
MooDoohowdy all07:05
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:37
lornajanegood morning08:38
diploMorning all08:41
SuperMattmorning all08:48
MooDoohowdy howdy08:48
foobarryhas anyone used a smartphone habits tracking app like moment or qualitytime?09:04
SuperMattWhat are they supposed to do?09:05
SuperMatt(if it's not obvious, my answer is no)09:05
foobarrytell you what apps you use and for how long, screen time per day etc09:05
SuperMattOh, I see09:06
SuperMattI don't think I want to be told I'm an addict09:06
foobarryok found one called space. seems to have a better privacy policy and they are in the uk https://phonelifebalance.com/privacy-policy/09:06
=== sproctor is now known as scimon
foobarryThis Security Alert addresses CVE-2017-10269 and four other vulnerabilities affecting the Jolt server within Oracle Tuxedo. These vulnerabilities have a maximum CVSS score of 10.0 and may be exploited over a network without the need for a valid username and password. The Oracle Jolt client is not impacted.10:15
foobarrymaximum CVSS score of 10 :|10:15
SuperMattOracle do love their CSEs10:17
TwistedLucidityMy CVEs go to 11.10:17
diploAny of you guys use OpenWRT ?13:37
diploJust tring to find a way to do portforwarding via the web admin13:37
TwistedLucidityI am13:40
TwistedLuciditydiplo: I am, let me open the web admin gubbins.....13:40
diplota fanx, got this Witi board thing about 2 years ago, just about to start using it :)13:41
diploI can see how to do it via the cli if it comes to it13:41
TwistedLuciditydiplo: Services/Firewall, then the "Port Forwards" tab13:42
diployeah don't have it13:42
TwistedLucidityDon't have Firewall?13:42
diploI'm guessing I need to install a package... but can't find what package to install13:42
TwistedLucidityWhat version?13:42
diployeah installed that... which is the only package i found referenced, still didn't show up13:42
diploUnless it needs a reboot I guess13:42
TwistedLucidityI'm using 15.05 Chaos Calmer; keep in mind that the advice now is to switch to LEDE.13:43
diploNot sure if my device is supported, I'll look later on the device13:45
TwistedLucidityTried installing "luci-app-firewall"?13:45
TwistedLucidityThat'll give you the web interface for the firewall. Well, it should do.....13:46
diploBut the version i used from openwrt packages is out of trunk, so guess whatever the newest version is there.13:46
diploI'll try when I get home, can't get in atm as no port forwards :D13:46
diploWith openwrt do you need to reboot after package installations, didn't have any prompts tbh, but that could have been me learning new stuff13:49
diddledanI thought LEDE was supposed to be merging back into openwrt.. or did that fall-through again?13:56
diploNo idea, will look at lede to see if there is a way of using it13:58
diploHmm it's listed there :) so good start14:00
diplo17.0.1.4 even14:00
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: In short - OpenWRT is a dead project. 15.05 is the final release. LEDE now has all the active development and will re-brand as OpenWRT.14:17
TwistedLuciditydiplo: You might be able to get away with restarting the web service; but I think I've always just rebooted14:18
diploI'll reboot tonight, also see what version I'm on and may upgrade to 17.01.4 - might as well be on latest and greatest before not otuching it again for a while :)14:23
TwistedLucidity17.01.4 is the one that has the KRACK fix in it as well IIRC14:23
TwistedLucidityWhen we move house, I'll be upgrading. Too risky for me to try it now14:23
diploheh, I've got old Draytek there in case, but thought Krack was client side issue anyhoo ?14:30
diploI've not followed up on krack at all, apart from seeing that Motorola aren't patching it yet14:30
TwistedLucidityNor has Google AIUI14:30
TwistedLucidityWell, I don't think I've gotten an update (could be wrong)14:31
diddledanweird. git apply isn't applying the changes yet it is exiting with code 0 indicating success16:45
diddledanmaybe it doesn't like that I edited the diff16:51
diddledanreacreated the diff and it still isn't working. but ONLY in my xenial vm (snapcraft)17:06
Knightwisehey peeps18:23
KnightwiseMuddling around here :) running IRSSI in Brew on my mac , using my ipad pro as a secundary screen18:26
Knightwisepretty cool actually :)18:26
KnightwiseUbuntu in a vm on the main screen of my laptop ,18:28
