* sil2100 re-ran the sphinxcontrib-websupport tests for sqlalchemy as those are no longer failing | 15:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.28.5 => 2.29.3] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server) | 15:29 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (artful-proposed/main) [2.28.5+17.10 => 2.29.3+17.10] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server) | 15:30 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (zesty-proposed/main) [2.28.5+17.04 => 2.29.3+17.04] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server) | 15:31 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (trusty-proposed/universe) [2.28.5~14.04 => 2.29.3~14.04] (no packageset) | 15:31 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libvirt-python (xenial-proposed/main) [1.3.1-1ubuntu1 => 1.3.1-1ubuntu1.1] (ubuntu-server) | 15:32 | |
Trevinho | rbasak: hey could you please approve this https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3002 in the artful queue? | 16:38 |
rbasak | Trevinho: I'm pretty much EOD now, sorry. | 16:39 |
Trevinho | rbasak: ah, ok sorry... no worries | 16:39 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [s390x] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [arm64] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [s390x] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [arm64] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [armhf] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [armhf] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python-xlrd [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [1.1.0-1] (no packageset) | 17:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: minetest-mod-character-creator [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0-1] (no packageset) | 17:13 | |
sil2100 | Trevinho: I can look now | 17:13 |
Trevinho | sil2100: nice, thanks! :) | 17:14 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: minetest-mod-quartz [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.0-1] (no packageset) | 17:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: yapf [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.19.0-1] (no packageset) | 17:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: recon-ng [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [4.9.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:14 | |
sil2100 | That's a lot of bugs linked! | 17:14 |
sil2100 | ;) | 17:14 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [i386] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:15 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tryton-modules-account-eu [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [4.6.0-1] (no packageset) | 17:15 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: normaliz [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.4.1+ds-1] (no packageset) | 17:16 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: superlu-dist [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] (no packageset) | 17:16 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libbarcode-datamatrix-perl [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [0.09-1] (no packageset) | 17:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: normaliz [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.4.1+ds-1] (no packageset) | 17:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:18 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstorj [i386] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.0.2-1] (no packageset) | 17:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: normaliz [armhf] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.4.1+ds-1] (no packageset) | 17:22 | |
sil2100 | Trevinho: I suppose I should discard the previous upload? ;) | 17:34 |
sil2100 | Trevinho: since I see one from 21 hours ago and one from 8 hours ago | 17:34 |
Trevinho | sil2100: mh, which one? there was another one? | 17:34 |
Trevinho | mhmh... I thought it failed | 17:34 |
Trevinho | as I was requested to rebuild it by bileto | 17:34 |
sil2100 | Yeah, from a deleted PPA, so I guess it's invalid | 17:34 |
Trevinho | but yeah, just get the last one | 17:34 |
Trevinho | they should be 1:1 | 17:35 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-themes [sync] (artful-proposed) [16.10+17.10.20171113-0ubuntu1] | 17:35 | |
sil2100 | Trevinho: ok, approved | 17:37 |
Trevinho | thanjs | 17:37 |
Trevinho | ks* | 17:37 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntu-themes [sync] (artful-proposed) [16.10+17.10.20171115-0ubuntu1] | 17:37 | |
=== KD2JRT is now known as NCommander | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted minetest-mod-character-creator [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.0-1] | 18:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-xlrd [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.0-1] | 18:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted yapf [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [0.19.0-1] | 18:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted minetest-mod-quartz [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.0-1] | 18:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted recon-ng [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [4.9.2-1] | 18:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libbarcode-datamatrix-perl [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [0.09-1] | 18:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted tryton-modules-account-eu [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [4.6.0-1] | 18:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [arm64] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [i386] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libstorj [i386] (bionic-proposed) [1.0.2-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted superlu-dist [arm64] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.2+dfsg1-1] | 18:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: trilinos [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [12.12.1-1] (no packageset) | 19:27 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: trilinos [s390x] (bionic-proposed/universe) [12.12.1-1] (no packageset) | 19:40 | |
sergiusens | slangasek hey, wrt adt; if I add a package to Suggests, would that trigger reverse depends tests? | 21:33 |
slangasek | sergiusens: no | 21:33 |
slangasek | sergiusens: suggests not being installed by default | 21:34 |
sergiusens | slangasek so it would need to be Recommends at the minimum or not even? | 21:34 |
sergiusens | btw, is #ubuntu-release the right channel to talk about adt? | 21:34 |
slangasek | sergiusens: I believe we trigger autopkgtests on reverse-recommends, but I was trying to check the code to see and it's eluding me. Yes, this is the right channel, that's managed by the release team | 21:35 |
slangasek | sergiusens: ok, I don't see anything in the code that does this for reverse-recommends either. However, what you could do is add this to the package as a *test* dependency (debian/tests/control) and then it would | 21:37 |
slangasek | of course, I'm asserting this is done but now I can't find where that exists in the source either | 21:38 |
slangasek | basically, I am useless in following the britney code; but at least you're in the right channel | 21:38 |
slangasek | sergiusens: and https://bugs.launchpad.net/britney/+bug/1593148 | 21:39 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1593148 in britney "trigger tests for reverse-recommends dependencies" [Low,Triaged] | 21:39 |
=== NCommander is now known as KD2JRT_LAPTOP | ||
=== KD2JRT_LAPTOP is now known as NCommander | ||
sergiusens | slangasek ok, we have snapd in debian/tests/control but I don't see it ever got triggered http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/snapd/xenial/amd64 | 21:42 |
slangasek | hmm | 21:42 |
slangasek | then I guess I'm lying about that too, even though there's no open bug on britney about it | 21:42 |
sergiusens | slangasek heh, lack of bug might be no one asked for it, I guess this is your implicit way of telling me to log a bug :-) | 21:47 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: trilinos [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [12.12.1-1] (no packageset) | 21:50 | |
slangasek | sergiusens: might be useful if you did ;) but I did seriously think we had already landed this, so <shrug> | 21:51 |
sergiusens | There, LP: #1732545 | 21:57 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1732545 in britney "trigger tests for dependencies in debian/test/control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732545 | 21:57 |
juliank | sergiusens: slangasek: What infinity (I think) told me about debian/tests/control deps is that they should work, but the tooling to build the .dsc needs to be recent enough to add Testsuite-Triggers to the dsc file. | 22:33 |
juliank | should work for triggering purposes, that is | 22:33 |
slangasek | ah | 22:34 |
juliank | I think that's 16.10 and newer | 22:34 |
juliank | So if you build the dsc in xenial, you're lost | 22:34 |
slangasek | indeed | 22:35 |
juliank | https://bugs.launchpad.net/britney/+bug/1491145 | 22:35 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1491145 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "trigger tests for updated reverse test dependencies" [Medium,Fix released] | 22:35 |
slangasek | sergiusens: I confirm that if I grab latest snapcraft from LP, and rebuild the source package, I get a Testsuite-Triggers line | 22:35 |
slangasek | so don't upload from 16.04, that's aaaancient | 22:35 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libbarcode-datamatrix-png-perl [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.04-1] (no packageset) | 23:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: revolt [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.0+git20170627.3f5112b-1] (no packageset) | 23:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [s390x] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:15 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [arm64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: xerces-c [armhf] (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.2.0+debian-2] (kubuntu) | 23:27 | |
sergiusens | slangasek it is an LTS though; I think I started doing that because during one series that was in dev I couldn't go to an earlier series with the dsc that was built in a future release | 23:51 |
sergiusens | but point taken, if it works, I'll do that | 23:51 |
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