Knightwiseirssi in a terminal on the ipad pro18:29
Knightwiseand osx on the main screen :)18:29
daftykinseach to their own ;)18:30
Knightwisenice experiment , but it think 17.10 is just a little 'raw" these days18:32
zmoylan-pixiirssi on a pi usually and use tmux to access it fron any device at home. but am in hospital so atomic irc client on android... i miss my pi...18:35
Knightwisezmoylan-pixi: what happened to it ?18:35
zmoylan-pixiwell i didn't want to constantly worry about extwrnal threats so it's not accessible from outside house18:36
zmoylan-pixiand the wifi ap it's connected to needs a reboot once a week so it's fallen offline18:37
daftykinszmoylan-pixi: all ok with you?18:38
zmoylan-pixithey amputated a toe 6 weeks ago and an now twiddling my thumbs (still have both of those) waiting to be released18:38
daftykinszmoylan-pixi: ah is that a sign of larger woes, or unrelated? sounds like quirky circulation18:39
zmoylan-pixii have health issues. but this one came out of left field.18:42
daftykinsmm funky18:44
zmoylan-pixias i headed to a+e i thought 'chuck the netbook and charger in the bag' but no.... so been on android and dumb nokia for 6 weeks18:45
zmoylan-pixii really really miss symbian....18:46
daftykinsi'll post you my Psion - you can pinch alcohol swabs and clean off the gunky rubber for me ;)18:46
* zmoylan-pixi casts inflict piles on elop18:47
zmoylan-pixii've toyed with idea of buying a psion or even a palm os device... might still do it18:47
zmoylan-pixinew psion looks shiny...18:48
brobostigonnew psion? umm, do you own a tardis?18:49
daftykinsnah there's some new project18:50
brobostigonfirst time i have heard about that one.18:51
brobostigon9 months ago, ok.18:52
zmoylan-pixithere's later story of them showing current breadboard prototype to journalists. soynded good18:52
zmoylan-pixii'd rathee they took time and do it right than rush out junk18:53
zmoylan-pixipsions were rolls royce of pda market18:53
diploDon't ask... but I need to enable sshv1 on a server on an internal network19:06
diploCreated keys, allowed Protocol 2,119:07
diploAnything else to why it may not work ?19:07
diploSELinux is disabled, firewall is off19:07
diplo[root@localhost ssh]# ssh -1 localhost19:08
diploProtocol major versions differ: 1 vs. 219:08
daftykinsdiplo: sorted it? config pointing to the v1 keys? daemon restarted?19:45
=== dontbeadick is now known as kennyloggins
diplodaftykins: Nope, sorry.. screen locked up :) the sshd_config is pointing at /etc/ssh/ssh_hosts_key20:02
diploIf that's what you mean, restarteddaemon, even rebooted now20:02
diploLast thing I need to sort till I can sign off, been working 13 hours20:03
diploAny other suggestions I'm all ears20:04
daftykinswhen you tested to localhost, it said the versions differed - i wonder if you gain anything by forcing v1 on the client side with /etc/ssh/ssh_config too?20:05
daftykinsi see a line "# Protocol 2" in there so maybe you can have "Protocol 1" to force20:05
diploI think I did that already on the client side20:06
diplotrying now anyhoo20:06
daftykinsyeah i'd have a go on the same host to see if that message changes at least20:07
diploStill the same :/20:07
diplo-vvv gives me this debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory20:08
daftykinssounds like it's going out for a key file and not finding it20:08
diploapparently its normal output in vvv20:08
daftykinsanything crop up in the server logs on that fail too?20:09
diploOutput from -vvv and I'll get that a mo20:10
diploThat's it, can't find anything else20:11
diploExactly the same setup on their VM, all we did is add Protocol 2,1 and add ssh keys and restarted teh daemon20:12
daftykinshmm earlier when you said you allowed Protocol 2,1 - does that mean that exact statement is in the config, so 2 is taking precedence?20:17
diployeah its how all the examples show it20:19
diploIt's also how the working machine looks as well20:20
diploI've even copied keys/config over from the working server20:20
diploSo really don't think it's config related... tried permissions.. must be something else.. maybe need to install something20:21
* daftykins asks some folks in -discuss if they know20:22
diploThink I've found the issue20:22
diploWonder if it's compiled without support...20:23
diploCan't work out how to find that out.. with nginx and such things it lists it20:24
* diplo googles some more20:24
diplo6.6 worked, wonder if I can pin it for now20:24
daftykinsBashing-om: \o20:25
Bashing-omdaftykins: Maybe of no help .. but I can watch for errors :)20:26
daftykins:D diplo reckons the compile options to v7 of sshd may be to blame now20:27
diploWell stupid people wanting to use old versions of ssh are to blame!20:33
daftykinshehe damn right20:35
diplo_Can't reconnect to my byobu session20:37
diplo_All I need is network problems here as well :D20:37
daftykinssounds like a work day from hell20:38
daftykinsthat guys nick isn't nice ^20:38
diplo_Hasn't been great no, text my boss and he's going out :)20:38
daftykinsdiplo_: what's the distro on each host? working and non-working20:39
diplo_I have joins/parts so miss most things20:39
diplo_I know ubuntu channel, but both hosts are CentOS :)20:39
daftykinsah, one of the guys just pointed out ubuntu has a separate package for a v1 client - openssh-client-ssh120:40
diplo_Hate centos channel, and most answers are generic for me, I'm trying to search out where they do there compile stuff20:40
diplo_ooh, I'll see if cent does too20:40
diplo_I rpm -qa | grep ssh and had same packages20:40
diplo_openssh.x86_64 : An open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 220:43
daftykinshmm single package for both client and server eh?20:44
diplo_openssh-server is the server package, doesn't mention 1/2 on there though20:44
diplo_Just running yum info on it now, see what description says20:45
diplo_I'd assume if I set protocol 2,1 it would error out if it wasn't an option20:49
daftykinsi reckon it's fine but i reckon it's changing what is tried first20:49
daftykinsback it up and try 1,2 or even 1 on its' own just for fun20:49
daftykinsmay be on the wrong lines but it'll rule it out20:50
diplo_Just tried that, failed20:52
daftykinsweird, still with the 2 and 1 error?20:52
diplo_Specifying ssh -1 or ssh -2 allows that20:52
daftykinsmmm i suppose if the client is picking the server doesn't have a say20:53
diplo_Can't install older packages either20:55
diplo_Basically, think the client needs to spend some money, as I don't know how to do it :D20:55
diplo_Or I'm being stupid, but it appears to be very simple20:56
daftykinsis your testing VM on the same major version and have the same package versions as their host?20:56
diplo_7.3 and new server 7.420:56
diplo_7.3 is the VM20:56
daftykinsand that's where it worked fine? (your VM)20:57
diplo_Jumps from 6.6 to 7.4 version of ssh between the two20:57
diplo_I may see if I can find a iso with both versions and create some local VM's20:57
daftykins*nod* sounds like a good way to go20:57
zmoylan-samj3just don't follow someone blindly... :-P https://i.imgur.com/ZSdlAjX.gifv21:00
Bashing-omdiplo_: A thought 7.4 - netplan ? then we got a learning curve ; ls -al /etc/netplan/ ' .21:01
daftykinshmm did your 7.x relate to how their site has v7 17.08 as current?21:02
diplo_No /etc/netplan on this box21:03
diplo_I just upgraded/insatlled new server, customers tech people were in charge of old one, ie installed it and never touched it21:04
diplo_3mins for the first 7.3 iso, 15mins for 7.4 :/21:04
daftykinsi can't see those version numbers at centos.org21:05
diplo_They don't display it anymore, newest always21:08
diplo_Installing 7.3 now, if this works, I'm quitting21:08
daftykinsah yeah so the 1708 i'm seeing is 7.4, ok21:09
diplo_ta fanx for help btw.. at least I don't feel stupid as I don't think I've missed anything21:09
diplo_Ah that's the release date from Redhat21:09
daftykins*nod* no worries, hate to see someone working late suffering that fate alone21:10
daftykinsmmm them and MS using the same year.month bit now21:10
diplo_Had to google it to work out, as we use CentOS, they release a month or so after sometimes, confused me at first21:11
diplo_taking forever for the post-install on the vm... cmon! :P21:20
daftykinsmechanical VM storage? :)21:21
diplo_Running on my 6 year old work laptop :/ upgraded to ssd which has much improved things... but its old.. work sucks :)21:21
diplo_Spec'd a new PC, just over 1k, said it was a bit expensive.. I said no, you're just tight! MD's laptop is £150021:22
daftykinsand the higher they are the less they do i'm sure21:23
diplo_Worked first time!21:25
daftykinsso it's that newer version ruining your evening21:31
zmoylan-samj3is that the laptop the md never uses and the most difficult thing it does is activate a pretty scrensaver?21:33
zmoylan-samj3did i tell you the one were md had 486 and secretary who did all the accounts had 286? so so slow. so we swapped the cases to speed things up ;-)21:35
daftykinsXD genius21:36
zmoylan-samj3he had a new shiby box that said 486 on his desk. that's all he cared about21:37
diplo_zmoylan-samj3: Yup, pretty much yes ref the use of it. I have my personal screen at work and an old PC to run some VM's21:40
diplo_Keep saying I'll take them home and not use it, but I like playing..21:40
diplo_Second VM is installing, 7.421:40
zmoylan-samj3you need to start stuffing rasp pi into calculators, desk lamp, radio on your desk and off load the cpu heavy tasks to them... :-)21:41
diplo_I want a standing desk, and a led light.. said yeah no problem 4 months ago, chased 5 times21:45
diplo_Going to order it myself soon21:45
diplo_So CONFIRMED - doesn't work21:52
diplo_Bah mother ********* - wasted hours21:53
daftykinsmust be the compile options as you say in the 7.4 then?22:01
diplo_Waiting on customer to text back now - I reckon so, not sure how to find that out with CentOS, told the customer.. I can't do anything tonight, if they want to go live in the morning they'll have to have newer clients, lots of pennies or carry on with old box and I see if I can downgrade the ssh version package - but do that tomorrow daytime22:02
diplo_Electrical wholesalers are skin flints tbh22:04
daftykinskennyloggins: sort out your connection22:11
diplo_joins/quits being removed22:12
diplo_is great22:12
daftykinsyeah, need to keep when you do chat support though22:13
diplo_I guess yeah, I haven't been on IRC much outside of work really, I rarely boot my machine up anymore, had enough or PC's recently :)22:14
diplo_Used to live on it, just cba anymore - maybe when I get my new PC / laptop for home22:15
daftykinswhat do you fill evenings with instead?22:15
diplo_Have 2 young boys with me half the week, so quite busy with them now. Free time I leave the house and see friends or tidy etc and recently, work!22:16
daftykinsi'm still in the midst of insurance repair work here, so should have plenty of painting to keep me occupied again soon enough22:19
daftykinsi've let this house work stuff stunt my social goings on the whole year really22:19
diplo_I have to do my whole house too, what caused the insurance work ? Flooding ?22:19
diplo_You're IoW aren't you ?22:20
daftykinsalmost, Guernsey22:20
daftykinswater leaks, bathroom + roof22:20
diplo_Ah, had the same thing myself. Sucks22:21
daftykinsbrand new bathroom has been ace :D £11k of work for only £350 spend of my own22:22
diplo_Nice! my issue was I had was stuff in the paint that I'm having a blank..22:25
diplo_Can't think what it's called. Tired, but basically had to have people in, sealed the house off and ripped it out and dumped it properly22:27
diplo_I wish I'd just done it myself, load of fuss22:27
diplo_yay, thanks! I was struggling :D22:28
diplo_I even googled it and failed... defo time for bed I think22:28
daftykinsi hadn't considered it could be in paint, they reckoned i was a bit lucky not having such a discovery in my place - but then mine is ancient, listed building for being a 16th/17th century cottage22:29
diplo_It's miniscule amounts though, I'd have been happy to do it myself, I think it's more to make money22:31
daftykinsyeah no doubt, one of the apprentices has been telling me how little the building firm i'm using spends on facemasks for them when they're removing old questionable stuff22:35
diplo_byobu won't let me scroll up with putty, wouldn't do me a favour, I was advised to use luci-admin something on here about 10am, wouldn't take a look for me would you ?22:37
daftykins13:45 < diplo> Not sure if my device is supported, I'll look later on the device22:38
daftykins13:45 < TwistedLucidity> Tried installing "luci-app-firewall"?22:38
daftykins13:46 < TwistedLucidity> That'll give you the web interface for the firewall. Well, it should do.....22:38
daftykinsthat all you need?22:38
diplo_yay thank you!22:39
diplo_And it has worked! Must remember to say thanks tomorrow :)22:39
diplo_Website and ssh re-opened22:44
diplo_Thanks again daftykins - bed time now23:20

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